Determine the coordinates of my location now. How to find a point by coordinates of latitude and longitude

In the ENCOUNTER games are often used (riddled) GPS coordinates. In connection with many questions and non-promotion, various writing and use options and written this article.

Coordinate format

miscellanea software (Navigators, 2GIS, etc.) use a different coordinate format.

Here are the current formats:

  • 55.755831 °, 37.617673 ° - degrees (decimal)
  • N55.755831 °, E37.617673E ° - degrees + add. Letters (decimal)
  • 55 ° 45.35 "N, 37 ° 37.06" E - degrees and minutes (+ additional letters)
  • 55 ° 45 "20.9916" N, 37 ° 37 "3.6228" E - degrees, minutes and seconds (+ additional letters)

Additional letters indicate latitude (N-North, S-South) and longitude (W-Western, E-Eastern). If there are no letters, then negative latitudes and longitudes (southern and west, respectively) are denoted in decimal format with a sign "-". If necessary, the formats can be counted on their own: 1 ° \u003d 60 "Minutes, 1" minute \u003d 60 "seconds.

In order to determine the location coordinates, you must select the "Get information" tool:

And then poke the left mouse button in the place of interest. The selected place will open a cloud with information about him, and the coordinates of this place in 2 well-known formats will be available on the left side of the screen:

In order to determine the place on the specified coordinates, you must enter them in the search field from above and click "Find".


1) if the coordinate format is decimal (the latitude is first (for example, 57.632811), then through the comma - longitude (for example, 39.89041)). In the coordinate itself it is necessary to put only a point. The coordinates themselves write through the comma. Those. In the example above, you need to: 57.632811, 39.89041

2) If the coordinate format contains degrees, minutes and seconds (first there is also a latitude, then longitude). The format is as follows: 57 ° 37'58.39 ", 39 ° 53'22.97"

3) In response to search for coordinates, Yandex Maps put a blue beacon. Previously, there was also a green beacon, which displaced the exact position on the terrain. Blue beacon is attracted to the nearest place on the map. In conditions of bad detail, the error of a blue beacon relative to the actual position of things can be from several meters to several kilometers. The authors are highly recommended to test the coming coordinates for the indication of the blue lightachum.

By analogy with Yandex maps, the service space works, but the beaches of the coordinate there more accurately indicate the required place. The detail of the tanned is quite low, but for the city is quite tolerant.

Features of working with Google Maps (

Google Maps Perhaps the most convenient service to determine the location by coordinates.

The coordinate format is no different from that with Yandex cards. Accepts decimal and degrees with minutes and seconds.

A fundamental difference: when entering coordinates, 2 beaches are created in the search string. The purpose of the red beacon is incomprehensible. Green shooter shows the exact place on the specified coordinate. At the same time, the error of the red beacon in the conditions of low detailing the area of \u200b\u200bthe map can be tens of kilometers.

Explanatory screenshot:

In order to learn the location coordinates in Google Maps, it is necessary to poke into this place with the left mouse button and select the item "What is there in the context menu?". In the search bar, the current coordinates of the required point will be, and the point on the map itself will be marked with a green marker.

Features of the work from 2GIS (

2GIS is most convenient for work with coordinates only in the city. The coordinate format is only one - degrees, minutes of a second. Example: 57 ° 37 "59.34", 39 ° 53 "37.67".

There is no normal search by coordinates in 2GIS, but it is possible to define them or find a place in coordinates.

So, in order to determine the location coordinates on the map you need:

1) poke the right mouse button in the place of interest on the map

4) The window will increase and you will see the "Coordinates" tab, it must be discovered

5) Before you the coordinates of your point.

Screenshot for example:

In order to find a place according to these coordinates of 2GIS:

1) Pack in any place on the map with the left mouse button.

2) Select in the context menu "Create a point (note)"

3) In the window that opens, put the "Advanced Settings" checkbox

4) In the window that opens with the coordinates, change the numbers of coordinates to those desired.

6) In the left menu in the drop-down list, select "Additional Layers"

7) Select the created note to make it displayed on the map.

Explanatory screenshot:

Navigation software (Sitigid, Navitel and others)

Most navigation software support in various coordinate formats.

For Sitigid (For example 7 version), the search by coordinates occurs according to the following scheme:

1) Menu -\u003e Search -\u003e Coordinates.

2) This window will open:

3) clay on buttons 1 or 2, respectively. We introduce the coordinates. In the lower right corner - a small memo for possible input formats. It is most convenient to introduce and use the decimal coordinate format. Letters (N, E, W, S) are not necessary.

4) After entering the coordinates, the specified point will open in the window with a map. Here you can evaluate how to go and right the task correctly.

5) Click the "Go" button and the navigator will assign you to the point according to the downloaded card.

For Navitel Navigator

The majority of coordinate formats are also supported. The coordinate format is installed in the program settings in advance. The search by coordinates does not differ from similar to Sitigid:

1) Find -\u003e Coordinates (on the second menu page)

2) We introduce the coordinates, we are going.

In the global web of the Internet there are many good cartographic resources that allow you to explore one or another locality on the map, and if necessary, and see how it looks from the height of the "Avian Flight" through images from satellites. Many of them allow you to determine the coordinates of the point on the map due to the fact that they can work with geographic coordinates. They help the most accurately determine the location of a particular object on the globe, regardless of which you are looking for - on the globe or on the website on the Internet. One of the most popular cartographic resources in Russia - Yandex.Maps coordinates also perfectly understand and supports work with them.

Let's first define - what is the geographical coordinates. They look just like two numbers. In fact, these are two special angular values \u200b\u200b- latitude and longitude. The northern latitude is denoted by the letter N from Nord (North), South Latron - S from South (South). Longitude can also be Eastern E from East (East) or Western - "W" from "West" (West). It is for them to date that the position of objects on the surface of the planet is determined. Usually they are presented in the form of degrees, in principle, they can be specified in fractions. If you know the latitude and longitude of the desired point, it will be easy to find it at least on Yandex.Maps, at least on Google Maps.

How to determine the coordinates of the point

To find the longitude and latitude of the Yandex maps to find the longitude of you - just find it on the map and click on it with the left mouse button. A hint with the name will appear. geographical object. In the lower part of it will be displayed the sediments. I will give an example: I'm looking for the coordinates of the Oleg Yankovsky Square in Saratov. Having found it - click the mouse and see a hint:

Under the text of the prompts are written two numbers. The first is the latitude: 51.533689. Second - longitude: 46.002794.

As you can notice, Yandex.Maps make it possible to even build a route from any place to the coordinates of the desired location.

How to enter coordinates to find a point

In service is possible and reverse action - Search for points on the entered coordinates. To do this, you need to introduce latitude and longitude in the search string, and to introduce geographic coordinates to Yandex. Maps need to be exactly in this order - first latitude, then longitude. This is an international format that is accepted and used everywhere, including Google MAPS and GPS-navigators.

For example, let's do the search for the landing place of the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Its coordinates - 51.27168n, 46.11656e. We enter them in the search string:

Click the Find button and ... Here it is - landing place on the map:

Yandex cards will help you find a point and make it a red marker. IN separate window All necessary information will be displayed. If necessary, the service also makes it possible to build a route here or send a point to the Yandex. Navigator application on the phone or tablet.

Each point of the surface of the planet has a certain position that matches its own coordinate in latitude and longitude. It is at the intersection of spherical Doug Meridian, responsible for the longitude, with a parallel, which corresponds to latitude. It is indicated by a pair of angular values \u200b\u200bexpressed in degrees, minutes, seconds, which has the determination of the coordinate system.

Latitude and longitude is the geographical aspect of the plane or sphere moved to topographic images. For more accurate finding of any item also takes into account its height above sea level, which allows you to find it in three-dimensional space.

The need to find a point in coordinates of latitude and longitude occurs on the debt of the service and by the nature of classes in rescuers, geologists, military, sailors, archaeologists, pilots and drivers, but may also be needed to tourists, travelers, seekers, researchers.

What is lathe and how to find it

The latter is called the distance from the object to the equator line. It is measured in angular units (such as degrees, hail, minute, second, etc.). The latitude on the map or the globe is denoted by horizontal parallels - lines describing the circle parallel to the equator and converging in the form of a series of tapered rings to the poles.

Therefore, the latitude of the Northern is distinguished - this is the whole part of the earth's surface of the north of the equator, as well as the southern one is the whole part of the surface of the planet south of the equator. Equator - zero, the longest parallel.

  • Parallels from the equator line to the north pole are considered a positive value from 0 ° to 90 °, where 0 ° is the actual equator itself, and 90 ° is the top of the North Pole. They are considered as a northern latitude (S.Sh.).
  • Parallels emanating from the equator to the side southern Pole., marked with a negative value from 0 ° to -90 °, where -90 ° is the site of the southern pole. They are considered as southern latitude (Yu.Sh.).
  • On the globe, parallels are shown by a ball with circles, which decrease with their approach to poles.
  • All items on one parallel will be denoted by a single latitude, but different longitude.
    On the maps, based on their scale, parallels have the shape of horizontal, curved arc, strips - the smaller the scale, the straight is depicted the parallel strip, and the larr where it is more bent.

Remember! The closer to the equator is a given area, the less it will be its latitude.

What is longitude and how to find it

Longitude is the value for which the position of the specified area relative to Greenwich is removed, that is, zero meridian.

The longitude is similar to the measurement in the angular units, only from 0 ° to 180 ° and with the prefix - Eastern or Western.

  • Zero Meridian Greenwich vertically slides a bowl of the Earth, passing through both poles, dividing it to the West and East Hemisphere.
  • Each of the parts that are west of Greenwich (in the Western Hemisphere) will be the designation of Western longitude (Z.P.).
  • Each of the parts removed from Greenwich east and located in the eastern hemisphere will be the designation of Eastern Lension (V.P.).
  • Finding each point by one meridian has a single longitude, but different latitudes.
  • Meridians are applied to maps in the form of vertical strips curved in the form of an arc. The smaller the scale of the card, the straight will be the strip of the meridian.

How to find the coordinates of the specified point on the map

Often, it is necessary to recognize the coordinates of the point, which is located on the map in the square between the two nearest parallels and meridians. Approximate data can be obtained by eye, appreciating the step in degrees between the lines deposited on the map in the area of \u200b\u200binterest, and then comparing the remote locality from them. For accurate calculations, you will need a pencil with a ruler, or a circulation.

  • For the initial data, we take the designation nearest to our point parallels with a meridian.
  • Next, we look at the step between their strips in degrees.
  • Then we look at the magnitude of their step on the map in cm.
  • Measure a ruler in cm. Distance from specified point The nearest parallel, as well as the distance between this line and the neighboring, translate to degrees and take into account the difference - sulfing from more or adding to the smaller.
  • Thus we get latitudes.

Example! The distance between the parallels is 40 ° and 50 °, among which our locality is located, is 2 cm or 20 mm, and the step between them is 10 °. Accordingly, 1 ° is 2 mm. Our point is removed from the fortieth parallel by 0.5 cm or 5 mm. We find degrees to our area 5/2 \u003d 2.5 °, which need to be added to the value of the nearest parallel: 40 ° + 2.5 ° \u003d 42.5 ° - this is our northern latitude of a given point. In the southern hemisphere, the calculations are similar, but the result has a negative sign.

Similarly, we find longitude - if the nearest meridian is further from Greenwich, and the specified point is closer - then deduct the difference, if the meridian is closer to Greenwich, and I add it further.

If there was only a circular at hand, each of the segments are recorded by its tips, and the space is moved to the scale.

Similarly, the calculations of the coordinates on the surface of the globe are made.

Google Maps: Search by coordinates. So, proceed. The first thing you need it goes to Google Maps. To do this, go to link Or go to and go to the cards, clicking on the menu icon, in the upper right corner, and selecting the "Map" item:

After switching to Google's maps, you can start searching for places by coordinates. Just copy the coordinates you need and insert them into the search string on the site. All you have to do is click on the search button:

In the example, the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower were used.
You can also simply enter the coordinates you need, Google will still understand:

For example, when you enter the comma of two coordinates 0 and 0, it showed a point that is located at the intersection of the equator and zero meridian.
You should also mention a few rules:
1 - first indicates the latitude, and then longitude
2 - Separate decimal values \u200b\u200bneed a point, not a comma (incorrect version: 50,56948, 29,59211. Correct Option: 89.39281, 65.59684)
3 - For latitude you need to use the range of values \u200b\u200bfrom -90 to 90
4 - for longitude you need to use the range of values \u200b\u200bfrom -180 to 180 degrees
Another way to search for coordinates is just to introduce them to the string. google searchAfter analyzing your request, the system will understand that you have entered the coordinates. Then search system, Before references, the results display your point on the map:

It is also worth noting that using google Service Maps, you can not only search by coordinates, but also to make the opposite, that is, use maps to find out the coordinates of a particular place. All that will need is to open google page, Go to the map "Maps" and already there to click on any place of the card, you can also use the search. After that, a marker will appear on the maps, and the title of the site will be displayed at the bottom of the window, where the marker and its coordinates are located:

On this, now you can find any place, knowing its coordinates, and on the contrary, find out the coordinates of any place in the world.

Yandex.Maps have long been popular, especially in Russia and neighboring countries. But sometimes we need functionality, which in the usual version of the service is not. This article is designed to correct the situation and tell you how to find a point in the coordinates of latitude and longitude. Start.

We learn the position of the object

So, in order to use the search for latitude and longitude you need to go to a special version of the cards. Next, do the following:

  1. Since 2 types of location are used in Yandex, at the very beginning of work we will be offered to determine how much the default is needed. You will see 2 buttons: Continue and Change the order of coordinates. We will apply the default option, so click the first item.
  1. For example, we will determine the coordinates of the city of Syktyvkar. Let's find it. You need to use this version as usual. Scroll through the area with the mouse, adjusting it with a wheel, until we find the desired object. The center of the screen will be a blue marker for which the position is determined. Hover it at the desired point.

You can also take advantage of the search engine that is in the upper left corner. Entering the request, you will see appearing prompts.

  1. Now pay attention to the panel in the lower right corner of the screen. This is our coordinates.
  1. But it is best to determine the position on the marker. To do this, let's install it at that place, whose geolocation we want to know. We click the icon of the marker (marked in the screenshot).
  1. Next, we make the left click on the right place of our card. The marker will immediately appear on it.
  1. Then click on the marker itself and already get a ready-made result. This is the desired latitude and longitude in degrees up to seconds.

Also there is a tool laying the path. Moreover, it allows you to get the coordinates of the initial and endpoint of the route. Let's look at how it works.

  1. Choose the desired function On the toolbar.
  1. Now set the first point (where the route begins) and the second (end). Then click on the edge of the second marker and click to complete.
  1. As soon as we finish, a window will appear, in which the positions of the initial and end point of the segment will be indicated. There is also a special BASE64 data format that allows you to integrate readings into other applications.

We are looking for a point by specified values

After we dealt with the definition of the location, let's do and vice versa - find it on the already known parameters. So, proceed.

  1. In order to find a point on the map according to our coordinates, it is necessary to simply enter them into a small window that is in the lower right corner.
  1. So, we will do it at random. Indicate arbitrary numbers and press ENTER. Voila! We moved right in the world ocean!