Wine 7 does not see the DVD drive. Windows does not see a CD or DVD drive

Drive (drive) optical disks in modern computer technician Practically not used. Flash memory came to replace it in a wide variety of forms. In some cases, external drives that are connected via the USB port are used. But for certain purposes, the drive remains indispensable, and optical disks Nobody canceled and they are popular. If the computer does not see the drive after the restart, then, first of all, it is necessary to determine the nature of the malfunction.

BIOS settings

Bios is the main program for the operation of all devices connected to the motherboard. If the BIOS drive is visible, then you can not consider this problem. If the BIOS does not see the device, then it can be turned on. The procedure, in this case, is different, depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard.

IMPORTANT! Do not make changes if you are not sure as a result or do not know where and what to change.

The easiest and safest option is to change the default BIOS settings (Load Defaults). Confirm the change of parameters, restart the computer and check if the computer does the drive and whether it works correctly.

System or software failures

Programs from time to time may freeze and fail. If a program that is responsible for the performance of the device, then the device can completely disconnect the device. Such windows cases Does not find a drive or sees it not always.

In the "DVD and CD-ROM drives»Find your physical drive. The device icon should not be exclaiming or questioning sign. If there is, then the device driver is not loaded or it works incorrectly. Right-click on the device and select "Delete". Restart the computer and check the drive status again.

The computer will restart and the return procedure will begin. system files In a state to the number that was chosen. After windows downloads The drive should appear and you can perform all operations.

IMPORTANT! All programs that have been installed after the selected date will be deleted.

Violations of the contact group, physical malfunctions

If you cannot solve the problem using settings and programs, then you need to check physical connection Devices to a computer and determine the cause of working capacity:

  • Violation of the contact loop contact plume (IDE - for old PCs, SATA - for new).
  • Violation of power supply contacts.
  • Disruption of the controller, physical wear drive.
  • The failure of the IDE / SATA ports on the motherboard.

Solution options are very simple and do not require special skills. Consider the procedure:

  1. Click on the opening of the drive. If there is a reaction, the indicator blinks and the disk tray opens, then everything is fine with the power.
  2. Replace the data transfer loop, turn on the PC and check the availability and performance of the drive.
  3. Connect a well-serviceable drive and check whether it will work. You also need to check how your drive works on another computer.

IMPORTANT! All replacements of components, wires, loops, devices are performed only in a completely de-energized system block. You can enable it only after installing or replacing parts.

If the results are not achieved, then most likely, the corresponding connectors do not work on the motherboard. Eliminate such a malfunction can only be in a specialized service.

Updated - 2017-03-04

Windows does not see the drive. Which surprises do not give us a computer. Look to bed and do not know whether it will turn on tomorrow? Or in general somewhere? Previously, this is also constantly disturbing. The most interesting thing is that surprises are constantly different. At one fine moment, I suddenly found that I had a drive icon in the system in the system in a folder. Just Windows does not see the drive. What to do? First you need to check the drive itself.

The drive tray itself is advanced and disks take, it means that the problem is either:

  1. in the plume,
  2. in the drive
  3. in the drive controller.

Most likely the reason in the actor itself. But does not prevent Check.

If before this drive worked normally, I will try to do.

If for some reason it is impossible to recover the system then check whether our BIOS drive is visible.

If the disk drive is not detected in the BIOS, then check the loop (cable) that connects the drive to the motherboard. If you can replace it with a worker.

I checked the drive with the working loop, but it is still not determined. Then we try to connect the drive to another computer to determine its performance.

If the drive is working, then we enter " Device Manager» ( Start - Setup - Control Panel - System - Equipment - Device Manager) . Check below on the " General »In the window" Application of devices »Is the device itself enabled. If off, we turn it on it through the same window (we simply select the record " This device is used (enabled) ».

Let's see if there is in the record " DVD and CD-ROM drives »Our drive. And it is not necessary opposite the recording of an exclamation mark on a yellow background.

If an exclamation mark is standing opposite the drive, we try to delete the drive driver (click twice by calling the drive, select the " Driver "And press the button" Delete "). Reboot your computer.

After restarting, the system must determine the drive itself and download the driver.

If the drive and the loop is correct, it should help, and if not, then most likely it will have to be.

Let's try to download any self-loaded disk after installing BIOS Download from a CD drive. If the download occurs and the disk opens, and Windows still does not see the drive, then we have a problem with operating system. Here you already need to first check the system for viruses, and then dig in.

For now you can play the casino for money. Maybe you will be lucky.

Sooner or later this can occur even with very reliable technique because of the causes of the program or damage to the optical drive itself. The following describes the main actions that should be taken when the drive does not read disk drives in the computer on Windows 7.

Problems with reading

List all the potential reasons that influence this problem, it is simply not possible within the same manual. Problems are detected different waysFor example, DVD can be normally read, and the CD is not.

Often, the device is unloading a "mirror" media for a long time, which the user is well audible, but Windows 7 is not able to consider the contents of the "blanks". At the same time, licensed discs can be successfully reproduced.

Problems in the device itself

First you need to make sure that the actuator is working, since all mechanical devices are prone to banal wear in the process of their operation, which is why the information recorded on some types of disks can no longer be read.

The main features of a faulty functioning optical drive:

In addition, it is necessary to verify the reliability of all wired connections: loops, power wires, etc.

If the owner stationary computer I revealed any of the 3 characteristic features, it is sometimes easier for him to simply purchase a new device, so their cost is currently rarely exceeds 1 thousand rubles.

However, with the installation of this component in the laptop, everything is not so easy, so it is recommended to simply use the possibility of connecting an external drive through a USB port.

If the user is more used to rely on his strength, then with proper patience and accuracy, you can, open the equipment, clean the lens from pollution. Very often, such a simple procedure immediately returns a defective drive to life, and it works fine again for a long time.

Software problems

The main symptoms include the following:

  1. The drive has ceased to see the carriers immediately after the "Windows 7" reinstallation procedure;
  2. Problems manifested immediately when installing the application. It usually happens due to utilities specifically designed to work with disks, such as Daemon Tools., Nero, etc.
  3. The problem arose due to the upgrade drivers by the system or after their independent installation.

To make absolutely accurately make sure that negative consequences are associated with software, rather than with a drive defects, it is recommended to use the boot DVD with the Windows distribution. If the PC can start normally from it, then the drive is definitely in order.

For this purpose, it is necessary to draw the following steps:

Next, you can proceed to troubleshooting a software character. If there are suspicion of a specific application, it is necessary to completely remove it and install it analogue or simply produce the "seven" rollback to the recovery point.

In case of malfunctions, due to the recent installation of the drivers, the following uncomplicated operations should be performed:

In case of availability virtual drives The dispatcher recommends remove them and restart PCs. Often this simple procedure already allows you to solve the problem.

When nothing of the above was successful to success, you can resort to the help of specialized software. Very well established itself when solving such difficulties with Microsoft utility.

It is available on the official resource of the company, from where the application should be copied for the "seven" modification (home, maximum) and with suitable triumbe.

After the utility distribution distribution is saved in the computer's memory, you will need to perform the following steps:

Did you often have a situation when you needed to urgently look at the computer, and for some reason I started the "rebel" and refused to start? What to do in this situation? Urgently buy new? Hurry up! You need to try to solve this problem yourself, and this article will tell you how to do it. Allocate two types of problems why the drive does not see the disc.

Problems with "hardware"

These include the following types of damage:

Software problems

Even after checking the "iron", the drive refuses to work, the reasons why disks are not read should be signed in the software. There may be several of them:

Programs used to restore the work of the drive

If all of these actions did not bring the desired results, it is worth contacting special programs. These utilities will help determine what caused why CD-ROM / DVD-ROM cannot read S.D. To do this, are most often used. Microsoft Fixit, Unstoppable Copier, Recuva, Bad Copy and PhotoRec. The principle of operation they have about the same, we will dwell on Microsoft Fixit.

If none of the options proposed in this article helped, then nothing else remains how to entrust the repair of the "Celebration" drive from the specialist.

It happens that with the next launch of the computer, OC Windows7 does not define the drive. You can solve this problem more often, without contacting the service service.

What to do if the computer does not see the Windows 7 drive

The reasons why PC ceases to find a CD / DVD drive can be both physical and software.

The following methods should help to correct the situation.

Hardware check

If the device is not determined, then it is necessary to check its performance. Causes can be different:

  • No meals. Press the button on the drive to exit tray for CDs. If he does not react, it turns out that it does not come to it. It may be done upgraded PC and poorly pasted the connectors back. Check the connector that goes from the drive to the power supply.
  • In the plume. This cable will subscribe a drive to the motherboard. To verify performance, the best option It will be replaced.
  • In the drive. Due to dust drops during operation, the laser begins to clutch, and the discs may not be played. In this case, it is recommended to clean the head from dust, but for this, the components will have to disassemble. Better decision It will be purchasing a special disk to clean the head of contamination. It is enough to insert into the drive and run.
  • In the controller. If the snag in the firmware, then you need to go to the manufacturer's portal and download the necessary drivers. They are installed according to the instructions downloaded by one archive with drivers.

BIOS setup

It is necessary to see whether the sidier in Bios is seen. Hot keys to enter the BIOS from each manufacturer their own. Most often, the "Del" or "F2" keys are used to enter if you do not know how to get into the BIOS, you can read.

On the MAIN tab, connected disk devices are displayed. If you do not see on this page "CD-ROM", then it should be found to display it

and put on all ports the value "Enable".

Exit conservation.

So, if the computer does not define a device for working with DVD / CD discs, then you must check the permissions on it in the BIOS.

There is another nuance. When in the BIOS value "CD-ROM" is present, but not displayed by the operating system, conflict is possible between motherboard and the drive turning on the mode.

Look at the contents of the "SATA MODE" item in the "Main" section. If you have a new drive and old motherboardThis may not fully support equipment. Try switching SATA MODE to another mode.

Check the settings in the operating system

First of all, remember what software put recently. It happens that when installing games, they create a virtual space that can cause a conflict with a DVD drive.

Check the availability of equipment in the system:

  • Make the right click of mice on the computer folder.
  • Go to the pop-up window to the item "Properties".
  • In a new window, on the left, select the Device Manager string and open it.
  • To the right to become on the line "DVD and CD-ROM drives" and open it.
  • Look, whether your drive is displayed in it. And there is a yellow exclamation icon near him.
  • If you have a yellow warning near the CD drive, delete the driver. To do this, double-click on the line with your device, in the window that appears in the Driver tab, click Delete.
  • Reboot the computer.

When booting, Win7 will automatically update the software for the missing component.

When the CD drive in the system is determined by the workers, then:

  • In the contents of the Device Manager, become on the name of the drive and the right mouse click, call the pop-up menu.
  • Check in it "Device Status". It must be included.
  • If not, turn on. If turned on, then click "Disable".
  • Reboot the computer.

Check out the result.

Reinstall IDE and ATAPI drivers. To do this, find the "IDE ATA / ATAPI Controllers" section in the contentster "Device Manager" and expand it. Sequentially delete all the parameters from it. At the end, make a reboot of the system.

Use the Check Device utility

This program checks the presence of connected equipment in Windows OS and if it is unidentified, re-installs drivers.

  • Run the program Check Device.
  • In the main window, open "disk devices" and monitor the information about the drive.

If the drive is a problem, then in the upper menu "Actions" you can select "Search Driver".

Make fixes in the registry

If you try to reinstall the CD device, errors appear, then you need to remove 2 parameters from the registry "LowerFilters" and " Upperfilters.». They may contain erroneous data. They can be found through function key "F3".

After removing these records, be sure to overload the PC.

Scan for viruses

There are viruses that lead to the blocking of the PC equipment.

Therefore, it must be installed on the computer. antivirus program. It is not necessary to have a paid, for home use there are a lot of free antivirus.

In the case when viruses were the waters of the sediment, restore the visibility of the missing component possible by dVD programs DRIVE REPAIR.

Mach to "System Restore"

If the drive under Windows 7 is not displayed and the failure occurred in the OS itself, it is possible to restore the previous state by selecting a rollback point. This item is located in the section "Control Panel" -\u003e "System and Security".

When recovering, select a point at which the sidier worked. Upon completion of the PC procedure will overload.

If the methods described above did not help, it means that the CD / DVD drive itself is not in good condition and should be applied to the service department.

As you can see, the problem is why the computer does not see the Windows 7 drive is solvable. The methods described above usually help to eliminate the cause. Good work!