New virus encrypter Windows update. Virus encryptionman - what is it, than dangerous






Natural science

Wannacry virus-encryption: What to do?

Wannacry's wave rolled around the WANNACRY (Other names of Wana Decrypt0R, Wana Decryptor, Wanacrypt0R), which encrypts documents on the computer and extorts 300-600 USD for decoding them. How to find out if the computer is infected? What needs to be done not to become a victim? And what to do to cure?

Is the computer infected with a virus-encrypter Wana Decryptor?

According to Jacob Krustek () from Avast, over 100 thousand computers are already infected. 57% of them fall on Russia (is there really strange selectivity?). Reports registration of more than 45 thousand infections. Not only servers are exposed to infection, but also computers of ordinary people on which Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 and Windows 10 are installed. All encrypted documents in their title receive the WNCry Prefix.

The protection against the virus was found in March, when Microsoft published a "patch", but judging by the expanded epidemic, many users, including system administrators, ignored the update of the computer security system. And it happened what happened - MegaFon, Russian Railways, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other organizations work on the treatment of their infected computers.

Given the global scale of the epidemic, on May 12, Microsoft has published a security update and for long-no longer supported products - Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Check if the computer is infected with, you can use the anti-virus utility, for example, Kaspersky or (also recommended on Kaspersky Support Forum).

How not to become a victim of Wana Decryptor encrypter?

The first thing you have to do is close the hole. Download for this

05/15/2017, Mon, 13:33, MSK , Text: Paul Pritula

The other day in Russia, one of the largest and "noisy", judging by the press, Kiberatak: networks of several departments and the largest organizations, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have occurred. The virus encrypts data on employees computers and extorted a large amount of money for them to continue their work. This is a visual example of the fact that no one is insured against extortionists. Nevertheless, you can fight this threat - we will show several ways that Microsoft offers.

What do we know about extortioners? It seems that these are criminals who require money from you or things under the threat of adverse consequences. In business, such from time to time happens, everything is about to appear how to act in such situations. But what if the virus is the extortioner settled on your work computers, blocks access to your data and requires to transfer money to certain persons in exchange for unlock code? You need to contact information security specialists. And it is best to do it in advance to prevent problems.

The number of cybercrime in recent years has grown an order. According to the Sentinelone study, half of the companies in the largest European countries were attacked by extortionable viruses, and more than 80% of them became victims of three or more times. A similar picture is observed worldwide. Clearswift Specializing in Information Security Calls a kind of "top" countries most affected by Ransomware - extortionate programs: USA, Russia, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and Italy. Special interest of attackers cause small and medium business, because they have more money and more sensitive data than in individuals, and there are no powerful security services, like large companies.

What to do and, most importantly, how to prevent the attack of extortioners? To begin with, we will estimate the threat itself. The attack can be carried out by several paths. One of the most common - email. The criminals are actively used by the methods of social engineering, the effectiveness of which did not fall at all from the times of the famous Hacker of the twentieth century Kevin Mitnik. They can call the victim's company's employee on behalf of a really existing counterparty and after the conversation to send a letter with an attachment containing a malicious file. An employee, of course, will open it, because he just spoke with the sender by phone. Or an accountant can receive a letter supposedly from the bailiff or from the bank, which serves his company. Nobody is insured, and even the Ministry of Internal Affairs suffers not for the first time: a few months ago, hackers sent a fake account from Rostelecom with a virus-encryption officer in the accounting department of the Kazan linear management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which blocked the work of the accounting system.

The source of infection can be a phishing site, to which the user came under a fraudulent link, and "randomly forgotten" by someone from the visitors of the Office flash drive. Increasingly and more often, infection occurs through unprotected mobile devices of employees with which they get access to corporate resources. And the antivirus may not work: hundreds of malicious programs, bypass antiviruses, are known, not to mention the "attacks of the zero day", operating just open "holes" in the software.

What is a "cyber wagon"?

A program known as the "extortioner", "encrypter", Ransomware blocks the user's access to the operating system and usually encrypts all data on the hard disk. A message is displayed on the screen that the computer is blocked and the owner is obliged to transfer the attacker a large amount of money if he wants to return control of the data. Most often, the screen turns on the countdown in 2-3 days so that the user hurries, otherwise the contents of the disk will be destroyed. Depending on the appetites of criminals and the size of the company, the amount of ransom in Russia ranges from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles.

Types of extortionists

Source: Microsoft, 2017

These malware have been known for many years, but in the last two or three years they are experiencing a real flourishing. Why? First, because people pay attackers. According to Kaspersky Lab, 15% of Russian companies attacked in this way, prefer to pay redemption, and 2/3 of companies in the world that have been attacked, lost their corporate data in whole or in part.

The second - toolkit cybercriminals has become more perfect and affordable. And the third - independent attempts to "pick up the password" are not good for the victim, and the police rarely can find criminals, especially during the countdown.

By the way. Not all hackers spend their time to inform the password to the victim that listed them the required amount.

What is the problem of business

The main problem in the field of information security in small and medium-sized businesses in Russia is that they have no money for powerful specialized funds IB, and IT systems and employees with which various incidents can occur, more than enough. To combat RansomWareNew, only customized firewall, antivirus and security policies. You need to use all available tools, first of all provided by the operating system supplier, because it is inexpensive (or included in the cost of the OS) and is 100% compatible with its own software.

The overwhelming majority of client computers and a significant part of the servers are running Microsoft Windows OS. Everyone knows built-in security tools, such as Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, which, together with the latest OS updates and the user's rights restriction, provide a completely sufficient security level in the absence of specialized funds for an ordinary employee.

But the peculiarity of business relationships and cybercriminals is that the first often do not know that they are attacked by the second. They believe themselves protected, and in fact, malware have already penetrated through the perimeter of the network and quietly make their work - after all, not all of them behave so brazenly as Troyans-extortioners.

Microsoft has changed the security approach: now it has expanded the IB product line, and also focuses not only to secure the company from modern attacks, but also to enable the opportunity to investigate them if the infection still happened.

Mail Protection

The postal system as the main corporate network penetration channel in the corporate network must be protected additionally. For this, Microsoft has developed an Exchange ATP system (Advanced Treat Protection), which analyzes postal attachments or Internet links and responds in a timely manner to the identified attacks. This is a separate product, it is integrated into Microsoft Exchange and does not require deployment on each client machine.

The Exchange ATP system is able to detect even the "attacks of the zero day", because it launches all attachments in a special "sandbox", without releasing them into the operating system, and analyzes their behavior. If it does not contain attack signs, the attachment is considered secure and the user can open it. And the potentially malicious file is sent to quarantine and the administrator is notified about it.

As for references in letters, they are also checked. Exchange ATP replaces all references to intermediate. The user clicks on a link in a letter, falls on an intermediate link, and at this point the system checks the address for safety. Check occurs so quickly that the user does not notice the delay. If the link leads to an infected site or file, the transition to it is prohibited.

How Exchange ATP works

Source: Microsoft, 2017

Why check occurs at the time of clicking, and not upon receipt of the letter - after all, then there is more time on the study and, therefore, need less computing power? This is done specifically to protect against the trick of attackers with the contents under the link. Typical example: The letter in the mailbox comes at night, the system is checking and does not detect anything, and by the morning on the site for this link already placed, for example, a file with a trojan that the user safely downloads.

And the third part of the Exchange ATP service is a built-in reporting system. It allows you to investigate incidents that have occurred and gives data for answering questions: when the infection occurred, how and where it happened. This allows you to find a source, determine the damage and understand what it was: a random hit or targeted, targeted attack against this company.

This system is useful and for prevention. For example, the administrator can raise the statistics as the transitions on the links marked as dangerous, and who did it from users. Even if there was no infection, it still needs to be clarified with these employees.

True, there are categories of employees who are duties forced to visit a variety of sites - such, for example, marketers, the market research. For them, Microsoft technology allows you to configure the policy so that any downloadable files before saving on the computer will be checked in the sandbox. Moreover, the rules are defined literally in several clicks.

Protection of credentials

One of the goals of attackers attacks is user credentials. The technology of thefts of the logins and passwords of users is quite a lot, and they must withstand durable protection. Hope on the employees themselves is not enough: they come up with simple passwords, apply one password to access all resources and write them on the sticker that is glued to the monitor. This can be struggling with administrative measures and setting the software requirements for passwords, but the guaranteed effect will not still be.

If the company takes about security, it will be delimited by the rights of access, and, for example, an engineer or sales manager cannot enter the accounting server. But in the reserve of hackers there is another trick: they can send a letter from the captured account of an ordinary employee to a target specialist who owns the necessary information (financial data or commercial mystery). Having received a letter from "Colleague", the addressee will absolutely open it and launch the investment. And the program-encryption will access the company's valuable for the company, whose return can pay a lot of money.

In order for the captured account to do not give attackers to penetrate the corporate system, Microsoft proposes to protect it with the Azure Multifactor Authentication Multifactor Authentication. That is, it is necessary to enter not only a pair of login / password, but also a PIN filed by SMS, push-notification generated by a mobile application, or respond to a phone call robot. Multifactor authentication is particularly useful when working with remote employees who can enter the corporate system from different points of the world.

Azure Multifactor Authentication

On April 12, 2017, information about the rapid spread around the world of the virus-encryption officer called Wannacry, which can be translated as "I want to cry." Users have questions about Windows update from Wannacry virus.

The virus on the computer screen looks like this:

Bad virus Wannacry that all encrypts

The virus encrypts all files on the computer and requires a redemption on Bitcoin's wallet in the amount of $ 300 or $ 600 for allegedly deciphering the computer. Computers in 150 countries of the world were infected with infection, the most affected - Russia.

MegaFon, Russian Railways, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health and other companies came closely with this virus. Among the victims there are simple Internet users.

Before the virus is almost all equal. The difference is perhaps that in companies the virus applies across the entire local network inside the organization and instantly infects the maximum possible number of computers.

Wannacry virus encrypts files on computers using Windows. In Microsoft, in March 2017, MS17-010 updates were released for various versions of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

It turns out that those who are configured to automatically update Windows are outside the risk zone for the virus, for the update was received in a timely manner and could avoid it. I do not assume that it really is.

Fig. 3. Message when installing the update KB4012212

Update KB4012212 After installation required the restart of the laptop, which I did not really like it, for it is unknown than it can end, but where to go to the user? However, the reboot went fine. So we live quietly until the next viral attack, and that such attacks will be doubted, alas, do not have to.

In any case, it is important to have to come from where to restore the operating system and its files.

Windows 8 update from Wannacry

For a laptop with licensed windows 8, an update was installed KB 4012598, for

Continuing its depressing procession over the network, infecting computers and encrypting important data. How to protect yourself from the encrypter, protect Windows from the extortioner - are patches, patches are released to decipher and cure files?

New virus-encrypter 2017 Wanna Cry Continues to infect corporate and private PC. W. scherb from viral attack has 1 billion dollars. For 2 weeks, the virus encrypter infected at least 300 thousand computersDespite the warnings and security measures.

Virus encryption year 2017 that is - As a rule, you can "pick up", it would seem, on the most harmless sites, such as banking servers with user access. Once at the hard drive of the victim, the encrypter "settles" in the system folder System32. From there the program immediately turns off the antivirus and falls into "autorun" After each reboot, the encryption program runs in the registry, Starting your black business. Encrypter starts to download similar copies of programs like Ransom and Trojan. Also often happens self-evaporation encrypter. This process may be shortened, and may occur weeks - until the victim removes nonlade.

Encrypter is often masked under ordinary pictures, text files, but the essence is always alone - these are executable file with extension.exe, .drv, .xvd; sometimes - libraries.dll.. Most often the file is quite harmless, for example " document. DOC", or " picture.jpg.", Where the extension is written manually, and the true type of file is hidden.

After completing encryption, the user sees instead of familiar files a set of "random" characters in the title and inside, and the expansion changes at the most unknown - .No_more_ransom, .xdata. other.

Virus-encrypter 2017 WANNA CRY - how to protect yourself. I would like to immediately note that Wanna Cry is rather a collective term of all viruses of encrypters and extortioners, since lately infected computers most often. So, it will be about s ask from Ransom Ware encrypters, which are a great set:, no_more_ransom, xData, Xtbl, Wanna Cry.

How to protect Windows from encrypter.EternalBlue via port SMB protocol.

Windows protection from encrypter 2017 - Basic Rules:

  • windows Update, timely transition to licensed OS (Note: XP version is not updated)
  • updating anti-virus databases and firewalls on demand
  • limit care when downloading any files (cute "cats" can turn into loss of all data)
  • backing up important information on replaceable carrier.

Virus-encrypter 2017: How to cure and decrypt files.

Hoping for anti-virus software, you can forget about the decoder for a while. In laboratories Kaspersky, Dr. Web, Avast! and other antiviruses while no solution for the treatment of infected files. At the moment, it is possible to remove the virus with the help of antivirus, but the algorithms return everything "into circles" yet.

Some are trying to apply the RECTORDECRYPTOR utilitybut it will not help: algorithm for decryption new viruses has not yet been compiled. It is also absolutely unknown how the virus behaves if it is not deleted, after applying such programs. Often it can turn into erasure of all files - in the edification of those who do not want to pay for attackers, the authors of the virus.

At the moment, the most efficient way to return lost data is an appeal to those. Support for the supplier of the antivirus program you are using. To do this, send a letter, or use the Form for Feedback on the manufacturer's website. In the attachment, be sure to add an encrypted file and, if there is a copy of the original. This will help programmers in the compilation of the algorithm. Unfortunately, for many, the viral attack becomes a complete surprise, and the copies are not that at times it complicates the situation.

Cardial methods of Windows treatment from encrypter. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to resort to the full formatting of the hard drive, which entails the complete change of the OS. Many people will be restored by the system, but this is not an output - even there is a "rollback" will make rid of the virus, the files will still remain cross-seated.

About a week or two ago, the next handy of modern viruswood appeared on the network, which encrypts all user files. Once again I will consider how to cure a computer after the encrypter virus crypted000007.and restore encrypted files. In this case, nothing new and unique appeared, just modifying the previous version.

Guaranteed file decoding after encrypter virus - DR-SHIFRO.RU. The details of the work and the scheme of interaction with the customer below I have in the article or on the site in the section "Operations".

Crypted000007 Enciprovier Virus Description

Crypted000007 encrypter does not differ in principle from its predecessors. It acts almost one to one as. But still there are several nuances that are distinguished. I will tell about everything in order.

It comes, like his analogues, by mail. Social engineering techniques are used, so that the user will certainly be interested in the letter and opened it. In my case, a letter was discussed about some kind of court and about important information in the case in the investment. After launching the attachment, the user opens a Vordrial document with an extract from the Moscow Arbitration Court.

In parallel with the opening of the document, file encryption is launched. Begins to constantly pop up the information message from the Windows Account Control System.

If you agree with the proposal, then backup copies of files in the shadow copies of Windows will be deleted and the recovery of information will be very difficult. Obviously, agree with the proposal in no case. In this encrypter, these requests push constantly, one after one and do not stop, forcing the user to agree and delete backup copies. This is the main difference from previous modifications of encrypters. I have never come across any time that the requests for the removal of shadow copies go without stopping. Usually, after 5-10 suggestions, they stopped.

I will immediately recommend a recommendation for the future. Very often, people disable warnings from the account control system. Do not do this. This mechanism can actually help in confronting viruses. The second obvious advice is not working constantly under the computer administrator account, if there is no objective need. In this case, the virus will not have the opportunity to harm much. You will have more chances to resist him.

But even if you all responded negatively to the encrypter requests, all your data is already encrypted. After the encryption process is over, you will see a picture on the desktop.

At the same time, there will be many text files with the same content on the desktop.

You have been encrypted files. Camera PACSUFT UX, BAM Needlessly Omnrush Code: 329D54752553ED978F94 | 0 on electronic adpex [Email Protected] . Daltea you need to make all the unCMRYCSU. It will begin to racksuphorrow the Camsome ite. NE TRUE NU to Chemy, KPOME is an unpretentious NOMERU INRORMA. ECL You are all a weight XoMume Curry, then NReurially desemble the first kaps file, inques in the case of the UX Usmena, the CMAnets cannot be able to use any conditions. EXL You do not have an OMVEME NO BEGO ADRAY IN THE TECHNY 48 HOW (U MOLKO IN EMOM SHAYCHA!), Take advantage of the form of the oblaim. This can one of the two sufficients: 1) Skail U Y YCMAnuate Tor Browser Po link: b Adecite CMPEC Tor Browser-A Using ADPEC: http: // Cryptsen7FO43RR6 .ONion / and Nazimite Enter. 3Agpyzmya Cumor with formoism of the occamal connection. 2) B Any Byziepe NEWIFIM Any UI ADPES: all the Important Files on Your Computer Were Encrypted. To Decrypt The Files You Should Send The Following Code: 329D54752553ED978F94 | 0 To e-mail address [Email Protected] . Then You Will Receive All Necessary Instructions. All The Attempts of Decryption by Yourself Will Result Only in Irrevocable Loss of Your Data. If You Still Want To Try to Decrypt Them By Yourself Please Make A Backup At First Because The Decryption Will Become Impossible in Case of Any Changes Inside the Files. If You Did Not Receive The Answer from the Aforecited Email for More Than 48 Hours (and Only in this Case!), Use the Feedback Form. You Can Do It by Two Ways: 1) Download Tor Browser from Here: install it and type the favoring ADDRESS INTO THE ADDRESS BAR: HTTP: / /cryptsen7fo43rr6.onion/ Press Enter and Then the Page with Feedback Form Will Be Loaded. 2) Go to the One of the Following Addresses in Any Browser:

Mailing address may vary. I met more addresses:

Addresses are constantly updated, so that can be completely different.

Once you have found that the files are encrypted, turn off the computer immediately. This needs to be done to interrupt the encryption process both on the local computer and on the network drives. The encryption virus can encrypt all the information to which it can reach, including on network drives. But if there is a large amount of information, then it will require considerable time for this. Sometimes, in a couple of hours, the encrypter did not have time to encrypt about 100 gigabytes in a net disc.

Next you need to think carefully how to act. If you, for anything, you need information on the computer and you have no backups, then it is better to refer to the specialists at this point. Not necessarily for money in some firms. Just need a person who is well versed in information systems. It is necessary to evaluate the disaster scale, remove the virus, collect all the available information on the situation to understand how to act further.

Incorrect actions at this stage can significantly complicate the process of decrypting or recovering files. In the worst case, they can make it impossible. So do not rush, be careful and consistent.

As a virus extortion Crypted000007 encrypts files

After the virus has been launched and finished its activities, all useful files will be encrypted, renamed with expansion.Crypted000007. And not only the file extension will be replaced, but also the name of the file, so you do not recognize exactly what files you had, if you do not remember. It will be about such a picture.

In such a situation, it will be difficult to assess the scale of the tragedy, since you cannot fully remember what you had in different folders. This is done specifically to knock down a person and encourage to pay file decryption.

And if you have been encrypted and network folders and there are no complete backups, it may generally stop the work of the whole organization. We will not immediately understand what is ultimately lost to start recovery.

How to treat a computer and remove the extortioner Crypted000007

The Crypted000007 virus is already on your computer. The first and most important question is how to cure a computer and how to remove the virus from it to prevent further encryption if it has not yet been completed. Immediately draw your attention to the fact that after you themselves begin to produce any actions with your computer, the chances of decrypting data are reduced. If you, for anything, you need to restore files, do not touch the computer, but immediately contact professionals. Below I will tell you about them and give a link to the site and describe the scheme of their work.

In the meantime, continue to treat your computer yourself and delete the virus. Traditionally, encrypters are easily removed from the computer, since the virus has no task for anything to stay on the computer. After full file encryption, it is even more profitable to self-relieve and disappear so that it is harder to investigate the initiative and decrypt files.

Describe manual removal of the virus is difficult, although I tried to do it before, but I see that it is most often meaningless. The names of the files and the path of placement of the virus are constantly changing. What I saw is no longer relevant in a week or two. Usually mailing the viruses by mail is waves and each time there is a new modification that is not yet detected by antivirus. Help the universal means that check the autorun and detect suspicious activity in system folders.

To remove the CryPTED000007 virus, you can use the following programs:

  1. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool - Utility from Kaspersky
  2. Dr.Web Cureit! - A similar product from Dr.Veb
  3. If the first two utilities do not help, try MalwareBytes 3.0 -

Most likely, something from these products will clean the computer from Crypted000007 encryption. If suddenly it happens that they will not help, try removing the virus manually. I led to removal techniques on the example and, you can see there. If you briefly follow the steps, then you need to act like this:

  1. We look at the list of processes by adding a few additional columns to the task manager.
  2. We find the virus process, open the folder in which it sits and remove it.
  3. Clean the mention of the virus process by file name in the registry.
  4. We reboot and make sure that the CryPTed000007 virus is not in the list of running processes.

Where to download Crypted000007 decoder

The question of a simple and reliable decryptor gets up first of all when it comes to the encrypter virus. The first thing I will advise is to use the service And suddenly you will have a decrypt for your version of Crypted000007 encrypter. I will say right away that you don't have a lot of chances, but an attempt is not torture. On the main page click Yes:

Then load a couple of encrypted files and click GO! Find Out:

At the time of writing, the decoded decoder on the site was not.

Perhaps you will be lucky. You can still get acquainted with the list of decoders for download on a separate page - There may be something useful there. When a virus is a completely fresh chance of this, but over time it is possible to appear. There are examples when decryptors appeared on the network to some modifications of encrypters. And these examples are on the specified page.

Where else can I find the decoder I do not know. It is unlikely that it will actually exist, taking into account the peculiarities of the work of modern encrypters. A full-fledged decoder can be only from the authors of the virus.

How to decrypt and restore files after the Crypted000007 virus

What to do when the Crypted000007 virus encrypted your files? Technical implementation of encryption does not allow you to decrypt files without a key or decryptor, which is only from the author of the encrypter. Maybe there is some kind of way to get it, but I do not have such information. We just have to try to restore the files with appropriate ways. This refers to:

  • Tool shadow copies Windows.
  • Remote Data Restore Programs

To begin with, check whether our shadow copies are included. This default tool works in Windows 7 and higher if you are not turned off manually. To check, open the properties of the computer and go to the System Protection section.

If you have not confirmed the UAC request during infection to delete files in shadow copies, then some data should remain there. I told more about this request at the beginning of the story, when I talked about the work of the virus.

For convenient recovery of files from shadow copies, I propose to use the free program for this - ShadowExplorer. Download the archive, unpack the program and run.

The last copy of the files and the root of the C disk will open. In the upper left corner, you can select a backup if you have several of them. Check different copies for the presence of the necessary files. Compare by dates where the more recent version. In my example below, I found 2 files on the desktop of three months ago, when the last time was edited.

I managed to restore these files. To do this, I chose them, pressed them with the right mouse button, I chose Export and pointed the folder where to restore them.

You can restore the folder immediately on the same principle. If you have worked with shadow copies and you did not delete them, you have a lot of chances to restore everything, or almost all files encrypted with the virus. Perhaps some of them will be an older version than I would like, but nevertheless, it is better than nothing.

If for some reason you do not have shadow copies of the files, there remains the only chance to get at least something from the encrypted files - restore them using the remote file recovery tools. To do this, I propose to use the free Photorec program.

Run the program and select the disk on which you will restore files. Running graphic version of the program executes the file qphotorec_win.exe.. You must select the folder where the files found will be placed. It is better if this folder is not located on the same disk where we search. Connect the USB flash drive or an external hard drive for this.

The search process will last long. At the end you will see statistics. Now you can go to the previously specified folder and watch what is found there. Files will most likely be a lot and most of them will be either damaged or it will be some system and useless files. But nevertheless, you can find part of the useful files in this list. There is no guarantee here that you will find, you will find. Best, usually, images are restored.

If the result does not satisfy you, that is, there are still programs to restore remote files. Below is a list of programs that I usually use when you need to restore the maximum number of files:

  • R.Saver
  • Starus File Recovery.
  • JPEG Recovery Pr.
  • Active File Recovery Professional

These are not free, so I will not give links. With a big desire, you can find them on the Internet.

The entire file recovery process is shown in detail in the video at the very end of the article.

Kaspersky, ESET NOD32 and others in the fight against the encrypter filecoder.ed

Popular antiviruses define Crypted000007 encryption as Filecoder.ed. And then there can be some other designation. I ran through the forums of the main antiviruses and did not see anything useful there. Unfortunately, as usual, antiviruses were not ready for the invasion of the new wave of encrypters. Here is a message from the Kaspersky Forum.

Antiviruses traditionally misses new modifications of Trojan-encrypters. Nevertheless, I recommend using them. If you are lucky, and you will receive an encryber in the mail not in the first wave of infection, but a little later, there is a chance that the antivirus will help you. They all runs on a step behind the intruders. There is a new version of the extortionist, antiviruses do not react to it. As soon as a certain mass of the material is accumulated to study on a new virus, antiviruses produce an update and start response to it.

What prevents antiviruses to react immediately to any encryption process in the system, it is not clear to me. Perhaps there is some kind of technical nuance on this topic, which does not allow adequately to react and prevent encryption of user files. It seems to me that it would be at least a warning to display the fact that someone encrypts your files and suggest stop the process.

Where to seek guaranteed decoding

I happened to get acquainted with one company that really decrypts the data after the work of various encryption viruses, including Crypted000007. Their address is Payment only after full decryption and your check. Here is an approximate work scheme:

  1. The company's specialist approaches you to the office or to the house, and signs with you a contract in which the cost of work fixes.
  2. Runs the decoder and decrypts all files.
  3. You are convinced that all files open, and sign an act of passing / acceptance of work performed.
  4. Payment exclusively on the fact of the successful result of the decryption.

Frankly, I do not know how they do it, but you are not risking anything. Payment only after demonstrating the work of the decoder. Please write a review about the experience of interaction with this company.

Crypted000007 virus protection methods

How to protect yourself from the work of the encrypper and do without material and moral damage? There are several simple and efficient advice:

  1. Bacup! Backup of all important data. And not just a backup, but a backup to which there is no permanent access. Otherwise, the virus can infect both your documents and backup copies.
  2. Licensed antivirus. Although they do not give 100% warranty, but the chances of avoiding encryption increase. They are most often not ready for new version of the encrypper, but after 3-4 days they begin to react. This increases your chances of avoiding infection if you did not get into the first wave of sending a new modification of the encrypter.
  3. Do not open suspicious attachments in the mail. There is nothing to comment on. All encrypters known to me got to users via mail. Moreover, each time new tricks are invented to fool the victim.
  4. Do not open thoughtless links sent to you from your acquaintances through social networks or messengers. So, also sometimes spread viruses.
  5. Turn on Windows display file extensions. How to do it easy to find on the Internet. This will allow you to notice the expansion of the file on the virus. Most often it will be .exe, .vbs., .src.. In the documented work with documents, you hardly come across such expansion of files.

He tried to add what had already written earlier in every article about the encryption virus. For now I say goodbye. I will be glad useful comments on the article and the encryptionist Crypted000007 in general.

Video c decoding and recovery files

Here is an example of the previous modification of the virus, but the video is fully relevant for Crypted000007.