How to find out which power supply is on the computer

Users often ask whether it is possible to find out what is on the computer, without removing the covers from the system unit. Unfortunately this is not possible. The power supply simply provides meals the motherboard and other computer components. At the same time, it is not defined by the programmatically. In this article, we will tell you in detail about what you need to do to get information about the power supply installed on the computer if such a need arose.

Watch information about the power supply on the sticker

The only way to find out which power supply is on the computer is to remove the side cover of the system unit and look at the sticker on the BP. To do this, first turn off the computer and turn off all cables from it. Otherwise, you risk getting a blow or damage computer components.

After the cables are disabled, you can proceed to removing the side cover of the system unit. On most computer enclosures, side lids are attached with four screws (two each lid). In order to find out the information about the power supply, it is not necessary to unscrew all four screws and shoot both covers, it will be enough to remove only the left cover (if you look at the body from the front part).

After removing the left side cover, you need to find a power supply. In budget computer enclosures, it is usually in the upper part of the system unit.

In computer enclosures of the middle and high price range, the power supply is usually located at the bottom of the computer case.

After the BP is found, you need to study the sticker that is located on it. Usually on this sticker except the name is information about the power of the power supply and its other characteristics.

But sometimes there is only the name of the power supply on the sticker. In this case, the remaining information needs to be signed on the Internet.