The location of the subscriber by his mobile number. How to locate a person by phone number online

Can I track my phone? In our age of high technologies, it will not be difficult to find it. Simple interest, jealousy or mistrust - why is this necessary, each person decides for himself. It is worth noting that there are several ways to find out where the smartphone is, but not all of them are legal.

How to follow a person through the phone

Nowadays, few people do without a mobile phone. In most cases, these are smartphones that allow you to quickly find any information on the Internet, get directions to another city, or just talk to a friend. Not all owners of these gadgets know that mobiles deprive them of a part of their personal life. Any person who is more or less friendly with technology will have no difficulty in tracking down the owner of the gadget.

Sometimes this feature can be extremely useful. This way you can always check where the child is. And if the smartphone is lost or stolen, this way you can determine its location. How to track a person on the phone? There are several ways to do this. The first is to contact the mobile operator that serves the subscriber. The company will advise you on how to track your phone number. The options are:

  • GPS navigation. With this function, the cell phone is used not only as a navigator for the husband in the car. So you can calculate where the person is, because most programs require the owner of the smartphone to mark their location. You can follow those people who like to be photographed and mark the place where the picture was taken. With the help of applications, you can easily track their movement.
  • Special programs. With access to your Google account, you can legally install software on your smartphone that helps you track your mobile.
  • The Internet. The worldwide network is able to give an idea of ​​where a person is. The location will not be accurate, but some sites may be able to determine the approximate location of the owner's machine.
  • GPS tracker. You can use this special module built into the mobile, which can be used to track the movement of the smartphone.

Location by phone number without the consent of the subscriber

Sometimes spying on a phone number without the owner's consent can become a necessity, for example, if a person has disappeared and there is no other way to contact him. Without the approval of the subscriber, it will not be possible to obtain such access, since at least once he must confirm his consent. Operators can provide such information, but it is confidential. It can only be used in extreme cases. People who have special permission, for example, from the relevant authorities, still have access to it.

How to track a person by phone number

It's easy to start tracking by phone number. Only now it is not possible to use this service without the consent of the subscriber. All Russian operators offer special geolocation services on a paid basis:

Find android

Google, under whose leadership the Android operating system is being developed, takes a very responsible approach to the issue of user safety. Therefore, in order to find an Android phone in case of loss, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations with it in advance. Firstly, you need to register an account with Google, and secondly, configure your smartphone. To do this, you need to enter the "Menu", where you select "Settings". There go to the category "My location" and mark the item "Allow tracking coordinates."

Find iPhone by phone number

If you have a question of how to find an iPhone by phone number, then you can contact the operator and activate the appropriate service. In addition, on the device itself, you can configure the Find iPhone function, which can not only lock or turn off the device at a distance, but also delete all data. The application includes a sound signal that will help you find your smartphone.

Locating by phone number

It is easy to find many programs on the Internet that promise to find a person by mobile. It's hardly worth talking about their functionality, since cellular operators are actively fighting for the safety of the personal data of their subscribers, and no one has canceled the inviolability of personal life. There is the only legal way to track a person's location by phone number - this is to contact a cellular company and legally activate the appropriate service. In this case, you can see the location of the subscriber on the map online.

Geolocation by phone number

Each mobile operator offers its own service, the essence of which is geolocation by phone number. To connect, you can use the following options:

  • enter a ussd request;
  • send SMS;
  • contact the operator;
  • personally contact the communication salon.

How to track a phone by number over the Internet

It is naive to believe that finding out the location by phone number online is a trifling matter. To do this, you need to install the appropriate program on your mobile. In addition, the device must be within the coverage area of ​​its cellular network, it must turn on GPS and the Internet. Tracking the mobile is otherwise possible only if the sanctions of law enforcement agencies are obtained. None of the operators will provide such data at a simple user request.

How to find a phone by GPS through a computer

Modern gadgets help to calculate the location using satellites and the Internet. To understand how to track a phone by GPS through a computer, you need to sign in to your account and activate the search function. In this case, the gadget will start transmitting a signal at maximum power to determine the location of the device. Smartphones on all known operating systems have this function.

Phone Tracker

Tracking a cell phone without the consent of the owner is illegal, so before starting to implement this idea, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons. You also need to know that there is no way to track a subscriber until a program for tracking the phone is installed on the smartphone. All kinds of offers to track the device, which are full on the Internet, are a common money scam.

You can download a free program that can find out the path of your lost smartphone online. The developers offer paid and free options. Through the software, you can track the path of the mobile. Some programs can work stealthily, which will prevent an attacker from detecting it, while others, on the contrary, require entering codes and passwords in order to track the device.

Video: How to track the location of an Android phone via Google

Some life situations require you to find a person, establish his location or find out the last name and first name, having only a minimum of information about him. The reasons for such a search can be very different and sometimes it is not possible to contact specialized authorities, for example, the police or a mobile operator, to obtain such data. The actual question of how to find a person by phone number can be solved independently using free programs and services. All possible ways to find someone, knowing the contact number, are discussed below.

Is it possible to find a person online by phone number for free

Modern technologies, various software, services of mobile operators - all this provides a lot of opportunities to find a person knowing his phone number. Many services are free and easy to use, other search options require some effort, and possibly financial investment. Free methods of searching for a person online in Russia by phone number include:

Ways to find out the location of a person by their mobile phone number

It is not difficult to establish geolocation via a mobile phone, in the modern world there are a lot of opportunities for this that people skillfully use, both for good purposes and for sabotage. To resolve the issue, to establish the whereabouts of a person, a variety of methods can be used, from the help of a mobile operator to contacting law enforcement agencies (police) or other government agencies. Let's consider in detail each of the options that will help you find a person knowing the phone number.

Contact your cellular operator

More recently, only an employee of the special services (police, FSB) could find out where a mobile phone user is, in modern conditions almost everyone can do this. Cellular subscribers can find out the location of a person by phone number using special services, functions, or calling directly to the operator's salon. Such services, as a rule, are paid and their cost depends on various factors, for example, tariff, application capabilities, method of obtaining the necessary information.

Through law enforcement agencies or other government agencies

It is possible to find a person and establish his location through law enforcement agencies (police, FSB) or government agencies, but such a process has a number of features and nuances that you should be aware of:

  • It is possible to obtain information in a legal way by contacting the relevant authorities with a statement, where the reasons for such an interest will be justified. It should be remembered that just out of idle curiosity, state bodies will not provide information, we need strong motives to search for an object, violation of human rights, privacy and space.
  • Almost everyone can find a person in an illegal way by contacting friends who have the power, influence and the ability to get the necessary information through government agencies. At the risk, it should be understood that in the event of a violation, criminal liability cannot be avoided.

Using apps on Android or iPhone via satellite

It is possible to find a subscriber using special applications that are designed and work only with certain phones - iPhone, Nokia or Android. It will no longer be difficult to find the switched on device via satellite. A special program will help in this, after the installation of which signals about the movement of another subscriber are transmitted to the satellite at a certain frequency, or information can be obtained upon request. Benefits of tracking a subscriber via satellite:

  • The ability to monitor the movement of relatives, children using a special program and a navigator, or, if necessary, locate the subscriber of interest.
  • To track you need to install the application on your phone and know the phone number of the person you need to find.
  • Thanks to some applications, it is possible to find and establish the location of a person not only in real time, but also to find out about his movement a few hours ago.
  • High accuracy in determining the geolocalization of the user (the error is a maximum of ten meters).

Popular applications that help to establish the localization of a subscriber include:

  • "Where are mine" - applications for devices with Android OS, which allows you to determine the location of the subscriber with high accuracy. The program is paid, but in order to save money, a family or corporate tariff for several people can be used.
  • "My Friends" is a program developed for iPhone that helps to find the location of friends. A useful geolocation service provides an opportunity to find on the map where this or that user is at a given period of time. The disadvantage of the application is that it cannot be used secretly, the program is installed on two gadgets and confirmation is required for activation.

On sites on the Internet, using special programs

It is possible to establish the location of a mobile phone user knowing his number and using a special program or sites on the Internet. On the pages of the World Wide Web, there are many programs that promise to provide complete information about the location and movement of the subscriber. A striking example is the "GSM Direction Finder" program as well as an online service with which you can find the location of a person by a mobile phone number. Features of using such programs:

How to Find a Person's Name Knowing a Home Phone Number

Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out the name of a person, having a home phone number. It is very simple to do this, you just need to have a computer at home with an Internet connection or address books downloaded to the device. In order to find out the name of a person by the home phone number, you must perform the following steps:

  • Download or load a directory of addresses from disk. There are a huge number of such directories, it is advisable to choose updated editions, and before downloading and uploading, you should definitely check the file for viruses so as not to damage the system.
  • Select the required parameters: region, city.
  • Enter the address in certain cells: street, house, apartment.
  • The surname, name of the person who is registered and resides at this address will appear in a new window.

Video: determine the location of the subscriber by the phone number on the map

Developers have created a huge number of programs, services and applications that help determine the location of a person. First of all, such a function is necessary to monitor children, unfaithful spouses, or in the case of clarifying their location. A prerequisite for obtaining reliable information is the presence of the desired subscriber in the network so that the satellite can fix the location of the device. Watch the video to learn how to find a person using the GPS III Connector software:

Very often, worrying about loved ones, we would like to know their exact location. This is especially true for our children and elderly relatives. And at the same time, many employers would also be interested to know what their employees are doing. Today, thanks to cellular communication, determining the location of a person by phone number does not pose any problems. You can find out how to do it yourself from the detailed information below.

Geolocation refers to the geographic location of an object. While the cell phone is operating, it must periodically keep in touch with the nearest base station. This is such a technological feature of this type of communication. Thanks to her, it became possible to track the location of a mobile phone, and at the same time its owner. The big advantage of this technology is that it does not require communication with satellites. The phone can be the most ordinary one, without any satellite modules.

Calculation of the subscriber's geolocation occurs only on the basis of data received from mobile communication towers, which allow very accurate determination of the coordinates of a cell phone. In general, if we talk about the accuracy of the information received, then it is necessary to take into account such factors as the density of the installed towers and the type of cellular communication itself. Where the number of stations is greater, the location of the phone is established right up to the residential facility, and where there are fewer of them, the location error can reach from several hundred meters to a kilometer.

How to locate a person by phone number

Today, almost any cellular subscriber can determine the location of the owner of a mobile phone. Many operators offer an additional service such as geolocation. It makes it possible to determine the location of the subscriber, with an accuracy of a couple of meters. At the same time, there is no need for such systems as GLONASS and GPS, but there is also one important condition - tracking the phone number is possible only when the device itself is turned on and within the range of a reliable signal. If the phone is turned off or a cellular operator is not present in the area, then only special services will be able to determine its exact location.

At the moment, there are a couple of services that allow you to accurately determine the location of a cell phone. One of these services is the Mobile Monitoring service. Its services are paid and currently their cost is about 400 rubles. Let's face it, this is a very affordable fee for information about the whereabouts of people close to you.

Finding the location of a person using the mobile operator Beeline

The rapid development and introduction of new technologies made it possible to find a person by the number of his mobile device. If we consider the technical side of the issue, then it looks like this:

  • application of GPS;
  • search in cellular networks;
  • fixing the location of a person on his mobile phone using receiving and transmitting signals.

At present, the service for finding a subscriber of a mobile operator is mainly a set of paid services that can be ordered as an additional option to your main telecommunications package. For example, Beeline offers the "Mobile Locator" service, which allows you to determine the location of not only your phone, but also the location of your friends and loved ones. It acts as follows:

  1. First, you need to send an ordinary empty message to the short number 5166 or 09853.
  2. Then it will be necessary to secure the consent of your friends to receive information about their whereabouts.
  3. Then, in the main menu, you just need to select the "Find a subscriber" tab and enter there the phone number by which you will start looking for the right person.
  4. After that, the owner of this number will receive a request on his phone for permission to track his location.

If the client agrees, the company will enable this service, and you will be able to receive all the information of interest. This option allows you to receive all data directly on the card, but only if you use a smartphone. In other cases, all information will come in the form of SMS notifications. The service costs about three rubles per day.

Important! Beeline makes it possible to determine the location of a person for free, within the first week after connecting this service.

Determining the location of a person on Tele2

The exact same service that Beeline has is offered by another mobile operator Tele2. This is the Geopoisk system, which is available in this company to all its subscribers, regardless of the current tariff plan. After connecting it, it will be possible to find out where the owner of the Tele2 sim card is. However, it also requires his consent to provide such information. At the same time, such permission will be required only once, and then it will be possible to receive from the server all information about the desired person in the form of SMS messages. There will also be a link to the map and a conditional address. If you use a smartphone, then with the help of this data it becomes possible to immediately see the location of the Tele2 subscriber on the map.

Connection to the "Geopoisk" service

In order to determine the location of a person by phone number using this service, you must:

  1. Dial the combination * 119 * 01 #.
  2. Then send a USSD request, including the wanted person's mobile phone number.
  3. After that, a message will be sent to his phone with a request for consent to the issuance of data regarding the current location.
  4. If such permission is received, then all the information you need will come to your mobile phone.

The cost of this service in Tele2 is two rubles per day, which is also quite affordable for the vast majority of the mobile operator's customers.

Radar service in Megafon

The exact same service is provided in Megafon. It's called Radar. The meaning of her work is quite simple. The subscriber is tracked using several nearby cellular stations. For more accurate geolocation, the entire network of mobile operators present in the region is involved, so it is not difficult to find a person with a working phone.

The main difference between Megafon and other cellular providers is that a whole system of a wide variety of tariffs for tracking the location of the subscriber has been developed there:

  1. "Radar". This option allows you to track a maximum of 5 people per day. Despite the fact that the number of requests is not limited by anything. The cost of the service is 3 rubles.
  2. Radar Light. A slightly simplified version of the previous option. Provides the ability to locate the phone once a day.
  3. "Radar +". It is the most expensive option of the entire package. Its cost is about seven rubles per day. It allows you to determine not only the route of a person, but also to establish a special zone, the exit from which will immediately entail sending a warning message to your phone.

Usually, the last package is taken by parents in order to be aware of where their children are. Although there are simpler and more inexpensive options, such as buying a so-called "smart watch" with a built-in GPS receiver. They allow not only to receive information about the whereabouts of the child, but also to track all his movements. And you won't have to pay 7 rubles for every day. Connection of any option from the Megafon Radar package is possible on the official page of the cellular operator. There you can also download a special application that will help you work with all these options.

Determining the location of the subscriber via the Internet: video

MTS services - Locator and babysitting

The mobile operator has two services related to geolocation. The first one is “Locator”, for the use of which the consent of the subscriber and “Child under supervision” will be required. Their connection is possible through the operator's website or via SMS service. These services cost 100 rubles per month, and the first two weeks after their activation, they are provided free of charge. The client can send up to 100 monthly requests, but their number cannot exceed 5 messages per day.

Babysitting service in Beeline

Now the time is not as calm as it used to be. Therefore, it would be good to provide protection for children, even when you are not with them. For this, there is such an option as "Supervised child". From the very beginning, this service was available only in Beeline, but since 2015, Megafon first connected to it, and a little later MTS. Now these three mobile operators are jointly offering this option to their subscribers.

Tracking a person via an iPhone

Today you can find out where the person is by calling the iPhone. For this, there are a number of special applications that can help with determining the location of the person of interest. In this case, the smartphone used must have an iOS or Android system. The owners of iPhones will have such an application - "Find My Friends". It will help to get the location of friends and acquaintances directly on the map. The application uses GPS satellite technology and to launch it you need permission from the subscriber whose location you want to find out.

Determining the location of a person via Viber

Few people know that it is possible to track a person using such a popular service as Viber, and in this case, the location of the subscriber will become available only to his interlocutor. In order for the interlocutor to be able to see your location, you will need to enable geolocation. This is not difficult to do. You just need to click on the special icon "Send location". As soon as this function is activated, the interlocutor will immediately see the current coordinates of your location.

How to track a person's phone without their permission

Just like tracking the owner of a phone using GPS, there are a number of apps that allow you to do this without their knowledge. Among them, I would like to highlight the VkurSe program, which allows you to listen to conversations, read SMS and, in addition, track the location of the owner of a cell phone. Immediately after its installation, the program is masked and hidden in one of the main folders of the device. This makes it very difficult to find such an application.

Tip: Think carefully before deciding to install this program. This is especially true for female representatives who would like to convict their husband of infidelity in this way. Is it worth destroying your family happiness based on the information that falls into your hands?

Is it possible to track a person's location without his permission

Of course, it is impossible to do this without the consent of the owner of the phone, as it is against the law. Therefore, the use of special tracking software is prohibited in our country. All services for determining the location of the subscriber, which are offered by cellular operators, are based on the prior consent of the person whose location information will be sent to the mobile company's client's phone.

How to find out where a person is without his consent: video

In conclusion, I would like to state that there are different ways to determine the location of a person by phone number. And the simplest and most reliable of them are the services provided by your cellular operators. And although for the most part they are not free, but they meet all the requirements that are imposed by current legislation.

Situations constantly occur when it is necessary to accurately and quickly determine the location of a person. In everyday life, people worry about their loved ones, elderly people, children. And in the field of business, it is necessary to organize and control the work of employees. Previously, this prerogative was used only by employees of the FSB, police, and police. You can calculate the location of a person by phone number in several ways, which will be discussed below. You can try the ready-made service for identifying a person by phone in action at

Is it possible to find the location of a person by the mobile phone number

You can find out the location of a person by their mobile phone number. Modern cellular operators have begun to offer special geolocation services for this purpose. Such systems make it possible to determine the coordinates of the subscriber with an accuracy of several tens of meters. It is a convenient alternative to satellite positioning systems, but it functions only in the field of cellular networks. The search for a person is based on determining the position of the phone on an electronic map.

and the location of the person you can always, since the mobile phone is constantly in touch, regardless of the owner's wishes. He sends data to the mobile operator to the towers. In this regard, judging by the reviews, it is possible to track a person's location by phone number not only during a call, but also in standby mode.

Quick search for a person through a mobile operator

The development of modern technology has made it possible. Technical innovations are the inclusion of a GPS search system in mobile phones, expanding the possibilities for detecting a mobile phone based on signals from antennas. A person search service is a collection of information from telecommunications companies that provide customer tracking services.

"Mobile locator" from Beeline

By connecting this Beeline service, you will have the opportunity to determine your location, your loved ones, friends. To use it, you need to send an empty message to 5166 or dial 09853. You need to get the consent of your relatives and friends that you will receive their location coordinates. After that, in the service management menu, you need to select the item "Find a subscriber", enter the number of the person whose location you want to know. Then the client receives a request for consent.

"Navigator" at Megafon

This service from the mobile operator Megafon helps to determine the location of a person by phone number. To do this, you should get permission in advance from the subscriber whose coordinates you want to know. You can activate the Navigator service on the operator's website or using the command * 566 #. In response, you will receive an SMS with instructions. You will find out the cost of use on the website or in the operator's salon.

"Geopoisk" from Tele2

"Geopoisk" from the mobile operator Tele2 in Russia is a service that determines. It is activated by USSD request * 119 * 01 #. To connect tracking, the command * 119 * 1 * 7хххххххххх # is dialed. To obtain information about the location of the phone, you need to send a request * 119 * 2 * 7хххххххххх #. Remember that the service is paid and does not work in all regions. It is easiest to find a person in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other big cities.

"Locator" at MTS

To use the "Locator" service from MTS, in order to determine the location of a person by the number, you must send an SMS to 6677, which contains the phone number, the name of the subscriber. If a person agrees to determine the coordinates, you receive a message about his location. This will connect the service. To refuse it, send a message to 6677 with the text OFF.

Check out the methods if you forgot your password.

Other ways to locate a person by phone number

One of the options for tracking a person's location is to install spy software on the phone. You can download or purchase these applications on the Internet. They are not displayed in the system processes of gadgets, they are ideally disguised, while collecting information about the position of the subscriber and transferring them to a computer, tablet, phone or other device of a third-party person.

Mobile applications are convenient in that you do not need to carry an additional device with you, because the phone is always close to the person. If employees are already using office phones or tablets, all you have to do is download the file, install the program. Some versions have additional features for doing business: assignment of tasks, notes on completed assignments. However, when you turn on the continuous tracking mode, the battery is quickly discharged, so it is optimal to use interval tracking.

Sygis Family stands out among the most common legal Russian-language programs. It tracks the location of friends, acquaintances, family members in real time. In addition, the program informs about the battery level in the smartphone of the tracked person. The application is suitable for Android, iOS. Information is obtained by pressing the SOS button, after which data is downloaded about where a relative or friend is. There is a built-in messaging function between family members.

Android Device Manager - monitors the location of tablets and smartphones, and can block them remotely. With access to your Google account, a trusted person can see where you are on a map. This requires a computer with an Internet connection. The map displays the area, the time of arrival of information, the address within the radius of which the object is located. The application is downloaded for free.

Find my iPhone - detects the location of all your iOS devices, shows locations on a map, provides a route by which you can find them. The app provides information about the battery level of the iPhone you are looking for. To access the data of loved ones, you will need a password from your iCloud account. There are other applications and programs, such as GSM Direction Finder, sms spy Talklog, Hellospy, Maxxspy for tracking via Viber (Viber), VK Scaner for contact (VK social network), programs for Odnoklassniki.

Another option is to use special phones with a GPS beacon function and personal GPS trackers. They monitor a person, and therefore all the possibilities in them are optimally thought out. The devices are practical, small, operate for a long time from the battery, accurately and quickly determine the position, flexibly adjust, have additional parameters for monitoring children, staff, the elderly, depending on the model. You can also try it in action

Situations often occur when it is necessary to find out the exact place in which a person is. This option is provided by all telecom operators. And you can also determine the location through certain applications running on phones. In the article, you can learn in detail how to set a location by phone number for free.

Geolocation via phone number - general information

Before moving on to ways to locate a person, you need to understand how it works. This process is called geolocation. The process presented is actually quite simple. Most telecom operators use the LDCS platform to calculate location. You can use this service only with the consent of the subscriber. Moreover, for this, a certain fee will be charged.

Geolocation features:

  • location determination is not entirely accurate ( from 50 to 300 meters in large cities and up to one kilometer in places where there is no communication);
  • the interval between the request for coordinates is at least 5 minutes;
  • a disabled smartphone cannot be tracked.

Location by phone number is sometimes required to be traced to a child or relative.

Is it possible to determine the location by phone number

Many have seen in various films and TV shows how a person is tracked using his phone. Such a function is indeed available and accessible even to ordinary people.

The easiest way to track a person is to connect the appropriate service with a telecom operator. You can also use various applications available for free download on the Internet. In more detail, you can find out about all the listed methods below.

Previously, only special services could determine the location by phone number. Today, everything is much easier in the world of digital and mobile technologies.

Cellular operators and their services for geolocation

Each large telecommunications company operating in Russia has its own programs with which you can find out where a person is at the moment. Such information is transmitted in the form of coordinates via SMS messages or shown on a map. Detailed terms of geolocation service from various operators:


This telecom operator has a geolocation service in the Locator program. Moreover, by connecting the provided service, you can track not only MTS customers, but also users of other operators.

The only condition for the correct operation of the program is the presence of an Internet connection on the mobile phone. Initially, the program is provided free of charge, within two weeks after connecting. In the future, a monthly fee is charged, the amount of which is 100 rubles.

You can connect services using the following methods:

  1. Sending a USSD command. In this case, you just need to type on the mobile command - *111*7883# .
  2. Sending an SMS message. A message is sent to the number 6677, and in the text you must indicate the number that you want to track.
  3. Through the call center. In this case, you need to call by number 0890, the remaining connection actions will be performed by the operator.

Many operators offer to set the location by phone number.

Tele 2

Usage cost - 60 rubles per month... To connect, you need to dial command * 119 * 2 * tracked phone number #.


Here the program that allows you to find a subscriber is called "Coordinates". In this case, you can determine the coordinates of only other Beeline users. Moreover, for this you need to obtain permission from the tracked subscriber.

Service cost - 1.7 rubles per day(for the first week, no fee will be charged). The service is activated by sending messages to 4770 or by calling the support service (0665).


This operator has a tracking service called Radar. You can track subscribers using any operators. This service has three versions at once:

Light - for free use (one tracked number, tracked once a day), Standard - 3 rubles per day (one subscriber, unlimited definitions) and Plus - 7 rubles per day (up to 5 subscribers).

GPS capabilities

Almost every modern smartphone has a built-in GPS. Thanks to GPS, the user can: build a certain route and follow it, determine his location, determine the location of other subscribers (using various applications).

Geolocation by phone number is a convenient feature for many parents.

Geolocation by phone number online via the Internet

Also, to determine the current location, you can use various services on the Internet. This method is quite simple, since in this case the subscriber will only need to enter the number of the monitored phone.

However, it should be borne in mind that some of these services charge a certain fee for their services. In addition, Internet searches are often not accurate.

Popular geolocation services that work on the Internet:

  1. Phone-location. The presented service works absolutely free of charge. Here you need to provide the tracking number to get the necessary information. In a few minutes, the service will provide all the necessary information about the current location of the subscriber, and will also show this place on the map.
  2. Find a phone. This service is also free. In order to use its services, the user does not need to register or download additional applications. Location information is provided within minutes and displayed on a map.

You can find out the location by phone number in 5 minutes if you have Internet access.

Finding a location by phone number through Android apps

If you have a device running on the Android operating system. You do not want to connect services from a telecom operator. In this case, you can use the following applications created to determine the location:

Android Device Manager

Free application for Android. With it, you can track the location of your smartphone, as well as block it remotely. In this case, to connect the device, you must create a Google account and provide access to viewing to trusted persons. After connecting, the map will provide information about the current location where the smartphone is located.

My GPS position

In this application, you can get accurate geolocation data on various devices. The app is available for free download on Google Play. Also in this application, you can quickly share your current location with your friends.

It is very useful to know how to find out the location of a person by their phone number. The function helps parents find children and other people of their relatives.

Geolocation software for iPhone

On all modern iPhones, the Find Friends program is automatically installed. With this program, you can determine the current location of your friends. If you do not have this program installed, then you can download it from the App Store.

Find My iPhone. A third party application available for free download from the App Store. Works on all iOS devices.

To obtain information about the location of a person, you must enter his password from iCloud. The only drawback of the program is that it only works where there is network access.

Find location by phone number - USSD requests

Above, programs from telecom operators have already been presented that allow you to determine the location of other subscribers. To obtain location information, you can simply send the appropriate USSD request. Requests for various operators:

  • Megaphone - * 140 * tracked number #;
  • Tele 2 - * 119 * 2 * tracked number #.

Other operators do not have a USSD request to receive information about the current location of the subscriber. Locating by phone number is not considered a complex feature. The main thing is to type the request correctly.

Is it legal to act without the consent of the subscriber?

According to the constitution, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to privacy. However, at the request of special services, cellular operators will be required to provide information on the location of the subscriber. In other cases, to carry out such an action, the consent of the tracked person is required.

It is possible to find the location of the phone by number for free only with the mutual consent of the subscribers. Therefore, parents need to immediately think about the appropriate application.

Video "How to determine the location by phone number"