Buying mobile phones. Where can I pass a broken phone for money? Options and procedure How to sell old phones

If you are looking for where there is a purchase of phones in Moscow is expensive, then it is to us. Nowadays, it has become very profitable to hand over quality technique. Mobile has always been and will be in price because they really need almost every person. Today it is no longer just a means of communication, but the present computers in which you can wander around the worldwide web, and in social networks to communicate, and play the game, and even take a picture of something interesting, and even process in a special mobile application. The function of one conversation only has changed large multifunctionality. For a good apparatus, and even in a decent condition, you can get a decent amount of money from us, do not even doubt.

Mobile buying is not very different from how it happens with a tablet, a laptop or a camera. You come to us, our specialist checks the proper technique, the absence or availability of defects. A good model can cost expensive, but if any malfunctions are detected, if there are many noticeable scratches on the housing or display, then the market value drops greatly. Therefore, it is possible to estimate it only with direct contact with the device.

Nevertheless, people often call us and want to know how much money they will be able to help out for their device and whether to carry it into the buying of mobile phones. We are kindly about each client and try to resolve all your questions. Call us and we will try to answer your question. It would be nice if before the call you read our technique in more detail and tried to find an answer to those questions that our specialists usually ask. Please be prepared to answer the following questions - this will save your and our time. If you do not know exact replies, just call us and we will tell you.

  • Specify the name of the model.
  • PCT. If there is a PCT mark, it means that it is certified by Rostt to work with Russian networks. This increases the cost.
  • Condition. Does it have scratches, dents, blows, any other defects. The worse condition, the smaller the price of the product.
  • Check out the instructions for using and warranty coupons.
  • What in the kit. Is there a charger? Is there a package?

All of the above is of course it is important, but remember - even if you have no information, documents and other things, we will still go to the meeting and conclude a deal, the only necessary condition is the fully working condition of your mobile.

A new device or not - no matter. The main thing is that the model itself does not lose its liquidity and that it continues to be in demand. In this case, you have a good chance of getting a good amount. Buying phones expensive and quickly - this is happening with us. It likes to our visitors, many of them will subsequently join the group of regular customers and have the opportunity to receive significant advantages.

In general, buying in any valuable things is gaining momentum, and it is quite natural. Against the background of what huge interest you have to return on loans to banks, buying mobile phones in Moscow becomes perfect way out. We estimate, you immediately receive money, and you have complete freedom of choice - you can sell your property to us and use the amount received for the purchase of a new phone or for example, take the entire amount on credit and return during the agreed time (up to 120 days). If not the other option does not suit you, we can help you with the implementation with our customer base and shopping grounds.

I, the subject of personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 "On Personal Data" providing the owner of the form (hereinafter - the operator), consent to the processing of personal data specified by me in the form of a calculator and / or the order form of goods and / or services on the site in the Internet network, the owner of which is the operator.

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  2. The objectives of processing my personal data are: Ensuring the sharing of short text messages in the online dialogue mode and ensuring the functioning of the callback.
  3. Agreement is granted to the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent: collecting, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), use, transmission (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out as with using automation tools (automated processing) and without the use of such means (non-automatic processing).
  4. I understand and agree that the provision of an operator of any information about itself, which is not a contact and not related to the objectives of this consent, as well as the provision of information relating to state, banking and / or commercial secrets, information about racial and / or National affiliation, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, intimate life is prohibited.
  5. If I make a decision on providing an operator to any information (any data), I undertake to provide extremely reliable and relevant information and is not entitled to introduce a delusion in relation to my personality, to inform false or unreliable information about myself.
  6. I understand and agree that the operator does not check the accuracy of personal data provided by me, and it does not have the opportunity to evaluate my capacity and comes from the fact that I provide reliable personal data and support such data as an actual state.
  7. Consent is valid to achieve treatment objectives or in case of loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
  8. Consent may be withdrawn by me at any time on the basis of my written statement.
  • Dear customers, redemption is carried out on the basis of a sale agreement, in the presence of a passport or other documents confirming the identity (18+), and in some cases it may be necessary to provide additional documents confirming the right of ownership.
  • Please note that all applications are considered, but may not be attracted to attention without explaining the reasons.
  • The answer to the application is carried out during working hours, and only if we are interested in buying goods, you do not need to re-send an application!
  • The final assessment of the goods is made in its detailed examination, an accurate assessment by telephone or other types of remote communication is not produced.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use obscene abdomen in text dialogues, email and calls. Such appeals will be ignored and added to the black list.

Many of us periodically wonder who to sell the old phone. Sale of relatively inexpensive mobile technology always entails spending time, strength and energy. Sell \u200b\u200bthe phone can be on the announcement website. But, for this you need to set the ad, make a description, make photos of the phone and again set them in the ad. On average, it takes from 20 minutes of time. Next, you need to expect a number of calls. Potential buyers will be interested in the status of the model, technical characteristics. In the modern world, it is not advisable to spend so much time and effort to communicate with people to sell a mobile phone. This is especially true when you need to sell a phone bu incidence (in a budgetary or average price segment).

Purchase of phones - fast and profitable service

Before writing in the ad: "Sell a mobile phone", you should pay attention to the current service for the buying of mobile devices. Our company specializes in urgent cash issuance in return on the device. Please note that buying phones is carried out at a market price with a small commission. This will allow for 10 minutes to obtain an estimated amount of funds in hand.

This service is beneficial to those who want to save personal time and immediately in the office pass the mobile device for a certain amount.

    How to buy buying:

    You visit the office (you can pre-inform the manager about the model and condition of the device to get an approximate price range).

    At your eyes there is a review and inspection of the operability of the phone, after which the specialist is evaluated on established criteria.

    You agree to get under the calculation from the ticket office with the check the sum.

At the moment, sell the phone in Moscow on our service is in good condition.

Expressive exit service

Buy phone tickets can be carried out at home, which will save time. To do this, you need to contact the manager, exactly describe the gadget, call all its technical parameters and, if possible, send a photo through one of the messengers. This will allow you to immediately clarify the ransom price range. With the consent, the courier (it is also a ransom specialist) goes at the specified address. In the redistribution of the Moscow Ring Road, a similar service is free. If you need to leave further, the exact cost of shipping is negotiated separately.

There is a restriction on the departure redemption in the form of a minimum estimated amount of the mobile device. You can sell the phone directly from home at a price of 20 thousand rubles. This is relevant for all smartphones of the middle and premium price segment. Even if the ransom is carried out in the office of the company, it is necessary to provide a passport to confirm the majority. Our organization is fully working legally, so the conclusion of the contract between the client and the contractor is a prerequisite condition.

What affects the price of the device

Often, when passing mobile gadgets, people are not informed about all evaluation factors. The same phone model, one year of release, colors and conditions can cost differently. It depends on several points. First, the status of the screen. If the phone was worn with a protective film or glass, it is immediately noticeable as the state of the front of the display. Even a small scratch can reduce the potential cost a few percent. In addition, the speed of operation of the operating system is estimated. The slowness of the execution of the commands of the sensor may indicate a large number of "garbage" in the system, which will require additionally flashing.

If significant deficiencies have not been found and the gadget works stably, then it is offered to 85-90% of the market price. Market value is the average price of the device for which it can be sold through the announcement site. The difference between the sale price through the same AVITO and the sale of our company can be only one hundred and two hundred rubles. Is it worth spending time, strength and energy of this money? Many are really easier in one - a half hours to pass the device to our masters and get money under the contract. Please note that the smallest flagships lose the flagships (Samsung, Sony and others).

We buy, both high-quality monoblocks and smartphones of any price segment. The question remains too cheap phone models that were released from 7 to 10 years ago. Older models are not accepted for purchase.

Every day, new and tricked phones appear on sale. People chase for new models, especially with steep cameras. But what to do with phones that seem to work well, but we are not suitable for us? Therefore, it is becoming more urgent to sell them from hand to hand or on the Internet. But people do not always know how to do it unmistakably. Well, we will tell where you can sell the phones and how to do it right.

Why start to those who want to benefit from selling their old gadget?

First, the goods need to be brought in if you have a protective glass on the screen, as well as a cover to it, it is already plus to the fact that it is profitable to sell it. Many buyers used gadgets prefer to acquire them already with such a set.

Find all the items to the phone: Box, headphones, charging. And if you even have a check, then this is another plus. The buyer is interested in buying, he will make sure that the phone is not stolen. To interest the buyer, you can sell something like something that the case or flash drive is coming as a gift or bargaining is appropriate.

Before putting on sale, make sure the phone is clean. Delete everything that there is. After all, the buyer does not need to know where you rested last summer. And also this is done so that the buyer can not go to the network under your nickname. You need to follow, so that your card is not left and so on.

How to sell a used phone? Popular Methods

There are several ways to sell phones, consider what options are.

  1. The most popular way where you can quickly sell the phone is, of course, on the Internet. This is the most popular option, because everyone is now inhabited online, every day people share new sites, you can buy a lot of things to buy interesting and beautiful. The newspaper is yesterday. Of course, people at the age are still buying them, but the rest of the mass got used to receive information from the TV and, of course, the Internet. You just need to promptly post photos to interest the buyer and attract it an adequate price. The main thing is that the photos are real, and not downloaded from the Internet.
  2. Popular resources include sites such as,,,, VKontakte groups, Odnoklassniki. Because these sites are high attendance, especially for large cities. But if you live in a small town, then it is better to do all this on the site where the bulk of your city is sitting.
  3. In order to sell the phone on a specific site, read the instructions to it. But most often for this requires registration with an indication of your phone and place of residence, then your way out. You load clear photos of your product and assign price, then waiting for your phone.
  4. Maximum honestly describe the state of the phone and attach photos with scratches, unless, of course, they are. Specify in the phone characteristic, how it works at the moment.
  5. If after selling your old phone you are going to buy a new one, then you can use the service called Trade in. Some large cell salons enable the buyer to pass their old phone at a bargain price, and in return to buy a new one. This will save your precious time.
  6. If you urgently need money, and you do not want to bother the sale of a used phone via the Internet, then do not forget about the electronics market. The minus is only that they offer the price much lower than you could actually sell it.

Lombard - a good version of the sale of equipment

Where can I sell the phone in Moscow? Hundreds of residents of the capital are often asked by this issue. Everyone has their own considerations on this. Someone needs money, and someone at the expense of selling your phone wants to acquire a new one.

Lombard offers everyone to help with this problem. Purchase takes not only phones, but also laptops, tablets, TVs, even if they are in non-working condition. The price is proposed optimal: 90% of the initial cost for the new technique and 80% for the old one. Experienced engineers are watching the condition of the device for 15 minutes to understand what it is, then give you your objective conclusion. If you agree to the condition of the transaction, then within five minutes they give you cash in hand.

This service allows you to save your time and effort to communicate with other people. Because it is not always the first time you can sell your phone.

Evaluation of the phone in Lombard

What can affect the ultimate cost of technology?

  1. Lack of packaging, charging, headphone to the phone.
  2. If the Chinese phone is in a faulty state.
  3. The presence of damage to the screen.
  4. Celesties, deep cracks, chips.
  5. Poorly working speaker, microphone on mobile device.
  6. Display, how quickly it performs its work.
  7. Weak operating system. Slow sensor.

Before checking the phone must be formatted.

Additional services in Lombard

There is an interesting offer for those who want to know where it is expensive to sell the phone. Lombards offer even the service of the appraiser, the sale of the phone can be made at home. To do this, you need to call the office, agree with the manager, describe your gadget, its characteristics, year of release, send a photo. With the consent, the courier leaves for you to the house. Within the Moscow Ring Road, a similar service is free. If further, then the cost of delivery of money is discussed.

Social network - alternative sites with ads

Where can I sell cell phones? We have already described that there are many sites on the Internet. They can sell their used devices. If you think about where you can sell a mobile phone, then pay attention to the social network.

If you are registered with them, then you will be easier to sell the device. One of the most common resources is Vkontakte. There are many similar groups there. Required again high-quality photos. After that, install an adequate price for the phone and describe the characteristics.

Less popular resources for selling gadgets and other types of equipment

Among all existing sites there are those that we have never heard. Let's consider less popular resources where you can sell phones.

These include:

  1. is a stable sales market, there are many interested buyers on this site, it is reliable in the field of sales from hand. Place your equipment in the service catalog and wait when you buy it.
  2. - one of the most famous sites worldwide on the sale of telephone devices. Founded in 1999 and still popular among people. Very comfortable and understandable interface.
  3. - the most popular online service, with which you can sell not only the equipment, but also other things from your everybody that you will not be suitable.
  4. - deciphered as "from hand to hand." Common resource in different countries. It has its printed edition, you can apply on the Internet, which will appear in the newspaper. There is also an application for him that you can quickly download on Android, which will allow you to place your application even faster.

If you want to protect yourself from unwanted dating, buy a separate SIM card for conversations, and create your page on the Internet, only to another name.

Network hypermarkets buy old technique

Where can I sell a mobile phone? On average, a modern person changes his phone a couple of times a year for various reasons: or wants to buy an improved model, or because of the breakdown. It also applies to landline phones. Do not hurry to throw out broken phones, because they can be sold on parts.

Often, network hypermarkets of electronics carry out shares on the disposal of household appliances and offers its own conditions, for example:

  1. "Eldorado": you can hand over the old phone to the pick-up point and get 20% for the purchase of a new one.
  2. "Technosila": you need to find the category "Buy on the disposal" category, get a discount in the area from 500 to 10 thousand rubles. To the goods from a similar category, then bring your old smartphone and buy any digital technique with a discount.
  3. "Union": you can sell a mobile phone in the store and get a discount on a similar product.

Centers of buying old devices

Where can I sell the phone on parts? Basically, service centers are engaged in spare parts from gadgets and different technology. Different parts can be useful for repairing another phone to repair the same model. Did not interest why the shelf life should not exceed the figure in 5 years? Because the older the model, the less suitable. Therefore, do not store the house with old technique, and sell or rent as soon as possible.

The amount from the sale of your phone on parts can affect: state, year of manufacture, model, as well as appearance.

Where can I sell old phones? In Russia in different cities, there are centers that are engaged in this, for example, in Moscow - "NB Service", in St. Petersburg - "Digit Service", in Krasnoyarsk - Company "Satil" and so on.

Where can I sell broken phones and why? For example, the company "Buying TV", also engaged in buying phones on spare parts. Appraisers will adequately appreciate, in what state of the technique, and will pay real money. Any deal at the same time insured against fraudsters.

There is another firm called "CupisNew", it works about such a scheme, as well as buying: receive an application, inspect the phone, declare a verdict with the final price and pay money.

Why do old devices need to be sold?

What is it worth selling broken devices?

In order not to keep at home any trash, you can learn something useful, for example, a discount or to get a cash reward.

Therefore, do not be spish to throw away into the garbage!

Where to assign meetings to sell phones? Good places to carry out a transaction

Some people are very afraid to sell their things through the network, because it will be necessary to see other people. Do not be afraid, maybe the buyer is also afraid of you. Assign a meeting at both places convenient for you, let's say in the center of your city. The acquirer will appreciate and even more interested in buying your product.

To protect yourself, do not call the buyer to your home, there were different cases of what they came not only to buy a phone. It is also not worth going to someone home, and even more so at the meeting to sit in someone else's car.

Little conclusion

Now you know where you can sell the phone. In the article, we looked at many options that will help you with this. Main, decide how easier you will do it. Remember that every product there is your buyer. Successful selling you.