MTS does not work in touch today. In the work of the largest Russian mobile operators fails

It is difficult to explain why there is no MTS connection when you do not have any idea about the situation. The connection may be absent for the most distinctive reasons, so no one will give you an unequivocal answer (with the exception of a specialist of the reference center). Many forums are advised not to look for an answer to this issue on the Internet, and immediately contact the MTS customer support service. This advice is not deprived of meaning, but if there is no connection at all? In addition, the connection with a specialist of the reference center sometimes takes a lot of time, so many prefer to find ways to solve the problem on the Internet.

As part of this review, we will tell about the most common causes of the lack of communication on MTS, and also tell me how to restore cellular communication. As for the restoration of communication, this is possible not always and much depends on the cause of the problems with cellular communications.

Causes of missing MTS

Do not know why no mts connection? This problem annoys you so much that you are already thinking about? Before resorting to such measures should be sorted out, for what reason there is no cellular communication. It is possible that similar problems will not arise with another operator.

MTS communications may not be for the following reasons:

  • Network load;
  • Engineering works;
  • Location;
  • Bad weather conditions;
  • Problems with phone.

MTS communication may not be any of the reasons. How to find out which one is relevant in your case? Each reason is characteristic of its own characteristics, focusing on which you can understand why there is no connection MTS. Of course, not all reasons are characterized by individual features, but even in such cases you can find a solution.

To determine the reason for the absence of the network will help you as follows:

  1. Network loading. If you carefully read the contract for the provision of communication services, then surely you know about the existence of the item, according to which the operator may limit the speed of the Internet or even deprive for some time communication, with high network load. If the network is overloaded, you will encounter problems not only when using the Internet, but also when sending messages or attempt to call. It is difficult to determine this reason, because there are no visible signs in this case. The signal may be strong, but the connection will not be due to the loading of the network. At such moments it is especially difficult to reach the operator, so you remain patient and wait. As a rule, a similar problem is quickly solved by itself and you can not do anything here.
  2. Engineering works. This problem is largely similar to the previous one. It is also not possible to influence it. But it will be easier for you to call the operator and clarify why there is no MTS connection. On the conduct of technical work, the operator should warn in advance, but for incomprehensible reasons not all subscribers receive relevant notifications. If you do not want to wait for the response of the operator, try to go to or on the official website of the operator - here it is likely to be information about the technical work and their duration.
  3. Location. Note the communication signal indicator on your phone? If the signal is weak or absent at all, then you should not be surprised in the absence of communication. How to solve this problem you yourself understand perfectly - you need to change the location. If you do not have the opportunity to leave the terrain, for example, you live here, then you should consider the purchase option of the SIM card of another operator, which has a stronger signal in your area.
  4. Bad weather conditions. On the street is strong wind or rain? If the connection disappeared after changing the weather, then most likely the problem is in this. How to solve this problem? No, unless you can influence the weather.
  5. Problems with phone. None of the listed reasons suits you and you still do not understand why there is no connection to MTS? Perhaps the problem is in your phone. First of all, see if the SIM card is installed correctly. In addition, the problem may be caused by a violation of the operating system of the phone. In this case, it is enough just to restart the phone or reset to the factory settings. A more serious problem is possible when the phone itself is faulty and it needs repair. In this case, only the master will help you.

What to do if there is no connection mts

The problem with the lack of communication is not uncommon for all Russian operators, which is especially relevant for small settlements. MTS, as other cellular operators regularly increase the coverage area and possibly, in a short time, even the most remote corners of the country will not have problems with communication.

Unfortunately, this time has not come yet. So what should I do in the absence of MTS connection? As you already understood, much depends on the cause, and the reasons exists more than enough. In most cases, it is enough to simply wait and the connection will be improved. If there is no connection for a long time, you need to call the operator or go to the nearest MTS office. Also, it will not be superfluous to check the phone malfunction.

Consider all the problems why there may be no connection on the phone with the MTS SIM card.

One of the reasons for incorrect operation of mobile communications is a malfunction in the operator's equipment. Sometimes some towers fail, and it may fall at once a whole region. This is due to unforeseen accidents that may be caused by mass refusal of equipment, as well as unfavorable weather conditions and other problems. In rare cases, failures arise due to the fault of intruders, damaging base stations from hooligan motivations or for the sake of profit.
In the event of an emergency, the reception can be saved, but it will not be possible to make calls. To understand, on whose side the problem is enough to make a call to the operator and clarify whether the network is operating normally in the required region.

Technical work at MTS today

The second reason why difficulties in the use of a smartphone can be observed are planned work related to the modernization or repair of existing equipment. Usually the operator tries to warn about its plans in advance, using the official website, social networks and in some cases even mass SMS mailing. Therefore, it is useful sometimes to be familiar with the news posts laid out on official resources so that such a shutdown is not surprised.

Network overload

All operator equipment is designed for a specific bandwidth. If subscribers in the region sharply becomes more than a certain limit, or they begin to more actively use various services, it can lead to network overload, as a result of which some of them will be temporarily disabled.
A good example of such difficulties can be called the time of New Year holidays. Quite often, if you try to make a call to friends and acquaintances directly at midnight, you can get the answer "Network is busy". This is due to the fact that a large number of people try to reach their friends and relatives at this moment, and the resulting limits exceed. Usually such a problem is short-term, and after a few minutes the network begins to work in normal mode.

No MTS network in this area

During the trip throughout the territory of Russia, it may be found that the network coverage disappears periodically. This is due to the fact that in places where settlements are located rather far from each other, basic steps are significantly less. The operator is difficult and unprofitable to install the stations where there are practically no subscribers. Therefore, if the phone is needed constantly, it is better to plan a route in advance in accordance with the network coverage map, which is located on the official website of the operator.

Sometimes there may be no coating in 3G modes, but the network works confidently in 2G standard. Check if the phone or tablet is not prohibited in the settings to switch to the outdated network type. If so, you need to disable this parameter. After this coverage area will increase, although the speed of the Internet can significantly decrease.

The room does not skip the signal.

The problem may occur in a major city, where it would seem, the tits are located on every corner. All wine buildings that shield a signal.
The reception is significantly worsened when the subscriber descends into the semi-liner. Some houses built more than 50 years ago also have thick walls, which may cause the deterioration or lack of admission even on the upper floors.

Another type of buildings that hinder the work of cellular networks are metal boxes and hangars. For this principle, some hypermarkets, garage complexes and similar premises are being built. As a result, inside can either completely disappear, or significantly reduce the quality. You can only come to terms with this, because the only solution to the problem will leave this building.

Ruined SIM card

The previous list of problems was mostly associated with situations that do not depend on the client and its equipment. However, sometimes a defect can be on the side of the subscriber. One of the most common faults is to damage the SIM card.

Calling a card may be due to a number of reasons. This list includes the following problems:

  • The SIM card received a discharge of static electricity from clothes or another item when he was outside the phone;
    The map was brought or other physical impact on it;
  • The contact group has been contaminated or physically damaged.

In the latter case, you can try to clean the contacts using a conventional elastic or napkin, impregnated with a solution for wiping office equipment. If this does not help, contact the operator for the new SIM card tied to the same number.

Rought up phone

It is possible that the subscriber is damaged by the device in which the SIM card is installed. Check it easy. Just take a map of another operator and install a suspicious phone. If the problem with it is preserved, it means that the only correct solution will be the repair or replacement of the smartphone in which a malfunction arose.

Tip! Sometimes it can be eliminated by software methods, using the utility provided by the manufacturer. In order to save on the repair, it is better to first perform actions on instructions from the developer site of this device.

In roaming

If it was decided to leave the domestic SIM card abroad, the network may not appear immediately.

First you need to get acquainted with the list of operators providing roaming service for MTS subscribers on the territory of the selected country. If the phone includes an automatic network search, it is better to translate it into manual mode and select a suitable operator from this list.

In addition, the settings of the device may be forbidden to make and receive calls, as well as send and receive SMS in roaming. These parameters should also be checked and translated to the desired condition. It is desirable to make such settings before the trip, when there is a cheap Internet at hand and you can find instructions for your smartphone.

It is a holiday today

Above mentioned the network overload situation on New Year's Eve. However, this is not the only holiday, during which you can face the instability of the operator equipment.

Any major dates by default are weekends during which an increased load occurs. People call relatives and acquaintances, more actively use the Internet, which can lead to exceeding bandwidth. If the "Network is busy" is displayed on the smartphone, you need to wait a few minutes and try to repeat the call. The Internet can also work very unstable.


Due to the weather, the connection may be spoiled, even if the equipment of the provider was not damaged or another force majeure did not appear. The antennas of base stations and mobile phones are connected to each other with high-frequency waves for which snow, rain and fog may be quite significant. Therefore, in cloudy weather with precipitation, the connection always worsens.

If you need to urgently make a call, and the coating leaves much to be desired, you can go closer to the window or if the subscriber is on the street, exit dense development. This will reduce the amount of obstacles and improve the quality of communication. The same applies not only to the usual connection, but also the operation of GPS navigation.

What to do if a bad connection

To begin with, make sure that the problem is not on the side of the subscriber. Will be good. If you have another phone at hand, it is desirable with a single operator's SIM card. With it, it will be possible to check the serviceability of your own card and smartphone. To do this, it will be enough to change the sims in places and see where the problem persists.

If you managed to find out that the problems on the side of the operator, you can check whether there are planned work with the official site. In the case when there is no information there, it remains only to contact MTS support in any available way, be it chat, call or filling out the form on the site and expect a response about the timing of the problem.

Where to call if problems with communication
In order to inform the operator about the problems encountered, you can use the official technical support numbers. Often to make the call will have to be with a smartphone, in which the SIM card is installed by another company, so we need general, not short numbers:

  • MTS support 88002500890;
  • MTS support in roaming +74957660166;

Calls to internal numbers starting with 8800 are free of all operators. It is convenient because you can use any phone that you caught under your arm to find out from the technical support officer when the problem is solved.

In the case of roaming calls, you will have to count on spending related to international bond. Therefore, the optimal option will prepare the phone for the trip, even on the territory of Russia. If you wish, you can also call support and consult. Operators will help not only customize the smartphone, but also to choose favorable offers for communication abroad.

It is difficult to submit the subscriber who is ready to voluntarily accept the absence of cellular communication. But sometimes avoiding problems with connecting to the network is almost impossible. The first thing in such situations to cope with the difficulties arising, should be thought about why MTS connection does not work today, in 2020. Properly identified reasons will help cope with troubles as soon as possible. The main thing is not to hurry with the conclusions and approach the question as much as possible and thoroughly. And then the restoration of communication does not take much time.

First faced with difficulties, it is worth thinking about who is to blame for what happened. Perhaps the source of problems lies in conducting preventive work requiring a temporary suspension of the entire cellular operator's cellular communication. Check if it will be possible:

  1. on the official portal of the mobile company;
  2. on major news resources that will not miss such important news;
  3. in the official communities of the operator in social networks.

Each specified source deserves confidence and is able to instantly explain the causes of what is happening.

Why does MTS not work today?

If it is not a prevention, it is impossible to influence and the completion of which is impossible to influence, then the subscriber is obliged to look for other causes of MTS communication problems today in 2020. Especially close attention should be sharpened on:

  • network overload caused by a huge number of users who have decided to use the services of the operator;
  • spoiled weather capable of causing serious interference;
  • finding a person in the lack of communication or the presence between the telephone and radio haze numerous interference;
  • multiple failures in the work of the smartphone.

The listed problems are equally successfully able to deprive a person to call and use the mobile Internet.

Network overload

The overload of the network is the situation when the cellular connection simultaneously decided to use a large number of users. Usually, such failures occur on holidays when people congratulate with a solemn event of numerous friends, relatives and loved ones. Recognize overload is easy. It is detected in two characteristic features:

  1. the signal quality indicator on the phone shows a large number of strips (high-quality communication);
  2. no possibility to call.

It is impossible to cope with overload, it remains calmly wait until the situation changes in the positive side on their own.


The weather affects a cellular connection much less overload, but also capable of providing a significant impact. Recognize the occurrence of interference interruptions with the reception of the signal because of the weather you can on the indicator behavior. The number of strips on the display of the smartphone will be unstable, will actively change, gradually increasing, decreasing or completely disappearing.

Influenced on what is happening in this situation is not easy. The user is able to search the place where the signal turns out to be more stable, and the influence of weather conditions will decrease. But the effectiveness of such steps is small, so it is clear that these actions will bring success and change the situation in a positive side pointless.

Technical problems with telephone

The next reason that can lead to interruptions in the cellular network is a breakdown of the phone. To exclude suspected mobile problems, follows:

  • restart the device to eliminate the likelihood of a banal failure;
  • insert a SIM card in another, knowingly working machine (if MTS does not work and there, the problem is not in the smartphone).

Additionally, if the user uses a device with two SIM card slots, you can rearrange sims in another slot. It is important to add that difficulties with the phone, if the reboot did not help, it will not be possible to solve independently. We will have to go to the repair shop.

Place without a network

In some cases, the reason that MTS does not work today is the remoteness of the subscriber from the radio. You can clarify the MTS coverage area on the official website. But, if you can not visit the portal, you need to remember where the phone worked for the last time, and re-return to this place. If troubles are associated with the location of the user, the return to the zone of the tower cover will return the owner of the smartphone the ability to call and use the basic services of the telephone company (it is not worth counting on the 4G internet connection).

MTS mobile network is not available - what to do?

It has already been mentioned above that it should begin to combat difficulties with the search for their source. If you understand the reasons for what happened, it is worth:

  1. restart the phone;
  2. rearrange the SIM card in another slot;
  3. make sure that the subject's simka is not blick and inserted correctly;
  4. check the work of the phone and make sure that it is not broken;
  5. to try to choose a place where the reception of the signal will not interfere with numerous interference.

But most of those listed above the causes of trouble leaves only one solution to users - wait until the connection is restored independently.

Bad connection - what to do?

In addition to the above actions, subscribers are able to seek help and explanations to the contact center employees. To do this, you can call the hotline by phone. It is allowed to call using an SIM card of third-party operators. In addition, ask the question "Why MTS does not work" through the site or official social network. Employees of the support service will definitely try to help the client and prompt how to enroll in the current situation.

That with MTS today - not working 2020

There are many reasons that can prevent the subscriber to make a call. But, whatever it is caused by difficulties, users should not panic or worry. Sometimes difficulties with the network are caused by the simplest reasons, for example, the client turned off roaming and, forgetting to turn it back, drove abroad.

To find a solution and restore the work of the SIM card, you need to calmly think and consistently review the main sources of problems. In extreme cases, you will have to contact the contact center employees or just wait until the troubles will be held.

The "larger" telecom operator and the more subscribers, the greater the highest equipment and other equipment, which should be kept in perfect order to provide quality services and mobile Internet in spite of any external factors. MTS, unfortunately, failures in communication services are also found. What subscribers do in this situation I will tell.

Communication from MTS is


Why today does not work in MTS

The main reasons for the lack of communication:

  • Repair work on the equipment of the operator (planned or unscheduled).
  • Bad weather conditions (thunderstorm, hurricane, etc.).
  • Large loading of the MTS network.
  • Subscriber location.
  • Failure in a smartphone or phone.
  • SIM card failure.

How to understand what happened

  • We read the news on the MTS website (usually operators are promptly notified by force majeures and repairs).
  • Call Official Operator Support by number 0890 (from MTS number) or 8-800-250-08-90 (from any phone).
  • If you do not have a MTS network in roaming, then you need to call the number +7-495-766-01-66 (Bell free for MTS subscribers, but if there is no network, then you cannot call the MTS number, and the call from the number of another operator will be paid, have this in mind).
  • Ask the question "What happened and why there was a connection to MTS today in one of the official MTS communities in social networks. Associate usually quickly.

What to do if there is no connection to MTS: solving problems

I listed problems now briefly about how to try to solve them.

  • If there is no connection in some "zone" because of the repair of equipment from the MTS, then, except for waiting for the end of the work, it makes no sense to advise anything. If you can use the connection from another operator.
  • Bad weather will end sooner or later and will restore everything. If, of course, the bad weather did not led to some damage (then see above).
  • The network overload happens in places of accumulation of a large number of people (concert, football match ...) everyone wants to share a photo in instagramme or vkontakte, call and tell "how cool here", and the power of the network is missing. Therefore, either try to wait a little and call, "Possed the photo" again or simply wait for the end of the event. People will disperse - the quality of communication is normalized.
  • The MTS network (MTS coverage card) is not available everywhere. Perhaps exactly the place where you want her to use not "covered". You just need to move to the zone where there is a coating.
  • First of all, you need to try to cure a banal reboot of the device, in many cases helps. If it did not help - we go to repair or we are looking for information on the solution for your apparatus.
  • The SIM card fails "is treated" by the way "took out / inserted" sim card back. If it did not help - go to the MTS office and change the SIM card there. It's free.

Using the services of a mobile operator without problems it is rare. It is determined by the fact that the company strives to improve the quality of service and periodically conducts technical work. Problems may occur for other reasons. You can correct the situation, understanding why MTS does not work. To do this, resort to the methods below.

In case of problems, many users do not understand the reasons and go to other operators. Any mobile network has its drawbacks. To use the services without malfunctions, it should be understood that it is the cause of their occurrence.

There are a number of factors that adversely affect cellular communication:

  • Preventive work.
  • Strong overview of the mobile network.
  • Problems with a telephone.
  • Bad weather conditions (wind, thunderstorm, rain).
  • Finding outside the company's coverage.

All causes require an individual approach. You should define a violating factor and take appropriate actions. You can do it yourself or call a call center.

What to do if problems with MTS communications today?

no need to refer to the low quality service when MTS connection does not work today in 2020. Interference in the network arise under the influence of various factors. It is recommended to carry out the so-called test, after which to proceed to further actions.

We reveal internal problems associated with the telephone itself. If everything is fine with the technique, then it is necessary to postpone. Most likely, technical works are underway on the line. If after an hour the connection has not resumed, it is necessary to call customer support service by calling 0890 and reports about failures. The operator will take note and eliminate the existing difficulties.

Possible problems why MTS does not work today

Not all malfunctions are eliminated using the cellular operator. To reach the call center in the absence or interruptions of the communication is also not easy. All problems have "signs" and solutions.

Network overload

MTS communications problems today in 2020 are mainly related to network overload. About such malfunctions, the mobile operator warns in advance. This is written in the contract. At such moments, access to calls and SMS is partially or completely limited. Problems can be observed with the Internet compound.

There are no paths in this case. You can't even get through to the support service. The only output is to give until a good signal appears.


The cause of interruptions on the line can be the weather - strong wind, rain, snowfall, etc. It is precisely the reason for the occurrence of problems. If before the onset of adverse weather conditions, there were no interruptions in the network, then the reason is obvious.

Technical problems with telephone

Quite often, problems arise from the side of the phone itself. To solve the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Estimate the correctness of the installation of the SIM card.
  2. Run antivirus to check for viruses.
  3. Reboot the device and check the connection to the network.

In some cases, there is a need to carry out repair work. The telephone stops functioning with the SIM card, which requires the cleaning of the contacts or flashing the device.

Set the cause as follows - set the card to another phone. If the network signal is sufficient to make a call, then the problem lies in the device itself.

Places without a network

Company Mobile TeleSystems presents an expanded coating for its customers, which exceeds the indicators of many cellular networks. Communication may be missing for service area in remote area. "Blind" zones are not serviced by any operator.

The connection to the network may not be sufficiently good in the following objects:

  • Plots of forests remote from settlements.
  • Metro and underground facilities, basements, cellars.
  • Constructions having thick walls.
  • Electrics and trains, high height in the mountains.
  • Finding near devices creating radio interference.

For the appearance of communication, it is enough to return to the coverage area. Persons living in remote territories from the company's tags are encouraged to use special devices that increase the signal.

MTS mobile network is not available - what to do?

If MTS does not work today, then you should try to contact the company's employees. To do this, you can call the call center by phone: 0890. When the level of communication is not enough to make a call, it is recommended to dial the number 8 800 250 0890 from another phone. From abroad, you can call tel.: +7 495 766 0166.

In order for an employee of the company to start correcting malfunctions, it will need your assistance to the subscriber must fulfill all the instructions of the company's employee who will deletefully try to understand the situation.

Bad connection - what to do?

The company is working on improving the quality of service. For the start, employees need to find out why MTS does not work to correct the situation. Each subscriber may take part in this process. The more often we will contact the support service, the faster the problems will be eliminated.

The company plans to increase the service area. Soon even remote settlements. As long as this problem is solved, additional devices intended to enhance the signal should be used.

If you have a problem with communication, you can contact the nearest office of the company. An employee will listen to you and take measures to eliminate the problem. If there is no possibility, you can enter the official website of the company or use the mobile application to send online messages.

(3 estimates, average: 3,67 out of 5)

Hello, rebooted the phone?

why I can not get through from my phone and I can't connect MTS

Hello, contact the communication salon to find out the situation.

We need a tariff for a trip abroad with the Internet

Hello, you can connect the "Zabugorische" option - with this service you can use calls and the Internet, like at home. The cost of 350 rubles per day of use.

two days was disabled SIMA turned on at all no work not condensed to the network. More precisely, the network is but not calling anything.

Hello, perhaps you have incorrect settings in the phone, to solve the issue, contact the MTS cellular salon.