How to remove vibration on the android keyboard 5.1. How to turn off key vibration on Android - get rid of annoying sounds in three easy steps

Most Android users use Google's keyboard as one of the most comfortable and familiar. Of course, you can install, fortunately, it is not difficult to do this. In any case, if your tablet or phone supports vibration, then when you press the keyboard, the device may vibrate. Today we will talk about how, in fact, to turn off this vibration.

First, call up the keyboard and click on the button with three dots. It can be a comma, somewhere a slash. After a long press on the button, a menu will appear in which you need to select the "Android keyboard settings" item.

Here we see various settings... Find the item "Vibration feedback of keys" and uncheck the box next to it. After that, the settings will be automatically saved and vibration is disabled.

Interestingly, the user can change the strength of the vibration when pressing the keys on the keyboard. To do this, find the item "Advanced settings" (may be called " Additional settings») And open it.

Select Vibrate On Keystroke Settings and set the vibration level yourself.

For Samsung keyboard, the process is similar. Click on the gear and the settings open.

Here, uncheck the box "Vibration".

By the way, here we did not find the ability to adjust the vibration strength when pressing the keyboard keys.

The problem of how to remove vibration on the keyboard of an Android smartphone often arises when buying a new device or resetting the settings to the factory settings. This is easy enough, especially if no third-party keyboards have been installed. But even if they are available, the issue is resolved quickly. It so happens that such an option is not provided by the manufacturer - in this case, the use of third-party programs that fully control the notification function will help.

Why is it necessary to remove vibration

Vibration feedback is used by manufacturers to create small vibrations when pressing the keyboard or Android system buttons. Tactile communication is needed if the text is typed quickly - without this it is not always possible to immediately understand that everything is working correctly. But this feature is not useful for everyone.

Many Android device owners argue about the usefulness of this functionality. This is due to two serious drawbacks: increased battery consumption and user irritation. The latter factor plays an important role when it is necessary to keep the phone silent (at a business meeting, with small children, etc.).

These are the main reasons why you need to know how to remove vibration on an Android keyboard.

To disable this option, you need to open the operating system settings and go to the "Language and input" section. Android settings can be in the menu, on the desktop, or in the top drop-down window. This section contains any options that may be associated with typing from the keyboard.

You must select the section “ Virtual keyboard”. After that, a list opens. installed applications acting as a keyboard. You need to choose exactly the one that is used constantly.

The standard for this operating system is “Google keyboard” or “ Android keyboard”(May be named differently depending on the manufacturer of the phone). After selecting, go to “Keyboard Settings” and remove the function. Disable “Vibration on key presses”. IN different models phone numbers of face data - “Vibration feedback of keys”, etc.

In theseparameters, you can turn off the sound when you press the keys and other possible settings.

It is also possible to remove vibration on the system buttons. To do this, you must first exit the “Keyboard Settings” menu, go to the operating system settings. Go to the "Sound" section and select "Other sounds". Here you can remove desired function(vibration triggering when pressing the system buttons). In the same section, you can remove sounds that appear when typing, discharging the battery, blocking.

Nuances depending on the manufacturer of the device

Some phones have certain nuances when vibration is turned off. But the principle is the same everywhere. For example, to disable vibration feedback on a Lenovo tablet or phone, uncheck the box next to Vibrate On keypress in the settings.

For Alcatel phone the algorithm depends on the specific model:

  1. Select "Ringtones and Alerts" or "Sound".
  2. Further, using several functions, such as the vibration intensity, its on and off for incoming messages, to lock the screen and keyboard, etc., configure the necessary parameters.
  3. On some Alcatel models, the keyboard vibration options may even be referred to as “Vibrate on hold”.

IN Huawei phone Honor you can turn off vibration in the settings "About phone" - "Sounds and notifications" - "Other sounds" - "Vibration".

In Samsung, you need to go to the operating system settings, open the “Personal” section, select the “Language and input” menu. In this section, find the item "Default", which displays the name of the keyboard. Standard - "Samsung Keyboard".

Below the name is the field that is responsible for the settings (along with the gear icon). Click on the field, go to the "Advanced" tab. The vibration parameter is located here. It will be enough to disable this option.

Using third-party programs

For all other brands, the shutdown looks the same, but it is possible that you will have to resort to third-party applications. One of these is Customize Vibrancy. The essence of the program is that you can completely customize the vibration function. You can download it for free in Google play.

Another variation similar application- GBoard. This is a standalone keyboard that is popular. You just need to uncheck the "Vibration when pressed" option.

Each android user has to not only call and play games, but also type text using the keyboard of the gadget. The keyboard not only publishes loud noise, which can be easily turned off, but also creates a vibration response.

For those who don't know how to mute the keyboard sound:

« Personal data» — « Language» — « Input"- click on it. On the right, directly opposite the "Android Keyboard, or Google Keyboard), you need to click on the settings image. Remove the check mark in the item - "Key sound". Here, you can remove the checkmark and sound by tapping the screen.


Well, what if the keyboard vibration is annoying? How to remove vibration on an android keyboard? You need to go to " Settings", Then open the section" Language and input". Here, in this menu, the user will have access to a variety of language settings and ways to enter them. Here, you need to find the item - " Virtual keyboard". Next, you need to select the one that is used on this moment... For example, this is a google keyboard. Further, you only need to remove the check mark set opposite - " Vibration when pressing keys". By disabling this function, the user gets rid of annoying and annoying vibration feedback once and for all.

There are many other keyboard related settings. It should be remembered that if the user changes the keyboard in the future, he will again need to go to the "Settings" and turn off the vibration feedback again, because, this function configurable individually for each keyboard.

Android OS

In addition to the vibration response of the keyboard, the gadget also has a vibro OS Android. The function is triggered every time any button is pressed on the screen. How to turn off vibration on the android keyboard has already been described above, now how to remove this function.

You need to go to " Settings"Gadget, then go to the section called" Sound Settings", Or simply -" Sound". Here, the user has access to all the basic settings of the gadget, and all of them are related to the operation of sound. You need to look through all these settings, go to the very bottom of the section and find a subsection called - " Other sounds". Entering here, you need to find the line - " Vibration feedback"And uncheck the box.

How to remove vibration on the keyboard of an android Lenovo phone?

Go to "Settings" and find the item called - " Sound Profiles". There, the user will see four different sound settings, namely: no sound, vibration. Standard and outside. You need to go to the item - " Standard", And there you need to find the line -" Vibration when touched". It also needs to be disabled.
Android fourth version.

Owners of the fourth android need to go to "Settings", then find the item - "Language and Input", then the sub-item - "Android keyboard" and remove the checkmark placed opposite the line - "Vibration feedback of keys".

It happens that the user sets the function - "silent", but when typing, the keys clatter and annoy. Therefore, the tick must be removed immediately, until the gadget is completely enraged. So how to remove vibration on an android keyboard?

We go to " Settings", Then into" Language & Input", After which you need to go down to the very bottom and find the column called" Keyboard and Input Methods". Here we are looking for an item called - " Keyboard»And there is an icon to the right of the setting, which you want to delete.

You can do this: find the item - "Reaction when pressed", enter here and find the button - "Vibration reaction". Remove the check mark next to this item. That's it, there will be no vibration feedback when typing.

Go to " Settings"Gadget and find there an item in the menu called -" Language & Input", Go to find the sub-item -" Xperia keyboard", Further - " Vibration feedback of keys", And opposite will be a check mark that needs to be removed.

Vibro and Battery

Not only because of nervousness, it is necessary to remove the vibration feedback function, but also because this function drains the battery. By turning off the vibro, the mobile phone will not be discharged so quickly, therefore, it will need to be charged less often. How to remove vibration on an android keyboard?

You can extend the life of the gadget and turn off the annoying vibration like this. We go to " Settings", There you need to select the item -" System". Going here, find a sub-item called - " Audio Profiles". When configuring a profile, you need to uncheck the box next to “ Vibration feedback". Everything, bigger smartphone will not vibrate in your hands!

Many people do this. Go in the same way in "Settings" and find the item - "Audio profile", find - "Standard profile" and enable it. In this case, the vibration response will turn off automatically. If you don't have time to figure out what is on and what is off, then you can simply set the silent mode of the smartphone.

In general, on all models of gadgets, the system for turning off and on the vibration function is the same, well, or almost the same. In any case, the user should go to "Settings", then to "Language and Input", and then find "Keyboard" and just look for where the item - Vibration feedback is located, opposite which there will be a check mark. By removing this icon, the phone stops making noise and vibration. The problem is solved without outside help.

There are phone models where the function is turned off not in " Settings", And in" Menu". Having entered there, you need to find the item - " System", And then find -" Audio profiles", And here already, the line is searched for -" Vibration feedback of keys". Uncheck the box. Everything.

Having done everything right, the smartphone will not bother the user with vibration when typing, especially if this text is typed at night, or in the library, then the function infuriates not only the user himself, but also those who are nearby.

For many, vibration is very annoying, especially when connected during a call, so users need to turn it off. We will look at how to remove vibration when calling and typing on the keyboard on android. For illustrative examples, these operations will be performed on Lenovo and Samsung phones.

Mute vibration during incoming calls and touching the screen

When the phone receives a call, the smartphone (depending on the set mode) plays a melody, while it can vibrate when connected to the subscriber. You can disable it in the settings. Depending on the model and android version, this menu item can be located in different places.

Let's take a look at how to remove vibration on a Lenovo phone. To do this, follow a couple of simple steps:

Most Lenovo phones c android 4.2.1 and above, vibration can be turned off according to the above method.

IN Samsung phones this is done in a similar way, but on some android versions these settings are found elsewhere. If you are the owner of a smartphone from this South Korean brand, and you want to remove vibration when connecting, use the following instructions:

By following these simple steps, your smartphone will never vibrate again when connected to a subscriber or when you touch the screen.

Turn off vibration while typing

Every day, a person types several thousand characters of text on the keyboard of his smartphone. For some users, the constant vibration feedback is very annoying. In addition, regular operation of the motor leads to an accelerated discharge of the battery. To disable vibration feedback on phones from Lenovo, you need:

Most Lenovo models c operating system android 4.x.xThis instruction allows you to turn off the vibration of the keys.

For Samsung phones that support vibration when the keyboard is pressed, the instructions are almost identical:

  1. Go to the "Settings" of your mobile phone.
  2. Click Options (or My Device).
  3. In the menu go to "Language and input".
  4. Select "Samsung Keyboard".
  5. Remove vibration in the settings.

These actions will remove vibration feedback when typing. On the same page, you can make other keyboard settings, in particular, you can turn off key sounds.

If for some reason you were unable to turn off vibration feedback incoming call, you can try to do it with third party program... One of them is called Customize Vibrancy.

The main purpose of this program is to set a certain "melody" of vibration for each action, for example, ending a call, or a new SMS message. But in it, you can completely turn off vibration. For this you need:

In some cases, the vibration source can be a third-party application, for example, Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte. When you receive a message or any other notification, your phone may vibrate automatically, even though installed settings... To disable it, you should in this annex do the following.

Vibration on modern smartphones it is used in many cases requiring the attention of the user. For example, for incoming calls, SMS messages, to confirm key activation, etc. However, the vibration feedback (and this is the name of this function) may not just dislike the owner mobile device, and sometimes be inappropriate or even irritating.

Therefore, the desire of a person, especially one who has recently become the owner of a device with Android OS, is understandable, to customize his gadget, as they say, "for himself" and learn how to turn off the vibration of the keys on an Android smartphone.

I would like to make a reservation right away that this procedure is very simple and does not require installation. third party applications, root-rights and other actions with system files.

How to disable key vibration on your Android phone or tablet

Our actions should look like this:

We go to the main menu item "Settings" ("all settings"):

We find the section "Language and input", click. A submenu will open in which opposite the line “ Google keyboard"(On some Android keyboard devices) we need to click on the gear image (or three dashes).

Now a window with the settings for this section will appear. Here we will uncheck the "Key vibration feedback" line, and if you want to get rid of the sound during typing, you can also uncheck the "Key sound" line (if your device has a button for saving settings, click "Save"):

Ready! After the performed manipulation, work on the keyboard will not be accompanied by vibration sound. Well, if there is a need to restore the function, we will repeat the path traveled and put a tick in the corresponding line.

As you can see, the procedure is so simple that even a beginner video blogger could describe it pretty well: