How to change protective glass to. Crazy pens: how to replace the screen on your phone yourself

The main function of the protective glass is to provide the smartphone screen with maximum protection from all kinds of negative influences and unwanted contacts. As a result of a fall or impact, the glass cracks, deforms and becomes completely unusable. And here you can no longer do without replacing it. But how to peel off the protective glass, what is required for this and in what order should the work be carried out? There are a lot of questions and each of them requires a competent answer. Let's talk about removing and replacing glass in a little more detail and in detail.

Removing the glass - what you need to remember

Quite often, not glass is used to protect the display, but a protective film, which is thinner and is characterized by very weak strength indicators. But the choice in its favor is extremely unjustified and impractical in situations that require maximum screen protection.
Here, one cannot do without a solid and reliable one. But when replacing it, you should be extremely careful and careful. The smartphone screen has a perfectly flat base, and this provides the glass in close contact with the surface. Moreover, retention is carried out not due to glue, but under the influence of electrostatic forces. Therefore, removing the glass may not be as easy as it seems to some initially.
You should not use all kinds of cutters and knives for this. And one silicone suction cup is also indispensable. If it is weakly adhered, it is impossible to obtain a vacuum, and excessively tight contact can lead to other problems. In this case, not only the damaged glass can be ripped off, but also the sensor module located under the screen. To remove the glass, the utmost care and caution should be exercised.

Remove glass - what is required for work

For work, you should prepare in advance such a set of devices:

  • A mediator or a narrow plastic card - it is better to take 2 pieces for greater convenience;
  • Silicone suction cup is optional;
  • Napkin with a lint-free surface;
  • Glass cleaner - a preferable choice in favor of a composition with an alcohol content;
  • Medical gloves are an optional choice.

How to peel off a protective glass - the sequence of actions

Remove the protective glass from the smartphone, subject to the following sequence of actions:

  • Initially, you need to thoroughly wash and dry your hands to prevent the appearance of marks and stains on the surface of the touchscreen;
  • Next, you should determine on the basis of the glass the angle that is least susceptible to damage;
  • Fix a silicone suction cup in this place;
  • Using a pick or a piece of plastic, pry off the corner to detach it from the surface of the screen. To do this, you can additionally pull the suction cup slightly towards you;
  • Advance a pick or a plastic card into the formed space and move it along the base until the glass is completely peeled off;
  • Remove the glass from the screen using a suction cup or by grasping it with your hands.

Protective glass from a smartphone - put a new one

At this, the work can be considered completed. The protective glass is removed and you can proceed to installing in its place a whole and serviceable module. This process is not particularly difficult, but it requires careful observance of all requirements and nuances.
First of all, you should clean the display with an alcohol-based composition. After that, you need to remove the film from the new protective glass. This should be done from the side that will contact the screen. mobile phone... In this case, the glass should be held as close to the display itself. Careful alignment of its position is necessary to ensure that all cutouts and holes match up accurately. When full compliance is achieved, the glass is lowered onto the screen.
All bubbles that appear are removed without problems and difficulties with a dry napkin. It is enough just to run it over the glass. Finally, remove the film that covers the glass from the outside.
Removing the protective glass is not particularly difficult. You just need to be careful and strictly follow the recommendations presented above.

There are two camps: some argue that you shouldn't change the glass separately from the display, while others, you guessed it, hold the opposite opinion. In this article, we'll go over all the sides.
At search query"Display replacement" you will probably be offered options for replacing glass, the cost of this procedure is always lower than replacing the entire module, and even with that, your original matrix remains. I think those who put themselves cheap copies of displays know that color rendering, viewing angles suffer, but what can I say, there may be problems in the operation of the touchscreen.

It's that simple! I'll go watch a YouTube video and change the glass myself

I hasten to upset you, it is impossible to do this without the availability of special equipment. Let's start with the fact that there are two technologies for "gluing" new glass:
The first is with UV glue.

+ hides micro-scratches on the polarizer

The appearance of yellow spots
-the need to change the backlight
+ color distortion
- not compatible with 3D Touch

It is difficult to evenly distribute this glue over the entire surface of the matrix (this is, of course, invisible to the eye), but after a while a yellow spot forms in the place of excess (increase in pressure) of the glue, and this is already unpleasant. Since this is glue, it gets under the backlight (with the exception of amoles), as a result of which stains are visible, some remove the backlight before the procedure or put a new one, in the case of iPhones this is not a problem, since it can be bought everywhere, but if we are talking about Lg, Sony, Meizu, it is quite difficult. And even if you have changed the backlight, there are almost always places where UV rays did not hit the glue and it did not freeze. There is a great chance that with active (and not so) movements of the phone, the backlight will again be flooded with glue.

Second, more modern technology, using wasp-film

+ the ability to use on any phone model
+ no impact on the backlight
+ does not turn yellow
+ evenly lie down over the entire area

- expensive equipment

TO common disadvantages can be attributed to the risk of damage to the matrix during removal, if the master is experienced, the risk is minimized, but still not zero. In our service center, 95% of success in this procedure is a very high indicator.

Is the glass original?

The original is the one that you have installed initially, then there are copies, and they already exist good quality(as they say "original") and poor quality (shops like to call them copy A, the more "A" the more "cooler"). If you are told that this is the original, ask for certificates from the manufacturer's factory, if they are not there (they will not be), then these are just empty words. Yes, I understand that the glasses that we change in service center as close as possible in quality to the original, but calling them by this word would not be fair in relation to the client. What other service centers happily use, calling everything that they have in the warehouse, the original, and, of course, people go, because there is the "original".

Why so expensive? I know how much glass costs!

Yes, indeed, and the price of the glass itself (touchscreen) is not key in the final cost. In terms of time, replacing the display takes an average of 20-40 minutes, depending on specific model and the skills of the master. Replacing the glass increases the repair time by two to three times. It is also necessary to have an experienced specialist, since a small amount of masters owns this technology ideally.
To replace glass, specialized equipment is needed, the total cost of which is close to megapc.

Why make it so complicated if you can change the module right away?

You always have time to change the module. Take the iPhone 6s display for $ 140, while glass replacement is $ 60. Let's walk through the Chinese, Meizu Pro 6 - $ 155 is the replacement of the display module, and $ 55 will cost you to replace the glass, and there are many such examples on Xiaomi, Samsung, OnePlus, etc. We are engaged in glass replacement on many models. We have not yet touched upon the quality of Chinese display modules, color rendering, viewing angles and other characteristics.

And if it doesn't work out?

During the removal of the display from the frame, cutting on the separator, gluing under the press and in the pressure chamber, the matrix has a heavy load. We warn the client about all possible risks associated with glass replacement, we give the opportunity to save with a probability of 95%. In 5% of cases, it is necessary to replace the entire display module.

The next article I plan to devote to the technological stages of glass replacement in my service center step by step. Write in the comments if this topic is interesting, would you like to read articles about phone repair? Would you like to follow development, new equipment, ways to attract customers?

Nowadays, many Iphone users install a protective glass on their phone. It is obliged to protect the touchscreen if the phone is dropped. After all, its cost is much less than the price of a phone screen. When the smartphone falls, it becomes covered with cracks and chips, therefore it must be replaced. You can change it yourself at home, knowing a few nuances.

How to remove protective glass from an iPhone

The display has a smooth surface, so the glass fits snugly against it. In most cases, such protection is not held by the glue, but by electrostatic forces. Therefore, it is rather problematic to separate such a product from the screen with improvised means, because the display itself can be damaged. Suction cups will not help either, you can damage the screen or tear off the cable.

Therefore, the following tools should be prepared:

  • A pick or thin plastic, flat piece;
  • Silicone suction cup included;
  • Napkin, preferably lint-free;
  • Alcohol-containing liquid (perfume, wolf);
  • Rubber gloves (if available).

How to remove glass from an iPhone: step by step instructions

  • First, you should wash your hands thoroughly so that there is no option for leaving dust and prints, you can also wear gloves.
  • Select the most complete corner of the screen and attach a suction cup there.
  • Using a plastic tip, try peeling off the protective glass in the corner where the suction cup was attached. The suction cup can be pulled slightly towards you.
  • The more the product peels off, the deeper you stick the plastic spatula, moving it on different sides.
  • If the protective glass has already peeled off enough, pull on the suction cup to remove it completely.

How to stick a new glass on an iPhone: instructions

It is advisable to carry out this replacement procedure in a room where there is not a lot of dust. Before gluing the protective product, you should soak the tissue in an alcohol-containing liquid and wipe the phone screen. Wash and dry your hands, or wear gloves.

Next, take a new protective glass and remove the adhesive surface from it. Carefully bring the product close to the display and center it so that the camera and buttons are aligned. Next, you need to lower it onto the screen, pressing down a little, thereby accelerating and removing air bubbles.

Wipe and smooth the glass with a tissue, removing the last air bubbles. Now peel off the top film that was on the new security product. If you accidentally get dust under the display, there is nothing to worry about. In this place, you can slightly glue the protection and remove the dirt.

The main function of the protective glass of a smartphone is to take the blow, protecting the touchscreen from damage. When this happens, it often becomes unusable, covered with chips, cracks and other damage. The level of protection from this drops significantly, in addition, the view of the display deteriorates, and the smartphone loses its attractiveness. To change the cover to a new one, you must first remove the broken protective glass from the phone. And here difficulties arise, which will be discussed in the material.

Precautionary measures

One must take into account important point before removing the old protective glass from the phone. Perfectly smooth surface touch screen, the glass adheres to it very firmly. Usually it is held not by glue (although this also happens), but by electrostatic forces. Two flat surfaces are very firmly in contact, not allowing you to remove the glass, just pry it with your fingernail. If you take the first one that comes across handy tool(like a knife) - there is a risk of damaging the smartphone display and its case.

Silicone suction cup alone is not enough either. If you stick to a badly damaged glass, a vacuum does not form inside it, and when you apply force, it will jump off. If the grip is good, the suction cup will not come off, but another problem arises. The sensor is fixed in the body using double-sided adhesive tape or glue, the tensile strength of which is lower than that of a touchscreen and protective glass. Overdoing it, you can rip off the screen module completely, damaging its cables. Therefore, you need to act deliberately and consistently.

How to remove the glass from the phone and stick a new one

Before removing the broken protective glass from the phone and replacing it, you need to prepare and arm yourself with a set of tools and tools.

This will require:

  • a pick, spatula or thin plastic card (preferably 2 pieces);
  • silicone suction cup - optional;
  • lint-free napkin;
  • glass cleaner (preferably alcohol-containing), alcohol, vodka, or perfume based on alcohol (perfume, cologne) - at choice;
  • medical gloves - optional.

Often, a new protective glass can be completed with the necessary devices.

The dismantling procedure is extremely simple and takes a minute.

  • Before removing the protective glass from your phone, you need to wash your hands with soap and water and dry thoroughly, or just wear rubber gloves. This is to prevent fingerprints and streaks from appearing on the screen surface.
  • On broken glass you should find the most complete corner, where there are no chips and other damage (or there is, but in the smallest amount). There you need to attach a sucker, pressing it to the screen.
  • The corner to which the suction cup is glued must be pry off with a pick, spatula or suction cup so that the edge of the glass peels off. To do this, you need to simultaneously pull the suction cup slightly towards you. It is important not to overdo it, so as not to rip the screen before a gap forms between it and the glass! If there is no suction cup at hand, you can simply slide the pick deeper into the gap.
  • As the glass peels off, the pick / spatula / card should be deepened. If the screen is large, it is recommended to work with two tools at once, moving them in different directions.
  • The final touch is to pull the suction cup towards you until the glass is completely detached. You can grab the edge with your fingers and do the same.

The main function of the glass of any gadget is to protect the touchscreen. mobile device from damage. Taking the blow, the glass is often destroyed, cracked, covered with chips. At the same time, the quality of protection drops significantly, the view of the display becomes worse, the gadget loses its presentable appearance... Before installing a new protective glass, you must first peel off the old one. In this article, we will talk about how to remove the protective glass from your phone.

What precautions should you take?

Before you change the protective glass from an iPhone, you need to take into account that the surface of the touch screen of the gadget is almost perfectly smooth. Therefore, the protective glass is attached to it quite thoroughly. Most often it is held by electrical forces, sometimes by an adhesive. The surfaces are in contact so tightly that it is simply unrealistic to remove the glass by prying it with the tip of a nail. If you use a knife blade, then there is a high probability of damage to the screen and the case of the smartphone.

The silicone suction cup is also ineffective. If the protective surface is badly damaged, then there is no vacuum under it, and the suction cup will simply fall off. With good adhesion of the glass to the suction cup, there are also more than enough problems. The sensor is attached to the body with a weak adhesive tape, and if not calculated own strength, you can damage the cables and tear off the screen module completely. This is why deliberate, careful action is required strictly in accordance with the algorithm.

Important! If you suddenly decide to replace the glass with a more budgetary film and you did not succeed in securing it the first time, you do not have to buy a new one. To solve this problem, our publication will help you.

How to remove protective glass from a smartphone or iPhone?

First, let's get ready and collect the necessary arsenal of funds. To remove glass yourself at home you will need:

  1. 2 plastic cards, a pick and a spatula.
  2. Silicone suction cup.
  3. Lint-free napkin.
  4. A glass cleaner that contains alcohol (you can replace it with vodka, cologne, or rubbing alcohol).
  5. Medical gloves.

The algorithm of actions to remove the protective glass from the iPhone is extremely simple, but effective:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, dry them, or wear gloves. This is important to avoid streaking and finger stains on the screen.
  • Find an intact (or least damaged) corner on the broken glass. Press the suction cup down on it.
  • Pry the corner with the suction cup using a spatula or a pick to peel the edge off slightly. At the same time, help yourself with a suction cup, gently pulling it towards you. Do not overdo it, otherwise you can rip the screen off.
  • As the shield peels, deepen your spatula or pick.

Important! If the screen is large, you can use 2 tools at the same time by pushing them in different directions.

  • Continue to gently pull the suction cup towards you until the glass comes off completely.

As you can see, the replacement is fast, there is nothing particularly complicated. The work requires only patience, caution and scrupulousness.

How to glue the glass correctly?

Is it possible to glue the bulletproof glass yourself correctly and efficiently? How to remove the protective glass from the phone at home - figured out. Now how to attach a new protective surface to the display. In order for the new part to be glued with high quality, the procedure must be carried out in an immaculately clean room, free from dust.

Important! Before gluing, soak a lint-free cloth in an alcohol-based solution and wipe the screen. This will remove dust, degrease the display and improve the adhesion of the two surfaces.

The gluing algorithm is as follows:

  • Take the new glass by the edges. At the same time, hands must be cleanly washed, dry or wearing medical gloves.
  • Take off protective film from the glass surface by pulling on the tab. At the same time, keep the glass closer to the screen of the gadget to prevent dust particles from falling on the surfaces to be joined.
  • Place the glass surface a few millimeters from the display and align carefully.

Important! Make sure the holes on the camera, speaker, keys, and other accessories are aligned.

  • Connect the glass to the screen. Bubbles can be removed by pushing them out to the edges with a clean, dry cloth.

Important! The glass only protects the screen. If your smartphone model does not have a very sturdy case, select the appropriate case for it as well. To make it easier for you to understand which one will be better and more convenient, we have given in a separate article.