Saving Office Files and Data Recovery

What if the Word, Excel or PowerPoint file, over which you worked, accidentally closed? How to make it not necessary to constantly save the document? How to restore the file after failure - for example, turning off the electricity?

We will reply to these and other questions in today's article, and you carefully read, remember and customize your new Office so that you never lose both importance information.

Setting the auto storage function

In order for the documents to which you work on, automatically saved every predetermined period of time, as well as not to lose all your work after a failure, power off or accidentally closing the file without saving, turn on the auto storage function.

Select Preservation on the menu Parameters tabs File.

Check the box Auto storage Everyone x. min. Instead h. Set the desired auto storage gap. The smaller you install, the more often the document will be saved and the higher the chance to always have a last version of the file at hand.

In Word, Excel and PowerPoint Check the box Save the latest autoscured version when closing without saving.

What if autosave was not configured, and the document you worked on, closed? The main thing is not to panic) the wonderful feature of the new Office AutoSorestation Help keep your nerves.

Restore the previous versions of Office files

In Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the auto-installation feature provides an additional advantage. With it, you can restore earlier versions of files.

You can restore the file differently in different scenarios:

If the document is preserved

Open the file you worked with.

Open menu Intelligence On the tab File (This item is reversed the first by default) and in the section Version Select a file with a mark (when closing without saving).

RestoreTo overwrite the previously saved version.

In addition, in Word you can compare versions by pressing Compare instead Restore. It is very convenient if you need to know the differences between the last saved version and the source document.

If the file is not saved

On the tab File in a group Intelligence Press the button Managing versions And select Restore Saved Documents in Word, restore unshakled books in Excel or restore unsaved presentations in PowerPoint.

Select a file and click Open.

On the yellow panel at the top of the file, select the command Save asTo save the file.