Schemes of simple tonal telegraph keys of radio amateurs. Electronic telegraph keys

Your attention is offered a simple electronic telegraph key with the use of modern element base - PIC controller. This made it possible to minimize the size of the device and embed it directly into the transceiver.

The telegraph key was developed for embedding in the transceiver, however, it can be used as a separate unit. The device diagram is shown in Fig. one.

The key is designed to form a telegraph alphabet signs. The principle of operation is very simple. In the initial state, the SB3 manipulator is in the middle position.

At the conclusions 17 (RAO) and 18 (Ra1), the DD1 microcontroller is high levels. When transferring a manipulator to the bottom according to the scheme, the position at the output 6 (RBO) there is a series of pulses corresponding to the "points". "Points" will be generated while the manipulator is pressed. Duration of each "point"

determined by the set speed. Similarly, when transferring a manipulator to the top according to the scheme, the "dash" is formed.

The SB1 and SB2 buttons are designed to change the signaling rate. The set speed is recorded in the first EEPROM cell. The next time you turn on the device, the program reads the value of this cell and sets the speed.

Such a solution, as well as the use of a quartz resonator, always allows and with high accuracy to set the transmission rate, which depends only on temperature and supply voltage. Manipulation is carried out by an active low signal from the collector of the VT1 transistor.

When developing the device, the main goal was the simplicity and minimum of details. The ability to record in memory was not developed due to the fact that now computers are mainly used on the amateur radio station.

A B. computer programs Working with the so-called "macros" is implemented at such a level that in the "hardware" it is almost unrealistic. Therefore, the key is used, as a rule, with everyday radio communications or in field conditions.

The key has a single sign - the so-called "yambic" mode. That is, if at the time of playback, for example, a dash, the point will be pressed, then at the end of playing a dash, this point will also sound. And on the contrary. The speed can be adjusted from the lowest to Approximately 120 hours per minute.

Due to the fact that the key is intended to embed into the transceiver, it does not provide a tone output. Control is carried out according to the QSK chain of the transceiver.

When using a key in the form of a separate device, you can add a sound generator for self-control and control the DD1 microcontroller from the output. Another option is to use the so-called "buzzer" from the computer. This is a small amount of capsule, which when the voltage is applied to it, the tone signal is radiated in the range of 0.8 ... 2 kHz.

In fig. 2 shows a circuit board for a device collected from conventional parts, and in Fig. 3 - for the details of the surface mounting (size 0805). The location of the parts is shown on the scale of 2: 1.

When programming a microcontroller, you need to install Fosco and WDTE flags. The programming data is shown in Table 1. When the microcontroller is first turned on, reads the speed value from the first EEPROM cell. If the microcontroller has not been programmed before, then in this cell, most likely will be recorded hexadecimal Ff. This corresponds to the smallest speed. If you wish, at the programming stage, another hexadecimal number can be added to this cell, for example, 2a, which will correspond to the average speed.

Table 1.

The 78L05 electronic stabilizer can be replaced by the KR142EN5A in the usual version, and it may be necessary to increase the size of the printed circuit board. If it is supposed to work on the battery of electroplating elements, you can not install the stabilizer at all. Of course, the battery voltage should not exceed 5.5 V. The supply voltage for the PIC16F84 microcontroller, submitted by the manufacturer, can lie within 4.5 ... 5,5 V using high frequency quartz resonator as a definition generator (HS).

The frequency of the quartz resonator ZQ1 may differ from the specified on the diagram. From the random frequency depend on the upper and lower values \u200b\u200bof the speed. As a transistor VT1, any silicon N-P-n conductivity is suitable, for example, from the Kt3102 series, CT645, etc. It is only necessary to make sure that the maximum current and collector voltage is not less than required to switch the load.

If the SB3 manipulator is located on a certain distance from the device, you need to install blocking ceramic capacitors with a capacity of 1000 PF connected to the terminals 17 and 18 DD1, as well as apply the resistors R5 and R6 smaller resistance (1 ... 2 com). Similar recommendations relate to the speed control buttons.

Download Firmware p1c-controller.

E. Krobhevich, ( VQ. 2 Le. )

One example of applying logical integrated circuits (ISS) in amplifier practices is the automatic telegraph key offered to the attention of readers, characterized by small dimensions, high reliability and ease of operation.

It can be used both diode-transistor and transistor-transistor logic and transistor and transistor-transistor logic and transistor and transistor logic EMBs and (valves) and the jK triggers tactable by the front.

Fig. 1. Concept of automatic telegraph key

The key concept is shown in Fig. 1. The device comprises a clock pulse generator (GTI) built on valves D1.1and D1.2,triggers. D3.and D4,trigger control circuit on elements D1.S.and D1.4,monitor assembled on valves D2.1,D2.2.and D2.3,and terminal cascade on the basis of the element D2.4.and transistors V7and V8.Stress plots in the scheme illustrating its work are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Epures of signals in the scheme

Triggers. D3.and D4.the key is operating in the counting mode and share the frequency of clock pulses (Fig. 2, but),following with a period T,on 2. to the end-cascade signals from outputs D3.and D4.enroll through a schema D2.4,exercising I. Thus, trigger D3.generates points and intervals lasting T.(Fig. 2, b), and add from the exit D4.the signal shown in Fig. 2, in,duration 2T.ensures the formation of a dash, the duration of which will be obviously ZT.A summable signal (see Fig. 2, d)with exit D2.4.enters the entrance of the terminal cascade - to the transistor base V7.

In the process of transmission by the manipulator, the inputs of the valve commute D1.3.and D1.4,in this case, to the triggers from the outputs of the elements D1.3.and D1.4.there are signals that resolve their switching. Communication inverse yield of trigger D4.with the entrance of the valve D1.3.necessary to resolve the work of the trigger the account mode when generating a wave signal, regardless of the position of the manipulator during the transfer of this sign. In the scheme of the proposed key, an additional Communication of the Output of GTI with the input J 4 trigger D4,excluding the possibility of simultaneously generating signals from 3 \u003d 0 and J 4 \u003d 1, which would lead to the likelihood of false dash transmission instead of a point (a substituent index of the trigger input title corresponds to the trigger sequence number).

To estimate the advantages of the automatic telegraph key circuit with the use of the JK-Trigger Tactable Front, the fact that to switch the JK-trigger from zero to the unit is not necessarily a long presence of the unit at the input J. To change its condition, quite at least short-term matching time J \u003d 1 and the tops of the clock pulse. Thus, the coincidence of signals J.\u003d 1 I. C \u003d.1 at subsequent j \u003d 0 and FROM\u003d 1 ensures the memorization of the received control signal and, therefore, the memory of the position of the manipulator. IN this case The clock pulses come with a duration of 2 (the pause duration is equal to the pulse duration), and the position of the manipulator is remembered here during the half of the interval between the two signs of the message, which directly adjoins the next sign. The closure of the manipulator in the time interval when with 3 \u003d oh will not have a response. Note that when transmitting a message at a low rate when the real duration of pressed the manipulator can be much shorter than the point (or interval) between the message signs, the position of the position of the manipulator is required throughout the interval to ensure reliable response to each closure of the manipulator. On the contrary, at high message transmission rates, the actual duration of pressed manipulator can be somewhat longer point. In this case, the memory of the position of the manipulator is generally not needed (at least throughout the interval), since if it is presented, even the smallest overexpose of the manipulator will lead to a testing of an excess mark. Thus, the construction of the proposed key with the memory of the manipulator position is in half the interval between the messages of the message is a solution that meets both these contradictory requirements that meets simultaneously.

GTI of the proposed key is built on a simple diagram of a symmetric multivibrator on the valves D1.1and D1.2with chalked capacitors C1.and C2. The frequency of the clock pulses and, therefore, the message transfer rate is adjusted R3depending on the desire or qualification of the operator. When designing a key, it should be kept in mind a rather acute dependence in such a state of GTI of the generation frequency from the supply voltage. So, for example, when the adjustment position R3corresponds to the maximum transfer rate (engine R3on the housing), a change in the supply voltage by 1% causes a change in the frequency of the following clock pulses by 3-5%. This circumstance imposes certain requirements for the stability of the power supply. In the process of settling GTI, there is a breakdown or instability of generation. The essence of this phenomenon is that with simultaneous charge of capacitors C1.and C2.prior to the same voltage, the inputs of both the multivibrator valves do the levels of logical zero, and the outputs are the levels of a logical unit, and the generation, therefore, is absent. If in the process of setting in GTI, such a breakdown of generation occurred, you should turn off the power and discharge both capacitors. From the point of view of sustainable generation of GTI, the supply voltage into the key circuit should be supplied with a sharp front, for example, using a toggle. Diodes VIand V2.designed to protect the inputs of the valves D1.1and D1.2from negative semi-wave of voltage generated when discharge capacitors C1.and G2.The absence of these diodes can lead to the failures in the key.

As already mentioned, in the device shown in Fig. 1, at the output of the GTI, pulses with a duration of 2 (meander) are formed, which ensures the memory of the manipulator position in half the interval between the message signs. Within this interval, memory can be increased or shortened at the desire of the designer. To do this, it is enough to break the symmetry of the shoulder of the multivibrator by changing the capacitors of the capacitors C1.and C2.

The presence in the monitor key scheme, at least as a layout, significantly simplifies the process of adjusting the device, and the use of the monitor in the final structure does not impair the overall reliability and noise immunity, but it facilitates the operator's work.

In this case, the monitor is a low-frequency generator of rectangular signals, assembled according to the multivibrator scheme on logical elements. D2.1.and D2.2.The monitor also includes a key buffer cascade on the valve. D2.3.One high-alone or a number of low-level headphones can be connected to the monitor input. The most efficient use of TM-2M microthephon.

The output cascade of the telegraph key can be built according to different concepts, both using transistors and chip. In fig. 3 shows a variant of building a key output cascade using the K155 series chip, and in Fig. 4 and 5 - using transistors, such as KT315. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when designing. In particular, when constructing a transistor version of the output cascade for its power, relatively high voltages can be used, limited only by the maximum valid voltage "collector - emitter" of the transistor used, - from here a wide selection of relay types P1,nominal triggered currents should not exceed 100 mA (in relation to transistors KT315). In addition, the installation area occupied by two CT315 transistors, less than the area occupied by the microcircuit. When building an integral version of the output cascade Power relay and logical microcircuits Must be carried out by the same voltage, and limiting the maximum output current of each valve (15-30 mA) makes it difficult to choose a relay with proper voltage levels and response power. In addition, the design in this version is loaded enough large quantity Attached elements (R10 - R13in fig. 3) for uniform load distribution on each valve.

Fig. 3. Option of building an output cascade key on logical chips

Fig. 4. Option of construction of the output cascade of a key on transistors (triggering P1)

Fig. 5. Option of building a key cascade on a transistor (trigger openingP. 1)

Use the chips in the output cascade of the key is only in cases where all operational radio station automatics is made on logical elements with the same supply voltage (+ 5 V), and the power supply has sufficient output power. The use of transistor cascades depicted in the figures of Fig. 4 and 5, justified in cases where in order to reduce the number of microcircuits from the design, monitor and valve are excluded D2.4.In other cases, it is advisable to build a terminal cascade according to the scheme of Fig. one.

Fig. 6. Circuit GTI

Of particular interest is the use of GTI as part of the telegraph key, the schematic diagram of which is depicted in Fig. 6. Here with the help of a resistor R3at the same time, the frequency and strength of the clock pulses are adjusted. This allows at low transmission speeds to work with the position of the manipulator position almost all over the interval between the messages of the message, thereby ensuring the unambiguous key response to any short-term closure of the manipulator. With the maximum key speed of the key, the position of the manipulator position in the interval between the adjacent messages of the message is practically absent, which eliminates the development of unnecessary signs of the message with possible overtakes of the manipulator. Note that in the middle of the speed control range, the position memory of the manipulator, as in the key scheme of Fig. 1, covers half the interval between adjacent messages of the message.

The parameters of the hinged elements and the numbers of the chip conclusions are indicated in the case of the application of the use of the K155 or K136. As valves D1.1 - D1.4.and D2.1. - can use K155LAZ or K136LAZ, and as triggers D3.and D4.- IS K155TV1 or K136TV1. Thus, the scheme is built on four integrated chips. However, by eliminating the monitor and changing the construction of the output stage, you can do three chips, and the use of IMS containing two JK trigger in one case, for example K134TV14, reduces the number of microcircuits to two.

You can use any silicon or germanium small diodes with small leakage currents, but the most desce and most intelligible microcircuits are combined with microminiature KD102 or KD104 diodes with any letter indexes.

Some chip inputs when constructing a key scheme remain unsuitable. In general, to increase the noise immunity, the logical unit voltage (+ 2.5 - b4 c) should be supplied, and also shung the power outputs of each chip at its place of its installation with a capacitor with a capacity of 0.1 μF. However, given the lack of figures in the scheme. 1 long lines based on powerful pulses with steep fronts, and sufficiently large response power of the elements of the K155 and K136 elements, it is quite acceptable inexped inputs to leave unconnected (such as installation inputs R.and 5 triggers D3.and D4).Unused inputs J and K.triggers can also be left unconnected, or combine unused inputs J with one of the engined inputs J or with the output Q; and inlets TO- with the release of each trigger, especially since the inputs of J most integral JK triggers are located near the output Q, and the inputs TO- With exit Q.This is solved in each case in the process of compiling a mounting scheme. Unused ventilation inputs 2Is are not combined with workers. In the stage of macating and adjustment, however, unused conclusions are not recommended; Then, in case of failure of one of the working inputs, it will be possible to use previously unused.

To increase the overall noise immunity of the key in cases, there is not enough effectively shielded output cascade of the transmitter or with other interference in places of connection to the device of conductors from the potentiometer engine R3and the electrodes of the manipulator, if necessary, should establish the disconnecting capacitors with p capacity 0.022 - 0.068 Igf. Diode V4.installed to protect the valve entry D1.3.from the pressing of positive polarity, which increases noise immunity by chains of manipulation. Capacitor C5.we are necessary to eliminate the impact on the switching noise key circuit arising from the operation of the relay PLRelay Contacts P1in the transmitter manipulation chains, the RC-chain is shunted to eliminate their sparks, as well as for electrical neutralization of vibration of contacts at the time of switching. This requirement is not specific due to the use of microcircuits in the key design; It, however, it is important to keep in mind, especially when trying to imitate the GTI Action button to verify the operation of the logical part of the key scheme. Capacitor with a Capacity 0.047 - 0.068 μF is included on the power bus to prevent pulse voltage bursts at the time of switching the elements of the circuit during the key.

A large number of telegraph key schemes is published in the periodical printing and on the Internet, but not everyone can satisfy the creepy telegraphist. The key is assembled on a large number of component elements, then these elements are too "serious" for such an uncomplicated design.

For example, if the key is made on the microcontroller, it will require its acquisition and programming, which is not always available. And the diagram is too simple, and the device collected by it has not all the required capabilities.

Schematic scheme

Searching for a "ready-made simple" key schema for your new future transceiver, I could not find the desired (neither in periodic printing or on the Internet). Moreover, we met a lot of posts with questions on the Internet, it was on this topic. However, my attention still attracted the scheme of one telegraph key, which has long been almost classical.

It is assembled on three chips K176L5, K176L7 and K176TM1. AND minimal service The key is in stock, and the scheme is not very complex, and the power is 9 in, so you do not need a separate power source in the transceiver for the telegraph key. And if you apply the chips of the K561 series, then it will come up with 12 V, which is even more convenient.

Although I met the key scheme performed on all two chips K561I1I11 and K561L5, but here the user feedback about his work was not very flattering, and the K561I1I microcircuit is not so common as I would like. Therefore, I attempted to simplify the key scheme made on three chips, which is taken as a prototype.

Fig. 1. Electronic telegraph key, scheme.

As a result of this modernization, a telegraph key was developed, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 1 and the basic parameters of which are practically coincided with the prototype parameters.

The same supply voltage is used, the transfer rate is 30 ... 270 characters per minute, its interval is slightly expanded to obtain the minimum speed adopted as an initial when professional learning Telegraph alphabet.

The widely available microcircuits of a small degree of integration and, among other things, their number, as well as transistors and diodes, are less than.

In this case, the device is equipped with both sound and light alarms, allows connecting an external relay to control various nodes with galvanic junction and allows you to control the operation of telegraph heterodynes.

There is an output to the alert of the receiver to organize the self-sewing during the transfer of telegraph signals, it is possible to control other devices using logical levels.

The sound control of the generated signals is carried out using the BF1 telephone capxyl, visual - using the HL1 LED.

On the elements DD1.1, DD1.2, a pulse RC generator with an adjustable frequency is assembled. The R2 resistor can adjust the transfer rate in the above interval. On the trigger DD2.1, the dot formator is assembled, on the DD2.2 trigger, together with the trigger DD2.1 - the formator of the dash.

On diodes VD3, VD4, the element is assembled or, on the logical elements of DD1.3, DD1.4 - the sound frequency generator, on the transistor VT1 - the key.

Works key as follows. In the neutral position of the SA1 manipulator, one of the inputs (output 2) of the DD1.1 element and one of the inputs (terminal 6) of the DD1.2 element through the R3 resistor comes with a voltage corresponding to the log level. 1, therefore, the pulse generator is inhibited and at the entrance C (output 3) of the trigger DD2.1 - log.

0. At the same time log. 1 At the input R trigger DD2.2 sets the same level at its inverse output (output 12). When translating the SA1 manipulator to the "point" position (left according to the diagram) to the conclusions 2 and 6 of the DD1 chips arrive.

0, and the pulse generator begins to work. Its output pulses are entered on the input C (output 3) of the trigger DD2.1, which generates a point signal coming through the VD3 diode to the transistor database VT1, the latter is periodically opened, and the HL1 LED starts glowing into the tact of these signals.

Inverted pulses from the collector of the transistor VT 1 through the R7 resistor arrive at the input (output 9) of the DD1.3 element. As a result, the sound generator begins to generate telegraph packages 34 of the signal with a frequency of about 1 kHz. The frequency of the audio generator is determined by the rates of the elements R8 and C7. The status of the trigger DD2.2 does not change, because on its input R (output 10) through the R4 resistor flows the level of the log. 1. The key ensures the formation of the signal point of normal duration even with short-term closure of the SA1 manipulator.

When translating the SA1 manipulator to the "dash" position (right according to the scheme), the pulse generator and the DD2.1 trigger work, as in the "point" position, however, the trigger DD2.2 input is a log. 0, so it changes its state under the action of pulses from the output of the DD2.1 trigger.

The pulses from the outputs of triggers DD2.1 and DD2.2 via VD3 diodes, VD4 arrive at the R5 resistor, where they are summed by forming a dash signal. The key provides the transfer of a dash of normal duration even with short-term closure of the manipulator. The duration of the point is equal to the duration of the pause, the duration of the duration - the duration of three points.

The C4 condenser blocks the control circuits of the RF, it suppresses the flooring, which allows you to remove the LED for some removal from the cascade, for example, on the front panel, the C5 condenser ensures the softness of the telegraph transmission (in the case of electronic control of the telegraph heterodyne), the front depend on its capacitance. Telegraph parcel decline. The device is assembled on maquet pCB With wired mounting. The K176 series chips can be replaced with similar K561 series (K564), while the supply voltage can be increased to 15 V. Resistors - MLT, C2-23, oxide capacitors - K50-35 or imported, other - ceramic K10-17 or film K73 series.

Transistor - any series KT315, KT3102. The relay can apply any small-sized with a rated voltage corresponding to the power supply voltage, and the current response current is not more than 100 mA. For example, domestic RES10 (passport PS4.524.303 or RS4.524.312), RES15 (execution of PC4.591.002 or CP4.591.009), RES49 (execution of PC4.569.421 -02 or PC4.569.421-08).

LED can apply a low-power of any glow, it is desirable to place it on the front panel of the transceiver. A telephone capsule BF1 - TA56M with a coil resistance of 1.6 com, you can apply a similar high-resistance capsule tone-2.

The current-consumed current in silence mode is 0.3 mA, in the "point" mode - 10 mA, in the "dash" mode - 15 mA, which is somewhat more than that of the prototype, but that "requires" light and sound alarms.

Telegraph heterodines

The key can control quartz telegraph heterodines along the collector chain (Fig. 2), the source (Fig. 3) and the emitter (Fig. 4). All three generators are made according to the Capacitive Three Scheme.

Fig. 2. Scheme of quartz telegraphic heterodyne.

Fig. 3. Scheme of quartz telegraph heterodyne (option 2).

Fig. 4. Scheme of quartz telegraphic heterodyne (option 3).

Strip condensers included in the chain of a quartz resonator provide an adjustment of the generation frequency, and the same capacitors installed at the output are adjusted to adjust the signal level entering subsequent cascades.

Vladimir Rubtsov (UN7BV), Astana, Kazakhstan. Radio-12-17.


  1. Radsepp X. Economical telegraph key. - Radio, 1986, No. 4, p. 17.
  2. Vasilyev V. Key on two chips. - Radio, 1987, No. 9, p. 22, 23.

Radiostators are widely used by electronic telegraph keys. They allow us to facilitate the work of the operator and increase the efficiency of work on the radio station.

Simple small sigrite

In fig. 1 shows the scheme of a simple small-sized electronic key, the principle of operation is based. On the charge and discharge of the RC chain. consisting of capacitors C /, C2, diode D1 and resistors RL, R2. Such schemes have already been described on the pages of the magazine. For interrupting the charge current, the P1 / 1 relays P1 are served on the winding of this relay. Exponential pulses of negative polarity appear, which via the R4 divider, R5 are fed to the T2 transistor base and cause the R2 relay.

The design uses common details of small dimensions, which allowed to place the key on a small gety-axis board with dimensions of 35x60 mm.

The board is strengthened on the steel plate with dimensions of 100x60x10 mm, they also set a manipulator, the design of which can be any. From above, the plate is covered with a casing.

To reduce the response voltage of both relays (RES-10, PC4.524.302 passport) is subjected to a small refinement: the sequential light bending of the springs achieve a clear response of the relay at a voltage of 10 V.

The key to the key is not essential, difficulties. Initially, it is necessary to establish the ratio of dash and points by selecting the C1 capacitor capacity. . With the help of the resistor R5 find the ratio between the parcels and pauses. Do this when operating the key at a speed of 90-100 characters per minute, then the change in the ratio at the edges of the speed ranges will be insignificant.

The main advantages of the key are simplicity, small dimensions and immunity to high frequency fields. Its shortcomings can be attributed to the simplest telegraph keys, based on the principle of charge and discharge of capacitors, elongation of the first dash compared to the subsequent.

With an emitter repeater

Increased input resistance The key transistor, you can save the discharge time constant to reduce the capacitors. This allows you to reduce the scatter of duration durations, as stated in the previous note. In the key, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 2, the increase in resistance is achieved by using an additional emitter repeater on the T1 transistor. As a result, at speeds of 30-60 signs per minute, the difference in the durations of the first and subsequent dash is very insignificant, and on more high speeds It is completely invisible.

The principle of the key of the key is clear from the scheme. Diode d4 is used to create a small closing offset voltage on the T2 transistor, for self-control of the transmission quality, a sound generator is provided on the TK and T4 transistors.

Using the resistor R3 adjust the transmission rate, the R7 resistor sets the desired frequency of sound oscillations.

Although polarized RP-5 relays (PSR passport.259.025) were applied in the design (RSZ.259.025), they can be replaced by other relays with suitable triggering currents (for example, RES-6). In this case, the need for a relay installation in one of the extreme positions (currents through resistors R6 and R10) disappears. As C1 and C2, it is better to use Capacitors of MBGP-1, since electrolytic capacitors have large leakage currents and grooving containers.

When using the key only for training in the reception and transmission of the P2 relay and the associated circuits can be excluded.

Winners of Socialist Competition

Board of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR and the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Communications workers summed up the results of the All-Union Socialist Competition of Groups and Communications Management for the IV quarter of 1973

Rolling the Red Banner of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Communications Workers' Trade Union, together with the first monetary prize, awarded the team of the Union Network of Main Relations and Television No. 1 (Head of Tov. Kuklin, Chairman of the Committee of Trade Union Tov. Ievlev). In the fourth quarter of 1973, a plan for labor productivity was carried out by 113 percent, the development of one employee increased by 5 percent. Compared to the corresponding period of 1972, the profit plan was significantly overfulfilled. Calculated profitability exceeded the planned. Big job The network was carried out on the introduction of new technology.

The same high award was also awarded the team of the Union Node of Radio Broadcasting and Radio Communication No. 2 (Head of Tov. Galyuk, Chairman of the Commander of the Trade Union of Tov. Belov). He also exceeded all the main planned indicators and achieved improved quality of technical equipment.

The team of the Republican Node of Radio Broadcasting and Radio Communication of the Tajik SSR (head of the Tov, Chairman of the Republican Trade Union Committee, Chairman of the Republican Trade Union Committee, was achieved. The work carried out here to improve the economic and technical knowledge of workers contributed to a significant improvement in the quality of the operation of equipment. This is evidenced by the lack of breaks in the work of technical means and marriage on radio communications and television, this team, which has overpowered all the planned tasks, awarded the Red Banner of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Communications Workers with the First Money Prize.

Among the winners of the Socialist Competition of Communications Workers Russian Federation - The team of the Union Node of Broadcasting and Radio Communication No. 3 (and. Oh. Head of Tov. Tsarkov, Chairman of the Committee of Trade Union Tov. Krasnov). He exceeded the profit plan and productivity plan, provided strict compliance with the schedule on the main bonds. The successes achieved by the team of the node are noted by awarding the USSR Ministry of Communications of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Communications Workers of Communications and the first monetary premium.

The second monetary premiums are awarded to the teams of workers of the Union Network of Main Relations and Television No. 5 (Head of Tov. Pomerances, Chairman of the Committee of Trade Union Tov. Krasnov) and the Leningrad City Radio Translation Network (Head of Tov. Ivanov, Chairman of the Commander of the trade union Tov. Belov).

Third cash premiums were awarded to the collectives of the Barnaul City Radio Provisional Node (Head of Tov. Pelievin, Chairman of the Moscow Tov. Shcherbakov), SMU-17 trust by Radio (Head of Tov. Nikolaev, Chairman of the Moscow Tov. Dudarev) and SMU-305 Dumer , Chairman of the Moscow Tov. Sukonin).

Device for changing the speed of the wiper

With a weak rain or snowfall, a small speed of movement of the car wiper brushes is sufficient, and it should be maximum with intense. To change the speed of the brush, the Bulgarian radio amateur is proposed simple electronic device, the scheme of which is given on. Picture. It was installed on the car Zaporozhets 966 and showed good results. The main part of the device is a multivibrator with a DC amplifier at the output. The capacitance of multivibrator capacitor is different, it is necessary to obtain asymmetric pulses. For smooth change Pauses from 2 to 10 s Designed variable resistor R 3. As practice has shown, this range is quite enough. The multivibrator power is stabilized by a diode D1 at 10 B, which eliminates the dependence of the multivibrator mode from the speed of the car engine.

A variable R3 resistor is installed on the dashboard and are connected by the shielded wire with the device. P1 16S Ohm Relay Winding Resistance. The device is connected so that the power to it is fed only when the ignition key is inserted into place.

Note: Instead of SFT308 transistors, you can use any low-power transistors, instead of SFT323-MP20-MP21.

In parallel, the relay winding should be included a diode, the plus output to the right output (according to the scheme) of the R6 resistor, minus - to the collector of the TZ transistor.

Between the base and emitter of the TK transistor, it is necessary to include a resistance resistance of about 500 ohms.

Amy on four transistors

Amy, the scheme of which is shown in the figure, is a single-haired musical instrument.

On the T1 transistor, the specifying generator is collected, the signal from which is fed to the cascade of the formation of sounds, made on two transistors T2 and TK. Signals of different tonality are formed by changing the resistance of the resistors connected to the database of the T2 transistor.

From the collector of the TK transistor, the signal enters the output amplifier (T4), the resistance of the sound coil of the loudspeaker is 15 ohms.

Keyboard design Amy can be any.

NoteTransistors 2N2926G can be replaced by KT315B, CT315G. Kt3i5e. A transistor 2N4289-HS KT360B. CT347B.

BestranFormator voltage converter

The tensile voltage converter, the diagram of which is shown in the figure, consists of three parts: a definition multivibrator on TZ, T4 transistors, two amplifiers on transistors T1, T2, and T.5, T6 and rectifier on diodes D1-D4.

Consider the operation of the converter. Suppose that 8 this moment The TK transistor is open. The voltage at its collector decreases dramatically from 6 to 0. This voltage pulse will open the T2 transistor and will close the TK. The pulse at the outlet of the transistor T2 also has the voltage and phase as the input, but will be significantly reinforced by the current. With the emitter of the transistor T2, it enters through the C1 capacitor to the rectifier. The next moment the TK transistor closes, and the T4 opens, and the process is similar to the described.

Since the left and right vertices of the rectifier bridge (see the scheme) arrive the pulses of the opposite polarity, the straightened voltage will be twice as much as the supply, i.e. 12 V.

Due to the fact that the power transmitted from the primary chain into the secondary, proportional to the frequency, the operating frequency should be high enough. TZ and T4 transistors must have the same parameters.

When using parts with rates; specified by conceptThe converter provided voltage 12 V in idle mode, 11 V with a load resistance of 100 ohms, 10 V at 50 ohms, 7 V at 10 ohms.

Note Transistors of Sun107 can be replaced by KT315, LD161, ad162-GT402, GT404. In the rectifier, you can use D226 diodes.

Automatic telegraph key

For many years, athletes and telegraph radio amateurs and telegraphists of communication nodes for the transfer of "Morzyanka" prefer to use an automatic telegraph key. Such an electronic device, controlled by a mechanical manipulator, provides a clearer transmission of Morse code signs with smaller loads on the fingers of the operator's hands. It also makes it easy to adjust the transfer rate of the marks of the telegraph alphabet, without disturbing the adopted ratio of the duration of the sound and dash (1: 3).

We offer for practical use A simple automatic telegraph key on three K155 series chips (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Telegraph key

It contains a clock generator on the elements DD1.1-DD1.3, the "points" and "dial" formator on DD3.1 DD3.1 DD3.2 DD3.2, pulse adder on the DD2.4 element, a tone generator on DD2.1 elements, DD2.2 and transistor VT1, which serves for auditory control of telegram transmission, an amateur radio transmitter control unit (VT2 transistor and electromagnetic relay K1) and a SA1 manipulator with a DD2.3 element.

How does such a telegraph key work? In the neutral position of the SA1 manipulator, when its anchor does not touch the side contacts, the clock generator does not work, as the voltage is blocked low level On the lower diagram of the input of the DD1.1 element, connected to the overall wire through the R3 resistor of relatively low resistance. A tone control generator is also blocked by a low-level voltage from the output of the DD2.4 element. This element is in zero state because at this time at the direct output of the trigger DD3.1 and the inverse output of the DD3.2 trigger, the high-level voltage is valid.

The operation of the telegraph key illustrate the temporary diagrams shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Temporary diagrams

To form a "dash" by an anchor of the SA1 manipulator relate to the left (according to the scheme) of the contact. The DD2.3 element switches to the unit status and the output voltage of the high level starts the clock generator. From this point on, at the output of the matching inverter DD1.4, pulses of a clock generator appear (diagram and in Fig. 2), which enter the entrance from the trigger DD3.1. The period of the pulse sequence of the clock generator, adjustable by the variable resistor R1, is the duration of the "point".

Upon the front of the first pulse, the trigger DD3.1 switches to the opposite state, as a result of which a low-level voltage appears on its direct output, which translates the DD2.4 element into a single state. At the same time, a tonal generator is turned on, since now high-level voltage appeared on the upper input of the element DD2.2. Sound frequency pulses enhances the VT1 transistor included with the emitter repeater, and from the R7 variable resistor engine included in the emitter circuit of the transistor, the pulses arrive at the BF1 headphones. At the same time, the relay K1 will work, the contacts K1.1 of which the transmitter manipulates.

Upon the edge of the second pulse of the clock generator, the trigger DD3.1 switches to a single state and the voltage drop on the inverse output translates the trigger DD3.2 to the zero state (Chart B and B in Fig. 2). Now, on the lower in the diagram of the input of the DD2.4 element, there will be a low level voltage, but the unit state of this element will be survived at the time of the duration of two "points" (diagram G in Fig. 2). Only on the front of the fourth pulse of the clock generator, when both triggers will take the original state, the element DD2.4 will switch to the zero state and the low-level output voltage blocks the tone generator. At the same time release the anchor of the relay K1. There is a pause, which is equal to the "point", the next cycle of the sign of the sign begins. The duration of each "dash" is more than the "point" period three times, which corresponds to the rules for transferring a telegraph alphabet.

To form "points", the anchor of the SA1 manipulator is set to the right position. In this case, the element DD2.3 turns out to be in a single state and the clock generator starts through the VD1 diode. Simultaneously at the input R trigger DD3.2, a low level voltage appears, as a result of which the trigger is blocked in a zero state. The high-level voltage on the inverse output of this trigger will not prevent the pulses coming from the direct exit of the DD3.1 trigger, to influence the element DD2.4. At the output of this element, the "points" will be formed until the manipulator anchor is installed again into the neutral position.

What is the purpose of VD1-VD3 diodes? Diode VD1-Implining. When the DD2.3 element goes into a single state, from its output through this diode to the bottom input of the DD1.1 element, the high-level voltage is received, which starts the clock generator. This diode, in addition, prevents the low-level voltage from entering the DD2.3 element to the bottom input of the DD1.1 element in those segments of the time when the element DD2.4 turns out to be in a single state and the high-level output voltage supports the clock generator in the generation mode. Therefore, "points", and "dash" will be formed completely, regardless of the moment of returning the manipulator to the neutral position.

The VD2 diode also performs a unlocking function so that the low level voltage at the output of the DD2.4 element does not prevent the operation of the clock generator.

Thanks to the VD3 diode, regardless of whether the anchor of the manipulator is translated into the right or left position, the element DD2.4 will switch to a single state.

Thanks to the inclusion of the transistor VT1, the emitter repeater resistance to BF1's headphones does not matter. The R8 resistor limits the collector current of the transistor in the event of an unintended closure of the transistor emitter to the shared wire.

The drawing of the circuit board of the electronic part of the automatic telegraph key is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Mounting scheme

All permanent resistors of the MLT-0.25, oxide capacitor C1-K50-6. Electromagnetic relay K1-RES55 (PC4.569.724 passport). The throttle L1 is wound on the ring with a diameter of 8 and a height of 4 mm from ferrite 600NH; It must contain 150-200 turns of the PELSHO wire 0.25.

If the telegraph key is not yet supposed to use for collaboration With a radio transmitter, then the entire transmitter control unit starting with the R8 resistor can be excluded. In this form, the device will help the successful development of high-speed reception on the hearing and the transfer of the telegraph alphabet.

The possible design of the automatic telegraph key manipulator is shown in Fig. four.

Fig. 4 design manipulator

The base 1 of the manipulator is two folded plates of durable insulating material (for example, textolite), bonded along the corners of screws 9, 10. Anchor 2 is a plate of length 115 ... 120 and a width of 15 ... 18 mm, discharged from bilateral foil fibercristolite. With screws 4, it is reinforced between two metal corner racks 3 and is kept in the neutral position by the shock absorbers 6 of the rectangular shape made of foam rubber, glued to the base.

On corner racks 7 of steel or brass, reinforced on the base screw screws, are adjusting screws 8 forming fixed contacts of the manipulator. Acrowns against both sides, the anchors attack the contacts from the contact plates of the unsuitable electromagnetic relay, for example, MKU-48 or a similar one. After installing the required gaps between the anchor and the side contacts, the adjusting screws are fixed with nuts 11.

Conductors connecting the mounting fee with a manipulator are driven to the petals 5 placed under corner racks.

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