LCD reform entrance. Housing and utility reform: general characteristics, relevant directions, information support reform

  • Conditions for the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund to facilitate the reform of housing and communal services
  • Regional address program for the overhaul of apartment buildings
  • Regional address program for resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock
  • The procedure for making decisions on the suspension of the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund

The modern stage of the reform of housing and communal services "Launched" by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ "On the Fund for Promoting Housing and Communal Services", which in order to create safe and favorable conditions for the residence of citizens, improving the quality of reforming housing and communal services, formation Effective mechanisms for managing the housing fund, the introduction of resource-saving technologies establishes the legal and organizational framework for the provision of financial support to the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities for the overhaul of apartment buildings, the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock by creating a non-profit organization that performs the functions of such financial support, determines The competence, the procedure for its creation and activity, regulates relations between the stated non-commercial organization, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

To achieve these goals, the state has created a state corporation - a fund for the help of reforming housing and communal services, which is at a no-free basis for listening functions:

  1. considers the applications submitted by the subjects of the Russian Federation for the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund;
  2. decides on the compliance of applications and attached to the documents of documents established requirements;
  3. decides on the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund on the basis of applications;
  4. makes a methodological support for training by the subjects of the Russian Federation applications and the documents attached to the applications;
  5. monitors the implementation of regional address programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings and regional address programs for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock, as well as the fulfillment of financial support provided for by this Federal Law at the expense of the Fund's funds;
  6. carries out other functions provided for by this Federal law.

Support tools are allocated to those regions and then municipalities that actually create a housing and communal services market. Encourage competition among management companies, support homeowners' partnerships, in general, carry out the main conditions of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ, according to which the housing and communal services of Russia is reformed.

In accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007, the N 185-FZ fund was to be valid until January 1, 2012 and to be liquidated, however, given the accumulated positive experience of his work, a number of changes were made providing for the extension of the Fund's expiration until January 1, 2026.

In accordance with the changes submitted by the Federal Law of December 25, 2012 N 270-FZ, the conditions and procedure for providing financial support at the expense of the Fund. In particular, the definition of emergency housing stock:

"Emergency Housing Fund - a set of residential premises in apartment buildings recognized in the prescribed manner until January 1, 2012 emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction due to physical wear in the process of their operation",

and to the conditions for the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund to facilitate the reform of housing and communal services include:

  • implementation of regional programs for the modernization of communal infrastructure systems;
  • the implementation of work on the formation and conduct of state cadastral accounting of land plots, on which apartment buildings are located;
  • carrying out activities related to the installation of collective (generalic) instruments of accounting for the consumption of resources required to provide utilities;
  • carrying out activities related to ensuring the implementation of the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings provided for by housing legislation,

as well as a number of some other activities aimed at improving the quality of reforming housing and communal services.

News on the topic

    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 44 and 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the general meeting of the owners of the premises in an apartment building is a management body of a multi-apartment house. Decisions of the general meeting of the owners of premises in an apartment building are accepted by a majority vote from the total number of votes participating in this meeting and are issued by protocols. The initiator of the meeting can be any owner of the room ...

    In accordance with the rules for the provision of utilities to the owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (hereinafter referred to as the rules) approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354, the owners and employers of residential premises in an apartment building are obligations under Payment of consumed utilities not only for individual consumption, but also by consumption of utility resources for generalic needs ...

The reform of housing and communal services has recently raises many issues from residents of apartment buildings. Answers almost everything can be found on the official website created with the support of the State Corporation Foundation for facilitating housing and communal services.

Housing and utilities reform Official website - Main page

There is information about which specifically areas concerns reorganization, what punishment measures are provided for management companies that do not comply with their responsibilities, what rights are the owners of housing and much more. The structure of the site is quite simple so that even the starting user of the Internet can figure it out.

LCD reform Official site - Sections

Main page - understand just

In the upper part, 7 windows are represented, the information of which displays the most important topics of the reform of housing and communal services.

What exactly can be found by clicking on the counts, inform the abstracts that are located on the left side of the main page of the reform of utilities of the official website. For example, in the Detection All about your home, information about your apartment building, a method of management, as well as a management company serving the MKD is posted. Here you can find information about the services that the company provides within its activities and works that are performed.

In order to learn this information, you need one click to go to the page where the graphs that must be fill out. The use of this information will allow you to be aware of the cases that implements the management company, to check them with reality.

Reform utilities Official site - find out all about your home

In general, information on housing and utilities reform is fully, and it is designed primarily to protect the interests of the owner of housing in an apartment building. Housing and utility reform The official website provides complete information regarding specific houses on topics such as resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and emergency housing, overhaul. Here are the information about all management companies that work in your area. And it is even possible to compare their rating for certain criteria.

Reform utilities Official site - resettlement from emergency house

To start using the site to fully, you should register, this procedure is simple, requiring a minimum of time. But after that, you will be available to the full range of portal features. Of course, you will have questions, you should not immediately add to the administrator to immediately, you can look into the certificate section where the most popular topics are collected, causing the visitors of the reform of utilities of the official website.

Reform utilities Official site - Question to housing and communal services

The same simple structure of the site has, which is popular, not less than presented.

Housing and utility reform Official website:

Many of the Criminal Code and citizens have already heard about a single portal of public services, as well as a subsection of GIS Housing and communal services. Now we suggest familiarizing yourself with another useful service.

Official website "Reform Housing and communal services", developed by the Specialists of the State Corporation Foundation for the Foundation for Housing Housing Reform.

This resource solves many paramount tasks:

  • You can familiarize yourself with organizations that carry out management of apartment buildings (Criminal Code, DZ, HOA);
  • Get operational information about the ranking of organizations managers to your LCD;
  • Also, the resource is also constant monitoring of the resettlement of citizens from emergency and dilapidated housing;
  • Monitoring the management of high-quality utilities and the execution of regional overhaul programs.

In this article, we will completely analyze the entire structure of the site, learn how to work with the personal office of the portal Public Up reform, we will give useful tips.

How to find on the Internet and enter the official website

Let's start with the Azov. In order to find the Internet utility reform site on the Internet, you need to run any browser, it is usually used that you use most often.

  • Using the Yandex or Google search system, enter a request in the search bar: "Housing and utilities reform". The result should look like in the picture below.
  • Please note: usually the upper lines of the search results occupy references to the official state project.

    Also, to facilitate navigation, Yandex can offer additional links, such as login in your personal account.

    Another important moment - before moving to the site, be sure to make sure that the link is similar to this: This will help avoid fraudulent sites, and clone sites.

    • Next you can feel free to click on the desired link, and you will forward you to the portal's main page.

    That's how it should look. (Independent moment: data are relevant for August 2018)

    • Another simple way to get to the official project page is the transition to this link. Simply copy it, and insert a browser to the address bar.
    In order to constantly not look for this resource on the Internet, we advise just add it to the bookmarks. So it will be much easier and will not take a lot of time.

    Registration on the portal - Create a personal account

    So, you switched to the official portal, got acquainted with its structure and now is the time to register here.

    The "Registration" button is located in the upper right corner of the site.

  • Location of the "Registration" button
    • After clicking, you will forward you to another page where you will need to make contact information in the form field: Login and password.

    • Filling Template "Registration"

      Please note: after you filled out the form and made all the necessary data, be sure to check their correctness. Otherwise, after activating UZ, there will be impossible to change them.

    • Please note: if you do not redirect the link in the letter, to activate the account from the personal account of the official website of the Housing and utilities reform, you can copy the link specified in the picture and paste it into the address bar of the browser.

      After that, you must redirect to the page with the message about the successful activation of your ultrasound.

    • The window confirming the account is excellent! Now you have full access to all resources on the official portal for housing and utilities reform.

      What can be done on the portal without registration

      Now we will deal with the general functionality and navigation on the site.

      If you carefully look at the services on the main page of the portal, immediately attracts attention to the search string "Find your home". An example is presented on the screen.

    • What looks like a string "Find your home"

      With this service, you can find the address of the house or the buildings that you want to get the necessary information.

    • Here it is necessary to specify the address of the location of the house, which you want to know the information.

      And, after clicking on the "Search" button, you will see a similar result:

    • Despite the fact that the portal in its current execution implies quite wide opportunities, they are available only to administrators from the Criminal Code. The usual user can receive services for tracking the quality of contracting organizations.

      How to enter the address of the house right?

      If you have difficulty in entering an object address on the site, we will give a simple, but effective advice as you can enter the address of the house.

      Initially, the area should be selected, in some cases it will be necessary to specify the settlement or region. Next, choose in the list of the street, the house number \\ build, etc.

      In the event that the search displays the result that this object will not find, expand the zone. That is, specify the area \\ city in the conditions, and the street and the house already select after the resource shows the results found.

      You will also get the opportunity to comment on the search results, call the hotline, search for contact telephones serving UK.

      Entrance to your personal account and service with the service

      Above, we reviewed the possibilities of the portal of the utility reform without entering the personal account. Now let's start the most interesting.

      So, we assume that your account has already activated, as we wrote earlier.

      How to enter your personal account:

      • On the main page of the site, click the "Login" button as indicated in the picture. In the modal window that opens, we enter a login and password.
        • Enter the credentials for authentication.

          • In the event that all entered data is correct, the system will forward to the main page of the personal account.

          • Menu of personal cabinet housing housing

            After you entered your personal account, the user will be presented a wider resource functionality.
            Upon top panel, we have the following items:

            • In My Home mode The user can get information about a residential room, how many square meters has an object, who is served (which CC) and when the last time was scheduled repairs.
            • MODER MY GENERAL Allows you to familiarize yourself with information with all service and managers of your region, as well as how specifically the Criminal Code holds the required object on the balance sheet. Also, there is information about the head of the company, its INN, as well as the ratings of the Criminal Code in relation to other organizations.
            • What concerns tabs "Resettlement of citizens"Here it is proposed to familiarize information, about those residential premises, apartment buildings, etc., which in the near future are assumed to be resettlement due to their emergency condition, or planned renovation.
            • If you switch your personal account on Bookmark "Overhaul"You will have the opportunity to look and analyze information about the current and planned major repairs of your region. It is worth noting that current repair work may well be carried out at the requests of HOA and ordinary citizens with sufficient funding. Periodic and current reporting of contractors firms are published.
            • Tab "Communal Infrastructure" Allows the user to obtain data on when the introduction of a particular communal object is scheduled. What is the current state of infrastructure facilities in general. This mode should increase the transparency of the implemented large-scale projects and the overall quality of the communal services provided to the population. There are summary information on current and planned indicators.
            • If you have a desire to get acquainted with the results of various programs implemented by the authorities, then you should look at section "Analytics". Here you are waiting for information about the resettlement of crashes from emergency fund, indicators of the submissible utilities, statistics on the funds spent. Everything is presented very affordable.
            • Reference information on working with service, similar description of the functionality of the site, video lessons, answers to the most common questions posted in the "Help" section. It also has the opportunity to contact the administration and technical service of the project.

            Why did the portal (site) "reform utilities"

            on the pages of our site, we already consider the second project dedicated to the communal economy of the Russian Federation.

            This site was created to increase the transparency of the work of management companies, so that the usual user of the Internet would have the opportunity to independently control the various aspects of the work of serving organizations. Find out what state is his residential property.

            The website of the utility reform was created by order of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the implemented decree, all organizations that are managed by apartment buildings should publish on the Internet on the special resource data on their activities.

            That is, anyone must be able to have an opportunity to get acquainted with the results of economic activity of its Criminal Code or HOA.

            The main purpose of the site is the disclosure of data on the works of serving organizations and DED, public control over the resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing.


            Tightening legislation in the field of housing and communal services, as well as increasing the transparency of the management of management companies and leads to the creation and implementation of such projects at the federal level.

            Also, a realized opportunity for residents of the Russian Federation to contact the DEZ services to solve problems in online mode, as well as write applications and complaints to the supervisory authorities, significantly reduce the time to write written claims. Another substantial plus is a real decrease in queues in the offices of service organizations.

            Unfortunately, there are still disadvantages currently.:

            • This project in its current form is implemented to a greater extent on the Criminal Code and Dhase.
            • When registering the user is still quite small functionality. Expandable authority is expanding only from administrators of the Criminal Code.
            • The user has enough public functional even without registering on the resource.
            • There is no possibility to pay for utilities through the site reform site.

            Reform housing and utilities - The automated information system was created by order of the Foundation for the Foundation for Housing HCLCs, focused on monitoring regional programs for resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, overhaul programs of apartment buildings.

            2017: Service creation service management organization

            In the Information System "Reform utilities" in the spring of 2017, a free service has appeared - creating a website management organization. It allows the management company, the HOA, the HSCC create your site in a few minutes based on the data system already entered.

            For users, features such as the placement of the news of the organization, any additional information in the form of text, links, files and images, as well as feedback, allowing residents to send a message to representatives of the management organization.

            The site address on the Internet administrator administrator is chosen independently. At the same time, the full address of the site of the organization created using this service will be the following form:

            Two template appearance of the site are available. In the near future, the use of the third template will be available.

            The rights to create or remove the site will belong to administrators and operators of the management organization.

            - Such a service is oriented, first of all, the management organizations for which the creation and support of their own Internet resource is an expensive event. In addition, it can also be useful for large organizations as a "website-business card," said Svetlana Bakulev's Deputy Header of Housing and Communal Services of Housing and Commier Fund.

            Create a website of its management organization and get acquainted with the capabilities of this service in the work area of \u200b\u200bthe reform of utilities in the "My Sites" section.

            2016: Housing and utilities reform 2.0

            During the modernization, a functional block - "communal infrastructure" appeared, which brings together information on the projects of municipal infrastructure implemented with the participation of the Fund. The list includes 39 projects in spheres of drainage, heat supply, water supply, TKO circulation. The implementation of approved modernization projects will improve the quality and reliability of communal services in more than 2,900 settlements in which about 2 million 320 thousand people live.

            The "Resettlement of Citizens" block is complemented by the service of the supply of appeals indicating specific disadvantages of the quality of residential premises, as well as appeals on the unreliability of information on resettlement. The section published information about apartment buildings recognized by emergency after 01.01.2012 (list, state of settlement, documents).

            The logic check mechanism is launched while saving the card of the corresponding object, which eliminates the possible errors and enter distorted data.

            Application " Reform housing and utilities"Developed by Barç Group, a subsidiary of the National Center for Informatization of GK" Rostech ", in March 2017 became available on the IOS and Android platforms.

            Mobile application allows you to get topical information about 1.2 million houses in any city of the Russian Federation. The user will be able to quickly clarify the contacts of the management organization, to view the main information about the passport of the house (commissioning date, the stage of construction readiness, the number of residents, floors, entrances, etc.). The application also contains data on the implementation of the overhaul program in the house (information on the assessment of the funds of owners, the year of the last overhaul, the composition of the planned and planned work) and data on emergency and building houses with information on the progress of resettlement.

            The application also allows you to communicate with residents of the house, receive various news with the help of a tape, upload and view photos. The developers of the Bars Group made the application interface clear and convenient, did not overload graphic elements, which ensured a quick display of screen forms. Navigation elements are performed in a user-friendly form.


            In 2008 it became known about the creation of an automated information system [" reform of housing and communal services"]

            The "Reform Housing Reform" was developed on the order of the Housing and Communal Services Fund and is used to monitor regional resettlement programs from emergency housing, the overhaul programs of apartment buildings, information disclosure by organizations, managing apartment buildings.

            Information on the implementation of regional capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings is posted in the system by authorized representatives of the executive authorities in the field of housing and communal services of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of the order of September 2, 2014 N 520 / PR of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation " On the forms of monitoring and reporting implementation by the subjects of the Russian Federation regional overhaul of common property in apartment buildings. "

            System window screenshot (2015)

            All data related to the implementation of this program are in public domain on the website in the "Overhaul" section and are displayed as provided by the subjects of the Russian Federation.

            On November 24, 2015, the input and processing of data in the Fund information system provide 11 thousand specialists in more than 5 thousand municipalities of 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

            Specialists of the Housing and Communal Services Fund daily as needed to provide technical support and advice to all users of the information system. Detailed instructions for using the system are designed and accessible to all of its users.

            The Foundation regularly conducts webinars on work in the AIS "Reform of Housing Hospital", for consulting employees of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities, a separate telephone line and an email address are allocated.

            Automated information system "Housing and utility reform" - a key element of the monitoring system of the implementation of the implementation of the overall repairs of common property in apartment buildings. In order to ensure the maximum information openness according to the information system "Reform utilities", the Housing and Communist Party Foundation issues a monthly newsletter on the implementation of regional overhaul programs, which is sent to the media.

            The reform of utilities in Russia is not a new concept and most Russians have already become acquainted with the process of its implementation. And whether all citizens know that it is worth the concept of "reform of housing and communal services", how long will it continue and what is the ultimate goal of the entire program? We will respond to these and many important issues as part of the topic "All about housing and utilities reform".

            The concept of housing and communal services

            It is a complex of enterprises and services for servicing the population of cities, villages, etc.

            LCQ (housing and communal services) are services provided to consumers living in a housing stock in order to ensure comfortable living conditions.

            The composition of the communal services includes:

            1. Power supply.
            2. Water supply (hot and cold).
            3. Water disposal.
            4. Lift economy.
            5. Collection, export and disposal of garbage.
            6. Heat supply (heating).
            7. Gas supply.
            8. Cleaning common seats.
            9. Repair of houses (capital and current).
            10. Repair of engineering communications.
            11. Content, improvement and cleaning of nearby territories.

            The composition of utility services provided to the consumer depends on the degree of improvement of the house.

            to the menu

            Comprehensive program of modernization and reform of housing and communal services for 2010-2020

            The main objectives and directions of this program:

            1. By 2020, providing residents of apartment buildings at the same time high-quality and affordable communal services.
            2. Improve competitive relations in the field of management and service of the Housing Fund, namely, to create partnerships of housing owners (HOA) and managers.
            3. Transfer subsidies and benefits for paying housing and utilities in monetary form.
            4. Actively introduce a system for saving resources and energy. Install accounting devices.

            Reform utilities. general information

            Housing and communal services reform is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation and implies the modernization of the entire housing and communal services of the country.

            During the period of economic reforms, the physical wear of the housing and utilities property has achieved quite large sizes. Approximate numbers are as follows:

            • Communal network of water supply - 65%.
            • Boiler rooms - 55%.
            • Thermal networks are 63%.
            • Water pumping stations - 65%.
            • Electrical networks - 58%.
            • Sewerage - 56%.
            • Claimed water supply facilities - 54%.

            According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of 13.08.2006, the apartment building is the collective property of all owners of the premises. It turns out that the tenants of the apartments are owned by the house as a whole, and not just their living area. And, therefore, they must be responsible for its condition and timely carry out overhaul.

            The main problem here was the fact that homes were transferred to owners in an extremely poor condition. The overhaul was required for the huge amounts, which the owners were not. Also, the tenants had no management skills.

            The main conductor of reform was the state corporation - the Fund to facilitate the reform of housing and communal services. He was created by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2007. In 2007, more detailed information regarding the work of the Fund we will post in the second half of the article.

            to the menu

            Directions of the implementation of reform

            The main directions for the implementation of the reform of housing and communal services are determined:

            1. Translation of the branch of utilities in the framework of market relations.
            2. Attracting private business.
            3. Getting rid of the industry from monopolies.
            4. Stimulating competition.
            5. Improving the quality of KOM.S. Service.
            6. Modernization of the utility complex.
            7. Formation of the Institute of Effective Owner.
            8. Moving residents from emergency housing.
            9. Conduct major repairs of apartment buildings.
            10. The introduction of energy-efficient technologies.
            11. Support for preferential segments of the population, the implementation of social protection.

            Foundation for promoting the reform of housing and communal services

            The State Corporation "Foundation for the Reform Reform" is a non-profit organization to create favorable and safe living conditions of citizens, as well as stimulating the reform of housing and communal services, the formation of effective mechanisms for managing housing and resource-saving technologies through the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund.

            The initial contribution to the budget of the Fund in December 2007 amounted to 240 billion rubles. It was carried out at the expense of additional revenues of the state. 15 billion rubles in 2010 was also allocated.

            In addition, the Foundation for helping the reform of Housing and communal services in order to finance regional overhaul and resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock uses revenues from posting temporarily free funds. More than 11 billion rubles were already sent to the regions.

            Initially, the reform assistance fund was to be valid until January 1, 2013, after which he threatened liquidation. However, it was decided to extend its activities until 2015. On July 24, 2013, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the law on the extension of the Fund before January 1, 2018.

            FUND FUNCTIONS FOR APPLICATION OF REFORTING Housing housing and communal services:

            1. Consideration of applications submitted by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to provide financial support at the expense of the Fund
            2. Decisions on the compliance with the requirements of applications and the documents attached to them in accordance with Federal Law No. 185-FZ.
            3. Decisions on the provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund based on applications.
            4. The implementation of methodological support for the preparation of applications and the documents attached to them on the part of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
            5. Monitoring the implementation of regional address programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings.
            6. Implementation of monitoring on conducting regional address programs for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock.
            7. Implementation of monitoring the implementation of financial support provided for by this Federal Law at the expense of the Fund.
            8. The implementation of other functions provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ "On the Fund to promote the reform of housing and communal services".

            to the menu

            Providing financial support

            The Foundation for helping the reform of housing and communal services provides financial support for the implementation of regional address programs, namely, it allocates funds:

            1. On the overhaul of apartment buildings.
            2. For the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, taking into account the need to stimulate the development of the housing market (period of: from December 1, 2008 until the end of 2009).
            3. For the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing.
            4. For the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, taking into account the need to stimulate the development of low-rise construction (the period of the holding: from March 10, 2010 in accordance with the Federal Law 25-ФЗ).
            5. The provision of financial support at the expense of the Fund to implement measures to support monoprofyl municipalities considered by the Board of the Fund.

            to the menu

            Organization of residential owners

            A partnership owners of housing (HOA) is one of the forms of management of an apartment building. In fact, the HOA is an organization to ensure harmonious home service. The partnership may include both one house and several quarters.

            Upon joining the HOA, the owner assumes obligations to participate in the life of his home. It must attend the collections held in obligatory.

            To create a home owner partnership, 50% of votes are needed + at least one voice from above. The tenants not entered in HOA automatically deprived the rights of votes. However, this fact does not remove obligations from them to fulfill the decisions adopted in general meetings of the HOA.

            To create a HOA need:

            1. Create an initiative group. As a rule, it includes 5-6 people and chairman.
            2. Contact the district administration with a statement in which items should be specified about the provision of a list of apartments with an indication of the area of \u200b\u200beach of them and information about the property, as well as on the approval of the candidacy of the city representative in the future HOA to participate in the organizing video and further work of the partnership. In the remaining items, the wishes of tenants can be reflected.
            3. Prepare for the meeting. Prepare and explore the charter of the HOA and the approximate protocol of the General Assembly. Prepare voting sheets to determine the "Agenda". The agenda must include no more than five questions.
            4. Inform all owners of the meeting.
            5. To conduct a general meeting, during which you should choose a method of management (on your own or with the involvement of professionals) and take the charter.
            6. Registration of HOA. To do this, contact the Office of the Federal Registration Service and submit a statement of state registration, the original or certified copy of the Protocol of the General Assembly, the Charter of the Partnership in two copies and the receipt of the payment of state duty for registration.
            7. Conduct the transfer of the house to the management of the HOA. The house is transmitted by the act of acceptance and application with the application of technical documentation for the building, according to the technical operations of the Housing Fund.

            to the menu