Use the printer. How to use the printer: instruction manual

"Supplement to the instructions for using Epson printers"

Print head, working on a piezoelectric principle, has a big
Service life, but also high cost. So it is installed inpatient and
It can be dismantled in service centers if necessary. Replaceable are
Cartridges that according to their design are storage tanks
ink. When installing (replacing) ink cartridge fill the channels and served
Print head. How to install cartridges are usually described in detail
In the instructions of the printer manufacturer.

The instructions also emphasize that the use of only consumables is allowed.
SEIKO EPSON CORP MATERIALS If you strictly hold these instructions,
that this message Not for you. If you get more cheap to work
And, often not inferior in quality original, compatible cartridges
and / or ink produced by other firms and have already encountered some
The difficulties not described in the instructions for the printer - we will try to help you.

Piezoelectric head, as an embodiment of high-tech development results
In the field of inkjet printing, has numerous nozzles for emissions
Ink, the diameter of which is 10-15 microns. IN recent models Photo printers Size
drops reduced to 2-3 picoliters, which allows to achieve the highest quality
Prints with resolution up to 5760 (horizontal) and 1440 (vertically) points
per square inch. Grain image obtained inkjet printing
For a long time in the past.

However, the piezoglovka is very sensitive to the quality of ink. Application
poor-quality ink can lead at best to get fuzzy,
pale and / or blurry images, and at worst - to clog in print
Heads, blocking nozzle. In the latter case, as a result, will be obtained
Striped picture (part of the nozzles does not throw ink). Consequently -
repair in the service center or the purchase of a new printhead that
Costs can be compared with the purchase of a new printer of the younger model.

It should be emphasized that not always the picture in the horizontal strip is obtained
Due to clogging, the nozzle, and the less frequently due to this. We highlight such basic
Causes of Liolence:

  • Air bubbles in dunes

  • Dried ink in the print head

  • Subcase compatible cartridges or inks.

In each case, which is always somehow connected with the wrong
or ill-conceived handling of cartridges / printer, there is a way out
From the situation. Competent and repeatedly stumbled upon his errors
knows that the rules of operation of the printer set forth in
instructions. Do not allow long downtime in operation. If there is no need
print anything, then at least just turn on the printer 1 time in 1-2 weeks, especially
in summer. When you turn on each time there is automatic printing

But, in connection with the transition to the use of non-original consumables,
There are many chemless rules for handling the printer. It should be remembered that
Once the cartridges are installed in your printer, then from now on they must
There is always there, until the end of the life of the print head. When untimely
Replace / refueling cartridges after their devastation, or long passages in the work
The printer can happen so that the ink is dried in dunes. It is known that the formula
Ink is such that their certain components prevent drying, but it is impossible
Create such protection forever.

It happens like this: you did not have time to printed, only periodically included and
The printer turned off, and the print head jokes were dried. Look for no qualitative
Ink is not worth it, just remember that at each cleaner the head is spent
Ink (pump through the miniature pump through the dyza). For example, ink volume
In the Cartridges of the Epson Stylus Color 440 printer, grabs 22-25 automatic
Print head cleaning. The moment when the ink ended at least one
Colors need to fix and replace the cartridge. How it is done - indicated
In the instructions, we will not repeat. Do not forget only after installing
Team of cleanings 1-2 times (no more!) So that the ink filled all empties
On the way to the printhead.

More difficult, of course, independently refuel the cartridge suitable compatible
Ink with a syringe. Be sure to use a sharp thin needle
and lower it deeper into foam, which is filled with a cartridge. All difficulties
refueling will be caused by the fact that, in contrast to the factory filling process
cartridges carried out in a vacuum (vacuum), you do it
on air. The cartridge after one-time use already has an outlet
At the bottom, it should be sure to take it before refueling, otherwise
Ink will flow back flow in the process of refueling. After refueling need
Push the filling hole on the top plate of the cartridge (do not shine
At the same time, randomly ventilation holes!)
And only after that remove
Scotch from the bottom hole. Some users without removing the last, install
Cartridge in the printer. In this case, the hole makes itself in the scotch. But we do not recommend
to do so, for there is a risk to break the plastic flooring (if
Scotch will be quite strong on the breakdown). In order to avoid drying residues
Ink in the channels of their promotion to the printhead on the entire procedure follows
spend no more than a few minutes, so it should be pre-all.
Now it remains to make 1-2 automatic cleaners and leave the printer alone
For 1-2 hours, better at night. If the picture illustrating the work of the nozzles will be
intermittent immediately after refueling or after cleaning, let you not be disturbed
Thoughts about doubtful quality ink, blocking a tousching head, repair
printer, etc. Remember the dimensions of the nozzle, - 10-15 μm in diameter! Therefore, everything
Wines - Air microscopic bubbles stuck in dunes and, due to retention
capillary forces that are not shifting even by pumping ink
Through dubs. Do not worry, they will disappear, but in a relaxed atmosphere, without violence.
The main thing is patience, otherwise numerous cleanings you will achieve devastation
Cartridge and refueling will have to repeat first.

If you still allow ink drying in the print head (for example,
I did not use the printer for a long time or did not replace the empty cartridge on time),
This will have to clean the print head. Previously evaluate whether you can
Alone to remove it and install back to the place. If not, - Contact
for help.

With minor drying (several nozzles do not work) you will be very useful
Your cartridge devastated in the printer. Regardless of the color of ink, which
In it were, refuel the cartridge (as usual) cleansing fluid for printing
Epson heads (available in the range of products Worldwide Manufacturing, E.D.,
Code cl.08). and print with a periodic feeding command to a positive

If the pollution is significant, including the head has already poured dust and
Dirt from the outside, you will have to remove the print head (in different models Printers
This is done in different ways). But remember that with all the manipulations with the head C
It should be treated very carefully. If damaged, then you have to spend it pretty
For a new one! Heat the desired portion of the cleansing fluid CL.08 to 30-40 ° C
And soak the printhead in it for a while. Dirt will be left
In solution, mechanically rub it categorically prohibited! Periodically changing
Liquid on a fresh portion, you can easily clean the head. Last time (as
Rinse after washing) You should rinse the head of the jet of another cleansing fluid,
Code cl.06, and / or desalted water (if not, the distilled) is suitable.
Then dry the head with a hairdryer and set to the place. Insert new or freshly reinforced
Cartridges and print on health! Never try to rinse printing
Head with alcohol or other solvents!
If, of course, you do not have a goal
To bring it out of the order to us.

Now we will pay your attention to what the use of low-quality
Ink or ink, not compatible with the residues of the previous ones in the cartridge. Under poor-quality
ink in this case I mean not those that give low-quality printing
(symbols are broken, mixed or not correspond to reference colors, etc.),
And those that create problems when working in the printhead, i.e. Containing
Insufficiently well purified components, mechanical impurities, dust. In such
The case of dumbies will be blocked so that no cleansing fluid is already, unfortunately,
They will not be rinsed. Therefore, before refueling ink cartridge unknown
Purity, you should thoroughly think about the further fate of your printer. For
We are in a rush to report what is ink worldwide manufacturing, e.d. For printers
Epson - special purity, at the last stage of production is subject to microfiltration
Through membrane filters with a pore diameter less than 1 microns and mechanical impurities
Do not contain.

It may be that in the ink purchased mechanical impurities
(which is easy to check by filtration), but after refueling the cartridge of the dubs
blocked. In this case, it should be remembered that ink for inkjet
Print is a complex composition from a number of chemicals. Each manufacturer
Ink Formula Own Own (she, of course, holds in the Secret), but one
A set of substances may be chemically not compatible with another. Then happen
Chemical reactions between components, resulting in solid
Spectal, blocking ink channels and printer head nozzles forever. Only
The exit in this case is the purchase of a new printhead.

It may also happen that contamination by products of such chemical interactions
Minor, printer prints, but too often or constantly carried out
Automatic cleaner of the head. The reason is that due to the contamination of the sensor
The states of the piezocrystal fixes the elevated temperature (does not have time to cool
Due to slow motion ink in the print head) and sends a signal
Initiation of cleaning. Fight with a smart printer is useless in such a situation.
You can try to remove and rinse the head (as described above), but hope for success

So that nothing like this happens, buy compatible cartridges and inks
Only one and the same manufacturer. WORLDWIDE MANUFACTIRING INNISIL,
E.D. Fully compatible with original (production Seiko Epson Corp.)
And you will never lead to such deplorable situations.

Regardless of whether the printer is inkjet or laser, there are uniform rules for use. First, it is impossible to put in the paper tray, what should not be there. Frequent guests service centers There are printers, whose trays have been loaded with sheets connected by paper clips or stapler.

Secondly, you can not load into the paper tray large quantity Sheets than the design of the device. In modern models of printers, graphic or design limiters of the amount of paper are often worth. If the tray is overloaded, it will lead to a premature printer breakage, which cannot be allowed.

There are other requirements for using printers that can be found by reading the instructions for using a model. If there is no, it can be downloaded from the manufacturer's official website, knowing the printer model.

Special attention should be paid to the printer drivers. If they are not, you will have to get them from the manufacturer's website. You should not download them from third-party sites, since there are malware under the guise of drivers.

Print documents

In order for the print quality to be acceptable, it is necessary to observe a number simple rules. The first is to print as few documents as possible, the pages of which are completely consisting of graphic images. For example, this is a photo stretched on the entire sheet of A4 format. If you do not try to stick to this rule, then the photo is created very soon.

The second is not to overload the printer's print queue. This can lead to errors within the documents. The usual home printer of small sizes is not located to high loads. If you actively use it every day, the moving parts inside the printer will be subject to excessive wear.

The third is to monitor the amount and state of ink and toner in the printer cartridges. This is especially true for inkjet models, since the cartridges in them have a small volume. If the printer is warranty, you will need to buy new cartridges, otherwise it will be denied warranty service. The same applies to laser printers.

Cartridges are two types - original and analogues. They differ in both quality and price. Of course, it is better to use the original, but if the budget is limited, the analogues will also go.

Fourth - the cartridge refueling is best to provide specialists. If a newcomer is taken for business, it can easily damage the cartridge, because of which it will not be able to use it again. The refueling is allowed only after the expiration of the printer's warranty period. If the newcomer is still solved on their own to refuel the printer, help him can thematic forums on which specialists and lovers share their experience.

Canon is a world leader in manufacturing equipment for working with documents, images and printing them. At home, printers are useful for printing papers, reports and even to take photos. This technique of the house will be useful for those who are still learning or working in the office to quickly and efficiently print necessary information from a computer or flash carrier. Modern models of printers are characterized by organic design and versatility, have tens useful features.


Before using the technique, you should familiarize yourself with precautionary measures and basic functions. It is important to know how to use canon printerSo that the technique worked smoothly. On the printer, you can print images and information solely for personal use without violating the copyrights of publishers.

Proper handling of the device and execution of safety regulations will help avoid breakdowns of the printer and harming the health of others. To connect the printer, it is recommended to use only the specified power sources and not disconnect the device from the network during printing. If this happened, restart the printer and wait until the paper is released. Remove sheets of paper by power methods should not be damaged internal device Technique. Several tips how to use the Canon printer:

  • In order to avoid injuries, do not put your hands inside the printer, especially when it is in working condition.
  • It is not recommended to install equipment for direct sunlight, in the room with a temperature of more than 40 degrees, with elevated levels of humidity or dust.
  • Do not touch the printer with wet hands.
  • Before removing dust from the case, pull the power cord from the outlet.

If the paint flows from the cartridge, it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol or any other solvent for paint to remove it.

Preparation of printer to work

Canon technique works with multiple paper formats. As a rule, a set of paper and ink cartridges are bought separately. Next, consider how to prepare a Canon printer to work.

Cassette with ink. Gently take the cassette, so as not to touch the fingers of the sheet with the paint, and insert it into the appropriate socket on the printer. The sheet should be stretched, otherwise it will be bored during operation. Adjust the tension of the sheet with ink can be twisting a little retainer on the outside of the cassette. Too much tightened, the latch will lead to the fact that the Paint for the Canon printer will end very quickly. Protect the cartridge from dust and dirt entering, it will affect the quality of printing.

Paper cassette. Paper and cartridge format should be the same. Open the cover of the paper cassette, holding the sheets with two fingers, lay their glossy side up. This is a special paper for photo printing. Conventional A4 sheets are installed in the appropriate connector. Close the lid before clicking.

Connecting printer

After preparing ink and paper, insert the cassettes in the holes installed for them until it stops. The outer cover on the cassette with paper is left open. Consider how to connect the Canon printer.

We establish the equipment to the place allotted: on a flat table or any other stable surface. It is recommended to leave a minimum of 10 centimeters of free space around the printer. We connect the power supply plug to the appropriate socket and only then turn on the cable to the network. Press and hold the "Start" button until the screen is lit.

Setting up language and print

The liquid crystal screen can be raised at an angle of 45 degrees. We choose using the buttons specified by the adjustment menu and click "OK". Also, choose the arrows from the proposed list you need the input language and confirm by pressing the "OK" button. If you do not know how to use the Canon printer, you can watch the description to the buttons in the instructions attached to it. Well, or ask someone to configure the printer for you.

Printers support almost all memory card formats and Flash drives. For some memory cards will have to buy a special adapter. In this case, insert the card into the adapter and only then connect it to the printer into the appropriate socket.

So, how to configure the Canon printer for printing information. Pre-connect the source of the information to the printer. On the screen, select the image or text. For each file, you set the number of printed instances. Check if everything is fine with ink and paper in the printer. To start printing, press the button as a piece of paper. If there are many copies, remove them in time from the output area. You can cancel printing by pressing the return button.

Caring for printer

Here are some tips, how to use the Canon printer and care for it.

To clean the contaminated body of the machine, turn it off from the network. Pure, moistened in water and well-pressed soft cloth wipe the surface of the housing. You can use weak cleaning products divorced in water. When the housing is completely dry, you can connect the printer to the power grid.

If stains from toner remain on the documents, we clean the glass exposure. We also wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth moistened in water. Then wipe the glass with a dry napkin. Depending on the model on one side of the glass there is a white plastic plate. It should also wipe.

Easy application and opportunity

Modern printer models are very easy to use, possess various functions Settings and great job features on the Internet.

How to use the Canon printer and its functions:

  • The printer connects to other devices through wireless network.
  • You can connect not only computer, but also the phone, tablet, and display the necessary information on paper.
  • The paper presence sensor greatly facilitates the work, thereby speeding up the printing process.
  • With the help of the printer, you can now not only print information, but also scan documents, and send them via the Internet.

The universal printer will easily leave the imprint of your memories or documents on paper. A great remedy for the embodiment of your creative ideas.