How to archive files on Windows 10. How to archive the file in zip

There is not enough space on the flash drive or fails to send a folder with photos by e-mail? You should use archives. But how to archive the folder or file? There are many programs designed to archive data, but, as always, are the most popular. It belongs to them winrar archiver. Probably, everyone who has worked at least a little with a computer, this utility is known, but, as practice shows, not everyone can work with her. In this article, I want to tell about its main opportunities, how to archive files is correct.

Its main purpose is to reduce file size.. The amount of information with which we have to work and store is growing faster, so the problem of placing it on hard disks, flash drives, CD and DVDs. Compression allows you to reduce the size of files or folders by 20-30%. It should be immediately noted that not all files are compressed well. For example, in format .jpeg. Will have a small degree of compression.

The second program function - combining multiple files to one compressed, Moreover, each of them inside maintains its name. This makes it possible to send e-mail or immediately a large number of documents.

In addition to these basic functions, these utilities can also perform some other operations that I will tell below.

Winrar interface

Download And install the program will not make much difficulty for you. After installing the default, the label will appear in the main menu and, in addition, new items will be added to the context menu (although the setting can be changed).

The main window of WinRAR program contains text menu with drop-down commands, a graphical menu with the basic command buttons, the address bar to select the catalog and, in fact, working window with a list of files and folders, similar to the window windows Explorer.

Consider the main teams. The picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.

  • Add - Creates a new archive or adds files to the previously created.
  • Extract - extracts data from the archive.
  • Test - verification for errors.
  • View - shows content.
  • Delete - deletes a selected file or folder.
  • Find - search for files or folders.
  • Master - new featureThrough which the newcomer gets step-by-step prompts.
  • Information - shows information about the selected object.
  • Fix - corrects errors.

Archive formats

Archiving is a complex mathematical process carried out with the code. It can be performed according to various algorithms that are constantly being improved. That is why there are many formats of archive files - .rar, .tar, .zip, .taz, .gz other. WinRAR works with most of these formats.

By the way, when installing the program, you can specify, putting a tick, with what formats it will work. This can be done and then by following commands.

Parameters - Installation - Integration

Creating an archive

You can create it different ways.

1 way.

Run the program by clicking on the label in the menu Start or at Desktop (If you created it there), choose the documents in the window that opens, which we want to archive, and click on the button Add. Now we open the most important dialog box - setting up the future archive. What can I configure here?

On the tab General:

  • We give the name archive.
  • Select it Type: RAR, RAR5, ZIP
  • Compression method.
  • Size of the dictionary.
  • Tom size. WinRAR can create multi-volume archives, about them below.
  • Set password. This feature is used if you need to close information from foreign access.
  • In addition to these settings, there are several more checkboxes where you can put ticks. A little about them.
  • Delete files after archiving. Here, I think everything is clear.
  • Create a SFX archive. This is the so-called self-expanding archive. About it more - below.
  • Create a continuous archive. In it, all data is saved by a single stream, thereby turning out a higher compression ratio, but operations, for example, adding data, are slower. It is advisable to create a continuous archive if many small files are compressed and no modifications are not supposed.
  • If you have chosen maximum degree Compression, or on your list a lot of objects, it is recommended to add data for recovery, since there is a possibility of getting errors.
  • Test files after packaging. It is also clear.
  • Block the archive. This is done in order to then even with the help of the WinRAR program it was impossible to change.

2 way

This method implies the use of the context menu. We highlight the files to be compressed, click PKM and select item Add to archive. After that, the settings window appears, which we have considered above.

3 way

It is used more often than others, as it is the easiest. As in the first way, the context menu is used, but the item is selected. Add to archive name archive.rar. In this case, the volume is immediately created specified name and default settings.

Archiving profiles

When we viewed the settings window, they missed the button Profiles. This button allows you to create multiple profiles with specified settings, select the default profile.

After installation, there are already several finished profiles:

  • Default profile
  • Attachment to e-mail
  • Multi-volume archive
  • Zip archive.

Creating a self-extracting archive

If when creating an archive in the settings dialog box, put a check mark in Chekbox Create a SFX archiveThe self-expanding archive will be created. What it is? Such archives are designed for unpacking without the use of the archiver. They have extension.exe, that is, they themselves are programs. It can be said that these data are combined with a simplified version of the archiver intended for unpacking this particular archive. Of course, they are more in size than ordinary. You can even notice that if you create a SFX archive from a small file, its size can be greater than the original.

Removing files from the archive

Extract data from WinRar is very simple. This can be done double-clicking on the archive icon, or selecting the icon in the window already open program. After that, archived files and folders will appear in this window.

Can be removed separate files. To do this, you need to pre-allocate them. You can unpack the entire archive, for this allocated the folder icon with the dot upstairs should be.

After selecting, press the button Remote and in the window that opens Explorer Select a place to save unpacked files.

Sometimes this error is allowed when working with compressed information - files open directly from the archiver window. After working with it, it needs to be saved twice: first we save changes in the document, and then update the archive. For the second operation, many inexperienced users sometimes do not fulfill, especially if dialog boxes Not Russified. I recommend first to unpack the volume, and then work with the documents received.

One more useful feature WinRar utilities, which I often use - unpacking disk images. He is perfectly unpacking images in formats .iso, .mdf, .nrg. Such formats are often used to distribute large software packages through the Internet.

These are the most basic features of the WinRar archiver. Write in the comments as you use this program, which are not yet all the well-known features it has.

In this article I will tell you how it is easy and efficient archive any files, can archive music, archive photos or yours documentation and much more.

What will consider:

  1. Programs for archiving
  2. Installation and Starting

File archiving - This is the process of converting information stored in the file, to the form at which redundancy is reduced in its representation and, accordingly, a smaller storage memory is required. It is possible to close access to the password packed in the information archive.

Not all files archived OK. Media files do not give virtually no effect when archiving. Text documents on the contrary are compressed at times.

1. Programs for archiving

In fact, there are a lot of archiving programs, but today we will consider only the most popular programs, namely WinRar, and 7-Zip.

Well, just consider how you can archive files using Windows.

  • WinRar - Paid program, There is a trial period for 40 days.
  • - Analog WinRar, absolutely free
  • 7-Zip - free program

2. Installation and launch

First you need to download WinRar programs, and 7-zip, and of course install them.

For example, I will choose more popular file formats, let's see which file will be better.

To squeeze all files that are in the folder you need to highlight them, you can use Ctrl + A, press the PCM will open me - add to the archive.

To squeeze all the files that are in the folder you need to highlight them, PCM and will open me - there will be a program icon and Add to Archive ...

7- zip.

We open the program, is in the standard start-up - 7-Zip, or in Windows 8 in all programs.

Archiving with the desired settings

After you click "Add to Archive" before you, the program names with the name of the archive and additional settings opens.

Delete Files After Archiving (delete files after packaging) - everything is clear here. You can only have an archive, and the source files will be deleted
Create SFX Archive (Create a self-extracting archive) - A self-expanding archive is created with extension .exe. This archive adds a compact unpacker. To start or unzipped on the computer, it is not necessary to preserve installed archiver. Just just run the archive and choose the place of unpacking. Conveniently, if you are not sure if the archiver is installed on the partner's computer.
CREATE SOLIDARCHIVE (Create a continuous archive) - allows you to get a greater degree of compression than under the usual archive is +. In this case, the archived files are treated as one data stream. Cons of continuous archives: When removing one file or the archive change, you will have to rebuild the entire archive and the process will take longer than when working with the usual archive. If any file in the archive is broken, it will not give normally unpack all the following

it files. In this case, it is recommended to add information to restore.
Add Recovery Record (Add information for recovery) - if the archive for any reason is broken, using it you can try to restore information. If you select this option, you can additionally set the amount of information to recovery as a percentage. The more, the greater the chance to restore the archive as a result of unexpected failures.
Test Archived Files (Test files after packaging) - If testing is successful, you will get, with a huge probability, a working archive. The option is well combined with deleting files after archiving, since the source files will be deleted only after successful archive check.
Lock Archive - Archive is blocked to change or add any files to it
Compression Method (compression method) - from a minimum to the maximum.
Set Password - password for more secure storage of data from extraneous eyes.

Expose all settings for maximum compression.

Before compression after

As we see, it decreased by 1.2 MB was not impressed.

Try archive everyone file Separately and see which it will be fading harder.

As we see the most efficient compressed file was text, by 1.2 MB, PDF. He squeezed on 3 KB, media files did not give a positive result.

After you have pressed "Add to Archive ...", the program itself with the archive name and additional settings opens.

Delete Files After Archiving (Delete Files After Packaging)
Test Archived Files (Test files after packaging)
Create Solid Archive (Only for 7Z) (Create a continuous archive)
Pot Each File To Separate Archive (each file in a separate archive)
Turn PC OFF WHEN DONE (Turn off PC upon completion)
Compress and e-mail (squeeze and send by email)
CREATE SFX ARCHIVE (Create self-extracting archive)
Password (Set Password)
File (compression files)
Algorithm (compression algorithm)
Time (time)

The compression process is similar WinRar, squeezed Haozipna 1 MB more than WinRar.

7- zip.

In the conductor of the program, select files for archiving Click SHIFT or CTRL and select the necessary files, then click "Add".

Archive 7Z.
Compression level: ultra
Method of compression LZMA2.
Dictionary size 64 MB
Size of the word: 273
Block size: continuous
Number of streams: 2
Password entry
Ability to create a SFX archive
Encryption method

After the packaging of all files, the archive lost on 2 MB Compared to programs WinRarand Haozip..

Compressive meansWindows.

Select the necessary files, PCM - send - compressed zip folder

Fast and convenient way to make an archive from documents.

Many create an archive not for the sake of compression of files, but for the sake of convenient transmission of a large amount of data by email or cloud service.

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"Shaman takes a jug and pours into it the river,

Then he takes the sky and crushes it into the bag.

Archives however. "

Archives programs are used to create an archive. These programs solve several tasks:

Reduce the amount of documents so that they entered the floppy disk.

If the document is great, then its program "cuts" to individual parts and then transferred to different floppy disks

To store rarely used documents, but necessary in the future. So that they occupy less space on the rigid disk.

For keeping a copy

For protection reliable password Access to the archived document.

To send an embedded document in email letters

Thus, the archive is a kind of folder, the documents in which are stored in a compressed form.

Programs that create archives are added to them, or on the contrary withdraws documents, are called archivers. There are many such programs depending on the archiving algorithm.

In Russia, programs are considered: and WinZip. The document archive created by the WinRar algorithm has an almost the same size as WinZip archive or just zip.

WinRar archiver has more convenient interface. In addition, Russified. In addition, WinRar is able to create archives both in RAR format and in ZIP format.

WinRAR archival program is separate component From Windows programs and is installed on the computer separately.

How to archive document Word

The process of simplest archiving and unzipping documents.

Let's take a little bitten to be clearer.

Create a document on your desktop, for example, in a Vordovsky format. Name it. Open. Dial several phrases. Close.

To remove the document properties window, click on.

Creation and name of the new archive

Right at the free place of work wooden tables -\u003e "Create", -\u003e Left by [Zip - WinRAR Archive]. In this case, a new icon will appear on the desktop, which will be in renaming mode. Give him the name.

The archive can be created if necessary inside the folder, while the folder must be open. To do this, click inside the folder on the white field.

The document you intend to archive should be closed.

So, you created an archive, see how much it weighs. Remember that right-click on the document (in our case, the archive), then go to the "Properties",  "General".

Look at what size has the archive you have just created. I have it - 22 bytes. That is, almost weightless shell. Did not forget: - To remove the document properties window, click on.

Archiving process.

The left mouse button, depart the icon of the document, the size of which you remembered, on the archive icon until the color change, most often it becomes blue.

Many people daily, under work, or for personal purposes, send email letters by attaching nested files. In the case of one or two nested files, the problems does not occur, however, when the number of attached files exceeds the tent, the question arises: "How would make a large number of files to merge into one?". Or there is a need to send a file relative to a large amount of slow compound. In all these (and many others), cases for the rescue come special programs - Archives.

There are a huge number of archiving programs that differ in the archiving method (format) and functionality, popularity. In this article, I will consider such a program as WinRar, which is the most popular among users.

Now let's figure out a little in the formats of archives. Them on this moment There is a huge set, and they differ in the main quality of compression. For Windows, the most suitable are RAR, ZIP and 7ZIP, in operating systems * NIX is more common BZ2, GZ and LZMA. ZIP format is the standard, it is supported by many operating at levels system applications. To work with it, there is no need to set third-party programs.

We turn directly to the creation of the archive. Download WinRAR program, this program is paid, but there is an opportunity to download free version. With it, you can create RAR and ZIP archives, as well as open the practical all other formats. After installation, it integrates with context windows menu And associates itself with files of archival formats. To quickly create an archive and add a file to file (files, folder), right-click on the file (by group of selected files, folder) and select "Add to Archive ...".

A window appears in which you can specify the name of the archive, select the format: RAR or ZIP, the degree of compression, as well as some other options specific options. If you need to quickly combine a variety of files into one or send a compressed file via the Internet, then the default settings are suitable for you.

Selecting Zip format You can be sure that it will open on a Windows without installation. third-party programsIf you have chosen RAR format, then to open it on another computer it is necessary that WinRAR is also installed on it.

In order for another user to open your RAR or ZIP archive, without having an installed archive on a computer, you need to check the box in the "Create SFX Archive" item. This option allows you to create a self-extracting archive.

Sometimes it happens that the transmitted archive as a result of a carrier breakdown or a bad communication channel turns out to be damaged. Turning a tick in the "Add information for recovery" item, the archiver will add a block of redundant information to the file, which, subsequently, will allow you to restore a damaged archive, it will slightly increase the file size.

If the destination file is obtained by this size, which is not placed on the media, you can split the archive into several files, indicating the size of the volume suitable for this carrier. To do this, in the "Share Archive on Tom" row, select the size of the list of the list or enter your own.

After selecting all the necessary options, press the "OK" button to create an archive.

Removing files from the archive

In order to quickly remove files from the archive, right-click on the archive and select "Remove Files ..." in the context menu

You can extract files from the archive to a specific folder into a folder that will have the name of the archive or directly to that folder where the archive itself is.

All the actions and operations performed using the WinRAR program are fully or largely valid for other archiving programs. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that initially archivers were created in order to pack and compress text information, so when archiving graphic and other multimedia data, the size will decrease slightly.

Not rarely asked me: - "How to send an email file?" Or vice versa, I ask someone to send me one or another file, and the person I ask, no idea how to do it ...
Therefore, I decided to write this guide.
To begin with, let's prepare the file that we will forward by mail.
To do this, the file can be sent in unpacked form, i.e. As it is, just attach a file to a letter as an attachment, or packed in the archive ...
If our small file, then you can send it without "Archivation". without compression...

If the big size file is better to take it in "Archive"Thanks to this, the file can become a much smaller size, which will accelerate the shipment at times.
So, you need to say that today, some postal services are not allowed to send executable files and many program library files. In the case of Windows, the executable file is.exe - i.e. File program, i.dll - library file (libraries may not only be dLL filesbut I will not list them all). Such an approach postal services It is clear, this is due to the fact that transmitting such files, the last elementary can be viruses, trojans and various things like that ... Therefore, the mail servers, in order to avoid problems, during the transfer of the letter, simply cut off the nested files that they consider suspicious. It also applies to the script files and files containing command sets, type.Bat I.cmd ...
Therefore, such files should be packed to the archive, and not just pack, but pack and close the password!
And yet, a few words about packaging-archiving of files ... Files of pictures, type.jpg, .png, almost not compressed when archiving, can be packaged to the archive, only if you want to transfer many files in the letter, and Add all of them in turns are very "mutual" ... text files, on the contrary, compressible when packaging in the archive is very strong, it happens that after compression, the archive is about 30% of the initial file size. In this case, it is better to pack the files, because Significantly decreases size.
So we found out that packaging files to the archive, i.e. Archive, follows:
- If we want to pass a lot of files, after packaging, we will need to add just one file, and not 20 or 30 for example ...
- If we want to transfer text files, because When packing, the size is significantly reduced, well, and naturally, if these files we have a lot, then it is much easier to add one file to the letter ...
- If we want to transfer the program file, and the like. - File (s) You need to archive so that the mail server does not comply with them ...
Also, we know that pictures of type.jpg, .png, should be archived, only if we want to transfer multiple files, because These files are almost not losing in size when packing ...
Now let's go about everything ...
How to Pack the file files:

For example, I prepared several text files that have a total size of 3.73 megabytes.
To pack the files to the archive, we must have an archiver. Today, the most common archiver is WinRar One minus of this program, it is paid.
And program 7-Zip. (Official site of the program: This archiver is free, but less common.
Also, today, almost all operating systems support files of archives .Zip - this means that if you send a zip archive, he will be elementary to open it.
Now let's add files to the archive. To do this, highlight the desired group of files:

Click on them the second (right) mouse button and choose the item "Add to archive" (In the event that you have some other archiver installed, the menu item name may differ).

We will open the add files to the archive window:

In which we need to configure some parameters:
1 - Set the file name (to transfer files via the Internet, the names are better to set Latin letters so that there are no encoding problems, etc.)
2 - choose the type of archive (we already talked about it)
3 - set the degree of compression (the stronger the compression, the less our archive file will be)
4 - Press the button OK To create an archive.
Here is the dialog of the archiver program 7-Zip.:

As can be seen in the figure, almost everything is equally, well, yes, it is called a little bit different, but in principle, it is elementary ...
After the package, we have a file of the archive, which is only 31.6 kilobytes, from the former 3.73 megabytes!

Now how to set the archive password:
WinRar - To create a password-protected archive, in the archive creation window, go to the tab "Additionally" And click the button "Set password".

We will have a password task dialog:

In which both fields should be filled, i.e. The password field and the password confirmation field and click the button. OK.
7-Zip.- To create a password-protected archive, in the archive creation window, fill in two fields, naturally password and password confirmation:

After that, we carry out all the associated settings, as described above.
Well, everything is actually understood with the package, let's now go directly to sending a file by mail ...
Adding a file to a letter.
Now, we need to deal with some things ... What way, we use mail - through some postal program or through web interface. When entering the browser, to the site of the mail server, there enter your data, etc. (browser, this is a program you are viewing Internet sites)
If you are using Web interface, then go to your postcard ...
Create a new letter. (I will show how it is done on servers google, and yandex)
And after you write the text of the letter, unless of course you need, click:

Link "Attach file" - in google

Button "Attach file" - in

Button "Attach file" - in yandex

After that, you will find a file selection dialog:

In which you need: - specify the path to the file, i.e. Go to the folder in which you have stored files for shipment, or in which you created an archive. Choose the desired file. and click on the button Open.
After that, the file will be loaded on the mail server and added to the letter:

If you need to add any other files, then press the button or the "Attach file" link, well, and actually we do everything that has been described above ...

Actually, that's all, after creating a letter and add an invested file, click the Send button and send a letter ...
Now let's look at how to do all this through postal programs. For example, I will talk about the two, most common postal programs, it is The Bat.! and Microsoft Outlook..
First pro Microsoft Outlook..
As in the case of a web interface, create a new letter, enter the addressee, the subject, the text of the letter ...

Attach file

(In old versions, this button is in another place)

In the same way, you can add a few more files if you need ...
Now pro "The Bat!"
As in all previous cases, create a new letter, enter the addressee, topic, text of the letter ...
To add a file, press the button Attach file

After that, the attachment file will appear:

In the same way, you can add a few more files if you need ...
All, to send a letter, click the Send button ...
Using this manual, you can send files through most Mail serversusing their web interface and most postal programs ... because Almost everywhere, these functions are very similar, almost always, are equally called and located in the expected places.
Many postal programsAt the time of creating a letter, you can add attachments simply by dragging the files in the new letter editing window (how from the folder in the folder).