How to disable caching. What is a cache page and what is it needed for? How to find in google cache, yandex

Sometimes, it is necessary to prohibit the browser cache page, as the information on it is updated each time. It may be generating data, respectively, the selected filters or other content, which is created in a new way each time. In a word, there are times when you need to prohibit the cunning program to cache page. Today, we learn how to implement it. different ways, from using PHP. or html or.htaccess.

Page caching ban on HTML

This can be done with the help of meta tags. Now we will analyze different options for the caching.

Broken on caching by browser and proxy server

Ban caching page, only browser

Installing caching for a certain time for browser

With the help of the code below, we can tell the browser, how much to store the document in the cache. After that, the cache will be updated.

Installing caching for a specific time, for proxy server

Practically, the same as in the previous code, only the indication is specifically for the proxy server.

Disable page caching with PHP

Practically, all the same thing is that in the case of HTML, we will only display the information through the header header. Here is how to implement the absolute ban on the cache:

", Date (" H: I: S "),""; ?>

Also, you can resolve cache for a certain time. For example, allowing caching for only 1 hour.

", Date (" H: I: S "),""; ?>

Prohibit page caching using.htaccess

For the simplicity of the implementation of the idea, you can do everything at the configuration level apache Servers. Before that, we need to make sure that the necessary modules are in working condition. Open the Apache configuration file and observe the following picture:

LoadModule Expires_Module Modules / LoadModule Headers_Module Modules / ... AddModule mod_expires.c addmodule mod_headers.c

Now in the file.htaccess, you actually prohibit cache output. As we know, the .htaccess file will spread to the directory in which lies, and on all subdirectory.


It is important to notice that the full displacement of caching increases the load on the server. So, play with this carefully! And better, set a certain time to which you can cache documents. For example, install caching for 1 hour:



In each browser there is a cache that is accumulated from time to time. It is in this place that these sites are stored to which the user comes. This is primarily necessary for speed, that is, that the site will be loaded in the future faster and it was comfortable to use it with you.

But since the cache itself is not cleared, but only continues to be copied, as a result it may not be very useful. In this article, we want to briefly and intelligibly explain why it is sooner or later everyone needs to clean the cache in Yandex browser and how to do it.

If you do not go into all the details, then here are some facts that you need to sometimes delete the contents of the cache:

1. Over time, these sites are accumulated there for which you do not go;
2. Volumetric cache can slow down the work of the browser;
3. The entire cache is stored in a special folder on the hard disk and can take too much space;
4. It is possible that due to outdated saved data, some web pages will be displayed incorrectly;
5. The cache can be kept viruses that can infect the system.

It seems that it is enough to clean the cache at least periodically.

How to Clean the cache in Yandex.Browser?

In order to remove the cache in the Yandex browser, you need to do the following:

1. Press the menu button, choose " History» > « History»;

2. On the right side, click on " Clear the history»;

3. In the window that appears, we choose, for which time period you need to clean (over the past hour / day / week / 4 weeks / all the time), and also put the boxes next to the item " Files stored in cache»;

4. If necessary, put / remove the flags from other items;

5. Click on the button " Clear the history».

So the cache of your browser is empty. It is very simple to do it, and even convenient thanks to the ability to choose a time period.

How to prohibit caching?

Master's answer:

Cache documents are not always useful in terms of quick work browser. To disabling it, you need to know the features inherent in each Internet browser. How to disable caching in the most popular Internet observers?

Let's do the following if used Mozilla Firefox.. In the browser's address bar, fit Opera: Config. A window will appear that will warn about what you need to be extremely generally. Click "OK". We find a "filter", we gain browser.cache. After that, no more than ten lines will remain in the settings.

To disable caching, we find the browser.cache.disk.enable and browser.cache.memory.enable. Square attention to the value field. Both of these lines are true. Change it to False. After that, restart the browser in order for all changes to enhanced. 2.Dell the following, if used Internet Explorer.. In the menu, open the "Service", then click on the "Observer Properties" window. The browser properties window opens. Go to the "General" tab, click "Parameters" there.

Then in the selector "Check the availability of renewed pages" select "Never". To prohibit caching, we will put zero near the window "used on the disk" window. After that, click "OK" to make changes.

If Opera is used. Click the Ctrl + F12 keys, then select "General Settings". Let us turn to the "Extended" tab, then to the History. The "Cash in Memory" tab, as well as the "disk cache", assign the value "disabled" to cancel caching. In the "Check Documents" and "Check Images" windows, we will choose "Never". Further "OK", the changes will take effect.

If used Google Chrome.. Right-click on the browser launch label. After the context menu appears, select the "Properties" window. After that, in the window that appears, we proceed to the "Label" tab. In the window where the file address is specified, add "-Disk-Cache-Size \u003d 0-Media-Cache-Size \u003d 0". Position this command for quotes file addresses. Apply the changes.

Caching information by the OS I / O subsystems when exchanging data with storage devices has been used for a very long time. Caching allows you to produce almost instant modification of the newly recorded data due to the fact that they were not actually stored on the carrier, and were only placed in the buffer in random access memory. The fee for such an approach is possible data loss with a sudden power outage. Therefore, it often makes sense to disable file caching (for example, for Flash drive).

You will need


  • Enter the panel windows management. To do this, open the main menu of the graphics shell by clicking on the Start button, located in the taskbar on the desktop. In this menu, select the "Setup" item. Wait the appearance of the attached menu. Click on the control panel.
  • Open the Administration folder window. If the current information display mode in the control panel is "View by Category", click on the "Performance and Maintenance" link, and then by the "Administration" link. If the control panel displays the contents in the classic style, find the "Administration" element and open. To do this, either click on it twice with the left mouse button, or right-click and select "Open" in the context menu.
  • Run the MMC Management Console (Microsoft Management Console). To do this, click on the "Computer Management" shortcut in the Administration folder window or right-click on it and select Open the context menu item.
  • Activate the MMC Console Information Storage Device Control. Expand the "Storage Devices" section of the Computer Management (Local) group, if necessary. Select the "Disk Management" item using a mouse or cursor control buttons. IN right panel The console will be displayed the interface of the selected snap.
  • Open the storage properties dialog for which you want to disable file caching. In the lower list of the right panel of the control console, find the item corresponding to the target device. Right click on the disk information block. In the context menu, select "Properties".
  • Scroll to managing file caching options when writing to the selected drive. Click on the "Politics" tab of the properties dialogue.
  • Disable file caching. Activate the option "Optimize to quickly delete" by making a click on a radio button with the appropriate text located in the Control Caching and Safe Delete Control Panel. Fix the changes made by clicking on the OK button.
  • Tip Added October 24, 2011 Tip 2: How to prohibit caching caching documents is not always useful for rapid browser work. To disable it, you need to know some features that are inherent in each Internet browser. How to turn off caching in the most popular Internet browsers?


  • Make the following if you use browser Mozilla. Firefox. In the browser address bar, enter Opera: Config. The window will pop up, warning you that you need to be extremely intense. Click OK. In the Filter field, type Browser.cache. After that, no more than ten lines should remain in the list of settings.
  • To disable caching, find the browser.cache.disk.enable and browser.cache.memory.enable. Pay attention to the value field. In both of these lines it is true. Change it to False. After that, restart the browser so that all changes entered into force.
  • Make the following if you use internet Browser Explorer. Open the "Service" section, then click on the Observer Properties item. You will appear the browser properties window. In the General tab, click the "Parameters" button.
  • Then in the selector "Check for updating the saved pages", select "Never". To prevent caching, put zero around the item "used on the disk". After that, click OK so that the changes taken to take effect.
  • Make the following if you use Opera browser. Click the Ctrl + F12 key combination, then select "General Settings". Click on the "Extended" tab, then "History". The "Cash in memory" and "disk cache" tab are set to "disabled" to cancel caching. In "Check Documents" and "Check Images", select Never. Then click OK so that the changes entered into force.
  • Make the following if you use google browser Chrome. Right-click on the browser startup label. The context menu appears. Select "Properties". Then, in the window that appears, go to the "Label" tab. Find the window where the file address is specified. Extract to it "-Disk-Cache-Size \u003d 0-media-cache-size \u003d 0". Place this command for quotes of the file address. Apply Changes.
  • How to prohibit caching - Print version

    I am sure that you have met such a word on the Internet cache (Cache). It uses a lot where, but we will talk about the browser cache. There is no difference what kind of browser you use for your own purposes, as all the most popular and modern and modern will be considered today.

    The term itself cache It appeared pretty long ago, in the last century and for the first time it was used in microprocessors. Now, the scope of its distribution and use has expanded very widely.

    Let's look at the example what it is.

    Browser Cache, how it works

    All pages on the Internet are built from different elements.

    • hTML codeMarking with text.
    • scripts (Various effects).
    • style decoration (CSS).
    • images, documents.

    After you open the site page, all this information should be downloaded to your computer.

    Whatever the necessary information correctly loaded and displayed a browser chrome, Yandex, Opera, or any other. Using the browser, interacting with the server () on which the site is lying (all files are stored). When the browser loads the page and takes all the necessary information from the server, it can save it at himself, and use it in the future if you come again to this site.

    Let's consider this moment in more detail.

    For example, you went to the site for which I never came before. The browser pulled all the necessary information from the server and you have a site with all the elements on the screen. The information you needed found, read and closed the site. A couple of days later they remembered that there is such a site and there is information that you need again. Now when you come to it, the browser does not need to spend resources and pull out the information again, it lies in his cache And he gives it free.

    What plus is above the above for browsers and users. I think on your way there were no sites where 1000 pages and each of the pages has a different design and design. Since most of the pages of the same browser do not need 1000 times to pull out files from the server, which are responsible for the design and re-load them, it pulls them out of his story And does not spend for this capacity.

    For users, it's good because the browser does not load the page and takes from the cache, which makes it possible even when you open the page. Traffic is also saved if everyone has unlimited Internet, then on mobile devices Limited and it significantly helps reduce use.

    Nevertheless, the browser cache can be a problem when changing the style of site or elements. It happens that you change the design (user redesign), go to the site, and it remains unchanged. Cache is loaded Old And it must be cleaned that the browser would display a new design.

    However, there is a way that can force the browser to prior to download a page from the cache. For this SHIST + F5.. But as a rule, it does not always work and for this you need to make a complete cleaning of the browser cache.

    There are also cases that you come from someone else's or working computer in social. Networks or other sites and do not want to leave login and password in memory or your personal data. For this you need clear browser cache And all the data will be deleted.

    Let's look at all cleaning options for each of modern browsers.

    Clear browser cache

    Each of the modern browsers have full cache cleaning features. You can also clean passwords, all pictures, files, cookies and more. Let's consider ways for each of the browsers, they are very similar.

    Google Chrome.

    In order to clean, in chrome there are 2 ways:

    1. You must press the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + SHIFT + DELETE (DEL).
    2. We go to the menu and click on the item "History", in the window that appears, click on the "Clear Story" button.

    In any of the case, you will reinforce you to the page where the pop-up window in which you can choose what you want to delete and for what period. After you have chosen click on the "Clean Story" button.

    Yandex browser

    Steps are similar to those described above, there are already 2 ways:

    1. You must press the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + SHIFT + DELETE (DEL).
    2. Walking in the menu that is on the right, there are looking for the item "History" and click on it. On the page in the left part, we find the item "Clean the story", click on it and will transfer you to the page cleaning history.

    Here all the steps are made similarly as in. Select the period for which you want to clean and all the items that need to be cleaned. At the end you do not score to click "Clean the story."


    Once they took such fashion 2 ways, then for, we will use it.

    Methods for cache cleaning:

    1. You must press the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + SHIFT + DELETE (DEL).
    2. In the upper left corner of the browser we find the opera icon and click on it. In the drop-down list, looking for the item "History" and go through it.

    Menu item "History"

    On the appeared page in the left corner we find the "Clean the history of visits" button and click on it.

    After the steps done, you must transfer to the page opera: // Settings / ClearBrowserData

    where choose the period in the list and put a tick on the items that we will clean. At the end do not forget to persist.

    Mozilla Firefox.

    As in previous cases, the first way is the key combination Ctrl + SHIFT + DELETE (DEL). To implement the second, you need to select the "Log" item and in the window that appears to "delete a recent history" appeared.

    A window will appear on the screen, where in the pop-up window you can choose for what time and put a tick, which must be cleaned. At the end, click "Save". The procedure may take a few seconds.


    Browser from Apple, which automatically stands on all its devices. To cleanse cache, go into safaris and in the menu that is located on the right choose the "Reset" item.

    After the window should appear in which you choose necessary settings which need to be reset. At the end do not forget to save the settings.

    Internet Explorer.

    I do not like IE browser, but when I make a layout you have to test and problem with cache It is very relevant here. Analogically normal version begins with 10, all other quiet horror. If you do not want to run around the menu, you can use the hot keys to delete Ctrl + SHIFT + DELETE (Del). In the Select all the necessary items you want to delete.

    For the second removal option, go to the IE menu and select "Security" -\u003e "Delete browser log.".

    In any of the options, in the end there will be a pop-up window in which you select the necessary settings, put the checkboxes and delete cache Browser. At the end, click the "Delete" button.

    Use these and do not forget that one of the problems when making edits or changing the elements of the site may be cache Browser which you use. It can be sitting for a couple of minutes update the site, and it was as it was, before the change remained. And then you remember that you need to clean the story. There are even cases that the cleaning of the browser does not help and have to climb the site and try to clean the cache of the engine.