I came up with 1 phone. Phone: principle of operation, development from the invention to modernity

My phone rang. Who says? Elephant! Telephone - invention that has changed the world. Once, all our modern activities are so tied on this thing, we decided to trace the history of its development, and at the same time and understand how it works.

Do you know a person who has no phone? Perhaps it is that very old grandmothers and grandparents. Well, or guys from the tribe of the Tumba-Yumba. Although they probably already have. The phone appeared a century ago, and here's the result: each person calls about 1500 times a year!

Telephony development

The first phones had a range of only 500 meters, they had no call, and the challenge had to carry out a whistle. After deploying a coal microphone and an induction coil, the range of the device has increased significantly.

The first telephone stations could not connect the subscribers directly. In order to "call", it was necessary to remove the tube and start twist the lever. After connecting to the telephone line, she told her the number of the subscriber, she stuck the plug into the nest, and only after that the conversation began.

The call was directly possible since the 20s of the last century, although the automatic switch capable of replacing the work of telephonist, in 1887 offered Russian scientist K.A. Mostitsky.

It is now we are accustomed to 7 digit rooms and international telephone codes. And first phone numbers consisted of only 2-3 digits.

In 1927, it was already possible to call from New York to London. Telephone networks began to actively cover the globe.

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The principle of the phone "on the fingers"

Why on the fingers? Because before dealing with something complicated (for example, the principle of the modern mobile phone), you should always understand the simplest things that everything went.

The signals in the telephone are electrical. Human speech is a beep. The phone converts sound signals In electrical and vice versa.

We speak the microphone, the membrane fluctuates, its oscillations in the magnetic field create a current in the coil, which is passed on the wire to the interlocutor. At that end, the reverse process takes place: the current flows in the moving coil of the dynamics, because of this membrane hesitates and "pegs" air. As a result, we hear the sound.

Now the phones can be divided into:

  • ordinary stationary phones;
  • radiotelephones;
  • cell Phones;
  • satellite phones;
  • phones operating in IP telephony.

The appearance of modern phones, mobile communication

The value of the invention of the mobile phone was also revolutionary. And the first mobiles appeared in 1976. They were huge, and their cost was also huge. In the 1980s in America could already buy mobile phone For 3500 dollars. For comparison: the new Ford Mustang cost 6500.

It is believed that it was invented in the USA, but there is a version that the first prototype of the mobile was developed in the USSR in 1973. Like many interesting developments, the Soviet mobile phone remained unknown to the world.

In the CIS countries, mobile phones spread widely in the 90s of the 20th century.

Prospects for the development of phones

Scientists, futurologists and social researchers believe that in the future, smartphones are likely to push individual devices such as a computer, a laptop and a camera. The capabilities and power of phones will simply connect a monitor and keyboard to them, turning the smartphone into a full-fledged personal PC.

Already, the modern telephone is a real research station that collects a huge amount of data. In the future, the amount and quality of data will grow. Collected information It can be used for a wide variety of research: from behavior of groups of people before the prediction of earthquakes and weather forecast. Bank cards will also go to the past. Already now there is a technology that allows you to pay with a smartphone using it instead of a card.

But it's all in the future. So far, no matter how smart the smartphone is, he will not be able to write a course or control for you. It can help this special student service that provides services for all areas of professionals: from agronomy and accounting to electronics and nuclear physics.

The phone is called any machine capable of transmitting a voice to the distance.

The history of the invention of the phone

Transmit sound signals People tried different ways. The first phone that was invented many centuries ago, you can consider the "rope phone". By connecting the rope 2 empty cans, we get its sample. When one bank is started to speak, sound fluctuations in the rope are transmitted to another bank. And if you attach it to the ear, you can hear the voice of the speaker.

Verpel phone

The sound was transferred with pipes. This method of communication is still used on ships. In the protected locations of the ship are carried out from brass or red copper negotiation pipes. In the destination items, they end with the convey and reception of sound.

Sound Transfer on Ship

All these communications were mechanical devices. They passed the sound using the oscillations of the elastic medium. That is, the scheme was like this: sound - Wednesday - Sound. But due to the fact that sound oscillations are very fading in the medium, the acoustic phones could not transmit sound over long distances. In addition, the speed of sound is only 340 m / s in the air, so it came to the destination at the destination immediately, but after some time.

And what if the sound is converted to electrical signals, and then transfer them by wires? After all, the speed of propagation of electrical signals on the wires is approaching the speed of light. So, the sound will be transmitted almost instantly. Many inventors thought about it. But the path from the mechanical phone to the electric was long.

For the first time, the principle of the phone was outlined in his dissertation the French mechanic engineer and the vice inspector of the Paris Telegraph Charles Bursel in 1854

Charles Bursel

He was the first to use the word "phone". It must be said that this idea came to his mind back in 1849, when Alexander Bella was considered by the author of the phone, it was only 2 years old. It was simple: convert audio fluctuations in electricity On the transmitting station, transfer it by wires, and on the host station to convert current to sound again. Many experiments have been done, but it was not possible to create a phone in the practice of Bursel.

In the middle of the XIX century, Italian Antonio Meucci came to the same conclusion as Charles Bursel, - sound oscillations can be converted to electrical signals and transmit them on wires.

Antonio Meucci

But he was able to create the apparatus only in 1860, when he already lived in America. He called it telektrophone , a message about its invention published in the newspaper. After that, by selling their development of the company "Western Union" due to material difficulties, he began to wait for proposals for further cooperation, which was promised to him. The application for the patent was only in 1871, but the final registration was not completed. Unfortunately, the company did not show interest in the invention of Meurchatic, and in 1874 generally informed him that the documents were lost. In 1876 he read in the newspaper that Alexander Bella was issued a patent for the invention of the phone.

In 1861, Johann Philipp flight, the German physicist and the inventor, demonstrated the device created by it, which passed the musical tones and sounds of speech on the wires. It consisted of a microphone, a galvanic battery as a power source and dynamics. It was the first prototype of the phone. Flight himself called him Telephon.

Johann Philip Ris

Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 was a professor at the University of Boston and taught in it a speech physiology. But it did not prevent him from studying the transmission of the signal over telecommunication channels. It must be said that Bell tried to invent the phone, but a "harmonic telegraph". And in 1875 he was issued a patent for a "reusable telegraph", which could send 2 signals at the same time. And soon he created a device capable of converting electricity into sound.

The world's first telephone session occurred at all accidentally. Bell was in the attic of his house, and his colleague, Mechanic Watson, in the basement. They were separated by several floors. They say that Bell pronounced phrase: "Mr. Watson, go here, I need you." She fell into the device's microphone and was heard Watson.

In patent for its invention, obtained by Bella on March 7, 1876, there was no word "phone". His apparatus was called "talking telegraph". But he could transmit a speech at a distance of 500 m. Therefore, we can say that it was still the first phone. But simultaneously talking and listening to this apparatus it was impossible. It was necessary to do alternately. In addition, there was no call in Bella's apparatus.

Already in June of the same year, Bell demonstrated his apparatus at the World Electrical Exhibition in Philadelphia, where he became the main sensation.

Alexander Graham Bell demonstrates his invention

It must be said that on February 14, 1876, a day when Bell filed a request to the Patent Bureau for his invention, after 2 hours another American inventor Elisha Gray also filed a request for"Device for transferring and receiving vocal sounds with a telegraph method." But soon he refused her.

Elisha Gray.

Soon Bell founded the company Bell Laboratories Telephonewhich took up the introduction of the phone into everyday life. And after 2 years in the United States in the state, Connecticut earned the only telephone station in the world at the time, which had only 21 subscribers. But the connection was rather unstable due to interference.

Despite the fact that Alexander Bell is considered the inventor of the phone, disputes about who still invented the phone earlier, a long time was conducted.

Phone in Russia

Pavel Mikhailovich Golubitsky

Although the first telephone lines opened in large cities of Russia in 1881, first Russian telephone It was created in 1878 by the inventor Pavel Mikhailovich Golubitsky. After 4 years, they were created desktop telephoneHe demonstrated in Europe in 1883, his phone provided an excellent connection without interference at a distance of more than 350 km. In the same year he created special telephone equipment with excellent communication quality for railways . Golubitsky is the author of the microphone with the coal powder, as well as the handset in which he combined the microphone and the device for receiving sound.

Phone apparatus Golubitsky

In 1886, he created a switch that pairly connected several telephone lines. And in the same year, in the main headquarters of St. Petersburg installed a telephone station of Golubitsky, the first Russian station.

How the phone works

1 - handset; 2 - microphone; 3 - phone; 4 - call; 5 - push-button number (tastura); 6 - electronic devices Switching and management

We often call the telephone telephone. But if you are accurate, then telephone - This is not the entire telephone, but only the part of the telephone tube, which is applied to the ear to hear what they say at the other end of the electric wire. This device that takes electrical oscillations transmitted by wires and converts them to sound. In addition to the phone in the handset is microphone - A device that takes the sounds of our voice and transforms them into electrical signals, then transmitted by electrical wires. These signals receive another phone. This is where the sound is transmitted to the distance.

To call the desired subscriber with telephone A series of electrical pulses corresponding to the code of the called subscriber is sent. They are formed when the contacts are closed at the time of rotation of the disk of the device or press the corresponding key.

Microphones and phones are well passed sound with a frequency of 300-3400 Hz. Therefore, we are transmitted and accepted clearly.

Modern telephones have built-in memory in which telephone numbers are stored in it. This allows an automatic set of any of them. The coal microphone is replaced with electric. Sound in such devices can be heard not only in the tube, but also by loud communication. The function of the tone set appeared in them.

Externally changed too. In some devices, all parts are placed in a design resembling a conversational tube. Such phones in everyday life are called phone numbers. They are related to the telephone line through the device called base . A tube is a special receptionist receiving radio signals from the tube and transmitting them to it. Multiple tubes can be connected to the database, which can also be born and the base, and among themselves.

Modern telephone communication


Nowadays, the wired connection is actively displaced by mobile radio communications. Instead of telephone lines, radio channels are used.

Mobile communication is divided into cellular and satellite.

Hundredthconsists of a large number of basic stations. They are interconnected by central switches. When turned on cellular telephone Registered at the base station, located closest to it. If a call is received on his number, the central switch translates the call to the base station close to the phone. Basic stations are tower cellular communication. During movement, the call is transmitted from one tower to another until it goes to the subscriber nearest. And its signal will take the subscriber's phone.

Mobile phone Transmits and receives information through a special communication satellite, whose coverage area can be all the earth. Satellite phone Looks like the first mobile devices that we used in the 90s, but in contrast to them it has an additional antenna.

Recently, it became possible to transmit digitized and compressed with special digital methods of voice through networks created on the basis of computer technologies (IP. -technologies). In 2005, SKYP was created.e. With the help of which people are communicating in various different points of the globe.

The life of a modern person is closely related to mobile phones, and this has a lot of confirmation. Imagine, for example, the situation is that your favorite, indispensable and gem smartphone you randomly left at home. How do you feel at this moment? At least, uncomfortable, is it not true? However, there were times when people had no phones at all, not only mobile, but also stationary. How did they do without them? Read in our article.

Life without phones

Some 200 years ago, people did not know what phones are. Previously, whistling, gong, ringing bells and drum battle were used to transfer messages.

However, all these methods were imperfect.

By the way, to convey the signal as far as possible, it was necessary to create intermediate items on which people were on duty. The sound in this case came to the addressee on the chain. We all understand that it was a very long process. Of course, it was possible to solve this problem, for example, transmit information through water and metal. In this case, the signal would be spread faster and looked much later. But for some reason they did not do, at least, everywhere.

The invention of the first phone

We traditionally communicate with the name of the American inventor Alexander Bella. The famous researcher actually took direct participation in the development of the revolutionary apparatus. However, other people have played a crucial role in creating the first phone.

In 1860, Antonio Meucci's naturalist published an article in the Italian newspaper New York, which spoke about his invention capable of transmitting sounds on electrical wires. The Meuchchic apparatus called Teletrofono. In 1871, he decided to patentroofono, however, due to financial problems, it was not possible.

A year later, in 1861, the German physicist and the inventor Johann Philip flight at the meeting of scientists of the physical community demonstrated its "mobile phone". The device could transmit musical tones and human speech on the wires. The device had an original design microphone, a power supply (galvanic battery) and a speaker. The flight itself called the Telephon designed by them. In many sources of that time, it is argued that the first message that the physicist conveyed on his phone was the phrase "Das Pferd Frisst Keinen Gurkensalat" ("The horse does not eat cucumbers salad"). The absurdity of this information made it possible to make sure that the words were heard correctly, it follows from this that the transmitter worked as it should.

Despite all of these inventions, the laurels of the discoverer went to Alexander Grahem Bell.

So, on February 14, 1876, Bell filed a request to the Washington Patent Bureau, March 7, 1876, American received a patent. He called his device "talking telegraph". The Bella tube could pass over and receive a signal. There was no call in the telephone of the American scientist, it was invented a little later, in 1878, Thomas Watson. When someone called a subscriber, Telegraph began to whistle. The range of such a line did not exceed 500 meters.

Note that Alexander Bell for a long time was officially considered the inventor of the phone. And only on June 11, 2002, the US Congress in Resolution No. 269 transferred this status of Antonio Meucci.

Turning a speaking telegraph into a landline phone

Talking Telegraph Bella passed a lot of metamorphosis before turned into a modern smartphone.

So, in 1877-1878. American inventor Thomas Edison has improved the device. It introduced the induction coil into the scheme, and in the microphone replaced the coal coal rod coal powder (such microphones were used until 1980). This made a connection with a clearer and loud. Now phones, in contrast to public telegraphs, became household apparatus.

In 1878, the first telephone station in New Haven was also appeared. Next year, Paris took the relay. Since 1881, telephone exchanges began to open in Berlin, Riga, Warsaw. In Russia, namely - in Moscow and St. Petersburg, they appeared in 1882

It is worth noting that the first telephone stations were manual - the compound was carried out by a telephone. But in 1879, American engineers of Connol and McTowt invented an automatic switch. Now people could reach each other, just gaining a room.

Start XX century. It is marked by the present telephone boom. All over the world, there was an active construction of telephone stations, which by 1910 became more than 10 thousand, and long-distance lines serving more than 10 million phones.

It turns out that in just some half a century, the phone has passed the way from the unless dream of inventors and enthusiasts to the most massive phenomenon, allowing millions of people to communicate at a distance. From this time, mankind can no longer imagine life without this apparatus. But when did he ever turn into a smartphone?

The emergence of mobile phones. History of modern smartphone

In 1969, world leaders of the telecommunications market began to think about improving the wired apparatus. They wanted every subscriber to have their own room, which would be relevant not only in the country where was decorated, but also abroad. The graduate of the Stockholm Technical School ESTEN Malkitolo was one of the first to whom such an idea came to mind. However, for the practical implementation of the concept of meakitolo, powerful technologies were required, which appeared only in the 1980s.

Therefore, only in 1983, Motorola was able to release the world's first cell phone. Although experimental calls from the prototype were made in the 1970s.

It was a tube weighing about 0.8 kg and dimensions of 22.5x12,5x3.75 cm. The battery allowed to communicate as long as 35 minutes, but it was accumulated a little more than 10 hours. Of course, S. modern devices Do not compare, but for that time it was a huge breakthrough.

Motorola has very quickly competitors who have become more advanced and intellectual models every time. So, over time, a calculator, alarm clock, calendar, camera and many other applications and functions appeared in the phone. In 2000 phones began to appear with operating systemwhat turned them into personal computers. Today, with a smartphone, you can not only call a friend or send a message. For him, it is primitive. It can establish communication with satellites, make large-scale pictures, play music, not to mention reading books, watch movies and working in multitasking mode.

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Before the appearance of the phones familiar to us, their prototypes existed. But the electric phones did not ride the achievements, they came to replace mobile (portable) phones that were widespread use.

Prototypes of the first phones

The ancient prototype of the phone existed at the Persian king in the sixth century BC. It was a service on which about thirty thousand people consisted. They were called the "royal ears" and, located within the limits of hearing on the guard towers and the tops of the hills, were transferred to the huge distances of the message of the king and orders from it. The distance that the message could be transmitted per day was approximately equal to the thirty-day transition.

It is also known about the prototype of the phone created in the 968th year in China by the inventor named Kung Fu-Ving. It transmitted sound with pipes. For many centuries, it is known about "rope" phones. The lack of sound transmission in such ways is the attenuation of sound oscillations at large distances. To use these non-election phones at large distances, do not do without intermediate items.

Who invented the first electric phone

For the first time, the word "phone" used Charles Bursel. They were developed built on the properties of electricity the idea of \u200b\u200btelephony, to work on which he began in 1849. The principle of action was set forth in 1854 in thesis, but the mechanical engineer never reached the practical application of his ideas.

The Italian inventor and scientist Antonio Meuchchi in the 1860s, having moved to the United States, conducted research and invented the device capable of transmitting sound on wires. Meuchchi called him a telejector. Soon this development of a little-known elderly inventor was aware of Western Union. Using the deplorable material situation of the Italian-researcher, this company bought all drawings from him and gave a promise to assist in the design of a patent. However, the second promise never was fulfilled. Meuchchi filed his own application, trying to patent the telecontrophone, but it was not satisfied.

In 1876, Bell Graham first issued a patent, called the inventor of the phone. Meuchchi has been suused for a long time, and only in 1887 the US court still recognized his championship in the invention. However, no less, the term of the Italian-inventor's patent by the time the expiration was exposed to the right of Western Union to continue the release of phones. So Meuchchi remained with anything and died in poverty.

It is known that there was no call in the patented Ball phone, the call was carried out through the tube through a whistle. It is known that he, being a religious person, believed in the ability through the phone to communicate with the souls of the deceased relatives.

First portable (portable) phone

The prototype of the first mobile phone is outwardly far from today's familiar small and lung devices. For the first time, the mobile phone was presented in 1973. He was cumbersome and hard, he worked from one battery, because of which his work was not very short. The cost of the first mobile phone turned out to be unacceptable for an ordinary citizen.

The inventor of the first submitted apparatus is Martin Cooper. It should be noted that by the time the creation of a mobile phone has already worked, several technical leading companies have already been working in parallel, nevertheless, Cooper managed to complete the work before others. Externally, the first mobile phone has more like a mobile taxiophone: a tube connected to the power source through a long wire. The device was in a large shoulder bag.

The very first phones

After the world saw the phone invented invented by Martin Cooper, it was invented about a dozen more various models. In the usual form for us, the phone was invented world famous company Motorola.. The first prototype could work about eight hours in standby mode and weighed about one kilogram.

The first commercial mobile phone is named Motorola Dynatac 8000x. He was able to remember thirty rooms, weighed eight hundred grams and cost almost four thousand dollars. His development has spent at least one hundred million dollars, work was carried out for about ten years. His battery was enough for only an hour of conversation, while charging continued as long as ten o'clock.

In 1989, the same company presented a new model - Motorola Microtac. She cost three thousand dollars. At that time, the device was considered the smallest mobile phone. Motorola in 1992 introduced a miniature model of a phone that was easily placed in human palm. Soon consumers saw the Nokia 1011 model, released by the famous Finnish company Nokia - it was a massive GSM telephone.

The first phone, connected to the PDA (the first communicator), was released by Bellsouth / IBM in 1993, and the first clamshell phone (which began to call a "frog"), produced the same Motorola in 1996.

Now they produce not only high-tech, but also insanely expensive gadgets. For example, iPhone 4 DiamondroseEdition costs more than 8 million dollars, but there are phones even more expensive. .
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TELEPHONEIf you understand this word literally (the body is far away, the background is sound), it was known long before our era.

In the Persian king Kira (VI century BC) there were about 30,000 people who were called "royal ears." People who have sensitive hearing and loud voice took place in this group.

Located on the tops of the hills and guard towers at some distance from each other, they were transmitted to the tsar message and its orders.

Greek historian Diodor Sicilian (I century BC) writes that the day of the news on such a telephone was transmitted to the distance of the thirty-day transition.

Julius Caesar mentions that Galla had a similar communication system. It also indicates the transfer rate of messages-100 km per hour.

Brown invention Bella

The electric phone leads its pedigree since 1875. His inventor Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) made his discovery almost by chance.

Bell worked on creating a multiplex telegraph - a device that would allow one wire to be transmitted simultaneously several telegrams.

Just shortly before that, in 1866, after several unsuccessful attempts, a transatlantic telegraph cable between Europe and America and the company, which lasted the cable was laid, was concerned about how to use it more efficiently.

A large award was announced to someone who comes up with a method of simultaneous transmission on one wire of several messages. That's the creation of such a telegraph and worked Bell.

Bell's receiving apparatus included several thin, elastic metal plates fixed from one end and located above the electromagnet.

The plates were different lengths, and each of them began to vibrate only at a certain current frequency. Currents of different frequencies were obtained using the same plates in the transmitted apparatus - vibrating, the plates burst the battery circuit.

On June 2, 1875, Bell and his assistant Watson were engaged in setting up their devices located in different rooms at a distance of about 18 meters. Watson, who spawned the transmission device, could not free one of the moving contacts that were fixed.

At the same time, he was inadvertently touched to other plates, which were published in touching rattling sounds. Bell, who had a thin hearing, heard a slight sound in the receiving device and rushed into the Watson room.

What did you do now? He asked his assistant excitedly. Watson explained.

Bell realized: the plate-contact in the transmitting device worked as a primitive membrane. The plate induced electromagnetic oscillations, which, in turn, entering the electromagnet of the receiving device, was forced to rattle the plate-contact of this device.

At that same evening, Watson received a task from Bella to make a telephone - the device for transmitting sounds to the distance. Therefore, on June 2, 1875, you can consider the birthday of the phone, although there was a while a lot of time passed before the phone "spoke" truly. For a long time, Bella's phone passed only individual sounds and did not want to transfer a coherent human speech.

In November 1875, Bell filed a request for his. In his phone, the transmitting and receiving devices were identical. Sound oscillations caused a vibration of a metal membrane.

These vibrations changed the magnetic field and created a continuously changing electric current into the electromagnation, which across the wires arrived in the receiving device and caused the membrane oscillations. These oscillations and gave birth to sound. Bella's phone allowed to talk at a distance of no more than a few kilometers.

Two hours after Bella, another inventor - E. Gray (1835-1901) appealed to the Patent Bureau (1835-1901).

This circumstance later served as a reason for numerous lawsuits directed against Bella. They were about 600, and all of them Bell won. The newspapers of those years were not surprised that Bella had to defend his invention in such numerous court sessions, which he won all these processes, although powerful telegraph and telephone companies were against him.

It should be noted that Bell filed his application for an already ready-made working device, while E. Gray wanted to patent the idea. On March 7, 1876, Bella was issued a patent, and after three days the inventor held another test of his child, finally convinced Bella in the performance of the device created by him.

This time Bell handed over to his phone assistant to connect the apartment with a laboratory located in the attic of the same house, phrase: "Says Bell. If you hear me, then go to the window and put me with a hat. "

At the next second, Bell saw Watson, leaning out of the window, mashed furiously. "Suitable! My phone is valid! " - joyfully shouted Bell.

The phone refers to the number of technical innovations that were immediately understood and appreciated by contemporaries. A large number of inventors rushed to improve and improve Bella's apparatus.

It is enough to say that by 1900 the number of patents, one way or another connected with the phone, exceeded three thousand.

Of these, it should be noted: the switchboard of the Hungarian inventor T. Pushkash (1877), a microphone designed by Russian engineers M. Makhalsky (1878) and regardless of him P. Golubitsky (1883), the first automatic switch K. A. Moscitsky (1887), the first Automatic station for 10,000 numbers S. M. Apostolova (1894) and the first PBX of the step system for 1,000 numbers S. I. Berdichevsky (1896).

As you can see, our compatriots have made a significant contribution to the development of telephony.

Shortly after the creation of the phone Bell lost interest to him and provided another opportunity to improve and improve his invention. Bell himself engaged in breeding sheep, aviation and hydrodynamics.

Great pleasure also delivered Bella to provide monetary assistance to young novice scientists - he was now a rich man and could afford it. But without the participation of Bella, his phone performed a triumphal march on the planet.

By the end of the XIX century, only in the USA there were more than one and a half million telephone sets, and on the day of the funeral of Bella, as a sign of farewell, 13 million phones were turned off with a great inventor for one minute in the United States.

Such is the history of the invention of the phone.

First telephone lines

The first telephone line in our country earned on June 8, 1881 in Nizhny Novgorod. Its length was 1,550 meters. In the same year, the construction of telephone stations in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Odessa began. Next year, they have entered the operating. At the stations were installed switches for 50 numbers each. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, 16 switches were established.

The first long-distance telephone line in our country was built in 1882 between St. Petersburg and Gatchina (52 km). The following long-distance communication lines were built between Petersburg and Peterhof (1883, 25 km) and between St. Petersburg and Tsarist Sale (1885, 28 km).

In the same 1885, the phone tied Moscow with some closest cities: Bogorodsky (now Noginsk), Khimki, Kolomny, Podolsky and Serpukhov. In 1893, a telephone line was extended between Odessa and Nikolaev (128 km), and in 1895 between Rostov-Na Donu and Taganrog (96 km). Finally, in 1898, under the guidance of an engineer A. A. Novitsky, a telephone line was built between Moscow and St. Petersburg (660 km).

After the invention, Radio Alexander Stepanovich Popov appeared radiotelephone. It was he who allowed to carry out in the first conversation between Europe and America through the Atlantic Ocean.

The first transatlantic telephone cable (TAT-1) earned in 1956. Its length is 3,620 km, and 102 amplifiers are built into it. Half of them work when transmitting a signal from east to west, another half - in the opposite direction.

In 1959, the second transatlantic telephone cable TAT-2 was laid, and by the end of 1963 there were already five of them. Currently, underwater cables cross the globe in many directions, and their total length reaches 200,000 km.

Nowadays, not only wired, cable and radio relay lines, but also communications satellites serve for long telephone communications.

Such, let's say, like the Soviet satellite of the "Lightning" series. The first "lightning" was launched on April 23, 1965, and by now the orbit has visited several dozen artificial satellites like "Lightning-1" and "Lightning-2".

These satellites are also intended for far radiotelephone communications, and for telegraph, and for phototelgraph, and for relaying television programs on the Orbit system.

Over the past decade, our globe has undergone noticeable changes. Telephone communications Everywhere became automatic, the era of "telephone ladies" ended.

Already became the usual automatic long-distance communication and even international. And behind it is not only the introduction of automata for connecting subscribers, but also a sharp increase in the number of channels on distant communication lines.

Because only with a large number of free channels can be calculated by typing the desired number of another city, do without endless signals "Busy". Modern coaxial cable allows you to simultaneously be almost 100 thousand conversations.

And ahead, perhaps, also completely new types of fiberglass cables. This "wires" for laser rays, with which you can transmit simultaneously to 100 million bilateral telephone conversations.

Continuously expands and herself telephone network, the number of her subscribers is growing. Only in our country more than a million new devices are added annually. The telephone connection penetrates into increasingly remote corners of the globe, and experts believe that by the two thousandth year from any telephone with the help of automatic communication, it will be possible to call any country to any city in the world.