Registration of commands in L2 macros. Macros

Basic rules for creating a macro

  • Character can remember 48 macros
  • Macro name may contain 12 characters
  • The short macro name may contain 4 characters.
  • Macro can contain 12 lines
  • In one bar, macro may contain 40 characters (including the command)
  • If during the execution of a macro to make any action (move the character, use the subject / skill, open the interface window), the macro execution will be interrupted.
  • Macro can not add the execution of another macro.

Composition of macro

  • Special prefixes can be used in the macro to determine the type of message:
Text colorPrefixDescription
Main ChatWithout prefixThe message is seen by other players in a small radius.
Chat Clan.@ A message is seen only by clan members. Not available if the character does not consist in the clan.
Chat Alliance$ The message is seen only by members of the alliance. Not available if the character clan is not in the alliance.
Chat group# The message is seen only by the members of the group. Not available if the character does not consist in the group.
Shopping chat+ A message is seen by other players in a fairly large radius.
Hero's voice% A message can be seen to all characters on the server. Use such messages can only character characters.
Whisper" Personal message to another character to write a private message to write "Facility_name name. The message will see only sending and addressee.
Team Canal` The message appears when the Commander of the Comdium Canal sends a message, the usual member of the QC will not be able to send such a message.
Battlefield channel ^ The message is seen by all the characters participating in the battle for the land on the side of one castle.
  • Macro can use any chat teams.
  • Macro can use the following constants to determine the target of the macro
    • Macro target constants Impossible Use if you write them next to other characters. For example, it will not work out the following macros "% target hello! or % target, how are you?

Creating a macro

  1. Open the macro interface in the menu or using the Alt + R key combination.
  2. Press the "Create" key.
  3. Write the name of the macro (will appear when you hover the cursor to the macro icon)
  4. Write a short macro name - 4 characters that will be displayed constantly over the macro icon (optional step). If you want to describe the macro to describe in more detail by clicking the "Details" button.
  5. Select Macro icon
  6. Fill the macro in accordance with the above rules
  7. Click "Save".

Editing macro

Deleting macro

Macros - Related pages
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BasicsInstallation of the game and creating a character | Interface | Gaming rollers | Game Forum | Postal system | Mentors system

The game

Macros can be used to automate some processes using several skills simultaneously.

Basic rules for creating a macro

  • The character can remember 48 macros.
  • Macro name may contain 12 characters.
  • Macro can contain 12 lines.
  • In one macro string, 80 characters may be contained (including the command).
  • If during the execution of the macro to make any action (move the character, use the subject / skill / chat, open the interface window), macro execution will be interrupted.
  • Macro can not add the execution of another macro.

Composition of macro

  • Special prefixes can be used in the macro to determine the type of message:
Text color Prefix Description
Main Chat Without prefix The message is seen by other players in a small radius.
Creek !
Chat Clan. @ A message is seen only by clan members. Not available if the character does not consist in the clan.
Chat Alliance $ The message is seen only by members of the alliance. Not available if the character clan is not in the alliance.
Chat group # The message is seen only by the members of the group. Not available if the character does not consist in the group.
Shopping chat + A message is seen by other players in a fairly large radius.
Hero's voice % A message can be seen to all characters on the server. Use such messages can only character characters.
Whisper " Personal message to another character to write a private message to write "Facility_name name. The message will see only sending and addressee.
Team Canal ` The message appears when the Commander of the Comdium Canal sends a message, the usual member of the QC will not be able to send such a message.
World Chat & A message can be seen to all characters on the server. 10 posts per day are available for PA holders after reaching 85 yards. For the remaining available 5 posts per day after reaching 95 yards. Reset the message meter is made at 7.00 in the morning.
  • Macro can use any chat teams.
  • Commands for macros can be administered in English or in Russian.
  • Macro can use the following constants to determine the target of the macro
    • Macro target constants Impossible Use if you write them next to other characters. For example, it will not work out the following macros "% target hello! or % target, how are you?
  • Macro can use the skills of the skills to use them using the command. / Useskill.
    • / Useskill [Skill Name] (as in the game with spaces and capital letters).
    • For the convenience of the players, the skiffing mechanism of skills in the macro is made, open the skill window simultaneously and the macro creation window and drag the skill to the macro window to the desired string.
  • Macro can use objects and skills in the hot key panels using the command. / UseShortcut.
    • / UseShortcut [Panel number] [Cell No.], eg, / UseShortcut 6 5 (Use the subject / skill in 5 cell on 6 panels).
    • For the convenience of players, the hotkeys panel slots are made to the macro, open the macro creation window and drag the subject / skill to the macro window to the desired string.
  • Macro can be launched again.
    • After adding a macro to the panel quick access Repeat can be run by clicking right mouse button.
    • Running reuse Macro is interrupted if you start other actions.
    • You can not reuse macros consisting of only messages in chat. When you activate the ban on the use of the chat, the time meter is displayed in the system message.
  • Macro can be copied and pasted using buttons Copy everything and Insert.
  • Use the button Templates You can call a list of frequently used commands and add them to your macros by clicking on them twice or simply dragging the mouse.
  • Macro command execution can be made forced adding postfix force To the command (analogue of pressing Ctrl on the keyboard)
    • For example: / UseskillForce, / UseShortCutforce., / attackforce.
  • You can add a condition to the execution of the command - not to move from the place by adding postfix stand (Analog Press Shift on Keyboard)
    • For example: / Useskillstand, / UseShortCutstand, / attackstand
  • You can postpone the following command of the macro using the command / Delay [sec.]
  • When using the skills (objects) having a recharge time, an animation appears on the macro icon, showing time until reused. For 60 seconds before the end of recharging the skill used in the macro, a timer counting the remaining seconds appears on the macro icon. If multiple skills are used in the macro, then the ability (object) with the highest recharge time is selected by default. However, using the% C command, you can display the recharge of the desired skill. If the Macro is used in the macro several times, there will be only the first use of the command.
    • For example: / Useskill Dark Blast% C

Creating a macro

  1. Open the macro interface in the menu or using the Alt + R key combination.
  2. Press the Add "key.
  3. Write the name of the macro (will appear when you hover the cursor on the macro icon).
  4. Select the macro icon.
  5. The "Templates" button will open a list of templates that can be added to their macros if necessary.
  6. If you want, you can describe the action of the macro in more detail. Macro description should not exceed 32 characters.
  7. Fill in the macro content in accordance with the rules described above.
    • Button + (Add) will add an empty string to the selected place, all entered earlier will move down. Shift 12th string down remove it.
    • Button x. (Delete a string) Deletes the selected string.
    • The "up" and "down" buttons move the string in the selected direction. If there is information in the adjacent lines, lines will occur.
    • The "Delete All" button completely clears the macro content.
  8. Buttons "Copy All" and "Paste" allow you to copy and transfer the macro content.
  9. Click the Save button to save all changes. The "Cancel" button will close the macro unchanged.

Editing macro

Deleting macro

Macros - Related pages
Basics: Installing the game and creating a race character classes Interface skills Macros Quest Group Battle With Monsters Earth Hunting Zone Ride Bosses System PK Fine Death
Clans: Clan alliance castles fortress abode clans mission clan
Competitions: Olympiad Festival Chaos
The game:

Macros in Lineage 2 allow you to make short sets of actions that the character will produce in automatic mode. Each macro can consist of a set of commands, skills, various messages in chat, as well as you can also set a time delay between actions.

One example, a fairly common macro for dancing or songs. When it starts, the character makes all the programmed songs or dances and, at their end, goes from the group, or remains in it and withstands a certain time to reuse dances. All these actions occur in automatic mode, you only need to activate the macro.

The second example of a popular macro is trading messages. It is configured in such a way that it sends messages to the desired chat, such as a trading, with frequency. For example, 1 time in 4 minutes, with this setting, the character will automatically offer its products within an hour.

A very popular way to use macros is the creation of sets to quickly shift equipment, sets of armor, talismans and the like.

It is important to understand what macros in Lineage 2 They are not an autonomous program similar to "bots", it is completely easily. But the list of its capabilities is much lower than among the above-mentioned program.

Creating a macro

The process of creating a macro consists of several simple steps:

1 step

Open the macro creation panel with keys Alt + R. or select the tab in the menu<Макро> And we see the following window.

2 step

In the window that opens<Макро> We choose the button Add. To create the macro itself, in the window that opens, fill the name of the macro Name. And its description Acronym. (not necessary).

We can choose the macro icon for better definition using different icons from the available :.

3 Step

Now the creation of the macro itself. Consider the easiest macro on the attack skill power Strike or any other Using the nipple. Of the skills we have in the arsenal we find the skill of Power Strike, then simply drag it into the macro window and put it on the desired line, in our case the second. Since we will use nipples, we put them on the first line, this can be done having floping their hot buttons panels. As a result, we obtain the following combination:

Thus, it is possible to alternate a combination of nipples and skills as long as free macro cells. You can add another skill, or action, for example, change the goal having threw the corresponding button from the Character Control Panel. In this way, you can create a simple macro on a car hunt.

Next Press the button save. And we save the macro received by us. If, during operation, errors are found, it can be easily corrected. The resulting macro can be placed in the hot key panel.

Commands to create a macro in Lineage 2

To write a macro, you can use commands that are written in lines. Examples of commands in Lineage 2:

To use any skill, you must put "/" further to register the full name of the skill, such as / Skill Power Strike.

  • / Skill "Skill Name"
  • / UseSKillForce "Skill Name" - Use the skill in the CTRL clamp mode
  • / Fixed Skill "Skill Name" - Using the Skill In the SHIFT key mode

To use any skills or item from the hot key panel, the following command is prescribed:

  • / Shortcut "Panel number, key number"

for example / Shortcut 1 4, this command will use magic nipples from the panel below.

To use any actions, stand, sit, dance, applaud, invite to a group or exit group and similar, we prescribe the full name of the action, for example

  • / Sitstand- sit
  • / target "goal name" - to highlight the purpose if it is in the visibility zone
  • / target% self- allocate yourself

Other teams:

  • % Self - you yourself
    % PET - your animal
    % Party1 ~% Party8 - respectively member members in the group control panel
    % target - one who is this moment Allocated

Messages in Chat.
! My Name IS% Self - will report your character's name

Other messages are written through the same characters as in the game chat, all special teams We must write through the space.
Very useful team "/ Delay X"Creates a delay in x - seconds.

On this short rate to create macros in Lineage 2 completed. Below are some examples of more complex sets.

Several examples of macros:

Buffe PP (the character gets up, chooses the specified target, throws the spells and sits down).

  • / Stand
  • / target "goal name"
    / Useskill Invigor.
    / Useskill Mental Shield
    / Useskill Shield.
    / Useskill Regeneration.
    / Useskill Bless The Body
    / Useskill Bless The Soul
    / Useskill Concentration
    / Useskill Acumen.
    / Useskill Wind Walk
    / Sit.

Macro on the collection of a lute (when starting it collects objects around itself):

  • / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.
    / Pickup.

Macro on periodic treatment target (every 10 seconds the specified object treats):

  • / Stand
  • / target "goal name"
    / Useskill Heal
    / Sit.
    / Delay 10.
    / Stand
  • / target "goal name"
    / Useskill Heal
    / Sit.
    / Delay 10.
    / Stand
  • / target "goal name"
    / Useskill Heal
    / Sit.

If we speak in a simple language, then the macro is a unique function that activates the sequence of different actions predetermined by the user. This feature It is used most often in various online projects, where the players need to press several different buttons as soon as possible. Of course, you can do everything both in the old way, pressing separate keysBut much easier to set the teams in advance for macro and do not bother yourself with superfluous televisions.

After analyzing this aspect using the example of mega popular MMORPG Lineage 2, we can say that almost all experienced gamers use macros for kaches and for battles in PVP. This function does not apply to the category of prohibited by analogy with the cheats, but provides players a certain advantage in the time of activation of abilities before people who do not use macros.

How to make a macro in Lineage 2? To do this, we need to go to the appropriate tab in the game menu or press the Alt + R key combination. A special window will open in which we can create your first macro - for this click on the Add button. After that, the window opens with several sections, where we need to transfer the actions that will later be activated in a specific sequence. Choose a character skills or simple actions (can be taken into the block even emotions), after which the macro icon itself should be transferred to the quick action panel and set hotkey to activate it. We can edit the macro at any time (the icon needs to be transferred to the "hammer") or delete it (the icon is transferred to the "basket").

Several important points

Each user should know that Aden Farm or participation in PVP battles with the help of macros is greatly facilitated. But here there are a number of rules that we must consider:

  • The name of the macro can contain only 12 letters and numbers;
  • You can transfer to the fields of macros not only skills and social actions, but also objects from the inventory and even the ability of your pets;
  • In the list of action of one macro can be only 48 different sequences;
  • In the macro, the number of commands is limited to the 12th.
  • It concerns the theory, now you can go to practice.

    Use macros in combat

    Most often, players in Lineage 2 macros are used for battles with representatives of hostile clans. To activate several skills as a short period of time, a series of consecutive actions should be performed:

  • Open the skills menu and menu of the created macro;
  • Transfer the desired skill to the macro string;
  • Perform the same action for all the following skills;
  • Drag the edited macro icon in the quick access panel.
  • Now that you will press one digit or letter (depends on what kind of hotkes you have chosen to activate), a sequence of several actions will trigger. Usually, a person cannot press several separate buttons for the fraction of a second, especially if we are talking about the activation of objects in the bag. And in such cases, this opportunity will have to be likewise.

    The same function can be used to change clothes on the character. For example, there is such a situation: you are shattered in Pvea in Pvea and suddenly a representative of the enemy clan appears next to you. By pressing only one button, you can completely change clothes on your character, which is more suitable for PVP. Soon, and you are ready to reverse the enemy. Agree, such a procedure would take much more time if you manually opened the inventory and successively put on each individual part of the set.

    Use macros for peaceful purposes

    In Lineage 2, you can very often find players who prefer most of the time to carry out peaceful classes, like fishing or trade. The latter is of great importance for any Server of the popular MMORPG, since it is precisely from the actions of merchants depending on the most popular resources, uniforms and consumables. And cyclic macros can significantly relieve the lives of those who like to resell the goods to other users, while getting a solid income.

    At the dawn of the Flaw L2, we all had to manually prescribe the ad text every time, which did the procedure for its sale very laborious and costly. Now it is enough to make the desired phrase into the macro and press one single button to send your message.

    To do this, you should conduct the same activities that are described in the macro combat use item, but with the only difference - in the field we introduce the text instead of dragging the abilities icons. For example, we have Talum Seth, which we want to sell. The following phrase should be prescribed to the macro: "I will sell Talum Seth, inexpensive." With this sign "!" It is responsible for sending a message to a certain chat, so that we can configure the function so that the text is shown in all the chat bookmarks. Many users turn off the trading window, as they do not like the extra spam, and the only way to reach them is the global chat.

    In conclusion, we can say that macros in Lineage 2 allow you to activate the action with a certain delay fraction. To do this, in the string before the skill or item, the text / Delay A should be prescribed, where a responding during the activation delay. Any user action (pressing other buttons on the keyboard or on the mouse) will cancel the action of the macro, so that you need to be extremely careful.

    I immediately want to say that this description There is only 1 copy, only on our website Full description Macros!
    A huge request, if you see this description on other sources without posting my link to write on the forum, and you will receive a reward!

    So, let's begin!

    The macro is a software object that during the calculation is replaced by a new object created by the macro determination based on its arguments, is then expressed in the usual way.
    I myself did not understand what I said, but it is!
    By a simple macro - automatic use of several pre-selected operations.

    To work with macros, press Menu, then Macro (Macro) or use the ALT + R keys combination):

    To create a macro, use the Add buttons (add)

    To edit a macro transfer the macro icon on the hammer

    To remove a macro transfer the macro icon on the ballot

    The created macro can be placed on HotKey (the panel to which skills usually is usually exhibited):

    The name of the macro can contain a maximum of 12 characters.
    When creating macros, you can use any chat commands, you can also use any text.
    All you can do with macros can be done with the help of a chat!
    The player is allowed to store no more than 48 macros
    Each macro can contain up to 12 commands.

    Each command may contain no more than 32 characters.
    Acronym (Redf.) - short description Macro is not more than 4 characters, will be depicted on the macro icon.

    Macro icon can be changed using arrows under the icon

    With the theory like everything will turn to practice

    Macros, and how to work with them. Practice

    Macro can be used in almost all areas of activity in the game Lineage 2:
    - Use of skills
    - Use of inventory items
    - Trade
    - Actions with pet
    - Perform any commands

    1. Using skills.
    Any skill which has a character can be used in macros.
    In order to add the required skill to the macro, you must open the skill window and open the macro edit window.

    Then, transfer the skill icon into the macro window

    Also, in order to use the skills in the macro, you can use the "/" command and write the full name of the skill (including spaces), as it is written in the skill window.
    For example:
    / Useskill Mortal Blow
    If you enter
    / UseskillForce Mortal Blow
    Then the skill will be used as it was used with the "Ctrl"
    2. Use of inventory items
    To use inventory items, we will need our HotKey.

    First, take the items that you want to use on any place gotkey \\ "I.

    I carried on the panel to 6 string in 1 2 3 4 cells Talum Khevi Set.
    Now open the macro edit window, and transfer it alternately every thing with HotKey \\ "I'm in the macro command window.

    Save the macro.

    Now, when using this macro, we will wear / remove our set.

    Also, to use a specific HOTKEY \\ "cell \\" I can use / Shortcut 6 1. Where 6 is the row of HotKey \\ "I, 1 - the HOTKEY \\" Cell.

    3. Trade.

    In Lineage 2 macros are very often used for trading, whatever to write one and several times.

    I will sell my talum husky set:

    In the editing window of the macro in the first line, you must enter! Sell Talumhevi Set PM

    Sell \u200b\u200bTalumhevi Set PM

    Save the macro.

    In the chat window you will see:

    4. Actions with pet.

    In order to select a pet, you need to enter the following command:

    5. Perform any commands

    / Target "Nickname" - to highlight the character with a given nickname.

    / FriendInvite% target - Add a selected character to friends.

    / Nick "Any 16 Called Meaning" - change your title.

    / target% Party1 -% Party8 - highlight a character in a party 1-8

    / FriendList displays a list of friends.

    / FriendInvite [Character] Invitation to Friends.

    / Frienddel [Character] Removes the specified character from the list of friends.

    / Blocklist displays a list of ignorist.

    / Block [Character] adds the specified player in the list of the ignorist.

    / Unblock [Character] Removes the specified character from the list of ignore.

    / Allblock Enable silence mode. Turning off chat.

    / ALLUNBLOCK Turn off the silence mode.

    % SELF Any action will be directed to itself.

    % PET Any action will be directed to a pet.

    / UseShortcut [Line] [Cell] Use the slot from the quick access panel.

    / UseShortCutForce [Line] [Cell] Forced to use the slot from the quick access panel. The adversary character can be in any mode.

    / Useskill [skill] Use the specified skill / spell.

    / UseSKillForce [skill] Forcusably use the specified skill / spell. The adversary character can be in any mode.

    / UnderatTackList shows the list of clans who announced the war to you, but not received the announcement of the war from your clan.

    / AttackList shows the list of adversaries clans, which the war declared, but they did not answer the declaration of war.

    / Warlist shows a list of enemy and friendly clans that mutually declared war to each other.

    / clanwarstart declare war on another clan.

    / Clanwarstop complete the clans war.

    / Siegestatus Show members of the clan on the siege (only for NOBLESSE).

    Also in macros, you can use the / Delay A command, where a is the number of seconds. This command pauses between performing actions.

    Do not forget! What any of your action will cancel the work of the macro, whether it is pressed on the keyboard or mouse.