Proper charging of the smartphone. How to charge the phone correctly - detailed instructions for users

That's right for its durability, you need to clarify the situation with the batteries. The whole thing is precisely in their views. Previously, portable was equipped with iron-leather, nickel-metal hydride batteries, now in laptops and smartphones lithium-ion batteries.

In nickel batteries, there is a so-called "memory effect". The essence of this phenomenon is as follows: if you charge the battery, filled with 30%, then the remaining 70% is remembered by the device as a "full charge", it is clear that the original container is reduced. It is precisely because the principle of charging a nickel battery became widely known. Chemical changes When recharging a full battery lead to a decrease in capacity in the future.

The modern portable is equipped with lithium-ion batteries that do not require complete recharging.

How to charge the smartphone correctly

The device requires regular recharging. Do not allow the smartphone to be discharged to the end to 0%. Even the battery discharge up to 50% is not a good option. When lowering charging, 10-20% is already required to put the device for recharging.

The device cannot be left on. Modern lithium-ionic devices are not required permanent 100% recharging. The optimal option for recharging is from 40 to 80%. Try to keep precisely in such borders. If the battery charged according to the full program, 100%, then it should not be left on charge, it is such actions and lead to a reduction in the service life of electronic devices.

How to charge a smartphone if this process occurs at night

In order for the service life of lithium-ion batteries for years to maximize their service life, it is best to get energy-saving outlets. When setting the device for charging for the night, special sockets through a given amount of time independently turn off the charger.

If the phone or laptop is not Chinese origin, then it has an already native charge controller, which by reaching 100% will turn off the charging itself, and in some cases will even inform the full charge of the audio signal. Naturally, similar normal devices can be left online for a long time.

How to charge a smartphone to increase its service life

Once a month, but not more often, the electronics should be discharged completely, and then 100% charge it. These actions are required to calibrate the device. The fact is that the instruments show the balance of the charge in minutes or percentages, these functions can be knocked up with frequent small recharging, and therefore they should be adjusted monthly to this way.

It is unacceptable to overheat the device, it will significantly reduce its service life. For this reason, one should not work, holding a laptop on the knees.

It seems that it may be a clinker than to charge the phone? He stuck the charger in the outlet, and the cord into the port for charging and let him be charged. And if the gadget is completely at zero, then put it all night to receive energy of the power grid, and in the morning it will be ready to ride into battle. However, everything is not entirely obvious and how much is how correctly you charge the smartphone, it depends on how long it will last you.

Properly charge smartphone - it's almost a science

Should I charge the phone battery up to 100%?

At the jelly, it is recommended to do it not often. To be accurate, then approximately once a month it is desirable to produce a "reboot" of the battery - that is, complete discharge and then charging up to 100%. This will allow lithium ions, which is one of the main components, fully pass the entire recharge cycle and maintain the maximum possible capacity. But constantly do not do it.

When you need to charge your phone

If you came to mind "When he discharged", then you are not quite right. Many manufacturers of smartphones say that you need to keep your battery charged somewhere between 50% and 90% as much as possible. The fact is that too low and too high the battery level makes it faster to exhaust its resource of work. So the gadget will last you longer than could.

Is it worth lending to charge the phone at night

Under the above, the same reason should not leave the smartphone connected to the outlet for the night. While most modern smartphones have built-in sensors to shut down charging, when they reach 100%, they do not protect from this completely. In addition, your smartphone will gradually lose charge and immediately take it up to 100%. Which is quite consumed by the battery life.

The best policy is to charge a percent phone on 90 before bedtime and turn on the flight mode. Thus, he almost does not lose the battery charge until the morning, and a sudden call, if someone made a mistake number, you will not wake. And how do you charge your smartphone? Tell us about it in our chat in Telegram.

Is it possible to use any charger for charging a smartphone

It is extremely undesirable. If possible, use the charger that comes with the device, as it will necessarily have the right performance indicators like power, amperge and other characteristics. Otherwise, try to use chargers from certified manufacturers. Cheap alternatives with Aliexpress can easily cause battery damage.

Will the technology of rapid charging can damage the smartphone

Most support some form of quick charging. The standard in this case is the power supply by 18 watts of power (while conventional charging is operated on the power of 5 watts). But Samsung even sells a charge charger at 45 watts! Although fast charging itself does not hurt your phone battery, which is built specifically for work on such capacities generated during charging the heat will potentially affect the battery service. So we would recommend using fast charging only in emergency situations, and in everyday life to use standard means.

The topic entrusted with a large number of tips, recommendations, many of which, alas, have long been outdated and will rather harm the battery than the service life will increase.

So, we understand how you need to charge a new battery for the smartphone.

There are two leisure myth about the first charging.

Myth number 1. The new battery needs to be completely discharged for the first time, and then charge up to one hundred percent.

Some users prefer to discharge-charge the phone several times, believing that in a similar way you can "dig" the battery.

This delusion came from those times when nickel-metal-hydride batteries were stood in mobile communicators, which could not work on a complete capacity until several cycles of complete discharge-charge.

But for more than ten years almost all the phones (except is that unnamed Chinese fakes) work on lithium batteries.

Batteries of modern smartphones are:


    lithium polymer.

Such batteries initially have a complete container and are not subject to the so-called "memory effect", that is, the battery will not remember, on which percentage of charge it was charged.

But! Mobile phone manufacturers recommend in the first application once completely discharge and charge the smartphone. This is necessary to calibrate the charge controller and, as a result, the more optimal consumption of the battery capacity subsequently.

Myth number 2. Charge the battery for the first time you need 8-10-12 hours or more

Recommendations that a smartphone with a new battery must lie on charge from eight hours to days, do not work. In this case, more - does not mean better, because the power controller will still turn off the charge process as soon as the container reaches a hundred percent.

Thus, the long charging will not give the battery, except for a possible reloading. The recharge of the battery may occur if the temperature change will change: you charged the phone up to 100 percent of the house, went out on a hot street - the smartphone heated - a reload. And recharges negatively affect the battery. Therefore, the batteries for phones advise to charge to ninety-ninety-five percent.

Brief instruction how to charge the phone battery for the first time

  1. Before use, discharge the battery to zero.
  2. Then put charging until the charge level reaches 100%.
  3. Remove with charging and use the smartphone as usual.
After the first charging, try not to allow a complete battery discharge and not to charge constantly to 100 percent, since the frequent recharge and reload reduce the available battery capacity.

How to charge a new smartphone for the first time?

Manufacturers of modern smartphones try to increase the battery life of the gadget. If 5 years ago, mobile devices worked 6-8 hours in active mode, now this indicator can reach 12-18 hours. But the life cycle of batteries is limited, and over time the battery of the smartphone is wear out. Extend the life of the battery will help proper charging.

Previously, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries were used in smartphones. In modern gadgets, lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are installed, which differ from old models longer service life. The accumulators are based on negative electrodes from carbon materials, the battery voltage is 3-4 volts.

The first charging of the smartphone

A few years ago there were a popular opinion that after buying a new smartphone, it is necessary to definitely discharge the device up to 0%, and then charge it up to 100%. A similar procedure was recommended to perform 3 times. Thus, the "training" battery was performed, due to which the phone had to work longer. This Council is not relevant for lithium batteries - they are ready for full work from the factory, and the first charging of the smartphone is no different from the usual.

You can also charge the battery gradually - 2-3 times a day. For example, connect the smartphone to the memory and charge the battery by 20%, and after a few hours, repeat this operation. Partial filling of the container will not harm the battery.

New battery for phone: How to charge right?

After purchasing a phone in a mobile electronics store or receiving an order from an online store, we immediately begin to study the new device. I want to study all of his capabilities, to personify it with the help of melodies, wallpaper, other "chips." After the first rush weakens, the gadget holder is thinking about how to properly exploit its device. The most important component of the operating phone is its charging. From how correctly you will charge the phone, it depends on its service life. In addition, it is important to know how to correct the new phone battery. This will be discussed in this material.

To properly exploit your phone, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich batteries are used in it. Most modern phones are used. Over the past decade, they have become the dominant type of batteries in smartphones, tablets, laptops. Among them there are such varieties as Akb. They differ in the composition of the electrolyte. Otherwise, they are very similar.

The pluses of lithium batteries include high energy intensity, low self-discharge, no memory effect and good discharge current. True, in devices with a discharge current of 10─20C (C - Capacity), such ankb cannot work. There, their place is still occupied. An example of such a scope of application can be called mobile power tools, warehouse equipment, etc. To the disadvantages of lithium batteries, one can take a short period of operation and a fairly high cost.

The service life is about 500 cycles charge-discharge. The time frames range from 1 year to 4 years, depending on the intensity of operation. Lithium battery permanently loses capacity not only during operation, but also during storage. It is worth adding that at negative temperatures, lithium batteries lose the ability to give the current.

I would like to say about such types of batteries, as well as. These battery were used in mobile electronics (phones, laptops, players) before the mass production of commercial images of lithium batteries was established.

Nickel hasdamia batteries are distinguished by a long service life (up to 1 thousand cycles), a small price and work in a wide temperature range. Their advantages should be attributed to a lung restoration of the capacity after long-term storage or deep discharge. Naturally, there are disadvantages. This is a harmful cadmium in their composition, high self-discharge and "memory effect". All these minuses forced specialists to develop a replacement for them in the field of mobile electronics. Such a replacement should be nickel-metallohydride acb. They have a significantly smaller "memory effect", low self-discharge and can give a high current discharge. But they have a fairly high cost, the service life is comparable with lithium, and the specific energy intensiveness is significantly lower. Therefore, they could not become a full-fledged replacement of Kadmiev.

How to charge a new phone battery

Now directly about how to charge the new smartphone battery. After purchasing the device, wait for it to complete discharge. Now you will say that you have seen recommendations for the absence of the need to discharge to the end of lithium battery. That's right, it should be done only 2─3 times on a new phone battery, as well as during periodic calibration, which will be mentioned below. That is, first we discharge the new battery before it is turned off. In lithium batteries there is a controller that monitors the discharge and charge of the battery. With a critical low voltage, the operating system of the phone and the device turns off. Thus, a deep discharge of AKB is prevented.

After the battery of the phone was sat down, you need to fully charge it. Before this, we recommend to get acquainted with the manual of the mobile device and find out the exact time of the complete charge of the battery. After that, the phone should be charged in the off state for the specified time to complete charging. As a rule, a quick charge passes in 2─3 hours. At the same time, the battery is charged by 80─90% of its nominal capacity. This charge is quite suitable during operation and is even recommended, but not for a new battery.

To fully charge the smartphone battery, it takes from 10 hours to a day. The exact time depends on the parameters of the battery (voltage, container) and on the characteristics of the charger. The phone is kept in the off state. So, the new battery will be concentrated on the accumulation of the charge, and will not give it to the nutrition of the phone chip. After charging the smartphone, use it to fully discharge and recharge the specified way. So, 2─3 times. Next, during the operation, you can already calmly charge the battery not completely or discharge not to the end. But about it below.

If you have an ancient gadget with an alkaline battery, then there is a "split". And not only a new battery, but also in further operation. If this is not done, then Ni-CD or Ni-MH batteries will lose the container as a result of the "memory effect".

And what if you only have a battery and no phone? How to charge it? We recommend to read the material about.