How to choose a SLR camera for yourself. How to choose a DSLR camera - simple tips for beginners

Hello! The photographic equipment market is overflowing with camera models for every taste and color. They vary in price, technical characteristics, and manufacturers. Became especially popular in Lately SLR Cameras. Why are they selling so well? The answer is simple: pictures taken with such a camera are much clearer, richer, brighter, without visible signs of distortion and blur. And the device itself allows you to select in the settings the mode that most accurately conveys the overall picture as a whole.

In my article I will talk about how to choose a SLR camera, what it consists of, is it worth buying, which company is better, what are the advantages and much more. My story is aimed at those people who are just getting acquainted with the amazing world of photographs, so I will try to explain all the nuances in the most accessible and understandable language.

To take or not to take

Before you decide to buy a SLR camera, you need to think carefully about whether you really need it. After all, many people, in pursuit of fashion, buy expensive cameras, and only later, when calm has set in, they realize that they really don’t need them. You could get by with a regular point-and-shoot camera or smartphone camera. This is usually the thinking of those who are used to occasionally clicking the shutter or for whom the quality of the image is not particularly important.

For another category of people who are accustomed to obtaining high-quality footage, independently selecting setting modes depending on weather conditions and the shooting location, taking pictures with high speed and fully realize your creative thoughts, purchasing a DSLR camera is simply necessary.

It is for you that my article is dedicated. You deserve the best shots in the family archive, and not blurry faces, red eyes and light glare in the pictures, which often plague even the best point-and-shoot cameras. And now in more detail, how to choose a SLR camera and what a SLR camera is in general.

Why is it called that and the main components

The camera received its name because of the mirror included in the composition, which directs the light flux into the eyepiece from the lens. That is, when taking a shot, you look through the viewfinder and the same thing appears before your eyes as in the lens. This situation became possible thanks to the presence of a mirror in the device, hence the name of the camera. A similar scheme is implemented on the submarine; a periscope plays a similar role on it.

The main disadvantages of SLR cameras are the cost and big sizes. Although, if you look at it, these shortcomings are not the biggest problem. Cameras entry level the price is not very different from the new models of point-and-shoot cameras, and the weighty dimensions, on the contrary, can be converted into a plus. It is much more convenient to shoot with a heavy camera than with a light and small one.

Types of cameras

All DSLRs are divided into:

  • Amateur. The simplest option, practically no different in the number of settings and modes from the usual ones digital cameras. They are characterized by low cost, best option for beginner photographers.
  • Semi-professional. As a rule, they are bought by people who know a lot about photography and have mastered most of the modes and settings in the camera. In terms of quality, they are practically in no way inferior to professional cameras, but are an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • Professional. They are chosen by professional photographers for whom there are no secrets in their craft. For the average person, there is no point in buying such expensive things.

Well, now let's move on to considering others important details and characteristics of the SLR camera.


After the camera itself, this is the main element of the DSLR. Most cameras come with standard kit lenses. It is enough to learn how to take high-quality photographs. For beginners, one such lens is usually enough for a long time. And some even use it constantly, remaining completely satisfied with the quality of the resulting images.

When you become a more professional photographer and realize that there is something that doesn’t suit you about your lens, then you can buy a couple more models. With their help, you will become a semi-professional who can freely change lenses at his own discretion, achieving a complete display of the picture he sees in the picture.

There are also varieties of DSLRs that do not come with a lens. They are called "body". They are usually chosen by more advanced photographers who are accustomed to buying their own lenses. But this option is not very preferable for a beginner; it is better to choose a fully equipped camera.

Focal length (EGF)

Most often indicated in mm, for example, 18-55 mm. When its parameters change, the perspective changes - buildings and objects in the distance appear larger or smaller, closer or further to each other, depending on the size of the selected unit.

For beginners, it is best to have a lens with an EGF of 18-55 mm. These models are suitable for beginner photographers. Focal lengths of 18-105, 18-135 or 18-200 mm are still intended for professionals.


It is also called “sensor”. Its main function is image quality. In terms of its operating principle, it is somewhat similar to a frame in a film photograph, only all this happens in digital form: the light flux incident through the lens hits the matrix and is fixed on it, and the light-sensitive cells (pixels) located inside it convert it into electrical discharges, which are then converted into images by the camera processor.

The main parameters of the DSLR matrix are the number of megapixels and size. The number of megapixels (Mp) in cameras increases every year; in fact, 10-13 Mp, and most often 8-10 Mp, is enough to take a very high-quality photo. What is higher than this indicator is pure water a marketing ploy by camera manufacturers wanting to increase sales of new models. A much more important parameter is the size of the matrix, measured in millimeters. The higher the indicator, the better quality the pictures are.


Another important characteristic DSLR camera sensitivity (ISO). The higher this indicator, the better matrix perceives light flux. If you explain in simple words, then in low light conditions, twilight, darkness, pictures taken with a “DSLR” with high sensitivity, will be of very high quality. But in such cameras there is a high probability of the appearance of “digital noise”, that is, interference noticeable in dark areas of the frame.

It is fundamentally wrong to choose a camera’s photosensitivity only based on this indicator, without having any initial photography experience. This should be done by professionals, and for beginners, all amateur-level DSLRs are equipped with a standard photosensitivity indicator.

Matrix types

Currently, two types of matrix are common in cameras:

  • CMOS (CMOS – complementary metal oxide conductor);
  • CDD (CCD - charge-coupled device).

For beginning photographers, the type doesn't really matter, but for general purposes, I'll say that CMOS costs significantly less, is faster, and requires less power. CDDs, on the other hand, are quieter, consume more energy, and are more expensive. For people planning to shoot in bursts, CMOS is preferable; for poor lighting, CDD is preferable.

Image stabilization

A special device is responsible for it - a stabilizer. It is designed to eliminate blurring of the picture due to the effect of shaking hands. Stabilizers can be built into the lens or camera. The main disadvantage of image stabilization is the reduction in image sharpness. But for novice photographers, the presence of a stabilizer in the camera is considered a definite plus.

You shouldn’t choose a camera just because it has a good stabilizer, since this is not the most important parameter when shooting. A tangible effect from it is achieved only with distant objects. Professional photographers generally refuse to use a stabilizer, citing a decrease in sharpness in the frame.

Shooting speed

A much more important parameter is the speed of the camera. Thus, entry-level DSLR cameras are capable of up to 3 frames per second. This explains one of the main differences between SLR cameras and their digital counterparts. High shooting speed allows you to accurately and accurately convey the subject in dynamics.


For beginning photographers, it is not so important to try to adjust white balance, sensor sensitivity, focal length and other parameters yourself. A “DSLR” can do this for him when choosing automatic mode shooting, so amateurs shouldn’t worry too much about this. But when you gain some experience, then you can start experimenting.

Video shooting

To shoot high-quality video, there are special devices - well-known video cameras. Therefore, it is better to focus on one thing. But the camera is still for taking pictures, although sometimes you really want to capture an interesting moment. Even an entry-level SLR camera will easily shoot video in good quality, but it is better to focus on one of the activities.


Agree, it’s not the most pleasant pleasure to shoot with a bulky camera, especially for beginners. Therefore, smaller and lighter models are suitable for amateurs. It’s best to hold a DSLR camera in your hand before buying, so to speak, feel it as your own.

Which company to buy

The photographic equipment market offers devices from many manufacturers, but two brands stand out: Canon and Nikon. Eternal competitors have been fighting for leadership in the DSLR segment for a long time, alternately taking leading positions. In recent years, Canon has confidently taken the lead. I am also one of her fans. Having tried many models, I still prefer Canon. I am completely satisfied with the quality of the resulting images, the convenience of the camera, clear menus and settings, high-quality lenses and many other basic parameters. If we talk about other brands, then somewhere there is always at least a little something that didn’t suit me, whereas any model of Canon SLR cameras completely satisfies me. Whether we are talking about entry-level cameras or professional devices. That's why Canon is always my choice.


The cost of DSLRs directly depends on functionality. For beginning amateur photographers, there is no point in buying expensive and sophisticated models, just as cheap and sophisticated models are not suitable for professionals. simple cameras. Therefore, based on your level, you need to choose a device in your price segment. It makes no sense for a beginner to show off an expensive DSLR without using even half of its capabilities; it is better to save money and buy a cheaper model, and then, when you have mastered all the bells and whistles, move on to a more serious level.

So, approximately how much do DSLR digital cameras cost:

  • Amateur. They cost around 20,000-35,000 rubles. The price depends on the level of the device itself, the presence of a lens, memory card, year of manufacture and other less important parameters. This segment includes Canon EOS 1200D Kit, Canon EOS 600D Kit, Canon EOS 700D Kit. In combination with good optics, such cameras always allow you to get good results.
  • Semi-professional. Their cost is from 40,000-60,000 rubles. These are Canon EOS 70D Body, Canon EOS 70D Kit, Canon EOS 760D Body. They are preferably used by more experienced people who have devoted some time to photography.
  • Professional. Their price starts from 70,000 and can reach 300,000 rubles (as a rule, new models start from 200 rubles). These are Canon EOS 5D Mark III Kit, Canon EOS 6D Body, Canon EOS 6D Kit. The choice of masters who have no secrets in their profession.

I gave examples only of my favorite Canon, but SLR cameras from other manufacturers do not differ much in price.


The main mistake of beginners is usually the desire to choose a more expensive “body” (camera body) and not bother with choosing a lens and other additional devices. They think that by buying expensive model, she will put cool photos on stream herself. This is the main mistake. It is better to buy an inexpensive carcass, but good optics.

Other unpleasant feature DSLRs, this is a complete incompatibility of accessories from competing companies. That is, a Canon lens will not fit a Nikon body. Situations often arise when someone you know has a good lens, but it doesn’t fit your body, so you need to immediately think carefully about how to choose a SLR camera without getting into a lot of problems.

Start by purchasing an amateur camera and a quality lens. As you improve your photography, you'll eventually upgrade to a semi-professional camera, but the optics will remain, saving you money later. But most importantly, you need to constantly improve your skills, because it’s not enough to just buy a DSLR; if you don’t improve, then no matter what the device is, it will not bring complete satisfaction from the shooting process. Great photos everyone! =)

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How to choose a good DSLR camera

The DSLR market is saturated. Although only five large companies are involved in their production, each considers it their duty to release at least two or three new models in different price segments per year. As a result, the consumer has to choose among dozens of SLR camera models. This is not so easy for a novice amateur photographer to do, given that technical specifications DSLRs are constantly being improved, and the functionality is expanding more and more. However, the same few criteria remain important for selection as before. Which ones? Find out from our article.

Matrix size


This is a key parameter for determining the price of the camera and the quality of future photographs (by default, we assume that the photographer’s hands grow from where they need to be). A matrix (sensor), to put it simply, is a special chip with photosensors or pixels. Essentially, it is an analogue of photographic film on which an image is drawn. It is clear that, all other things being equal, the larger the matrix, the better the quality of the picture it will produce. The reference (full-frame) size is 36*24 mm.

Modern DSLRs use mainly two types of sensors.

Cropped matrix

Inexpensive SLR cameras use sensors that are reduced in one proportion or another in relation to full-frame. They can be compared to TVs with different screen diagonals. The proportion by which the full-frame sensor is reduced is called the crop factor. The quality of pictures on a reduced sensor, of course, will be lower than on a full frame, but not critical, since the maximum crop factor, even on the most inexpensive models, does not exceed 1.6, and this is much better than that of most digital cameras. Noise here is noticeable at lower ISOs than full-frame cameras, but for printing amateur photos this drawback is not significant. At the same time, the cropped sensor is much lighter and much cheaper than the full-size one, which makes the camera more suitable for beginners.

Pros: low cost of the camera and optics, low weight and size of the camera, inexpensive repairs.

Minuses: Not the highest picture quality.

Full Frame

Full-frame sensors are installed on expensive semi- and professional cameras. Even with a relatively low resolution, it allows you to get realistic colors and high detail. This sensor makes it possible to increase ISO without worrying about possible noise. Compared to a trimmed matrix, the focal length increases significantly and the depth of field decreases - the same Bokeh effect turns out to be more impressive. The disadvantage of full-frame cameras is the deterioration of sharpness and detail at the edges of the frame, due to the characteristics of the optics and photosensitive cells. The light at the periphery of the frame falls at an angle - hence the slight aberrations.

Full frame cameras are used mainly by professional photographers - both because of the cost of cameras and optics for them, and because of the significant size of the models. Carrying a two-kilogram unit is a pleasure below average and makes sense only if it pays off in hard cash.

Pros: high quality pictures.

Minuses: high cost of camera, high cost of optics, large size, expensive repairs.


Now the “chase for pixels” is in full swing. Manufacturers equip even tiny smartphone cameras with a resolution of 20 megapixels or more. Meanwhile, there is no particular meaning in such characteristics: the quality of the photo depends more on the size of the matrix. If the sensor is tiny, then place it on it a large number of photodiodes can only be achieved by reducing their size or compressing them in space. Both of these methods, as you understand, do not improve the quality of the image. Hence the bewilderment of many users that a modern 16-megapixel device produces worse photographs than an old 5-megapixel point-and-shoot camera.

At the same time, it cannot be said that resolution does not matter at all for DSLRs. When printing pictures in a large format or when viewing them on an “advanced” screen (4K TV, for example), 12-14 megapixels may not be enough for a decent result. Therefore, it is better to choose a DSLR camera taking into account everything possible options its application.

Mount (bayonet)


Each manufacturer uses its own lens mount for its cameras. Accordingly, when choosing a DSLR camera, you need to immediately estimate the cost and range of possible optics upgrades. Most wide choose, including inexpensive authentic lenses, are offered by Canon and Nikon. Sony and Pentax have slightly more expensive lenses. Leica offers premium optics. However, you can choose a third-party manufacturer that supports a large number of mounts various companies. The leading player in this market is the Japanese company Sigma, which produces optics for all of the above brands.

Moisture protection

Having a waterproof case is not the most important parameter. But some amateur photographers love to shoot in difficult conditions - somewhere in the forest, in the rain, in heavy fog... If you are one of those people, then be sure to buy a camera with moisture protection. Typically, such models are equipped with a body made of magnesium alloy. And Pentax products are also complemented by pretty colors.

It should be remembered that such SLR cameras are protected only from splashes. They can work in the rain, but that's it. Shouldn't be omitted similar devices under water - this will lead to fatal damage. Also, some users forget that the lens connected to the camera may not be waterproof. In this case, water dripping from the sky is quite capable of getting inside the optics. It will not get into the camera, but the optics will then have to be repaired. Therefore, make sure to purchase a waterproof lens if you want to shoot in difficult weather conditions without any consequences.

Video shooting


This function has two important parameters that determine whether a camera is suitable for good video shooting: resolution and frame rate.

Regular HD is quite enough for shooting videos intended for posting on social networks. But if you want to show your creativity on at least a 24-inch TV, then think about cameras with at least Full HD resolution. Cameras costing under half a million rubles also have a 4K video shooting mode with a resolution of 4096*2160.

The smoothness of the image depends on the frame rate. The minimum parameter suitable for more or less decent videos is 30 frames/s. But this is already yesterday. A good level is 50-60 fps. There are cameras that support up to 124 frames/s, and they are priced accordingly.

However, let's not forget that a DSLR is intended primarily for photography, so its video mode cannot be compared with a professional camera.

Other functionality


Manufacturers are trying, as far as possible, to bring SLR cameras closer to conventional digital ones with their widest functionality. Of course, due to the high power consumption of “side” functions, not everything can be implemented in such large devices as DSLRs, but many “tricks” have taken root. For example, touch and rotating screens, wi-fi, waterproof housing. The HDR mode has become popular, when two or more frames with different exposure parameters are combined into one - this is convenient when shooting in poor lighting or bright backlight.

Most popular manufacturers


The Japanese company Canon has been producing cameras since 1937. Currently, more than 20 models of SLR cameras from this company are sold in Russia. The assembly is predominantly Chinese, Taiwanese and Malaysian, although most components are made in Japan. Price range: from 20,000 to 500,000 rubles.


Nikon is considered Canon's main competitor in the SLR camera segment (including price). This company was founded in 1917. The production of lenses brought him the most money for a long time. Now it is one of the leaders in the production of SLR cameras. About 15 models are currently imported into the Russian Federation (assembled in Japan, Thailand, China).


Japanese Sony company began producing cameras with the advent of the digital era after the absorption of the then famous Konica Minolta. Then we started talking about the production of DSLRs. At first, they were considered the “poor cousins” in the global market for such cameras. However latest models(there are only four of them on the Russian market) are firmly among the top best - both in terms of workmanship, innovation and functionality.


The history of Pentax cameras began in 1952. Now the manufacturer is owned by Ricoh. In terms of range and market share of SLR cameras, Pentax is inferior to the Big Three; 7 models are currently presented in Russia. And they are more likely to belong to premium technology.

Just a few years ago, high-quality photographic equipment was the lot of photographers, but today every third person has it. How to choose to fill your album with bright and colorful photographs, and not get confused by the difficulties of use?

What parameters should you use to choose a DSLR camera?

How to choose a good SLR camera if you are completely new to photography? There are a number of parameters that should be taken into account and on which both the price of photographic equipment and the quality of the images depend. Let's talk in detail about how to understand the characteristics of the camera and what they affect in use.

When considering the options for which SLR camera to choose, the first parameter you should pay attention to is the resolution of the matrix. In fact, this is the size of the photo, and in order to find it out, you don’t need to leaf through the instructions, much less delve into menu items - it is often written on the body of the device itself as the number of megapixels or indicated in documents.

If you plan to print photos on banners, the number of megapixels should be large (16 or more); for home photography, this parameter is not of great importance, but for beautiful photos V high resolution You should not take a SLR camera with a matrix resolution of less than 12 megapixels.

How many frames can a DSLR camera take?

If you plan to engage in professional photography, especially reportage photography, this parameter is of great importance to you - in fact, it shows how many times the shutter can fire. Good photographic equipment is not cheap, and it will be extremely disappointing if after six months of active photography the shutter becomes unusable. Therefore, when deciding which SLR camera to choose, you need to know the life of its shutter.

Amateur-level SLR cameras have a resource of about 50-100 thousand frames, semi-professional ones - from 100 to 150 thousand. The resource of professional SLR photographic equipment can reach a million frames. This parameter is often not indicated in the documents for the camera; it must be checked with the manufacturer.

Professionals most likely will not need this function, but amateurs want to get the most out of their purchase, so when deciding how to choose a DSLR camera, many prefer equipment with a video recording function. This is a very useful option if you want to capture bright moments, events, holidays on video, especially if there are children growing up in the family.

Shooting video with a DSLR camera high quality in HD or FullHD format is found in most new amateur-class SLR devices; it is less common in semi-professional equipment. The video recording function on a professional SLR camera is the exception rather than the rule.

This term refers to good professional technique. It got its name because same size frame with a film camera - 35 mm. Due to the large size of the matrix, more light falls on it, which allows you to take high-quality and clear pictures even in low light conditions.

When considering SLR cameras and deciding which one is better to choose, it is worth considering the disadvantages - unfortunately, you will have to abandon budget lenses. Fast prime lenses and wide-angle lenses work very well with such high-end photographic equipment.

The opposite of full-frame cameras are crop cameras - the majority of SLR cameras of the amateur, semi-professional and professional classes. The lack of crops is, first of all, more high level noise in pictures. But if you shoot in normal lighting conditions, especially street or professional studio photography, you most likely will not notice the difference between pictures with a full-frame camera and a cropped camera.

Types of lenses for SLR cameras

An equally important question on the topic of how to choose a SLR camera is. The quality and class of the optics must correspond to the class of the device - there is no point in buying a professional “carcass” if the optics are of amateur level, and vice versa. Characteristics of lenses for SLR cameras include the following criteria:

  • focal length range;
  • fixed or variable focal length;
  • aperture;
  • number of aperture blades (for fast lenses).

Let's take a closer look at the most common types of lenses among photographers and amateurs, their characteristics and areas of application.

Which brand of SLR cameras is better?

In fact, not many manufacturers produce good photographic equipment, especially when it comes to professional cameras. So, how to choose a DSLR camera by manufacturer?

  1. Canon EOS.
  2. Nikon.
  3. Sony Alpha.
  4. Pentax.

The best full-frame SLR cameras are Canon EOS and Nikon, which produce high-quality professional photographic equipment. Modern models are equipped with shockproof protection, protection from dust, moisture, water, sand, which makes the camera literally indestructible.

How to choose a professional SLR camera?

A professional camera is a full-frame camera with modern type matrix, high shooting speed and ergonomic design. In order not to be mistaken in the question of how to choose a high-quality full-frame SLR camera, check out the rating:

How to choose a semi-professional SLR camera?

If you are already familiar with simple amateur cameras, and you want to delve deeper into the art of photography, semi-professional crop cameras are the ideal option for you. How to choose a SLR camera for a novice photographer who has good resource for improvement? Let's see the rating.

Which SLR camera to choose for an amateur?

The release of new models of SLR cameras on the market at an affordable price motivates many to try their hand at the art of photography, and the question of how to choose a good SLR camera for an amateur is now very relevant. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you should not skimp on the company and take a good, proven brand. The following amateur-class models have proven themselves to be good cameras:

  • Canon EOS 550D Nikon D5100;
  • Canon EOS 600D;
  • Canon EOS 550D;
  • Canon EOS 100D;
  • Nikon D5300;
  • Nikon D5200;
  • Sony SLT-A58.

These cameras are affordable, and when paired with a good fast lens, they will delight you with colorful, bright, and high-quality photographs. Camera of this class will help you master the basics of the art of photography, learn to see angles, choose lenses, and practice working with models.

Which DSLR camera should I choose for my family?

When choosing a camera for your family, you should immediately understand for yourself what you expect. Whether to take a full-frame camera or a more budget cropped one - the choice depends on your request. If your plans are to photograph bright moments of your family’s life, build your portfolio and take up photography in the future, you should choose a semi-professional or even professional level camera.

According to the Japan BCN Award, the modern market for SLR cameras is not just occupied by Japanese manufacturers, but has actually turned into a battlefield of titans - Canon with 61.1% of the market and Nikon- with 34.4% they essentially divided it, the share of cameras from the same Sony, which recently had high hopes for their launch in the DSLR segment, is scanty. Yes, whatever one may say, during the invasion of mirrorless system cameras Only the recognized grandees of the genre remain afloat.

Even though in recent years there have been more and more shouts that “DSLRs” are outdated, and modern mirrorless cameras completely cover their capabilities despite their obvious advantages, this market segment is not going to die. Moreover, we are talking not only about the professional segment, where at least inertia means a lot: you must agree, having accumulated more than one lens, say, the Canon EF “L” series, no one will switch to a mirrorless camera with a different mount - and therefore Canon continues maintain the championship in photojournalism with his “five” and “one” to this day. Some decline in the DSLR camera market was largely due to the amateur segment - those who just want to “take a beautiful photo” have enough not only mirrorless cameras, but also more or less decent smartphones.

However, whatever one may say, even for an amateur, SLR cameras provide serious advantages: for example, the ability to use a huge number of lenses from the secondary market, including even Soviet ones with an inexpensive adapter - this is in conditions limited budget important. The same Canon EOS will allow you to acquire a high-aperture “portrait” lens extremely cheaply (“Helios-44” still has a lot left, and we haven’t even mentioned the old Japanese “glasses” from Ebay), but replacing the whale glass with a system UPC will already cost a significant amount . Well, we won’t even talk about “digital point-and-shoot cameras” with non-replaceable optics, and especially camera phones.

However, given the obvious migration of the main demand to the semi- and professional segment, we will change the conditions for selecting SLR cameras compared to the previous version of the rating, concentrating on the seriousness of the camera’s capabilities - if you buy a “DSLR”, then it’s definitely not for “playing around, exposing” on Avito and return to your smartphone.”

The tendency of many functions to “flow” from the professional segment to the amateur segment fairly confuses the classification of cameras by user groups. But when creating the TOP 15 SLR cameras, you cannot do without their classification.

Let's agree on terms

  • Professional SLR cameras- this is, first of all, not even the quality of the matrix and the abundance of settings, not dust and moisture protection, but a resource. When the number of shots taken per day approaches four figures, it is the resource that becomes most important: imagine a shutter failure during an important report. Unpleasant? That's it.
  • Semi-professional segment- these are, in fact, simplified “pro” cameras, often retaining a considerable part of the “hardware” from older models. In general, in skillful hands the difference will be small, except that semi-professional cameras do not have a “machine-gun” burst shooting speed, and the shutter resource is shorter.
  • Amateur segment SLR cameras and manufacturers, and the regulations of world awards have long been divided into two: "for beginners" And "for advanced enthusiasts". The first one, frankly speaking, is boring: maximum reduction in price (down to plastic mounts), minimum settings, but a lot of auto modes. But “advanced amateur” SLR cameras are quite interesting: they have more opportunities for creative work and a higher resource. Well, after installing resident programs like Magic Lantern, they also acquire functionality familiar to the semi-professional segment: in conditions of a limited budget, such a DSLR may already be of interest.

I am constantly updating and adding to this article. The article was last edited on September 12, 2019 (added 90D). Ask your questions in the comments (my website ‘Radozhiva’ does not require absolutely any registration, and you don’t have to indicate your e-mail or name).

Every day in the comments on my blog ‘Radozhiva’ the same question is heard - ‘ Which Canon DSLR camera should I buy?‘. In this article I will share my thoughts on this matter. Please note that the article is heavily filled with subjective factors, since there are a lot of little things to consider when choosing a camera. I work as a professional photographer, and also review photographic equipment, I shot with almost all Canon and Nikon SLR cameras, one might say, I ate dog with these cameras and lenses.

All digital SLR Canon cameras can be divided into 3 classes:

  1. Amateur- these cameras are aimed at people who just need to get a high-quality photo without delving into the intricacies and settings of the camera. Most often, amateur cameras are best suited for people who are not involved in photography professionally, but simply want a good camera for home, leisure, travel, family, nature, etc., so that the camera is light, easy to operate and inexpensive. Actually, Canon has the largest range of cameras in this segment.
  2. Advanced amateur- have advanced functionality with big amount specific settings that can take a long time to figure out. These cameras are suitable for advanced hobbyists who already know how to navigate the settings, or who want a good potential for mastering photography skills. These cameras are also noticeably more expensive and heavier. A distinctive feature of advanced amateur cameras is the presence of an additional monochrome display on the top panel of the camera, which helps to obtain fast access to a number of settings.
  3. Professional- these cameras are designed for people who are engaged in photography professionally, know a lot about photography and are not afraid manual settings. Usually such cameras have much best case and functionality. A distinctive feature of such cameras is the absence of a built-in flash (for pros it is not particularly important). Usually these are full-format cameras or cameras with Kf=1.3. Also, cameras in the highest price range have a combo body with a special additional handle that helps hold the camera in portrait (vertical) orientation. I specifically do not touch on this class of cameras in this article, because there are a million and one nuances when choosing professional equipment, and professionals often themselves know what kind of camera they need.

A camera is a complex technical device, and technology does not stand still. I indicated on the sign your camera rating based on the release date of the camera and its technical characteristics . I think that now the best amateur camera is Canon 800D, this can be seen from the plate below.

As for an advanced amateur camera, in my opinion, full-frame and Canon 6D Mark II are a very interesting option. If you don’t want to mess with full frame, then an excellent advanced Canon amateur camera is the Canon 7D Mark II.

Rating Model Year MP Frames per second Focus points Video DisplayPay
1 Canon 7D Mark II 2014 20,2 10 65 (65 k, Dual Pixel AF)
2 90D 2019 24 11 45 (45 k, Dual Pixel AF) UHD 4K 3840 x 2160 30p, stereo audio, focus tracking 3-inch, touch, rotary
3 80D 2016 24 7 45 (45 k, Dual Pixel AF) Full HD 60fps, stereo sound, tracking focus 3-inch, 1,040,000 pixels
4 77D 2017 24 6 45 (45 k, Dual Pixel AF) Full HD 60fps, stereo sound, tracking focus 3-inch, 1,040,000 pixels
5 2013 summer 20,2 7 19 (19 k, Dual Pixel AF) Full HD 30fps, stereo sound, tracking focus 3-inch, 1,040,000 pixels, rotating and touch
6 2009 autumn 17,9 8 19 (19 k) Full HD 30fps, mono sound
7 2010 summer 17,9 5,3 9 (9 k) Full HD 30fps, mono sound 3-inch, 1,040,000 pixels, rotating
8 50D 2008 summer 15,1 6,3 9 (9 k) LiveView only 3-inch, 920,000 pixels
9 2007 summer 10,1 6,5 9 (9 k) LiveView only 3-inch, 230,000 pixels
10 2006 winter 8,2 5 9 (1 k) No 2.5-inch, 230,000 pixels
11 2004 summer 8,2 5 9 (1 k) No 1.8 inches, 118,000 pixels
12 2003 winter 6,3 3 7 (1k) No 1.8 inches, 118,000 pixels
13 D60 2002 summer 6,3 3 3 (1k) No 1.8 inches, 118,000 pixels
14 2000 spring 3,1 3 3 (1k) No 1.8 inches, 114,000 pixels

I did not include the Canon 20Da and 60Da cameras in the table because of their specific features, which are of little interest to the average amateur photographer. If you are limited on funds, then a good option for an advanced amateur Canon camera is.

Typically, cameras of advanced amateur and professional classes are sold separately from the lens, such a sales kit is called a 'body', and when a camera is sold with a lens, it is called a 'kit' (this is how cameras from the amateur segment are most often sold), and the lens is included in the kit supplied is called a 'whale lens' (sometimes shortened and called simply a "whale", which creates confusion - both the kit and just the lens from such a kit are called the same word).

Attention: You can’t take photographs with just a “body” camera, you must always take photographs with a lens :)

Important: Usually, if you buy a camera along with a kit lens (the so-called kit kit), then such a kit will cost less than buying a camera and the same lens separately.

The choice of other lenses requires a separate large article, but in addition to the standard (universal kit) lens, I recommend getting a fast discrete lens. This lens cannot zoom, but has a higher zoom than a “whale” lens. This will allow you to easily shoot in low-light conditions, control the depth of field (create