WINDOVS does not load after the BIOS update. After updating the BIOS, Windows does not load on the laptop

Sometimes after some models of laptops cease to load the operating system. Instead, they immediately automatically enter the BIOS when turned on. There, if you view the boot list (), you can pay attention to that it is empty. That is, it does not have a hard disk either DVD drive, nor the boot flash drive, which you could insert into the USB port. Although all of them are connected and can even be displayed in the BIOS among the connected devices.

What to do in this situation and how to return the laptop to the working condition yourself at home?

Why is this happening?

In most cases, this situation occurs, as mentioned above, after resetting the BIOS settings. And it is not necessary to do this through the corresponding menu. It is enough to get a battery in a laptop for a few minutes and turn it off from the electrical network. The update of the BIOS and dust also does not rarely lead to zero.

In some versions of laptops, especially after the 2016 release, there are various options in BIOS, the incorrect installation of which leads to a ban on the boot from the hard disk or flash drive. Therefore, the laptop when turned on itself and enters the BIOS, since it does not see any device from which he could continue to load.

How to fix this situation?

To do this, in the BIOS settings that appear on the screen immediately after turning on the laptop, you need to find the option and disable it, that is, to translate into the Disabled state. It can be called slightly otherwise, for example, Fast Boot and is usually on the Advanced or Boot tab. In ASUS laptops with UEFI system, you need to press F7 in the main window to activate the advanced mode.

Fast Boot option

As soon as you disable fast boot immediately save the settings with the F10 button, after which you restart the laptop and go to the BIOS again.

Next, on the Boot or Security tab (possibly in at the view of the case on other tabs) you need to find the option and also disable it to the Disabled state, and the UEFI and Legacy OS parameter (OS Mode Selection) must be put in value CMS OS or OTHER OS or Legacy.



Now save the settings with the same F10 button, reboot and check. The laptop must start booting Windows.

If this did not happen, then try to find the Legacy Support option in the BIOS and put it in the Enabled value. Also if there is a parameter

Sometimes when the tenth version of the current version is loaded in various situations, the Inaccessible_Boot_Device error can pop up. It can appear after resetting Operations, BIOS updates, connecting another hard drive or solid-state drive, adjusting the structure of the departments on the drive and in many other points. There is a similar error at which a blue screen appears with the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM inscription. It is eliminated by the same methods.

First of all, before trying to eliminate the error in any way, you need to perform several simple manipulations. Initially, you need to extract all third-party drives from the computer. In addition, you should check the sequence of downloading drives. It is necessary that the system drive be on the first position. To do this, go to BIOS or UEFI. It is worth noting that in the UEFI he may not be the first hard drive, but a boot manager. After that you need to restart the computer.

In addition, if something has been connected to the computer, cleaning was performed or any similar manipulations were carried out inside the computer, it is necessary to check the correctness and reliability of all the connections of the hard drive or solid-state drive with power and SATA ports. In some cases, it helps to correct the error connect to another SATA port.

Inaccessible_Boot_Device After resetting Operations or installation updates

In addition, there is another pretty simple version of the emerging error that appears after resetting the Operations to the factory parameters or after installing Windows Updates.

In this case, you can use a very simple elimination option. On the screen with the inscription PC is running incorrectly, which occurs immediately behind the notification with the entered text after resetting the error data, you want to click on "Advanced Parameters".

In the window that appears, you must select "Search and Finding Faults". This section requires you to click "Download Settings", after which you need to click on the "Restart" button. As a result, there will be a reboot of the computer and populate an offer to upload a PC in different versions. Here you need to specify option 4, for which you want to press the F4 button, after which the PC boot in safe mode.

After the PC starts in the selected mode, it is necessary to restart it again. To do this, go to "Start", select the "Shutdown" button, and then click "Restart". If this problem occurs, this method in most cases helps.

In addition, in the additional settings of the recovery environment, it must be the "Recovery Recovery" item. For incomprehensible reasons, but in the tenth version of Windows with it, you can eliminate the problems associated with the launch, and quite complicated. It is recommended to try this option if the above has not helped.

Windows 10 stopped downloading after updating BIOS or power failure

There is also another fairly common reason for the appearance of the "dozens" inches of inchesible_boot_device. In this case, the BIOS settings are knocked down, which relate to the SATA drive mode. In most cases, such an error occurs in power interruptions or upon completion of the BIOS update. In addition, it may arise when the battery is dying on the motherboard. As a result, the parameters are reset.

If there is an assumption that the error occurs exactly on this, then you need to go to the computer BIOS or Lapplet. After that you need to go to the SATA device parameters, and try to change the mode of operation. If the IDE is set in the settings, you need to activate AHCI or vice versa. Then you need to save the BIOS settings and restart the PC.

The disc is faulty or changed the structure of the departments on the drive

A similar error means that the operating loader did not reveal and did not receive access to the system disk. This may occur due to problems in the system of files or mechanical malfunctions with the drive. In addition, the adjustment of the structure of the disk departments can affect the appearance of an error.

In any case, the download must be performed in the Ourser Recovery Environment. If you turn out to open "Advanced Parameters" after the window with an error, you must run them.

If it is impossible, then you should resort to the assistance of the installation drive with the OS Operation to open the recovery environment. Such a drive can be created on another PC.

In this environment, you need to go to "Search and correct faults". After that you need to go to "Advanced Parameters". In this window you need to select "Command Line". Dahl need to find out the letter of the system department, which may not be C.

In this case, you must enter diskpart. After that, you need to write List Volume. It is required to find and remember the name of the volume of the Ourser, which will be the letter of volume. In addition, you need to remember the name of the section with the loader, in the future it can be useful. The field of this must be entered Exit.

To check the disk for damage, you must register the Chkdsk C: / R command and then press ENTER. Further you want to wait until the command execution is completed. If errors will be detected in the process, they will automatically be corrected.

In addition, there is an option at which there is an assumption, this error may occur after the user manipulation of the manufacture and adjustment of the drive departments. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe BCDBoot.exe C: \\ Windows / s E:. Here with is a department with an operating system, and E is a loader department. After that
As the command is executed, you must restart the PC in standard mode.

If nothing to fix the problem does not help





BIOS is a basic I / O system, a computer's heart, without which the normal operation of other components and software is impossible. When the computer is turned on, first starts the BIOS and only after turning on it, the operating system is started.

Theoretically, since Windows is loaded after the bios, reinstalling the operating system or add another OS should not affect the normal operation of the BIOS. However, there are often cases when an attempt to establish a second operating system leads to the fact that the BIOS does not load.

In this case, it can be assumed that the BIOS settings have been configured and the default settings can solve the problem. To make a reset of settings, you need to carry out the following operations.

  1. Disable PCs and monitor from the electrical network.
  2. Open the system unit and remove the battery from the motherboard.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Return the system battery in place.
  5. Connect power to computer and monitor.

After re-launching the BIOS starts loading "as for the first time". If after that the problem disappears, it is recommended to format the boot hard drive and re-install the operating system. It is desirable that that previously worked without problems. It is possible that the added operating system was damaged in the distribution.

Disorders in connections

The likelihood is not loaded that the BIOS is not loaded due to breaks in the supply networks or data loops. To check this option, you first need to listen, whether the cooler is rotated on the motherboard. BIOS is part of the processor and therefore the weak cooling of the motherboard leads to malfunctions.

Perhaps the contact groups of the fan moved away, so it does not work. After that, carefully inspect all cable and loop connections. Check if the dust was accumulated on the motherboard or in contacts. Dust is an excellent electric current conductor, and also creates electrostatic fields to which the electronics is very sensitive.

  • Clean the apparatus from dust from the help of a vacuum cleaner and brushes.
  • Sequentially disconnect the contactors and clean the terminals from dirt and oxidation. You can use a school gum for stripping contacts.
  • Check for the fastening of all connectors. It is likely that the vibrations of contacts were separated, and therefore the equipment stopped working correctly.

After prevention, you can try to re-start the computer. Is the screen black and bios not loaded? Then it can be assumed that one of the internal modules is faulty. Including the motherboard herself could fail or need to reflash it.

You can download a new backup for the motherboard on the manufacturer's official website. Firmware update - the task is complex and pretty risky. Therefore, if you do not know exactly what and how to do - it is better not to risk, otherwise you can also handle the whole computer in place with hard drives. Contact a service center better.

Faulty blocks in the computer

Nothing described above helped? Then the likelihood of iron malfunction increases and you can start checking the blocks.
Disconnect and remove everything from the device not necessarily to start the computer. Leave only the motherboard, the power supply and one of the RAM planks. The computer in such a state will not work, but, check the health of the motherboard itself is possible.
A frequent reason for the impossibility to start the computer to work is the insufficient power of the power supply. For example - you replaced the motherboard on a more perfect that more electricity is required. In this case, the power supply remained old. Or so - in the system unit, additional hard drives were installed or some other functional components. Energy consumption can grow quite strongly. Installing a more powerful power supply will solve the problem. If the question is, of course, in the disadvantage of energy.

Often the BIOS load interferes with a malfunction in the video card. If possible - it is necessary to check the video card with a replacement to another similar. Or set the video card to another computer. Here you need to look at the compatibility of the equipment. Otherwise, you will not find the problem, but you can create new faults.

If in the minimum configuration - the motherboard, the power supply, the operational memory panel - the Socketer earned and the BIOS is loaded, it means that the problem is in one of the removal modules. After installing and connecting the next block, try to turn on the computer again and see what happens. As soon as the BIOS stops start again - it can be assumed that you found a defective block. Now it remains only to find a similar and replace.

In reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated. For example, the computer is sometimes loaded and works quite normally, and then, without a visible reason, it starts to bite. The problem can be both in violations in software and in faults of components.

Such periods of normal operation, alternating with the inability to download BIOS, are characteristic of three types of problems.

  1. The presence of microcracks on the motherboard. Because of this, the contact periodically disappears.
  2. He dried electrolytic capacitors on the motherboard or in the power supply. This malfunction mainly refers to the old, long-term system units. Sometimes faulty capacitors can be revealed according to the characteristic blistering of the case.

Bad contact in the connected wires. As already mentioned - the presence of dust, the oxidation of contacts, insufficiently strong clamps. If there are fixing screws in the contactors - they must be spinning to the end. There is a reverse situation - too highly clamped screws records lead to deformation of the connectors and a contact violation in the compound.