Panasonic is the world's first transparent TV. Video: the world's first transparent TV

Color TV 20 years ago was the decoration of any living room. And now the developers are trying in every possible way to hide it from the eyes. Japanese firm Panasonic has created a transparent TV. This is a 65 inch LED panel. In the off position, the screen looks like a translucent cabinet door or even a decorative element that is not difficult to fit into an existing interior. The owner can even install such a TV in the window and change the views at will. The main thing in this case is to avoid domestic quarrels, otherwise a plate or rolling pin may accidentally fly into an invisible TV.

Technicians from Panasonic decided to surprise their potential customers with a novelty. If you can't wait to see its appearance, then scroll down to the video.

At the exhibition, Panasonic showed a prototype of this device. Who would have thought that we would see a transparent display in 2016? Enough large sizes a screen that can function as a full-fledged widescreen TV in your home. This device It is a solid glass panel that is almost transparent. But even this can develop into even more, because so far it is only a test project.

Engineers are still refining his achievement of perfect transparency.
Because the TV is virtually invisible, you can easily see what's behind it. The Japanese were able to place inside their trial model everything that should be in a normal full-fledged TV. Inside there are microscopic LED-elements that contribute to the display of the image on the glass surface.

At the Panasonic booth, various options were presented to integrate into the design of your room. So, the company demonstrated how the TV is combined with a furniture wall. As you can see, glass is built into the wall, and through it the image is shown on the screen.

The developers of this device have brought it so far to full hd resolution. This, of course, is not enough for a 60-inch diagonal. Here you need at least ultra hd resolution. It must be borne in mind that full hd is leaving the forefront of television.
The new transparent TV is amazing. In front of your eyes is an ordinary TV that shows TV programs and more, but as soon as you turn it off, you see an ordinary piece of furniture in the form of translucent glass. If the panel is mounted in a closet, then vases, books and other items are perfectly visible. Such a device will be very popular and in demand at a normal price, for example, in the kitchen on the door, wherever glass is appropriate. There are huge prospects for its use in the advertising business. Storefronts, bus windows, subways… This technology has a great future anyway.

And you can control it with gestures. Of course, they also added a regular remote control to this control. It would be nice if it wasn't the big, uncomfortable remote we're used to. It would be nice if they took a closer look at how well done apple device for a new attachment. remote control this case very compact, beautiful and comfortable. But, nevertheless, the developers of the panasonic transparent TV have successfully worked out the gesture control technology. With a wave of your hand, you can access the Internet, turn on any of the tracks in your music library, and perform other similar control actions.

At the presentation of their product, representatives of this innovation refused to say how long invisible television panels will begin to appear on the world market. However, they said that all the news will be known in their official announcement. They did not announce the exact date of this event.

Used video from Alex Gech channel.

carpet alarm clock

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VIDEO: The world's first transparent TV

Panasonic unveiled the world's first transparent TV at CES 2016 Consumer Electronics Show.

In Las Vegas (USA) at the exhibition of innovative consumer technologies CES 2016, the Japanese company Panasonic introduced the world's first transparent TV.

Panasonic showed an impressive video demonstrating how the TV "appears" and "disappears".

On the frames - a furniture wall, on which a flat screen is fixed. At first, it is practically invisible - only animated waves are displayed on the glass. Then the drawings disappear, and through the display you can see what is behind it on the shelves. Then suddenly there is a standard TV image with views of nature.

Transparent Panasonic TV

The innovative TV is not Panasonic's own design. However, this is the first time a transparent TV has been shown in this design and at this level.

The Panasonic display has a resolution of 1080p. It is built on the basis of microscopic LEDs, which form an image on a glass panel. So far, the screen cannot be made 100% transparent, but Japanese developers claim that they are close to this.

Panasonic was able to surprise even seasoned tech geeks with their products, which were presented as part of the company's own vision. smart home. This is a transparent TV and a transparent information panel for refrigerators.

Transparent Panasonic TV

For clarity, their transparent Panasonic TV was installed in a bookshelf to show how it can become part of the interior. Or rather stop being noticeable at all. We must pay tribute to Panasonic, because this is not just a concept or a TV working with conventions, this is a full-fledged screen that transmits very bright and rich colors. The moment a picture is displayed on the screen, you stop seeing what is behind it. It feels like a regular TV. But, as soon as the picture disappears, ordinary glass appears before you. Nothing betrays him, unless you look closely. Then you can see the grid.

Information panel for refrigerators

Panasonic developed this technology and showed a smart kitchen, where, in addition to a screen with an assistant, there is a refrigerator, the door of which is a transparent screen. You can tap on it and get information about the temperature inside the refrigerator. Or data about stored products. But more interesting is that, based on the products that are in the refrigerator, the system can issue recipes, a list of ingredients and step by step guides. We have no doubt that you can watch YouTube on such a refrigerator. We turned on a new video from THE ROCO and watch while you struggle with yourself whether to eat something for the night or not.

More in the video

**To control Ambient mode with devices powered by operating system IOS and Android (not on Galaxy), installation of the SmartThings app "data-text-mobile=" required*The invisible cable is a transparent optical cable connected to the One Connect module, which also connects wires from external devices. It is not a TV power cable or a cable from other devices such as a soundbar.
*Devices must be connected to One Connect with an HDMI cable.
*Wall Mount: Clearance is measured from the back of the TV and may vary depending on installation and wall type.
*Flush-to-wall mount, easel stand, and tapered swivel stand sold separately.
*Images are simulated and used for illustrative purposes only. Characteristics appearance and design of the TV that do not affect performance are subject to change without notice.
* Additional information For each model, see detailed page product.
**Ambient mode control with IOS and Android devices (not Galaxy) requires installation of the SmartThings app ">*The invisible cable is a transparent optical cable connected to the One Connect module, which also connects wires from external devices It is not a TV power cable or a cable from other devices such as a soundbar.
*Devices must be connected to One Connect with an HDMI cable.
*Wall Mount: Clearance is measured from the back of the TV and may vary depending on installation and wall type.
*Flush-to-wall mount, easel stand, and tapered swivel stand sold separately.
*Images are simulated and used for illustrative purposes only. Specifications of the appearance and design of the TV that do not affect performance are subject to change without notice.
* For more information about each model, see the product detail page.
**Ambient mode control for IOS and Android devices (not Galaxy) requires installation of the SmartThings app

Are you wondering what the next step in the development of television technology will be? Do you think that nothing more can be done? Are you satisfied with the current TV, which takes up most of the room? Not? There is a solution! New Loewe Invisio transparent TV.

After the first Soviet tube TVs and pre-plasma panels, a lot of time has passed for technical development. It's time for something new. And this innovation will be - it is transparency.

Michael Friebe, the company's industrial designer, developed the concept of a new transparent TV called "Loewe Invisio" (from the English word invisible is translated as invisible).

The TV concept was carefully thought out and designed for mass production. It is planned that after a while such TVs will flood our homes. After all, the unique design has already attracted the attention of many potential buyers.

The Loewe Invisio concept used liquid crystal display technology and new technology TOLED to create your brainchild.

The transparency of the TV was achieved by passing electric current. Thanks to this, you can not only have a blue background, but also receive and play a clear video signal.

Loewe Invisio presents a completely transparent and flat screen TV. The TV will surely appeal to lovers of minimalism in the interior. Such a TV will not take up much space in your living room, and will not attract as much attention as the current "black squares".

In sleep mode, or the so-called standby mode, this TV is completely transparent. Concept screen flat and glass .

After switching on, a sufficiently high-quality picture with decent color reproduction will appear on the screen. This is achieved through the use of OLED (TOLED) and LCD technologies. OLED technology is designed for the manufacture of displays, that is, information displays. This technology is expected to be very economical.

LCD technology has long been known to us - these are liquid crystal displays familiar to our time. It's no secret that this technology allows the image to become clear and bright.

TOLED technology is just beginning to be mastered. Using a transparent contact for the screen, the technology allows you to improve the transmitted image even when sunlight hits the screen. At the present stage, 70 percent transparency of the display or screen is achieved.

Thus, the combination of these technologies made it possible to create a completely transparent screen with a high-quality image.

The TV concept has applied for participation in the Concept Design-2011 competition. The novelty is predicted to have every chance of winning the main prize.

Technologies of the 21st century dictate the need to reduce the size of equipment. Nanotechnology is developing rapidly, but the development of production technologies does not stand still. household appliances. If you can't reduce it, then you need to make it invisible. Here is the basic concept behind the new Loewe Invisio TV.

The design of the TV, or rather its absence, will appeal to aesthetes. "Loewe Invisio" will harmoniously fit into any interior.