Drawing acoustic column. Simple homemade acoustic speakers

Good day lovers of good sound! Today I will introduce you to Fedor Garzuev and his very interesting SUONO project. Interesting gradual production of acoustics with their own hands, as a result, it turned out very speaker systems of high class!

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating something unusual, which would not be anyone else, with my brother arose for a long time. Love for true music did not leave doubts that it would be precisely acoustic systems made by their own hands. While studying at the university, there were even trial options in the form of two-band "pillars" based on the speakers from and Chinese "sakes". Then there was invaluable experience in working with wood, an understanding of what could be done was also available, and with which they will have to tinker, the need to purchase the tool. We have a well aware of the importance of thorough calculation of all the parameters of acoustics and sound settings. At that moment, we could not afford anything to afford it, so the embodiment of the conceived was postponed indefinitely ...

And now in the summer, there was a free time, we decided to realize the conceived, make acoustics with your own hands. Began to work out the project. Standard parallelepipeds did not want to do, there was a thought to "drive" any famous brand. I really liked the Sonus Faber Stradivari, Aida, Jamo Epicon 8, but something did not suit anyone, then I was brother (later, they still found very interesting solutions from them). I went through a lot of options (see Figure), and in the end came to the project that I had arranged (later he was corrected under the dynamics bought).

Having read the literature and thematic sites by analyzing the design of the Hi-End class acoustics, as well as guided by logic, also came to the conclusions: the design of the cabinets should meet the following requirements:

1. Prevent standing waves inside the column.

2. Do not create sound distortions caused by resonances and recycling of sound waves in acoustics.

To ensure the first condition, the rear panel was taken narrow, the absence of parallel surfaces also contributes to this, and at the same time creates the effect of "infinite space". But the column is needed volume, so the front panel turned out to be wide enough. Most firms try to make a column as narrow as possible, but at acoustics with a wide front panel sound more.

To ensure the second condition - the panel was broken at an angles of 7.5 and 15 degrees to the radiation plane
Speakers. The concave side surfaces, not a single perpendicular plane both in relation to each other and the wave propagation front, all this is one goal - achievement if not Hi-End, then at least good Hi-Fi. Two phase inverters are installed behind, however, they are not used to resonant low frequency gain, and to equalize the pressure inside the column and are configured to other frequencies so as not to "whistle" when air passes - they set two each column. The office is installed on four copper spikes, and the stand itself stands on three steel supports with plastic lining, with the possibility of adjusting the height and angle of inclination, all this is done in order for the vibration of the columns is transmitted to the support surface. If you look at top, ac Reminds the Soviet Road. Inside the bulkheads for rigidity and giving the side surfaces of the desired bend radius. The edges of the front and rear panels rounded. It was also planned to push the soup with a veneer for aesthetics.

The work began with the selection of speakers. Break a bunch of sites, stopped on Polish speakers Alphard.. Found in Minsk their representation, which was acquired by everything you need, moreover, it turned out that the company was engaged in the manufacture of professional speakers and can assist in the project. Looking ahead, I will say that they have trusted them the calculation and manufacture of crossovers, as well as the final refinement of sound, than saved a lot of time and money. And on the housings themselves.

Two plywood sheets with a thickness of 18 mm and 9 meters of bar 95 × 35 mm were purchased. Plywood was drawn, cut into the necessary details. The straight lines cut the circular saw according to the rule, and the curved - with a milling line (a circular was made for a milling mill with the ability to set the radius from 300 to 1500 mm). Immediately make a reservation: cutting 18 mm Faneruer - a bad idea, it is better to cut the blank with an indent with an indent of 2-3 mm and bring the shape of a milling cutter, the surface will be cleaner. Complex details were printed on Watman on a scale of 1: 1 and something like templates did. For manufacture The details went about a month, unfortunately, this process was not photographed. After processing all the parts made an assembly:

They collected everything with the help of corners, screws and joinery glue.

The photo above already cut holes for speakers, phase inverters and acoustic terminals. To quenit of any possible resonances and the pridemen, the inner surfaces were decided to lay out the Vatin: cut the knife on paper, fastened with a stapler. Immediately, in the lower cavity, installed.

After a long bullying over the plywood thickness of 18 mm, it was not possible to bend it with the necessary radius. Therefore, the thickness of the side panels was decided to dial from the three layers of plywood. Each layer was screwed to the struts with self-drawers and wrapped the joinery glue to glue them with each other. The place of the joint of all panels was lubricated with sealant from the inside. The gap between the panels in the photo is not a rubbish build quality. Screws had to weaken, otherwise the side panels were not placed. The top covers of the rolling milling cutter directly on the column.

Final fitting and assembly of some elements:

After the main part of the buildings was collected, proceeded to grinding, putty, again grinding ... and so before getting smooth smooth surfaces. We have left two jars putty and a set of grinding circles. Dust was a lot.

After everyone was stuck - they began to be bored with veneer columns. The main color of the column is black gloss, contrasting drawings from the veneer was intended to dilute this "blackness" and give a more aesthetic appearance. An experienced look will immediately recognize Jamo Epicon 8. Veneer was cut according to the templates of Watman, a knife on paper. If the veneer is thick (we had a thickness of 0.6 mm), then you do not need to try to cut off immediately to the entire depth - big that it burst.

In the manual for glue, which is bought together with the veneer, this is not described, but from your experience I will say: it is better to apply glue to the surface, and not on a veneer and give it to stand the moments three. Surfaces around the pasting area is better to protect the painting ribbon - the glue "Crue" Phaneru - these places will then have to be flimsy, and the paint does not want to keep paint in these places.

While the glue dries, the veneer is desirable to periodically roll in the roller, as it turns away from glue, air cavities are formed under it, if they are not immediately removed - then they will be fixed very problematic.

After the glue dries, the veneer can be stuck. Left to grinding, right - after. Immediately looks not very beautiful, but after applying a varnish or the verse everything changes.

For the absence of other premises, painted on the balcony. Before the painting, the balcony was thoroughly washed and wrapped in a cellophane to prevent dust painting zone. The hulls "weeping" and rubbed a lobby cloth (sold in auto shops). You don't need to wipe with a damp cloth - the veneer is very afraid of liquids, it begins to settle. To paint does not hit the veneer - it was closed by a painting ribbon. Since the surfaces are large - the ribbon is better to glue only along the edges, and under it, the sheets of paper cut out are cut on it.

As paint chose acrylic, applied.

The first layer will reveal all flaws of wood (scratches, snapshots, gaps) that were allowed during grinding. All that manifested themselves - swelling, sweeping, polished.

After that, several more paint layers are applied. After drying, paint - the painting tape is removed, probably, it was the most pleasant moment for all four months. There was a thought to cover veneer by a veneer under the red tree, but on the test plate he looked gloomy, decided to leave as it is.

Color strips (we left the gaps between the veneer strips of 2 mm), limiting them with a painting ribbon:

We apply the name. To do this, come up with a beautiful word or phrase, we borrowed the name from Italian. The name is applied to a special film, with the help of a plotter cutting, such a service is everywhere and is inexpensive. We glue the film (she is self-adhesive) to the surface and put paint, we used the automotive in the balloon.

After drying, the paint remove the film and get a beautiful inscription:

We glue a sign with columns characteristics to the rear panel; We screw the lower stand and the steps, there is nothing complicated, simple mechanical assembly. All cover lacquer from the same spray gun. Veneer acquired a yellowish tint, gloss appeared on the paint.

Score phase inverters, you need to beat carefully, we still broke, I had to gob We solder acoustic terminals, sit on sealant and screw.

We solder and install speakers. It is worth noting that from the inside of the speakers along the edge, we glued rubber tubes to eliminate the "walking" of the air through possible gaps.

This is the final stage. Put columns on the floor; Multimeter We check the impedance, connect the amplifier ...

First audition. It was the most long-awaited and exciting event - the total of four months of work. I will not say that the sound reached the level of high-end (although I don't even know how it should sound), but did not disappoint.

Compared with already existing Sony SS-F6000. The first time the sound seemed to be (ears were accustomed to another sound), but after a week of listening it became the only right. The sound is more "adult" compared to the "disco-pop" sound of Sony. The bass is not so powerful, but more collected, without height. Each tool in its place, has its own weight, well distinguish, does not drank and does not hide. Even at the maximum volume, the music does not merge into one solid roar. I can't say anything: I have no place to measure the characteristics and nothing.

Alphard WH656, Alphard WH506, Alphard TW-317, Woofer, Foreign Ministry and Twitter, respectively.

Some numbers:

  1. The cost of columns is $ 400, of which $ 270 went on speakers and crossovers.
  2. Maximum power of 300 W.
  3. Impedance 4 ohms.
  4. The total mass of one column is 38 kg.

Dimensions 1135 × 370 × 315mm

From myself personally and from numerous fans of the site "Sounds" I want to express and wish big creative success Fyodor Garzuev!

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I wish good luck in the search for exactly your sound!

Do not be afraid to redo the equipment, look for your !!!

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The characteristic feature of the contraperture is that the sound coming to the listener is actually from all sides, although it creates an impressive effect of presence, cannot fully transfer information about the sound scene. Hence the stories of listeners about the feeling of the piano room and other wonders of virtual spaces.


Pros: A wide zone of spectacular volumetric perception, naturalistic timbre due to the nontrivial use of wave acoustic effects.

Minuses: The acoustic space is noticeably different from the sound scene conceived when recording the phonogram.


If you think that on this list of options for designing the columns is exhausted, it means that you strongly underestimate the design enthusiasm of electrical acoustics. I described only the most running decisions, leaving a close relative of the maze - a transmission line, a bandage resonator, a hull with an acoustic resistance panel, load pipes ...

Nautilus from Bowers & Wilkins is one of the most unusual, expensive and authoritative in terms of sounding acoustic systems. Type of design - Load pipes

Such exotic is quite rare, but sometimes it materializes in the design with a truly unique sound. And sometimes not. The main thing is not to forget that masterpieces, like mediocrity, are found in all decorations, no matter what the ideologists of a brand say.

Acoustic speakers

What will be the sound quality in the car, directly depends on the location of the columns. In addition, in this case it matters and resonance of buildings.
Therefore, the body of the speaker used in this case must be made of a material having a sufficient resonance. As a result, the most suitable option will be the creation of columns with your own hands.
About how to make acoustic speakers yourself, you can learn from our article. Information will help to learn not only how to make acoustic speakers yourself, but also how to assemble the real speaker system.

Creating conditions for column

First of all, it is necessary to know what sizes will be a column. To do this, determine the location of its location.
Most often, the column is installed in the trunk, since there is enough space to have enough space. In addition, a peculiar resonance is also created in the luggage compartment, so the music sounds a little different here.
You can install columns and near the rear window, but here they will have to have more compact sizes, as the massive speakers may not fit here.

Note. However, this again depends on the position of the column: standing or lying.

Size measurement

To find out the size of the column drawer follows:

  • Decide on the place of placement.
  • Determine how much space can be left to establish.
  • Measure the size of the reserved area.

Note: For the column in the luggage compartment, 30 cm of length is enough. But the speakers installed behind the rear seat should not have more than 15 cm.

Selection of material

Such materials will be suitable for creating column:
  • Chipboard. By the way, it is possible to find this material much easier than the others, as it is often found on sale. In addition, its price is quite affordable.
    The advantage of this material is that it has a rather great return, so the sound of the speakers will not be distorted. Also, this material is the easiest, therefore the design will not have too much weight.
  • Solid rubber (ebonite). Products are quite good, but the sound will be slightly muted. Yes, and find on sale chunks of an ebony rectangular shape is not so easy.
    In addition, the product may have an unpleasant smell. The most important advantage: Ebonite is difficult to ignite, so with a short circuit, the body of the column will not burn.
  • Wood. Suitable wood of any tree.
    It is better to give preference to the oak or pine, since with their help you can create a good resonance. Also the advantage of the material is its attractive appearance.

Note: This product can even be painted, so it will work out very beautiful.

Creating a housing

Perform the housing by any convenient way.
The most suitable option is the following:

  • With the help of the hacksaw cut the parts from the material.
  • Select the details to which speakers will be attached. In their central part, it is necessary to make holes round shape.

Note: The hole diameter must coincide with the diameter of the lower part of the speaker.

  • It is also necessary to cut small rings that will be attached to the bottom of the holes done (so that the speaker is securely fixed). The shape of these rings should remind a plate without the bottom.
  • Glue rings to detail.
  • There are still holes in the form of a triangle with rounded corners around the rings in detail.

Note: This is necessary in order for the sound to penetrate into the housing, and did not go out only.

  • For the inside of the case, it is also necessary to make small partitions (their length should correspond to the length of the housing itself). With their help, the phase inverter will be held.
  • Make small ports through which the terminals will be fixed.

Column assembly

To collect all the details in one whole, follows:

  • Connect the details of the housing using glue or self-tapping screws: rectangular parts on the sides, the bottom, as well as a part with a hole from above.
  • Inside fill the column with a synthetic poump.
  • Set the speaker to the designed place.

Note: The dynamics wiring can be removed through any hole that is created in a convenient way.

  • Paint the frame of varnish. Thus, he will have a complete appearance.

Note: It is not necessary to use varnish for painting. For this, black paint can be useful. And some details can be performed at all in another color.

Creating an acoustic system

The acoustic system does not always indicate the presence of columns.
It is possible to work on creating an acoustic system in the car like this:

  • Make podiums from foam. For this:
  • Make a pattern of cardboard. Attach it to the place where the podium should be.
  • Using the template, cut the base for the podium. For this purpose, ordinary plywood and fittings can be useful.
  • The base consists of two rings. In this case, the diameter of the first ring must correspond to the diameter of the protective grid. But the diameter of the second is the column diameter.
  • Rings must be combined with each other with screws.
  • Cut six parses to create inclination. Glue all the details of each other.
  • In the frame pour the mounting foam and leave so while it does not dry.
  • It turns out a more interesting option if instead of plywood use small pieces of different trees breeds. At the same time, it should be selected dry pieces of wood that do not have cracks. From above, everything should be carefully covered with varnish so that the design becomes more reliable. For greater efficiency, everything can be fixed with two regards.
  • Mount the speakers in the nest and install the podiums.

Thus, create acoustic speakers (see) can be at home and do it yourself. The price of such pleasure will not be high, as you will need to spend only on the purchase of material.
And in general, you can use any old speakers. The main thing is that they worked and were in good condition.
Of course, before starting this process, it is worth reconsider various photos and videos with this topic. The instruction will also come in handy.

Recently, an article about the self-made lamp amplifier was published in the world of homemade, today it came to tell how to make acoustics for a lamp amplifier with their own hands.

Want cool acoustics? Not prestigious, from well-known firms, namely cool, outstanding detailed, deep, atmospheric and quite energetic sound? If you do not live in the castle and do not plan to voice the stadium or try to impress the neighbors three floors below, and you want to enjoy the music, perhaps my recipe for you is for you.

There are things that I really want to do, but stops the lack of money, materials, equipment, etc. But I really want ... gave him Pendel, and suffered ... according to the principle: "I want, because I like it!" And because you have to finally make acoustics for mine. I wanted to collect speakers, well, and in a large and small room, and at the same time elegant, not a wardrobe. Still - element of the interior. In any case, it should be an outdoor speaker, since "shells" still need to put on the racks.


For the lamp disposition of the same dynamics, I also chose "lamp": 4GD-35 (4GD-36) and 3GDV-1 (2GD-36), widely known in Soviet radiols.

3GDV-1. (Passport details):

  • Frequency range: 3150-0000 Hz;
  • Non-uniformity frequency response: 14 dB;
  • Sensitivity: 90 dB;
  • Working capacity: 2 W;
  • The harmonic coefficient in the frequency range is 4000 - 10000 Hz: 3%;
  • Resistance: 8 ohms;
  • Passport power: 3 W;
  • Long-term power: 3 W;
  • Short-term power: 6 W;
  • The frequency of the main resonance: 1200 - 2000 Hz;
  • Mass: 0.11 kg.

4GD-35 (4GD-36) (Passport details):

  • Frequency range: 63 - 12500 Hz;
  • Non-uniformity frequency response: 16 dB;
  • Sensitivity: 92 dB;
  • Working power: 0.8 W;
  • The harmonic coefficient at operating capacity: 125 Hz: 7%, 200 - 300 Hz: 5%, 1000 - 8000 Hz: 3%;
  • Resistance: 4 ohms;
  • Passport and long-term power: 8 watts;
  • Short-term power: 15 watts;
  • Full Quality: 1.4 (± 0.3);
  • Frequency of the main resonance: 65 Hz (+20, -15);
  • Dimensions: Ø 200 x 75.6 mm.;
  • Weight: 0.88 kg.

According to my comparative measurements, it turned out that 4GD-36 and 4GD-35 have the same response, but 4GD-36 sounded more comfortable for hearing.

There were four design options:

  1. Open drawer. Semi-open box.
  2. Closed box. Box with "Lases for a cat."
  3. TQWP - (taperedquarter-wavepipe - expanding quarter-wave tube).
  4. The quarter-wave resonator (twinpipe) in the image of Castle Knight 5, from the British Castle Acoustics.

All options deserve attention and showed certain advantages and disadvantages in sound, although these dynamics are officially designed for open decoration.

Drinking and blocking a bunch of boards, sharing results.

Open drawer. Classic light sound. Many may like, but the reflections from the walls do not allow to build a clear scene. If the housing is behind close the felt piece (about 1 cm thick), then the situation is somewhat fixed. This design (called: aperiodic load) showed the best linearity, but at the same time more modest dynamic indicators and sensitivity. The construction of the scene is also not impressed. Everything is very academically correct, but dry. In the room 10 square meters. You can still listen, but in twenty meters it became boring - a weak attack.

Box with sound port in front. Simple and quite efficient. Niza is repeated, the rest in the norms of decency. Sensitivity and dynamics are average. For a room of 20 meters can and will suit, but in 10 rter "Buynit".

Since I wanted something with a highlight, I stopped at the option "from the knightly castle." And in fact, Twin Pipe has demonstrated the greatest sensitivity and the best opportunities for adjusting bass than popular TQWP. The sound is easy, aggressive and open. Basa are adequate and in a small and large room. The scene and the detail please. Linearity, however, this "Mustang" is not at all Haifayn: 18DB (relative measurement in the resonant room), with a certain adjustment of the resonator, you can lower up to 14DB. The only significant disadvantage - the sound gives the "box." It is guilty of this sound port on the front panel. You can fight this with a dense muffle of the body with various materials, but the sensitivity falls and then the meaning of the choice of such a design is lost.

In general, all sound ports and phase inverters serve to outdraw out all sorts of uterine sounds, so if there is no desire to listen, as it sounds, it is better not to use them.

Ronnie Dio has such a song on the album - "all the fools floated far." This is apparently about me, and now I am proud of it.

So, what am I inventing? A bicycle with square wheels ..., taking a speaker for open decoration as a basis ... The problem is that for a good attack of acoustics you need a rear wall. I take 10GDSH-1-4 and there were no such questions at all. Its that in the box, that in a large box with Fazik, put - will "sing." But I have already floated far. The housing under 4GD-36 is ready, and this is Zya!

Testim and listen ... ???

Regardless of the style of music, the sound is aggressive and hard, as at a concert of Hevi Metal. The drums and guitars break through the walls and ears. And enjoying such a "joy," I wanted to return to musicality.

Where to "swim" now? Returning to the aperiodic load, but now with the addition of syntheps. Funny synthepsu laying the wave, and the ass closed the felt of 5 mm thick.

Here it is! I needed a musical sound obtained. Easy open sound, not a traumatic hearing, but with sufficient dynamics. Even the drum joining Le Binx to the song Judas Priest Better by You, Better Than Me sounds in concert convincing. I arrange a "deep" listening ... three months have passed ...


First of bad. Acoustics and my one-point one is not "friends" with modern compressed music and with musical styles of high density and factories, be it electronics or trash metal and the like. At the exit, the creaking porridge.

About good. Classic Hevi Metal is played well (but not stunning). Hard Rock is not bad. LED Zeppelin sounds very organically and in general Early Rock, until 1976 (apparently old record technologies are given to know). Electronics: Kraftwerk, Yello, Enigma, Era, B-Tribe.

About magnificent. Antonio Vivaldi and generally a violin classic. Chamber jazz, such as Diana Croll and similar. All the vocal parties of all singers are greatly reproduced by the MagniFique Evolution & MagniFiQue Accustic. With a luxury claim!

Recipe and ingredients

Case from laminated chipboard 16mm thick. Fastening internal: Reiki, screws, glue. To additionally thicken the walls, I did not (except for the bottom of the front panel), motivating this by the fact that the acoustics are low-power.

Internal damping of the hull: felt, syntheps.

Under the dynamics it is necessary to put a seal or "plant" them on plasticine.

Base: chipboard plate with decorative aluminum corner around the perimeter.

The legs are adjustable, based on furniture nuts "Crab".

Filter - Condenser MBGSH-2 4MKF 160V.

Connecting speakers is syphase.

Interior wires are 1.5 mm "OdessaBel".

Connectors under the "Banana" Soviet instrument (bronze accurate contact in the carbolite housing).

Cable "Amplifier-AS": OdessaBel 2x4mm; Configold Banana connectors.

TOTAL: $ 72.

Collect the case, securing and connecting the speakers, arrange the speakers in the position you need in the room. Listen to your favorite music on the volume you are interested in. Add felt and syntheps "to taste", achieving the touch you need and sound.

Thanks for your attention and wish success.


Reasoning about

The network is widely widespread that it is possible to design speakers, only if you have a professional measuring microphone in your arsenal, and even better, a sound meter, (for example: VSV-003) and a thoroughly replenished, shoved room, without resonances. Next, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the work of the design and modeling programs. And on their basis, from special audiophile materials to make the "right speaker".

All this is partly true. Partly ... More precisely, it is not quite true. That is, in real life, it will not be at all.

Even if in the storage room, VSV-003 or its analogue, measured by the response, in the conditions of the city apartment, will be abounded by resonant distortions, crossing the entire potential accuracy of the measuring equipment. For the same reason, it should not be "hunted" for some special microphones, such as PanasonicWM-61A.

AC Corps Design Programs, of course, help to navigate, but purely virtually.

The main thing is the concept and desire to embody it on the basis of common sense and proportionality. A live experiment will always show what is better, and what sounds worse in a specific environment for which the AU is created. For example: the dynamics need air is a fact, therefore it is not necessary to clamp it in a close closed box, but it is not necessary to put it in a huge Chiffonier. Its installation dimensions already indicate the minimum proportions of the AC housing in width, and in depth and height, statistically, it is twice as much. The height of the dynamics from the floor affects the transparency and density of the bottom and is determined only by empirically in a specific environment, and no matter how much wisdom programs are closed on themselves.

Even more creativity provides for the process of damping the corps with different materials (felt, linoleum, wool, synthesis, etc.). Having done everything correctly, on the recommendation of the fight against resonances, you can completely kill music in sound.

The damping coefficient and the impulse characteristics of your amplifier will be forced to work, designed by you, only as they please, breaking all the rules and canons. Conclusion - experiment, listen and relate with relative measurements. These measurements can be safely done using a simple measuring microphone, assembled from a cheap Chinese microphone and any linear amplifier on the same microcircuit. Next, connect it, even in a sound card, or in the old manner "Dood" with the generator and the malellyoltmeter.

I did my measuring microphone on the basis of the Chinese with nothing, meaningful name JM901, and a linear amplifier on K157UD2. I gathered it about 15 years ago, just for the sake of interest and put it in the storage room. Now, suddenly, he was useful and perfectly coped with his task.

See also:

Formerly, a detailed review of the problem will issue a circle of tasks, knowing the ultimate goal, it will be easier to elect the right direction. The manufacture of acoustic systems with their own hands is a kindly case. The pro, beginning musicians, are practiced when shopping options are not satisfied. The task of embedding in the furniture or high-quality listening to the already existing media appears. These are typical examples that are solved by a set of generally accepted ways. We will consider consideration. We do not recommend flipping diagonally the device of the acoustic system, please!

Device of acoustic systems

There is no chance to make an acoustic system independently without understanding the theory. Music lovers should be aware that the biological view of Homo Sapiens hears the inner ear sound fluctuations of frequencies of 16-20000 Hz. When it comes to classic masterpieces, then the scatter is high. Lower edge - 40 Hz, upper - 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). The physical meaning of this fact is that not all the speakers are able to reproduce the full spectrum immediately. Relatively slow frequencies are better succeeded with massive subwoofers, and smoking on the lower boundary is reproduced by less dimensional loudspeakers. It is clear that for most people it means nothing. And even if part of the signal disappears, it will not be reproduced, no one will notice.

We believe that those who set the purpose of independent manufacture of an acoustic system should critically evaluate the sound. It will be useful to know that the suitable column has two or more speakers in order to be able to reflect the sound of an extensive strip from the hearing spectrum. But the subwoofer is even in complex systems one. This is due to the fact that low frequencies force the environment to vibrate, penetrating even through the walls. It becomes incomprehensible, from where it is bass. Consequently, the column of the LF is one - subwoofer. But as far as other things, a person will confidently say, from which direction one or another special effect came (a ultrasound beam is blocked by palm).

In connection with those who are said to carry out the division of acoustic systems:

  1. The sound in the format of mono is unpopulated, so avoided to concern historical excursions.
  2. Stereo sound is provided by two channels. Both are low and high frequencies. The equivalent speakers are better suited, equipped with a pair of speakers (bass and squeak).
  3. The sound around is distinguished by the presence of a larger number of channels that create the effect of surround sound. We avoided to get involved in the subtleties, traditionally 5 columns plus a subwoofer convey the gamut of music lovers. The design is diverse. Studies are underway, the purpose of improving the quality of the transmission of acoustics is underway. The arrangement is traditional: on the four corners of the room (roughly speaking) on \u200b\u200bthe column, the subwoofer is on the floor on the left or in the center, the front column is placed under the TV. The latter in any case is supplied with two speakers and more.

It is important to create the correct housing for each column. Low frequencies will require the presence of a wooden resonator, for the upper limit of the range - it does not matter. In the first case, the boxes box serve as additional emitters. Find a video demonstrating dimensional dimensions that correspond to the wavelengths of low frequency waves on science, practically remains to be copied ready-made designs, literature theme is deprived.

The range of tasks outlined, readers understand - the homemade acoustic system is built by the following elements:

  • a set of frequency speakers in accordance with the number of channels;
  • plywood, veneer, hull board;
  • decorative elements, paint, varnish, veil.

Projecting acustics

Initially, choose the number of columns, type, location. Obviously, it has a lot of home theater, an unreasonable tactical stroke rather than has channels. The cassette tape recorder is enough two columns. There will be no less than six cases (the speakers will be more) to the home cinema. According to the needs of the accessories are embedded in the furniture, the quality of reproduction of low frequencies is lame. Now the question of the choice of speakers: In the publication of the authorship, Karpova is given a nomenclature:

  1. Low frequencies - CA21RE head (H397) landing by 8 inches.
  2. The average range is MP14Rcy / P head (H522) by 5 inches.
  3. Upper frequencies - 27TDC head (H1149) by 27 mm.

The basic principles of constructing acoustic systems were given, offered an electrical diagram of the filter, dissecting a stream into two parts (a list of three subbands was given above), led the name of purchased speakers, solving the task of creating two stereo columns. We avoid repeated, readers can take the work to Polystay the section, find specific names.

The next question will be a filter. We believe, the company National Semiconductor will not be offended if the drawing of the reincoons of the rendering of Ridico. The figure shows an active filter with a metering +15, -15 volt, 5 of the same type chip (operating amplifiers), the boundary frequency of subbands is calculated by the formula shown in the image (duplicate text):

P is the number of pi, known to schoolchildren (3.14); R, C - Summary of the resistor, container. In the figure R \u003d 24 kΩ, C is silent.

Active filter powered by electric shock

Given the capabilities of the selected speakers, the reader will be able to choose the parameter. The characteristics of the column playback strip are taken, the interlaced joint is between them, the boundary frequency is taken there. Due to the formula, calculate the size of the container. Rate resistance Avoid touching, Cause: Maybe (controversial fact) Set the operating point of the amplifier, the transmission coefficient. On the frequency response given in the translation, which is omitted, the border is 1 kHz. Let's consider the capacity of the specified case:

C \u003d 1 / 2P RF \u003d 1/2 x 3.14 x 24000 x 1000 \u003d 6.6 PF.

Not ahti what a large container is selected from the condition of the maximum allowable voltage. In the Scheme with Sources +15 and -15, it is hardly worth a nominal value greater than the total level (30 volts), take the breakdown voltage (the directory helps) at least 50 volts. Do not try to deliver the electrolytic constant current capacitors, the scheme takes on the chance to take off to the air. There is no sense to search for the initial scheme of the chip LM833 due to the Sisyphanage of labor. Some readers will find a replacement chip, distinguished ... We hope for understanding.

As for the relatively small capacitance of the capacitors (retail and total), the filter description says: due to the low impedance of the heads without active components, the denominations would have to increase. Modernly causing the emergence of distortion due to the presence of electrolytic capacitors, coils with a ferromagnetic core. Do not hesitate to move the border of the division of the ranges, the total bandwidth remains the same.

Passive filters will collect with their own hands every trained soldering, school physics. As a last resort, enlist the help of Gonorovsky, it is better to have no reference to the subtlety of signals through radio-electronic lines, which have nonlinear properties. The above material was interested in authors low and high frequency filters. Those who wanted to divide the signal into three parts should be read by the work that reveal the basis of strip filters. The maximum allowable (or proof) voltage will be released with meager, the nominal will become significant. Under items to be mentioned electrolytic capacitors with a rating of dozens of microfarads (three orders of magnitude higher than those used by the active filter).

Newbies disturb the issue of voltage +15, -15 in the nutrition of acoustic systems. Mix the transformer (the example was brought, the TRANS50HZ PC program), supply a two-speaker rectifier (diode bridge), profile, enjoy. Finally, the active or passive filter will be bought. It is called the specified thing with a crossover, carefully select speakers, the ranges are more accurate with the filter parameters.

For passive crossovers of acoustic systems, you will find a plurality of calculators on the Internet (http://ccs.exl.info/calc_cr.html). The initial figures of the calculation program takes the input resistance of the speakers, the frequency of division. Enter the data, the robot program quickly supplies the values \u200b\u200bof tanks and inductors. On the page, set the type of filter (Bessel, Batterworth, Linkvitz-Riley). In our opinion, the task for the pros. The active cascade given above is formed by the filters of the 2nd order butterworth (the rate of decrease in ACH 12 dB per octave). It concerns frequency (response) characteristics of the system, understandable only by professionals. If you doubt, choose a golden middle. In the literal sense, put a tank on the third mug (Bessel).

Acoustics of computer speakers

I happened to look at Yutub video: The young man announced that she would make the speaker system with his own hands. Patterns talented: Raised the column of a personal computer - well, no way - removed the amplifier with the regulator to the light of God, placed in the matchbox (acoustic system housing). Computer speakers are known for poor reproduction of low frequencies. The devices themselves are small, light, secondly, bourgeois with materials saved. Where in the acoustic system ride bass. The young man took ... Read on!

Nadorgetic component of the music center. Hi-end class acoustics costs cheap apartment. Repair, assembly of speakers good business.

The low frequency amplifier of the speaker system will collect an advanced radio amplifier, no coolebins need. From the matchbox sticks out the volume control knob, the entrance on one side, the exit - on the other. The dynamics of the old speaker system are small. The young man got an old loudspeaker not fabulous sizes, but solid. From the column of the Soviet times speaker system.

In order for the sound to be disturbed by air, smart patterns fastened inch boxes with a drawer. The speaker of the old speaker system placed in the size of the postal box, shifted, as made by manufacturers of modern sabvofopes of home theaters. From the inside the column soundproofed was lazy to separate. A wishing can use batting for an acoustic system, another similar material. Small speakers are placed involved oblong boxes, only the loudspeaker accommodate. The proud matches connected one channel of the speaker system into two small dynamics, the second one is one large. Works.

The young man fabulous well done, does not drink in the gateway, likening the peers, does not spoil in the free time of future brides, is busy business. As one familiar said: "The young generation says goodbye to knowledge and experience, not an excess of arrogance, strengthened indifference."


We decided to improve the methodology, frankly hopefully, the addition will help to make an acoustic system on its own somewhat high quality. Problem? The concept is invented by radio engineering, creators of acoustic systems - frequency. The vibration of the universe has a frequency. They say even Aure man is inherent. Each solo speaker is not without reason to accommodate several speakers. Large are designed for low frequencies, bass; Others - for medium and high. Not only size, and they have different device. We have already discussed this question and we are interested in sending to written reviews, where the classification of acoustic systems is given, the principles of action of the most popular are revealed.

Scribes are known for the BIOS interruption system, which is capable of issuing one sound, but talented programmers wrote down on it cordial melodies, even with an attempt to digital synthesis and voice reproduction. However, if you wish the bass, such a friend can not give.

What is this conversation ... A large speaker should not be easy to adapt to one of the channels, but to award the specialization of bass. As you know, most modern compositions (do not take the sound) are designed for two channels (stereos). It turns out that two identical dynamics (small) play the same notes, the meaning of this is small. At the same time, from the same channel, the bass is lost, and high frequencies are dying on a large dynamics. How to be? We propose to introduce passive strip filters to the scheme that will help break the stream into two parts. The scheme take a foreign edition for the simple reason that she was the first to face. Here is a link to the source site chegdomyn.narod.ru. The radio amateur reserved from the book, we apologize to the author that I do not specify the original source. This happens for the simple reason that it is not known to us.

So, picture. They rush immediately into the eyes of Woofer and Tweeter. It is not difficult to guess, it is, respectively, a subwoofer for low frequencies, and speaker for high. The range of musical works 50-20000 Hz is covered, and the bottom of the lower frequency is accurate. The radio amateurs can themselves according to the known formulas, calculate the bandwidth, to compare the first octave, as is well known, is 440 Hz. We believe that for our case such division is suitable. That's just I would like to find two large dynamics, one for each channel. Watch the scheme ...

Not quite a musical scheme. In the position occupied by the system, voices are filtered. Range 300-3000 Hz. The switch is signed by Narrow, translated as a strip. To get WIDE (wide) playback, lower the terminal. Music fans can throw Narrow strip filter, fans to boom Skype recommend to avoid hasty solution. The scheme completely will exclude the microphone loop effect, known everywhere: piercing buzzing due to reuse (positive feedback). The valuable effect, even the military knows the difficulty of using speakerphone. The owner of the laptop is aware ...

To remove the feedback effect, learn the question, find, at what frequency the system resonates, cut off the excess filter. Very comfortably. Regarding popular music microphone turn off, we carry away from the speakers (karaoke case), start singing. Upper and lower frequency filters will be left unchanged, products are calculated by unknown Western friends. Experiencing difficulties, reading foreign drawings, explain, the diagram is depicting (Narrow band filter discarded):

  1. Capacity 4 μF.
  2. Non-inducrative resistances R1, R2 with a face value of 2.4 ohms, 20 ohms.
  3. Inductance (coil) 0.27 mp.
  4. Resistance R3 8 Ohm.
  5. Capacitor C4 17 μF.

Speakers must match. Tips of the specified site. The subwoofer will go MSM 1853, the squeezing (the word did not write down) will serve 120-175. The bandwidth count on their own. The big letter ω is coma - there is nothing terrible, change the denomination. We remind the containers parallel to the connected capacitors, as sequentially included resistors. In case it is difficult to get suitable rates. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make dynamics with your own hands, to dial small rates of resistance real. Do not use coils, cut the plate of nichrome, similar alloys. After the manufacture, the resistor is vague, it is not planned to protect a large current, it should not be protected.

Inductance is easier to wind independently. It is logical to use an online calculator, setting the container, we obtain the parameters: the number of turns, diameter, the core material, the thickness of the core. Let us give an example, avoiding being unfounded. We visit Yandex, gain something like an "Online inductance calculator". We receive a number of issuance answers. We choose the site you like, we begin to think how to wind the inductance of an acoustic system with a face value of 0.27 mp. We liked the site coil32.narod.ru, let's start work.

Source Information: Inductance 0.27 MPN, 3 mm frame diameter, Pal 0.2 wire, 40 millimeters winding length.

Immediately the question arises, seeing the calculator where to take the nominal diameter of the insulated wire ... worked out, found on the site servomotors.ru Table taken from the directory, which is given in the review, consider health. The diameter of the copper is 0.2 mm, insulated veins - 0.225 mm. We feed the values \u200b\u200bof the calculator, calculating the desired values.

A two-layer coil was obtained, the number of turns 226. The length of the wire was 10.88 meters by the resistance of the order of 6 ohms. The main parameters are found, begin to wind. A homemade acoustic system is performed in handmade body, the place of the filter is a place. To one exit, connect the squeezer, to the other - subwoofer. A few words regarding gain. It may be, the amplifier cascade will not pull four speakers. Each scheme is characterized by some load capacity, it is not necessary to jump above. The device of the speaker system is calculated, given the fixed reserve to coordinate the load, the emitter repeater is often used. Cascade, forcing the scheme to work, complete returns to any speaker.

Pattle of novice designers

We believe, helped readers to understand how to properly design the speaker system. Passive elements (condensers, resistors, inductance coils) will be able to make each. It remains to collect the hull of the acoustic system with their own hands. And for this, believe, it will not be. It is important to understand, the music is formed by the range of frequencies covered by improper manufacture of the device. Having gathered to make an acoustic system, think about it, look for components. It is important to convey the splendor of the melody, will be solid confidence: the work did not disappear for nothing. The acoustic system will last long, joy will give.

We believe, the manufacture of acoustic systems with your own hands will be in pleasure. The coming time is unique. Believe me, at the beginning of the 20th century it was impossible to draw information with tons daily. Training poured with serious painstaking labor. I had to shake the dust shelves of libraries. Rejoice to the Internet. Stradivari was impregnated with violin wood with a unique composition. Music violinists continue to choose Italian copies. Think, 30 years have passed, WHO has remained behind.

The current generation is known to the brand of adhesives, the names of the materials. Necessary for sale by shops. The USSR deprived the abundance of people, supplying relative stability. Today, the advantage is described by the possibility of the invention of unique methods of earnings. Professional self-taught everywhere fill the cabbage.