Housing and communal services reform. Reforming the system of housing and communal services

Housing reform - an automated information system was created by order of the Housing and Public Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, focused on monitoring regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings.

2017: Service for creating a site for the managing organization

In the information system "Reform of housing and communal services" in the spring of 2017 appeared free service- Creation of the site of the managing organization. It allows the management company, HOA, ZhSK to create their own website in a few minutes based on the data already entered into the system.

Users will have access to such functions as posting news of the organization, any additional information in the form of text, links, files and images, as well as " Feedback”, allowing residents to send a message to representatives of the managing organization.

The site address on the Internet is chosen by the administrator of the managing organization independently. At the same time, the full address of the organization's website created using this service, will look like this: selected_name.reformagkh.ru.

Two templates available appearance site. The use of the third template will be available soon.

The rights to create or delete a site will belong to the administrators and operators of the managing organization.

- Such a service is focused primarily on managing organizations, for which the creation and support of their own Internet resource is an expensive undertaking. In addition, it can be useful for large organizations as a "business card site", - said the Deputy Head of the Department information technologies Foundation for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform Svetlana Bakuleva.

You can create a website for your managing organization and get acquainted with the capabilities of this service in the workspace information system"Housing and communal services reform" in the "My Sites" section.

2016: Reform of housing and communal services 2.0

In the course of modernization, a functional block appeared - "Communal Infrastructure", which combines information on projects implemented with the participation of the Fund for the modernization of communal infrastructure systems. The list includes 39 projects in the areas of water disposal, heat supply, water supply, and waste management. The implementation of approved modernization projects will improve the quality and reliability of the provision utilities in more than 2900 settlements, where about 2 million 320 thousand people live.

The "Resettlement of Citizens" block was supplemented with a service for submitting appeals indicating specific shortcomings in the quality of residential premises, as well as appeals for unreliable information on resettlement. The section also contains information about apartment buildings recognized as emergency after 01/01/2012 (list, status of settlement, documents).

The mechanism is launched logical checks while saving the card of the corresponding object, which eliminates possible errors and input of distorted data.

Appendix " Housing reform”, developed by BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Informatization Center of the Rostec Group of Companies, became available on the IOS and Android platforms in March 2017.

Mobile app allows you to get up-to-date information about 1.2 million homes in any city Russian Federation. The user will be able to quickly clarify the contacts of the managing organization, see the basic information about the passport of the house (date of commissioning, stage of construction readiness, number of inhabitants, floors, entrances, etc.). The application also contains data on the implementation of the overhaul program in the house (information on the collection of funds from the owners, the year of the last overhaul, the scope of completed and planned work) and data on emergency and under construction houses with information on the progress of resettlement.

The application also allows you to communicate with residents of the house, receive various news using the feed, upload and view photos. The developers of BARS Group made the application interface understandable and convenient, did not overload it with graphic elements, which ensured a quick display of on-screen forms. Navigation elements are designed in a user-friendly form.


In 2008, it became known about the creation of an automated information system [“http://reformagkh.ru Housing and communal services reform”]

The Housing and Public Utilities Reform system was developed by order of the Housing and Public Utilities Fund and is used to monitor regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing, programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings, disclosure of information by organizations that manage apartment buildings.

Information on the implementation by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of regional programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings is posted in the system by authorized representatives of the executive authorities in the field of housing and communal services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Order of September 2, 2014 N 520 / pr of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation " On the forms of monitoring and reporting on the implementation by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of regional programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings.

System window screenshot (2015)

All data related to the implementation of this program are located in open access on the website reformagkh.ru in the section "Overhaul" and are displayed in the form in which it was provided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As of November 24, 2015, 11,000 specialists in more than 5,000 municipalities in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide data entry and processing in the Fund's information system.

Specialists of the Housing and Communal Services Fund daily provide technical support and advice to all users of the information system as needed. Detailed Instructions on the use of the system are developed and available to all its users.

The Fund regularly holds webinars on work in the AIS "Housing and Communal Services Reform", a separate telephone line and address Email.

The Automated Information System "Housing and Utilities Reform" is a key element of the monitoring system for the implementation of programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings. In order to ensure maximum information transparency, according to the information system “Reform of the housing and communal services”, the Housing and Public Utilities Fund issues a monthly information bulletin on the implementation of regional capital repair programs, which is sent to the media.

The network has a lot of thematic sites about housing and communal services and home management. In this article, we have compiled a description of the websites of official bodies and non-profit organizations involved in or directly related to the subject of housing and communal services.

The website of the Foundation for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Public Utilities - www.fondgkh.ru

The Internet site www.gosuslugi.ru is an official portal that presents all the main public services that an individual or legal entity faces. The presence of such a portal allows you to get all the comprehensive information in one place, which relates to the payment of taxes, duties, fees, fines, permits and other documents.

For the convenience of portal users, all services are divided into separate departments (Ministry of Justice, Federal Migration Service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and so on), which allows you to quickly find the necessary information about a particular service. At the same time, the entire list of documents required to receive such a service, its cost, deadlines and other important points, allowing you to get it as soon as possible and reduce the likelihood of refusal due to an incorrectly prepared package of documents.

The portal www.gosuslugi.ru is easy to use and intuitive for all visitors. In addition, for the convenience of the latter, there are video instructions explaining in detail the rules for using the portal. In addition, the portal contains all the information that reflects the structure of power in the Russian Federation, indicating the territorial bodies, their addresses, contact numbers, working hours and other information.

The Internet resource www.gosstroy.gov.ru is the official website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

The site contains on its pages all official information related to the regulation of the housing and communal services, housing construction, urban planning, public services in the field of construction, the implementation of federal targeted programs in this area.

The website will be of great help in the work of organizations that are in one way or another connected with the sphere of housing and communal services and construction. Ordinary citizens on the site can get acquainted with the necessary legislative framework, on the basis of which all Russian enterprises, without exception, carry out their functions, regardless of their form of ownership. The official website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation allows you to send a direct electronic appeal to all individuals and legal entities if they become aware of facts of corruption in the sphere of competence of the Ministry or they believe that their legal rights have been violated.

The reform of housing and communal services has recently raised many questions among residents of apartment buildings. Answers to almost everything can be found on the official website, created with the support of the State Corporation Fund for Assistance to Housing and Utilities Reform.

Housing reform official website — Main page

It provides information on which specific areas the reorganization concerns, what penalties are provided for management companies that do not comply with their obligations, what rights homeowners have, and much more. The structure of the site is simple enough that even a novice Internet user can figure it out.

Housing reform official website - Sections

Main page - easy to understand

In the upper part there are 7 windows, the information of which displays the most important topics of the housing and communal services reform.

About what exactly you can find out by clicking on the columns, inform the theses that are located on the left side of the main page of the Housing Reform of the official website. For example, the Learn all about your home section contains information about your apartment building, how it is managed, and the management company that services the MKD. Here you can also find information about the services that the company provides as part of its activities and the work that is performed.

In order to find out this information, you need to go to the page with one click, where the columns that need to be filled in will open. Using this information will allow you to keep abreast of the cases that implements Management Company check them with reality.

Housing reform official website - Find out everything about your home

In general, the official website presents information about the housing and communal services reform in full, and it is designed, first of all, to protect the interests of the owner of housing in an apartment building. The housing and communal services reform official website provides complete information regarding specific houses on topics such as the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, and major repairs. It also provides information about all management companies that work in your area. And even there is an opportunity to compare their rating according to certain criteria.

Housing reform official website - Resettlement from an emergency house

To start using the site to the full, you should register, this procedure is simple, requiring a minimum of time. But after that, the full range of portal features will be available to you. Of course, you will have questions, you should not immediately address them to the administrator, you can look at the Help section, which contains the most popular topics that cause confusion among visitors to the Housing and Utilities Reform of the official website.

Housing and communal services reform official website - Question to housing and communal services

The site has the same simple structure, which is no less popular than the one presented.

Housing reform official website: www.reformagkh.ru