How to open the back cover of the LG Flatron monitor. How I reinforced the burnt monitor

For those who have ever disassembled such a miracle of technology, the question is simple. And if a person decided to disassemble his monitor, and it's not a single bolt on it ... and your own monitor, and break it sorry ...

For example, take the LCD LG monitor.

To begin with, unscrew all that we see. 4 bolts of fastening legs and 4 bolts that fix the board inside the housing. Lucky.
There are at least a few bolts on this monitor. Usually modern Chinese-Korean monitors are assembled without a single bolt. Like the ancient architects. 🙂
Those see also saved on nails.

Now our task is to split the monitor housing as a nut. It is always better to start with Niza. In case of failure, it will not be so noticeable.

The display glass is better not to touch. Very fragile!

I make this plastic adaptation - the mediator. In some cases, not acute scolding. Insert a tool to the edge of the apparatus muzzle, as shown in the photo at the top, and carefully drive it to another edge. All this is done with a decent effort.

It is in LG that the board simply lies inside the hull. The maximum is glued with scotch. So when you put something at home with a scotch, let you not torment the conscience. Korean engineers consider it in the order of things.

At this stage, your task carefully pull out everything is twisted. All connectors. As a rule, it is 4 small connectors running on the backlight lamps, one wide on the matrix, a dviping power connector, and the pieces of 20 contacts - an inter-spot loop.

Before pulling out the connector, I first mark the marker, strip through both parts. When assembling fewer problems.

Hello everyone. Continuing the topic of repairs for beginner masters, I bring to your attention to easy repair of the monitor LG Flatron. L.1753 S.. This monitor did not fully file signs of life, but for its repair, no deep knowledge will be required in electronics, and the main thing is necessary only attentiveness and accuracy.

Disassembly of the monitor.

The most laborious process of repairing data of monitors is their disassembly. Sometimes disconnecting the latches is very difficult, especially without spoiling at the same time. appearance monitor, but with experience this procedure It passes much easier.

The first thing unscrewed four bolts on the back cover of the monitor.

Next, put the monitor and started withdrawing the front frame. To do this, first folded the frame in the center from 4 sides. Next, the most difficult, namely the disconnection of the corners of the monitor. To do this, I used the old plastic card, inserting into the slot between the panels, gently cleaned the panel.

After removing the frame, slowly raised the matrix, after which it turned off the keyboard.

They immediately turned off, after which lifted the compartment with the boards to turn off the loop from the monitor matrix.

Definition of malfunction and repair.

Taking in a fee in hand, I immediately saw 3 swollen capacitor.

swimmed electrolytic capacitors

it 1000 / 25V., 1000/16V.and 680/25V.. Before replacing the capacitors, the voltage at the entrance from BP was measured, it was leveling 8.5 instead of 12V, and 1.1 instead of 5 volt. Measures did not photograph, a little distracted. Replacing capacitors, the outlet voltages stabilized, however, instead of 12V, the voltage was 14, but without load it within the normal range.

After assembly, the monitor earned.

Thanks for attention. Good luck in repairs.

Damn, here's an ambush ... came from work today, turned on the computer, went to change clothes. He began to be launched, wrote down, headed, shook. But the monitor for some reason did not turn on. I am him and and the Edak. Dead. Complete. Even in the hearts knocked on him .... 🙁 (uncomfortable, by the way)

He worked for six years already six years old, and then seven. See it came to die. Pancake. How not on time. We'll have to go for a new monitor. Well, it will only work for the weekend. And today I will try this picking.

My monitor is the most common, bought long ago for a long time for 6 and a half of the "Euro-tree", I don't remember exactly. Called LG FlatronL1953S.. He has no special qualities. Just a regular workhorse. Looks like this:

The patient is examined, not found signs of life. We proceed to opening:

Four screws died very quickly. It is a turn to remove rear cover. But she, the back cover, does not hold on the screws, but is attached along with the front frame on the latches.

Well, hemorrhoids are disconnected. You are afraid, no matter how latches do not break. And there are so many of them around the perimeter ... you have to use all the remedies and the devices.

But "the road is asset going." "How long is briefly", but we won. The patient opens! Separed the back cover from the front frame:

So, let's see what we have here. The entire metal protective casing that closes the boards is attached to the scotch. Nichrome myself, not a single screw, no latch.

Monitor's intestines are not rich in variety and consist of two boards: power supply board and control board.

Monitor's intestines - control board and power supply

Let's start with meals. Sift the power supply board. Well, on it and the dusts (I have never vacuumed the monitor from the moment of purchase).

We blow up / wipe / vacuuming dust from the board. And here it is its own person in all its glory:

Carefully inspect the fee. First, check the fuses. On the board only one. He works. We look further.

So, s, and that's what? And this is awesome suspicious, swollen, electrolytic capacitors. We look attentively.

Well, the most likely cause of the death of the monitor is these electrolytes. We are looking for a replacement. She climbed all its radio electronic junk, but did not find the right electrolytes. I had to wise.

As a result, it turned out that:

Yes, lucky that I found a big gray Conder still Soviet production Khrena knows what a shaggy year. Not at all sure if he works. But there is no way out, the other, close to the konder parameters is no longer. We'll have to put it. That's what happened:

I do not know if this large aluminum capacitor cover is connected with a plus or minus contact, so it simply put insulation from a piece of tape (it was necessary to call the tester ... hmm ...). In general, finally the fee is as follows:

I collected everything in a bunch, turned on. Everything has earned. It turns out that the patient's death was clinical, not complete. Very Very Best !!! A trip to the new monitor is postponed indefinitely.

Here it is - the reason for breakdown!

Well, finally, video with the process of picking in the patient's insides.

Sorry for a mess speech. From work came, something does not boil immediately ... 🙂

By the way, I spoke about transformers in the video - it's about.

It is no secret that the owners of liquid crystal monitors are often faced with breakdown of these devices. In many cases, repair a faulty device can be independently.

Consider on the example several steps from which you want to start repairing the LCD computer monitor.

Disassembly of the LCD monitor is a rather troublesome operation and may be more time consuming than the elimination of the cause of the breakage.

For disassembly of the liquid crystal monitor - in this case The Acer Al1716 models - it is necessary to put it with a screen on a flat surface, and directly under the liquid crystal screen to put a soft fabric or other material that protects its surface from scratches.

Fastening racks on the housing

After the rack is disconnected from the main body, using an acute knife blade, or the other acute tool is folded with plastic latches, which fasten the front and back of the case. This operation is quite time consuming and necessary to be neat, since the sharp blade can be damaged by the appearance of the case and break the latches.

In order to access the control and power supply boards, you need to disconnect the metal frame with the LCD panel from the back of the plastic case. To do this, you need to bend the latches of four locks on the sides of the plastic panel. After that, the main framework with electronic stuffing can be easily removed and continue disassembly.

Clamps of the back of the case and the main unit

After the rear cover of the plastic case is removed, we will see that the LCD monitor itself is a metal frame on which three electronic is fixed printed circuit boards and LCD panel. All printed circuit boards are closed with metal covers, in order to reduce electromagnetic radiation. The radiation of high-frequency chains can affect the normal operation of other electronic devices, so all the electronics is hidden under the metal cover.

Main metal frame with electronic filling

Constructively, a computer LCD monitor consists of several printed circuit boards and electronic nodes, namely:

    Liquid crystal panel (LCD).

    Power supply and inverter to power the backlight lamps.

    Control board and VGA interface.

    Button panel with operation mode indicator.

These are the main electronic blocks that we find when disassembling.

Next, we unscrew the four bolts that fasten the LCD panel on the frame. Attention! The LCD panel is connected to other boards by several wires and stranded loops. Namely, the panel has two wires with four connectors. These are connections for connecting the backlight lamp to the inverter board. They need to be disconnected. Make it easier with a tweezers.

The LCD panel is also connected to the control board of a stranded flexible loop. It is better to turn it off from the control board, because on the board of the LCD panel it is fixed quite hard, and it is not desirable to touch it.

LCD panel

When the LCD panel is disconnected from the main framework, access to the control board and nutrition, which are located in the metal base niche.

PCB power and control circuit boards

Monitor LG Flatron W1942S - January 2008, release does not give signs of life does not turn on. Turned off and no longer turned on.

We disassemble. When approximately 1/3 from the edge of the bottom. The back cover is pressed inward, the front outwards. It is better to use plastic cards and several flat stripes or screwdrivers.

Pay attention to double latches on a silver frame. It is impossible to edit the black part (or on the contrary, a silver) latch will break from the black part. Therefore, we apply plates where they are not.

At the edges of the latch, LG Flatron w1942s look like

Well, a little snarling and everything will work out. It is better to melt the black part, because Not so then scratching.

Classic genre, LG W1942S - SF change capacitors. They swelled so that it was easier to find.

Here they are instigators of trouble 47OMK35V 105 degreesFROM

The parameters of these capacitors are not suitable for ESR, it has become 3.3 Ohm, should less than 0.1 Ohm

This is a regular new Chinese capacitor (E-C class "E-C") ESR overestimated by 1.5 - 2 times.

It will work, but is fraught with the heating of the capacitor and the transistor of the pulse converter.

We put the condensers of a normal brand (JamiCon, Suntan, Samwha, Yageo).

Changed, but it's too late. Perhaps you are lucky and the monitor will work, but we have an assembly of transistors already pierced. I needed .

The cutting of the transistor, (according to the inverter scheme for the monitor illumination), was not injured, all parts were workers.

It remains to purchase Corpolation252-4 or analogues STU407D., AR4525GEH, IRF7389, IRF7319PBF (worse in the current). I set STU407D. because Current characteristics are better than almost 2 times.

Attached to the assembly and platform more tin for good heat transfer.

I have worked everything. You still need to check the daily temperature of the transubs and the temperature of the capacitors in the first 10 minutes. If not hot, then check the temperature every five minutes.

LG W1942S backlight lamps are not included - APM4048DU4 is to blame

If the repair has not ended with overpass capacitors, and the LG Flatron W1942S - SF apparently there is no triggering after leakage of capacitors (they must be changed in advance), then everything may be more difficult. CZ trances in the inverter or unpaid trance legs in the transformer itself, then search for "inverter's diagram to highlight the monitor.