What is scheduled update for ask toolbar. Harm from the appearance

Ask.com is a serious website whose declared mission is to answer users' questions using the best information from the Internet and from real people thereby expanding the scope of user knowledge. More recently, many have complained about being forced to redirect to the ask.com website. According to such complaints, no matter which search engine is used, Google, Yahoo or Bing, you can be redirected to Ask.com. Such unfair influence is carried out with one main goal - to force users to visit sites in one way or another related to ask.com. If you want to avoid redirects to unknown domains, we do not recommend using ask.com. Thus, you should remove this redirect virus as soon as possible.

How can Ask.com appear in my browser?

Ask.com is not a virus. However, this domain is known to use suspicious methods for distribution. It may appear instead of your search engine and start page without your permission. To avoid this, you need to carefully follow the installation process of free programs, choosing the Advanced or Custom installation method, and carefully study each step of the installation process. If you decide to remove Ask Search, you can get rid of it by following the steps below.

How to remove Ask.com?

As we already mentioned, Ask.com is not a virus. However, if you want to avoid unexpected redirects and advertisements, you should consider using a different search engine. To remove it, follow these steps:

  • Uninstall Search.tb.ask.com related programs:

1. Click Start → Control Panel → Uninstall Programs.
2. In Add/Remove Programs, find Ask Toolbar, Ask Updater, Ask Search and other programs developed by Mindspark Interactive Network.
3. Click on ‘Delete’ and click OK to save the changes.

  • Change your browser settings:

Internet Explorer:
1. Open Internet Explorer, click Settings -> ‘Manage Add-ons’.
2. Find unfamiliar plugins here (Ask Toolbar, Ask Updater, Ask Search, etc.) and delete these entries.
3. To change homepage, open Settings and select ‘Internet Options’.
4. Delete Search.tb.ask.com and enter the domain you need.
5. To change search engine default, click settings, select ‘Manage Add-ons -> ‘Search Services’,
6. Install the search engine you need.

Mozilla Firefox:
1. Open Mozilla Firefox, click on ‘Settings’ -> ‘Add-ons’ -> ‘Extensions’.
2. Find unfamiliar plugins here (Ask Toolbar, Ask Updater, Ask Search, etc.) and delete them by clicking on the trash can icon.
3. To change your home page, open Firefox, select ‘Settings’
4. Remove Search.tb.ask.com and select the website you need.
5. To change your default search engine, open click on the question mark icon.
6. Click 'Troubleshooting Information' here and select 'Reset Firefox'.

Google Chrome:
1. Open Google Chrome, click the menu icon on the right upper corner and select and select ‘Settings’ -> ‘Extensions’.
2. Select unfamiliar plugins here (Ask Toolbar, Ask Updater, Ask Search, etc.) and delete them by clicking on the trash can icon.
3. To change the home page, click on the menu icon, select ‘Settings’ -> section ‘On startup’ -> ‘add’
4. Delete Search.tb.ask.com here by clicking on the "X" and enter the website you want.
5. To change the default search engine click on the menu icon -> ‘Settings’ -> ‘Search’ section
6. Click here ‘Manage search engines…’ and add the domain you need.

If the Ask Toolbar panel suddenly appeared on your computer, what kind of program it is and why it is needed, and also where it came from on your device, you will learn in this article.

Why is it needed?

Most users consider Ask Toolbar "junk" software that does not bring any benefit to the user, but only clogs the PC and takes away part of its capacity. This panel is built into the browser (read "") and is used to manage services from Ask. It has the following benefits:

How does it get on PC?

Ask.com has created its own search engine. But due to the fact that it did not become popular, like analogues, developers began to distribute their software using all sorts of tricks. Therefore, this toolbar has earned "bad" fame among users.

In most cases, Ask Toolbar is installed on the PC as an additional software along with other programs. This happens due to the inattention or inexperience of users who do not uncheck the installation of this panel in additional or hidden installation menus.

How is it manifested?

The program manifests itself on the PC in the same way as other potentially dangerous software:

  • the number of promotional offers increases;
  • changing browser settings;
  • the user is redirected to unknown resources that are potentially dangerous for the security of the device.

What is Ask Toolbar Notifier?

Ask Toolbar Notifier starts with Ask Toolbar. It is designed for:

  • assistance in installing the panel;
  • downloading browser updates;
  • downloading Ask Toolbar updates.


Malware removal is performed in two steps: cleaning the computer and browsers.

From a computer

Important! Uninstall other software that was installed with the program and has a similar name (for example, Ask Toolbar Updater).

From browser

Important! We will show an example of removing a panel from only Google browser Chrome. For other Internet browsers, the cleaning process will be similar.

Search engine recovery.

Ask offers a web search engine ( Ask.com) and toolbars that are promoted through other free programs and once installed on your computer and they will hijack your browser's home page and replace your default search engine. Ask Toolbar is a program that promotes through freeware software and often gets inside computers without users' knowledge. These are legitimate programs, but because of which it is installed on computers, it is considered unwanted applications. Ask Toolbar usually comes with an installer for programs you download from the Internet. You can avoid installing it if you pay attention to every step of installing any program. You can usually uncheck the install option on this toolbar.

Home Page Become-Ask.com

However, if you have already got it on your computer, the first thing you will see is that the home page will be changed to Ask .com and the default search engine will be changed as well. This is very annoying, especially if you are unaware of these changes before they are made. Search results are subject to change too and may include many Sponsored Sites. What's more, the Ask Toolbar tends to display various ads which is not very nice. It can even redirect you to websites you have never seen in your life. It even interrupts your privacy as such ad-ons tend to collect information about your browsing history and so on.

Ask Toolbar and Search got on your computer after installing other free software or add-ons that are bundled into their installation of this browser hijacker. For example, when Java installation, Ask will install your toolbar, customize your browser homepage for Ask.com and change the default search engine for nl.ask.com.
However, when you uninstall Java from your computer, the web browser's default settings will not be restored. This means that you will have to remove Ask Toolbar and Search from your favorite web browser manually.

How to remove AskToolbar

If you have not yet downloaded it yourself, you must remove Ask Toolbar from your system. Go to the list of programs in the control panel. Start -> Control Panel, click on "Uninstall a program" in the program area. Look for all related Ask Toolbar, Ask .com and similar things on the list of programs and click the Uninstall/Change button next to it. To automatically remove the program, it is recommended to run a full system scan using a reputable anti-spyware tool like . Adwcleaner can help you with this problem too. After that fix your browser settings manually depending on which browser you are using:

Remove Ask Toolbar from IE:

  1. Open IE and go to 'Tools'-'Manage Add-ons.
  2. Select "Toolbars and Extensions" and remove all related Ask Toolbar from the list.
  3. Select "Search providers" - choose the search engine you have used before and make it the default search provider. Also, select 'web', click on 'Disable Suggestions' to turn it off.
  4. Go "Tools" - "Internet Options" and select the "General" tab, click the "Set as default" button, or enter your own website name, google.com or another. Finally click "OK" to save the changes.

Remove Ask Toolbar from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Mozilla Firefly, go "Tools" - "Add-ons".
  2. Select ‘Extensions’ Ask Toolbar and click on the Uninstall button.
  3. Go 'tools' → 'options'. Finally reset the startup homepage or change it to google.com.

Removing Ask Toolbar from Google Chrome:

  1. Click on the "Customize and control Google Chrome" icon, select "Features".
  2. Select "Basic" options and change google chrome google.com page or any other browser and click the "Manage Search Engines..." button.
  3. Select "Google" and make it your default search engine.

You should always pay attention when installing software, because often, software installations include optional installs, like this Ask Toolbar. Be very careful that you agree to the installation. Always opt for custom installation and deselect everything that is not familiar, especially optional software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place.
It goes without saying that one should not install software which you don't trust.

The Ask.com search engine has long practiced the principle of imposing its products, such as Ask Toolbar, Ask Toolbar Notifier, Ask Toolbar Updater, on computers of innocent users. Ask.com developers have found several ways to popularize their service. Firstly, just Ask.com ads, secondly, in the form of "viruses", thirdly, the introduction of their tools into partnership programs. When installing such programs, the Ask bar is automatically installed.

What is Ask Toolbar for?

Ask Toolbar is a toolbar from Ask that provides its users with a wide range of features, including:

Despite these advantages this application users are dissatisfied with it. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of similar panels that are superior to Ask Toolbar in many respects, and the principles of application distribution do not meet the wishes of the Internet audience.

It just so happened that users do not pay much attention to agreements when installing programs. What follows is surprise when Ask.com or Ask Search appears on your browser's home page. The Ask Toolbar in the browser toolbar is also bewildering. Such an intrusive presence brings its own discomfort to your Internet surfing.

How to prevent Ask.com and Ask Toolbar from appearing on your computer

Unfortunately for the "developers" of Ask, their software is unwanted. Ask Toolbar cannot be classified as a virus. No matter how much we want, we ourselves give Ask the right to control our computer. What steps should be taken to prevent the Ask tools from appearing on the PC:

  1. Download software and various applications only from trusted sources and popular services.
  2. When installing programs, be careful, especially to those points where there is information with checkmarks. If there are any, they should be removed.
  3. Periodically check your browser registry for Ask tools.

What is Ask Toolbar Notifier?

Ask Toolbar Notifier runs along with Ask Toolbar and is also called Ask TBNotifier.exe. It is designed to help the user install the toolbar on a PC, and is also responsible for updating your browsers and for downloading the latest modifications of the Ask panel. Loading this process automatically at startup operating system. It can be found in the registry key:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ApnTBMon

How to remove Ask.com, Ask Toolbar and Toolbar Updater?

There are a lot of people who want to remove the program. On the Internet, now and then there are questions like How to remove Ask Toolbar from a computer. If you want to remove all components of Ask Toolbar from your computer, then the following steps will help you in solving this problem.

Uninstalling Ask components through the control panel

In order to remove Ask Toolbar and Ask Toolbar Updater directly from PC, then you should:

  • Windows 8: in the lower left corner of the screen, right-click, go to Panel, then in Uninstalling a program. Select from the list, everything related to Ask and delete.
  • For Windows 7: go to Start - Toolbar - Programs and Features. Select Ask Toolbar from the list and safely delete it.

Removing Ask components from the browser

You can also remove/disable everything related to Ask.com in your browser:

  1. Internet Explorer: go to Tools - Manage Add-ons - Toolbar and Extensions. Select the add-ons you need to remove and click Disable.
  2. Mozilla Firefox: launch the browser and press the key combination Shift+Ctrl+A. Going from add-ons manager To extensions. Select the items to be removed and click delete.
  3. Google Chrome: open the browser and press the combination Alt+F, you will see a menu. Select Settings - Extensions and click Disable, or near Delete.

If it is not possible to remove Ask Toolbar from the browser pointwise, then you can use the complete reset of browser settings. Although, it shouldn't come to that.

Removal using special programs

  • Spy Hunter 4- will delete all data and entries in the registry about Ask Toolbar. Fix problems and protect browser settings.
  • AntiMalware- similar free program from Russian developers.
  • Toolbar Cleaner- the program is designed directly for cleaning the browser from the left toolbars.


  • « AskToolbar - what is it?” Answer: “Absolutely unnecessary thing.”
  • « What is the Ask Toolbar for?»Answer: «To then pick it out of the browser :)».

The Ask toolbar, increasingly identified as malicious, is often offered or bundled with other products when they are installed. The Ask toolbar changes the home page and default search engine without the user's permission. In addition, it can slow down the browser to a critical minimum, as well as provoke redirects search queries and displaying incorrect query results by keywords. These problems are good reasons to remove the toolbar from your device.

In some cases, an unwanted extension cannot be removed directly through the browser menu due to the fact that it is protected by the so-called. protector (blocker). If this happens on your system, the Avast Browser Cleanup tool will let you know and help you overcome the problem.

How do I know if my browser has the Ask extension installed?

Note: There are several types of Ask toolbars. Depending on the browser version and extension, the " New inset". These Ask extensions have a (very) low rating in the Avast Browser Cleanup tool database.

A Automatic removal (for novice users)

  1. Make sure you have the Avast Browser Cleanup tool installed (or install it).
  2. Carry out the installation.
  3. It's all. Start a browser cleanup session with one click.

B Manual removal (for advanced users)

Chrome browser (v43)