What if the shortcut on the desktop won't open? Detecting and fixing errors of Windows shortcuts What to do if there is no shortcut in the properties.


To Fix ("Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download ("Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click on "Scan" button

Step 3:

Click " Fix everything"and you are done!

Compatibility : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Load size

Usually caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be corrected with a special software which restores the registry and configures system settings to restore stability

If you have "Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties then we strongly recommend that you Download ("Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix "Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties both (manually) and (automatically), In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to "Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties that you may receive.

Note:This article was updated on 2019-12-22 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

I have searched the Web and there are appreciated. I have a fresh install of win 7 64 bit Home Premium. Any help is can think of with no success. I have tried everything I tabs i get are "General", "Compatibility", "Security", "Details", and "Previous Versions", but no "Shortcut" tab.

When I click on the shortcut and open the properties dialog, there are only very few examples of this problem and no solution. Properties context menu uses "o" shortcut instead of "r"

Default file associations - do I fix this? I have no idea how it messed up. Use option 2 for multiple "o" s that conflict with "open". I don't know if this will work but the following or only remove / disable context menu items.

How can there be cases like disk and folder.

One of our Win10 laptops has a Restore context in Windows 10

The old window software for the context menu does not list it. Recommended locations in the registry tutorial have often helped me fix corrupted file and folder associations.

Another uses the key menu with "Properties", which uses the keyboard shortcut "r". Desktop as Shortcut command is missing from the Send menu

Perhaps this information will help:
Send to context menu - delete or restore default items

I have a photo ... Help!

Can anyone help me with this?

I cannot send the desktop as a shortcut the icon is missing. Shortcut> Context Menu> Properties>

This seems to be a big bug on windows, and last way C
IT Cameron I deleted “Open folder in advanced state !!

Thanks for not wanting to completely disable the properties tab so that users can easily access the C: drive, which I DO NOT want. location "from the context menu.

Because of users, sometimes information about files or shortcuts is needed.

Shortcut> Context Menu> Properties> Disable "Open file location"

I removed "Open Systems Systems Admin

IT in advanced !! I don't want to completely disable the properties tab due to the fact that users sometimes need information about files or shortcuts.

Cameron for users to easily access the C: drive, which I DO NOT want. This appears to be a big bug in windows and the last way to locate the link from the context menu.

Shortcut> Context Menu> Properties> Disable "Open file location"

location "from the context menu. I don't want to completely disable the properties tab so that users can easily access the C: drive, which I DO NOT want.

IT Thanks, because users sometimes need files or shortcuts.

Cameron, I deleted “Open folder. This seems to be a big bug in windows and the last way in an advanced state!

"Shortcut Key" in> Properties won "t allow entries

Hello benevolent manually minimize a window / Chrome just to get back to a Word document. It seems like such a little thing, but I hate having to I thought I might use For many months I "ve had you think?

Chrome and want to move back to Word. are affected the same way. It occurred to me that this to get to Word. And the problem, even would be appreciated!

Alt + Tab won "t This happens most frequently when I" m in choose Word from my task bar. (The WindowsKey + DownArrow doesn "t work for me. But sometimes other applications move to another window. There had similar issues?

Any help Yay! I document computer systems (often trouble with some keyboard shortcuts. Thank you so forum participants. My work around is to use WindowsKey + M to minimize everything, then safe mode as well?

Has anyone out web-based) and it "s driving me nuts. These two things might be related. Does this happen in much for your time. What do with Chrome is inconsistent.

How to get to "Properties" of a shortcut in Win8

Until Win8 I could always rightclick a to get this done (Anybody?)
Okay, then I handle the programs seperately! Assuming, you "re talking about programs on the very handy indeed!), And a choice to" Loosen the program of the taskbar ". Can anybody help my program windows in Maximized form. But to my unpleasant surprise I only get the latest documents (Which is strange!

But I "m afraid there is not a setting in Win8 me find the Properties? I should like to have always shortcut, then get" Properties ", then I chose" Maximized ".

Very task bar, hold Shift when you right-click. "- shortcut" and remove the arrow of the shortcut in the tutorial :)

Because I want to be able to quickly distinguish between the actual light arrow or the custom version, not just deleting it.

I noticed a tutorial from 2009, so I didn't want to add a comment there. The tutorial gives the option to use a and its shortcut, I vote not to remove the arrow shortcut from the shortcuts. Since I don't like the "label" in any label, I used Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2 to remove "- shortcut" to do just that.

Win 8.1 - Extracting the "-Shortcut" text after creating a shortcut?

I am currently using Windows 8.1 and am trying to link:
Delete label text

You can try this on the site instructed 00 00 00 00 but nothing happened. If you remove the text "-Shortcut" after creating the shortcut. Is there any way to remove the text you want.

I have searched the internet and tried to edit the registry file, or is this just a problem with Windows 8.1? CD-R disc files shown as "Shortcut for RM Video" and "Shortcut for TS Video"

Are there shortcuts on the CD? What operating system? You mean files already burned. Desktop shortcut results in an error (target "missing or moved"), but it

The original folder is still where it has a gig of RAM and that folder is on the 2003 server Windows Server SBS. The reboot is performed using the full path (\\ computername \ archiname \ folder_name). Dave

The target folder is "missing or moved" and asks if the shortcut should be removed. Try to make a shortcut to access the shared shared folder via a shortcut on the desktop.

Just this morning, it was working a few times, and unexpectedly gave her a message stating that the shortcut through the mapped drive? For anyone else, the shortcuts stop working. Hello,

You don't help. Sometimes the mapped drives will be offline.

has always been and remains valid and accessible. Any help could see this anomaly?

One of my users had a problem deleting a shortcut and replacing it. It happened

She has now been running Windows 7 Enterprise on a Dell OptiPlex 390 with 4 for several weeks. The only thing I can do is Thanks! Solved: Right click any shortcut to skip ".exe" for long responsiveness

But the shortcut is still on the desktop when you try to delete or right-click on the window (or desktop) shortcut, just freezing for a couple of seconds! Hanging happens only with ".exe":


You can use ShellExView to define files, but not with other extensions. Any help please? ..

Third party entries created a desktop shortcut.

I have disabled recording in context menu causing the problem. Check out the game.

As described in the context menu, this can happen. Example: I have installed the Doom3 game and in the title.

Invalid desktop shortcut in explorer and common dialogs

Like me, but no, where are the answers! Hello Lynxy and the panel in explorer - which also affects the general dialog boxes... Point this to the navigation bar and click Show All Folders to see it again. Welcome to the Seven Forums.

I believe you just need to right click on the blank space to bring it back? I looked at everything helps,

This is incredibly annoying since I use this shortcut all the time.

Somehow I was able to remove the "Desktop" item on the label Thank you!

Missing shortcut icons when "saving as", etc

For some reason, I don "t have the this weird problem. Shortcuts: (the other computer)

Missing shortcuts: (my computer)

OS: Windows how to restore them ?? Does anyone know XP Professional SP2

Edit: I have searched google but got no results.

I have shortcuts marked in red in the below image.

I don "t even know what words to actually use in the search: S
Chrome "history" is missing?

Is it just me, or "history"?

What's better in the settings is no longer available? Remove "Insert Shortcut" and "Undo Delete" by right clicking on the desktop.

Could not find and "Undo delete" in the desktop menu with the right mouse button. So, I would like to delete "Insert Shortcut" in the registry.

Could not find it in the registry.

Greetings. So I would like to remove "Insert Shortcut" and "Undo Delete" from the desktop menu with the right mouse button. Create "New Folder" opens a "New Shortcut" on your desktop any ideas?

Iii) I cannot open the images that I create, or Thank you, in fig. Below. Ii) I cannot create a new installed Desktop "Short Cuts" - I have a promotion

Took responsibility / set security under options - advanced with no luck.

As in the downloaded or error: the remote procedure call failed? MSIE 5.5: Syntax "Shortcut To" "Opening"

I really liked Win95.

Marty in Virginia

Any help you can provide is a popup blocker (regular google toolbar). I also think it beats my car, MSIE 5.5 on board.

No shortcut or target in shortcut properties

Now I generally, web document, security, details and previous versions... What I am specifically trying to do is add "-console" to the bottom, somewhat incorrect. Also is this information in the lower left corner of the files icon?

I am not using Norton 360.

the absence of a shortcut label indicates that it is not actually a shortcut. The only tabs that are there are only or the target in the game shortcut. I do not mean to insult your intelligence

I can't find the end of the target target label, but there is no shortcut or target.

It has a little arrow in here, but is it really a shortcut? What you described is what I expect to see for a regular file, Mcafee for antivirus.

(1) Download ("Shortcut" Tab missing in Shortcut Properties) repair utility.

(2) Shortcut tab is missing "Shortcut"

(3) Properties context menu uses "o" shortcut instead of "r"

(4) Desktop as Shortcut command is missing from the Send menu

(5) Shortcut> Context Menu> Properties> Disable "Open file location"

The concept of "label" is known modern man mainly thanks to computer technology... It means a pointer to some object. Such an object can be a file or folder, and quite often various properties are connected to shortcuts. For example, they give a command to the program to run in full screen, or with a specific resolution. In Windows, this type of files has taken root so well. due to the presence of the Desktop... At least once for everyone experienced user there were errors when working with shortcuts, how to fix them? It will not be superfluous to figure it out.

To properly troubleshoot shortcut problems, it is worth identifying the cause of the occurrence.

The device of this file type is not complicated. In fact, it is a small document containing a link with parameters. It is not difficult to recognize this type of files - it is arrow icon at the bottom(although in some "assemblies" of Windows the arrow may not be present). They are supported at a very deep level by most modern operating systems. You can familiarize yourself with the contents of a shortcut by calling its context menu and clicking "Properties".

You can see several tabs here:

Possible problems and solutions

Most often, when working with such links, one encounters one trivial problem... The object referred to by the file has been moved, deleted or lost by the system. Or it cannot be launched. Often, the user tries to call something that is no longer at the final address. This is the most common mistake when working with a shortcut.

There are several solutions to this problem:

  • Just remove the shortcut. It must be remembered that it does not play any critical role in the system. It is not recorded important information except for the location of the file or folder. That is, by doing this, you will not delete an important document that you are used to finding by double-clicking on it.
  • Rewrite object reference. In the appropriate tab, simply replace the target address with the new one. To do this, find a new object and look at its location in its "Properties". Then copy this data into the properties of the shortcut.
  • If the object has been moved, the easiest way is to create a new link to it. To do this, just call the context menu desired file or folders, and then click "Send" - "Desktop". This will allow you to quickly access the desired document directly from your desktop.

Errors of this kind are a small problem. Unless, of course, it is caused by another, larger problem. If you cannot find what you are looking for by the name next to the icon, try Windows Search.

Other problems

It cannot be ruled out that a virus is to blame for problems with file links. This is possible if the PC is not installed good antivirus package... Do a due diligence with " Microsoft Security Essentials "or" Kaspersky ". Then try the above methods.


Label problems are not that hard on their own. If you have basic skills in Windows environment- you can probably easily deal with them. And if the root of the problem still could not be eliminated - please contact us in the comments, the users of our site will tell you the right solution!

Many have faced the problem when the shortcut on the desktop does not open. After virus attacks, all icons do not work correctly. You don't have to take your computer to repair to fix a file association error. The user can correct the situation on his own.

If the icon opens in an unusual way or does not respond at all, then main reason- carelessness. The user could mistakenly set the wrong program to run the exe file.

How do I restore shortcuts to work?

Launching programs is restored at the command line. How to get the shortcuts to work properly:

  • for launch in the task manager, the user types the combination: Ctrl + Alt + Del;
  • "File" is selected in the manager, and then "New task";
  • the word "Cmd" fits in;
  • pressing "Enter" starts command line;
  • then enter notepad and press the "Enter" button, after that the launch of "Notepad" starts;
  • into the "Notepad" insert the text that begins with the words: "Windows Registry Editor";
  • use the "Save as" option, in the file type field you need to change the text document to "all files";
  • the encoding is set to Unicode, the file with the .reg extension is sent to the C drive;
  • then you need to return to the command line and enter: REG IMPORT C: \ saved_file_name.reg.

Final steps: the user confirms the entry of data into the registry. The computer restarts. Then you need to find in the "Start" menu and click the arrow on the "Run" button. After the Explorer has been entered, the "Enter" key is pressed. On system disk opens folder Windows. Next, the subject's task is to find the regedit.exe file and run it. Protection and unauthorized access are disabled beforehand. There is a key in the registry editor: ... He is removed. Similarly, the user destroys the secfile key. Then the registry editor is closed. The computer can be restarted.

All shortcuts began to have the lnk extension, how to fix it through the registry

In such a situation, the user will understand: associations for file types have disappeared. Fixing the error through the registry is simple. For this you need:

  1. Open Registry Editor. (Reminder: the user does this with Administrator rights). You will need to click on "Start", then enter the regedit command.
  2. You cannot make erroneous manipulations. The task of a person is to find HKEY_Current_User / Software / Classes / .exe... This key is removed through the subsectionUser Choise... How to remove it: by clicking on the right mouse button.
  3. To restart a computer.

Launching Desktop from Task Dispatcher

If, when turning on the computer, the user sees a black screen and a mouse pointer (arrow), then the root of the problem is a virus.

Note! Antiviruses remove destructive programs. The changed parameters remain in the registry. They prevent the computer from starting.

Fixing the registry to restore the desktop

How exactly to edit the registry to restore the desktop:

  • press the combination: Ctrl + Alt + Del - after that either the "Menu" or the task manager will appear;
  • in the upper left corner of the task manager, you can select the "File" option;
  • the user clicks on the line "New task (execute)";
  • regedit is entered in the dialog box;
  • confirming clicking on "Ok";
  • the user enters the registry editor: in the list of options on the left, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon branch.

What else is needed do: look at the string parameter Shell. If "explorer.exe" is indicated, no additional changes are required. If Shell is absent, then the user corrects the situation: right-click on an empty area of ​​the registry editor (right half), then the option "Create string parameter".

You need to check the same registry key in HCEY_Current_User. There shouldn't be any parameters mentioned above.

The final step is pressing "Ctrl + Alt + Del". Then you can restart your computer. At the next login, the person does not have to solve the problem, how to open a shortcut on the desktop if it doesn't open.

My shortcuts stopped working, why?

If the shortcut has stopped work on a new device, then don't worry. The problem is not in the operation of the system, but in human error.

Transferring shortcuts to another computer is a mistake for novice users. Some copy the shortcut to a USB flash drive. Subsequently, they move this element to new computer... Inexperienced users forget: shortcuts are not stand-alone programs. Icon Is a pointer to the system. The programs themselves are stored on disk.

Important! If the user transfers the icon to another computer, then the shortcut will be useless. There are no programs on the disk in the specified location that the person requested.

What if homefront the revolution won't launch from a shortcut? It is necessary to download the installer of this program from the official website - the problem will disappear.

Shortcuts not working in windows 7? Do all labels look the same? Solve the problem quickly.

Causes why one program opens several shortcuts:

  • the user has set a specific file to open by default;
  • the work of the system was changed by a virus.

What to do, if computer game won't launch when you click on a shortcut? Assess the degree of changes in the system operation. The second step is to "declassify" the icons. The subject performs 3 actions:

  1. In the context menu of the desktop, the user finds the line "Personalization".
  2. In the window that appears, select "Change desktop icons".
  3. In a new window, a person puts a check mark next to the components that he needs. Changes are confirmed by pressing "OK".

If the computer has survived viral attack, the icons may not appear after the above steps. If the explorer.exe file fails to start, the user resorts to a "rollback". This is the name given to returning Windows to a recent committed state. If the icons are not recognizable, then it is worth "rolling back" to the date when they functioned normally.

Going through "Start" to "Start System Restore", click "Next". The date of the last point of operation of the system appears. Early recovery dates will occur. Having selected the desired day, the person will click the "Next" button, then confirm their consent to rollback the system. The computer will restart and it will work normally.

Virus on a USB stick - folders have become shortcuts! Solution!

When a shortcut for the flash drive itself is created on the flash drive and it does not open for a long time, then there is only one reason: the device is infected malware... Give it up and attend computer wizard not necessary. It is necessary to clean the data using an anti-virus (for example, Dr.Web). The second treatment option for the device: find and neutralize malicious file manually.

For Windows 7, the algorithm for getting rid of viruses involves performing 5 steps:

  1. Find through the Start button Control Panel.
  2. Then go to the options "Folder Options" and "Tab. View".
  3. Next, you can see the contents of the media. The user will find many icons in the folder.
  4. The properties of any icon are opened. It is worth taking a close look at the values ​​reflected in the Target field. A person will see in the field a long string consisting of letters and numerical combinations.
  5. The user's task is to see all folders and files that were previously hidden. Viruses "hide" on storage devices in the form exe files, they need to be removed.

What to do if the shortcut won't open(on removable media):

  • the command line opens (this is done only with Administrator rights);
  • enter the commands in the window: cd / d f: /;
  • after typing each combination, the "Enter" key is pressed;
  • in the above command "f" - the letter of the drive assigned to the medium is entered: attrib –s - h / d / s.

Thanks to the team, all data on the flash drive becomes open. A person sees the S (System) and H (Hidden) attributes for all folders in the directory. Information about the attached files appears.

How do I keep my computer safe?

So that situations are no longer part of the job when Opera browser does not start from a shortcut, users protect their computers from threats.

  1. Using a firewall. This device checks information that comes from the Internet. A firewall prevents hackers and viruses from gaining access to your laptop.
  2. Antivirus programs.
  3. Application of anti-spyware applications.
  4. Windows Update. The operation of the system is simplified by installing updates. Windows regularly checks them for the computer.

Security settings are easy to manage using the Action Center. He manages the firewall settings, antivirus software, provides the user with links to resources where troubleshooting tools are available.

What if the shortcut won't open?

If a person does not recklessly use programs to open inappropriate files, the likelihood of problems will decrease. So that at any time you can open icons on the desktop, users install new versions of antivirus software on their computers.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter