Information technologies for managing the housing and communal system. Ways to solve the problems of introducing information technologies in housing and communal services

Housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services) is a branch of the service sector and essential part territorial infrastructure that determines the conditions of human life, primarily the comfort of a home, its engineering improvement, the quality and reliability of transport, communications, household and other services that affect the state of health, quality of life and social climate in settlements.

The following sub-sectors are distinguished within the housing and communal services:

1. Housing and maintenance production

2. Water supply and sanitation;

3. Communal energy (electricity, heat, gas supply);

4. City transport (bus, tram, trolleybus);

5. Information economy (cable networks, satellite television, fiber optic systems and electronic channels communications, computer communication and support systems);

6. External urban improvement, including road facilities and road transport construction;

7. Sanitary cleaning of territories (street cleaning, house cleaning with disposal of household and food waste);

8. Green economy (landscaping of cities, floriculture);

9. Household services (baths, laundries, ritual services, etc.);

The branches of urban economy and housing and communal services are closely connected with the regional economy. The urban economy can be considered as a complex of services, enterprises, engineering structures and networks necessary to meet the daily household, socio-cultural, communal needs of the population. The urban economy includes enterprises that perform both production and non-production functions, including transport serving the population of the city (territory), consumer services, communications, trade, public catering and some other industries.

Among the features of housing and communal services as a branch of the national economy include:

a combination of production and non-production functions associated with the manufacture of material products and the provision of services;

special social significance, reinforcing the need for state regulation and control by consumers;

a combination of commercial (profit-oriented) and non-profit organizations;

The industry is represented by both natural monopolies (transportation of energy and liquids) and industries in which competition is possible and necessary (production of goods and services);

· variety of organizational and legal status of entrepreneurship (with and without formation of a legal entity) and forms of ownership;

· a combination of large (energy production, Vodokanal, pipeline networks, etc.) and small business;

· the dispersal of centers for the provision of services in accordance with the settlement system, which determines the special role of local self-government bodies;

· the special importance of environmental and sanitary-epidemiological control;

· the need to ensure a guaranteed minimum of services, regardless of the solvency of the population;

· Diversity of consumers (citizens, their associations, enterprises, budgetary organizations). Increasing requirements for housing and communal services, its development and improvement acts as important factor raising the standard of living of people, improving their living conditions and developing the culture of the population.

Housing and communal services include housing and utilities. The housing and communal services sectors can be classified as follows:

· sanitary-technical services (water supply, sewerage, sanitary cleaning enterprises);

· intracity passenger transport of general use (tram, trolley bus, bus, subway);

municipal energy (thermal, electric, gas networks,

communal boiler houses, power plants and gas plants, not included in the general electrical systems);

public services (baths, laundries, hairdressers, hotels);

· external urban improvement (road and bridge facilities, landscaping, street lighting);

auxiliary enterprises of housing and communal services (repair plants, workshops).

The urban economy also includes city (municipal) and district (local) governments, financial and credit institutions, bodies for the support and protection of public order, institutions of science and scientific services of intracity significance. At the same time, the urban economy is not a simple set of the listed areas, but an integrated "vascular system" that links together all the elements of city (territory) service.

Among the specific features of housing and communal services should also include its diversified nature; predominantly local character of service; close relationship with industry; the relationship of industries and enterprises, serving the features of reproduction processes.

The leading branch of the urban economy, the most complex and extensive

is housing and communal services.

Sub-sectors of housing and communal services, satisfying the corresponding needs of the population, provide the necessary conditions for normal human life and the functioning of both the social and industrial structure of the region. Housing and communal services form the appropriate quality of life of the population, the culture of life and lifestyle, largely determines the socio-economic potential of the territories, their investment attractiveness.

Despite the diversified structure of housing and communal services, it is an integral system that ensures the normal functioning of a person, the functioning of the social and industrial infrastructure of the territory.

According to expert estimates, housing and communal services cover on average from 50 to 70% of fixed assets owned by municipalities and thus serve as the material basis for the functioning of local executive authorities and the most important area of ​​their social responsibility. The lack of funds for the maintenance and repair of housing and communal services due to the irrational mechanism of their formation and use, frequent and unjustified reorganizations of the housing and communal services management structure have led to a sharp decrease in the reliability of the functioning of housing and communal services. Their accident rate increased by 38%.

The lack of funding for housing and communal services is exacerbated by the lack of proper regulatory and legal support for the functioning of this sector of the service sector.

In connection with the general decline in the standard of living of the population and the growth of tariffs, the demand for many paid types of services (repair and maintenance of the housing stock, household services, etc.) has significantly decreased, and the circle of their consumers is narrowing. As a result, the gap in the volume and quality of public services provided in countries with developed market economies has sharply increased. This causes social tension in society, especially in winter. An analysis of the level of provision of the population with housing and communal services based on these sources shows that the gap between the necessary and practical level of consumption of housing and communal services in the 90s. is continuously increasing: the average level of provision of the population with total living space, per inhabitant, is 1.5-2 times lower than the rational standard and 3-5 times lower than in countries with developed market economies, with 9.8 million families (including singles) lives in dormitories and communal apartments. Only in a few other cities has the housing supply increased due to new housing construction.

On average, one person has 17.7 square meters. total living space, while a third of families (including singles) - less than 9 square meters. m. of living space. Over 5 million people lives in dilapidated and dilapidated houses.

The level of improvement of the housing stock remains low, a significant part of it does not meet the standards, not only in terms of volume, but also in terms of quality. In cities and urban-type settlements, every fifth apartment is not equipped with centralized water supply, sewerage, central heating. Today, more than 40 million people live in them.

The crisis of housing and communal services as a branch of the service sector is due to a combination of reasons: the weak technical base of the industry; lack of capacity; the lack of necessary funds for development and current maintenance, etc. Their deep basis is an inefficient and inappropriate for a socially oriented economy mechanism for setting tariffs and collecting payments for public utilities, systems of payments and control over the use of resources for the development of housing and communal services.

Since 1990, the growth rate of housing construction has been steadily declining due to rising prices for building materials and equipment with a reduction in their production, increased transport costs, and a sharp reduction in centralized financing of housing construction.

Housing and communal services are among the most monopolized sectors of the national economy. Monopoly in the housing and communal services system does not allow consumers to protect their rights, reduces the responsibility of organizations for the provision of housing and communal services and their quality, and leads to the formation of monopoly prices.

An analysis of the development of the information support system for the housing and communal sector makes it possible to structure the data used to provide support to the enterprises of the housing and communal services and are of interest to them.

The following types of information resources are in greatest demand:

1. Regulatory documents;

2. Methodological developments;

3. Information related to the municipal order;

4. Investment projects, support systems;

5. Tariffs, prices, financial schemes;

6. Regional monitoring of the progress of management reform and energy saving;

7. Materials, equipment, machines, technologies;

8. Business press;

9. Socio-economic information.

Housing and communal services - a complex of sub-sectors that ensures the functioning of the engineering infrastructure, various buildings of settlements, creating convenience and comfort for living and being in them for citizens by providing them with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Today, housing and communal services is a complex, diversified industrial and technical complex. It includes: housing and repair and maintenance production; water supply and sanitation; communal energy; external improvement, including sanitary cleaning and greening of cities. Housing and communal services include:

  • · Plumbing -- elimination of leaks in water pipes, water purification system
  • Sewerage - sewage disposal
  • · Capital repairs of buildings
  • Current repair of internal common house engineering communications and systems (buildings)
  • · Heat supply - ensuring the supply of hot water and heat to residents, ensuring the operation of boiler houses and thermal power plants. Disruption of work can cause a fuel and energy crisis.
  • Collection, removal and disposal of garbage
  • Maintenance of adjacent territories (improvement)
  • · Power supply.

This industry, without which the life of a person, city, territory, is practically impossible, requires the formation of an effective mechanism for the interaction of research and production organizations with local governments and the population in order to reform the housing and communal complex in order to transfer it to a qualitatively new material and technical base.

To solve any of the existing problems of the housing and communal sector, the use of information technology is required. Modern information technologies make it possible to keep records of the consumption of heat, water and energy resources, to organize control over the state of facilities, to ensure interaction between suppliers and consumers of resources. High-quality and reliable information is the most valuable resource demanded by all market participants. For authorities, the use of ICT in the housing and communal services sector allows them to quickly control the situation, which is necessary for budgeting and accounting for current payments, planning and monitoring work, developing a regulatory framework; ICT investors will be helped to calculate the necessary investments and the possible return on them.

For ordinary citizens, end users of housing and communal services, the introduction of information technologies will allow them to control the resources consumed and optimize their spending.

It is also important that the transition to the widespread use of information technologies in housing and communal services, which leads to simplification of payment procedures and the transition to payments for consumed rather than released resources, has a significant social effect. Even simply informing market participants about the reform of housing and communal services and savings on current payments thanks to the use of new consumption metering technologies, it can positively influence the attitude of market participants to the reform of housing and communal services.

To date, housing and communal services information systems have already been introduced and are successfully operating in a number of regions. Thus, in 2007, a competition was held by the Ministry of Industry and Energy for the development of technical regulations for the requirements for the software and hardware complex for accounting for energy resources in the housing and communal services. Similar technologies are gradually appearing in Russian cities - not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg, but also in Nizhny Novgorod, the Sverdlovsk Region, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Surgut, Perm, etc.

In Nizhny Novgorod, on the basis of already implemented solutions, a unified system of payment for housing and communal services has been introduced. Payment transactions are carried out in real time - these technologies are similar to those used by operators cellular communication. In addition, a prepayment system is being introduced here, which will allow you to pay the rent before the holidays.

In the Sverdlovsk Region, payment collection procedures have been optimized ahead of the heating season. The problem with payment delays was solved with the help of the Integrated Settlement Center (CRC), available in 36 cities of the Middle Urals and serving 490,000 subscribers. In Yekaterinburg, the complex settlement center also ensures transparency and efficiency of incoming payments, and funds for utilities are transferred to the accounts of their suppliers.

The geography of implementations is quite extensive, however, as a rule, large cities and, mainly, donor regions turned out to be the “pioneers of automation”.

    Today at administrative districts the question of the use of modern technologies formation, collection and processing of information during the reform of housing and communal services. Concern about this issue is quite easily explained, since without the use of technologies for the formation, collection and processing of information, it is simply impossible to carry out transformations of the housing and communal services in large cities. New technological developments should ensure a systematic and continuous process of collecting and processing information on the state of the housing stock, engineering networks and communications, including dispatching of the housing stock, issuing passports for houses and adjacent territories, making settlements with residents, address social assistance, control over the consumption of thermal and energy resources, the transition to automated collection, processing, analysis and transmission of information, information support in making managerial decisions.
    All of the above suggests that the time has come to create and put into operation an effective information organized system. The success of this task is reinforced by the possibility of using a fiber-optic network that will reach every home. Automated system management, which this moment are used in large cities, were developed, as a rule, in the context of functionality and focused on the current legislative framework. Based on this, we can conclude that they cannot implement the functions of protecting consumer rights and cannot be socially oriented. And this is currently a top priority in the reorganization of the housing and communal system.
    The bulk of the systems used cannot provide adjustment to constantly changing norms and laws, as well as transparency of settlements and payment of utility bills. That is why one of the main directions that is planned to be developed when introducing new information technologies into the housing and communal system is the use of information systems in settlements with residents. The most effective is the use of a single information and settlement center.
    A single information and settlement center means a system for collecting information that forms a database for the entire housing and communal sector and combines all housing and communal services into one information and technological chain. This innovation will make it possible to create comfortable conditions for communication between tenants and service authorities and service providers, and will eliminate queues at housing organizations. The result of the work of an integral information and settlement center will be lowered into mailbox invoice-receipt.
    There are many opinions and proposals on the creation of unified information and settlement centers, having singled out a rational grain from each, it was decided to create single centers at the district level with further consolidation in the district system. But, unfortunately, the technical condition of housing and communal services and the necessary financial investments do not everywhere make it possible to introduce the described technologies using a fiber-optic network.
    Specialists insist on creating a unified information and settlement system for the districts, insisting on the maximum use of the existing opportunities available today in the centers of housing subsidies. It is impossible to ignore the fact that at present specialists are coming to leading positions high level, for which Computer techologies are an integral part of the workflow.
    One-piece technologies information space Housing and communal services make it possible to form payments for utilities, arrange benefits and subsidies, in automatic mode distribute payments among enterprises that provide services, as well as manage information and financial flows. With help unified system it is possible to reduce all payments for housing and communal services into one payment, which will then be broken down by types, which will make it possible to automatically recalculate and divide payments.
    Many experts believe that the technology of an integral information space of housing and communal services is not the only way out of the situation. It is planned to devote specialized exhibitions and conferences to the solution of this problem. Discussion of the problems of introducing technologies for the formation, collection and processing of information in the housing and communal services is planned to be held at scientific and practical conferences.


1.1 The concept of housing and communal services



One of the main factors influencing scientific and technological progress on all spheres of human activity is the widespread use of new information technologies. Among the most important and massive areas in which information technology plays a decisive role, a special place is occupied by the housing and communal services sector. Under the influence of new information technologies, fundamental changes are taking place in management technology, the qualifications and professionalism of specialists engaged in activities in the housing and communal sector are increasing.

Housing and communal services is one of the main sectors of the economy, which has a significant impact on all aspects of society. The cost and quality of services of the housing and communal complex - the most important characteristics ensuring stability and sustainable development of the national economy, directly affecting the level and quality of life of all its citizens.

However, this sphere of society's life is in a state of crisis, historically caused by a number of circumstances: an inefficient management system, high costs associated with the provision of housing and communal services, an underdeveloped competitive environment, and chronic non-payments. The management of housing and communal services (HCS) has an extremely low efficiency, and the lack of adequate information does not allow putting into practice the basic principles of the program-targeted approach to management. There is no effectively functioning information support system for management, which could contribute to the process of reforming the housing and communal services and its transition to a qualitatively new state. Among the many problems that need to be addressed in the course of the implementation of the housing and communal reform, a special place is occupied by the reliability and availability of information that is created, used and distributed in the housing and communal services. First of all, this is information about the housing stock and residents, about the consumption of energy resources, operative information on the current state of housing and communal services, engineering communications.

This problem can be successfully solved only on the basis of advanced information technologies. Informatization of housing and communal services is a necessary link in the reform of housing and communal services.

The introduction of information technology will create a high-quality new system management of housing and communal services, as well as a system of regulated interaction with executive bodies of state power. The basis should be an information system that will bridge the gap between the already relatively developed regulatory framework and law enforcement practice, as well as to improve the quality of decisions, social security of the population and strengthen control over the housing and communal sector.

In this regard, the need for structural reforms in the management of housing and communal services, based on a scientifically based array of information, is objectively increasing. This is necessary to make effective management decisions and, most importantly, to ensure the principle of optimal control over the activities of housing and communal services, which, in accordance with the new Housing Code (LC RF), becomes a key element of management and requires complete information obtained from various sources.

The purpose of this work is to study such issues as information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector, as well as the activities of the Unified Information and Settlement Centers in Moscow.

Tasks - study of information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector, namely the concept of housing and communal services, tasks of information systems of housing and communal services; unified settlement and cash centers, as well as the activities of the unified information and settlement centers in Moscow.

1. Information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector

1.1 The concept of housing and communal services

Housing and communal services - a complex of sub-sectors that ensures the functioning of engineering infrastructure, various buildings of settlements, creating convenience and comfort for living and being in them by citizens by providing them with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Today, housing and communal services is a complex, diversified industrial and technical complex. It includes: housing and repair and maintenance production; water supply and sanitation; communal energy; external improvement, including sanitary cleaning and greening of cities. Housing and communal services include:

Plumbing - elimination of leaks in water pipes, water purification system

Sewerage - disposal of sewage

· Capital repairs of buildings

Current repair of internal common house engineering communications and systems (buildings)

· Heat supply - ensuring the supply of hot water and heat to residents, ensuring the operation of boiler houses and thermal power plants. Disruption of work can cause a fuel and energy crisis.

This industry, without which the life of a person, city, territory, is practically impossible, requires the formation of an effective mechanism for the interaction of research and production organizations with local governments and the population in order to reform the housing and communal complex in order to transfer it to a qualitatively new material and technical base.

1.2 Tasks of information systems of housing and communal services

The tasks to be solved by the use of information systems in the field of housing and communal services are shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. Tasks of information systems of housing and communal services

IS housing and communal services provide an increase in the efficiency of receipt of current information about the state of objects by the control center in order to quickly respond to problem situations.

Processing information about the technical condition of the housing stock of the territory is accounting for the consumption of energy and water, control technical parameters heating, hot and cold water supply, power supply, ventilation, operation of elevator equipment, control of technological discipline, transmission of information in the context of houses, microdistricts, quarters in order to calculate tariffs, make decisions on major repairs, etc.

Remote control of housing and communal services facilities involves managing pressure and voltage in networks, turning on and off lighting in entrances and courtyard areas, and controlling access to technical rooms.

The consequences of changing tariffs, the machine for housing and communal services can be predicted by modeling situations.

Accounting and calculation of payment for utilities includes:

keeping records of buildings, apartments;

management of personal accounts;

maintaining quarterly accounting of utilities and consumption standards;

· Calculation of subsidies and accounting for benefits (in aggregate and for each tenant entered in the personal account) with the possibility of changing their list by the user;

grouping of buildings in order to change the standards and other parameters for a large number of apartments, the prompt execution of calculations in the process of such changes;

Keeping records of the income of each family and the calculation of subsidies in accordance with these data;

calculation of the amount of benefits (with the possibility of its recalculation in the event of a change in legislation) for each tenant;

Maintaining the history of accruals (recalculation for previous periods in accordance with the then existing standards).

Improving the quality of work with the population is achieved by reducing the queues for obtaining certificates, statements, automating the generation and printing of reports.

Saving budget funds is achieved by reducing labor costs for operations and the number of personnel.

2. Unified cash settlement centers (ERCC)

Currently, the automation of housing and communal services is moving towards the organization of unified cash settlement centers (UCC). The main purpose of the ERCC is the calculation of the cost of utilities, the automation of payment for utilities by the population under the conditions of contractual relations between producers of housing and communal services.

The main objectives of the creation of the ERCC are:

· formation of a non-subsidized system of housing and communal services on the basis of financial analysis, control and accounting of available resources;

Accounting for the flow of payments for utilities and document management;

control over the collection of payments;

· Creation of a database of urban economy, including all information about the state of the housing stock, the population, quotas, subsidies, services rendered.

The most important activities of the ERCC are:

· operational centralized service for residents of the Moscow region for payment of housing and communal services;

preparation and delivery of payment documents to the population;

provision of benefits and subsidies;

· Making adjustments to the calculations when changing tariffs, benefits and subsidies;

accounting of citizens who have arrears in paying for housing and utilities;

· centralized information and analytical support of administrative districts.

The centralization of subscriber services to the population on the basis of the ERCC made it possible to obtain a number of advantages:

· improvement of control over the correctness of changes in tariffs and calculation of fees for housing and communal services, elimination of discrepancies in documents and errors in their interpretation;

· use on the territory of the city of a single invoice-receipt, handed over to each payer personally;

Improved update speed information base;

· Improving the quality of the provision of benefits by integrating the information base with the database of the social protection service;

Improving the quality of information services for the population through the organization " hotline» on the provision of housing and communal services.

The interest of utility service providers in increasing the collection of utility bills has increased, since the amount of money transferred to these organizations is determined by the volume of actually provided services. This stimulates the improvement of the quality of services provided.

3. Activities of the Unified Information and Settlement Centers in Moscow

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 25, 2002 N 476-PP "On the Creation of Unified Information and Settlement Centers" by the executive authorities included in the City Economy Complex of the Moscow Government, prefectures of administrative districts, city district administrations together with resource supply organizations, JSC " Bank of Moscow" in a short time created and operate in all districts of the city unified information and settlement centers.

During the period from November 2002 to the present, a significant amount of work has been done to address organizational and administrative issues related to ensuring the operation of unified information and settlement centers, which made it possible to combine all the main types of housing (operational), communal and other services in the field of housing and communal households (HUS) in a single payment document, organize their centralized delivery to the population, ensure the collection of most types of payments for HUS through a single payment document to transit accounts and their further distribution directly to service providers, bypassing intermediaries, increase the transparency of payments for HUS, create prerequisites for services to the population on the principle of "one window".

In this regard, special attention was paid to coordinating the actions of all participants in the process of functioning of unified information and settlement centers, creating conditions for Muscovites to have access to information on ongoing operations to calculate payments for housing and communal services and other services provided to them, on established rates and tariffs, benefits and subsidies, organization of consultations on the whole range of issues and problems in this area.

The issues of creating and organizing the work of unified information and settlement centers were most successfully solved by the prefectures of the Central, North-Eastern, Eastern, Southern and some other administrative districts of the city. A certain positive experience in creating a system for accruing payments for housing and communal services and accruing subsidies on the principle of "one window" has been created in the city of Zelenograd.

In a number of districts of the city, for example: Zhulebino, Lyublino, Kuntsevo, Lianozovo, Altufyevo, Chertanovo Severnoye, Beskudnikovo, Lomonosovsky, Teply Stan, Severnoye Izmailovo, Veshnyaki, Arbat, Timiryazevsky, Biryulyovo Vostochnoye, thanks to the efforts of prefectures, district administrations, directorates of a single customer, successfully there are unified information and settlement centers with a good material and technical base and qualified personnel.

A positive role in the process of establishing the EIRC system and raising the level of its functioning is played by the Bank of Moscow OJSC, which acts as a financial operator and ensured the creation of an effective cash flow accounting system in the housing and communal services system.

The organization of the EIRC, the establishment of their activities were accompanied by extensive information and explanatory work, both directly through the unified information and settlement centers, and through the city, district and district mass media.

As a result, if in November 2002 the number of Muscovites paying for housing and communal services and other services using single payment documents did not exceed 20%, then in the current period in the city as a whole this figure was more than 95%.

However, existing system unified information and settlement centers requires further development.

Currently, the activities of the EIRC do not cover all categories of payers for housing and communal services, which hinders the creation of an optimal socio-economic model for accruing, collecting and distributing payments for housing and communal services.

The issues of more rational organization of management and functioning of the EIRC need to be addressed, primarily through the unification and optimization of processes related to the calculation of payments, the creation of a single information space covering all participants in the settlement system, within the framework of the targeted city program Electronic Moscow.

There is a need for further material, technical and personnel strengthening of a number of EIRCs, the creation of a citywide system for training and retraining employees of centers at all levels.


So, we examined information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector and the activities of the Unified Information and Computing Centers in Moscow.

Housing and communal services is a complex, diversified industrial and technical complex, which includes housing and repair and maintenance production; water supply and sanitation; communal energy; external improvement, including sanitary cleaning and greening of cities.

For the successful work of housing and communal services, it is necessary to introduce information technologies, which will allow creating a qualitatively new system of housing and communal services management, as well as a system of regulated interaction with executive bodies of state power. The basis should be an information system that will bridge the gap between the already relatively developed regulatory framework and law enforcement practice, as well as improve the quality of decisions made, social security of the population and strengthen control over the housing and communal sector.

The tasks of information systems of housing and communal services include the following:

Increasing the efficiency of dispatching;

Processing information on the technical condition of the housing stock of the territory;

Remote control of housing and communal services;

Situation modeling;

Accounting and calculation of payment for utilities;

Improving the quality of work with the population;

Information service of municipal government bodies;

Exchange of information between municipal authorities;

Budgetary savings.

It should be noted that in order to implement the informatization of the housing and communal sector in the administrative districts of Moscow, Unified Information and Settlement Centers (UIRC) are being created with branches in the districts of Moscow.

The EIRC is responsible for the formation and organization of delivery to residents of a single payment document summarizing the accruals of suppliers of housing and communal services and other services and resources, taking into account existing benefits and subsidies, and in the future - targeted subsidies, organizing the reception of the population, allowing residents to receive information about all provided housing - utilities and other services, charges and payments for them (single window) and execution of documents requested by the population, certificates, extracts, etc., as well as the formation of a package of documents for the provision of subsidies for payment of housing and communal services.

The form and rules for filling out the Single Payment Document are approved in order to ensure the necessary criteria for the functioning of the EIRC.

List of references and sources

1. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 29, 2003 No. 617-PP On the work of the Unified Information and Settlement Centers (EIRC) and measures to improve their activities

2. Zhadko P. A. Information support for assessing the state and organization of control in the structure of the housing and communal services of the region. - Dissertations for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. - Moscow, 2009.

3. Saak A.E., Pakhomov E.V., Tyushnyakov V.N. Information technology management: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 320 p. - (Series "Textbook for universities")

Http:// and Communal Services

Saak A.E., Pakhomov E.V., Tyushnyakov V.N. Information technology management: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 320 p. - (Series "Textbook for universities")

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 29, 2003 No. 617-PP On the work of the Unified Information and Settlement Centers (UIRC) and measures to improve their activities

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Presentation on the topic: Information technologies in housing and communal services

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One of the main factors influencing scientific and technological progress on all spheres of human activity is the widespread use of new information technologies. Among the most important and massive areas in which information technology plays a decisive role, a special place is occupied by the housing and communal services sector. Under the influence of new information technologies, fundamental changes are taking place in management technology, the qualifications and professionalism of specialists engaged in activities in the housing and communal sector are increasing. One of the main factors influencing scientific and technological progress on all spheres of human activity is the widespread use of new information technologies. Among the most important and massive areas in which information technology plays a decisive role, a special place is occupied by the housing and communal services sector. Under the influence of new information technologies, fundamental changes are taking place in management technology, the qualifications and professionalism of specialists engaged in activities in the housing and communal sector are increasing. Housing and communal services is one of the main sectors of the economy, which has a significant impact on all aspects of society. The cost and quality of services of the housing and communal complex are the most important characteristics of ensuring the stability and sustainable development of the national economy, which directly affect the level and quality of life of all its citizens.

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However, this sphere of society's life is in a state of crisis, historically caused by a number of circumstances: an inefficient management system, high costs associated with the provision of housing and communal services, an underdeveloped competitive environment, and chronic non-payments. The management of housing and communal services (HCS) has an extremely low efficiency, and the lack of adequate information does not allow putting into practice the basic principles of the program-targeted approach to management. There is no effectively functioning information support system for management, which could contribute to the process of reforming the housing and communal services and its transition to a qualitatively new state. Among the many problems that need to be addressed in the course of the implementation of the housing and communal reform, a special place is occupied by the reliability and availability of information that is created, used and distributed in the housing and communal services. First of all, this is information about the housing stock and residents, about the consumption of energy resources, operational information about the current state of housing and communal services, engineering communications. However, this sphere of society's life is in a state of crisis, historically caused by a number of circumstances: an inefficient management system, high costs associated with the provision of housing and communal services, an underdeveloped competitive environment, and chronic non-payments. The management of housing and communal services (HCS) has an extremely low efficiency, and the lack of adequate information does not allow putting into practice the basic principles of the program-targeted approach to management. There is no effectively functioning information support system for management, which could contribute to the process of reforming the housing and communal services and its transition to a qualitatively new state. Among the many problems that need to be addressed in the course of the implementation of the housing and communal reform, a special place is occupied by the reliability and availability of information that is created, used and distributed in the housing and communal services. First of all, this is information about the housing stock and residents, about the consumption of energy resources, operational information about the current state of housing and communal services, engineering communications. This problem can be successfully solved only on the basis of advanced information technologies. Informatization of housing and communal services is a necessary link in the reform of housing and communal services. The introduction of information technologies will make it possible to create a qualitatively new system of housing and communal services management, as well as a system of regulated interaction with executive bodies of state power. The basis should be an information system that will bridge the gap between the already relatively developed regulatory framework and law enforcement practice, as well as improve the quality of decisions made, social security of the population and strengthen control over the housing and communal sector.

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In this regard, the need for structural reforms in the management of housing and communal services, based on a scientifically based array of information, is objectively increasing. This is necessary to make effective management decisions and, most importantly, to ensure the principle of optimal control over the activities of housing and communal services, which, in accordance with the new Housing Code (LC RF), becomes a key element of management and requires complete information obtained from various sources. In this regard, the need for structural reforms in the management of housing and communal services, based on a scientifically based array of information, is objectively increasing. This is necessary to make effective management decisions and, most importantly, to ensure the principle of optimal control over the activities of housing and communal services, which, in accordance with the new Housing Code (LC RF), becomes a key element of management and requires complete information obtained from various sources. The purpose of this work is to study such issues as information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector, as well as the activities of the Unified Information and Settlement Centers in Moscow. Tasks - study of information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector, namely the concept of housing and communal services, tasks of information systems of housing and communal services; unified settlement and cash centers, as well as the activities of the unified information and settlement centers in Moscow.

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Housing and communal services - a complex of sub-sectors that ensures the functioning of engineering infrastructure, various buildings of settlements, creating convenience and comfort for living and being in them by citizens by providing them with a wide range of housing and communal services. Housing and communal services - a complex of sub-sectors that ensures the functioning of engineering infrastructure, various buildings of settlements, creating convenience and comfort for living and being in them by citizens by providing them with a wide range of housing and communal services. Today, housing and communal services is a complex, diversified industrial and technical complex. It includes: housing and repair and maintenance production; water supply and sanitation; communal energy; external improvement, including sanitary cleaning and greening of cities. Housing and communal services include: Water supply - elimination of leaks in water pipes, water purification system Sewerage - sewage disposal Capital repairs of buildings Current repairs of internal general house engineering communications and systems (buildings) Heat supply - ensuring the supply of hot water and heat to residents, ensuring the operation of boiler houses and thermal power plants. Disruption of work can cause a fuel and energy crisis. Collection, removal and disposal of garbage Maintenance of adjacent territories (improvement) Electricity supply. This industry, without which the life of a person, city, territory, is practically impossible, requires the formation of an effective mechanism for the interaction of research and production organizations with local governments and the population in order to reform the housing and communal complex in order to transfer it to a qualitatively new material and technical base. and Communal Services

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IS housing and communal services provide an increase in the efficiency of receipt of current information about the state of objects by the control center in order to quickly respond to problem situations. IS housing and communal services provide an increase in the efficiency of receipt of current information about the state of objects by the control center in order to quickly respond to problem situations. Processing information about the technical condition of the housing stock of the territory is accounting for the consumption of energy and water, monitoring the technical parameters of heating, hot and cold water supply, electricity, ventilation, operation of elevator equipment, monitoring technological discipline, transferring information in the context of houses, microdistricts, quarters for the purpose of calculating tariffs, making decisions on major repairs, etc. Remote control of housing and communal services involves managing pressure and voltage in networks, turning on and off lighting in entrances and courtyard areas, controlling access to technical rooms. The consequences of changing tariffs, the machine for housing and communal services can be predicted by modeling situations. Accounting and calculation of payment for utilities includes: keeping records of buildings, apartments; management of personal accounts; maintenance of quarterly accounting of utilities and consumption standards; calculation of subsidies and accounting for benefits (in aggregate and for each tenant entered in the personal account) with the possibility of changing their list by the user; grouping of buildings in order to change standards and other parameters for a large number of apartments, prompt execution of calculations in the process of such changes; keeping records of the income of each family and the calculation of subsidies in accordance with these data; calculation of the amount of benefits (with the possibility of its recalculation in the event of a change in legislation) for each tenant; maintaining the history of accruals (recalculation for previous periods in accordance with the then existing standards). Improving the quality of work with the population is achieved by reducing the queues for obtaining certificates, statements, automating the generation and printing of reports. Budgetary savings are achieved by reducing labor costs for operations and the number of personnel. Saak A.E., Pakhomov E.V., Tyushnyakov V.N. Information technology management: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 320 p. - (Series "Textbook for universities")

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Currently, the automation of housing and communal services is moving towards the organization of unified cash settlement centers (UCC). The main purpose of the ERCC is the calculation of the cost of utilities, the automation of payment for utilities by the population under the conditions of contractual relations between producers of housing and communal services. Currently, the automation of housing and communal services is moving towards the organization of unified cash settlement centers (UCC). The main purpose of the ERCC is the calculation of the cost of utilities, the automation of payment for utilities by the population under the conditions of contractual relations between producers of housing and communal services. The main objectives of the creation of the ERCC are: the formation of a subsidized housing and communal services system based on financial analysis, control and accounting of available resources; accounting for payment flows for utilities and document management; control over the collection of payments; creation of a database of urban economy, including all information about the state of the housing stock, population, quotas, subsidies, services rendered. The most important areas of activity of the ERCC are: operational centralized service for residents of the Moscow Region for payment of housing and communal services; preparation and delivery of payment documents to the population; provision of benefits and subsidies; making adjustments to calculations when tariffs, benefits and subsidies change; accounting of citizens who have debts to pay for housing and utilities; centralized information and analytical support of administrative districts. Centralization of subscriber services to the population on the basis of the ERCC made it possible to obtain a number of advantages: improved control over the correctness of changes in tariffs and the calculation of fees for housing and communal services, the elimination of discrepancies in documents and errors in their interpretation; use on the territory of the city of a single invoice-receipt, handed over to each payer personally; increasing the efficiency of updating the information base; improving the quality of the provision of benefits by integrating the information base with the database of the social protection service; improving the quality of information services for the population through the organization of a "hot line" on the provision of housing and communal services. The interest of utility service providers in increasing the collection of utility bills has increased, since the amount of money transferred to these organizations is determined by the volume of actually provided services. This stimulates the improvement of the quality of services provided. Saak A.E., Pakhomov E.V., Tyushnyakov V.N. Information technology management: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 320 p. - (Series "Textbook for universities")

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In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 25, 2002 N 476-PP "On the Creation of Unified Information and Settlement Centers" by the executive authorities included in the City Economy Complex of the Moscow Government, prefectures of administrative districts, city district administrations together with resource supply organizations, JSC " Bank of Moscow" in a short time created and operate in all districts of the city unified information and settlement centers. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 25, 2002 N 476-PP "On the Creation of Unified Information and Settlement Centers" by the executive authorities included in the City Economy Complex of the Moscow Government, prefectures of administrative districts, city district administrations together with resource supply organizations, JSC " Bank of Moscow" in a short time created and operate in all districts of the city unified information and settlement centers. During the period from November 2002 to the present, a significant amount of work has been done to address organizational and administrative issues related to ensuring the operation of unified information and settlement centers, which made it possible to combine all the main types of housing (operational), communal and other services in the field of housing and communal households (HUS) in a single payment document, organize their centralized delivery to the population, ensure the collection of most types of payments for HUS through a single payment document to transit accounts and their further distribution directly to service providers, bypassing intermediaries, increase the transparency of payments for HUS, create prerequisites for services to the population on the principle of "one window". In this regard, special attention was paid to coordinating the actions of all participants in the process of functioning of unified information and settlement centers, creating conditions for Muscovites to have access to information on ongoing operations to calculate payments for housing and communal services and other services provided to them, on established rates and tariffs, benefits and subsidies, organization of consultations on the whole range of issues and problems in this area.

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The issues of creating and organizing the work of unified information and settlement centers were most successfully solved by the prefectures of the Central, North-Eastern, Eastern, Southern and some other administrative districts of the city. A certain positive experience in creating a system for accruing payments for housing and communal services and accruing subsidies on the principle of "one window" has been created in the city of Zelenograd. The issues of creating and organizing the work of unified information and settlement centers were most successfully solved by the prefectures of the Central, North-Eastern, Eastern, Southern and some other administrative districts of the city. A certain positive experience in creating a system for accruing payments for housing and communal services and accruing subsidies on the principle of "one window" has been created in the city of Zelenograd. In a number of districts of the city, for example: Zhulebino, Lyublino, Kuntsevo, Lianozovo, Altufyevo, Chertanovo Severnoye, Beskudnikovo, Lomonosovsky, Teply Stan, Severnoye Izmailovo, Veshnyaki, Arbat, Timiryazevsky, Biryulyovo Vostochnoye, thanks to the efforts of prefectures, district administrations, directorates of a single customer, successfully there are unified information and settlement centers with a good material and technical base and qualified personnel. A positive role in the process of establishing the EIRC system and raising the level of its functioning is played by the Bank of Moscow OJSC, which acts as a financial operator and ensured the creation of an effective cash flow accounting system in the housing and communal services system. The organization of the EIRC, the establishment of their activities were accompanied by extensive information and explanatory work, both directly through the unified information and settlement centers, and through the city, district and district mass media. As a result, if in November 2002 the number of Muscovites paying for housing and communal services and other services using single payment documents did not exceed 20%, then in the current period in the city as a whole this figure was more than 95%. At the same time, the existing system of unified information and settlement centers requires further improvement. Currently, the activities of the EIRC do not cover all categories of payers for housing and communal services, which hinders the creation of an optimal socio-economic model for accruing, collecting and distributing payments for housing and communal services. The issues of more rational organization of management and functioning of the EIRC need to be addressed, primarily through the unification and optimization of processes related to the calculation of payments, the creation of a single information space covering all participants in the settlement system, within the framework of the targeted city program Electronic Moscow. There is a need for further material, technical and personnel strengthening of a number of EIRCs, the creation of a citywide system of training and retraining of employees of centers at all levels. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 29, 2003 No. 617-PP On the work of the Unified Information and Settlement Centers (UIRC) and measures to improve their activities

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So, we examined information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector and the activities of the Unified Information and Computing Centers in Moscow. So, we examined information technologies for managing the housing and communal sector and the activities of the Unified Information and Computing Centers in Moscow. Housing and communal services is a complex, diversified industrial and technical complex, which includes housing and repair and maintenance production; water supply and sanitation; communal energy; external improvement, including sanitary cleaning and greening of cities. For the successful work of housing and communal services, it is necessary to introduce information technologies, which will allow creating a qualitatively new system of housing and communal services management, as well as a system of regulated interaction with executive bodies of state power. The basis should be an information system that will bridge the gap between the already relatively developed regulatory framework and law enforcement practice, as well as improve the quality of decisions made, social security of the population and strengthen control over the housing and communal sector. The tasks of housing and public utilities information systems include the following: - increasing the efficiency of dispatching; - processing of information on the technical condition of the housing stock of the territory; - remote control objects of housing and communal services; - simulation of situations; - Accounting and calculation of payment for utilities; - improving the quality of work with the population; - information service of municipal authorities; - exchange of information between municipal authorities; - budgetary savings.

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It should be noted that in order to implement the informatization of the housing and communal sector in the administrative districts of Moscow, Unified Information and Settlement Centers (UIRC) are being created with branches in the districts of Moscow. It should be noted that in order to implement the informatization of the housing and communal sector in the administrative districts of Moscow, Unified Information and Settlement Centers (UIRC) are being created with branches in the districts of Moscow. The EIRC is responsible for the formation and organization of delivery to residents of a single payment document summarizing the accruals of suppliers of housing and communal services and other services and resources, taking into account existing benefits and subsidies, and in the future - targeted subsidies, organizing the reception of the population, allowing residents to receive information about all provided housing - utilities and other services, charges and payments for them (single window) and execution of documents requested by the population, certificates, extracts, etc., as well as the formation of a package of documents for the provision of subsidies for payment of housing and communal services. The form and rules for filling out the Single Payment Document are approved in order to ensure the necessary criteria for the functioning of the EIRC.