How to protect content from copying (theft)? How to protect content from theft? Automatic backlink when copying.

Some time ago, while looking for a topic for a new post, I was browsing various forums and blogs and came across one very interesting resource. I wanted to copy some of the text I liked from it (it was an instruction for auditing the site), but, to my surprise, I could not do this. I did not stop there, and opened the page of this site with the help of "Ctrl + U" and was able to take the section of text I needed through the source code of the page. But, this method I liked it and took note of it. Now I will tell you how to protect content from copying different methods, including one I stumbled upon in the story told.

It is almost impossible to protect the site from technically trained users, but if we make it difficult to copy, then most of those who like to use other people's texts will no longer want to mess around and they will switch to those sites where it is easier to do this.

Why do you need to protect texts?

Imagine this scenario - you have just published a new post and are waiting for it to be indexed as soon as possible and get into the search results. And, at the same time, some rogue webmaster is watching and copying your new text, and publishing it on his resource, the indexing speed of which is higher than yours. Search engine speedbots find your article first on his site. In this case, his article becomes and the authorship belongs to him, and you are a thief in the eyes of the search engines.

It turns out that for your work you will not only not get traffic, since the article on the fraudster's website will be higher in the issue, but also the reputation of your blog in the eyes of Yandex and Google will fall.

How to protect blog content from being copied?

There are many protection options, but they differ only in the implementation of the same principles. In this article, I will show 4 options on how to protect website content from copying and from theft.

  1. Notification of search engines about authorship before the publication of the article.
  2. Hidden links in the text to the author's site.
  3. Use of special plugins.
  4. Careful announcement of new articles.

Well, now, let's talk about each method of protection in more detail.

1. Search Engine Alert

One of the ways to protect your content from theft is the method of notification when a new original and unique article is published. You can do this by going to the webmaster tools of the Yandex search engine - To use this tool, your site must be added to this service and the rights to it must be confirmed. Choose the site you need, find the section on the left "Site Content" - and in it the paragraph - "Original texts".

Previously, it was possible to add texts only for sites with a TIC equal to or greater than 10, but then this restriction was removed. Now you just need to insert the text into a special form (limit 32 thousand characters) and click on the “Add” button.

From now on, the text will be fixed on your resource. But, it is worth noting that this service is perceived by the search engine as a recommendation and does not give a 100% guarantee.

2. Protection of content with hidden links in the text

The next option to protect the text of an article from copying, which we will consider, is the introduction of a hidden link into the text. Of course, you can calculate it once or twice, but few people think that the post contains such a “toad”. The author, if the link is not noticed, receives an additional link to his resource (I sometimes see such links to my site in Yandex Webmaster - people take my articles and do not delete the links).

There are 3 ways to protect content this way.

1) The simplest option is the usual internal linking, but such links are immediately visible and are almost always deleted. But you need to do this in any case, since linking is no longer needed for protection, but to promote the site for low and midrange requests.

2) In order for the links not to be found the first time, they should be hidden. I sometimes make a reference to some point or comma in the article. With a cursory glance at such material, the link is not visible; in order to find it, you need to open the source code of the page, which not everyone does.

3) Automatic insertion of a link into the copied text using a script. Whatever piece of text is copied from your site, a link to the original source will be added to it, in addition, the script will count the number of attempts to steal your content.

In order to place such a link, you need to go to the service and register there following the instructions. At the very end, you will receive a script that needs to be posted on the blog. For WordPress there is detailed instructions by inserting the code, it is recommended to place it in a file, but I would recommend not to hang scripts at the top of the code, it is better to add it to the footer.php file.

3. Protecting content with the Wp-CopyProtect plugin

The third way to protect text from copying is to use a special Wp-CopyProtect plugin. It is able to prevent a potential "thief" from using the right mouse button and the "Copy" command. Also, the Wp-CopyProtect plugin can leave a hidden link to the author's blog at the end of the post.

Installing the Wp-CopyProtect plugin is easy. It is in the catalog WordPress plugins and added to the site directly from the admin panel. Read how to install plugins. After installation, you will need to make settings. The line WP Copy Protect will appear in the left panel, go to this section. The following should be configured:

If the text copy prohibition function does not work, then write in the footer.php template file next line(in a normally laid out template it should be):

The action of this plugin can be replaced by a script that performs the same functions. Setting up the plugin is easier, since you don’t need to interfere with the site files (if you don’t understand HTML, this is a weighty argument). If you are not afraid to dig into the codes, then replace the Wp-CopyProtect plugin with the following script:

4. Magic code to protect content

I called this method of dealing with thieves magical because it is simple to implement and very effective. A small piece of code, which is not even a code, but an attribute to the body tag, does not allow you to copy anything from the pages of the site. At the same time, it does not swear, does not prohibit selection and does not block any mouse buttons. People can select text, copy it using the keyboard or mouse, but when they try to paste what they copied, a void will be issued - there will be no data in the buffer.

To implement it, you need to open your site in text editor and find the opening tag (in WordPress it is in the header.php file). And add an attribute to this tag, it should look like this:

On the blog, the design may look a little more complicated, since there may be some more parameters there. On one of my sites it looks like this:

5. Protection of content from copying by competent announcement

After you have a new post on your blog, do not rush to publish the article on social bookmarks and services of dubious quality. Search engines are rarely there, and thieves are often.

Leave announcements only where search bots are frequent - twitter, facebook, vkontakte (you can - this will attract more attention of robots) so that the article gets into the search engine index faster.

Do not, under any circumstances, broadcast RSS feed full version articles, announcement only. And where you publish announcements manually, make them unique so that your articles are not even partially copied.

And make it a habit to update your blog regularly, then search engines they will get used to and will often come to you, which will lead to a quick hit of new posts in the index. And what is already indexed is assigned to your site as an author.

6. Legal protection

All content we create falls under the definition intellectual property and all laws in this area apply to him. The problem with sites is that the procedure for obtaining rights to an article is very cumbersome. You need to go to a notary and certify every page of your site there - this is also money.

Only upon receipt of a notarized document confirming your rights to the articles will you be able to punish the thieves - to force them to remove the stolen content and even pay you compensation.

Without such documents, it is almost impossible to prove something to someone. I had an experience of correspondence with the hoster of one of the sites that stole my content. The maximum that I could achieve was the hoster's promise to send a letter to the owner in which my claim would be stated. They will not take any punitive actions without a court decision.

This despite the fact that I showed them the date of the first indexation of my article in Yandex and compared it with the date the copy was posted on the thief's site. There it was obvious that he had it a few years later. In addition, he still had links to my blog in his articles and he uploaded pictures from my hosting - still nothing was achieved.

So, if you think that your texts are really worth going to the notary with them - go, so you will be 100% protected, but in most cases, the game is not worth the candle.

Friends, hello everyone! Today we’ll talk about the real scourge of the modern digital world - content theft . Everyone knows that unique, high-quality content increases the popularity of the site among both search engines and users.

But nevertheless, in the vastness of the Web, there are many copy-pasters who are not embarrassed by the placement of plagiarism on their site. They not only completely copy someone else's work, but also put their own authorship under it, passing it off as the result of their own work. How to deal with this, is there any damage from theft to the real author? The answer to the question is later in the article.

From this material you will learn:

I’ll make a reservation right away: there is no 100% guarantee against theft of publications. But there are methods that will help prevent possible copying of material. About what to do and how to protect content from theft or copying - I will tell you in detail in the article.

Real harm to the site from content theft

Imagine this situation: you buyawesome dress, put it on and run to work happy. Colleagues come, look at the new thing, someone makes a compliment. But the very next day, your more spectacular colleague appears in exactly the same outfit. Suddenly, it starts to seem to everyone that the dress sits on her better, and the color suits her.

And it seems that nothing terrible happened: just two identical wardrobes in one office. But for some reason, your dress immediately loses its uniqueness, and colleagues who first saw the outfit on another may consider that it was you who stole the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpurchasing. Unpleasant, right?

A similar situation occurs with the content on the site. When scammers steal posted material, they get a certain benefit from it, and the original owner of the resource remains in the "minuses". See what harm the content theft does to the site.

Let's deal with each item in more detail in order to understand the importance and necessity of protecting website content:

  • Traffic.If a copy-paster places material taken from you on his site, he not only appropriates other people's laurels, but also entices potential readers. That is, you lose a certain number of transitions.
  • Positions in the issuance.The point is related to the previous one. After all, most often users click on a site that is in the first positions of the top. According to some sources, the first position provides an influx of 18-36% of the total number of clicks; second place - 12%, third - 9%. If suddenly the search engine decides that plagiarism is placed on your site, it will not rank high and you can forget about good positions.
  • Sanctions.When not configured on the Internet resource content protection system , and the search engine incorrectly identifies the source, it can impose sanctions by completely removing the site from the search results. This is especially true for young web pages that are just starting to develop.
  • Reputation.Seeing exactly the same content, the reader is unlikely to figure out who stole from whom. But if he comes to the conclusion that you are not the author of the material, the title of an expert will suffer and the level of trust will drop.
  • Expenses.To quickly solve these problems, you will have to create and post new content on the site to replace the stolen content. And this is an additional financial cost.

Even if your site is mega-popular, has a reputation as a professional, and the theft of content will not bring much damage to it, you still need to fight against copy-pasters, protecting your property. How to do this - I will tell you and give specific advice.

Content protection methods

After scouring the Internet and watching about 20 videos on the topic content protection in Yandex and Google, I chose the 6 most effective ways. I propose to take them into service and use them when placing publications on your sites. And now about each in order.

Entering new publications in the original Yandex and Search Console

One of the simplest but most effective ways protection of articles on the site is a notification to search engines about the release of new, unique material. For this, special services are used. For example, in Yandex, this is the Webmaster tool.

To secure an article through the Yandex tool, thereby preventing its theft, you first need to register your site on the service and confirm the rights to it. After that, go to the "Information about the site" section and select the "Original texts" item. Here's what the interface looks like:

In the window that opens, paste the copied text and click the "Submit" button. These simple actions are performed within a couple of minutes, but they make it possible to show the search engine the real author of the material. Immediately after entering the "Original" feel free to publish the text on your website. It is assigned to your resource and its appearance on other sites will already be perceived by robots as plagiarism. The tool is effective only for the Yandex search engine.

Google has its own webmaster called Search Console. To tell him about the release of a new article, you must perform similar steps with confirmation of the rights to the site. After posting an article on a blog or on another page, open the "Crawling" section, in the proposed list we find the item "View as Googlebot".

We have already written about the rules for using the service:Google Webmaster: setup. 20 Search Console Tools

In the box opposite the site name, insert the url-address of the page with the new posted article, and click the "Scan" button.

Now we perform the following steps step by step:

  • after the url-address is in the "Path" section, click the "Add to index" button;
  • in the new window that opens, select the line "Crawl only this url" and the button "Submit".

As soon as Google indexes the address indicated to it, the procedure can be considered complete. What will it give us? After completing all these steps, we perform forced indexing of the new article, that is, we “force” the search engine to immediately look at the new publication. Now she will know which site is the primary source of the posted material.

So, we told the search engine robots that the article is our property. But the use of search engine tools is not the only copyright protection method . There are a few more that are just as effective.

Announcement of content on social networks

  • attracts additional traffic to your site;
  • speeds up indexing (after all, search bots are often on social sites);
  • allows you to unobtrusively advertise your company;
  • makes it possible to talk about new publications on a web resource.

Like how we do it. Immediately, after posting an article on the blog, our SMM specialist posts a post about it on Facebook. Thus, we tell our readers about the release of new material, its summary and give a link to our blog.

The method does not protect the material from copying in the literal sense, but allows you to prove your authorship in any unforeseen situations.

Copyright protection with DRM

The abbreviation DRM appeared in the everyday life of IT people not so long ago. It stands for Digital rights management, that is, "Digital Copyright Management". The technology is used by many companies and corporations around the world, and the United States even passed a law criminalizing the distribution of circumvention tools. DRM.

In simple words: with the help of DRM, the copyright holder can control access to content, prevent it from being stolen, copied or illegally transferred to others. The technology is used only on paid products, such as video or audio.

How does it happen copyright protection via DRM? A special “digital lock” is placed in a paid product in the form of an encrypted licensed key. It is a complex mathematical code that can only be unlocked by purchasing the rights to the content. An experienced programmer will be able to put such protection.

Where to use in practice? For example, you shoot educational webinars on a topic in which you are a real expert and sell through your website on the Internet. Set the hidden label Content is DRM protected ". Interested people buy your video to get a lesson. They can download and view it, but they will no longer be able to copy, distribute or pass off as their personal work. This is the power of DRM.

Adding a link to your resource

I am sure that you have come across sites more than once, when copying information from which the following link is pulled up:

It is inserted into the document along with the text and shows the source from which the material was taken. Sometimes amateur thieves may not notice such an addition to the copied offers, thereby bringing free external link to your website and some extra traffic as compensation for the "stale".

To protect your content using this method, you need to write a certain algorithm in the web resource engine:

The code is written in the functions.php file. After the word" a source " you must specify the url-address of the page where the content is placed. It is necessary to register such a script for all pages of the site, immediately above the tag. As you can see from the picture (above), the link remains clickable.

Photo and video protection

“Borrowing” visual content online for your publications is commonplace. After all, not every site is able to upload unique photos or record videos. But it is important to understand that pictures also get on the Web from some site, that is, they are already posted somewhere. That's "theft" in its purest form.

If you do not want your photos and videos to be used by other users of the World Wide Web, you can put protection on them. In the case of pictures, this is:

  • Drawing a logo or a watermark.A small image in the corner of the picture with the name of the company will immediately point to the source of the content. Here's how we do it:

  • Digital labels.This method of protection against theft is suitable for those who upload their own pictures. To add time, date or some other data to the photo, you need to go to the camera settings and enable EXIF ​​there.
  • Transparent coating.Such protection is applied to the image using the service Adobe Photoshop. How to do? In the tool, create a picture of identical dimensions with the one you want to protect from theft. Next, overlay it on the original image (this can be done via html or css). Result: if someone wants to copy the picture, he will only get transparent layer. Visually, when placed on your site, this protection is not visible.

You can also protect videos from theft by applying logos or through links to your web resource. Both are best placed in the corner of the screen so as not to interfere with viewing. An example of a logo on our video:

Using special plugins on CMS engines

Another way to protect your publications from Internet thieves is to install plugins on your CMS. Unfortunately, there are no universal plugins, and you need to select such protective software taking into account the “engine”.

Googling the topic, I chose the two simplest, and, most importantly, - free plugins for two popular venues. I present them to your attention.

For WordPress

accessible and simple plugin for this engine is WP Content Copy Protection. You need to download it, install it in the admin panel and activate it. None advanced settings or complex algorithms. The program starts working immediately.

What gives:

  • eliminates the possibility of copying and selecting text using the right mouse button;
  • turns off the function of saving, downloading, dragging and printing both the text and the visual component of the publication;
  • blocks any actions with content through the keyboard (we are talking about key combinations Ctrl + X, + C, + A).

This WordPress plugin has there is also a premium version with extended functionality to protect content . You can get acquainted with all the features of the software by going to the WP Content Copy Protection settings through the admin panel.

For CMS Joomla

The most effective and popular anti-theft plugin for this site is Urlin Protector. It can be downloaded from the developer's website. Plugin clear interface and a whole bunch of useful features.

In addition to the ban on copying, it also provides more reliable protection of content from theft, for example:

  • sets the code for all links, pictures and text of the article;
  • generates the source code of the page, making it unreadable;
  • interacts correctly with SEF URL (engine function that converts dynamic links to static ones);
  • instantly turns on and off any form of protection provided in CMS Joomla.

The developers offer a free demo version of the plugin and a licensed version with advanced features. The latter, of course, for money.

Protection against content parsers for an online store

It happens that some webmasters use content parsers when filling an online store. These are special scripts with which you can copy content from other sites and upload it to your file. Many parsers are universal, that is, they take both text and an image from a web resource at the same time.

Now imagine: when developing your store, you invested there not only your soul, but also original photos, descriptions, product characteristics. After some time, a hacker came and took it all for himself. As a result, you bear not only moral damage, but also significant financial losses. How to protect yourself from this?

There are several ways:

  • Always unify product images.I already wrote about this above. Simply apply a logo or watermark that is hard to remove automatically. At least the pictures are already protected.
  • Calculate what IP address you are being parsed from.This can be done through services that show information about users and the time the page was visited. One way to identify is the frequency and time between requests. If they visit too often with a break of less than 10 seconds, this is most likely a parser. He can restrict access or frequency of visits.

In addition to these, all the other methods mentioned above are calmly applied to online stores. Do not forget to notify bots about the release of new pages through Yandex and Google services, determine your copyright by putting DRM protection on paid products and always notify customers about updating the assortment in social networks. networks.

Legal protection, or How to minimize the consequences of theft?

The rights of Internet content authors are protected by national and international law. So, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights", in case of detection of plagiarism and filing a lawsuit against a copy-paste, he can pay from 11.5 thousand UAH to a couple of million. Moreover, the legislation divided the damage from the theft of pictures and text material, that is, the fine for such “borrowing” of content will be considered separately.

What does the international community say about this? The Berne Convention is considered the main document for the protection of copyrights from theft on the whole planet. Its main essence is that the author receives ownership of his material immediately after its publication. This means: it is enough to post an article on the blog, write your name below, and no more confirmation of authorship is needed. All further copying of this material will be plagiarism.

But what to do if the content is still stolen? How to minimize damage? Here are two steps you can take to detect theft:

  1. Write a claim to the administrator of the thief site. The law is completely on your side, so feel free to write a request to delete stolen content. It is better to entrust the preparation of the claim to an experienced lawyer in order to be sure of success.
  2. Contact Yandex support or Google . In this case, you must provide proof of your authorship. Collect everything you have: posts on social networks, screenshots from services about notifying search engines about the release of an article. Perhaps, after your request, the robots remove the plagiarism posted on the website by the copy-pasters.

If these methods do not work, go to court. True, resorting to such extreme measures is only worthwhile when content theft has really caused tangible damage to your business. The game must be worth the candle.

In conclusion

Finally, I want to offer some interesting and slightly strange tips for protecting content, which I also met on the Internet when preparing this material:

  • Write words in the text, rearranging the letters in places. It has been proven that a person freely reads the text, even if the letters in the words are mixed. And some authors advise posting just such articles on sites in order to avoid their theft. However, how this will affect the ranking of publications remains a mystery.
  • Consume more titles companies. Such branding should not only “light up the company”, but also prevent copying of the material. After all, if there are many unique references to the company's activities in the text, the copy-pastor will have to redo the article. And this is not 100% plagiarism.
  • Use linking.The method is effective in the fight against the complete ignoramuses of the digital world. It consists in adding several links to adjacent pages of the site in your articles. The unfortunate thief, when publishing the text at home, may not notice the linking, bringing you additional traffic due to clicks on these links.
  • Install blocking scripts.If you do not want the user to select and copy the text of your posted article, you can add a special script to the site page. The algorithm is written in the admin panel and completely prevents any actions with your publication.

The method has more opponents than admirers, because most users like to simply highlight text for readability. Copying is also a problem - if you need to take specifications, for example, a smartphone, it is easier to copy them than to write them off. The bottom line is that once having entered such a site with bans, the user may never return.

That's all. Today's topic is over. I hope the material was useful to you and you found a method for yourself that you will definitely use to protect content from theft. If you have any questions - write to us. If you are armed with your own unique methods of dealing with Internet thieves, tell us about them in the comments. All the best and see you soon!

I'll start with the bad news. There is no absolute insurance against theft on the Internet.

Elena Nemets

There are technical means that somewhat complicate it, but do not exclude it.

I have been running a travel blog for ten years now, and I also moderate the travel blogging community on Facebook. The topic of theft comes up all the time. If you blog, sooner or later you will find your texts and photos on other people's sites. So the question is more correct to put like this: how to minimize the risk of copying content and how to strengthen your position if you have to go to court.

If you are a beginner blogger, it is worth making an effort now to be fully equipped when you have to beat out compensation from those who want to use your works for free. Here are six simple actions worth taking.

Briefly - how to protect your blog from content theft

Blog protected by law

Both texts and photographs are objects of copyright, which are protected by law. Article 1255 of the Civil Code states that the exclusive right to a work and the right to publication belongs to the author.

So even if the material is in open access on the Internet, this does not mean that anyone can take it and use it without asking. But if the case goes to court, authorship will have to be proven. And for this it is worth making sure in advance.

Real name

Under the article. If you're blogging, sign each article with your real name. By law, whoever is listed as the author on the original work is automatically considered to be its author, unless challenged in court.

If you use a pseudonym, you can play it safe with the old-fashioned method: send yourself a paper letter with the text of the article, which is signed by a pseudonym and a real name. When the letter arrives, you do not need to open the envelope. Mail stamps will record the date the text was written.

On the website of the hosting provider. Fill in the domain administrator information for the blog. This can usually be done in the control panel on the provider's website. This will help prove that the blog is yours. If you blog on social networks, proof that it belongs to you is a username, password and link to email or personal phone.

You can check the details of the domain owner on

Copyright sign

The absence of a warning and a copyright sign does not mean that the article is not protected by copyright. That is, technically, the copyright sign can be omitted. But when it stands, it will be much more difficult for the thief to prove to the court that he did not know that this text has an author, and the rights are protected.

Therefore, it is better to add a copyright sign and the date to the signature: © Masha Ivanova, 2018.

In law, a copyright mark is called a copyright mark. It is intended for notification of authorship. The date will help prove the primacy of the publication.

Even on the page where you post texts, it makes sense to put a copyright warning. For example: "The use of materials from the site is permitted only with the written consent of the author." You can choose not to use the content at all, or give clear instructions on what needs to be done to reprint your text or post a photo. For example, give a link to the original publication, indicate your full name and give a link to the blog and social networks.

Water marks

Always watermark your published photos. This is especially true for photographers and bloggers on Instagram. Even if the photo is found on Google using pictures, it will have information about the author.

Watermark - effective method scaring off thieves. It is always easier for them to find another picture, without a watermark, than to suffer with its removal.

If a photograph has been cropped or a watermark has been retouched on it, this is a separate violation under Article 1266 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the right to the inviolability of the work and protection of the work from distortion. If your photo was not only stolen, but also changed, you can demand higher compensation in court.

Ideally, the author's name should be on the watermark. Website, Email or a pseudonym will require additional steps to prove that the photo is yours. First you will need to prove that the site, mail and pseudonym belong to you.

Photo sources

The original photographs are reliable proof of authorship for the court. It could be RAW format or raw JPEG - depends on what you are shooting on.

Never share the original photos with anyone. If the recipient abuses them, such as signing photos with their name or adding a watermark, you will lose a powerful argument in your favor.

Always keep an archive of photos and make regular backups.

Author data in camera settings

Digital photography is more than just a picture. Each file stores metadata in EXIF ​​- Exchangeable Image File Format. This is a standard that allows you to add information to photos about when, how and by whom they were taken.

Part of the data is read from the camera automatically, such as the date of shooting and frame settings. Modern cameras allow you to automatically put the name of the author in the metadata when shooting or saving files to disk. In Fuji mirrorless cameras, this is done inside the settings menu on the camera, and in Canon cameras, through the EOS Utility program. Tools for editing metadata are available in Photoshop and Lightroom.

EXIF stores and serial number cameras. If the warranty card with the number or the original box from the camera is kept, this will be additional evidence for the court that it was you who took the photo. And the camera itself is also proof of authorship.

Fix the authorship of the text

The most effective, albeit unpopular, method is to record the authorship of the text in an independent depository. This, for example, is the "Bank of Copyrights" - reliable, but not cheap. The first five objects are registered for free, and for each next one you will have to pay 100 rubles.

Yandex Webmaster offers the Original Texts tool for sites that are registered with Yandex. Before publishing each text, you must first submit it to the "Original Texts". The main purpose of this tool is to increase in search results sites with original content and, conversely, downgrading of copy-paste sites. But to confirm authorship, it also works.

Copyright protection in practice

If your rights have been violated, you have two options: negotiate with the violator or take him to court. To agree, in most cases it is enough to write and ask to remove the material taken from you from the site. Serial offenders and copy-pasters understand that the truth is on your side and you can easily prove authorship in court, and the offender will have to pay substantial compensation and legal costs. Therefore, competent copy-pasters delete everything at the first request.

If the copypaste is illiterate, he can be sued. But it's not as easy as it seems.

You can't sue just like that, against someone. We need data of a specific defendant: an organization or a person. The data is needed up to the registration address at which the court will contact the violator. Finding the address is possible, but not always easy.

If your pictures or texts were stolen by the media, you will find information about them in the imprint. If your pictures appeared on the company's website, it will be the defendant.

And if just some anonymous goner decided to steal your text, you will have to deanonymize it. To begin with, it is worth looking at the site owner through the "Whois-service" - most likely, he will say that the site owner is anonymous, but he will tell you who registered his site.

Then we take a lawyer with a crust and ask him to draw up a lawyer's request to the company that registered this site. If you do not want to contact a lawyer, you can make a request yourself, but then you need to prove to the registrar that you are the copyright holder. They tell more about this in the directory - most likely, you will deal with them.

When the defendant is identified, it will be necessary to record the facts of the violation, collect evidence of authorship, formulate statement of claim and submit documents to the court. You can do it yourself, but it is better to contact a lawyer or a lawyer. About this - another time.

Is it possible to protect yourself from rewriting?

How to protect your blog from theft

  1. Sign texts and photos with your real name.
  2. Warn subscribers not to use content without your consent or without your terms being met.
  3. All photos should be watermarked and captioned.
  4. Always keep the sources and install a plugin to fix the uniqueness of texts.
  5. If someone stole something, first politely ask to remove it, and then contact the lawyers. The law protects you, you will win the case, but whether you can get the money is unknown.

Even if this does not deter the thief, it will be easier for you to prove authorship and receive compensation. In the next article I will tell you how to do this if the content has already been stolen.

How to protect the site from being copied by bad people? This is not an idle question for a webmaster. Nobody likes to be stolen from.

But still, those who steal different values ​​from others, including intellectual ones, are not translated. And for those who maintain their blogs and websites, the greatest value is their articles, especially those written with their own fingers. (On this site I also write everything myself).

And this is a real disaster, especially for popular sites that are known to many, and therefore to thieves. Many ways of dealing with freebie lovers have been described, and I will also make my small contribution to this noble cause. ?

1. How to protect a site from copying without a backlink?

There are radical ways, such as completely disabling copying. But this method is more likely to protect against readers, and not from thieves. This is unlikely to stop professional plagiarists. But more often than not, your articles can be copied to their free blogs And social networks your grateful readers.

Many people do not know that you need to leave a link to the source. They just liked the article and saved it to their blog. And if they did this immediately after you wrote the article, and the search engines have not yet had time to index it, then your sincere fan with his blog automatically becomes the author. And your article will probably get into the TOP-10, but you will no longer be its author ...

How can you protect a site from being copied without a backlink? This is not so difficult to do, you just need to make sure that when you copy your article, a link to the source automatically appears at the end of the text. How to do it?

Very simple. There is a wonderful service: It allows you to add a small counter to your site that shows the number of visitors on-line and what articles they are viewing. The service offers a script that needs to be placed in the footer of the site. IN gallery his appearance. (right counter)

By clicking on the counter, you will go to the site page and see which articles are currently being read. You don't even need to register to install this counter. But all this is useful, but a prelude.

Now to the main topic of this article: How to protect a site from copying without a backlink?

To do this, you need to register in the section of the site that is dedicated to SEO monitoring, including tracking who and what is copying from you. Go to this address and register:

After registration, you will be provided with a script that you need to install in the site header. Here you can also see tips on where to insert the code for the most common CMS engines. In wordpress, the script must be inserted into the header.php file, which is located in the folder with the current theme before the closing tag

And you can put it in the footer of the site, in footer.php, so it will slow down the page loading less. Now, if we try to copy a piece of text from the site, we will get something like this:

How to protect a site from copying? This is not an idle question for a webmaster. Nobody likes to be stolen from.

1. The inscription Read more is not in Russian, I would like it to be written: original source. So everything is immediately clear.

2. If the plugin is enabled in the browser, then it blocks this script, and the link does not appear.

I solved this issue: I killed two birds with one stone. To do this, I downloaded the script that uses this service and put it on my hosting, in my theme folder, for example. And then in the script code, which is written in headeer.php, I specified the path to this file. By this link COPY.JS you can download finished script and put it anywhere you want.
After that, add the script to footer.php or somewhere else:

If(document.location.protocol=="http:")( var Tynt=Tynt||;Tynt.push("dd_7uwdHur4OxNacwqm_6l"); (function()(var s=document.createElement("script");s. async="async";s.type="text/javascript";s..js";var h=document.getElementsByTagName("script");h.parentNode.insertBefore(s,h);))(); )

Now adblock does not block this script, which is very good, and I rewrote Read more on the Source. You can find this phrase in that script and rewrite it to your own.

Now, going to the page on which we registered, you can see who watched what and copied what.

like this in a simple way can protect text from honest thieves. And how to protect against copying when someone steals from you deliberately and regularly? Here it is often impossible to do without a radical method, at least temporarily.

2. How to protect the site from copying radically?

If you find that some scoundrels are simply stealing articles from you on their site, so that later, for example, to earn money by selling links, and your articles fall out of the index, and if you understand that your exhortations will not bring any benefit, then just block your articles plugin (if you have WordPress).

If you put only the first checkmark, then when you try to select the text, a frame will appear in which you can, for example, write: - “Please do not copy my articles, otherwise I will click on your google adsense and I will block you forever” or whatever you want.

If you want to completely block the content, then check the second checkbox. But the frame will still climb out and in it you can angrily write: - “Well, have you broken off?”

Of course so protect the site from copying 100% will not succeed, as the developers immediately write:

This plugin will help protect your content only "from the outside", that is, if someone wants to copy your content, they can do it directly through the source code anyway.

Also keep in mind that by protecting your site from theft in this way, you may lose some readers. Not being able to copy individual thoughts to themselves, they may leave such a “greedy” blogger forever. And here you have to choose What is more important to you: readers or positions? There is another way to protect the site from copying, the same is quite radical.

But the methods of how to protect a site from copying do not end there. There is another one that I personally experienced as well.

3. How to protect the site from copying VERY radically?

One smart person came up with an interesting plugin called Invitext, which does a simple thing: it inserts your copyright into the text after a certain number of characters, for example, a link to your site. This secret text is not visible on your site, but when a person copies the text from your site, your link in the text pops up on his site and becomes visible to everyone. Of course, you can delete it, but if the text is large, then it will be quite difficult to clean it up.

I tried to install this plugin and everything suited me, except for one thing: in my template, the text formatting was a little off. But that was a long time ago, perhaps in new version This plugin has already fixed this issue.

4. How to protect the site if your article has already been stolen?

I used to think that if an article was stolen from you, then nothing can be done and all complaints are useless. But recently I have seen that this is not the case. By chance, I discovered that one bad person completely copied one of my articles to his blog on Yukoz. I was not too lazy and wrote to the hosting support, showed them my original article with an earlier date and a beautifully designed article of a thief. In less than 3 hours, I received a letter that the villain was punished, and his resource was blocked.

There is still justice in the world! These are the three ways you can protect the site from copying. Maybe you know some more?

How to use article theft to your advantage?

As I have noticed, most of those who steal your articles do not do it out of malice. They just liked your article and decided to post it on their blog. And leave backlink no one taught them the source.

In such situations, the problem is easily solved, you just need to install a small script that, when copying even a small piece of text from your site, will automatically insert a backlink. Of course, you can remove it, but most will not do this. Here is the script code itself, which needs to be placed in r.php before the footer.php tag

In the script, you need to change the address (I highlighted it in bold), where you will have THIS a file that you need to download and save to your hosting. I put it in the site's theme folder and set its permissions to 755.

Everything, now when copying your article, at the end of the text it will appear like this link: More details here: https://website/kak-vklyuchit-gzip-szhatie/#ixzz2ve9QFFG0

The word READ MORE HERE can be replaced with anything in the copy.js file you downloaded. Open it in a text editor and find this phrase, and replace it with your own. I already wrote more about this service on my other site - I won’t repeat it here, you can read it there.

Another version of the script

I found another similar, even simpler copy protection script: