Electrovacuum and semiconductor devices presentation. Presentation on the topic "semiconductor devices and how they work"

A presentation is presented that can be used in physics lessons, as well as in electrical engineering and electronics basics in secondary vocational educational institutions. The work outlines the topic “ semiconductor devices”.

Semiconductor or electroconverting devices are called devices, the action of which is based on the use of the properties of semiconductors.

Semiconductors include elements of the fourth group of the periodic table, which have a crystalline structure. The most common are germanium, silicon, selenium.

Semiconductors also include metal oxides - oxides, compounds with sulfur - sulfides, compounds with selenium - selenides.

Types of semiconductors and their conductivities. An intrinsic semiconductor is a pure semiconductor.

The process of the emergence of free electrons and holes is called the generation of charge carriers.

In a semiconductor, a process opposite to the generation process is possible - recombination. During recombination, the destruction of a pair of charges electron-hole occurs. The concentration of charge carriers, and, consequently, the electrical conductivity in the semiconductor increases with increasing temperature. At temperature, the concentration of charge carriers for pure Ge is 10 13 cm -3, for Si - 10 11 cm -3.

This semiconductor has its own conductivity, which consists of electrons and holes in equal amounts.

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Types of semiconductors and their conductivities

Electronic semiconductor

This type of conductivity is called electronic or n-type (from negative - negative).

An impurity that gives an excess of electrons is called a donor impurity (giving electrons - the main charge carriers, and holes - minor ones.

Hole semiconductor

Hole (p-type) is called an impurity semiconductor, the valence of impurity atoms is less than the valence of atoms of a pure semiconductor. For example, germanium mixed with indium. The conductivity of such a semiconductor will be determined by holes and is called hole or R-type (from positive - positive).

An impurity that gives an excess of holes is called an acceptor (receiving) impurity.

Holes are the main charge carriers, and electrons are minor ones.

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Semiconductor diodes

1. The case of no voltage.

The region in which a double electric layer is formed and the electric field is called an electron-hole n-p junction.

The main charge carriers, moving through the n-p junction, create a diffusion current. The movement of minority charge carriers creates a conduction current.

In a state of equilibrium, these currents are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Then the net current through the junction is zero.

2. The case of forward voltage.

This polarity voltage is called forward.

With a forward voltage, the external field weakens the field of the n-p junction.

The transition of the majority charge carriers will prevail over the transition of minority charge carriers. Direct current will flow through the junction. This current is large, because is determined by the main charge carriers.

3. Reverse voltage case.

Only minority charge carriers pass through the n-p-junction: holes from the n-semiconductor and electrons from the p-semiconductor. They create a current in the external circuit that is opposite to the forward current - the reverse current. It is about a thousand times less than the forward current, because is determined by minority charge carriers.

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Current-voltage characteristic of the diode

With an increase in the reverse voltage, the fluxes of the main charge carriers decrease, and the reverse current increases.

A further increase in U arr increases the current insignificantly, since it is determined by the fluxes of minority charge carriers.

The main property of diodes: diodes conduct current well in the forward direction and poorly in the opposite direction, then they have the property of one-way conductivity, are electric valves and are used in AC rectifier circuits.

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Diode types

Plane diode device

Point diode device

Designation of semiconductor diodes on the diagrams.

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Silicon reference diodes

This diode is designed so that the increase in reverse voltage (applied to n-p- transition) above a certain limit leads to breakdown of the diode - a rapid increase in the reverse current I arr at constant reverse voltage U arr.

If the current through the diode exceeds I max, this will lead to overheating and destruction. The working section of the characteristic is the section from I min to I max , which is used to stabilize the voltage. Reference diodes are used to stabilize the voltage and create a reference (reference) voltage. Therefore, they are called silicon zener diodes.

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Presentation on the topic: semiconductor devices

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Rapid development and expansion of applications electronic devices due to the improvement of the element base, which is based on semiconductor devices. Semiconductor materials in their specific resistance (ρ = 10-6 ÷ 1010 Ohm m) occupy an intermediate place between conductors and dielectrics. The rapid development and expansion of the fields of application of electronic devices is due to the improvement of the element base, which is based on semiconductor devices. Semiconductor materials in their resistivity (ρ = 10-6 ÷ 1010 Ohm m) occupy an intermediate place between conductors and dielectrics.

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For the manufacture of electronic devices, solid semiconductors with a crystalline structure are used. For the manufacture of electronic devices, solid semiconductors with a crystalline structure are used. Semiconductor devices are devices whose operation is based on the use of the properties of semiconductor materials.

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Semiconductor diodes This is a semiconductor device with one pn-junction and two leads, the work of which is based on the properties of the pn-junction. The main property p-n- the transition is one-sided conductivity - the current flows only in one direction. Conventional graphic designation (UGO) of the diode has the shape of an arrow, which indicates the direction of current flow through the device. Structurally, the diode consists of a p-n-junction enclosed in a case (except for micromodular open-frame ones) and two leads: from the p-region - the anode, from the n-region - the cathode. Those. a diode is a semiconductor device that passes current in only one direction - from the anode to the cathode. The dependence of the current through the device on the applied voltage is called the current-voltage characteristic (VAC) of the device I = f (U).

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Transistors A transistor is a semiconductor device designed to amplify, generate and convert electrical signals, as well as switch electrical circuits. A distinctive feature of the transistor is the ability to amplify voltage and current - the voltages and currents acting at the input of the transistor lead to the appearance of significantly higher voltages and currents at its output. The transistor got its name from the abbreviation of two English words tran (sfer) (re) sistor - controlled resistor. The transistor allows you to regulate the current in the circuit from zero to the maximum value.

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Classification of transistors: Classification of transistors: - according to the principle of operation: field (unipolar), bipolar, combined. - by the value of the dissipated power: low, medium and high. - by the value of the limiting frequency: low, medium, high and ultrahigh frequency. - by the value of the operating voltage: low and high voltage. - by functional purpose: universal, amplifying, key, etc. - by design: unpackaged and in case design, with rigid and flexible leads.

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Depending on the functions performed, transistors can operate in three modes: Depending on the functions performed, transistors can operate in three modes: 1) Active mode - used to amplify electrical signals in analog devices. The resistance of the transistor changes from zero to the maximum value - they say the transistor "opens" or "closes". 2) Saturation mode - the resistance of the transistor tends to zero. In this case, the transistor is equivalent to a closed relay contact. 3) Cut-off mode - the transistor is closed and has a high resistance, i.e. it is equivalent to an open relay contact. Saturation and cutoff modes are used in digital, pulse and switching circuits.

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Indicator An electronic indicator is an electronic indicating device intended for visual monitoring of events, processes and signals. Electronic indicators are installed in various household and industrial equipment to inform a person about the level or value of various parameters, for example, voltage, current, temperature, battery charge, etc. An electronic indicator is often mistakenly referred to as a mechanical indicator with an electronic scale.

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Classification and designation of semiconductor devices Completed by: Teplikov I. Senyukov E.

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Introduction When semiconductor devices are used in electronic devices, conventions are used to unify their designation and standardize parameters. This system classifies semiconductor devices according to their purpose, basic physical and electrical parameters, design and technological properties, type of semiconductor materials. The legend system for domestic semiconductor devices is based on state and industry standards. The first GOST for the designation system for semiconductor devices GOST 10862-64 was introduced in 1964. Then, as new classification groups of devices appeared, it was changed to GOST 10862-72, and then to the industry standard OST 11.336.038-77 and OST 11.336.919-81, respectively, in 1972, 1977, 1981. With this modification, the main elements of the alphanumeric code of the symbolic notation system were preserved. This designation system is logically structured and allows you to increase as the element base develops further. Basic terms, definitions and letter designations of the main and reference parameters of semiconductor devices are given in the following GOSTs: 25529-82 - Semiconductor diodes. Terms, definitions and parameter letters; 19095-73 - Field-effect transistors. Terms, definitions and parameter letters; 20003-74 - Bipolar transistors. Terms, definitions and parameter letters; 20332-84 - Thyristors. Terms, definitions, and parameter letters.

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Symbols and classification of domestic semiconductor devices The designation system for modern semiconductor diodes, thyristors and optoelectronic devices is established by the industry standard OST 11 336.919-81 and is based on a number of classification features of these devices. The designation system is based on an alphanumeric code, which consists of 5 elements ...

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First element The first element (letter or number) denotes the original semiconductor material on the basis of which the semiconductor device is created. For devices for general civil use, letters are used that are the initial letters in the name of a semiconductor or semiconductor compound. For special applications, numbers are used instead of these letters. Starting material Legend Germanium or its compounds D or 1 Silicon or its compounds K or 2 Gallium compounds (for example, gallium arsenide) A or 3 Indium compounds (for example, indium phosphide) I or 4

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The second element is a subclass of semiconductor devices. Usually a letter is chosen from the name of the device, as the first letter of the name Subclass of devices Legend Subclass of devices Legend Rectifier, universal, pulse diodes D Zener diodes C Bipolar transistors T Rectifier columns Ts Field transistors P Gunn diodes B Varicaps C Current stabilizers K Thyristors high-frequency diode N Codes A Triode thyristors U Radiating OE devices L Tunnel diodes And optocouplers O

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Third element. The third element (number) in the designation of semiconductor devices determines the main functionality device. For different subclasses of devices, the most characteristic operating parameters (functionality) are different. For transistors, this is the operating frequency and power dissipation, for rectifier diodes - maximum value direct current, for zener diodes - stabilization voltage and power dissipation, for thyristors - the value of the current in the open state.

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The fourth element. The fourth element (2 or 3 digits) means the serial number of the technological development and varies from 01 to 999.

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The fifth Element. The fifth element (letter) in the alphanumeric code of the system of symbols indicates the sorting by individual parameters of devices manufactured in a single technology. Used for designation capital letters of the Russian alphabet from A to Z, except for Z, O, H, Y, Sh, Sh, Z, which are similar in spelling to numbers.

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Symbols and classification of foreign semiconductor devices Abroad, there are various designation systems for semiconductor devices. The most common is the JEDEC notation system, adopted by the United States' Joint Technical Council for Electronic Devices. According to this system, devices are designated by an index (code, marking), in which the first digit corresponds to the number p-n junctions: 1 - diode, 2 - transistor, 3 - tetrode (thyristor). The number is followed by the letter N and a serial number, which is registered by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). The number may be followed by one or several letters indicating the breakdown of devices of the same type into standard sizes according to various parameters or characteristics. However, the serial number digits do not identify the source material type, frequency range, power dissipation, or application. In Europe, a system is used by which semiconductor designations are assigned by the Association International Pro Electron. According to this system, appliances for household appliances of widespread use are designated by two letters and three numbers. So, for devices of widespread use, after two letters there is a three-digit serial number from 100 to 999. For devices used in industrial and special equipment, the third character is a letter (letters are used in reverse alphabetical order: Z, Y, X, etc.) ) followed by a sequential number from 10 to 99.

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First element. The first element (letter) designates the original semiconductor material on the basis of which the semiconductor device is created. 4 Latin letters A, B, C and D are used, according to the type of semiconductor or semiconductor connection. Initial material Band gap, eV Legend Germanium 0.6 ... 1 A Silicon 1 ... 1.3 V Gallium arsenide more than 1.3 C Indium antimonide less than 1.6 D

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The second element (letter) designates a subclass of semiconductor devices. The third element (number or letter) denotes semiconductor devices in the alphanumeric code intended for general civil equipment (number) or for special-purpose equipment (letter). As a letter in the latter case, capital Latin letters are used, which are consumed in reverse order Z, Y, X, etc. The fourth element (2 digits) means the serial number of the technological development and varies from 01 to 99. For example, VTX10-200 is a special purpose silicon controlled rectifier (thyristor) with registration number 10 and voltage 200 V.

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JIS-C-7012 standard The system of standard designations developed in Japan (JIS-C-7012 standard, adopted by the EIAJ-Electronic Industries Association of Japan) allows you to determine the class of a semiconductor device (diode or transistor), its purpose, and the type of semiconductor conductivity. The type of semiconductor material is not reflected in the Japanese system. The JIS-C-7012 semiconductor symbol is composed of five elements. First element. The first element (number) indicates the type of semiconductor device. 3 digits (0, 1, 2 and 3) are used according to the type of instrument. Second element. The second element is designated by the letter S and indicates that this device is a semiconductor device. The letter S is used as the initial letter of the word Semiconductor. Third element. The third element (letter) designates a subclass of semiconductor devices. The table below lists the letters used to denote the subclasses of the Fourth Element. The fourth element denotes the registration number of the technological development and begins with the number 11. The fifth element. The fifth element reflects the development modification (A and B are the first and second modifications).

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JEDEC The JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council) designation system adopted by the United States' Joint Electron Device Engineering Council. According to this system, devices are designated by an index (code, marking), in which: First element. The first element (digit) denotes p-n number transitions. 4 digits are used (1, 2, 3 and 4) in accordance with the type of device: 1 - diode, 2 - transistor, 3 - thyristor, 4 - optocoupler. Second element. The second element consists of the letter N and a serial number, which is registered by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). The serial numbers do not identify the type of source material, frequency range, power dissipation, and application. Third element. The third element - one or more letters, indicate the breakdown of devices of the same type into standard sizes by different characteristics... A manufacturer whose parameters are similar to those registered by the EIA may present their instruments with the JEDEC designation. Example: 2N2221A, 2N904.

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Graphic designations and standards In technical documentation and special literature, conventional graphic designations of semiconductor devices are used in accordance with GOST 2.730-73 “Designations are conventional, graphic in diagrams. Semiconductor devices ".

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Triode, lockable in reverse direction, switchable, cathode-anode controlled

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Symbols electrical parameters and comparative reference data for semiconductor devices For semiconductor devices, the values ​​of the basic electrical parameters and the limiting performance characteristics are defined and standardized, which are given in the reference books. These parameters include: voltage (for example, Upr - constant forward voltage of the diode), current (for example, Ist, max - maximum permissible current in stabilization of a zener diode, power (for example, Pout is the output power of a bipolar transistor), resistance (for example, rdif is the differential resistance of the diode), capacitance (for example, Ck is the capacitance of the collector junction), time and frequency (for example, tvos, arr is the return time recovery of thyristor, diode), temperature (for example, Tmax - maximum ambient temperature). The number of values ​​of the main electrical parameters is in the hundreds, and for each subclass of semiconductor devices, these parameters will be different. References provide basic electrical values ​​and performance limits for semiconductor devices. Below, as an example, these data are given for typical representatives of various types of devices.

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Examples of the designation of some transistors: KT604A - silicon bipolar, medium power, low frequency, development number 04, group A 2T920 - silicon bipolar, high power, high frequency, development number 37, group A 2PS202A-2 - a set of low-power silicon field-effect transistors of medium frequency, number development 02, group A, packageless, with pigtails on a crystal holder. 2D921A - silicon pulse diode with an effective life time of minority charge carriers less than 1 ns, development number 21, group A 3I203G - arsenide gallium tunnel generator diode, development number 3, group G AD103B - arsenide gallium emitting diode of infrared range, development number 3, group B.

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Basic GOSTs: GOST 15133-77 Semiconductor devices. Terms and definitions OST 11 336.919 -81 Semiconductor devices. System of symbols. GOST 2.730-73 Graphic designations in diagrams. Semiconductor devices GOST 18472-82 Semiconductor devices. Basic dimensions GOST 20003-74 Bipolar transistors. Terms, definitions, and parameter letters. GOST 19095 - 73 Field-effect transistors. Terms, definitions, and parameter letters. GOST 23448 - 79 Semiconductor infrared emitting devices. Basic dimensions. GOST 25529-82 Semiconductor diodes. Terms, definitions, and parameter letters.

Presentation "Temperature measuring instruments"

The presentation contains the classification of temperature measuring instruments by contact and non-contact methods. The principles of operation of a manometric thermometer, resistance thermometer, thermoelectric thermometer, and pyrometer are stated. Typical temperature measuring devices used at industrial enterprises are considered.

This presentation can be used in the study of theoretical material on the discipline "Automation of technological processes" for the specialty 270107 "Production of non-metallic building products and structures"

The presentation posed the following questions:

1 temperature measurement
2 temperature measurement by contact method

3 gauge thermometers

4 electrical resistance thermometers

5 thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples)

6 intelligent temperature transmitters

7 small-sized digital thermometers

8 Non-contact temperature measurement

9 pyrometers

10 universal temperature measurement system

11 non-contact infrared sensors

12 single color pyrometers

13 ratio pyrometers

14 fiber optic ratio pyrometers

15 Questions for self-control.

This presentation is made in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering disciplines and work programs in the specified specialties



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Temperature measuring instruments. NKSE teacher N.V. Krivonosova

Contents 1 Temperature measurement 2 Temperature measurement by contact method 3 Gauge thermometers 4 Electrical resistance thermometers 5 Thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) 6 Intelligent temperature converters 7 Small digital thermometers 8 Non-contact temperature measurement 9 Pyrometers 10 Universal temperature measurement system 11 Non-contact infrared sensors 12 One-color pyrometers 13 Pyrometers Spectral Ratio 14 Fiber Optic Ratio Pyrometers 15 Questions

Temperature measurement Instruments for measuring temperature are divided into two groups: - contact - there is a reliable thermal contact of the sensitive element of the device with the object of measurement; - non-contact - the sensitive element of the thermometer in the process of measurement does not have direct contact with the measured medium

Contact temperature measurement Classification according to the principle of operation: 1. Expansion thermometers - the principle of operation is based on the change in the volume of a liquid (liquid) or linear dimensions of solids (bimetallic) with a change in temperature. Measurement range from minus 190 ° С to plus 600 ° С.

2. Manometric thermometers - the principle of operation is based on a change in the pressure of liquids, a vapor-liquid mixture or gas in a closed volume when the temperature changes. Measurement ranges from minus 150 ° С to plus 600 ° С. Contact temperature measurement

Contact temperature measurement 3. Electrical resistance thermometers - based on the change in the electrical resistance of conductors or semiconductors when the temperature changes. Measurement limits from - 200 ° С to + 650 ° С.

Temperature measurement by contact method 4. Thermoelectric converters (thermocouples) - based on the occurrence of thermoelectromotive force when heating the junction of dissimilar conductors or semiconductors. Temperature range from - 200 ° С to + 2300 ° С.

Gauge thermometers Gauge thermometer with tube spring

Manometric thermometers The dependence of pressure on temperature has the form where  = 1 / 273.15 - temperature coefficient of gas expansion; t 0 and t - initial and final temperatures; Р 0 - pressure of the working substance at temperature t 0. P t = P o (1 + β (t - to))

Electrical resistance thermometers Platinum resistance thermometers (RTC) are made for temperatures from –200 to +650 0 С and copper resistance thermometers (TCM) for temperatures from –50 to +180 0 С.

Electrical resistance thermometers Semiconductor resistance thermometers, called thermistors or thermistors, are used to measure temperatures from –90 to +180 ° C.

Electrical resistance thermometers Instruments that work with resistance thermometers: - balanced bridges, - unbalanced bridges, - ratiometers.

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) The junction of a thermocouple with a temperature t 1 is called hot or working, and a junction with t 0 is called cold or free. The thermocouple thermoEMF is a function of two temperatures: E AB = f (t l, t 0).

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) Electrical diagram of the thermoelectric converter (thermocouple)

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) Instruments that work with thermocouples: - magnetoelectric millivoltmeters; - automatic potentiometers.

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) standard thermocouple graduations

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) Thermal converters with a unified output signal ТХАУ Metran - 271, TSMU Metran - 74

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) THAU Metran - 271, TSMU Metran - 74 The sensing element of the primary transducer and the measuring transducer built into the sensor head convert the measured temperature into a unified current output signal, which makes it possible to build an automated process control system without the use of additional normalizing converters

thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) THAU Metran - 271, TSMU Metran - 74 The use of thermocouples is allowed in neutral and aggressive environments, in relation to which the material of protective fittings is corrosion-resistant

Intelligent temperature transmitters Metran - 281 Metran - 28 6

Intelligent temperature transducers Intelligent temperature transducers (IPT) Metran-280: Metran-281, Metran-286 are designed for accurate temperature measurements of neutral, as well as aggressive media in relation to which the material of protective fittings is corrosion-resistant.

Intelligent temperature converters The IPT is controlled remotely, while the sensor is configured: - selection of its main parameters; - readjustment of measurement ranges; - request for information about the IPT itself (type, model, serial number, maximum and minimum measuring ranges, actual measuring range).

Intelligent temperature converters Metran-280 has three temperature measurement units: - degrees Celsius, º С; - degrees Kelvin, K; degrees Fahrenheit, F. Range of measured temperatures from 0 to 1000 ºC.

Intelligent temperature transmitters Structurally, Metran-280 consists of a temperature probe and an electronic module built into the body of the connection head. Sensitive elements made of a thermocouple cable KTMS (XA) or resistive sensitive elements made of platinum wire are used as a primary thermal converter.

Intelligent Temperature Transmitters When a fault is detected in self-diagnosis mode, the output is set to the low (I out ≤ 3.77 mA) alarm. Metran-280 implements a protection mode for sensor settings from unauthorized access.

Compact digital thermometers TCM 9210

Small-sized digital thermometers TCM 9210 thermometers are offered to replace liquid glass thermometers (mercury, etc.). TCM 9210 provide a clear indication of temperature in low light conditions.

Small-sized digital thermometers Small-sized digital thermometers TCM - 9210 are intended for measuring the temperature of bulk, liquid and gaseous media by immersing thermocouples into the medium (immersion measurements) or for contact measurements of surface temperatures (surface measurements) with the presentation of the measured temperature on the digital display of the electronic unit.

Small-sized digital thermometers Thermometers are used in scientific research, in technological processes in the mining, oil, wood processing, food and other industries. The range of measured temperatures is from - 50 to +1800 ºC.

Small-sized digital thermometers Thermometers consist of a thermal converter (TTC), an electronic unit and a power supply unit. TTC consists of a sensitive element (SE) with a protective sheath, internal connecting wires and external leads that allow connection to the electronic unit of the thermometer.

Small-sized digital thermometers As a CHE in TTC thermometers, resistance temperature converters Pt100, thermoelectric converters TXA (K) are used. The electronic unit is designed to convert the signal coming from the output of the TTTs into a signal of measuring information, which is displayed on a digital display.

Non-contact Temperature Measurement Non-contact devices include radiation pyrometers: 1. Partial radiation pyrometers (brightness, optical) based on changes in the intensity of monochromatic radiation of bodies depending on temperature. The range of measurements is from 800 to 6000 º С.

Non-contact temperature measurement 2. Radiation pyrometers - based on the dependence of the radiation power of a heated body on its temperature. The limit is from 20 to 2000 º С.

Non-contact temperature measurement 3. Color pyrometers - based on the dependence of the ratio of radiation intensities at two wavelengths on body temperature. Measurement limits from 200 to 3800 º С.

pyrometers Portable pyrometers ST20 / 30Pro, ST60 / 80ProPlus

pyrometers Portable pyrometers ST20 / 30Pro, ST60 / 80ProPlus Fast, compact and lightweight pistol pyrometers provide non-contact accurate measurements temperatures of small, harmful, hazardous and hard-to-reach objects, are simple and convenient to operate.

pyrometers Portable pyrometers ST20 / 30Pro, ST60 / 80ProPlus Measured temperature range from - 32 to +760 ºC. Accuracy in the range from - 32 to +26 ºC. Sight: laser. Spectral sensitivity: 7 - 18 microns. Response time: 500 ms. Indicator: LCD with backlight and resolution; 0.1 º C ST60Pro. Ambient temperature: 0 - 50 0 C.

pyrometers Raynger 3i

pyrometers Raynger 3i - non-contact series infrared thermometers pistol-type with precise sighting, with wide measurement ranges, various optical and spectral characteristics, a wide variety of functions, which allows you to choose a pyrometer in accordance with its purpose

pyrometers Raynger 3i - 2M and 1M (high-temperature models) - for foundry and metallurgical production: in the processes of refining, casting and processing of cast iron, steel and other metals, for chemical and petrochemical production; - LT, LR (low temperature models) - for temperature control in the production of paper, rubber, asphalt, roofing material.

pyrometers Pyrometers of the Raynger 3i series provide: - memory for 100 measurements; - signaling of the upper and lower measurement limits; - microprocessor-based signal processing; - access to a computer, recorder, portable printer; - compensation of the reflected background energy.

Raynger 3i pyrometers For the LT, LR model the range of measured temperatures is from - 30 to + 1200 º C, spectral sensitivity is 8 - 14 µm. For model 2M the range of measured temperatures is from 200 to 1800 º C, spectral sensitivity is 1.53 - 1.74 µm.

Universal temperature measuring system THERMALERT GP

The Thermalert GP Universal Temperature Measurement System is a universal continuous temperature measurement system that includes a compact, inexpensive monitor and a GPR and GPM infrared sensor. If required, the monitor is equipped with a relay module for two-point alarms and also provides power to the sensor.

Universal Temperature Measurement System Infrared sensors are needed in areas where contact temperature measurement will damage surfaces, such as plastic sheeting or contaminate the product, and for measuring the temperature of moving or hard-to-reach objects.

Universal temperature measurement system In thermalert GP series pyrometers: - monitor and sensor parameters are set from the monitor keyboard; - processing of measurement results is provided: fixation of peak values, calculation of average temperature, compensation of ambient temperature; - standard or focal optics are provided;

Universal temperature measurement system - alarm ranges are set by the operator; - it is possible to operate the GP monitor with other infrared pyrometers from Raytek, for example, Thermalert C l and Thermalert TX. The range of measured temperatures is from - 18 to + 538 º0 C.

Non-contact infrared sensors THERMALERT

Non-contact infrared sensors Stationary non-contact infrared sensors of the Thermalert TX series are designed for non-contact temperature measurement of hard-to-reach objects and are connected via a two-wire communication line to a monitor, for example, Thermalert GP

Non-contact infrared sensors Thermalert TX For the LT model the range of measured temperatures is from - 18 to + 500 º C, spectral sensitivity is 8–14 µm. For the LTO model, the measured temperature range is from 0 to 500 º C, spectral sensitivity is 8 - 14 µm. For the MT model, the measured temperature range is from 200 to 1000 º C, spectral sensitivity 3, 9

Single color pyrometers Marathon MA

Ratio Pyrometers Marathon MR1S

Marathon MR 1 S Ratio Pyrometers The Marathon MR 1 S Stationary Ratio Pyrometers use a two-color measurement method to achieve high accuracy in high temperature applications. The MR1S pyrometers have an improved electro-optical system, "smart" electronics, which are housed in a rugged, compact housing.

Ratio Pyrometers Marathon MR 1 S These pyrometers are - perfect solution when measuring the temperature in gas-filled, smoky areas, moving objects or very small objects, therefore, they are used in various industries: smelting ore, smelting and processing metals, heating in various types of furnaces, including induction ones, growing crystals, etc.

Spectral ratio pyrometers Marathon MR 1 S pyrometers provide: - one - or two-color measurement mode; - variable focal length; - high-speed processor; - software for "field" calibration and diagnostics; - Unique warning about "dirty" lens; Marathon DataTemp software.

Spectral Ratio Pyrometers For the model MR A1 S A the range of measured temperatures is from 600 to 14 00 º C. For the model MR A1 SC the range of measured temperatures is from 1000 to 3000 º C.

Marathon Fiber Optic Ratio Pyrometers

Fiber Optic Ratio Pyrometers Stationary Marathon FR1 series pyrometers use infrared spectral ratio technology, which provides the highest measurement accuracy in the range from 500 to 2500 0 C. Pyrometers allow you to measure objects in hazardous and aggressive areas, and are especially used where other infrared sensors.

Marathon FR1 Fiber Optic Ratio Pyrometers are capable of accurately measuring the temperature of hard-to-reach objects in high ambient temperatures, polluted atmospheres or strong electromagnetic fields.

Questions What are the means of measuring the temperature by the contact method? What are the non-contact temperature measuring instruments? What is the principle of a manometric thermometer based on? What is the principle of operation of a thermoelectric thermometer based on? How does a pyrometer work?

resources http://kipia.ru/ http://www.thermopribor.com/ http://www2.emersonprocess.com/ http://hi-edu.ru/ http://www.omsketalon.ru/

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