OGE in social science. OGE in social science is faithful to the judgment of the social roles of man

I am engaged in "five with a plus" in the group Gulnur Gataillovna biology and chemistry. I am delighted, the teacher knows how to interest the subject, find an approach to the student. Adequately explains the essence of its requirements and gives a realistic homework (and not as most teachers in the year of the exam ten paragraphs on the house, but one in the class). . We are engaged in strictly to the exam and this is very valuable! Gulnur Gathallovna sincerely interested in subjects that teaches, always gives the necessary, timely and actual information. Highly recommend!


I am preparing in the "five plus" to mathematics (with Daniel Leonidovich) and the Russian language (with a whisest Kurbanov). Very pleased! Quality of classes on high levelAt school on this subject now some five and four. Trial exams wrote on 5, I am sure that Ogta will be fine. Thank you!


I was preparing for the exam on history and social science with Vitaly Sergeevich. He is extremely responsible for his work teacher. Pinema, polite, pleasant in communication. It can be seen that a person lives his work. Perfectly understands teenage psychology, has a clear training method. Thanks "Five with a plus" for work!


I passed the exam in Russian by 92 points, mathematics at 83, the public on 85, I consider it an excellent result, entered the university to the budget! Thanks "Five with a plus"! Your teachers are real professionals, with them a high result is guaranteed, very glad that I turned to you!


David Borisovich - a wonderful teacher! Preparing in his group to the exam in mathematics profile level, passed on 85 points! Although knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the EGE, he himself consists in the commission to verify the examination work. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thanks "Five with a plus" for this opportunity!


"Five with a plus" - an excellent training center for exams. Professionals, a cozy atmosphere, friendly team work here. I was engaged in Valentina Viktorovan English and social studies, I passed both items on a good score, pleased with the result, thank you!


In the center "five plus" was engaged in two subjects: mathematics with Artem Maratovich and literature with Elvira Ravilievna. I really liked classes, a clear technique, an affordable form, a comfortable environment. I am very pleased with the result: mathematics - 88 points, literature - 83! Thank you! I will recommend everything to your educational center!


When I chose tutors, in the center of "five plus" I was attracted by good teachers, a convenient schedule of classes, the presence of test free exams, my parents - affordable prices for high quality. As a result, we were very pleased with the whole family. I was engaged in three subjects immediately: mathematics, social studies, English. Now I am a CFU student on a budget basis, and all thanks to good training - I passed the exam for high points. Thank you!


I very carefully picked up the tutor in social science, I wanted to pass the exam for the maximum score. "Five with a plus" helped me in this matter, I was engaged in the group Vitaly Sergeevich, the classes were super, everything is clear, everything is clearly, while fun and at ease. Vitaly Sergeevich so presented the material that he was remembered by itself. I am very pleased with the preparation!

Are the following judgments about social status and roles true?

A. Family position of man is an important characteristic His social status.
B. Man in the family performs different roles.

1) is true only
2) true only b
3) Both judgments are true
4) both judgments are incorrect


Social status - social status occupied by social individual or social group in society or a separate social subsystem of society. It is determined according to the specific society specific society, which may be economic, national, age and other signs. Social status is divided into skills, skills, education.
A social role is a set of actions that a person who occupies this status in the social system.
Social role is a model of behavior focused on a certain status. It is also called the dynamic side of the status. If the status indicates the position of the individual inside the group, the role is to behavior inherent in this status.

Social Studies, Grade 8


to the topic "Social statuses and roles"

1 option

pupil, excellent student, reader of the school library, eighth grader, class headman.

    The common social role of the child and the adult is the role

    voter 3) football fans

    contract serviceman 4) Father of the family

    What a social role can be executed as a child and adults?

    bailiff 3) parliament deputy

    electric train driver 4) Theater viewer

    Which of the listed social statuses is achieved?

    mother 2) Son Academic 3) Woman 4) Native Moskvich

    Role behavior is

    a peculiar unity of the social role and the individuality of its execution

    interrelevant conflicts due to contradictory requirements

    performance actor role on theatrical scene

    personal efforts of a person aimed at purchasing a certain status

A) The status achieved is determined by the fact that the person carried out in his life.

B) Some statuses acquired by parents may adversely affect the fate of children.

A) the set of roles corresponding to this status is called a role-playing set.

B) the assimilation of various roles is a significant part of the socialization process.

    true only and 3) are true both judgments

    true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about social roles true?

A) The nature of the individual does not decide on what extent his behavior corresponds to the expectations of others.

B) Any formal or informal role is not a rigidly fixed model of behavior.

    true only and 3) are true both judgments

    true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect


    In this number of examples, everything, with the exception of one, belong to social roles. Find and emphasize an example falling out of a number:

schoolboy, good, pupil of a sports section, a five-grader responsible for duty in the classroom.

    What a social role can be focused as a teenager and an adult person?

    jury meeting 3) parliament deputy

    bus driver 4) buyer

    Social status is

    the position of a person in society associated with a certain set of rights and obligations

    expected behavior of individual

    relationships between people based on the variety of feelings and emotions

    the needs and motives of human activity

    Which of the listed social statuses is prescribed?

    husband 2) writer 3) Englishman 4) bum

    One of the criteria to which a social role must meet is

    ability to self-regulation and self-improvement

    freedom of choice allowing to act in accordance with its goals

    compliance with sociocultural expectations of people

    availability to satisfy your own needs and interests.

    Are the following social status judgments true?

A) Each status usually includes a number of roles.

B) the statuses acquired by parents cannot affect the lives of children.

    true only and 3) are true both judgments

    true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about social roles true?

A) Our roles are determined by what others expect from us.

B) There is a great many formal role in society.

    true only and 3) are true both judgments

    true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about social roles true?

A) reactions that may be caused by our actions that do not appropriate role-playing expectations are classified as formal and informal.

B) Role-playing expectations can be both formal and informal.

    true only and 3) are true both judgments

    true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

Social Studies, Grade 8

Social statuses and roles


1 option


Option 2

    A. The marital status of a person is an important characteristic of his social status.
    B. Man in the family performs different roles.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about deviating behavior?

    A. Deviationing behavior is manifested in the retreat from the generally accepted norms of social life.
    B. The state should fight with all manifestations of deviating behavior.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    A. B. modern society The production function remains the main function of the family.
    B. Reproductive (biological reproduction) Family function retains its meaning in any type of societies.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about social conflicts true?

    A. The quarrel between buddies serves as a manifestation of interpersonal conflict.
    B. The contradictions of the interests of workers and entrepreneurs can cause social conflict.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about social inequality true?

    A. Differences in income is one of the manifestations of social inequality.
    B. Social inequality appeared when the Company's transition to the industrial phase of development.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about the social status of the person

    A. Social status of the personality assumes that it has certain rights and obligations.
    B. The level of education obtained is the characteristic of the status achieved.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about family functions true?

    A. The main function of the family in modern society is production and economic.
    B. The family is carried out primary socialization of children.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following judgments about social status and roles true?

    A. Education and profession of a person characterize its status.
    B. Man performs various roles in society.

    1) is true only
    2) true only b
    3) Both judgments are true
    4) both judgments are incorrect