Russia canceled national and intranet roaming. Russia canceled national and intranet roaming

Those Russians who often travel around the country are worried about whether roaming in Russia was canceled or not in 2019.On the one hand, the Federal Antimonopoly Service achieved the abolition of roaming within the country, but on the other hand, it still remained with a number of operators. At the end of May this year, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that canceled roaming charges. From June 1, the country began to operate uniform rates for calls both in the home region and outside it, all incoming calls became free. For subscribers living in the city of Sevastopol and Crimea, incoming calls have become free, and outgoing calls are charged according to the connected tariff.

The connection region is no longer called the home region. Local rates for communication services apply locally, but calls to other Russian regions are already considered long-distance calls. After the subscriber has left for some other area, it automatically becomes his home region, and the connection region is already an intercity.

For example, a resident of the Moscow region came to Krasnodar. Initially, his calls to numbers in his home region meant Moscow and the region, but while in Krasnodar, everything changes. Local calls are charged at the rates of the Krasnodar Territory, while calls to the Moscow Region are considered long-distance calls.

The luckiest of all were the people whose tariff plan includes minute packages within Russia. These subscribers can travel across the country and at the same time call to any destination. The cost of mobile Internet remains unchanged for all operators mobile communications.

Incoming calls throughout the country remain free. Even residents of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol do not pay for them.

Tele 2

The Tele2 operator's tariff packages do not provide for roaming services. For example, consider the "My Online" package. Within its framework, the subscriber has access to 15 GB of the Internet and 500 minutes of calls to any Russian numbers... If the user travels in Russia, then the following prices apply:

  • Voice communication and Internet - according to the terms of the connected tariff;
  • Calls over the limit - 1.5 rubles per minute in the region of residence and 2 rubles to other Russian numbers.

It is worth paying attention to the "Classic" tariff package, namely, the strange provision of long-distance communication services. In the region of connection, the cost of intercity is 9 rubles per minute, and for trips around the country only 5 rubles. But perhaps the FAS has its own reasons to turn a blind eye to this.

Special conditions for the provision of communication services are valid in the Republic of Crimea:

  • Outgoing - 3 rubles per minute;
  • SMS messages - 3 rubles.

For mobile Internet in Crimea, you will have to pay 3 rubles for 1 MB.


The cancellation of roaming in Russia in 2019 affected the tariffs of the mobile operator MTS. Tariff lines of this company fell into two distinct categories:

  1. The first category includes tariffs, where all prices are saved in trips around the country. These include "Tarifische", "Smart Zabugorishche", "Our Smart" and a number of similar packages.
  2. The second category includes packages that require a separate connection of options. In this group "Russia is at home everywhere", "Russia home package" and "Russia + home package". Thanks to this, the cost of long-distance calls is reduced, in most cases outgoing connections to the region are generally free. A special calculator on the operator's website will help you to understand the conditions in detail.

MTS subscribers also benefit from trips to Crimea. Many tariffs operate here without various surcharges, at attractive prices in the home region.


Roaming has been canceled for the MegaFon operator. For those who have subscribed to the "Turn on!" Line, the usual tariffication of the home region is available. For other tariffs, the options "All Russia" and "Vacation without worries" are available. When the first option is connected, the cost of outgoing calls within Russia is reduced to 3 rubles per minute. Connecting the second option implies profitable terms in the Republic of Crimea.


Beeline uses an identical scheme for all - the region of residence automatically becomes home. Other conditions apply only in Crimea and Sevastopol. Into parts tariff packages there are quite attractive conditions for the provision of telecommunications services on the territory of the peninsula.


Have this operator there have never been any special roaming rates. However, if a subscriber spends more than a month outside the home region, then he began to be served according to the "Regional" tariff plan, which was slightly more expensive. At the end of May this year, the "Regional" tariff became archived, and now the operator does not have any roaming charges.

Cancellation of roaming with other operators

Mobile operators Danycom and Tinkoff Mobile have never had roaming rates in Russia. These two companies provide packages of free minutes and internet traffic that are valid throughout the country. The services of these operators are enjoyed by people who actively travel around the country.

Roaming was canceled completely, but the Federal Antimonopoly Service has not yet settled the issue regarding regional differences among operators.

Less than six months, as they say, have passed since the last "cancellation of roaming", which took place on September 1, 2018, when the Internet (and not only) got around the fresh news about the cancellation of intranet roaming.

Is it good to cancel roaming?

Oh sure!It won't be cheaper!

Indeed, just a few days ago, another law was adopted to abolish intranet roaming. Let's take a closer look at its nuances.

Draft law to abolish intranet roaming in Russia

On December 19, 2018, the State Duma adopted the corresponding law, which will have to abolish intranet roaming in the territory Russian Federation... However, the adoption of the law does not mean that it will come into effect immediately - the law will begin to work only in the summer of 2019, from June 1.

The "saga" with the cancellation of this very roaming has been going on for several years already, and especially attentive subscribers who did not get tired of following changes in tariff plans paid attention to the fact that an approach to the formation of tariffs and withdrawal subscription fee in roaming during these years has not changed.

However, this time the law includes literally several dozen words, a couple of paragraphs of text. However, they are very important, because they really give us, ordinary subscribers, a chance for a "bright future" in the world. cellular.

The official text of the law can be found at the following link, but I propose to understand in human terms what we should expect next summer.

The following can be understood from the text of the law:

  • Since the entry into force of the law, all incoming calls while staying in guest regions within Russia will become free... Little of, given condition will also apply to national roaming (subject to the registration of a subscriber of one operator, for example, MTS, in the network of the guest region of another operator, for example, Beeline). However, knowing the behavior of the leading cellular operators in the Russian Federation, it would be quite reasonable to assume that they will try with all their might to bypass this restriction;
  • Henceforth the wording "Region of presence" will become official, and this is how, apparently, in the future, operators will position the usual guest region of stay. Thus, getting to the region of presence, the subscriber gets the opportunity to be served on the terms of his home region, but calls to his real home region, where he entered into an agreement, will be regarded as long-distance calls. True, here another question becomes an edge - it's no secret that in some regions communication is cheaper or more expensive than in others. In this case, what prevents subscribers from a conventionally "expensive" region to go to a conventionally "cheap" one, sign an agreement there, get a SIM card and return to their home region, using communication there on more favorable terms? Perhaps this is another task that domestic operators will have to solve over the next six months;
  • Long distance calls won't go anywhere operators will continue to benefit from such calls. It can even be assumed that the cost of such services will be increased, or the number of long-distance minutes quotas in packages will be reduced, since operators will certainly want to somehow compensate for the cancellation of roaming in the country. Therefore, it is important to conditionally outline for yourself the boundaries between roaming and long distance calls, realizing that these are two "big differences";
  • Will not spread, Most likely, the law for the inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula, and for operators this territory will remain a stranger, where the conditions of national roaming will apply. Thus, it is not worth hoping for cheap calls to Crimea, provided that you stay on the territory of the peninsula;
  • Incoming calls on the territory of Crimea, judging by the wording of the law, will be free, and in the text of the law all this will be spelled out in black and white;
  • The law also applies to regional operators, which may have a "hard time". However, again, returning to the algorithms of work Russian operators, it is hard to believe that they will not try to compensate for the losses at the expense of their subscribers. On the one hand, when leaving the home region, operators can set any price tags for long-distance calls, on the other hand, they are obliged to provide subscribers with free incoming calls, and they just need it.


Summarizing the above, we can assume that, finally, we (almost) waited for the moment when incoming calls in roaming around the country will become free.

However, what other " underwater rocks»Can only be expected for us, ordinary subscribers who regularly pay the monthly fee. We can only wait for the appearance of new tariffs and clarifications from operators, the edition of already existing tariff packages and sending the usual TP to the archive.

But all this later, closer to the middle / end of spring, and now it remains to be patient and have money on the account if you are planning a trip outside your home region for the New Year holidays.

Signed the long-awaited law abolishing roaming in Russia. At the end of May of this year, the corresponding decree was signed by the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and starting from June 1, roaming has finally become a thing of the past.

The abolition of intranet roaming means that the subscriber will pay the same amount for calls in any region of the country, even if he left his home region where his SIM card is registered.

Minutes, Internet traffic and SMS messages will be consumed from the package purchased by the subscriber. Most of the "Big Four" clients use package tariffs.

The situation with national roaming when the operator does not have its own network in the region, and the subscriber connects to the partner operator. The fact is that in Crimea and Sevastopol the "big four" mobile operators - "Beeline", and - provide services indirectly with the help of local cellular companies. Nevertheless, the Quartet had to deal with this as well: according to the law, the operator can charge subscribers for incoming calls only if they are outside the country.

From June 1, the "Big Four" will cancel the payment for incoming calls on the territory of Crimea.

The fact that such calls became completely free was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by the press services of all four operators. At the same time, the fee for outgoing calls from Crimea and to Crimea will vary depending on the tariff chosen by the subscriber.

“In June 2017, roaming between member states was canceled. And of course, this had a positive impact on deepening integration. In two days, on May 29, we will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union. And on your [Medvedev's] instructions, we have intensified work on the phased abolition of roaming between the countries of the union - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia - within the "five". This is, of course, a lengthy process. First of all, we care about the quality of the service and, of course, that the interests of Russian mobile operators do not suffer, ”Akimov said.

According to him, the first step on this path will be the adoption of an agreement on the creation of a single tariff space for call termination services. It is expected that the signing of this document will take place this year.

“This will be an important milestone in economic integration. This will certainly contribute to the mobility of our citizens and our neighbors. What has now been implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation will become the standard of work in the Eurasian Union, ”said the Deputy Prime Minister.

The process of canceling roaming in the country was rather difficult - mobile operators they had a long confrontation with, which without stopping wrote out more and more fines to the “big four”.

In June 2017, the head of the FAS Igor Artemyev announced for the first time the preparation of documents to remove the concept of roaming within the country from the legislation.

Mobile operators received the first warning from the Federal Antimonopoly Service in July 2017. Then the FAS, in the course of its investigation, discovered unfairly high prices for communication in roaming and demanded that the difference in tariffs be eliminated within two weeks.

The Antimonopoly Service decided that mobile operators' pricing proposals and terms of service were “neither economically nor technologically justified,” and issued a directive to equalize tariffs in the home region and other regions of the country.

At the end of 2017, the ex-Minister of Communications and Mass Media expressed confidence that intranet roaming would be completely canceled in 2018, noting that mobile operators were already taking the necessary measures.

On July 10, 2018, in the first reading, it adopted a bill to abolish national and intranet roaming in the country.

Russians, who often move around the country, are interested in one question - have they canceled roaming in Russia or not. In fact, he disappeared at the end of last year. The state, represented by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, managed to achieve its goal - intranet roaming disappeared. But on the other hand, he partially remained.

On May 27, 2019, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree abolishing roaming throughout the country. Starting from June 1, Russia will have uniform prices for calls in all regions, including those outside the home region.

Incoming calls for subscribers in Crimea and Sevastopol will become completely free. Outgoing calls will be charged according to the operator's tariffs.

Home region now it is more correct to call the connection region. Local tariffication of calls is applied here, and calls to other regions are long-distance calls. As soon as the subscriber leaves for another region, it becomes his home region - calls to the connection region and other regions of Russia become intercity calls, and local calls at the location.

A typical example is a Moscow subscriber travels to the Krasnodar Territory. He uses a tariff with a package of local calls - within Moscow and the Moscow region. When you are in Krasnodar, everything changes places - the package of minutes will be valid for calls within the Krasnodar Territory, and calls to Moscow will be charged as long-distance calls.

Most of all, people were lucky with tariff plans that include bundles of minutes within Russia. They can move freely throughout the country and call in any direction - including at their location and home. As for the mobile Internet, its cost is retained for all existing tariff plans Russian operators.

Incoming in all parts of Russia remains free under any conditions - the era of paid incoming is over.

Tele 2

Tele2 tariff plans do not contain roaming tariffs. Let's take "My Online" as an example. It includes 15 GB of mobile Internet and 500 minutes within Russia. Tariffication on trips:

  • Internet - according to the current tariff;
  • Voice communication - from the package;
  • Calls in excess of the package - 1.5 rubles / min in the region of location, 2 rubles / min to other Russian numbers.

There is one strange flaw on the "Classic" tariff - intercity in the connection region costs 9 rubles / min, while traveling - 5 rubles / min. Probably, the FAS is more than completely satisfied with the reduction in roaming prices.

Special conditions in Crimea:

  • Incoming - 1 rub / min;
  • Outgoing calls within the RF - 3 rubles / min;
  • SMS and MMS within the Russian Federation - 3 rubles / unit.

Mobile Internet in Crimea costs 3 rubles / Mb.


The tariff plans of this operator were divided into two categories.

  1. The first includes tariffs that keep tariffs on trips - these are Tarifische, Smart Zabugorishche, Our Smart and some others.
  2. The second category includes tariffs that require activation of the options “Russia at home everywhere”, “Home package Russia” and “Home package Russia +”. They reduce the cost of intercity and make outgoing calls home free of charge. The calculator on the operator's website will help you figure out all this.

Trips to Crimea with an MTS SIM card will turn into a benefit for subscribers - many tariff plans work here without any additional payments, at home rates.


On tariffs "Turn on!" subscribers will be charged with the usual home billing. For all others, the options "All Russia" and "Vacation without worries" are offered. The first one reduces the cost of outgoing calls within the RF to 3 rubles / min. The second option opens up favorable conditions in Crimea - free incoming calls for 33 rubles / day and 60 MB of the Internet for 99 rubles / day. ...


The Beeline operator uses a common scheme for all - the location region becomes home. There are differences only when you are in Crimea - incoming and outgoing within the Russian Federation cost 2.03 rubles / min, SMS - 2.03 rubles / unit, mobile Internet - the first 3 MB per day at 2.03 rubles, the next 110 MB - 203, 99 rubles / day, then 2.03 rubles / MB.

On some tariff plans, the cost of services while in the Crimea and Sevastopol may differ.


Officially, this operator has never had roaming rates. But if a subscriber spends more than 30 days outside his region, he begins to be served at the "Regional" tariff - it is slightly more expensive than a home one. From May 25, 2019, "Regional" will go to the archive, the operator has no roaming rates.

Cancellation of roaming with other operators

Operators Danycom and Tinkoff Mobile fell into this category. They have never had and do not have roaming in Russia. They provide minute and traffic packages valid throughout the country. This ensures their popularity - their services are used by people who do not want to overpay for communications while traveling.

Roaming was canceled almost completely. When we forget about regional differences remains unclear. No requirements for this issue the FAS does not.