Reso Guarantee School of agents. Entrance to your personal account reso-insurance

Appendix No. 3 to the Policy No. Mi 000000 from "__" _______ 200__. Conditions for the provision of medical services within the framework of voluntary health insurance These terms of the provision of medical services are compiled in accordance with the "Rules of Medical Insurance of Citizens" OSAO "Reso-Guarantee" and are an integral part of the treaty. Insurance case is the conversion of the insured person during the term of the insurance contract to the medical institution from among the insurance contract provided for in acute disease, exacerbation of chronic disease, injury and other accidents for receiving assistance requiring medical services within their list provided for by the insurance contract. Insurance is not accepted by citizens who are registered in the anesthetical, psycho-neurological, anti-tuberculous, skin-venereological, oncological and other dispensaries, the prevention and control centers and the fight against AIDS, as well as persons with disabilities I and II groups. 1. 1.1. Insurance case is not: pathological conditions and injuries arising from the insured in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as as a result of criminal actions of the insured; Treatment of the consequences of narcotic and alcohol intoxication; 1.2. intentional causing insured injuries; suicide attempt; 1.3. malignant oncological diseases, as well as their complications, malignant blood and lymph disease; any tumors of the nervous system; 1.4. Particularly dangerous infections (natural suite, plague, Siberian ulcer, cholera, raw tit; viral hemorrhagic fevers); 1.5. HIV infection; venereal diseases; urogenital infections (examination in excess of the specified volume and treatment); 1.6. mental illness and their consequences; epilepsy; drug addiction, alcoholism; 1.7. Professional diseases; acute and chronic radiation disease; 1.8. tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, fibrosis, psoriasis, deep myoses; 1.9. hepatitis, liver cirrhosis; renal / liver failure, requiring hemodialysis; 1.10. diseases requiring complex and / or reconstructive surgical treatment, transplantation, implantation, prosthetics, plastic surgery and their complications, orthopedic operations, if otherwise provided in the contract; 1.11. diabetes mellitus I and II types and its complications; 1.12. congenital anomalies and malformations of development; hereditary and genetic diseases; 1.13. infertility; impotence; 1.14. systemic diseases of the connective tissue (including rheumatic diseases and their consequences); 1.15. Demyelinizing diseases of the nervous system. 2. OSAO "DIO-WARRANTY" does not reimburse the cost of medical services provided to the Insured person, unless otherwise specified in the insurance program: 2.1. Any appointments without medical testimony, or prescribed LPU doctors not included in the insurance program; 2.2.Medical care at home, the implementation of medical services at home in the absence of medical testimony; 2.3. Methods of traditional diagnosis: iridodiagnostics, auriculodyagnicity, acupuncture diagnostics, pulsodiagnostics, etc.; Treatment of traditional medicine methods: energy-informatics, zubotherapy, electric pumping, hirudotherapy, experimental / author's methods of treatment and diagnostics, in respect of which reliable remote positive results were obtained; Fitotherapy, homeopathy; D-ka according to the method of Fall; PET etc.; 2.4. services provided in preventive (including in dentistry), cosmetic (including in dentistry), health purposes (including the treatment of osteochondrosis outside the exacerbation), preventive massage, specific immunotherapy; simulators, water procedures, monitoring intestinal cleaning, sauna, solarium, balnese care, etc.; 2.5. Extracorporeal methods of treatment: Laser therapy, ozone therapy, UFO blood, plasmopheresis, hemosorption; hyper-, hypo - and norvobaric oxygenation; thermotherapy; alpha capsule, shock-wave therapy; 2.6. services of the psychotherapist, hypnosis; 2.7. Weight correction, speech; vision correction using laser surgery methods; 2.8. contraception; artificial insemination; 2.9. pregnancy (except consulting a gynecologist up to 8 weeks); pathology of pregnancy, abortion, with the exception of the forced interruption of pregnancy, which was a consequence of an accident; If pregnancy occurred during the insurance contract, the Agreement maintains its force only with regard to diseases not related to pregnancy, childbirth and their complications; 2.10. Diagnostics, treatment, procedures, plastic operations conducted with aesthetic / cosmetic goal or to improve the psychological state of the insured including about skin diseases (papillomas, warts, mollusks, neules, acne, etc.). ; 2.11. In dentistry: all types of prosthetics and preparation for it (with the exception of cases when the need for prosthetics arose as a result of an accident that occurred during the insurance contract, which will be confirmed by documented), the use of thermophilic, intra-channel pins, surgery periodontal diseases, orthodontics; depotheres; Teeth implantation. 2.12. hospitalization in the chamber of increased comfort, the services of the day hospital, the hospital of one day (in the absence of the insured in the risk program "hospital planned and emergency"); hospitalization to obtain trustess care or rehabilitation treatment; 2.13. Expert with the aim of issuing certificates for travel, on the right to weeping weapons, for employment, to visit sports and recreational activities; For admission B. educational establishments; for check-out abroad; to acquire banking and other insurance products; 2.14. Coverage of expenses for expensive drugs 1 and consumable material (except for reanior measures), glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, implants, prostheses, additional medical devices and devices, incl. required during operational intervention; as well as other corrective devices and devices, including the costs of fitting; 2.15. Services related to the preparation and conduct of manipulations, the treatment of diseases listed in P.P. 1, 2. and / or not provided for by the insurance program. 3. If the term of the contract is over, and the treatment for the acute current disease is not completed, the insurer assumes the cost of paying medical services in emergency hospitalization: before extracting from the hospital, but not exceeding the number of hospital days, a stipulated insurance program. 4. If it has been established that the insurance contract is concluded for persons having a disease from among those specified clause 1 or having the I-II group of disability, as well as in the primary identification of these diseases or establishing the insured I-II group of disability during the term of the contract Insurance, the OSAO "Reso-Warranty" pays for medical services provided by the insured until the diagnosis is established or the I-II group of disability. In the future, OSAO "Resogaranti" has the right to remove such an insured with insurance with the notice of this insured and the insured. In 1 expensive drugs - the cost of 1 drug on 1 treatment exceeds four minimum wages (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 328 of 08.23.99). The size of the minimum welfare is considered to be equal to the established Federal Law of 19.06.2000 N 82-ФЗ at the date of commencement of the course of treatment, these persons may only be insured if the above circumstances disappeared and upon presentation of the insured official documents confirming this fact. Insurer ________________________ Insured ______________________

"Quick Start Guide of the User Training Port of Reso Training portal Reso is a specialized corporate ..."

Quick Start Guide

Training portal RESO

Training portal Reso is a specialized corporate

website providing access to the remote system

training personnel reso-warranty.

Main task Distance learning system (DDO) -

give opportunity to agents and managers of reso

consolidate your knowledge of the insurance products of the company, and

get an objective self-esteem of the level of these knowledge.

And the motherboard can be used when it is convenient and where it is convenient. You can enter the EDO from a computer in the agency, from home, from your laptop or going to an Internet cafe. Work in the CDO is intuitive, accessible and informative.

We hope that EDO will be familiar, necessary and convenient service for an agent that increases the efficiency of its work.

1. Entrance to the training portal.

To enter the studio portal, the reso is necessary:

1. On a computer running Microsoft Windows. XP or Vista connected to the Internet, run Brouser Microsoft Internet Explorer. version 5.0 or higher (it is already in standard set programs on your computer).

The efficiency of the CDO when using other operating systems (Linux, Mac OS) or other Internet browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) is not guaranteed!

2. In the address bar, enter: Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

The entrance to computers in the Agencies of St. Petersburg is put on the desktop and marked the "Training Portal" label.

Running the study portal is carried out double click For this label.

3. As a login, enter your partner's digital code (agent code). This is your constant login, it does not change in the future.

The efficiency of the CDO when using other operating systems (Linux, MacOS) or other Internet browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) is not guaranteed!

4. If you enter the same time first time, enter 123 as a password. The system will prompt you to change the password - enter your own password that you will be used hereinafter. Note - the password must be entered twice to avoid input errors. Remember or write down and save the password in a safe place, inaccessible to outsiders.

The password must contain at least 5 characters (numbers or letters). Do not use 123 as a password, your password to a corporate network or password access to the Modern Agent information system.

5. SDO will offer you to enter again - log in with your login and with the password you saved. With this login and password, enter the motherboard and in the future click on the entry into account

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A situation may occur when when you try to enter the training portal, the user will receive a message that its recording is locked, and it is necessary to write to write about it by e-mail [Email Protected]By specifying a person partner's code in a letter to whom you need to log in.

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Training courses. Courses are designed to receive or refreshing knowledge according to the appropriate subject.

The system contains several types of courses:

On insurance products RESO (these courses have a code starting with RESO) on general management skills (code begins with MNG) information technologies (The code begins with IT) You can independently choose and assign yourself to the passage of any course that is in the "Recommended Courses" list. To do this, at the bottom of the main page, find a list of recommended courses and click the "Start learning" button opposite the selected course.

According to some products, two versions are created (for Moscow and St. Petersburg, taking into account regional facilities of tariffing) - be careful and choose the version of your city.

After you have clicked the "Start learning" button in front of the selected course, in the updated window you see the list of heads of the training course (sometimes the course consists of one chapter). Click the inscription "Start" opposite the selected chapter.

After that, in a separate pop-up window, a training module consisting of slides is loaded (the number of slides is displayed at the bottom of the window).

At this stage, depending on internet Settings Explorer on your computer, the system can block pop-up windows. If this happened, in the "Service" menu - "blocking pop-up blocks" - "blocking parameters of pop-up windows". Make the site to the list of web sites that have permission.

Also, in the "SERVICE" menu - "Observer Properties" - "Security" - "Nodes" Uncheck "For the nodes of this zone, the servers check (https :)" is required and enter the site to the list of reliable nodes.

This setting is done once, and with further work with the EDD, it does not have to repeat.

The module consists of text material, complemented by schemes, drawings, photographs, animated elements.

Regulatory documents are attached to each course:

Technical description Product, insurance rules, samples of forms that are referenced in the relevant courses.

You can move around the slides using the "Back" and "Next" buttons located in the lower right corner of the slide. The system does not allow you to "run forward" and skip several slides - they must be passed consistently. But you can contact you who have already passed at any time - for this at the bottom of the slide, click on the corresponding slide to which you want to go, a green rectangle in

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After passing each of the sections, you respond to several check questions that show how much you learned the material presented. The response time to each question is limited, the time indicator is at the bottom of the screen. For each question, several options for answers are offered, of which you need to choose all the correct.

Check Questions B. training course Designed exclusively for self-test, the response results are not used for any estimated procedures. Therefore, you are granted feedback Regarding the right and incorrect answers.

After selecting all the correct, in your opinion, click on the "Check the answer" button on the left below in the test block. If the answer is incorrect - you are given another attempt to answer the same question.

Choosing the right one, according to the student, response

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At the end of the test, you are displayed a summary information about your results of test-self-test.

You can interrupt the passage of training at any stage by closing the window (pressing the green, and not a red cross in the upper right corner of the module window).

Back to the list of designated courses you can in two ways:

By clicking on the word "courses - ..." in the upper right corner of the main window (under your name) or in the main menu (horizontal green) by selecting "Current Training" Active Electronic Courses "

When you restart the courses, you will find yourself on the same slide in the know, where they finished the day before.

Control tests. After passing the e-course, or without it, you must pass the control testing of the courses that you are assigned. Tests are appointed by the Center for Personnel Training in accordance with the training plans.

You can get into the list of assigned tests in two ways:

By clicking on the word "tests - ..." in the upper right corner of the main window (under your name) or in the main menu (horizontal green), choosing "current training" active tests "

Each agent should pass (i.e., to gain a final score at least passing) for each insurance product of the reso, presented on the study portal. Delivered test is valid for 1 year.

Periodically come out new versions of tests (versions have the code of the type GHMMDD - i.e. the release date of the version). If you are assigned a new version Dough, and you successfully passed the test on this product successfully - you decide whether to take testing now.

The test consists of a set of questions that are generated randomly.

Before the start of testing in the information window, the duration of the time duration is reported (as a rule - 1 hour). Only those answers that were given during the appointed time are counted.

For each question is given by one attempt to answer. You have the opportunity to go through a test 3 times and improve your result. At the end of each test, a table with the number of scored points is displayed.

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After receiving information about the number of scored points on the test, the test window must be closed by clicking on the green cross in the upper right corner of the test window and confirming the completion of the test. Wait a few seconds until the system updates the screen - at this point, the protocol of your testing is transmitted to the central database. Premature closure of the test window or DDO can lead to the fact that the result of the dough will not be counted!

After transferring the protocol on the test results, the screen takes the following form:

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For each test you are given 3 attempts, it is taken into account as the final result, the maximum result of them.

The results of passing courses and tests can be seen by entering the "Learning Archive" menu

3. Other useful resources of the training portal The site has a forum, both common and separate on each exchange rate, where you can express your opinion about the work of the training portal, ask all the questions you are interested in to the head of the portal and make your suggestions and wishes.

Your active feedback will allow us to quickly improve the work.

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The reso-warranty is a company specializing in the provision of insurance policies of different focus. The range of services includes car insurance, health, life, property, as well as cargo insurance and other values. On the company's home-warranty website, multifunctional settlement services are offered for the convenience of the client.

With their help, you can calculate the estimated cost of each of the types of insurance, based on the selected type of policy. All this and much more is provided in the Personal Office of the user, so it is important to know how to register in it.

Calculate the cost of each type of insurance without re-entering data, as well as buy an online policy in the Personal Warranty Internet Service Personal Account. Registration and entrance to the personal account of the Insurance will be possible after the direct transition to the link

On the page that opens, click on the "Registration for Individuals" button.

When insuring property of a private enterprise, it is important to choose the "Registration for legal entities" button.

To register through the main site you need to go to the address
After switching to the main page, click on the "Establish online" window.

The visitor will go to the registration page in the official personnel of the RESO. When you select any of the ways to go to the authentication page, a single form for filling is opened before the client.

Creating a personal office for an individual

The registration form for authentication in the personal office of the individuality is two pages. One of them includes basic information about the client: citizenship, series and passport number, full name, floor, contact details, date of birth, registration address in Russia.

After the data enters the data, the potential client must agree to the processing of personal data. The site has a service that protects against hacker attacks, because for further filling it is necessary to introduce recapacle. Subject to the filling of all relevant forms, a gray button in the left corner of the form will change the color to green. It should be clicked on it to go to the next level of registration in the personal account of the RESO Insurance.

On the second page, the user has the ability to re-check the correctness of the data entry and, if necessary, change them by clicking on the appropriate button. In the window below in the Login field, the phone number will appear, which will be used to log in to the personal account of the reso-warranty. For individual comfort, the client has the right to change the phone number to any digital or alphabetic combination. The password is entered below twice, as well as the contact email.

Only numbers and Latin letters can be used to enter a login and password.

To confirm registration, you must enter two codes that can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate buttons at the bottom of the form. Combinations will come on specified room Cell and E-mail. It is important to remember that from the moment of requesting a code combination, enter it is required for 30 seconds. After successful data entry, click on the "Register" button. Internet service reso insurance will send a client to email or mobile phone Authorization data.

Creating a personal account for a legal entity

The company provides an opportunity to buy an insurance policy of the RESO on the company's website for private entrepreneurs. On the Personal Cabinet website to authenticate a private enterprise requires "Registration for legal entities".

In the window that appears, you need to make all the required data. Upon completion of the filling, you must confirm the data check by the introduction of characters from the picture.

After successful verification, the client proceeds to the second registration stage, where necessary, as in the case of the registration of individuals, enter the login, twice specify the invented password, enter the address email. After that, the registration is confirmed by code combinations from SMS to mobile, as well as from the message to e-mail. At the end of the procedure, the service sends authorizational data to enter the personal account to the specified details.

Registration in the client's personal account through the Public Services portal

The system involves a simpler way to register the user in the personal office of the reso-warranty. In the case of registration through the "state services" it is necessary to have a confirmed account on the portal. You can register when using the public resource through the login form in the Person's Personal Cabinet on the page. There you should click on the button "Entry through ESIA (State Services)".

Next, it will be necessary to confirm the consent to the provision of personal data of the company's re-guarantee. In the form that appears, you will need to confirm the registration. After the data is entered, the user is automatically registered as a client of the reso-warranty.


Buy electronic policy or make calculation of the cost of an insurance policy online in a personal profile. When re-authentication in the Personal Accaster it is necessary to go to the site In a new window, specify the details for the input, and then enter the resulting one-time password for the phone. It is important to remember that 120 seconds are provided to the introduction of a one-time password.

After specifying all the necessary data, the "Login" button will become active, which will allow you to go to an individual account by pressing it.
You can also log in to the personal account of the reso-warranty through the "State Service" portal. To do this, choose "Entry through ESIA (public services)" and go to a personal profile on the portal.

Restoration of details to enter your personal account

You can buy a policy field on the company's website after switching to your personal account. If the authorization data was lost, they can be restored by choosing the "Restore password" button in the form.

After automatic check This information Internet service reso-warranty will send a disposable password to enter your personal account. After it is introduced, the user should come up with a new password.

Personal Cabinet Functionality

An authorized user during the transition to the individual account of the reso-warranty can not only view information relating to the acquired services, but also calculate the cost of buying a new policy, as well as order its delivery. Emboss and buy online insurance of the reso can after registering in an individual profile.

The data that is entered during the identification authentication is checked by special systems, after which the user can register an application to buy an electronic policy. Enter property data, as well as applying the appropriate documentation, you need only once, when ordering the policy. Subsequently, it will be possible to extend the online policy.

Among other features in the Personal Account on the official website of the company - online calculator Reso-insurance. The insurance calculator will help to find out the approximate cost of insurance, as well as immediately proceed to its design. It is important to remember that you can get the insurance products of the company both at a personal meeting with the agent and in the office of the reso. The delivery of the policy is carried out by the agent in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The client also has the ability to view information about the current state of insurance, check the policy, view lists of medical facilities and automotive services that provide free help Customer as a result of damage. In online mode, you can make an appointment of a car or treatment, to see if it was performed and how many funds were received to the account, call the tow truck, watch the terms of the contracts, contact the insurance agent enshrined behind the client, and much more.

Register in the client's personalized profile, the resolution is quite difficult due to the introduction of a large amount of data. However, this stage is important for further trouble-free execution of contracts. Personal account allows you to calculate the cost of insurance, to see the necessary information on the state of the insurance contract and purchase a policy, being at any point in the world.

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Training portal WebSoft

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Training portal Reso - Welcome!

The training portal Reso is designed to provide access to distance learning resources to the staff of the rebound and listeners of the "School of Reso". Unauthorized access, modification, information distortion is prosecuted. Please use the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to work with the portal! Entrance to the portal and work in it will occur with errors when using you by other browsers (Opera, Mozilla Firefox., Google Chrome. etc.).

WebSoft Training Portal - Welcome!

WebSoft's training portal has been published on the basis of a WebTutor's distance learning system. With the help of the study portal, you can pass on working with software products Webtutor, Courselab, Estaff. And also familiarize yourself with examples of e-courses that are members of the WebSoft Library. If you are already registered on the WebTutor portal - press the Login button and enter your login and password. If you are not registered in WebTutor portal, follow the link below.

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