How to turn off voice accompaniment on android. How to turn off voice accompaniment on iPhone

TalkBack is a special functional addition for people with disabilities (coordination violation, poor eyesight), pre-installed on all modern phones running Android OS ( Sony Xperia., Samsung, Huawei, Nokia, etc.). It voiced all actions performed by the user on the phone. Also, this mode is used by some drivers in order not to be distracted from the control of the car and not to lose control over the carriage part.

In the functionality of the program:

  • conversion of speech into text and voicing textual information;
  • tiling of the pressed keys;
  • audio application of a subscriber making a call (with the contact list of the list of contacts);
  • "Reading in the hearing" names of launched applications and dedicated to the touch of the finger of the commands;
  • "Reader" texts in the file and on web pages in the browser;
  • launch by special gestures;
  • destination "hot keys" to start certain operations;
  • tone adjustment and sound volume levels by means of a distance sensor.

How to turn off fully app

To disable talkBack function, execute this instruction:

1. Touch the finger of the "Settings" icon on the home screen of the gadget.

2. In the section "System", tap "Spec. capabilities".

4. To disable TalkBack, open the Options partition in the Service.

5. Touch the finger to change the activation status (switch position).

6. Confirm the operation performed. In the query window, select "OK".

Partial disconnection

If you need only separate application functions, you can select a selective shutdown in its tuning panel:

1. Go to the Talkback section.

2. Tap "Settings".

3. Perform all the necessary changes in parameters. You can not only turn off the sounding of the keys, but also to correct the sound synthesis, the volume level and other superstructures.

Talkback Control Specificity on Samsung

In Samsunga S. user interface Touchwiz In the settings, you first need to go to the "My Device" subsection to open the item " Special abilities»And Talkback tuning panel.

TalkBack management is performed by standard scheme. Its without much difficulty can master the telephone owner without the experience of using the Android OS.

Siri's voice assistant and the Voice Control function rightly have the title of the most irritable iPhone and iPad capabilities. They are reminded of themselves with every long press on the home button, and until recently, turn off both functions it was impossible. Starting with Apple, finally provided the possibility of disconnecting them. How to do this was told in this instruction.

Special irritation Opening (accompanied by loud sounds) The SIRI window or the Voice Control function calls for those users who do not use these features of their mobile devices. Until recently, users could turn off only one of two functions, in fact, without sobering with the problem. Fortunately, the developers from Apple heard numerous requests for disgruntled iPhone and iPad owners.

Step 1. Go to the menu " Settings» → « Maintenance» → « Universal access».

Step 2. In the section " Interaction"Select" Home».

Step 3. Check the checkbox " Off" In chapter " Pressing and holding for pronouncing».

Ready! Now, even when Siri is enabled, nor a voice assistant, nor the Voice Control function with a long press on the button can not be alarming you.

See also:


The option "Voice Management" is almost every modern smartphone. It also has in the iPhone.
It allows you to make voice and video calls, play musical compositions, without a long search by the menu sections. After updating the iOS 8, the Iphons began to "understand" the speech of Russian-speaking owners. Just do not confuse "voice control" withSiri is another service, although their principles of operation are slightly similar. In addition, it will not work if you activated Siri.

Often this option is pre-installed and is in active condition. However, many users simply do not use it, and unintentional long-clicking on the "Home" button (in pocket or bag, for example), which trigger voice calls lead to a chaotic subscriber set. And it happens, even when the iPhone screen is blocked. Of course, it is convenient when you are driving, because No need to search for the right number on the book of contacts. But the rest of the time - it is very annoying when the application incorrectly interprets your speech as a team to action. Therefore, many are interested, how to disable this application working in the background?

Two ways

In fact, everything is simple. Disable unused service in two ways.

The first implies direct deactivation of the service. To do this, from the smartphone settings menu, go to the Touch ID and Password item. If you have a four-digit password, you will need to enter it to allow IOS to make changes to the iPhone settings. Then transfer the passage - to the right of the item - voice set, in inactive condition.

Ready! Now the iPhone will not be able to perform a headset with a blocked screen without your knowledge. It is worth noting thatvoice managementreproduction of musical compositions will continue to work, even after disabling the above-mentioned service.

The second way implies the launch of Siri's voice assistant. When it is active, other voice services are automatically blocked. To enable Siri, find the appropriate tab in the settings, in the main one. Move the virtual toggle switch to the active state.

However, it does not always help. Siri also "sinning" by what can spontaneously engage in an inappropriate moment. It works even when the smartphone is not in charge, and has not been pressed home. Most of all users complained about the awakening at night, because of the suddenly "spoke" assistant. Most likely, the vina bugs in iOS.

Alternatively, you can leave the inactive function of its launch after pronouncing the phrase password: "Hi, Siri." Usually it is triggered after connecting an iPhone to a power source, as a lot of energy is required to ensure its activity (by the way, in the new "six" s-series, it starts without connecting to the network).

To do this, translate the corresponding snacks - in the Siri tab, to turn off. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. You can, as needed, activate or suspend the work of voice assistants. However, it will not be completely disabled. And why? In some situations, they are simply indispensable assistants.

After children played on the phone, it's hard to use it, it's hard to use it. Include many different miracles of functions. To such a "miracle features" I would take the built-in TalkBack program on Android. Of course, like any Android system, too, not without your "jokes".

Not planned to write about the disconnection of voice accompaniment. But google, found the instructions written by developers and was horrified. Well, of course, this is not clear this to turn off any application needs to go to the settings, then applications, select according to TalkBack and turn off. But not everything is so simple. With the Talkback enabled, the phone is practically impossible to use the phone to be forced that the double click is needed, it is still possible to scorch.

TalkBack application for what is it?

The TalkBack application is designed for users who have problems with vision, or people who are neither gu-gu. As the developers are declared a very useful thing, helps to sort out the phone. As for me to deal with the phone, this is a meaningless thing. Although other functions can be useful.

The main features of TalkBack:

Voice of contact;

Gesture management;

Volume control;

Reading text from the screen when shaking the phone, etc.

On the this moment The benefits of these functions did not find, possibly with time.

Voice control for someone is a very useful and convenient way to use your gadget, but there are people who prevent it. On the smartphones iPhone. He was gradually replaced by the Siri program, which became the favorite of most users.

The Siri application has advanced features for users.

Therefore, let's find out how to disable voice control on iPhone 4 and other versions of this product, consider several ways to perform such a task. So you can not worry about the fact that the phone is dialing the numbers when you do not see it.

First of all, we note that for different IOS and iPhone systems, this procedure is performed in different ways. So, if you have a 4s smartphone and new versions of the Apple product, it is possible to replace voice control as follows:

  • Go to the settings of your gadget.
  • Open the "Basic" section and find Siri there.
  • Activate the work of the assistant, after which the voice dial will be blocked.

Why do users choose this program? She is newer, comfortable, and also amusing in use. In addition, it is activated by a longer pressing the main key. As a result, there is a smaller probability of a random dialing or choice of other actions.

Delete the set command on the lock screen through Siri

To certainly protect against a random call, you can bypass voice control by removing it from the lock screen. This is done in this way:

  • In the main settings, find the selection of the assistant section and activate it.
  • Return to the main parameters and select the "Password" menu.
  • Select the activation of the key and create it if you did not make it earlier.
  • Below deactivate voice set.
  • Click Siri and eliminate it from the lock screen.
  • In the password request row, it is better to choose "instantly" so that when the display is first turned on, the phone issued a request for entering a key.

Removal of voice recruitment

To do this, follow the following:

  • Go to the basic settings.
  • In the "Protection" menu, turn off the voice control.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But the fact is that few iPhone still work on an outdated version of iOS, and in new system modifications it is impossible to get rid of this feature.

Use jailbreak

If you definitely want to completely disable the voice dialing, and the firmware is opened on your phone, you can do it using a few tweaks from Cydia.

For example, install a tweak called Disable Voice Control as an aphon theme. After that, in the main settings you can disable audio control.

You can still use the tweet of Activator, which is most often installed on the phone after the jailbreak. If you do not have it, you can download it through Cydia, after you need to perform the following steps.

Android operating system has many functions, some of them are not even suspected of ordinary users. One of these "chips" of the mobile operating system is TalkBack. It is intended for visually impaired people - when it is turned on, the text on the screen is voiced by a robot. However, some people activate this feature completely accidentally. Then they do not understand how to disable TalkBack. What actions to do this should be done - today's article will tell me.

Actually TalkBack is separate applicationThe default Android. You can activate it almost on any smartphone or tablet. This feature regularly enjoy people with problems with. The program voicates them all menu items and other interface elements, as a result of which you can use the device without looking at its screen.

Ordinary people, of course, this feature is absolutely not needed. An ordinary user will read all the menu rows or signatures under the icons faster than the robotic voice. Fortunately, the default TalkBack is disabled. But it can be activated by chance when you get acquainted with the section "Settings". It can also be enabled if you buy a smartphone with hands - after all it is possible that his last owner sees badly.

Disconnect TalkBack

Now many tablets and smartphones have their own branded shell. However, in terms of settings, they are all about the same. In this regard, TalkBack on Android any version and with any interface is deactivated the same, for a very rare exception. To do this, make the following actions:

Step 1. Go to the " Settings».

Step 2. Go to subsection " Special abilities" On some smartphones, it can be hidden in the menu "Advanced settings".

Step 3. On some shells, then the transition to subsection " Vision».

Step 4. Go to section TalkBack. On smartphones and it can be called Voice Assistant..

Step 5. Deactivate the flag located next to the name of the function.

Do not forget that the first pressing on the item will not mean anything - it will only make the robot voice the corresponding text. Therefore, pressing must be double - on the double-click manner with the left mouse button when controlling operating system Windows.

Removing TalkBack

If you can't turn off TalkBack, you just delete this service From his smartphone. The easiest way to do it through Play Marketbecause Depending on the device model, this package may have different name.

To do this, launch Play Market and take in the search bar "TALKBACK". A list of available applications will appear. Choose that the developer includes Google LLC. In our case, this package "Special features for Android". Here click on the button "Delete".

After that, Talkback will not disturb you. If you need to turn it on again, you can install this application through Play Market.

How to disable voice assistant - The question that users are interested in gadgets equipped with this useful feature. The need for disconnection and deactivation occurs for various reasons. The article lists and describes the disconnection methods of the option.

The voice function on the smartphone is intended for users who have vision problems or those who are busy and has time to engage in the introduction of requests manually. Before dealing with the shutdown methods, it is worth examining the main purpose of the option. Among the main functions should be allocated:

  • Voice acting made of contact;
  • Gesture management;
  • Transformation of voice into text;
  • Volume control;
  • Reading text from the screen with a standard gadget shaking.

There are users of the presented functions for dignity and enjoy them. There are such people who additional functions They interfere, because they are trying to get rid of them.

On android

How to deactivate, what provision to use depends on what smartphone in humans. In the case of Android, you need to make such actions:

  1. Switch to settings.
  2. Applications are selected.
  3. Disconnect the built-in operation.

The operation is ease and does not require time spending time. If you want to activate again, you will need to click on the same button twice.


Google Assistant is a common assistant, taking teams by voice. In such a situation, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. The application opens.
  2. A menu is pressed in the form of three strips.
  3. Switch to settings.
  4. In a section, which is called an assistant, you need to click on settings or phone.

The process of disconnecting the assistant will be carried out by moving the slider.


  • Opens a section with settings;
  • The application tab is selected;
  • In the top menu, select all;
  • After that, the list opens where you need to find the desired option;
  • The application page opens. Here you can explore the data, to stop and uninstall the option;
  • Cleaning cache is pressed;
  • Activated to remove.

On Android devices, the deactivation operation can be moved by the label to the basket. Recommend to delete a shortcut, and then run special utilitycleansing device memory.

How to disable on the phone?

On the mobile device Remove easily. Not in all situations you need to act manually, you need to use the expatient applications. Here are the most important of them:

  • CCleaner;
  • Super Cleaner;
  • Norton Clean, Junk Removal;
  • Power Clean;
  • Avast Cleanup;
  • Master cleaning;
  • Clean Master.

This is an opportunity after removing the program standard method Remove S. mobile phone residual files. This option is considered the best, it frees the owner from unnecessary time costs.


If you have the device, Samsung will sufficiently remove the helper through the usual home button. Thanks to this user's action, they cease to disturb constant recommendations. If you need to delete a completely label, you will need to make such actions:

  1. Switch to settings.
  2. Go to the app.
  3. The default application tab is selected.
  4. The name of the option is pressed.

The main advantage this option Permission to use the program at any time is considered. It does not necessarily re-activate it.


If the owner smartphone Huawei. No voice use is required if there is a need to save the built-in battery, you need to disconnect the assistant on such a scheme:

  • The application opens;
  • The icon of three strips is pressed, which is in the top of the display;
  • Selects the Settings section;
  • The presented list requires a voice assistant;
  • Next to the name feature you want to set inactive mode.

After this operation, the operation of the Options in the background is terminated.


  1. The application launches.
  2. Here the icon is pressed, which has a compass appearance.
  3. A button in the form of three points is pressed.
  4. Settings are selected in the menu.
  5. You should touch the device on which it is planned to be shutdown.

At the end of these actions, it will be necessary to simply move the slider to the inactive state position.

Summing up

For people with good eyesight, this mode is not suitable. However, sometimes curiosity takes the top, and people activate the TalkBack on their own device. At the same time, after the first activation starts new way Including the function, because of which you can turn on TalkBack again, without even understanding how you do it.

Consider several ways to shut down. Let's start with the most simple.

  1. Click at the same time the two mechanical buttons responsible for decreasing and increasing the volume. You will be offered to suspend TalkBack. Click on the "OK" button once, a green frame will appear, then make two rapid clicks.
  2. That's not all! You just suspended TalkBack. Now go to "Settings" -\u003e "Extended Settings" -\u003e "Special Features" -\u003e

Attention! If you activated TalkBack at least once, then it has quick "Turns on / off" keys - simultaneously plugging the volume control buttons. To accidentally turn on the TALKBACK again, disconnect this feature.

  1. Go to "Settings" -\u003e "Advanced Settings" -\u003e "Special Features" -\u003e "TalkBack".
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click on "Settings" and scroll down the page down until you find "incl. and off TalkBack with one key. " Turn off this feature.

Everything. Now you accidentally do not turn on the Talkback mode.

Consider a more complex way to disconnect TalkBack. Just in case. It is useful if you have problems with clicking on the volume buttons or you turned off the possibility of activating and deactivating TalkBack mode using the volume control buttons.

  1. First you need to learn something from working with TalkBack. The first press - selects the item. Then the dual click activates the element. To switch to the next item in the list, you need to spend your finger across the screen to the right, the previous element is left. It is necessary to scroll up or down screens.
  2. Now, after familiarizing with the basics of the mode, go to "Settings" -\u003e "Extended Settings" -\u003e "Special Features" -\u003e "TalkBack". Drag the slider to the left and confirm your intention to turn off TalkBack.