Summary of the lesson on the topic mail. Summary of classes in the middle group

Outline of direct educational activities

in the older group

Topic of the week: "Mail".

GCD theme: "Mail wagons"

Integration of educational areas:

  • cognition;
  • communication;
  • reading fiction;
  • health.


  • use of game methods;
  • problem learning;
  • gaming technologies aimed at developing auditory and visual attention;
  • information computer technology;
  • health-preserving technologies: gymnastics for the eyes;
  • technologies for preserving and stimulating health: physical training;

Correctional educational: to form ideas about the work of postal workers, about the importance of their work. Expand and activate the dictionary on the topic "Mail". Teach children to coordinate nouns with singular and plural verbs.

Correctional and developmental: train children in the selection of nouns for adjectives and teach them to harmonize in gender, number and case. Develop general and fine motor skills. Develop visual, auditory, perception. Prevention of written speech disorders. Strengthen the eye muscles and improve their coordination.

Materials: pictures on the topic "Mail",.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist draws the children's attention to the computer monitor (slide 1).

Here are the cars in a row

And they all say in unison:

We're going, we're going to kindergarten,

We carry parcels for the guys.

What is the name of the wagons in which the parcels are transported? (Postage).

What is the name of the train with mail cars? (Mail).

2. Announcement of the topic slide 2

Today we will learn about the history of the mail wagons. And now I invite you to listen to the story of how the mail appeared.

3. Chatting on pictures

The post office is engaged in forwarding postal items - letters, newspapers, magazines, money orders, parcels, parcels. All shipment takes place by means of transport. The need to talk to each other appeared among people in ancient times. But how can you talk if the person you need is very far away? After people learned to read and write, this problem disappeared. There was a postal service. At first, mail was transported by horse, then they began to be transported by rail. Later, the amount of mail increased and it was transported by plane. Nowadays, when every home has a computer, letters and messages can be sent using e-mail.

4. Game "Sending a letter" slides 3,4,5

And here is the story of the first trailer:

I'm a bright scarlet trailer

Neat and not old.

Here is the postal letter,

I'm taking him to Vanya.

Tell me, how else can you deliver letters?

To send a letter by rail, you need (what?) ... (Mail car).

To send a letter by airmail, you need (what?) ... (Airplane).

To send a letter by pigeon mail, you need (who?) ... (Dove).

To send an e-mail you need (what?) ... (Computer).

To send a letter to the north, you need (what?) ... (Dog sleds, helicopter).

Guys, please think and tell me, what mail is not there now? (Golubina).

5. The game "Whose telegram?"

Now the orange trailer will tell us its story:

I'm an orange wagon

A very kind postman.

There are telegrams for Kolya,

For his girlfriend Oli.

This telegram is for Olya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Olin's telegram.)

This telegram is for Kolya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Colin's telegram.)

This telegram is for Zhenya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Zhenya's telegram.)

6. Game "Magic package" slide 6

You and I have sent parcels to fairytale heroes, and now the parcel has come to you and me. Look, in the package there are cards with syllables. You must make four words out of these syllables.

Children make up words, speech therapist checks and evaluates the work of children

7. Physics "Mailbox"

I get up on the bench, climb on toes and stretch

I barely take out the box. hands up.

I open the box "Open"

Blue, shiny.

Showered from the box Squat - get up with stretched

The letters are real. hands.

8. The game “What is he doing? What are they doing? "

It's time to listen to the story of the blue trailer.

I'm a blue trailer

You can't keep up with me.

I am carrying a parcel -

Santa Claus ordered them.

Guys, now we will tell you what can be done with parcels, letters and parcels.

Vanya sends a letter, and the children of the letter (what are they doing?) ... (They send it.)

The postman delivers telegrams, and the postmen deliver telegrams (what are they doing?) ... (Deliver.)

Mom sticks a stamp on the envelope, and mom's stamps on the envelopes (what are they doing?) ... (They stick it.)

Grandfather receives a parcel, and grandfathers receive a parcel (what are they doing?) ... (They receive it.)

Masha draws greeting card, children greeting cards

(what are they doing?) ... (They draw.)

The boy puts the letter in the mailbox, and the boys put the letters in the mailboxes (what are they doing?) ... (Outs it.)

9. Game "How many letters are in the bag of the postman?" slide 7

It remains for us to listen to the story of the last trailer.

I often travel around the world,

I spread letters, newspapers.

Open the doors boldly

And do it soon!

Children look at the noisy image of letters on the monitor.

10. Exercise for the eyes

Now look into the distance, look straight ahead, put your finger

It's not a pity for this time, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, shift your gaze

What is near and what is in the distance on the tip of your finger and look at it, then

The eyes should be considered. lower your hand.

So that we don't yawn Raise our eyes up, right, down, left

The eyes ran in a circle. and up; and back: left, down, right and

Stop, and up again.

Run in the other direction.

10. Read the word by the first sounds of the names of the pictures slide 8

11. Lesson summary

Whose stories have we heard today? What can be postage?

What should we remember to do on holidays, birthdays and when our family and friends are far away? (Send greeting cards and letters.)


Teacher speech therapist

Stella Danelyan



Educator: Do you want to know what our lesson will be devoted to? Then try to guess puzzles (goals: to shift attention to the lesson, develop curiosity):

  1. I strive to travel
    But not one - with an envelope.
    I will cling to the upper right corner
    And I rush to my friends with greetings. (Brand)
  2. Sealed with glue firmly, And they sent to me urgently. I will not regret it - I will receive it and put it up in an instant. (Postal envelope)
  3. On the wall in a conspicuous place
    Gathers the news together
    And then its tenants
    Will fly to all ends. (Mailbox)

  4. A sheet of paper in the morning
    They bring them to our apartment.
    On one such sheet
    A lot of different news. (Newspaper)
  5. He brings us a telegram:
    "I'm coming, wait for mom!"
    I brought my grandfather a pension,
    Although not Santa Claus at all.
    He's been on his feet since dawn. Who is this? " (Postman)

Educator: Postman, newspaper, postal envelope, stamp - you guessed what we are going to talk about? (about mail)

Phys. minute "What does the postman bring?"(goals: to develop general motor skills)
What did the postman bring us?
He walks with a thick bag (children are marching)
Translation, magazine, newspaper
There are two cassettes in the parcel (turning the torso to the right, to the left, arms to the sides)
And a letter from Aunt Vali
So that they were waiting for her arrival (jumping on two legs, hands up).

Educator: And what letters are there? (ordinary, custom, electronic) Did you know that there were times when people could not read and write. The letters were "live". The postman - messenger memorized the message and set off. Do you want to become messengers? (memorizing an excerpt from S. Ya. Marshak's poem "Mail") (goals: to develop memory, intonational expressiveness of speech).

Phys. a minute

(Two lines are marked on the floor at a distance of about 1 meter from each other. Between these lines there is a river, along the edges - a bank).

Postmen in different countries had to overcome various obstacles on their way. What should be the postmen? (brave, brave, attentive, etc.) Now we will check which of the guys is the most attentive.The game “River. Shore"All the players are standing on the banks. At the command of the leader "River", you need to jump into the water; "Coast" - jump over the lines. The one who incorrectly executed the command is eliminated from the game. Remains the most attentive (goals: to develop switching of attention, general motor skills, to teach to enjoy the success of others).

Educator: Now let's play one more game. It is called"You believe - you do not believe"(goals: to consolidate the idea of ​​the history of mail, to activate speech - proof using complex sentences). For the correct answer, you can get a letter. So do you believe that

In some countries, there is no postman profession? (I don't believe it, because there are postmen everywhere).

Postmen in Ancient Rome were paid "shoe money"? (I believe because the postmen walked a lot and wore out their shoes).

Are there postmen on stilts? (I believe because postmen used to walk on sands and swamps on stilts).

Sparrows helped the postmen? (I don't believe there are carrier pigeons, not sparrows).

Is the postman job dangerous? (I believe, because in Africa one postman was eaten by a lion), etc.

Educator: Now such a task. From the letters received for the correct answers, children standing at the tables collect words related to the topic "Mail" (goals: to develop the ability to produce phonemic analysis, as well as creativity).

Educator: And now we will play the game and fantasize about"If you was…"(goals: develop imagination, activate the use of complex sentences)(The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the child and asks the question:

If you were a carrier pigeon, then ...

Postman in the North, then ...

Postman in Africa, then ...

A letter in a bottle, then ...

With a quill pen, which was used to write letters, then ... and so on.

Educator: Let's summarize. What did you talk about today? And what will the mail be like in the future?

Organization: GBOU School No. 1368 structural unit No. 2 (kindergarten No. 2589)

Locality: Moscow

Software content:
Expand children's ideas about the postman profession.
To continue to form the ability of children to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, to observe role-based interactions and relationships in the game.
Develop game dialogue, game interaction. Activate and expand vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: parcel, parcel post, telegram, postage stamp.

Preliminary work:
- reading the work of S. Marshak "Mail", "Military mail", guessing riddles;
- a conversation about the work of the postman, postal operator, head of the post office;
- preparation of invitations for parents for the Autumn Festival to be sent by mail.

Subject-play environment. Equipment: telegram forms, mailing log, parcel notices, envelopes, greeting cards, newspapers, magazines, stamps.
Postman bag, postman cap, mailbox.

Game progress:

“Guys, today we are going to play an interesting game. But first listen to the poem:

Walks with a leather bag and a pile of newspapers

And letters and postcards, which is not there!

And in the rain and frost in any weather

The postmen are in a hurry to deliver to the people:

Someone notifications and TV programs,

Transfers to someone, telegrams to someone.

Have you guessed which game we are going to play? (post office).
- And which of you was at the post office?
- Let's remember what we saw there. (Mailbox, display cases with envelopes, stamps, postcards, etc.)
- And who will tell me why people come to the post office? (Send a letter, telegram, parcel, parcel post, subscribe to newspapers, magazines)

Guys, let's think, when we come to the post office to send a letter, what should we do first. (buy a postal envelope and stick a postage stamp on it, write on the envelope the address of the person to whom we want to send the letter).
- Right! After all, even if we live in the same city, all the same, everyone has different streets and houses. In order not to lose the letter, you must indicate the correct address. And what to do next with the letter? (put in the mailbox).

And if we need to send a parcel or a parcel, then we must first fill out a notice, in which, like on the envelope, you must indicate the address of the person to whom we are sending the parcel and your home address. Then you need to contact a postal worker who will weigh the parcel and put it in a box or wrap it in paper. And he will definitely put the stamp of the post office on it.

Working at the post office is interesting and very responsible. After all, it is necessary to carefully monitor that all letters, parcels, newspapers reach the right address.

The postman arrives at work early in the morning, parses letters and postcards, puts them in bags and delivers them to addresses. There are not simple letters, but registered ones, which are very important. Such letters must be recorded by numbers in a special mailing log.

The dispatch and delivery of parcels are handled by postal operators. You can also subscribe to magazines and newspapers from them, and then the postman will bring them straight home. To do this, you need to fill out a special form where the address is indicated. Both letters and parcels must be stamped by the post office.

The most important person at the post office is the head of the post office. This is a very demanding job. After all, a lot of letters, newspapers, parcels, magazines go through the post office every day.

And now let's look at what we have with you in order to start the game: the postman's bag, it is large and roomy; stamps of our post office; parcel notices, envelopes, postage stamps, telegram forms. Here is the mailbox of our department. And this is the mailing log, in which the postman will record the most important letters.

Before starting our game, we need to assign roles. How many wants to be a postman? And what about the operator in the parcel department? And who will sell envelopes, stamps, subscribe to magazines? And let's decide who will be the manager?

Role selection. Children take their places.

The post office opens.

The course of the game.
A child postman is sorting letters, magazines, newspapers; he registers some letters in the journal, puts a seal on letters, postcards. After that, he puts everything in a mail bag and goes to deliver to addresses. (to the guys who are "at home" at this time).

Another postal worker sells envelopes, stamps. In the parcel department, the operator prepares and packs parcels, parcels, and also issues parcels and parcels to visitors upon notification.

Visitors to the post office buy envelopes, put stamps on them and put letters in the envelopes. Then they put the letters in the mailbox; send and receive parcels. The game continues until the last visitor.

Summing up the game:
1. Did you like the game?
2. Did you like our postmen? Were the operators polite? Did you like receiving letters and parcels? (yes or no, why).
3. Did the child himself like being in the role of a postman?

Agree, it's nice to receive letters from friends, parcels, interesting magazines. Mail is very necessary and important.

1. Vinogradova N.A., Pozdnyakova N.V. Role-playing games for older preschoolers. M. IRIS PRESS, 2008.
2. Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten. Mosaic Synthesis, M., 2009.
3. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for preschool children. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008.

Summary of the lesson for preschoolers of the senior group "Unusual writing"

Educational area: cognition
Section: acquaintance with the environment, construction.

Subject: Unusual letter (means of communication)

Purpose: Expand the understanding of the means of communication, the purpose of the telephone. Introduce some simple rules of use. Form a representation of the work of mail. children's ideas about how to send and receive information. Develop constructive abilities, teach how to make an envelope in an origami way. Develop horizons, attention. Cultivate an interest in learning.
Bilingual component: letter-hut, polite words.
Equipment: envelope, phone, laptop.
1.Motivational and incentive stage
Game situation: Someone forgot their things in our group! See, guys, whose bag and cap are these? You don't know ... Let's see together. What's in this bag: maybe something important and necessary was forgotten in our group ?! Children examine the bag, items from the bag. (The teacher takes letters, newspapers, magazines out of the bag. Children name all these items)
The teacher offers to count how many newspapers, magazines, envelopes.
Exposes a picture of a postman and an unusual envelope (bright with the names of the children).
Children name the number of objects, compare which is more, talk about the work of the postman.
-The postman has a letter for us, but he doesn't want to give it back right away.
Invites children to play with the postman. Children want an envelope
2. Organizational search stage
1 riddle
The teacher makes up riddles about the mailbox.
The problematic question is how the letter gets there. Children build a logical chain (to help the teacher arranges a screening of the film "The Travel of the Letter"
2. "Play exercise"

The teacher suggests considering the subjects: do they all relate to the postal service? Find an extra item! The game is played with the ball in a circle.
- Newspaper, letter, book, telegram;
-airplane, train, car, submarine;
-telephone, money, scales, bread;
-envelope, newspaper, notice, clock.
Well done, children. Correctly coped with the task!
If necessary, children explain their choice.
3 Construction - the enigma
I'm a house. But only without a storey.
I am a thin, painted paper house.
Although my door is not locked with a lock,
They just licked her tongue.
But he does not let anyone inside without asking:
They live there greetings, answers, questions.
Orders and requests, curled up, lie.
Stamps with seals The th exercise is guarded. (letter)
Children guess, tell what they can write in a letter.
The teacher organizes the work of making envelopes from paper by folding.
Children go to the tables, choose the color of their envelope, fold in a simple way according to the pattern. The teacher pays attention to the correctness of the folds, all the folds are based on the tale of how the prince and the princess met, but they had to leave, they decided to write a letter.
It is necessary to deliver a letter, imitation, car, train, plane.
5. Unusual letter.
Children receive a letter, guess who it is from. The teacher says that he was sent by children from another country who want to make friends with them. The teacher organizes the conversation, how else can you communicate? Children offer to call by phone, get in touch via the Internet.
6.From the history of the envelope.
The educator's story about wartime triangle letters, showing a presentation.
Summing up the results of the lesson, reflection.
-You are happy children, take care of the world, the world is more important than anything else, make friends, children of all children on our planet.
There are black children
There are white children
There are yellow children on our planet
Our whole Earth is like a big kindergarten,
Where everyone is a sister or brother to each other.
Children draw the world to music about friendship, about peace, prepare their letter of friendship for sending., The teacher praises the children, asks if they liked the lesson, what interesting things they learned.

Sections: Speech therapy

Purpose: develop harmonious and close bonds between parents and children in overcoming learning difficulties.


  1. Expand, activate the dictionary on the topic "Mail", acquaint with the variety of postal items, types of postal transport.
  2. Teach the correct design of a postal letter.
  3. To develop thinking, attention, memory, coherent speech, fine and general motor skills, the desire for joint activities with adults.
  4. To generalize and share with parents the experience of using didactic games, models and play materials with developing content.


  • paper set "Seasons";
  • luminous toy "Magic Wand";
  • sign "Russian Post", an envelope from Dunno;
  • texts of letters from Dunno, Petrushka, Chipollino, postman Pechkin and portraits of these heroes;
  • two boxes of smaller (parcel) and larger (package);
  • postman's bag, mailbox, pictures: "train", "plane", "ship", "car";
  • pens, pencils, brushes and glue, semolina, "Postage machine" scheme;
  • labyrinth "Cipollino House" for each child;
  • letters, magazines, newspapers, bags with a hidden toy for everyone;
  • glue and a brush for each, a blank napkin for the game "Snow";
  • envelopes, stamps, sheets, pens according to the number of children.

Preliminary work: excursion to the post office.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Children get up in a "train" near the entrance to the group. Parents sit at tables.

Speech therapist: Guys, now, with the help of a magic wand, I will turn you into mail wagons, and we will hit the road to the final station.

Holds a "magic wand" over the heads of children and recites a poem:

Here are the cars in a row
In a friendly chorus they say:
- We're going, we're going to kindergarten,
We carry parcels for the guys.

Let's go!

Then, simultaneously with the words of the speech therapist, the children perform movements: "the locomotive is going," stop, tilts left and right. Repeat four times.

Speech therapist: Our little train is going, delivering letters and postcards to people, looked around: now spring has come, the young grass is turning green, the first flowers are blooming. He goes on, delivers newspapers and magazines, did not notice how red summer has come, the berries are ripe, the sun is warming. The mail locomotive continues its journey, carries parcels and parcels for people, looked around: here is the golden autumn, everything around has turned yellow. The locomotive is going further and further, and then winter came imperceptibly, everything around was covered with white and fluffy snow.

Speech therapist: Here we are with you and got to our station. Now I will turn you into children again, and we will sit at the tables.

The speech therapist conducts the "Magic Wand" and the children take turns sitting at the tables, next to their parents.

II. Main part.

Speech therapist: While we were traveling, a mail boat arrived in our group. He brought a letter for us.

The speech therapist puts the ship on the board and shows the envelope to the children and parents, the text is read by one of the parents. Each time the text is read by a different adult.

Speech therapist: This is a letter from Dunno, let's find out what he writes to us!

Hello guys!
My artist friend Tube made strange drawings. He said that he drew a shadow, and whose shadow is not recognized. And I so want to know who posed for Tube. Help me please! Guess whose shadow is in the picture. Dunno.

1. The game "Recognize me by the shadow."

The speech therapist puts a couple of pictures in front of each "child-adult" pair, and then asks one by one whose shadow is in the picture. The parent answers first, giving a sample of correct speech.

Sample answer: I have a shadow of a wolf (fox, hare, etc.)

Speech therapist: Now Dunno will be glad, because we helped him a lot!

Our boat sailed away, but a mail plane arrived. Let's show together how he flew.

2. Dynamic pause "Airplane".

Children perform movements, and parents monitor accuracy.

The plane is a big bird
He strives to visit children,
Flew to visit us again,
We are ready to meet him.

Speech therapist: The plane brought us a parcel post. This parcel was sent by Petrushka. Let's open and find out what's inside.

A speech therapist hangs up a drawing with a picture of Parsley and takes out a text from the box, one of the parents reads it out.

Hello guys!
More than anything, I love playing the game "Guess what's in the bag?" and I want to tell the whole world about it. Play it and you! Parsley.

3. Game "What's in the bag?"

Speech therapist: Parsley sent us the bags.

The speech therapist takes the bags out of the box and distributes them. Everyone puts their hand into the bag and guesses by touch what kind of object is inside. Similar to the previous task, the adult is the first to complete, then the child.

Sample answer: I have a button in my bag. I have a doll in my bag, etc.

Speech therapist: What an interesting game Petrushka came up with, we will definitely write him a letter and thank him for that. The plane flew away further. And a mail train arrived at our station. He brought a package from Cipollino. Look how big the box is!

The speech therapist opens the box.

Hello guys!
Once I invited Countess Cherry and Strawberry to visit, but the road to my house is very long. Help Cherry and Strawberry get there as quickly as possible. Cipollino.

4. Finger gymnastics "Runs along the track".

The speech therapist distributes a labyrinth to each couple and the children, together with their parents, run their fingers.

Speech therapist: What good fellows you are! Did an excellent job with the task.

Guys, we now know that mail can be delivered by ships, planes, trains. But not all cities have a railway, airport or seaport. But mail needs to be delivered to small towns, villages, townships.

This requires mail trucks. These blue trucks deliver mail to post offices.

The speech therapist puts a large drawing on the board, and gives each pair a small, exactly repeating drawing on the board.

Speech therapist: Look at the drawing, what did the artist forget to draw?

Sample answer: The artist forgot to paint snow.

5. Exercise for the development of fine motor skills "Snow".

Speech therapist: Let's help the forgetful artist! We ourselves will paint the snow in this picture, but this time we can do without paint. Look carefully. Let's snow the path and the trees.

The speech therapist demonstrates the stages of work. He applies glue with a brush, then joins his fingers and "sows" semolina onto the glue. Children under the supervision of their parents repeat these actions.

Speech therapist: Now our picture is real winter. How much snow! A truck brings mail to post offices, and who delivers it to our mailboxes?

Children: Postman.

Speech therapist: Right. The postman walks with a big bag. With this one. There are newspapers, magazines and letters there. The postman will bring them to our house and put them in the mailbox, and we will open it with the key and take everything that the postman put there. And what kind of postman do all children and adults know?

Children: Postman Pechkin.

Speech therapist: Here he is, postman Pechkin! He brought us a postcard.

The speech therapist hangs up the picture "postman Pechkin" and then reads the text on the postcard.

Hello guys! Uncle Fyodor again went to the city to visit mom and dad, and in Prostokvashino it became sad and dreary. In order not to get bored, I decided to write a note in my favorite magazine Murzilka and tell about the children of the kindergarten "Forget-me-not". But I don't know anything about you! Please tell and write down a story about yourself, what is your name, what you like to play, who lives with you and whatever else you want, and in gratitude I will send a picture with your favorite fairytale hero. Postman Pechkin.

6. Situation of written speech.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's write a letter to Pechkin, because he is so waiting for our stories. You will tell everything about yourself, and the adults will write your story on a piece of paper. Don't forget to sign the envelope. You need to specify the address, zip code and name. It is imperative to stick the stamp.

The speech therapist distributes to each pair a sheet of paper, a pen, an envelope, and a stamp. Children dictate the text of the letter, and parents write it down on paper. Then they sign the envelope to all the rules and put it in the "mailbox".

III. Bottom line.

Speech therapist: Guys, today in the lesson we got acquainted with what postal items are. Let's remember who and what sent us by mail?

Did you enjoy the activity?

What did you like the most?