Autofocus does not work on iPhone. Not focusing the front camera iPhone

iPhone is one of the most branded and demanded smartphones around the world. A combination of quality and style helps to achieve such popularity. But the owners of this gadget periodically face problems during operation. An iPhone does not focus - one of them.

We are looking for the cause

Before moving to breakage, you should find out what caused it. Among the common reasons are:

  • damage to the camera when falling;
  • entering water or moisture into the phone body;
  • system failure;
  • shortage of RAM to function an application associated with the work of the camera;
  • problem with firmware;
  • others.

Attention, there is a reboot!

The most elementary way to cope with the fact that the iPhone camera does not focus - restart the gadget. This method works with almost all mobile devices and computers. The fact is that when rebooting the system re-starts all the services you need for the debugged functioning.

It is possible that one of the services associated with the work of the camera was erroneously or as a result of a failure to close. There is nothing critical in this, and the repair gadget is not required.

Phone rebooted, free the place

It is not always the reason that the camera does not focus in the iPhone 5, is physical damage. When multiple applications are simultaneously running on the phone, one of them may fail. This is not necessarily the camera, but also any other.

The lack of normal functioning is explained by filling out RAM. iPhone Although a powerful gadget, but cannot work synchronously immediately with several capacious applications. Try to disable not the necessary programs. For this, double click on the "Home" button and pull up the window with an application that is no longer required.


Is the camera problem? Well, let's try another way. Connect the phone to the PC and use iTunes. Roll back the phone settings to the factory to return the device to its original form. The data will be saved, and the settings are collected. There is nothing critical in this, the main thing is that the system will come to normal, and the camera will start normally function.

Nothing helped?

If the camera, as before, refuses to work normally, it means that the case is not in the system, but in damage to the device itself. In this case, it is not worth it to do anything on your own, and it is better to contact the Apple product buyers service center, where they will conduct diagnostics and fix the chamber if necessary.

iPhone is one of the most popular brands in the mobile market. These devices are distinguished by the highest functionality, style and reliability. But they sometimes fail. For example, when photographing ceases to induce the focus, because of which the pictures are obtained by poor-quality and blurred.

Why not focus the camera?

Perhaps several reasons why autofocus has ceased to work:

  • lenza contaminated;
  • mechanical damage (as a rule, as a result of the incidence of iPhone);
  • the effect of the case;
  • program failure;
  • controller malfunction.

Part of these reasons can be eliminated independently. For example, the contamination of the lenses outside can be removed with a soft cloth. If the reason is this, then the photo will be high-quality again. But if dust or moisture fell inside the body and contaminated the lens from the inside, then the gadget disassembly will be required. And it is better to do in the conditions of the service center.

You can independently overcome the consequences of the software failure. Close all unused applications, and if it does not help, restart the phone. It is worth considering that the autofocus can affect the change in the magnetic field, which can produce a metal case or magnetic fasteners. In this case, it is enough to remove the case, after which the focus will start working.

With mechanical damage to the camera or loop, the only reasonable option will be a trip to the service center, where it will be able to adequately identify damage and offer the optimal method of repair. As a rule, in this case, it is necessary to replace the chamber to the new one.

The same applies to the fault of the controller. To replace it, special soldering equipment and skills to work with it will be required.

Where to apply if focus works well?

If you cannot get high-quality photos or could not restore the device's performance yourself, then it's time to contact a proven service center. Total Apple is the best apple repair center in Moscow. We will define the cause of the breakdown and offer the most favorable solution. If it is suitable for you, then we will make work quickly, efficiently and with a guarantee.

→ 5s chamber

Basic, the rear camera iPhone 5 does not work.

1. The reasons why the camera does not work, the set, but of them allocate 2 main: water and a strong blow. The symptoms are as follows: You click on the camera icon, and instead of a picture, a dark screen, or the phone displays an error message.

The camera in the iPhone 5 is not maintainable. The camera is an unintended module that is attached to the loop. It is the fastening of the camera "Achilles fifth" - a sufficiently strong impact, or the water from entering the connection and the camera does not receive power.

Camera replacement in iPhone 5the procedure is quite time-consuming. Repair time - 40 minutes, cost 1590 rubles.

Cases when the camera ceases to work due to errors in software (software), the ExpressRepair service center did not meet, although we were repaired not one dozen iPhones 5.

Does not focus the camera.

2. There is no focus - this is the main malfunction of the iPhone 5. This type of breakage is common enough. The reasons for it are the same: the injection of water and fall, but very frequent cases when the camera itself is the cause of refusal to work, but the camera controller. In any case, the master first produces a diagnosis of a phone that takes 30-40 minutes, and then it starts repair. Diagnostics in the ExpressRepair service center is always free. The cost of replacing the focus chip - 1850 rubles.

With the help of the Apple brand, you can make excellent photos, and most people have already managed to forget about the existence of cameras, as the smartphone is used instead. But what to do if it does not focus the camera iPhone 6, and all the pictures are fluttered? First of all, try to find out the cause of yourself - probably the repair of camera iPhone 6 in the service center will be for nothing.

Not focuses camera iPhone 6: What to do?

The visit to the service is precisely necessary if the iPhone 6 camera does not focus immediately after the fall of the phone or its getting into the water. Most likely, these damage caused a breakdown of the chamber itself, a piece of chip or a loop. But at the same time, the replacement of the main camera iPhone 6 should be trusted only by the proven service, whose specialists will definitely not put on the road a cheap analogue of the original spare part.

If the phone was not destructive influences, then the reason for the lack of focus of the iPhone 6 camera may well be an error in the operation of the operating system or the software conflict. Close your application unnecessary to you, restart the phone and check the camera. Finally, if the main camera iphone 6 does not focus after a reboot, make sure that there is enough memory in the phone.

If the phone is clogged with photos and audio recordings, it simply lacks RAM for the correct operation of all systems. Delete unnecessary files and check the focus on the Iphone rear camera. It will not be superfluous to reset and roll back to the last firmware version. Probably, the iPhone 6 camera does not focus due to the developer error. However, these measures are permissible if you are ready for loss of stored data.

If you have not found the reason why it does not focus the camera iPhone 6, then you should contact our service center. The company's specialists will free full diagnostics of the device and will answer you why it does not focus the main camera iphone 6. Repair of this part usually does not require more than three working days, and its price depends on the nature of the breakdown. In any case, work starts only in agreement with the client.

iPhone is one of the most branded and demanded smartphones around the world. A combination of quality and style helps to achieve such popularity. But the owners of this gadget periodically face problems during operation. An iPhone does not focus - one of them.

We are looking for the cause

Before moving to breakage, you should find out what caused it. Among the common reasons are:

  • damage to the camera when falling;
  • entering water or moisture into the phone body;
  • system failure;
  • shortage of RAM to function an application associated with the work of the camera;
  • problem with firmware;
  • others.

Attention, there is a reboot!

The most elementary way to cope with the fact that the iPhone camera does not focus - restart the gadget. This method works with almost all mobile devices and computers. The fact is that when rebooting the system re-starts all the services you need for the debugged functioning.

It is possible that one of the services associated with the work of the camera was erroneously or as a result of a failure to close. There is nothing critical in this, and the repair gadget is not required.

Phone rebooted, free the place

It is not always the reason that the camera does not focus in the iPhone 5, is physical damage. When multiple applications are simultaneously running on the phone, one of them may fail. This is not necessarily the camera, but also any other.

The lack of normal functioning is explained by filling out RAM. iPhone Although a powerful gadget, but cannot work synchronously immediately with several capacious applications. Try to disable not the necessary programs. For this, double click on the "Home" button and pull up the window with an application that is no longer required.


Is the camera problem? Well, let's try another way. Connect the phone to the PC and use iTunes. Roll back the phone settings to the factory to return the device to its original form. The data will be saved, and the settings are collected. There is nothing critical in this, the main thing is that the system will come to normal, and the camera will start normally function.

Nothing helped?

If the camera, as before, refuses to work normally, it means that the case is not in the system, but in damage to the device itself. In this case, it is not worth it to do anything on your own, and it is better to contact the Apple product buyers service center, where they will conduct diagnostics and fix the chamber if necessary.