Modernization of a laptop: we are modifying a mobile computer to fit our needs. What can be upgraded in a laptop? What is laptop upgrade

This material shows how to increase the amount of RAM in a laptop, how to replace a DVD drive, and also how to replace a laptop hard drive.

How to replace the processor is shown in this material:.

How to replace the video card is shown in the manual:

[b] If possible, then it is better to entrust the upgrade procedure to qualified specialists in the service center

[b] Everything related to laptop upgrades is discussed in this forum thread:

Increase in the amount of RAM

Increasing the amount of RAM is the most common type of upgrade. This issue is discussed in this forum thread:

Consider the feasibility of such an upgrade. If you have 512 or 1 GB of RAM installed in your laptop, then increasing its volume to 2 GB makes sense. Now the optimal amount of RAM is 2 GB. The increase to 3 or 4 GB makes sense if you work with graphics, video and CAD systems. There is also a slight increase in some toys.

[b] Note: It's worth noting that 32-bit systems cannot run with more than 3GB of RAM. That is, if you have 4 GB of RAM installed, then a 32-bit system will actually use only 3 GB. To be able to work with all 4 GB, you should install a 64-bit operating system.

Another point: memory frequency. Many people believe that if they, for example, take the memory at 800 MHz, then it will work at 800 MHz. It is not always so. The memory frequency is determined by the chipset (in the case of Intel) and the processor memory controller (in the case of AMD). If the chipset is not designed to work with memory at 800 MHz, then the memory will not work at that frequency. The frequency will be automatically downgraded to the maximum for the chipset

For example, Intel chipset The PM965 supports 667MHz memory. If you install 800 MHz memory modules in such a system, they will work at the same 667 MHz. If you install memory modules at 533 MHz, then they will work at 533 MHz. If a laptop has 2 memory modules installed, then the frequency of their operation will be determined by the lowest rated frequency. installed memory... That is, if a laptop has 2 modules: one is designed for 667 MHz, and the second for 533 MHz, then as a result they both will work at the lowest nominal frequency - 533 MHz. The same goes for timings. If there are 2 memory modules, then the workers select the maximum timings that are stitched into the SPD for the operating frequency.

It is highly desirable to install memory modules of the same size and, if possible, from the same manufacturer. This will enable the dual-channel mode, in which the speed of working with memory is approximately doubled, ideally (in practice, this is an average of 1.5-1.7 times). If the volumes of the memory modules are not the same, then the hybrid two-channel mode is activated. The average gain in this case is not that great.

Before going to the store, you need to decide what you need to buy

First you need to download the program [b] CPU-Z (download page)

Run the program and go to the [b] Memory tab

As you can see, the laptop has 2 GB of RAM, which operates at a frequency of 667 MHz (the window indicates 333.4 MHz, but taking into account that the memory is of the DDR type, the effective frequency will be 2 times higher - that is, approximately 667 MHz )

The memory operates in two-channel mode ([b] Dual). Below are the timings.

For more information on memory modules, go to the [b] SPD tab

The upper window shows the number of the memory slot. As a rule, there are only two of them in laptops. This means that a maximum of two memory modules can be installed.

As you can see, the first slot has a memory module manufactured by Hyundai Electronics (Hynix) designed for 667 MHz. The same module is installed in the second slot.

If I want, for example, to increase the amount of RAM to 4 GB, then I will have to sell my 2 modules for 1 GB and buy 2 modules for 2 GB.

If you have one slot free, and the second has a 1 GB memory module, then to increase the amount of RAM up to 2 GB, you just need to buy another 1 GB module and install it in the second slot. When choosing a memory module, it is advisable (but not necessary) to take the memory of the same manufacturer and which is designed for the same frequency as the first one.

When you have decided on the required amount of RAM and purchased the appropriate RAM modules, you can start installing them directly.

Let's take a closer look at the process of replacing memory modules:

First [b] without fail, disconnect the laptop from the power supply and remove the battery. Then we remove the cover that covers the access to the memory modules. Sometimes it happens that memory modules are covered with a separate cover.

[b] Note: if you are having difficulty disassembling a laptop, then download the instructions for disassembling your laptop model from this forum thread:

Installed memory modules look something like this:

To remove them, you need to move the metal tabs on the sides, as a result, the memory module rises slightly

now you can pull it out without any problems

The modules are installed in the reverse order. First, we install the memory module at an angle into the connector, and then press on it and it snaps into the connector. We install the cover, put the battery and turn on the laptop. To check if everything is working as it should - run [b] CPU-Z and look at the [b] Memory and [b] SPD tabs.

[b] All questions about replacing RAM are asked in this forum thread:.

Replacing the hard drive

Replacing the hard drive is also one of the most common procedures.

There are no fundamental restrictions on the volume of the hard disk. There is also no particular limitation on the spindle speed. You can install hard drives in a laptop with both 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm.

When choosing a hard drive, you should pay attention to the connector. SATA is mostly used now, but some older laptops may use IDE. Connector placement and dimensions are standardized. As a rule, 2.5 "hard drives with a height of 9.5 mm are installed in notebooks. There are also 2.5" drives with a height of 12.5 mm, which may simply not fit into a laptop in height. When buying, this is also worth paying attention to.

An old laptop hard drive can be installed in an external USB pocket. Everything related to this is discussed in this forum thread:.

Now you can take a closer look at the procedure for replacing the hard drive

Before replacing the hard disk, the laptop must be turned off, the cable from the power supply must be disconnected and the battery removed.

[b] Note: if you are experiencing difficulties with replacing the hard drive, then download the instructions for disassembling your laptop model from this forum topic:

Then the lid is removed, which covers the hard drive. To remove the hard drive, you first need to disconnect it from the connector. To do this, it must be moved away from the connector.

when pushed aside - pull the hard drive up

As a rule, hard drives in laptops are fixed in metal frames. They must be removed and put on a new hard drive. Metal frame held in place by 4 bolts

unscrew them ...

When finished we put the frame on the new hard drive and mount it together with the new hard drive into the laptop.
How to recover hidden partitions on a new hard drive - read

Replacing the DVD drive

Some old laptops have old COMBO drives that can't write DVD discs... To fix this unpleasant moment, you can install a new DVD drive. Another reason to change a drive is to replace a multi-format DVD drive with a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD drive. In any case, the replacement procedure is the same. Actuators are in most cases standard sizes and SATA interfaces or mini-IDE. They are presented only with a tray lid, which can be removed without problems.

First, turn off the laptop, unplug it and remove the battery.

[b] Note: if you are having difficulty removing the drive, then download the instructions for disassembling your laptop model from this forum thread:

In some laptop models, replace the drive without even removing the cover. In the vast majority of laptops, the drive is held in place by one bolt, which is located approximately at the same level with the center of the tray where the disks are placed and at a distance of 12-15 cm from it. Unscrew that bolt:

In some old laptops, that bolt is not unscrewed from the bottom side, but from the keyboard side (it is located under it)
and in order to unscrew it you will have to remove the keyboard. The keyboard, as a rule, is held by latches at the top and bottom, or bolted under the top panel. In this case, you will have to remove the decorative panel above the keyboard and unscrew the bolts.

When the bolt is removed, then you can pull out the drive itself

Everything is standard. We take out the old one, put a new one and tighten that bolt. It should be noted that in some laptops the drive is installed in a plastic or metal frame. When replacing the drive, it will have to be removed from the old one and installed on the new drive. It also happens that a laptop uses a non-standard drive tray cover. It will also have to be removed from the old drive and installed on a new one.

That's all. With the replacement of the drive finished

Replacing the processor and video card

Replacing the processor and video card is the most difficult upgrade procedure.

You can get a new video card or processor at a service center or in online stores.

[b] If you do not know which video card or processor to buy, you can ask for help in this forum thread:

When the processor or video card is purchased, you can begin to replace it.

Replacing a video card is no different from the procedure for changing thermal paste in a laptop ,. All the differences boil down to the fact that instead of the old video card, a new one is installed in the laptop.

The procedure for replacing the processor is the same. She is described in this material:.

That's all.

[b] All questions are asked in this forum thread:

Edited: FuzzyL- March 4, 2011
Reason: Material version 2.0

If you've heard that modern laptops are becoming less susceptible to modernization unfortunately, these rumors are becoming more and more true. Laptops are gradually becoming disposable electronic devices that, after the expiration date, or obsolescence, are only suitable for replacement. Such a manufacturer's policy contributes to an increase in sales, but it is unlikely to be to the liking of those who are used to using the device for the longest possible period, and, if necessary, improve it. individual elements... In this article we will consider the question, is it possible to upgrade modern laptops, and if possible, how to determine which devices are interchangeable in it.

What can be replaced in a laptop

So, if you decide to do a laptop upgrade with your own hands, you first need to know which ones in general. items can be replaced in this device... So, for example, in a 2016 MacBook, all parts are irreplaceable. But in Eurocom Tornado F5 on the contrary, almost all parts can be exchanged for newer and more productive ones. And between these two laptops there is a huge number of computers that differ in the number of interchangeable elements, as well as the difficulty of accessing them.

Many are interested in the question you can replace the video chip, processor, hard drive or battery on a laptop? It is impossible in general to answer this question, since it all depends on the laptop model.

Essential elements for modernization

In this chapter, we will look at the most important parts of a laptop and try to figure out how to determine if they are being replaced or not.


RAM or laptop RAM Is a part of any computer that most often needs to be upgraded. RAM is short-term memory, and the more there is, the faster computer works. In 2017, 8 Gb of RAM is more than enough for the average laptop user. If you plan to solve complex problems on your computer, or run demanding programs, then it is quite possible that you need 16 GB or more of RAM.

If you can replace the RAM in your laptop, then you get huge opportunities for upgrading your computer. After all, you are not limited by the amount of GB of RAM that was in the laptop when you bought it. You do not have to buy a new laptop if you suddenly need to solve more productive tasks, or it seems that the current memory is not enough.

Another advantage of being able to swap RAM in a laptop is that you can restore the device to work, if the memory bar is out of order, by replacing it. It is impossible to list in one article the names of all laptops that support the ability to replace or replenish RAM. Read the manual for your laptop to see if this feature is supported. You can also look at the specifications of your laptop and, based on them, decide if a RAM upgrade is possible. So, laptops with the following parameters usually allow you to change the RAM:

  • If laptop goes v multiple RAM variations... For example, the same model is offered with 8GB as one strip, or 8GB as two strips of 4GB each. Laptops with non-replaceable RAM slots are offered in one configuration.
  • V technical specification must be indicated, including the number slots for RAM... Usually the number of DIMM slots is written. Notebooks that are not user upgradeable do not have additional memory slots.
  • DDR memory is traditionally used in laptops. Look in the technical specification for the laptop, what kind of memory it has, for example, DDR3L-1866 or DDR4-2400. So, laptops with RAM LPDDR3 not upgradeable- this kind of memory is soldered directly to the motherboard forever.
  • Your laptop - not ultra-thin model... The category of such laptops includes everything that is thinner than two cm. All devices that are thinner, as a rule, do not allow replacing the RAM. Therefore, when purchasing an ultra-thin, stylish laptop, keep in mind that it is most likely not upgradeable.

If you are not sure whether it is possible to replace the RAM in your laptop, just leave a comment on this article with the model name - you will receive an answer about the possibility of upgrading your device shortly.


After RAM, the hard drive is the most replaceable part of a laptop. home the reason for replacing your hard drive- this is need for more space... There may also be other reasons, such as your the hard drive is too slow, which slows down the work of the entire system.

The good news is that p almost all laptops allow you to replace the hard drive... There are, of course, exceptions, like the same MacBook that we talked about earlier, but in most cases you can upgrade your laptop by increasing the size of its hard drive or speeding up its operation. Let's consider the main signs that the hard drive in your laptop can be replaced:

  • If your laptop was purchased with 2.5 inch hard disk , then it can be replaced by any other 2.5-inch hard drive. Another issue is that getting to the location of the hard drive may not always be very easy.
  • Your laptop has M.2 slot for SSD disk ... This, like 2.5 inches, is also a hard drive format that is interchangeable.
  • Your laptop model was sold with several variations of the hard drive... If there are only 2-3 of them, then most likely the hard drive cannot be changed.


Can you replace the processor on a laptop? In most cases, the answer will be no. latest models laptops come with non-removable processors. By the name of the CPU, you can tell for sure whether it is being replaced or not. For example, the notation HQ indicates that the processor is not removable... The Core i7-7700HQ CPU belongs to this category, but the Core i7-7700 is just a processor that can be replaced. However, the number of such laptops is too small in the total mass, and the latest models are almost all available with non-removable CPUs.

Video card

The vast majority of modern laptops today are manufactured with built-in video card... This means that the graphics processor is integrated directly into the computer itself and cannot be replaced. The exception is those models in which additional AMD or Nvidia cards are provided.

Even if your laptop is equipped with additional GPUs, this does not mean at all that they can be improved. The only modern exception is a small amount of laptops with МХМ slots.

However, the fact that the native video chip in a laptop cannot be replaced does not mean that in modern computers it is impossible to upgrade the video card. So, in some laptops it is possible connect an external video adapter... Nevertheless, such laptops are produced in small quantities, and the cost of the upgrade will be quite significant.


Although modern laptops are less upgradeable than they used to be, you can still take some comfort in the fact that most computers are still have interchangeable elements... Many laptops have the ability to swap out the hard drive as well as the RAM. Just different models may vary in the difficulty of replacing these components. In some laptops, this procedure can be so complicated that you have to disassemble half of the computer before you get to the part you want.

Replacing the central processor and video card in a laptop will most often be impossible, with the exception of some cases, which we talked about above. However, if your laptop is running under Windows 10 and has an external output for connecting a video chip, then you can upgrade. However, this will be quite an expensive upgrade, especially considering that many external graphics cards do not guarantee compatibility.

Therefore, when buying a new laptop, be sure to study its characteristics and possibility of modernization various devices ... And here the point is not even that over time you will need more performance (this may not happen), it's just that after the end of the warranty period, laptops tend to break. It is clear that it will be much cheaper to change the RAM card than to buy a completely new motherboard.

Laptops are not as easy to upgrade as desktop PCs. The matter is aggravated by the fact that modern laptops are becoming more and more difficult to upgrade - the user can only upgrade the RAM and the solid-state drive in the laptop.

It's generally a bad idea to buy a laptop with plans to upgrade it further.

PCs versus laptops

If you had to, or just open the case, you only know a few screws and get easy access to everything hardware... The components to be installed are located on connectors and can be easily replaced. Even if you buy assembled system unit, you can always replace everything that is installed there. Some manufacturers may try to make upgrading system units more difficult, but even so, it is easier to upgrade than an average laptop.

... You cannot build your own laptop - i.e. you do not decide what configuration is needed, you buy a laptop from the manufacturer, and only choose the configurations provided by the company. And modern ultrabooks or MacBook Apple are getting thinner and thinner and lighter, and they are basically not meant to be updated by the user.

The difficulties of upgrading a laptop

The main difficulties of upgrading a laptop:

  • Case: Many notebooks are shipped from the factory with non-disassembled cases. Glue is used instead of screws
  • Even if your laptop is disassembled, it is not so easy to get to the processor for example. You may need to remove the keyboard, unscrew a few screws, etc.
  • Components Soldered: Most devices are shipped with components that are soldered. You can't just replace it, for this you need at least special equipment, and preferably also a lot of experience. It is possible inadvertently and killed by completely unqualified actions. And the renewal will turn into a tragic repair
  • Warranty: Even if you can open your laptop and replace some of the components, most laptop manufacturers claim that this will void your warranty. Then, if a malfunction is revealed, even not related to the upgrade, the seller will see that you were hiding the case, most likely he will refuse warranty service, and you will have to pay for the repair.

Possible upgrade

Many laptops allow you to upgrade the following items. Particularly easy to replace on older laptops (approximately 4 years old or more)

  • RAM: If your laptop's motherboard has free RAM slots, you can easily buy another bracket. If there are no slots, you can remove the old strips and insert more capacious ones. The main thing is to know exactly what type of RAM is ()
  • Replacing an HDD with an SSD: If your laptop has a mechanical hard drive, you can try upgrading it to a solid state
  • Replace optical drive with SSD: Another option is to replace your laptop's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray drive with an SSD. In this case, you need to select a case for the drive to fit into the drive bay.

It is possible to replace the CPU and GPU on some laptops, but it will be expensive and difficult (I would download it in a dreary way). This is where compatibility needs to be considered. Also, different processors and video cards generate different amounts of heat, so your new components may generate too much heat and the cooling system may not be able to cope.


Don't buy a laptop with upgrade plans. Like "Well, RAM is a little bit small, but I can always add more" or "I'll install a solid-state drive to speed up" Check in advance you can replace something without resorting to the help of specialists.

Sooner or later, all things become obsolete. And laptops are no exception, on the contrary, mobile technologies are developing rapidly, and as a result, new ones come to replace the old. But what about the owners of laptops, whose performance has become inferior to more modern models? Buy a new mobile PC? .. This resource contains a number of instructions and tips for upgrading your laptop and hopefully will help improve the performance of your mobile system.

How to upgrade your laptop

Preliminary work Changing the hard disk and memory

Having felt the need to upgrade their own laptop, any user will have to choose from three options:

  • sell an existing computer and purchase a more modern one;
  • contact specialists;
  • do the modernization with your own hands.

Each of these paths has certain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the first path are obvious. In this case, the user receives a new fully balanced modern system, a manufacturer's warranty and positive emotions. Of the minuses, first of all, it is worth noting the greatest cost of this path, even taking into account the amount received from the sale of the old computer. Also, we must not forget that you will have to transfer all documents and re-create the working environment, including a lot of small, but already familiar utilities. It is very likely that an upgrade of accessories will also be required, such as a bag, maybe a mouse, a power adapter for a car. In a word, not every user will be satisfied with such a radical path, especially since the help of specialists may be required to transfer working files.

The second way, apparently, may turn out to be the most attractive for the majority, since it will eliminate the need for independent research of possible methods of modernization, the search for the necessary components and tools. All that is required of the user is, as fully as possible, to formulate a list of their requirements, and then, after listening to the expert's verdict, choose the best option for yourself from the proposed ones. This way will require lower costs than the first, will allow, in most cases, to maintain the usual working environment, and makes it possible to require the correction of possible shortcomings from the performer. The main disadvantages of this path are that you will have to completely rely on the experience of a specialist, and, in addition, it is not always possible to find new components suitable for a somewhat outdated system.

The third way is the most interesting and the most dangerous. This path can be recommended only to those users who are familiar with any technique, or at least have minimal skills in working with electronics. Self-service upgrade allows you to flexibly plan the stages of modernization and carry out improvements gradually. The disadvantages are the need to be at least a little guided in the principles of building laptops, the characteristics of components, their compatibility, the risk of damage to the "filling" of the device with unskilled intervention.

In all fairness, it is worth noting one more path of modernization. This path consists in purchasing external devices with common USB and PCMCIA interfaces. This way is the easiest and most convenient. If the system lacks any communication interface, for example BlueTooth, Wi-Fi, or an analog modem, it is enough to buy a module in PC-card or USB-dongle format. But this approach has its limitations, requiring free ports, creates additional inconveniences when storing and transporting peripherals. Nevertheless, sometimes this path is the only possible one. For example, if the laptop does not have an adapter for reading flash cards of SD, MMC, CF or MS format, another way is to use external adapter, does not exist, fortunately, finding one with a USB interface and in PCMCIA format will not be a problem.

Preliminary work

Well, if the user feels the strength to fight the "miracle of enemy technology", and the possibilities of the fourth way are clearly not enough for him, in this article he may find some tips that will help in the upgrade. It is worth starting here with setting the task, since a clear understanding of the goals will save you from unnecessary manipulations during work and will make it possible to consciously approach the choice of the necessary components. In fact, there are very few ways to improve the system available to owners of almost any mobile computer. This is an increase in the amount of RAM, an increase in the volume of the disk system, the replacement of a processor with a more efficient one, the installation of some additional devices with miniPCI interface, graphics adapter replacement. The latter, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is impossible without almost complete disassembly computer, if at all possible, since most often the video adapter is integrated into the chipset or soldered on the motherboard. That is why the improvement of the video subsystem will not be considered here.

Having understood what the system lacks, one should, using any test package, evaluate the system configuration in detail. This will determine which link will become the leading one during the work. Here are some examples: from technical characteristics installed memory depends on whether it is possible to simply add another memory module to the existing one, or whether modules need to be replaced; on the characteristics of the chipset, it depends on which "maximum" processor can be installed.

Having decided on the configuration, you need to take care of the workplace. You will need several screwdrivers with a straight and Phillips slot of different sizes, special wet wipes for cleaning equipment. Be sure to take care of the protection against static electricity (wear a special antistatic wrist strap). You can even put an exclamation mark here, it is hard to believe how fatal for modern microcircuits a seemingly very small discharge of "static" can turn out to be. Finishing the description of the workplace, you can remember that manufacturers of complex equipment like to use screws with a TORX type slot, reminiscent of a six-pointed sprocket. As a rule, such a slot is used in places where, according to the manufacturer, access by non-specialists is undesirable. Nevertheless, if it becomes necessary to unscrew such a screw, a screwdriver with a straight slot of a suitable size often helps, and if not, you can find the right screwdrivers almost anywhere where computer components or radio components are sold.

When starting to disassemble a laptop, even if it is just a few covers, you need to turn off the device and disconnect the battery from the case. This precaution will help to avoid electrical damage due to falling screws or accidental contact with a metal tool with conductive parts. Almost all fastening elements of the laptop case are marked in one way or another. In addition to simple arrows pointing to screws, there are often marks indicating their "area of ​​responsibility": keyboard, hard drive, case panel, and so on. It is advisable to either mark the screws to be loosened or put them side by side on the table, so that later it would be clear where which screw is intended. The presence of "extra" screws after assembly of the device is unacceptable.

Changing the hard drive and memory

The simplest thing is to replace the hard drive of the device, which is most often covered with a cover held by one or two screws and / or fixed on special sleds that make it easier to remove the drive from the case. All you have to do is extract old disk, insert a new one into the slide and fix it by screwing it in with screws, install the hard drive in the compartment, connect it to the connector using a little effort. The vast majority of those used in laptops hard drives has a U-ATA interface and a 2.5-inch form factor. Since this has long been a standard, compatibility issues are almost completely eliminated. Previously, you can (if necessary) transfer the existing system from the old disk to the new one. This operation is carried out at any standard computer using a specialized utility, disks are connected in turn or simultaneously through an adapter to the PATA interface of the desktop.

To access the processor, you must first dismantle
cooling system

Working with RAM is a little more complicated. The number of available slots for memory modules may differ, but they themselves are now quite standard, so geometrically any SO-DIMM can be installed in the slot. However, don't forget about compatibility. There is absolutely no point in installing a DDR II module in a system that only supports DDR memory. As well as trying to make the memory work in two-channel mode, adding to the existing module a different size from the first one. Moreover, when installing a new module "in pair" with an existing one, it is advisable to find a new one with the parameters as close as possible to the first, ideally from the same manufacturer. If there is a need to replace an already installed module, and it is not possible to find it under the cover on the bottom surface of the device, dismantling the keyboard will most often help. Having unscrewed the screws fixing the keyboard, it is important not to forget about the flexible cable with which it is connected to motherboard... Removing and removing a module is more than straightforward. It is enough to move to the sides one latch on each side of the module, as it, under the pressure of the spring-loaded contacts, slightly leaves the plane of fixation. Now the module can be easily removed completely. The reverse operation is just as simple. Installing the plank on the wrong side will not give the key on the underside. For fixation, the module is placed into the slot at a slight angle (about 30 - 40 degrees), after which it is fixed by gentle pressing on it. Under no circumstances should excessive force be applied when replacing the memory sticks, this may damage them. If light efforts do not lead to the desired result, you should check the correct installation of the module.

"Heart" of a beauty ...

Let's move on to the processor. Although its frequency is not the most important indicator, increasing the clock speed can significantly improve performance in some applications. The processor is usually accessed from the top side, which means the need to dismantle the keyboard, and then the cooling system. To do this, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws securing the cooler, and carefully remove the wire (slightly pulling up on the parts protruding from the sides of the plug) connecting the fan to the motherboard. After the work done, you can safely remove the cooler from your seat, taking care not to damage the thin radiator grille of the air tube. Then the air tube is removed, for which you first need to unscrew the four fixing screws. After removing all components of the cooling system, the socket for installing the central processor is free. "Pull out" old processor after removing the radiator a couple of trifles. On the visible part of the connector, turn the threaded metal “circle” from the “Closed” position to the “Open” position. The most convenient way to use a flathead screwdriver is to insert it into the recess and turn the wheel counterclockwise. Now you can remove the processor. Installing a new one is carried out in the reverse order.

The configuration of the "legs" of the microcircuit will not allow putting the processor on the wrong side. But it is best to focus on placing the central processor in your hands in such a way that the small triangle drawn on the circuitry from the side of the legs will coincide with the lower left corner of the connector during installation. So, carefully "put" the processor into the socket and fix it. As before, installing the processor should go smoothly. After placing the processor in place, secure it by turning the latch in starting position... Before returning to the place of the radiator, it is very important to remove the remnants of the old thermal paste from it, and carefully apply a thin uniform layer of a new one to avoid overheating of the main element of any computer due to poor thermal contact. The presence of pasta should be taken care of in advance. Often, a packet of paste is applied to the processor. Replacing the processor ends with the return to place of all previously removed structural elements.

Add mobility

Installing the module into the miniPCI port is straightforward. This interface, as a rule, is free in the absence of radio interfaces in the system, and is most often used for a Wi-Fi module. An alternative to the latter is the BlueTooth module. And in fact, and in another case, the installation is carried out in the same way as the strips of RAM. The module is also placed in the slot with the key alignment at a slight angle and fixed with a slight push. The only difference is that after installing the module, you need to connect one or two wires to it leading to the antenna. They are connected by connecting a small plug to the micro connector on the board and pressing until a characteristic click. It remains to replace the stubs and install the drivers in operating system.

The described actions will significantly prolong the life of almost any mobile computer, but they are not exhaustive. For example, you can replace a regular CD drive with a burner or, say, a combo CD / DVD-RW drive. The operating principles are the same. If the drive is in a removable module, it is enough to carefully open the cartridge and replace one drive with another. If the drive is permanently installed in the case, it can usually be removed by unscrewing two or three screws and replacing the front panel of the drive. The main thing here, in order to avoid problems, do not forget to check the correspondence of the display elements and the control of both devices.


Upgrading a laptop on your own is not too burdensome and very exciting. He needs a clear understanding of the goal, self-confidence, "straight" hands and, of course, a laptop. Undoubtedly, there are no exhaustive instructions here, and they cannot be in such a publication, but the general approach and basic principles are defined, and this is already a lot. Perhaps this article will help some of the readers to decide on the future fate of their pet, which means that the work was not in vain.

The etymology of the word "upgrade" indicates its English origin, which literally means modernization.

First, let's figure out for what purpose you are going to upgrade your favorite laptop. In my opinion, there are two reasons why laptop owners upgrade their devices. The first reason is the lack of system resources to perform the necessary tasks. The second reason is simply the desire of the laptop owner to change something to make it work better, to “fly” and launch the whole thing into space. Let's leave the second, cosmic reason for the upgrade for now and consider the cases in which it is really necessary to upgrade the laptop.

What can be upgraded in a laptop?

1. Increase the amount of random access memory (RAM)

Perhaps the most needed and most common laptop upgrade. Modern operating systems such as Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, some Linux and BSD-systems are quite demanding on the amount of RAM, despite the fact that the OS manufacturer assures us that new system became even faster, more convenient to use, even more fault-tolerant and more, and more, and more. For example, for normal operation with Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, at least 2Gb of RAM is required, and for a comfortable and relaxed work, it is better to install 4Gb RAM. Some manufacturers have bundled their notebooks with 3Gb RAM. In terms of volume, this is quite good, but there is a nuance. In a laptop, there are almost always only two slots where RAM is installed. All modern laptop chipsets support the operation of RAM in dual-channel mode, i.e. If we imagine everything exaggerated, then we can say that two memory strips work in parallel to each other, which significantly increases the speed of communication between the memory and the processor. But such a mode of operation is possible only when the RAM strips are identical in a number of parameters and, first of all, in terms of volume! Based on this, we can conclude that if your laptop has 3Gb RAM installed on board, then there is one 1Gb stick, and the other 2Gb, and this configuration of RAM simply cannot work in dual-channel mode! Do you want it to work faster? Then change the 1Gb bar to 2Gb, which, in addition to increasing the amount of RAM, will allow the chipset to work with it in dual-channel mode.

If you decide to upgrade your laptop by adding RAM to it, then you need to know the following:

a) what standard is your random access memory (RAM): DDR, DDRII or DDRIII. We will not consider the very old options here;
b) how many RAM slots are occupied in the laptop;
c) what do you want to get from all this?
d) if you do not know any of the above, then do not hesitate and call us at 600-10-45 service. We will tell you everything and guide you in terms of cost. I would like to note that this is perhaps the simplest and at the same time the most cheap way increase the performance of your laptop.

2. Replace HDD(HDD) for a larger one

Here, it would seem, everything is simple. Run out of space, put a new hard drive, and we will be happy. But in reality it turns out to be somewhat different. What are the pitfalls? V modern laptops, as well as in netbooks hard drives are used, they are also hard drives, with a form factor of usually 2.5 inches, less often 1.8 inches, we will not consider very rare hard drives here, and the fate of such an upgrade will be decided individually, by phone. Also, in addition to the form factor ( overall dimensions) HDD needs to know the interface for connecting the hard drive, it can be either SATA (new) or PATA, aka IDE (old). Some modern laptop models provide the ability to install two hard drives. In this case, the upgrade is easiest - you either need to simply install another hard drive in a free slot intended for the second hard disk, or change the already installed second hard drive to a more spacious one. That's it, the upgrade was a success, hurray! But what if the laptop has the ability to install only one hard drive? In this case, after replacing the hard drive with a larger one, it will be necessary to reinstall the operating system on a new hard drive, which, in principle, is not very desirable. And since there is a great desire to save all existing data, software and operating system, then in this case we will need to clone data from the old hard drive to the new one. The procedure is simple, but requires additional equipment, special software and time. Hence the conclusion: if you want to increase the space on your hard disk is not a problem, but you must remember about transferring your data to a new hard disk. When upgrading a hard drive, you also need to know that hard drives have, in addition to the volume, measured in gigabytes, such parameters as rotation speed - usually 5400 and 7200 rpm - the faster it spins, the faster it works. The next parameter is the cache - buffer memory hard drive. We will not go deeply into the details, but in a simple interpretation we can say that the larger the cache of the hard drive, the faster the hard drive, and this affects primarily the work with small files, and the operating system at its system level is often involved in processing such files. ...

3. Replace the processor with a more powerful one

This is probably the starting point for everyone who wants to increase the performance of their laptop. Not a bad start, but the question is: will this help? It will only help if the processor is really the "bottleneck" of your system. To begin with, I strongly recommend increasing the amount of RAM to the required amount, checking the correctness of the operating system, checking the free space on the hard disk and the fragmentation of the hard drive, and only after that start upgrading the processor. Otherwise, after replacing the processor, you will not get the desired performance gain and will be very upset, and the money has already been spent. Let's consider the options in which all performance issues really rest on the processor, and the CPU needs to be changed. The first and the most required option- this is if your laptop has a budget low-performance Celeron processor or Sempron. In this case, the processor upgrade will be advisable and the performance gain will be noticeable, but for such an upgrade, you need to make sure that the laptop motherboard supports more powerful processors. In most cases, there is such compatibility. Option two: You need to perform serious mathematical calculations associated with working in very resource-intensive applications. In this case, replacing the processor will also entail a positive result. Lacking power in your games? Upgrading your CPU won't help you much here. Of course, there will be a small gain, but not commensurate with the funds spent. Of course, it is necessary to touch and negative sides an operation such as upgrading the processor in a laptop. It should be understood that, as a rule, a more powerful processor heats up more than its younger brother, and the cooling system remains the same when the processor is upgraded, and as a result, we will see more intensive rotation of the cooling system fan. Also, before starting the upgrade, you need to find out the compatibility of the platform (chipset) of your laptop with the processors that your laptop supports. We will not consider the compatibility of chipsets of motherboards and processors in detail, so this will grow into a fairly large table, which can already be found on the website of the manufacturer of processors and chipsets. Conclusion: before replacing the CPU with a more productive one, we first study what we have with the RAM and operating system, compatibility with the chipset, and only then upgrade.

4. Replace the video card with a more efficient one

This desire arises from almost any gamer or person who uses the 3D power of a laptop to its fullest. There is never too much 3D acceleration. First, let's figure out why you still need a video card in a laptop. Many users have the misconception that watching movies directly depends on the video card, and if the video slows down, jerks, beats into squares, then the video card is to blame. This is not true. Video viewing depends primarily on the processor and on the codecs installed in the system. Of course, modern video decoding solutions allow using a video card as a video content processor. These are technologies such as Nvidia PureVideo HD and ATI AVIVO. In reality, hardware accelerated video decoding technologies are used only for decoding MPEG-2 (DVD), H.264, VC-1 (BluRay), and unfortunately, when watching various movie rips, these technologies cannot be used. Simply put, if the video shows poorly, then you do not need to change the laptop video card, but you need to deal with the codecs installed in the operating system. Some users feel that a "serious" graphics card is needed for photo processing programs like Photoshop. And if you have one, then the computer will certainly never slow down when processing a photo. This is also not the case. When processing any two-dimensional graphics, which are photographs, the power of the 3D accelerator is not used. Many users measure the performance of their video card with the amount of graphics memory, like my vidyah is 512, and mine is 1024 !!! Yes ... cool, but it doesn't affect performance in any way! Let's take a look at the main parameters of laptop video cards that need to be taken into account if we want to evaluate their performance. The first and most important parameter is the graphics chip on which the video card is built, and the name of this video chip is clearly reflected in the name of the laptop video card itself. And in order to independently find out how efficient your laptop's video adapter is, I strongly recommend that you look at the results of comparative tests of mobile graphics platforms. The results of such tests can be found on the Internet at a large number... Today, graphics solutions for laptops are offered, by and large, by only three manufacturers: Nvidia, AMD (ATI) and Intel (integrated only). Since in this article we are considering the possibility of an upgrade, we are only interested in the possibility of replacing a laptop video card, and from here I offer you two criteria for evaluating laptop video cards, besides all the others - a removable video card and a soldered one (not to be confused in any way with an integrated one !!!). The conclusion suggests itself - a removable video card can be changed, but a soldered one cannot. Something like this is the case, but the compatibility of removable video cards with motherboards laptops on currently time is extremely short and only on rare laptop models can you upgrade a video card to a really more productive one. A soldered-in video card can also be changed (as part of a regular repair, this is what happens), but you can only change it for the same one! We conclude: only the speed of games and applications with 3D acceleration depends on the power of the video card in a laptop, and that's it! In some cases it is advisable to change the video card on a laptop, but in most cases it is better to think about switching to a more productive laptop model.

5. Replace DVD drive on Blu-ray

There is nothing complicated here and no pitfalls. We just change the drive that does not support the formats we need to a drive that supports what we need. In this case, you need to know the thickness of the drive, usually drives are slim and super slim, and you also need to know the connection interface - SATA or PATA (IDE). There are drives for laptops with slot loading, a vivid example of this from Apple, but this is only a matter of taste for the user and of course you can replace your old one with such a drive, but you must remember that in this case, the front plate cannot be rearranged from the old drive, and the one that included may not fit. Also ... a slot-loading notebook drive will not accept small discs.

6. Add Wi-Fi and BlueTooth modules to the laptop

Suppose your laptop does not have a Bluetooth module and you do not want to use an external BlueTooth adapter connected via USB. In this case, you can add the necessary module inside the laptop, but only on condition that the manufacturer provides a connector for connecting such an adapter, and antennas are divorced inside the laptop. You can do the same with the Wi-Fi and WiMax (Yota) module.


Laptop upgrade is useful, important and necessary! By upgrading our laptop, we can avoid the unnecessary costs of buying a new laptop and adapt our laptop to the tasks we need. It is worthwhile to approach a laptop upgrade carefully and deliberately, and it is best to contact us for advice. After all, no one will take money for a consultation, but we can guide you and save you from unnecessary expenses.

Respectfully your reader, Dmitry Nikonov