Appstore is not updated applications. How to Enable or Disable Automatic Application Update on iPhone and iPad

In this manual, I collected all the problems known to me with downloading applications from the App Store and how to solve them.

Problem 1. Applications download slowly

The problem is either in the App Store or in the provider. In particular, the global problem happened after the release of iOS 9.0 firmware. Applications in very many people in Russia were downloaded very slowly.

You can try to indicate Google DNS (, or Yandex (, in the settings:

Also simple option to try can reboot the router. Perhaps this is some kind of local problem with the current compound.

Problem 2. Applications are not downloaded / not updated at all

Instead of downloading in the App Store, we constantly see the ring that spins. On the desktop icons dull and under them is written "Waiting".

According to the experience in this case, the problem can be in any way. :) But the ways to solve it are obvious. We do in order.

a) We cancel in the App Store in the section with updates (or from the application page) download all applications. And we try to update / download again one by one.

b) Turn off, and then turn on the iPad.

c) If it does not help, go to the App Store. We are divided and registered again under the same account. We try to download again.

If the problem is not global, then these three points should be enough for a successful solution to the problem.

Problem 3. Program load failure. The program failed to download at the moment

Other problems associated with the inability to download or update applications

First, make sure that this is not a global problem. Apple has a useful link that shows the status of all systems. Opposite the App Store there must be a green square.

As a rule, in all cases help: reboot tablet, router and reloading to the App Store. But if it did not help, then try:

Settings-\u003e Basic-\u003e Reset-\u003e Reset network settings. After that, you need to reconfigure Wi-Fi (enter the network password).

If it did not solve the problem, then can you have a jailbreak and some tweaks interfere with? Here you yourself are to blame - you may need complete flashing.

Another option is to try to connect to another Wi-Fi network. Try to download / update applications visiting a friend (preferably with another Internet provider). If everything is working fine at home, and you do not have, then it's either in your provider or in the router settings.

If you can switch to 3G / LTE, try to download / update a small application through a cellular network. If everything is fine, then again the problem is either in the provider or router.

What to do, if they are trying everythingBut one particular application does not want to download or update? You can try to download it / update in iTunes, and then add to the iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch through synchronization. This is if you have configured synchronization.

Applications for modern mobile devices without exaggeration can be called "alive." Developers are rarely limited to one version of the program, constantly updating something in it and improving it. In particular, it concerns network applications that can simply stop working with new protocols. So in many cases, the update of software is an urgent need, and not just a whim.

The users of smartphones from EPL often often arises such a problem that applications are no longer updated. But without many programs, the user feels disadvantaged, and sometimes it simply does not see the meaning in using the apple gadget. How to reveal the sources of this problem and try to eliminate most of them - our article will tell.

To begin with, we will analyze the main reasons. In most situations, preventing updating the software installed on the iPhone.

Often, this or that application is not updated for the following reasons:

  • Lack of battery charge. It is necessary that it is at the level of 50% and higher before the start of the process. Moreover, the charger needs to be connected only to the outlet, and not to a PC or laptop.
  • Overload of the EPL resource. This is especially likely to at the time of the release of new devices or presentations, when then the more desired to download new programs increases several times, and the servers simply cannot withstand the load. In such a situation, the user remains only waiting. I am glad that it is usually short-lived - from half an hour before the day.
  • Low connection speed. The reason is banal, but, nevertheless, it is often the cause of the problem, and the user does not suspect what matter, looking for serious violations.
  • ITYUNS utility problems. This may be the presence of an outdated version of the program, a disruption of computer interaction with a utility due to USB cord damage or the corresponding port, etc.
  • Damage to other components - for example, Lighting-cord.
  • Faults in the PC or laptop.
  • The problem with connecting to a specific point of Wi Fi.

In the latter case, the application may not be updated for the reason that the fingerprint scanner does not work. If for any reason, the operation of a dactyloscopic sensor is broken, loading and installing a new firmware or program is possible only with the help of the Aytyuns utility.

We update applications to iPhone: Methods for solving problems

Above the general moments concerning violations during application update processes on iPhone is considered. Let us then consider the situation in more detail on specific examples, as well as ways to solve problems:

  • Poor connection on Wi-Fi (slow or with interruptions). Here, the owner of the iPhone can be recommended to enter the network in a different way - for example, after 3G. But if there is no connection through mobile channels, it is worth it to try to connect on Wai Fi again, but deleting the previous settings, and creating new ones. If it is not corrected, you can try to transfer the router to the hybrid mode. As this is done, it is usually described in detail in the instructions for the device.
  • Unable to log in. With a similar problem, you should get out of the "account" in Aytyuns Stor or the APP Stor, and then log in again.
  • Not the new version of the Aytyuns utility on a PC or laptop. Here the user action algorithm is simple. You need to go to the EPL resource and download, and then set the "fresh" version of this program.
  • Outdated software. If not only the aforementioned utility, but also some other PC programs - outdated versions, you can try to update them. This is done, too, using Aytyuns.
  • When the owner of the installed software is not the owner of iPhone. It happens that, when purchasing not a new gadget, and the things are "from the hands", the new owner cannot fully use and update applications, previously installed on it (that is, those that have acquired or uploaded for free former Device owner). Alas, but for normal operation with applications it is necessary that they are purchased under your "account". In such a situation, you will need to download or buy the desired software again.
  • Mainstream data on the location of the owner of the iPhone and the place of release of the card. There are often cases when EPL blocks the user because of such not docked. The country of outputting a bank card and the geographical location of the owner of the phone must coincide. As a rule, this problem is solved by one of the methods described above.

Now you will get acquainted with the advice of professionals and find out that experts from service centers advise their customers when they complain about the inability to update the software installed on the "apple" phones. These recommendations are brief and essentially, and in most cases they help.

So, the masters advise:

  • If you can't update the application, initially you need to try to reboot the gadget.
  • If the above action has not eliminated the problem, try to connect to the network again.
  • Make a system restore.

If not one of the named methods did not help - it makes sense to seek advice from specialists. But, as a rule, the last step eliminates all malfunctions. How to make it - instruction further.

Algorithm for restoring the system on iPhone

To this end, the user must take the following actions:

  • Disable the gadget and do not include it.
  • Download and install on a PC or laptop, which will be used, utility Aytyuns (if it was not).
  • Connect the phone via USB cord to PC.
  • The information will appear on the screen that the utility has discovered a device to be recovered. You need to confirm the operation and expect its completion. It is important to pre-make a backup so that later it was possible to return all the data and settings that were on the phone before.

With this, you first need to stick the cord into the PC port, and only after that - connect to the mobile device. At the same time, you need to keep the home button on the iPhone. Once the message will pop up on the screen that you can connect to the iTyuns, the button must be released.

After all these procedures, you need to try to update any application. If everything went smoothly, the software update processes on the iPhone will arrive and will continue to occur without problems.

How to solve the problem with the entrance in the APP Stor

Rarely, but still it happens that the user simply cannot enter the application store. In such a situation, speech on updates simply does not go - you first need to correct the current problem.

Below are all currently existing ways to solve such a problem:

  • If the input becomes inaccessible after the device is updated. To fix it, you need to enter the settings, then to the section of the ITYUNS utility and the APP Store and will install a checkbox there. Such a simple action will make help to correct the situation.
  • If the input is manifested, and applications are not swing, you need to go to the update section and just wait a bit. Sometimes the system simply hangs, but after a few minutes everything is fulfilled. Therefore, sometimes it is better to show patience and wait a bit to make any cardinal steps.
  • If none of the 2 ways described above did not help. It is necessary to make a flashing of the gadget. Then you need to restore all the information from the backup. On the creation of a backup, which can be done both through Aytyuns and in Aiklaud, you need to take care in advance. When this step is executed, you first need to try to restore the system, but if this action does not help - resort to the update.
  • Get out of "account", and then re-enter it. Then you should simply wait a little, and then enter the application again and try to download any software.

If none of the methods helped, you just need to wait. After a few hours, the problem can solve itself, because it is not always its origins in the malfunctions of the device or software. Perhaps they lie in troubleshooting stores and others.

And, finally, another way to determine the source of the problem. Try to check if there are similar errors from other iPhone owners. Moreover, they must have the same telecom operator as you have, and stand the same version of the "Operations". Maybe this temporary problem at the moment concerns everyone, and not just you.

Articles and Lifehaki.

Timely updates - the key to the productive and pleasant operation of any "smart" device. How to update the App Store without reloading the application itself?

And what to do when problems arise? Below are some useful recommendations for those who have previously come across difficulties.

Update without reloading the application

These recommendations concern, first of all, the 8th version of the iOS, in which there is no "Update" key at all, because of which every time you have to reboot the application itself.

Is it the initial idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopers or flawless, it is difficult to say. Fortunately, there is a way out.

  • Open the standard store application on the device and click any of the lower tabs (for example, Top) Ten times in a row.
  • In the process of this, we can observe how the screen travels, and the content itself will begin to be updated. Very soon all available updates will be visible, including updates in the selected category.
  • These manipulations are done even faster than rebooting each program manually. Sometimes enough and nine clicks.
  • We add that this method also works in the iTunes Store and IBooks Store, and in the latter case is enough for five clicks.

If App Store applications are not updated

In this situation, you should try to do the following.
  1. To begin with, it is necessary to take care of synchronization. Often helps exit from the account, restart the device and re-entry.
  2. Following this, you should try to reset network settings. If it does not help, you can resort to a more radical way - the full reset of all device settings.
  3. In the latter case, you should take care of the backup copying in order to then be able to restore all the important data.
  4. There is another one who has already familiar to us a trick, which will help with updates, and can also get rid of the permanent "freezing" in the process of their installation.
  5. He involves a forced reboot of the App Store by pressing one of the lower tabs ten times in a row. This feature is useless to search in the system settings, since it is hidden.
If suddenly it happened that the application "hung up" during the update process, the load will be suspended by pressing pause. Well, in the extreme case there is always an appeal to Apple technical support.

Good when all programs are automatically updated in the iPhone to the last versions. And the user does not need to constantly monitor new products in the AppStore, which is very convenient. But such an idyll ends as soon as you notice that the icons of some of the installations of gray and under them the long-playing inscription "Waiting ...".

In order not to stay with the "naked" phone, carefully read this article, where it is described in detail, why applications on iPhone are not updated and how to deal with it.

It is not always the cause of a malfunction in the device, it is quite realistic that the App Store server "fell", or some technical work is carried out. Visit the popular forums for the Apple owners, go to the manufacturer's official website and see the news. If it turns out that applications are not updated on the iPhone not because of the supplier's company, then read further.

Check Internet connection

Since the download is made only in the presence of the Internet, the interruptions in its work will be shown in the form of the inability to update the downloadable application. If the main source of traffic is a mobile Internet, then check the availability of money on the account, network or megabyte residue. In the case of Wi-Fi, you need to make sure of its service job, connect to another source or test the performance using another device.

Note! You can call a friend who also enjoys an iPhone and ask how he has business with updates.

Stop download

Sometimes it happens that it fails to download or update some one program, the icon of which is constantly in a state of waiting. Solving problems, as an option, can be a short-term translation of the process into pause mode. To do this, you must click on the icon once and after a few seconds to click on it again, to restart the installation. Usually, this method helps to get rid of the problem that has arisen if not, read further.

Turn on, turn off the airrest

This procedure is to make the batch data reset. The fact is that the reason why files are not downloaded can be an Internet stream system error. Turning on the airport for a few seconds, you cancel the current data transmission session and deactivating the function, make the gadget create a new traffic channel, which will help cope with an error when downloading updates.

Remove application with re-installation

Perhaps during installation, a systematic failure occurred or at this time, the program supplier entered some changes to the App Store.

To check this option, you must delete the "dependent" file.

Instructions for iOS version below 13

Press and hold a few seconds of the download icon of the downloadable update until the icon shoves and a small cross will not appear in the upper left corner. Tap for this cross and confirm the removal of the program. After the proceeded procedure, find the remote utility in the App Store and try again.

Instructions for iOS above 13

Parallel Installation of the Second Application

To move the installation process from the spot, you need to do the following: Go to the App Store and download any program or game. There are cases when such a cunning helps to move off the "ring of loading" from the spot. If it did not help, run iTunes and do the above, using embedded software tools.

Research into account

In the case when the problem did not decide, you can use the re-authorization method of your account. To do this, open the Applestore, go to the menu where you need to tap on the "Selection" tab.

In the appeared window, all previously saved accounts will be shown, the system will indicate you on the desired, highlighting bold font. You can exit from it by clicking on the desired line and confirming the action. Next, you need to go out and go to the store again so that it requests the user authorization, where you need to log in to your account again.

Attention! Before making such manipulations, make sure that you remember the login and password specified to your account in Apple ID.

You will not believe how many problems with the iPhone solves the usual reboot. It can help both gray icons. To begin with, use the simple shutdown and turning on the device. After loading the operating system, the update process must start.

If this happens, make Hard Reset and when the device is rebooting everything should earn. For a hard restart, clamp the "Power" and "Home" key, keep them in such a state until the branded apple will be lit on the display. Expect the full start of the desktop and the iOS system, after which we again try to update programs.

Shopping Synchronization with Mac / PC

If you all tried and the problem did not solve, and in addition you can't even delete the ones, use additional synchronization. Start the iTunes software on the PC, make sure that it is logged in at the same account as in the Applestore. Connect the phone via USB cord and after the utility sees the gadget, click the Synchronize button.

Full reset settings

Do not hurry to make a complete deletion of all files and data from the phone, and you will make a first-all reset of network installations as 3G, LTE and Wi-Fi. You need to go to the settings, then to the "Reset" submenu and in the window that opens, make the appropriate step. If everything is sad, then prepare for the fundamental reset of the device and do not forget to pre-back up all iPhone data.

Switch to DFU mode

This procedure may be performed as a rescue circle. Connect the shutdown smartphone to the computer with the iTunes enabled, press and hold the ON key for 10 seconds. And HOME when an apple appears, release the power button and wait for the DFU mode when iTunes appears instead of the logo with the image of the lace USB image. The computer will display alert that the recovery process is running, after which the DFU is completed, you need to exit and make a standard phone reboot.

Remove jabreik

Licensed programs in 90% of cases are not updated due to the jailbreak. Apple is extremely negative about the hacking of its operating system and instantly blocks access to servers for all violators. To return access, you will have to remove the Jailbreak from the device. How to do it, it is worth a clarification on forums and specialized resources, since there is no unambiguous algorithm.


This is perhaps all possible options out of the situation when applications are not updated on iPhone. You may have to reflash the device, but the best solution will be a trip to the service center, especially if your cellular is still on warranty.


Application developers on iPhone are constantly improving and create new products that will be useful to the user. Loading programs with the App Store is a simple process, which is carried out at the power of the owners of the iPhone yourself. However, sometimes they face problems when all efforts when downloading software becomes in vain.

The main reasons for updating programs

Problems with downloading, downloading and updating applications may occur if:

  • there is no connection with the Internet;
  • update Server (App Store) is not available;
  • there were difficulties with authorization;
  • an iOS failure or the application is downloaded;
  • account is blocked.

What to do when problems with downloading applications?

To solve this problem, you will have to consistently undergo steps, starting with elementary actions. Moreover, on one of them, such a problem as "gray icons" can already be solved, and the download will resume.

follow the news

No need to scold the phone and its manufacturers in the event of difficulties with downloading and updating programs - they are completely nothing. Sometimes it is enough to pay attention to messages in the news feed to find out the cause of the problem. If there is informed that there are problems with the server or the App Store application store, you should be patient before completing the work on their elimination.

Connection with the Internet

Internet problems are a banal reason that does not allow you to download applications, however, users often forget about it in the dust of indignation. Wi-Fi icons, 3G / LTE on the iPhone screen - do not serve as an indicator of the connection to the worldwide network. The fact is that the update may not occur because of the problems associated with the problems of the router or the disadvantage of funds in the tariff plan.

To check the Internet connection, you need to open the Safari browser and go to any page. If it was done, the problem with the connection is excluded, and should go to the next step.

Launch Download Repeated

The gray icon frozen for a long time in the waiting status is not the best spectacle, so you can safely interrupt downloading the application. It is possible that the re-launch of the download will be successful and the problem is solved.

Experiment with airrest

There is a chance that when short-term transition to "on the plane" mode, the download from the App Store will resume. To do this, go for a few seconds to switch to the airrest and get out of it, after which it is necessary to watch the download process.

Deleting an application and re-install it

If it is possible to remove the widget, then this operation should be performed. Then you need to find the program of interest in the App Store, and make it install, and the already updated version.

Research into account

An effective way to combat the "gray icon" is actions with an account. Sometimes it is enough to exit it, and re-log in to load the application goes on without problems.

Reloading iPhone - an effective way to "revive" the frozen download of the program. When it is turned on, the process has proven indefinitely resumes. If it does not help, you can make a rigid reboot of the device.

Shopping synchronization

It is possible that none of the above actions will help to achieve the desired result, and the absence of the possibility of deleting or suspending the application load complicates the situation. In this case, you need to connect the iPhone to the computer on which the iTunes application is running, and make sure that the account in both devices coincides. After that, synchronization will begin and the problem of the "gray icon" will be solved.


Performing a complete reset of settings - a cardinal way to resume application loading. This action will lead to data loss, so you must first create a copy.

If the owner of the phone performed stages all the indicated actions with his gadget, but the problem with downloading and updating applications remained, then the experiments should be stopped so as not to harm the device. In this case, you need to contact a specialized service center engaged in the repair of apple equipment so that experienced engineers understand the reasons for this phenomenon and eliminate them.