Bonuses on the program happy time. Beeline Bonus Program - Detailed Description

"Happy time" is a loyalty program, a service for Beeline subscribers, with which you can get bonuses and spend them at your discretion (for example, other mobile network services). It is also possible not to use bonuses at once, but to accumulate their definite amount and get a major prize. There are many advantages, key of which is the savings in touch per month to 15% of the funds.

Description of the tariff "Happy time"

The number of points directly depends on the "loyalty" of the subscriber of the Beeline network (the longer it is in the use of the SIM card of this network, the greater the amount of them accumulates):

How to activate "Happy time"?

To activate this program, you can use in several ways:

  1. Authorizes on the telecom operator website, register (if this was not previously done), go to the user's personal account and click the Services Connection button;
  2. Call 767;
  3. dial command - USSD request * 767 # .

All requests, calls and other commands for connecting services are free for Beeline subscribers. Bonuses after accumulation will be automatically used after their accrual.

When using this loyalty program, it can be issued, for which over the past 3 months you need to spend an average of more than 1,500 rubles for communication services. This status is activated for 1 year, and subsequently an automatic extension occurs if the costs correspond to the same characteristics.

If the subscriber does not want to be a subscriber of the service "Happy time", it can send a USSD request * 767 * 0 # Or go to the site in the settings in the Personal Account.

How to check the number of accumulated bonuses?

To check the bonus balance, you need to enter a request * 767 * 2 Or go to the portal in your personal account.

It is important to remember that the bonuses are not accrued and will not be obtained for the following operations:

  • if mobile commerce services are paid, in particular payment for housing and communal payments, other services of third-party organizations);
  • beeline and entertainment services;
  • mobile translations;
  • messages and calls to other states;
  • messages and calls in roaming;
  • when using the service "".

How to spend bonuses?

They can be used when using communication services: calls, subscription fees, messages, Internet. Free calls are the main direction of using bonuses. In addition, bonuses can be paid in Beeline offices when buying equipment (part of its full cost). Also, the bonuses can be paid for the transition to another tariff plan or to give them to any subscriber.

The service is valid 30 days, after which the write-off of bonuses stop and they will accumulate again until the write-off option is repeated.

If the bonuses are over, communication services are paid by the balance sheet. If, when the write-off function is enabled, they have been accumulated again, they are automatic spending on communication services.

The write-off of bonuses occurs in order of their accrual, i.e. Those who used to be displayed on the personal account were checked faster. The duration of their life is 6 months after the personal account (they burn up after this period, if they do not spend).

How to translate bonuses to another subscriber?

  1. dial USSD request * 767 # ;
  2. specify the phone number of the destination of bonuses in 90xxxxxxx format and the amount you need to give;
  3. enter the secret code received by the SMS message to confirm the translation operation.

How to pay other services to bonuses?

Additionally, the scores are paid by the following services:

  • "100 SMS in international roaming" (valid 30 days, the cost of 295 bonuses): Connects at 06740487;
  • "1 GB" (cost 250 bonuses): Connects at 06740488;
  • "Provided the speed of 4 GB" (cost of 500 bonuses): connected by number 06740489.

Subscribers with a credit method of settlements can be received on a monthly account to receive a discount, which operates 30 days in relation to expenses exclusively on mobile communications: calls, subscription fees, SMS, Internet. Discount You need to activate until the USSD invoice invoice * 805 # At the same time, it applies to the nearest bill. It is optional to use every month. If 3 monthly bills are not paid for a discount, you can get one of the gifts: 500 MB of Internet, 60 minutes per local network, a 10% discount on the purchase of phones and smartphones in the Beeline office.

Bonus programs are an interesting proposal that is able to interest many buyers. For example, now we have to figure out how to spend the bonuses "Beeline" "happy time." And understand what we will deal with. After all, many subscribers assure that this proposal will help save a lot of money when making purchases. Let's learn as soon as possible that it is a "happy time" from Bilain. Maybe it is really worth participating in this program?

Service description

Before spending bonuses, you need to figure out how to accumulate them and connect this option. What is this tempting offer?

"Happy time" is a bonus action that allows Bilain's customers to save on purchases. Becoming a member, you get up to 15% of the amount from spending on touch as points. They can then be used. About how exactly we will talk a little later. Consider 1 ruble \u003d 1 bonus. So if you are actively using a mobile phone, then it is a very advantageous offer that the Beeline operator provides. The accumulated bonuses on the program you can or spend yourself, or translate them to your friend. It is worth learn about these moments in more detail, only then learn to spend a "happy time."

Check residue

Suppose we are already participants in the action. And for a long time actively spend in touch. How to check bonuses on "BILINE" "Happy time"? There are several options here, and they are all pretty simple in mastering.

For example, you can go to the site "BILAINA", log in there in the "Personal Account" and check the balance of bonuses by visiting the corresponding page. Not the most popular and effective method.

It is also worth noting that you can use the USSD request. Send the command * 767 * 2 # from your phone number and wait for the message with the result. As a rule, the answer comes quickly, but a delay of up to 5 minutes is possible.

If you look at the official website, the Beeline operator also offers a "happy time" bonuses using a special phone application. There, as in the case of the site, it is enough to find the appropriate service and click on it. Nothing difficult. But, as practice shows, subscribers use an exceptionally USSD request.

Translation of a friend

How to translate "happy time" from one number to another? For this there is a special combination. You dial it, click on the "call" and wait for the result. The format is presented as follows: * 767 # Subscriber number The sum of translation *. The minimum translation is 10 points, the maximum - 3,000 per day. There is 30 days translation. Please note that the phone number of the subscriber must begin with 9, and the transfer amount is written through the space. If you do not comply with this condition, then you cannot implement action.


How to activate bonuses on "biline" "happy time"? To do this, it is necessary to become a member of the program of the same name. The task is carried out in two ways - with the help of the official site of "BILAIN" and through a USSD request.

In the first case, you must pass authorization on the page in the "Personal Account", and then find in the list of shares "Happy Time". Click on "Connect" and enter the confirmation code to the appropriate field on the screen. It will come by SMS after clicking on the button.

In the case of a USSD command, it is enough to dial * 767 # and click on the call button. After that, you will receive alert in which you will say that you have become a participant in the "Happy Time" promotion. Please note that accumulated bonuses have their time. They are stored for six months. And if you do not spend them for the specified period of time, bonuses burn. This fact will have to take into account all participants so that there are no problems later. But how to spend the bonuses "Beeline" "Happy time"?

Shopping at Bilain

For example, you can put part of the points received to make purchases in the cellular salons of our today's operator. True, there is some limit here - the subscriber cannot cover over 10% of the purchase price. This condition "works" when acquiring tablets and smartphones at Bilain.

Inform the deal that we would like to spend the "happy time" bonuses to reduce the final cost of products. Tell your phone number, as well as the desired number of scriptures. While payment, an office employee will write with you called bonuses. There is nothing difficult in this.

Payment of communication

In addition, if you do not know how to spend the "Beeline" bonuses "Happy time", you can use this option as the payment of mobile operator services. That is, everyone is able to first accumulate points, and then pay them for telephone activity.

Dial the * 789 # command. There is 30 days service. After it, it is necessary or activated again, or spend bonuses on something else. If the account is not enough, the residue will be written off in rubles.

affiliate program

But how to spend bonuses "Beeline" "Happy time" with benefit for yourself? Please note that very often the operator conducts a variety of shares with some stores. And you can spend accumulated points to cover spending during transactions. Usually partners allow you to "close" 20% of the purchase cost.

But constantly spending a "happy time" in partner stores. About the campaigns have to learn from the official website of Bilain. Not quite convenient, but there are no choice by participants.

As you can see, a "happy time" is a fairly useful action in which you can participate. Practice shows that most often subscribers spend accumulated points for the acquisition of gadgets in Bilain offices. Shares in partner stores enjoy not so great demand. Nevertheless, now we know how to spend bonuses "Beeline" "happy time." Everyone has the right to solve himself how to dispose of his points.

Beeline, as one of the most customer-oriented mobile operators, cares about its subscribers and seeks to increase their loyalty to the brand. To this end, the company's management has developed and implemented a unique bonus project - "Happy time" from Beeline. Until recently, any customer provider could join him. What does he represent, how to participate in it, and how profitable is it? These and other features of the service are in the presented material.

Exclusive Bonus Service "Happy Time", presented by Beeline, is a motivational program that allows you to call the relatives and relatives, send messages, connect the services and receive special personal privileges in the form of loyalty points. Subsequently, you can pay other services or exchange for discounts. Such a loyalty program is a truly profitable solution that allows subscribers to benefit from calls in the form of both conversations and bonuses.

After binding the program to the client number, the initial account is charged the initial amount of remuneration for spending, which were incurred for all the time of activity in the network of this mobile operator. The starting number of points is directly proportional to the period in which the service subscriber uses Beeline offers. In general, the dependence looks like this:

  • if a person is connected to the operator's services less than six months, it will be credited to 5% of the amounts submitted;
  • if the time of use of the bond Beeline is up to a year, the number of bonuses according to the program will be 8% of payment;
  • during the operation of the service provider for 1-2 years paid 10%;
  • for cooperation for 2-3 years it will be possible to get 12% of the contribution;
  • if the user is connected to a mobile operator longer than three years, he will receive 15% of bonuses.

So, the longer the subscriber is connected to the provider, the more premium points he gets for the speared for services (subscription, conversations, text messages, online traffic, and so on) cash. To find out your personal "experience" from the telecommunications service provider described, you can personally go to the nearest representation or look into the application installed on a mobile gadget, "My Beeline". By the way, the program presents not only this information. Here you can also see a relevant discount, the period remaining until the status is raised, and some other information. In the personal account, too, there is data on how many bonuses will be enrolled.

The conditions of the program for postpositive tariffs look somewhat differently. For personal accounts of users who preferred postopulation form of calculations, points do not come. In return, they can take advantage of the balance sheet. As in prepaid tariffs, the size of the discount depends on the experience of cooperation with bilayn. The sum of total expenditures is not related to its value.

The client connected to the postposition rate can use accumulated glasses to receive a discount on account replenishment by typing number 067403331.

The user can activate the discount within three months or after this period is given to get one of the gifts:

  • 1 hour for calls within the region;
  • 500 MB of Internet traffic;
  • discount on the purchase of equipment and mobile accessories in the official salons of the provider in the amount of 10%.

For what actions are accrued bonuses

Mobile Beeline Provider Accruses Bonus Glasses "Happy Time" for all standard actions that regularly performs the subscriber: calls, transferring messages, using the mobile Internet - everything is for what needs to be replenished.

But not all expenses are the basis for the accrual of bonus points. So, bonuses will not get accumulated for such actions:

  • translation of accumulations on the balance of third-party organizations;
  • carrying out calls and transferring messages, spending Internet traffic in roaming;
  • payment of communication in the city number;
  • long-distance, international calls and messages;
  • payment of home Internet or TV.

How to connect a bonus program

The start of participation in the Bonus Project "Happy Time" occurs literally in a few minutes. The following methods are provided to activate the program:

  • perform a query with a combination * 767 # and press the call button;
  • dial number 0767 and perform a call on it;
  • authorize in the Personal Account and go to the Services Connection section.

Important comment: To date, new subscribers cannot be connected to the bonus project. The service is available only to those users who activated it until August 2016.

How to turn off the bonus program? If the subscriber wants to refuse to participate in the loyalty program "Happy time", it will be necessary to make a query with a combination * 767 * 0 # and press the call key. If you perform this action, all the glasses that were accumulated on the balance will automatically burn. It should also be borne in mind that this program is not available for new subscribers. Therefore, turning off the "happy time" from your number, it will not be possible to connect it again.

How to check bonuses on biline

Find out how many points remained on a bonus account, the subscriber can be in the appropriate section of a personal account. This feature is also available in Annex on Android. In Offline mode, you can check the number of points by performing a request * 767 #.

How to use Beeline Bonuses "Happy Time"

Having understood how to earn and check the accumulated bonus points, we turn to the story about how to spend bonuses. Subscribers can use them in the following directions.

  1. For reward glasses, Beeline subscribers can buy equipment and equipment in the salons of the operator. At the same time, only 10% of the total purchase price can be paid.
  2. Spend bonuses for payment of communication services.
  3. Spend bonus points for calls and messages in roaming.

In order to activate bonuses on biline, you must dial a combination * 789 #. The operator will write off bonus points from a mobile account within one month. The activation is then automatically turned off, and the points are again charged to the subscriber's account.

If the user does not activate the bonuses for a long time, then, according to the terms of the program, they start automatically billing as a charge for communication.

To find out what services the subscriber can connect by paying for their accumulated bonuses, by calling 0641686. The call to this number is free if it is carried out with biline.

How to translate bonuses to another subscriber

The subscriber has the ability to list its bonuses to another user account, but only if it is connected to a bonus project. The minimum transfer amount is 10 points. A limit is installed on the list: in one day the subscriber can translate to another number to the maximum of 3000 points. The recipient can activate the scores received within a month. Therefore, it is worth paying in advance which services will be paid to them.

Thanks to which subscribers can see detailed statements on the score, connect or disable the services and change the tariff with two taps, without opening the browser. Despite the solid functionality of the application, the developers continue to complement it with new features. Recently, the "My Beeline" application has the opportunity to manage the Bonus Program "Happy Time". So all questions about the number of bonuses, the bonus percentage and enrollment time will be solved in two tapa.

The program "Happy time" appeared more than a year ago. Probably, many subscribers connected to the program, not particularly distinguished into the essence: the main thing is that it is not necessary to pay and accrue some bonuses. Bonuses are always good, and where they leave and how many bonuses you get, in general it does not matter. Reluctance to go to your personal account, search or send an SMS with a request.

Now you do not have to do this, because this opportunity appeared in the "My Beeline" application. Previously, "happy time" was displayed only from subscribers - participants in the program, and now it is seen without exception.

We go into the section "Services", we see the item "Happy Time" and connect. Yes, if you participate in the storage program "Raspberry", to connect a "happy time" will not work - you have to choose. See what you are more profitable.

After reading (or very quick reading) offers and consent with the conditions for another month nothing happens. At the same time you won't lose anything, so you can wait.

But then and the longest time comes when for each account replenishment you will charge points that you can spend on touch (not in roaming) or the Internet. Moreover, points are automatically charged and spend the same - do not remember and enter any short numbers or confirm something on SMS.

In principle, the essence of the program is simple, but still there is your troubles. For example, a bonus percentage, which depends on your "experience" with Bilayin, or the time through which points are accrued. And all this information now is in the appendix.

All about "happy time"

As I have already written above, the number of bonuses depends on how long you are already using the Simka Bilain. For example, if from three years - 15%; If from year to two years - is charged 10% of your payment; If less - respectively, the percentage of bonuses will be less.

In general, the most faithful subscribers of Bilain get the biggest buns. The problem is that many users do not know when they connected to the operator simply do not remember: maybe a year and a half ago, and maybe all three, it was long ago.

Now you can see this information in the application and even see how many days you have left to increase the percentage.

In addition, you see bonuses that are about to come to your account, and you immediately know when your calls, SMS and the Internet will become free thanks to bonuses. All this information you will find in the Finance block - it will be more convenient to plan your connection costs (below the Bilain screenshots for Android).

But that's not all.

Change number directly from the application

Now you can change the number without getting to the Bilayna office, but just going to the desired application section. If you are a subscriber "Biline" more than 30 days (and did not move to Beeline from another mobile operator), you have no debts, and there is enough money to pay for the service change service, everything will go smoothly and quickly.

You can choose a number by different parameters: at a memorable date or group of numbers, for some word or by degree similar to your old number (below the screen version for Android).

Well, if you are at all indifferent, how the new number will look like, you can choose the option "random numbers" and get a new set of numbers, which no one knows, besides you.

So, at the expense of the last additions, the monitoring of the score has become more convenient. Now there is not only detailing of payments and the full history of replenishment, but also the number of bonuses in the program. And the connection of at least two services has become easier.

The developers of the application "My Beeline" do not cease to remind him, expanding its functionality. Let's see what changes are waiting for the application in the future.

Mobile phone users may notice that together with communicative opportunities, companies offer many different motivational programs. Bilayne subscribers can use the Bonus Project "Happy Time" for the accumulation of points on your account. You can buy or pay for services, get a discount on the acquisition of technology. Happy Time Beeline is considered a fairly interesting proposal submitted by the company.

The uniqueness of this program is that customers constantly receive bonuses. The longer the user uses the services of the current operator, the higher his remuneration. Newbies get fewer bonuses. Use the system of a happy time can customers of postpaid and prepaid calculation. Any client can activate the program.

Users using this function less than half a year, 5% bonus.

The system looks like this:

  • 5% - up to 6 m-in;
  • 8% - up to 12 m-in;
  • 10% - up to 24 m-in;
  • 12% - up to 3 years;
  • 15% - more than 3 years.

The percentage of accrual depends on the duration of the connection.

How to calculate points

If this is a prepaid system, then the accrual of points is performed for each action that was performed by the subscriber. With a stable flow of money on the number, without performing paid operations, the amounts are not charged.

If this is a postpost system, then the accrual is made monthly for each perfect action.

What to do with points

The course of one bonus is one ruble. The more accumulations, the higher the chances to acquire mobile equipment in the Beeline office.

If you type 295 points, the package for intercity negotiations is activated.

Also, bonuses will help extend traffic.

Accumulated prizes, the subscriber, if wishes, can send to another user of this network. Only he must also be activated by the service.

When bonuses are not accrued

Not every action performed by the client leads to money proceeds. That is, the accumulations from them remain the same if the operations will be included in a certain category:

  • Using standard roaming services: messages, calls, Internet;
  • Payment of the Internet, telephone conversations, television;
  • Calls and communications of the international and long-distance nature.

You can get a reward using the usual statements of the operator.

How to connect and disable

Note, now the connections have ceased to produce. The options can use those clients from which it was connected 2 years ago. New subscribers log in to the group of users this program cannot. Previously, many were interested in this issue. They recruited the * 767 * 1 # command.

Using a short query * 767 #, users appear to perform some actions. This concerns:

  • Shutdown services;
  • Connection options;
  • Account status;
  • Transmission of their savings.

Customers who have a bonus account can lose the accumulated points in case of deactivation of the option. Back