How to remove the grid in photoshop cs5. Create a grid overlay effect on a photo

In order to make a grid ( Grid) visible, you must enable it. Go first View > Extras, then View > Show > Grid .

You will see a grid on your document canvas. Grid lines are not part of the document, they are just an auxiliary tool for working, i.e. when you save the document, the grid will not be visible on the image.

The grid itself is solid dark lines. The dotted lines are just auxiliary elements ( Subdivisions ).

Grid setup

You may need to customize the grid for yourself. This is very easy to do. To do this, go to the menu Edit > Preferences > Guides, Grid & Slices…

Here you can set the grid color, style (lines, dotted lines), the distance between the main grid lines (in millimeters, inches, pixels), the number of auxiliary lines ( Subdivisions ).

Snap to Grid

Function Snap(Snap to Grid) is very useful for the user. It allows users to align layers, shapes, text, and so on very easily. relative to the grid. When this function is activated, the elements are automatically aligned with the nearest grid elements ( Grid). In order to enable this function, you must first select View > Snap, and then View > Snap To > Grid .

Upd: You can also turn the snapping mode on and off while dragging an image element by pressing and releasing the key ctrl .

When creating a site layout, the exact placement of its elements relative to each other is important. For this, it is convenient to use auxiliary: the use of a modular grid, rulers and guides. In this article, we'll look at using rulers and a grid in Photoshop.

In order for rulers to appear in the program window, you need to execute the commands: View - Rulers(Ctrl + R). Keyboard shortcuts that duplicate this command are indicated in brackets. The rulers can be graduated in different units: pixel, cm, mm, inch... To set the units, open the settings window: Editing - Preferences - Units and rulers

But it is much more convenient to do it in another way. You just need to right-click (RMB) on the ruler and select the desired units from the context menu.

When designing a web page layout, it is best to measure dimensions in pixels.

Now about the modular grid in Photoshop. To show it, run the commands: View - Show - Grid(Ctrl+').

The grid spacing can be adjusted: Editing - Preferences - Guides, Grid and Slices

Using the grid, you can place the individual blocks of your layout exactly along the lines.

Another small but very handy feature Photoshop programs. If you work with a grid and draw rectangular shapes, then the cursor seems to “stick” to the grid lines. This makes it possible to make blocks with exact dimensions. However, this binding can be disabled:

And one more subtlety. By default, the origin is in the upper left corner of the sheet. But we can move it to any point convenient for us. To do this, place the mouse pointer in the square in which the rulers are connected, and drag it to the desired point.

To return the origin to starting point, double-click in the same box.

Now you can use modular grid in Photoshop in my work on the layout of the site.

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bubble sky

The bubble sky is waiting for you in the new Bubble Sky. Yes, it is beautiful, but still not so practical. All these bubbles prevent the light from falling to the ground, which makes it difficult for people to live during the day. You will need to try to get rid of all the bubbles. How? Just shoot the ball so that three or more balls touch. Only then can they burst. Let's clear the sky, let's go!

Photoshop has a number of tools for precise positioning of image elements in a document. For example, to place an element exactly in the middle, use and .

But what about when, say, you need to indent 50 pixels from the top edge? Or, what to do when you place 10 elements around the document and each of them needs to be positioned relative to each other at precisely specified distances? To solve such issues, you need to turn to positioning tools: rulers, grid and guides.

The rulers are two scales: one at the top, the other on the left side of it. The divisions of the selected unit of measurement are marked on the rulers. Yes, to put it simply, it's like a school ruler that we all put on a piece of paper.

To enable rulers in photoshop, run the command:

View - Rulers or hot key ctrl+r.

The default unit of measure is pixels. But this can be changed. Possible the following ways how to do it:

Method 1

Right click on the ruler bar. will appear context menu with all the units of measurement available in Photoshop: pixels, inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, peaks and percentages.

Method 2

In order to change the default units of measurement, you should go to the following Photoshop settings: Editing - Preferences - Units and rulers. In the window that opens, at the very top, there is an item Units, and in it Rulers.

Select the desired item from the drop-down list and save. Now Photoshop will use this unit of measure by default.

The ruler has a reference point - 0. By default, this is the upper left corner of the document. But this can also be changed by setting the beginning of the scale in any other place. To do this, click at the intersection point of the two rulers, then, without releasing the mouse button, drag to the side. You will see a crosshair. Place its center in the place where the ruler should have its origin.


To return the line to starting position, double-click in the same place at the intersection of the two rulers.

Guides in Photoshop

Now that the rulers have appeared, you can create guides.

Guides are blue vertical and horizontal lines that help create markup in a Photoshop document.

The guides are auxiliary elements, so they won't be visible when you save the image. But they remain in PSD format.

Guides have a sticky effect, that is, when you move any image element closer to the guide, you will feel how this element suddenly sticks to the line. This is very useful for positioning. In this case, you are sure that you placed the element pixel by pixel with a guide.


The sticky effect in Photoshop is called binding. It is turned on and off in the menu. View - Anchor. Make sure the checkbox is ticked.

From this follows the whole tactic of use: first you need to accurately install the guide in its place. To do this, use the ruler scale, if you need to measure the desired distance. Then, when everything is in place, drag the image element to the guide and it will stick to this line. Everything, it is positioned!

How to create guides in Photoshop

First you need to make sure that the display of guides is turned on. To do this, make sure that in the menu there was a checkmark. Rulers must also be enabled.

Now we need to create them. There are two ways for different occasions:

Method 1 Custom guides

This method is suitable when you need to quickly create a line and place it in an arbitrary place.

To do this, click the mouse in the ruler scale area:

  • for a horizontal line - on the top ruler;
  • for a vertical line - not the left ruler.

Then, without releasing the mouse button, drag your hand towards the document. Then, along with your movement, the guide line, still dark, will stretch. Next, install it in the right place and it will turn blue.

As you can see, it crosses the scale of the ruler, which means that it will not be difficult to calculate the distance and place the guide in the right place.

Method 2 Specifying where the guide should appear

Through the menu View - New Guide a dialog box will open. In which you need to specify in which plane it will be created (horizontal or vertical), as well as the field in which you need to enter the value of the desired position. For example, you want a horizontal guide that appears 100 pixels from the top of the image.

How to change the position of the guide

To move the line to a new location, select , then hover over the line. The cursor will change to two parallel bars. So you can click on the guide and drag to a new location.

By the way, the guides can be fixed, that is, protected from accidental shift. To do this, check the box View - Lock Guides.

How to remove/delete guides

Method 1 Move to ruler scale

This method repeats the process of creating a guide. Only to make it disappear, you need to drag it back to the scale area of ​​the ruler.

This method is ideal for cases where not all, but only some of the guides need to be removed from the set.

Method 2 Menu command

Through the program menu: View - Delete Guides. In this case, all created lines will disappear at once.

Method 3 Disable display

If you need to temporarily remove the guides so that they do not interfere, then uncheck the command View - Auxiliary elements or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H .

All lines will disappear, but if you need to display them again, then check the box back there, and then all the guides will again be in their places and you can continue working with them.

Grid grid in Photoshop

Remember what a checkered notebook sheet looks like. The same grid can be placed on top of a document in Photoshop. To do this, run the command:

View - Show - Grid

The grid is set up in the Photoshop settings: Editing - Preferences - Guides, Grid and Slices.

You can specify how wide the main (large) cells will be and how many additional internal divisions they will consist of. For example, I have main cells of 2 centimeters and are additionally divided into 4 smaller ones. Thus, each small cell is 0.5 centimeters.

This grid is useful when you need to align many different elements, such as text.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

There is a tool with which editing graphics will be much easier. This is a grid. It helps with creating images and folding collages. Using it, you can estimate the size and distance, estimate how objects will be located relative to each other, and make markings. Find out where to place this or that part of the picture. It's a useful tool if you know how to use it. Learn how to turn on a grid in Photoshop, how to set its attributes, and how to remove it.

The grid helps you more accurately and symmetrically arrange elements in your composition.

Essentially, these are guide lines. Flat table. It is superimposed over the image, but does not overlap it. It makes it easier to calculate proportions, see symmetry, and correctly place individual elements.

As an analogy, let's take a school notebook in a cage. It built graphs and drew geometric shapes. On such a sheet, it was possible to draw a straight line segment without a ruler, set an angle of 45 or 90 degrees, without using a protractor. From it, it was determined by eye how long the side of the rectangle is, and how many cells make up its area. In Photoshop, the table has about the same functions.

It can only be seen in the program. It will not appear when printed. There will be no cells in the digital version of the drawing either. It's not part of the image, but an editing tool.

Do not confuse it with the pixel grid. The last one is splitting the picture into dots. Useful for detailed editing. It can also be enabled and configured.

Even if you don't need these options, it's still useful to know about them. For example, to remove the table if it was accidentally activated.

How to turn it on?

  1. Open any graphic file or create a new one.
  2. On the menu bar, click on the "View" button. Usually it is between "3D" and "Window".
  3. Hover your cursor over "Show".
  4. In the drop-down menu, click on "Grid" ("Grid"). It will appear on the layer.
  5. You can also press the Ctrl + ' keys (in the Russian layout Ctrl + E).

How to setup?

You can make a different size of the cells (for example, so that they visually indicate segments 1 centimeter long), select the type or color of the lines.

  1. Open the Edit menu on the top bar.
  2. Hover your mouse over "Settings". He's at the very bottom of the list.
  3. Click on Guides, Grid and Slices.
  4. In the window that opens, set the desired cell size. This can be done in the "Line through every ..." field. Available different units measurements: inches, millimeters, points and so on.
  5. In the Style section, choose how you want the grid to appear: solid bar, dashed, or dots. This is not so important, since the markup will only be visible when editing the drawing.
  6. In the "Color" section, select a fill. The setting can be used when the table blends into the background.

How to remove?

You can get rid of cells in the same menu through which they were added. Here's how to remove the grid in Photoshop:

  1. Go to View - Show.
  2. Uncheck the corresponding box.
  3. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E.

pixel grid

The pixel grid is only noticeable up close. To see it, you need to enlarge the picture and change the scale. But when working with graphics, it can interfere. Here's how to insert or remove it:

  1. Open the menu View - Show.
  2. Click on Pixel Grid.


Another measurement method in Photoshop is rulers. They are outside the picture. With this tool, you can estimate the length and width of objects and the image as a whole. Rulers can be activated from the View menu. To select their options, go to Editing - Preferences - Units and rulers.

The table is useful when drawing diagrams. Or for any other job that requires precision. But this tool is also useful outside the professional sphere. After all, while drawing, a lot of things “pretend to be by eye”. If you enable markup, you can navigate to it. And in the end you get a verified, elaborate and beautiful drawing.

Consider auxiliary tools that are used to create and edit images in the program Adobe Photoshop CS5. These are rulers, guides and a grid.

Rulers in Photoshop

The rulers can be seen on the left and top outside the image borders. Turn rulers on and off using the menu View - Rulers.

Ruler units can be changed in the settings. To change go to Editor - Preferences - Units and rulers, and choose what you need in the top paragraph.

The default reference point of the rulers is top corner. You can change the starting point by clicking on the intersection of the rulers with the left mouse button and dragging on the drawing. to the place where you plan the origin of coordinates. Then release the mouse button.

To return the reference point to its place, double-click on the intersection of the rulers.

Guides in Photoshop

Guides are lines to which certain objects and selections can be anchored. To create guides, left-click on the ruler and, without releasing, drag on the drawing. A guide appears that will be parallel to this ruler. With the help of rulers, you can precisely position the guides in the drawing, at a predetermined distance from the edge.

For example, you want to select a round or oval object. To do this, make four guides: two horizontal and two vertical, in order to limit the desired object to them. Then choose the tool oval area, and diagonally from the first intersection of the guides to the second intersection, make a selection. The selection will definitely stick to the guides.

Once selected, you can do whatever you want with the selection, such as making it more contrast, or brighter, or changing the color.

To move an existing guide, press and hold ctrl, and move the guide to a new location. You can also use the tool Move.

When setting guides in Photoshop, to make them more precise, use zoom.

Snapping objects and selections to guides can be disabled or enabled using the menu View - Binding. It is also possible to select different anchor elements using the selection View - Snap to. At this point, you can snap to guides, grid lines, layers, document borders.

To remove guides, go to the menu View - Delete guides. You can also remove guides by dragging outside the image.

In addition, a new guide in Photoshop can be created using the menu Preview - New Guide. When creating, a dialog box appears in which you select the orientation of the guide and the position. This method is good when you know exactly where the guide should be.

You can also change the orientation of the guide, from vertical to horizontal, or vice versa. To do this, press and hold the key alt, then click on the guide where you want it to rotate 90 degrees.

Grid in Photoshop

Grid is another useful tool in Photoshop to create a collage, montage, and for other cases when you need the exact location of objects.

In order for the grid to appear, select from the menu View - Show - Grid. The grid size is adjusted in the settings of Adobe Photoshop CS5. To go to settings. choose from the menu Editing - Preferences - Guides, grid and fragments. In the settings you can specify. how often the grid lines will be placed, using points Line through each, and Internal division into, which adjust the frequency of the main and auxiliary grid lines.

Now, if you drag a guide out of the ruler, it will automatically snap to the grid lines. If you create a selection, it will also stick to lines and grid nodes. Snapping can be disabled using the menu View - Snap to - Gridlines.

To remove the grid, go to View - Show, and uncheck the box Net.