Calculations in Word. Avosumn and Arithmetic operations in Word

Although Microsoft Word. It is a text editor of the table in it quite often. And tables, as a rule, consist of numerical values \u200b\u200bthat often need to summarize, output average and so on. In this article, you will learn how in Word 2003 and 2010 count the amounts in the column and stock, as well as how to use tabular formulas in general.

Counting amounts in the table in Word 2003

Let's start with the classic version of MS WORD 2003. To count the amount of the column in the table, you need to put the cursor in the cell in which the column amount will be. Next choose the menu item "Table" -\u003e "Formula".

Insert formula in a table in Word 2003

Table column counting result in Word

Attention! All symbols in the formula are dialing only in capital letters: Above, Left, Right, Summ.

In order to calculate the amount of the line in MS Word 2003, you need to be in the cell, opposite the lines sumparable. Next, perform the whole tighten the team "Table" -\u003e "Formula" and in the opened line formulas write \u003d SUM (Left) .

Formula summons in Word

After that, an automatic counting of the amount of the values \u200b\u200bof the string located to the left of the specified cell with the amount will occur.

Result counting the sum of the table row in the Word

If the amount is required before the string with the values, then when specifying the formula, its argument Left., Changing on Right.

Formula summons on the right in the Word

As a result, the formula of the amount of the string with the value of the left of the left line looks like this:

\u003d SUM (RIGHT)

Result counting the amount of the line on the left table in the Word

Counting the amount in the table in Word 2010

In the Word 2010, counting the amount in rows and pillars of the table is carried out in a similar way, as in Word 2003. The only difference is the location of the button itself "Insert formula" ("Formula").

In MS Word 2010 she is on latest tab "Layout".

Calculation according to the specified formulas is possible not only in the Excel table processor, but also in text editor Word.. I wonder what many are even enough experienced users Do not guess.

True, the possibilities of this application in such calculations are strongly limited, but something can still be done. As a rule, small tables intended to insert into text are formed directly in the Word, while large tables, with many numbers it is more convenient to process exactly in.

For example, take a small table of execution by a team of students of olympics, according to any subject. The table shows: the total number of assignments per person, the number of tasks performed and the percentage of tasks performed correctly.

No. p / p Full name Number of tasks Number of tasks performed, units. Share of correctly performed tasks,% Point
1. Ivanov I.I. 10 10 90 90
2. Petrov P.P. 10 10 85 85
3. Vasilyev V.V. 10 9 80 80
4. Kharlamov I.N. 10 8 60 60
5. Stacks B.B. 10 10 85 85
TOTAL 10 9,4 80 400

Insert formula

To obtain a common picture, the command performances in the bottom line "Total" are the average values \u200b\u200bon the first three indicators and the amount of points earned by the team. To automatically fill out the final line, you need to set the cursor to the final cell, and the "Layout" tab will appear and will open, designed to work with tables.

Insert formulas for calculations on the table

In this tab, you need to click on the "data" virtual button, and then "formulas", while the insertion window opens. As you can see, there is enough a large number of Available features. For our table, only the amount (SUM) is needed and arithmetic (Average). The brackets indicate the location of the folds folded numbers, for example, above means that numbers are located above the final cell.

Our table all data is located above the cell, so to find the average arithmetic in the corresponding field insert , and to find the amount of numbers located above.

Data update

In Word, the results of calculations when changing the contents of cells are not automatically updated, so the new result has to be received manually. To do this, click on the right mouse formula and select "Update the Field".

Updating the final field

By producing calculations in the tables compiled in the Word, it is necessary to remember that the calculations according to the formulas are performed only for non-empty cells. Moreover, only values \u200b\u200blocated closer to the formula are taken into account in the calculations. The data of other cells separated by an empty cell are not taken into account.

Thus, we learned to find the arithmetic average and the sum of the numbers located in our simple table. In the same way, it is possible to calculate in other formulas.

Hello, friends! After reading today's crib, you will make sure that the calculations in Word tables are quite simple. We will learn to produce all arithmetic actions with digital data of the Wordsk tables, to find the average, calculate interest. We will not engage in higher mathematics (I promise): and those who need integrals, derivatives, or (forgive the state * di) extremums of functions send straight to Excel.

But before proceeding directly to the calculations, let's remember how in the tables it is customary to set the addresses of the cells. In fig. 1 shows a table with numbered lines and designated columns.

(Clickable pictures)

I bring it to be clear, the addresses of numbers in it:

  • A5 - 12;
  • B2 - 34;
  • C3 - 47;
  • D6 - 61.

Moreover, to lift the letter designation or numbering lines directly in the table itself is not at all necessary: \u200b\u200bsuch a addressing is meant by default. Now you can proceed directly to calculations. And let's start with the most common case.

How to fold the number of columns or strings in the Table Word

All mathematical actions with numbers in Word tables we produce from the panel "Working with tables"That opens by clicking on the left mouse button in the tabular field or the move marker (cross up on the left). Next, we go into the tab "Layout", section "Data", the "Formula" button (see Fig. 2).

In order to fold the numbers of one line, you need, putting the cursor in its latest, intended for the amount of the cell, click in the Formula drop-down dialog box using the "OK" button. So just? IN this case, Yes. The fact is that by default text editor It proposes to calculate the amount, and the location of the cursor in the last cell will explain the smart program that it is necessary to add all the numbers in this line (Fig. 3).

Of course, if you need to add not all numbers of strings, but only from several columns, then this task is solved. Just put the cursor to the column after the numbers to be summarized. Pay friends, attention to the entry in top string The "Formula" windows: \u003d SUM (LEFT) - this inscription just means: the amount of the numbers to the left of the cursor. In the same way, the program can calculate the amount of numbers to the right of the cursor to us - \u003d SUM (RIGHT).

I want to draw your attention, dear readers, that with its rather developed intelligence, the Word does not tolerate emptiness, that is, it perceives the unfilled cell as an error. This means that in all empty cells it will be necessary to put zeros.

Similarly, it is possible to sum up and numbers in a row, putting the cursor in its lower cell. In this case, the record in the "Formula" line of the same window will look like this: \u003d SUM (Above) (see Fig. 3), which means the sum of the numbers in the cells located above. Accordingly, if necessary, add numbers from cells below the cursor to enter: \u003d SUM (Below).

Words - Left (left), Right (right), above (above), Below (Under) - are called positional arguments. It is convenient to use them during operations in rows and columns, and the numbers standing in the string of the WORD headers does not take into account.

So, friends, we disassembled you the easiest and frequently used option for calculations in the Word tables when the program works on "Automat". In all other cases, you will have to choose the formula and enter the source data for each pair of cells. Now I will explain to you how it is done.

How to multiply, divide or deduct numbers in the Word Table

To perform these actions, the easiest way to use operators of arithmetic action are: * - multiplication; / - division; - - subtraction. Here are examples of records that can be entered into the formula string:

  • addition - \u003d A1 + B2;
  • multiplication - \u003d A5 * B5;
  • division - \u003d B4 / B1;
  • subtraction - \u003d A6-B6.

Please note that any formula begins with the "equal" sign (\u003d). And further without any gaps enter the address of the cells and arithmetic signs.

For multiplication in the program there is another option - Product. This is a function of multiplication, like SUM - addition. In this case, the address of the cells should be administered in parentheses through a semicolon (see Fig. 4). If we were talking about finding the work of a column or string, then you can not list all cells, but to set them with the interval through a colon, for example: \u003d Product (A1: A8).

And now, friends, a little about sad. You must have already understood that the tables in the Word are adapted only for the simplest computing, the range of possible operations is small. Moreover, in the examples of the examples of arithmetic action when one or both arguments change (values \u200b\u200bin cells), the result is not automatically changed. To obtain a new value, you will need to highlight the former and press the F9 key or by clicking on the right mouse button allocated by the number, in the drop-down field dropping down the window.

From other mathematical functions for calculating in tables in the Word, the following are available:

  • the arithmetic average in the range: \u003d Average ();
  • determination of the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bin the specified cells: \u003d max / min ();
  • the balance of division: \u003d mod ();
  • allocation of the whole number: \u003d int ();
  • rounding to the specified discharge: \u003d Round ().

The remaining functions are statistical and logical - within the framework of this article we will not disassemble. From our promised, we remained percentage and arithmetic average. So they will deal with them.

How to calculate in the Word table arithmetic and calculate interest

  1. To calculate the arithmetic average in the string or column, we put the cursor in their last cell, open the Formula window ( "Working with tables" - Layout tab - section "Data" - "Formula" button). In the top string of the window, we enter the required formula: \u003d Average (A1: A7) and in the last (eighth) cell of the first column we obtain the result (see Fig. 5).

  1. To calculate interest in the "Formula" window, we will have to record: \u003d [cell address with a number from which we will calculate the percentage] / 100 * [percentage]. Suppose we want to take 5% of 300. We introduce: \u003d A3 / 100 * 3 or even easier: \u003d A3 * 0.03. As a result, we get, of course, 9. But I specifically took simple numbers, the result of the operation with which it is easy to check in the mind. You, friends, catching the principle of this procedure will be able to operate now by any values.

To repeat and secure the passable material, I propose to see a small video.

If you work in Word, and you need to sum up the values \u200b\u200bin the table, you can not enter the data in Excel to copy and paste them into Word. Word is able to perform such simple calculations as addition, multiplication or rounding.

Note: When you add new rows or columns with values \u200b\u200bin Word table, formulas will not be updated automatically. To update the formula, click on it right-click and select Update Field (Update the field) from the drop-down menu.

To enter the formula in the table of the table, set the cursor in the cell and open the tab. Layout. (Layout) in the tab of the tab Table Tools. (Working with tables).

On the tab Layout. (Layout) in the section Data. (Data) Click on Formula. (Formula).

In our example we will multiply Units. (Number of units) on Unit Cost. (Unit cost), and then summarize in the column Total (Total). To multiply two numbers from the cells to the left of the current, enter the following text in the input field Formula. (Formula):

Select the desired option from the drop-down list. Number Format. (Number format) to clarify the type of calculation result.

Note: For more information on accessible formulas and use, you will find on Microsoft Office.

Click OKTo confirm the settings and secure the formula over the cell.

From this point on, the result of the calculation is displayed in the cell.

Note: If you right-click on a cell containing the formula and select the drop-down menu Toggle Field Codes. (Codes / field values), you will see the formula attached to it, as shown in the first picture of this article. Right click and select again. Toggle Field Codes. (Codes / field values) to display the work again.

We did the same actions to multiply Units. (Number of units) and Unit Cost. (Unit cost) in each next line.

Now make sure that the signs have an extra line at the bottom to sum up all prices. Put the cursor into an empty cell at the bottom of the column Total (Total). To display the dialog box Formula. (Formula), click on Formula. (Formula) in the section Data. (Data) on the tab Layout. (Layout). Enter the following formula in the dialog box Formula. (Formula). Most likely, the default formula will be " \u003d SUM (ABOVE)“.

Select a suitable numeric format and click OK.

Now in this cell displays the total sum of the entire column Total (Outcome).

Formulas in the Word table allow you to perform only some mathematical and logical operationsand completely not comparable in its functionality with formulas in excel program. Formulas in the Table Word are a type of field codes and apply only within the same table. To use data from other tables in the document, it is possible to substitute the values \u200b\u200bfor which the tab is created. In addition, the results of computing are updated only when opening the document or manual update. To do this, select the formula and press the key F9.

Calculations in tables in Word are produced immediately after the creation of the formula. To obtain reliable data when used in the calculations of empty cells, empty cells It should be filled with zeros. When compiling formulas in the Word to simplify some records, positional arguments are applied Left, Right, Above, Bell but their use is possible only in the following features Average, Count, Max, Min, Product, Sum . It should be remembered that when using positional arguments, values \u200b\u200bare not taken into account in the header string.

Each cell in the table has its own sequence number, and there are two options for writing a cell positioning in the Word Table. For example, you can record a link to the cell in the RNCn format, where Rn corresponds to the N-th row, and Cn corresponds to the N-th column.

The second method of recording the address of the table cells is more familiar, since this addressing is used in the Excel program. In this embodiment, the letter corresponds to the column, and the number is the cell string.

For calculations in the Word Table, there are not many functions.

Now let's try to create a formula in the Word table and for example, consider the sum of numbers in two cells located in different tables. Before starting the creation of the formula, you need to install the cursor in the cell of the table in which the result of calculations should eventually be. After that go to the bookmark "Layout" tabs "Working with tables" and choose in the menu "Formula". Next, in the list of functions, select the necessary function and specify the necessary cells of the tables. For a value in the second table, we created a tab, and to substitute this value to our formula, it suffices to select the name of the bookmark in the list of bookmarks. If you wish, you can also specify the number format.