Seamless wifi. Seamless roaming WiFi Motorola, Microtik, Aruba

When it is necessary to cover the large territory of WiFi signal, improve productivity, reliability and speed of WiFi network, this can help seamless roaming technology. Seamless WiFi is a transition technology from the coating zone of one point access WiFi. In the coverage area of \u200b\u200banother WiFi access point, without significant data loss. It is possible to submit this as the relay transmission of the client device from one access point to the other. Thus, it is possible to create a seamless WiFi coating at considerable territories: apartments, restaurants, hotels, warehouses, airports, country houses, stadiums, cities.

The main features when creating seamless WiFi are:

  • Calculation of the capacity (power) of the network depending on the intended number of network users.
  • WiFi coating planning depending on the tank and fault tolerance.
  • Ether inspection for interference, overweights, obstacles and other reasons affecting the distribution of radio signal.
  • Planning the frequency plan for better noise immunity and network speed.
  • Determining the places of installation of active equipment, taking into account all factors.

List of possible requirements for equipment in organizing seamless WiFi:

  1. The ability to work WiFi access points under street use. It is necessary when coating street sections, as well as when using indoors with a climate, different from room (warehouses, freezers, saunas, swimming pools, etc.)
  2. Availability of models with different patterns (sector, omnidirectional), to create complex schemes WiFi covers.
  3. The presence of transmitter power control, For the possibility of creating high-capacity networks.
  4. Easy installation and attachment of access points. Possibility of power by PoE, which allows you not to lay additional lines for power supply devices. Compatible with various client devices.
  5. Centralized management of all access points. The ability to control and billing traffic subscriber devices. Simplicity of network scalability.

All these characteristics satisfy equipment from Mikrotik and Ubiquiti companies, which can provide you with high-quality seamless WiFi in various conditions: from your apartment to your city.

In the corporate environment, WiFi performs an increasingly noticeable function and plays an ever-increasing role. A smartphone or tablet can be connected to WiFi, but it is much more important, a corporate phone, a mobile data collection terminal or an online cashier for receiving payments and print checks. Well, if the scope of the WiFi network is small, and you can do an ordinary inexpensive point of access, but you can do how to be if wireless connections Do you need to cover thousands of square meters on several floors? Options definitely have.

Firstly, You can "apply" a set of WiFi networks on a set of autonomous access points. The option is bad because such economy is difficult and inconvenient to manage, when moving through the enterprise, some mobile devices You will have to switch between these networks manually, and most importantly, all this will have to explain to users who are not always well understood in IT, and simply unable to absorb these wisdom. Plus, such a decision has only one: it is cheap.

Secondly, can to broadcast one WiFi network using the same type of stand-alone access points with WDS technology. The main minus of such a solution is that the overwhelming, absolute and unconditional majority of more or less affordable (up to 300 USD) access points of popular vendors work ugly in WDS mode. Broadcasting may disappear and restored, connectivity between the main and dependent access points will be disturbed, and mobile devices will lose touch and, together with it, their functional characteristics. So it is better to leave this option for real samurai.

An ideologically and technologically correct option is considered to use the controller and dependent access points. It is this option that is called "seamless WiFi". Its essence is that one centralized controller device can be the essence of it, and one centralized controller device is carried out by their broadcasting. Controller:

  • monitors the state of the subordinate access points, the load on them;
  • adjusts the signal power and bandwidth depending on the number of customers and the nature of their work;
  • independently restores maintenance-free due to the failures of the region's equipment by increasing the coverage area from near access points;
  • provides web authentication and dynamic accounts for the implementation of the so-called. "Guest Access" (for some controllers, options like printers to generate and print temporary user accounting data);
  • provides quick roaming, with which you can freely move, for example, with a wifi-phone between the coverage zones of different access points, without interrupting the conversation and without watching any connection interruptions. The controller at the same time "rams" to your device signal from the closest access point.

Modern controllers allow you to connect WiFi access points in repeater mode (so-called MESH technology) without cable connection to the network, and also provide integration with adjacent IT systems (for example, Active Directory., geolocation services, etc.).

What to build seamless Wi-Fi

In our catalog of solutions, options for household, corporate and sectoral WiFi solutions are already scrupulously selected and described :. And if you go "by top", then the most successful options seamless Wi-Fi The market presents the following vendors:

2. In the Middle-End segment, another American manufacturer reigns. Relatively inexpensive, Cambium is also distinguished by reliability and high performance.

Like Ruckus Unleashed, Cambium can also work in the network control mode without a controller. At Cambium, this ecosystem is called AutoPilot, it supports up to 32 network access points and up to 1000 wireless customers. It is functionally almost not inferior to the version with the controller, besides, it does not require any investment, in addition to the purchase of access point themselves, you do not need to buy licenses, service contracts and their updates.

Is it necessary faster, higher, stronger? You are welcome! Free cloud cNMAESTRO controller supports up to 4,000 access points and up to 25,000 wireless customers. Software can be completely installed on own serverif convictions do not allow cloud solutions. With the functionality of Cambium, too, everything is in order: here you and centralized Governance Ecosystem, and geolocation, analytics, radio analysis, integration with adjacent systems ... In general, everything that the soul wants.

The disadvantage of Cambium can be considered a relatively poor line of access points :. Although everything you need in it is present: there are access points with sectoral antennas, with support for 802.11ac Wave 2, MU-MIMO 4x4: 4, street and for premises. In general, a complete gentleman set to your service!

3. In the budget segment, competition is significantly higher, but we allocate TP-LINK among other audacious Chinese. This is the main and most interesting Ubiquiti competitor (which will be below), although this comparison in 2019 is not flattering for TP-LINK.

To begin with, let's figure it out with the TP-LINK label itself: actually two of them. There is a TP-LINK that makes cheap home routers and plastic switches, and there is a TP-LINK that makes the products of the Enterprise line - WiFi systems, SMART series switches, accessories to them. This, in fact, 2 different companies, because between these two directions no intersection points Neither in the field of scientific research, nor in production lines. And, objectivity for the sake of Enterprise TP-LINK is much higher than the quality than his younger fellow, specializing in products for Soho.

Now to WiFi. TP-LINK has a lineup auranet cap - in currently in some forgotten (but it is temporary). Ceiling solution - 500 access points, 10,000 wireless clients. Controllers are only hardware, 50 or 500 access points. Access points - in a fairly old, "Topoon" design, but with support for honest seamless roaming in accordance with 802.11k / V standards, Beamforming, Band Steering, AirTime Fairness - In general, the set is completely complete. High Density on TP-LINK, of course, not to provide, but the activities of 200-300 users in one hall were already served, and the customers did not cause any complaints.

The second ecosystem at TP-LINK is called OmadaIt presents the access points of the EAP series. The controller - Omada Controller - is available in hardware version (with a limit of 50 access points in the 1st network), but there is also a software that can be installed on the server under windows control or Linux. Access points EAP look modern, and, by itself, you can know everything that you need to be able in 2019 by self-respecting access point.

4. Our next patient - Ubiquiti Unifi series. This is when I want to be beautiful and cheap. And "beautifully" with ubiquiti will be constantly, because They all have been subordinate to design: from packaging before design interface design. And the design is really hardly the best in the industry. In general, the products of ubiquiti are characterized by an extremely low price with a fairly high quality product as a whole.

The main minus ubiquiti is that the WiFi is truly seamless roaming in accordance with IEEE standards, he still does not support, offering in return to its proprietary implementation. Which works, well, let's say so so. Therefore, if you need to organize impeccable WiFi client roaming with voice or video applies, then ubiquiti, as it is sad, you will not work. The same applies to High Density - this is not about ubiquiti. In general, the radio frequencies of Ubiquiti are far from the ideal, but thanks to a powerful component base, a very wide range of equipment and proper marketing policies, they are still one of the most popular WiFi-solutions manufacturers. In Russia, Ubiquiti has no more significant drawbacks: the lack of official service and representative offices. The first means that the warranty on the territory of the Russian Federation works a little better than in any way, and the second is that you will not have technical support, nor certificates for equipment (which closes him the road to state enterprises and to telecom operators).

The advantage of Ubiquiti - in their UNIFI ecosystem, which is now not only WiFi equipment, but also switches, routers, video surveillance, telephony, and recently even some of the components of the smart home. And the management of all this economy is available through very beautiful and convenient applications (including mobile), integrating with the "cloud" ubiquiti, i.e. "Challenge" Unifi Ecosystem You can from anywhere in the planet, and this is without any dancing with ports of ports, static IP addresses and other leaps. In general, it is really convenient.

5. MIKROTIK, EDIMAX, WISNETWORKS, TG-NET, etc.The 5th point in this list we will be adding only because the number 5 is more beautiful than 4. Well, or the reputation is better. The objectively listed here, the vendors are not yet reaching even to the level of ubiquiti (they may not be worse, but by the aggregate of the factors of their perception by the market are not so significant), but they still take some kind of niche in the market and are some popular.

Boldly boast: we have accumulated extensive deployment experience large networks Wi-Fi, we managed to "feel" the most diverse solutions of most profile vendors, and know them strengths and underwater rocks. We are ready to apply your experience for designing and installing wireless networks at your enterprise. - Save your time and money!

In a modern business environment, almost any enterprise is difficult to overestimate the role information technologies, and recently especially WiFi Networks. Wireless communication becomes an excellent helper when you need to connect the Internet smartphone or tablet, a corporate telephone manager, a data acquisition terminal for a warehouse employee or for example, a device for receiving payments in the restaurant's hall. If the territory of your office or enterprise is small, and the load on the number of connected devices does not exceed one dozen - everything is extremely simple, you need to install and configure WiFi router.

But what should I do if you need to cover a wireless connection with a whole building of a multi-storey hotel, a plant shop, a few rooms of a large restaurant, a large office or a seating area, a few hectares?

What are the ways to solve such a task?

Company Website offers the most advanced solution for large corporate and private WiFi networks - seamless WiFi

With the help of our equipment you can build a modern seamless wireless network at home, in the enterprise, inside or outside the room.

How it works?

In fact, you have a single WiFi network running one controller and dependent access points. This is called "seamless WiFi". The meaning is that the access points can be from several pieces to several hundred, the control and broadcasting of traffic is done by one centralized controller device or specialized software.

What does the controller need:

  • continuous monitoring of access points status, load on them;
  • controls the power of the signal and throughput depending on the number of clients and the nature of their work;
  • independently restores maintenance-free due to the failures of the region's equipment by increasing the coverage area from near access points;
  • provides web authentication and dynamic accounts for realization of the so-called. "Guest Access" (for some controllers, options like printers to generate and print temporary user accounting data);
  • provides continuous WiFi SignalWith which you can freely move, for example, with a wifi-phone between the coverage areas of different access points, without interrupting the conversation and without observing any connection interruptions. The controller at the same time "rams" to your device signal from the closest access point.
For what you need access points:
  • give access to the Internet to the final client (for example mobile phone or tablet)
  • under the control of the controller remove the peak load from one point to another

Comfortable and beautiful graphical interface

If you have a plan of premises / terrain, where it will be deployed wireless networkYou can use it useful for maintaining a network manner. In the Wireless Controller Settings menu, you can create or download the room map.

Map of radio frequency. Monitor and analyze the surrounding radio.

The instrument panel gives visual view The status of your network and displays basic information about each segment.

Large functionality settings. You can select WiFi channels, frequency spectrum and transmitter power, etc.

You can purchase two types of equipment sets to create seamless WiFi networks

Networks in the WiFi 2.4 + 5 GHz range with support for up to 50 users per 1 point access

These kits are presented on ubiquity equipment and are fully compatible with routers and brand switches Mikrotik. As a controller, it is, firstly convenient in terms of management, secondly removes the load from the main router and is fully responsible for the wireless network on the object. The number of access points is programmatically limited by a value of 20. Wireless points of the Ubiquity Unifi AP series are presented in two versions - to place indoors - indoors and on the street. Recommended number of users - up to 50 clients per 1 access point. Depending on the scale of the task, we offer on sale such options:

Number of users (MAX) WiFi Square Coatings M2 User mode Placing WiFi equipment Composition kit
100 up to 200. Internet surfing
social networks
IP telephony

Indoors indoors Controller - 1 pc.
Access point / - 2 pcs.
100 up to 200. Internet surfing
social networks
IP telephony
View video online
On the street Controller - 1 pc.
Access point - 2 pcs.
200+ up to 400. Internet surfing
social networks
IP telephony
View video online
Indoors indoors Controller - support for WiFi 802.11ac protocol with maximum speed up to 1200 MBS
- Modern and intuitive graphic interface Access Point Controllers
- Sets with Ubiquity Unifi AP Mesh hardware support Wireless Uplink technology, which allows you not to connect access points directly to the wire controller