What is housing reform. Housing and Utilities Reform: Program Launch History and Development Trends

Portal "Reform of housing and communal services" - the purpose of creation and features of work. Step-by-step illustrated instructions for registering a Criminal Code on the official website of the "Housing and Utilities Reform" and disclosing the necessary information. How to get information about your house on the portal and management company- read our article.

from the article you will learn:

In our country, the Housing and Utilities Reform portal has been operating for several years. It was created at the initiative of the government and is intended for posting information by management companies. For the UK, the requirement to enter the necessary information on the site is mandatory. However, many organizations continue to ignore this provision of the law, so some of the information remains undisclosed.

Housing reform in Russia

The objective of the "Housing and Utilities Reform" website is to simplify the procedure for the average person to obtain information about their home. All the necessary information is entered here by the managing organizations that go through the necessary registration procedures. Citizens do not need to register. To find the information of interest on the site, just enter in search string house address. If it is entered correctly, then information about it and the activities of the Criminal Code appears.

"Housing and Public Utilities Reform" is an official website for information disclosure by managing organizations, developed under the supervision of the Housing and Public Utilities Reform Assistance Fund. It is needed not only for the management companies to post information about themselves and the houses, but for the residents to get acquainted with them. On the site, all those interested can also track the progress of ongoing reforms in the industry.

The portal has several sections. In the “My Home” tab, you can find basic information about the MKD and the activities of the management company serving it (works being carried out and services provided). The My Manager tab allows you to learn more about the managing organization. It also provides the rating of the UK, which can be guided in the process of changing such a company. The rating is compiled by evaluating the performance of organizations.

Shortly after the launch of the official website, additional sections appeared on it. Now on the portal you can:

  • monitor the process of resettlement from houses that have exhausted their resources and are recognized as uninhabitable;
  • study in separate tab everything related to major repairs - both in the country as a whole (guiding documents, statistics, news), and in a particular house (it is selected through the search box);
  • get acquainted with the materials on the ongoing modernization of the communal infrastructure in the Russian Federation;
  • study statistics and analytical information concerning the management of apartment buildings in different regions. To facilitate perception, information is provided using modern infographic capabilities.

Registration on the official website of the housing and communal services reform

Only authorized users can post information on the portal. To do this, the managing organization needs to register in order to then be able to enter the site using a unique login and password. Registration of new users occurs in two stages.

Enter login, e-mail and password. In addition, the full surname, name and patronymic of the person who carries out the registration is indicated. At the end, a standard code from the picture is introduced, which allows you to cut off attempts to automatically receive accounts in bulk by unscrupulous users.

For the indicated email a message is sent that activates Account.

Sending an application for registration of the managing organization. To do this, you need to enter the name of the Criminal Code and its TIN. The site administrator checks the submitted information and, if the information matches, approves the application.

If the application is rejected, then the reason is indicated in the "Comment" field. For example, when checking, the administrator may find out that the organization with the specified TIN does not exist. In this case, an opportunity opens up for editing and re-submitting the application. This allows you to quickly correct the erroneously entered number and other information in order to successfully register on the Housing and Public Utilities Reform portal.

Upon approval of the application, its submitter receives the status of the administrator of the management company. He is given the opportunity to disclose information about the organization, home and ongoing work.

Disclosure of information on the official website of the housing and communal services reform

Mastering the "Working Area".

The transition to the "Workspace" is carried out through Personal Area in the "Organizations" tab. The administrator of the Criminal Code has the opportunity to specify information about his organization himself or appoint operators. In the second case, these additional users will be involved in entering information.

For any points regarding actions in the "Working Area" on the site "Housing and Utilities Reform" there are the necessary instructions. They are available both in text form and as videos. All this is very clear, so users usually do not have any questions.

Disclosure of information about the managing organization.

In the "Workspace", the "My Organizations" tab is selected, which lists all the CCs assigned to the administrator. When you open the desired organization, you can proceed to fill out its questionnaire. The information entered here and its changes are published within seven business days from the moment the administrator makes the entries.

Disclosure of information on apartment buildings.

In the "Working area" there is a tab "My houses", in which you can enter information about the MKD available in the management. If necessary, new houses are added to the list, for which the following is indicated:

  • region;
  • the address;
  • Management Company;
  • square.

When you click the "Open" button in front of a particular house, its profile opens, where the necessary information is entered. Changes to the disclosed information come into force at the same time as in the previous paragraph - within 7 days from the moment the administrator enters the relevant information.

Here you can also remove the house from the list of serviced objects by pressing the "Stop control" button.

"My House" on the website of the housing and communal services reform

The “My House” tab on the “Housing and Utilities Reform” website contains a complete set of information about every apartment building in Russia. The user of the site just needs to type the address, and he will be able to find out:

  • current technical condition of the building;
  • a list of works to be carried out at the facility by the managing organization;
  • the date of the overhaul and the list of measures taken for it, and much more.

“My Home” includes the “Passport” subsection, where all technical information is entered. Here you can specify the year of construction of the building, its design features, characteristics of existing engineering networks, the availability of common house meters of various resources, and much more.

In the same tab, cadastral information is written. The house must include the adjacent land. Its description is also available on the Housing Reform website. The present elements of improvement are also indicated here, for example, a children's and sports ground, etc.

The “My Home” tab contains the “Management” subsection, where the working documentation of the managing organization should be posted:

  • management agreement;
  • list of works that are carried out in the house;
  • meeting minutes in chronological order.

In addition to general information about the amount of work carried out and planned, their cost is also indicated. The ability to see financial information is one of the main tools of control on the part of ordinary residents. If the management company allowed any violations in the work, and they were recorded, then information about this also remains on the “Housing and Utilities Reform”. They will be stored along with penalty information.

The site contains an archive of important data about the house and the process of managing it. Management companies may change, but information about past MCs will remain available for review.

The “House book” subsection has recently appeared in the “My Home” tab on the “Housing and Utilities Reform” website. For obvious reasons, only registered users can access it.

An important subsection for apartment owners concerns major repairs. The "My Home" tab allows you to get acquainted with what major repairs have been carried out and planned, at what time they will be performed and how much they will cost. The amounts received from owners as payment for the current time are also reflected here.

"My manager" on the website of the housing and communal services reform

In the "My Manager" section on the "Housing and Utilities Reform" portal, you can find the most complete information about the management companies working in the city. All organizations are listed alphabetically with the following basic data:

  • the name of the UO;
  • number of houses under management;
  • total area of ​​serviced MKD;
  • rating on a five-point scale.

CCs are sorted in the table according to any of the listed parameters. For example, you can select organizations with the highest rating or the maximum number of controlled houses.

Clicking on the name of the MC will take you to its page. On it you can get acquainted in all details with the features of the work of the organization. This includes the following information:

  • a list of specific MKDs under management;
  • a list of MKDs that were previously under the management of this company;
  • Full name of the head, address, all contact details;
  • general information, including license number;
  • main financial indicators;
  • recorded violations (this section is filled in by the organization itself, it is also responsible for the accuracy of the information).

On the page of each MA on the Housing Reform website, its current rating is given. It is updated daily at automatic mode. The final rating figure is derived on the basis of available information about the scale of the company's work, its efficiency, financial stability, transparency and reputation. These indicators can be guided by when choosing a new management company for your home.

For information on how to collect contributions to the capital repair fund, read in a separate article.

Housing reform- an automated information system was created by order of the Housing and Public Utilities Reform Assistance Fund, focused on monitoring regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings.

2017: Service for creating a site for the managing organization

In the information system "Reform of housing and communal services" in the spring of 2017 appeared free service- Creation of the site of the managing organization. It allows the management company, HOA, ZhSK to create their own website in a few minutes based on the data already entered into the system.

Users will have access to such functions as posting news of the organization, any additional information in the form of text, links, files and images, as well as " Feedback”, allowing residents to send a message to representatives of the managing organization.

The site address on the Internet is chosen by the administrator of the managing organization independently. At the same time, the full address of the organization's website created using this service, will look like this: selected_name.reformagkh.ru.

Two templates available appearance site. The use of the third template will be available soon.

The rights to create or delete a site will belong to the administrators and operators of the managing organization.

- Such a service is focused primarily on managing organizations, for which the creation and support of their own Internet resource is an expensive undertaking. In addition, it can be useful for large organizations as a "business card site", - said the Deputy Head of the Department information technologies Foundation for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform Svetlana Bakuleva.

You can create a website for your managing organization and get acquainted with the capabilities of this service in the workspace information system"Housing and communal services reform" in the "My Sites" section.

2016: Reform of housing and communal services 2.0

In the course of modernization, a functional block appeared - "Communal Infrastructure", which combines information on projects implemented with the participation of the Fund for the modernization of communal infrastructure systems. The list includes 39 projects in the areas of water disposal, heat supply, water supply, and waste management. The implementation of approved modernization projects will improve the quality and reliability of public services in more than 2,900 settlements, where about 2 million 320 thousand people live.

The "Resettlement of Citizens" block was supplemented with a service for submitting appeals indicating specific shortcomings in the quality of residential premises, as well as appeals for unreliable information on resettlement. The section also contains information about apartment buildings recognized as emergency after 01/01/2012 (list, status of settlement, documents).

The mechanism is launched logical checks while saving the card of the corresponding object, which eliminates possible errors and input of distorted data.

Appendix " Housing reform”, developed by BARS Group, a subsidiary of the National Informatization Center of the Rostec Group of Companies, became available on the IOS and Android platforms in March 2017.

Mobile app allows you to get up-to-date information about 1.2 million homes in any city Russian Federation. The user will be able to quickly clarify the contacts of the managing organization, see the basic information about the passport of the house (date of commissioning, stage of construction readiness, number of inhabitants, floors, entrances, etc.). The application also contains data on the implementation of the overhaul program in the house (information on the collection of funds from the owners, the year of the last overhaul, the scope of completed and planned work) and data on emergency and under construction houses with information on the progress of resettlement.

The application also allows you to communicate with residents of the house, receive various news using the feed, upload and view photos. The developers of BARS Group made the application interface understandable and convenient, did not overload it with graphic elements, which ensured a quick display of on-screen forms. Navigation elements are designed in a user-friendly form.


In 2008, it became known about the creation of an automated information system [“http://reformagkh.ru Housing and communal services reform”]

The Housing and Public Utilities Reform system was developed by order of the Housing and Public Utilities Fund and is used to monitor regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing, programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings, information disclosure by organizations managing apartment buildings.

Information on the implementation by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of regional programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings is posted in the system by authorized representatives of the executive authorities in the field of housing and communal services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Order of September 2, 2014 N 520 / pr of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation " On the forms of monitoring and reporting on the implementation by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of regional programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings.

System window screenshot (2015)

All data related to the implementation of this program are located in open access on the website reformagkh.ru in the section "Overhaul" and are displayed in the form in which it was provided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As of November 24, 2015, 11,000 specialists in more than 5,000 municipalities in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide data entry and processing in the Fund's information system.

Specialists of the Housing and Communal Services Fund daily, as needed, provide technical support and provide advice to all users of the information system. Detailed Instructions on the use of the system are developed and available to all its users.

The Fund regularly holds webinars on issues related to work in the AIS “Housing and Public Utilities Reform”, a separate telephone line and e-mail address have been allocated for consultations with employees of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The Automated Information System "Housing and Utilities Reform" is a key element of the monitoring system for the implementation of programs for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings. In order to ensure maximum information transparency, according to the information system “Reform of the housing and communal services”, the Housing and Public Utilities Fund issues a monthly information bulletin on the implementation of regional capital repair programs, which is sent to the media.

Attention: The obligation to disclose information in the GIS housing and communal services came with 1.01.2019 dfor all Managing Organizations (including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol). Responsibility for non-disclosure of information under Decree 731 came with 07/01/2019

All HOA/TSN, ZhSK and UK are still required to disclose information about their activitieson reformagkh.ru websites.

Specialists specialize in disclosure of information in accordance with legal regulations. We help to correctly disclose information about housing cooperatives, HOAs and Management Companies, as well as monitor the timeliness of disclosure of information about the activities of the MA:

Information disclosure

For HOA/TSN, ZhSK and UK

Standard placement of information

Urgent posting of information

GIS housing and communal services

Integration of GIS housing and communal services with the program b uh.accounting.

Direct upload, error tracking and disclosure completeness.

4 950 rubles/ month

Execution time - 5-10 working days

7 900 rub.

Deadline - 3 working days

Audit of posted information

Full audit of the information of the MA posted on the portals of the GIS Housing and Public Utilities and the Housing and Public Utilities Reform.
Based on the results, an expert opinion is provided.

990 rub.

Deadline - no more than 3 working days

Disclosure on the Housing and Public Utilities Reform for free -when concluding an agreement for disclosure in the GIS housing and communal services or for comprehensive maintenance of the MA.


Disclosure of information in accordance with 731 Government Decree.

Placement of payment documents for KU, indications of PU, placement of a management agreement, information about MKD and other information.
Integration with accounting software.
Direct upload, error tracking and disclosure completeness.

5 000 rubles- 1 year

6 000 rubles- 2 years

7 000 rubles- 3 years
Deadline - 30 working days

8 000 rubles- 1 year

9 000 rub.- 2 years

10 000 rubles- 3 years
Deadline - 7 working days

Disclosure of information is made on the basis of the data provided by the Customer and the availability of a completed Questionnaire.


From July 1, 2019, the MA becomes liable for the lack of disclosure of information under 731 of the RF PP. We remind you that the obligation to disclose information under 731 Government Decree (on the portals of the GIS housing and communal services and reformagkh.ru) for HOA and housing cooperatives came on January 1, 2019. A for Management Companies, the obligation came only from January 1, 2018.

The penalty for non-disclosure of information can be both for the Managing Organization (HOA / TSN, ZhSK or UK), and for a full-time employee.

Official fine - up to 50,000 rubles.; at the same time, the official is subject, in case of guilt, to removal and deprivation of the right to such activity for a period of up to 3 years.

To organize a fine may be from 250,000 to 300,000 rubles.
We strongly encourage you to review the disclosures and resolve any gaps by July 1, 2019.

With Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 731 as amended on March 27, 2018 (current version) can be found

In addition, we will help Managing Organizations:

  • - 3000 rub
    *(courier services for obtaining a digital signature are paid separately)
  • Audit of posted information on portals- 1000 rubles.
    (for 1 resource, includes analysis of disclosed information, reporting on errors and non-compliance with the law).
  • We will eliminate errors in the information posted on the portals: we will check the completeness of the information and help eliminate shortcomings in accordance with Decree 731 of the Government of the Russian Federation (GIS Housing and Public Utilities, Housing and Public Utilities Reform).
  • Service "Disclosure at the address of the MA" - 5000 rub. , is paid in addition to the cost of the information disclosure service. The service is available for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Deadline - 1 working day, subject to availability of all necessary documents.

How to post information?

From January 1, 2019, all management companies are required to disclose information to the GIS housing and communal services. But responsibilityfor the Managing Organizations of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol will come from 1.07.2019. Until this date, HOA, TSN, ZhSK and UK are required to disclose information about the activitiesrequired on sitesbody of executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation, determined by the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation.
You can register and post information yourself if you have time and have certain knowledge.
If you do not have the time or opportunity to explore these resources yourself, as well as scan and prepare documents, you can outsource this task to specialized specialists.
In case of difficulty, you can get advice by phone GIS Housing and Public Utilities Reform and by e-mail free of charge. You can contact technical support yourself and get answers to all your questions.
Or you can release to transfer all the functions of information disclosure and seek help from specialists .
Call +7 812 327-09-10 or leave a request by mail [email protected] website

Where exactly should information be disclosed?

According to 731 Decree of the Governments, information is disclosed:

  • on the Internet on the sites dom.gosuslugi.ru, www.reformagkh.ru;
  • be sure to place all the necessary data on the information stands in the premises of the MA.

What is required for registration:
1. Purchase qualified electronic signature(CEP) in one of the certification centers;
2. Register on the ESIA portal as individual, and after using the CEP as a legal;
3. Registration on the portal of the GIS housing and communal services based on the ESIA;

What awaits the managing organization in case of violation of Resolution 731?

For concealment of information and other violations, management companies are threatened with fines up to 200 thousand rubles, which can be imposed both on a specific employee and on the whole company.
From January 1, 2019, management companies, housing cooperatives and owners' associations post information in the GIS housing and communal services. Since July 1, 2019, measures have been taken for not posting information in the GIS housing and communal services.

The housing and communal services reform is a kind of Internet portal, thanks to which every resident of any Russian city can find information about their apartment, as well as get information about what housing and communal services live and breathe within the Russian Federation. For these noble purposes, the Housing and Utilities Reform official website www.reformagkh.ru is provided.

The housing and communal services reform official website in the header of the main page contains an entrance for registered users, provides for a quick registration procedure, and also helps each user determine their location. The housing and communal services reform official website in the center of the main page demonstrates a large-scale menu consisting of active tabs, when immediately after the “Home” tab there is “My House”.
When opening this section each user is shown its contents in the form of a catalog, when they need to select a suitable house from the list of regions, cities and streets of the Russian Federation. Thanks to a special search bar or the necessary filters, all this is done much easier and faster.
In a similar way, managing organizations are also found, when everything can be sorted alphabetically, footage and other parameters. The housing and communal services reform official website in the "Resettlement of Citizens" tab shows a list of emergency houses, as well as information about apartments under construction or built. It is also interesting to get acquainted with the overhaul, news feed and reference information of the site.

In the center of the main page there is a list of the most popular housing and communal services, under which there is a news block, as well as various offers for the leisure of citizens. Some of the most noteworthy options include a forum, an online game, video materials, a list of houses of exemplary content, petitions that anyone can easily submit.
The housing and communal services reform official website just below contains numerous links to sites of national importance, next to which there is a hotline number. At the bottom of the main page you can read information about the project, find out the necessary addresses and phone numbers.
When you are interested in housing and communal services for a particular house, the Housing and Utilities Reform official website will provide access to the requested information. If a trip to an exotic point of the globe is at stake, it will help you choose a cozy place for your upcoming vacation.

Many management companies and citizens have already heard about a single portal of public services, as well as a subsection of the GIS housing and communal services. Now we offer you to get acquainted with another useful service.

The official website of the Housing and Utilities Reform, developed by specialists state corporation Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform.

This resource solves many primary problems:

  • You can get acquainted with the organizations that manage apartment buildings (MC, DZ, HOA);
  • Get operational information about the rating of organizations managing your residential complex;
  • Also, this resource is constantly monitoring the resettlement of citizens from emergency and dilapidated housing;
  • Monitoring the provision of quality utility services by Management Companies and the implementation of regional capital repair programs.

In this article, we will fully analyze the entire structure of the site, learn how to work with the Personal Account of the Housing Reform portal, and give useful advice.

How to find on the Internet and enter the official website

Let's start with the basics. In order to find the Housing and Utilities Reform website on the Internet, you need to launch any browser, usually the one you use most often.

  • Using search engine"Yandex" or "Google", enter the query in the search bar: "Housing and communal services reform." The result should look like the picture below.
  • Please note: usually the top lines search results occupied by references to the official government project.

    Also, to facilitate navigation, Yandex may offer additional links, such as logging into your personal account.

    Another important point - before going to the site, be sure to make sure that the link looks like this: www.reformagkh.ru This will help you avoid fraudulent sites and clone sites.

    • Then you can safely click on the desired link, and you will be redirected to home page portal.

    Here's how it should look. (An important point: the data is current as of August 2018)

    • Another in a simple way get on official page project is to follow this link. www.reformagkh.ru Just copy it and paste it into your browser's address bar.
    In order not to constantly look for this resource on the Internet, we advise you to simply add it to your bookmarks. This will make it much easier and won't take much of your time.

    Registration on the portal - creating a personal account

    So, you went to the official portal, got acquainted with its structure and now it's time to register here.

    In the right upper corner The website has a "Register" button.

  • Location of the "registration" button
    • After clicking, you will be redirected to another page, where you will need to enter in the form fields contact information: login and password.

    • Template for filling out the "Registration" form

      Please note: after you have filled out the form and entered all the necessary data, be sure to check their correctness. Otherwise, after activation of the KM, it will be impossible to change them.

    • Please note: If you are not redirected to the link in the letter, to activate your account from the personal account of the official website of the Housing Reform, you can copy the link shown in the picture and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

      After that, you should be redirected to a page with a message about the successful activation of your Oz.

    • Account confirmation window Excellent! Now you have full access to all resources on the official portal of the Housing and Public Utilities Reform.

      What can be done on the portal without registration

      Now let's deal with the general functionality and navigation of the site.

      If you look closely at the services on the main page of the portal, the search line “Find your home” immediately attracts attention. An example is shown on the screenshot.

    • What does the "Find your home" line look like?

      Using this service, you can find the address of the house or building where you want to get the necessary information.

    • Here you must specify the address of the location of the house about which you want to find out information.

      And, after clicking on the "Search" button, you will see a similar result:

    • Despite the fact that the portal in its current version implies quite wide opportunities, they are available only to administrators from the Criminal Code so far. An ordinary user can receive services for monitoring the quality of work of contractors.

      How to enter the address of the house in the search correctly?

      If you have difficulty entering the address of an object on the site, we will give a simple but actionable advice how to enter the address of the house.

      Initially, you should select an area, in some cases you will need to specify a locality or region. Next, select the street, house/building number, etc. from the list.

      If the search returns a result that given object will not find, expand the zone. That is, specify the region / city in the conditions, and already select the street and house after the resource shows the results found.

      You will also be able to comment on search results, call hotline, look for contact numbers serving the Criminal Code.

      Login to your personal account and work with the service

      Above, we examined the possibilities of the Housing and Utilities Reform portal without entering your personal account. Now let's get to the fun part.

      So, we assume that your account is already activated, as we wrote earlier.

      How to enter your personal account:

      • On the main page of the site, click the "Login, as indicated in the picture" button. In the opened modal window enter login and password.
        • Enter credentials for authentication.

          • In the event that all the entered data is correct, the system will redirect you to the main page of your personal account.

          • Menu of the personal account of the housing and communal services website

            After you have logged into your personal account, the user will be presented with a wider functionality of the resource.
            By top panel menu we have the following items:

            • In My Home Mode the user can get information about the dwelling, how many square meters the object has, by whom it is serviced (which management company) and when the last scheduled repair was carried out.
            • My manager mode allows you to get acquainted with information with all service and management companies in your region, as well as about which particular management company holds the required object on its balance sheet. There is also information about the head of the company, his TIN, as well as the ratings of the Criminal Code in relation to other organizations.
            • As for tab "Resettlement of citizens", here information is offered for review about those residential premises, apartment buildings, etc., which are expected to be resettled in the near future due to their emergency state, or planned renovation.
            • If you switch your personal account to bookmark "Overhaul", you will have the opportunity to view and analyze information about current and planned overhauls in your region. It is worth noting that the current repair work may well be carried out at the request of the HOA and ordinary citizens with sufficient funding. Periodic and current reports of contractor firms are published.
            • Utilities tab allows the user to obtain data on when the implementation of a particular utility facility is planned. What is the current state of infrastructure facilities in general. This regime should increase the transparency of ongoing large-scale projects, as well as the overall quality of public services provided to the population. There is a summary of current and planned indicators.
            • If you have a desire to get acquainted with the results of various programs implemented by the authorities, then you should look at section "Analytics". Here you will find information about the resettlement of the waiting list from the emergency fund, indicators of the provided utilities, statistics on the funds spent. Everything is presented in a very accessible way.
            • Reference information on working with the service, a similar description of the site's functionality, video tutorials, answers to the most frequently asked questions posted in the "Help" section. It is also possible to contact the administration and technical service of the project.

            Why did the portal (website) "Reform of housing and communal services"

            on the pages of our website we are already considering the second project dedicated to public utilities Russian Federation.

            This site was created in order to increase the transparency of the work of the Management Companies, so that an ordinary Internet user would have the opportunity to independently control various aspects of the work of service organizations. Find out the state of his property.

            The Housing and Public Utilities Reform website was created by order of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the Decree being implemented, all organizations that manage apartment buildings must publish data on their activities on the Internet on a special resource.

            That is, any person should be able to get acquainted with the results of the economic activity of his management company or HOA on a public resource hosted on the worldwide network.

            The main purpose of the site is to disclose data on the work performed by service organizations and DED, public control over the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.


            The tightening of legislation in the field of housing and communal services, as well as an increase in the transparency of the activities of management companies, leads to the creation and implementation of such projects at the federal level.

            Also, the implemented opportunity for residents of the Russian Federation to contact the DEZ services to solve problems online, as well as write applications and complaints to supervisory authorities, significantly reduces the time for writing written claims. Another significant plus is a real reduction in queues at the offices of service organizations.

            Unfortunately, there are still disadvantages:

            • This project, in its current form, was implemented to a greater extent at UK and DEZs.
            • When registering a user, there is still quite a small functionality. The available powers are expanded only for the administrators of the Criminal Code.
            • The user has enough public functionality even without registering on the resource.
            • No option to pay for public utilities through the Housing Reform website.