Browser with changing User Agent. Hide User Agent in browsers

User-Agent in Firefox and in other browsers is a string value that identifies this browser and provides certain information about the system to servers on which the sites you visit are posted. Changing the user agent string can be useful in certain scenarios, for example, when some site features are blocked for a particular platform, and you need to get around this limitation.

Also, the User-Agent change is often used by web developers when optimizing web applications for different devices. User-Agent can provide web servers some information about the user's operating system and browser version.

How to change User-Agent in Firefox settings

In order to change User-Agent in Firefox, follow these steps:

User-Agent browsers

Here are some userragents that you can use:

Chrome on Linux:
Mozilla / 5.0 (x11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 65.0.3325.181 Safari / 537.36

Microsoft EDGE:
Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 46.0.2486.0 Safari / 537.36 EDGE / 13.10586

Internet Explorer:
Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Wow64; Trident / 7.0; AS; RV: 11.0) Like Gecko

Even more of them can be found on the website

The "general.useragent.OrdRidePreference" parameter applies to each open tab in Firefox and is saved until you change or remove it. It remains enabled even when closing or re-opening the browser.

How to change User-Agent Firefox by expansion

If you often change User Agent in Firefox, then it is worth thinking about installing a special browser supplement that will save a lot of time.

Change User-Agent in Firefox by expansion User-Agent Switcher can be like this:

This addition is the updated version of the popular User-Agent Switcher extension and is written using the Web Extensions API. The old version cannot be used in modern Firefox versions. This extension version is fully compatible with the new Firefox Quantum.

Well, today everything. Now you know how to change User Agent in Firefox. Well, if you want to speed up the work of the Firefox browser, then you.

To recognize the Usergent string, use the online form below. Insert your row in the field User Agentor click link My user agentTo find out and recognize the string of your web browser.

Attention! JavaScript disabled.
Without JavaScript support enabled feature User Agent work will not be.
Enable JavaScript support in your browser and update the page.

What is User Agent?

User Agent - This is a string that web browsers use as your own name, it contains not only the name of the browser, but also the version of the operating system and other parameters. User Agent you can define quite a few parameters, for example, the name of the operating system, its version and bit. You can also determine the device itself on which the browser is installed, it can be a computer, tablet, iPhone, iPad or other mobile device. Even in User Agent, you can identify the functions that support the web browser, such as JavaScript, Java Applet, Cookie, Vbscript and Microsoft "S ActiveX.

How is the definition?

How can it be possible to identify so many parameters from one small string? Most of the well-known User Agent lines are in the database such a string is found in the database, then you can get many parameters, for example, what the web browser is, what kind of version, what operating system, etc. User Agent is constantly updated and supported, you can download it completely free on the site

How and who uses User Agent?

Data from User Agent uses web servers to determine the browser version to display the most correct webpage. Although this method is already outdated, some sites continue to use it to define mobile devices. An adaptive design came to a shift.

How to change User Agent?

How to change the browser string to your? When you may need to change User Agent? Then, when you suspect that the site issues information based on your version of the web browser and does not give any way to see the full version of the site, then you need to change the user agent and try to enter the site again.

How to change User Agent in Mozilla Firefox

Actual for version Mozilla Firefox 34.0. and higher. In the address bar, dial about: config and create a string named general.useragent.override, there is no such line by default. In the value of the string, you must write what will be displayed in User Agent.

How to change User Agent in Chrome

Actual for version Google Chrome 26.0.1410.64 and higher. You need to run a web browser with a --user-agent \u003d "" key and specify a new User-Agent string in quotes. For example, you can run in Windows by pressing Win + R, and in the "Open" field to enter Chrome --user-Agent \u003d "MyBrowser". You can check the current value by entering in the address bar about :.

How to change User Agent in Opera

Actual for version Opera 12.15 and higher. It is necessary in the address bar to dial Opera: Config # userprefs | customuser-agent and fill out the selected "Custom User-Agent" field with a new value for the User Agent string. Then you need to scroll through the page at the bottom, click "Save".

How to change User Agent in Safari

Actual for version Apple Safari 5.1.7 and higher. You must go to the "Development" menu. To see the menu bar, you must click Alt. If the "Development" menu is not displayed, it must be enabled, for this, go to the "Edit" menu - "Settings", go to the Add-ons tab and check the box next to "Show the Development Line in the menu bar". After again, click Alt and select Development - "Custom Agent". Some options are already presented to the choice, if none approached, choose "Other" and enter your User Agent string.

How to change User Agent in Internet Explorer

Actual for version Internet Explorer 10. and higher. You must press F12, the Developer Tools Panel will open, select the menu "SERVICE" - "Change the user agent string". Already, the choice is presented by several options, if none approached, then choose "special ...". In the "Relable Name" field, enter any name, and enter the desired User Agent string in the User Agent Row. Then click "Add", select it in the list and click "Set". The only drawback of this method is that it acts temporarily, before closing the web browser, after a new browser launch, you need to press F12 again and select the created option from the quick selection list.

Another way to change the User Agent string is to fix it in the registry, then the installations are saved and after the browser is closed, but there are minuses of this method. Change the User Agent string to completely arbitrary will not work. The fact is that this line consists of different registry values \u200b\u200bthat are separated from each other with a semicolon (";"). If the value needs to be changed for all users, it is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Internet Settings \\ 5.0 \\ user agent \\, and for one current user here HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Internet Settings \\ 5.0 \\ By default, there is only one default key (Default). You need to create three "string parameters" Compatible, Platform and Version. For changes to take effect, you must restart the browser. Set the values \u200b\u200bfor example:

  • Default \u003d "Mozilla / 5.0"
  • Compatible \u003d "compatible"
  • Platform \u003d "Windows NT 6.1"
  • Version \u003d "MSIE 10.0"

Depending on the need to replace the specified values \u200b\u200bto the desired and do not forget to restart the browser. You can read about it in more detail on the site. Microsoft..

How to change User Agent on mobile devices

Many mobile devices already provide changes to the useriagent strings using standard web browser settings.

How to change User Agent in a standard browser for Android

In the standard Android browser, the useragent string varies in the browser settings, the UASTRING option. But by default, this menu item is hidden. To display this menu, you must type in the address bar about: debug and click Search or GO (on the Virtual Keyboard). Then re-enter the settings: Settings "UASTRING, now this option is available for selection.

How to change User Agent in Dolphin Browser

Actual for version Dolphin Browser 11.4.2. and higher. The changes are provided for by the standard settings in the "Settings" menu "Special" "" Personalization "" "Custom agent." Selection of several options are presented at once: "Android", "Desktop", "iPhone", "iPad", "Custom". The last option allows you to enter an arbitrary usergent string.

How to change User Agent in PHP

Actual for version PHP 5.6. and higher. User Agent in PHP can be changed in two ways. The first, it is in the php.ini file, change the user_agent parameter. The second method is during the execution of the script to use Stream_Context_Create.

Example of use for File_Get_Contents ():

$ OPTS \u003d ["http" \u003d\u003e ["user_agent" \u003d\u003e "My User Agent"]]; $ CONTEXT \u003d STREAM_CONTEXT_CREATE ($ OPTS); File_Get_contents ("", false, $ context);

Example of use for SOAP Client:

$ OPTS \u003d ["http" \u003d\u003e ["user_agent" \u003d\u003e "My User Agent"]]; $ CONTEXT \u003d STREAM_CONTEXT_CREATE ($ OPTS); $ SOAPClient \u003d New SoapClient ("", ["stream_context" \u003d\u003e $ context]);

Examples of strings User Agent

Desktop browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox 36 (Win 8.1 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WoW64; RV: 36.0) GECKO / 20100101 Firefox / 36.0
  • Google Chrome 53 (Win 10 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WoW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 53.0.2785.116 Safari / 537.36
  • Google Chrome 40 (Win 8.1 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WoW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 40.0.2214.115 Safari / 537.36
  • Opera 40 (Win 10 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 53.0.2785.101 Safari / 537.36 OPR / 40.0.2308.62
  • Opera 12.17 (Win 8 x64): Opera / 9.80 (Windows NT 6.2; WoW64) Presto / 2.12.388 Version / 12.17
  • Apple Safari 5.1 (Win 8 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Wow64) AppleWebKit / 534.57.2 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Version / 5.1.7 Safari / 534.57.2
  • Internet Explorer 11 (Win 10 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WoW64; Trident / 7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; RV: 11.0) Like Gecko
  • Internet Explorer 11 (Win 8.1 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Wow64; Trident / 7.0; Asu2JS; RV: 11.0) Like Gecko
  • Microsoft Edge (Win 10 x64): Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 46.0.2486.0 Safari / 537.36 EDGE / 13.10586

Mobile browsers:

  • iPhone: Mozilla / 5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 Like Mac OS X) AppleWebkit / 536.26 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Version / 6.0 Mobile / 10A5376e Safari / 8536.25
  • Android 2.3.5 (Philips W632): Mozilla / 5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.5; RU-RU; Philips W632 Build / GRJ90) AppleWebKit / 533.1 (Khtml, Like Gecko) Version / 4.0 Mobile Safari / 533.1


  • iPad: Mozilla / 5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 Like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 536.26 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Version / 6.0 Mobile / 10A5376e Safari / 8536.25

Search engines:

  • Yandex: Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; yandexbot / 3.0; + http: //
  • Google: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; Googlebot / 2.1; + http: //
  • Bing: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; Bingbot / 2.0; + http: //
  • Yahoo! Slurp: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
  • Mail.Ru: Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; Linux x86_64; Mail.Ru_Bot / Fast / 2.0; + http: //
  • Sputnik: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; SputnikBot / 2.3; + http: //

Robots, bots, analyzers:

  • Ahrefs: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; AhrefSbot / 5.0; + http: //
  • Majestic: Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; mj12bot / v1.4.5;
  • SMTBot: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; SMTBOT / 1.0; + http: //
  • linkDex: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; LinkDexBot / 2.2; + http: //
  • Exabot: Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; Exabot / 3.0; + http: //
  • Statonline.Ru: Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; Statonlinerubot / 1.0)

If for any reason you needed to change User Agent in your browser, then this article is for you.

So, the User Agent is such a browser application (application), which serves to identify various parameters - the browser name, browser bit, browser version, version of the operating system and other parameters.

The term is usually used in network and Internet technologies for applications that access sites. User Agent use browsers, search robots (Yandex, Google and others), as well as various "spiders", mobile phones and other devices.

A typical work situation - the system administrator closed access to all browsers except Internet Explorer, and I want to use Chrome or Opera, how to be in this case? Defeat the system administrator. The blocking secret is to change the User Agent "A browser.

Method 1.

This method works in most breasters. Propash in the browser label Parameter:


Let's make the opera issue yourself for Internet Explorer 9, clicking the right mouse button on the label - "property" - "object" and add a string:

User-Agent \u003d "Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident / 5.0)"

That is, the full way should be approximately so:

"C: Program Files (x86) operableuncher.exe" --user-agent \u003d "Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident / 5.0)"

Now it remains only to click "OK".

Method 2. Mozilla Firefox

Open the browser, you recruit the following in the address bar:

About: Config

Click on the button "I promise I will be careful!":


And in the meaning fit by the user Agent of any browser, well, for example, IE 9:

Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident / 5.0)

Ready. Now we disguise under IE.

Method for 3. Extensions

In modern browsers, you can use various extensions. We are looking for something in browsers: "Download extensions" and we are looking for such extensions as "User-Agent Switcher", "Custom UseRegent String" and others.

In this short note, I will show an easy way to change the User Agent in the Mozilla browser. What is this User Agent? This is such an entry-identifier of the browser, which is sent in each data packet when working on the Internet. That is, each browser has its user agent. The recording is written in the HTTP header, however, there is still some info, but this is another story.

This parameter is needed primarily for sites so that they are better understood which browser is used (this is necessary for the proper display of the site on all browsers, both on the outdated and modern). That is, if you have Mozilla, and you put User Agent from Internet Explorer, then, respectively, sites will think that you are from it and sit, and not with Mozilla.

You can change the User Agent in Mozilla with standard ways, using a page with the settings, you can get into it if you can write this in the address: about: config:

The top will be the field, there you need to enter the word UserAgent, and see if there is such a parameter:

As you can see, I have this parameter, and you will most likely not. Therefore, if you create a string parameter named general.useragent.Ord. Just see the parameter to be string! Then, inside this parameter you can specify a special string (twice click by parameter), which will identify your browser. For example, if you specify this line:

Mozilla / 5.0 (Compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident / 5.0)

that server, or sites, will see you as Internet Explorer 9, restart the browser does not need, everything will work immediately. Almost all user agents can be found on the Internet, any browser - simply copy the line, thus insert, click OK and everything - you see already under a different browser

There is an additional addition, you can download it, it is called User Agent Switcher, but really, I can not understand why it did not work for me (but at the same time installed). After installing the addition, the menu should appear in the browser with ready-made browser agents, it is really conveniently conveniently possible and you can quickly change them ... But there are very few them there - only a couple of versions of Internet Explorer and the third iPhone, and that's it. I understand that this extension simply makes it possible to create such a menu yourself, because if you look at it in the settings, then you can see the option adding your user agents, here it is:

In general, I think that this is a cant on my side, and you can install, all the same, many users have already installed and seems to be no problems. I completely forgot, here is the official link from where it can be downloaded.


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# Pip Install DNSLIB

# Pip Install Ipy

create a file hosts.txt


Run. Pre-kill that the 53 port is not busy and launched Apache with Fake

./ -i --logfile \u003d log.txt --File \u003d hosts.txt

Your DNS works. Returns addresses, but only to request gives


Or so:

./ -i --logfile \u003d log.txt --FakeIP \u003d IP_TEOP_VPS

So your IP is returned to any request.

If you need to leave the script to work and exit the VPS, then start through Screen or Nohup.

You can prescribe the address of the DNS in (! Your!) Router. Second ...