How to repair an iPhone at home. Is it possible to repair an iPhone by yourself

Hey! We are completing a series of articles (at least for a while) about service centers and various nuances of iPhone warranty service. We have already figured out (completely new or refurbished?) And what happens to (prolonged, restarted, or completely disappears?) On this very iPhone. And, it would seem, there is nothing more to talk about ... nothing of the kind!

We still have one (but very important!) Question, which we clearly need to deal with in more detail. It sounds like this - is it necessary in service centers (if available valid guarantee and after the diagnostics) will you change the iPhone for a new one? Or is repair possible and you will be given your old device?

Let's talk about this today, let's go!

Once again, I would like to note that the conversation is specifically about the official repair shops authorized by Apple (list). Naturally, no one will change anything in the market or in a tent near the market (IP Uncle Vasya). They will repair it anyhow and let it go in peace. In general, it is better to bypass such places - they will do it cheaply, but not for long.

So, your iPhone is broken, you turned to service center and here two options are possible:

  • You will be repaired using new or used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability.
  • Replaced with a product that is at least functionally identical to the product being replaced.

Lest you think I came up with this, here is a screenshot of the limited warranty clauses from Apple's website.

Thus, it turns out that Apple can choose at its discretion - either to repair your iPhone (using both new and used parts :)), or replace it with a similar product (which, by the way, can also be assembled from new and used parts). \ for details :)). And what actually happens in Russian service centers - exchange or repair?

Who will best answer this question? That's right, Apple itself in the face of technical support. Let's ask them ...

As you can see, in Russian iPhone can either be repaired under warranty or replaced. How so? After all, they write everywhere that since Apple does not supply original parts to Russia, the only way to repair a defective iPhone should be its replacement! I also asked about this in the chat ...

As you can see, Apple sends certified parts to Russia so that authorized service centers can repair your iPhone. The only exceptions are displays, since original screens are not supplied in the Russian Federation.

And what now, if marriage, then only repairs and that's it? But no, because in reality everything happens exactly the opposite. In most cases that I heard about (read, I was told) everything happens differently. With absolutely any factory defect, an authorized service center will rather replace your iPhone with a new one than repair it.

Honestly, I don't know why this is happening - there are spare parts, people are there, is it really cheaper and easier to replace the device? I have no answer, if you have any ideas - write in the comments.


  • Repair iPhone under warranty is possible, Apple supplies spare parts to Russia for this (except for displays).
  • Despite this, in most cases (in general, in all of which I have heard), the ASC give out a new iPhone instead of a defective one.

Is it true new? I already wrote about this, the link is at the beginning of the article - read it, a lot of interesting things.

Updated or new total:

  • Starting in the spring of 2017 (thanks to the FAS order), Apple began to supply parts for repairs to Russia. iPhone displays... Now official service centers have absolutely all spare parts for warranty repairs.
  • I don't know if this is related to the previous point or not, but the fact remains - users in the comments are increasingly writing that their iPhone was just repaired and not replaced with a new one.

P.S. I am waiting for your opinions and questions.

The more technology develops, the more we trust it. Owners of iPhones, in particular, show this trust even more often: it is too convenient, brute, and high-status. Compared to other smartphones, it inspires more trust among users, because there are an elephantine heap of applications on it, making it unnecessary to own various other gadgets. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because it saves us from the abundance of things. On the other hand, what if something happens to your iPhone? If it breaks or gets lost?

If you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you need to restore your iPhone, you do not need to panic right away. Instead, you better press your butt and, as they say, just fucking google! By the way, we did just that and put together a good bunch of tips for you on various cases of your iPhone's disability.

Of course, there is no guarantee that these tips will turn out to be miraculous and will revive your favorite device, but you should still try to apply them - in any case, it's better than throwing yourself on your bed and crying in inconsolable grief.

Dry iPhone

More often than not, iPhones turn to nothing precisely because of contact with water. To our deepest (to the center of the Earth) regret, this damage will not be covered by the guarantee, and iPhones are also equipped with built-in water sensors, so you cannot deceive the masters and come up with another reason for the breakdown - so you will not be replaced, the money for it will not be reimbursed ... If you managed (unfortunate!) To soak your iPhone, do not give up and come to terms with the fact that everything is lost. The main thing is not to try to immediately turn it on again after it gets wet, because this way the microcircuits will most likely deteriorate, and it will be almost impossible to restore a friend.

Rebuilding your iPhone begins by drying it off with a towel, then placing it in a bowl of dry rice in a warm, dry place to prevent moisture from spreading inside the phone. Then it would be nice to get hold of bags of moisture absorbers - these are often found in shoe boxes and everything, usually there is also a frightening "DO NOT EAT" mark. These are usually such silicone balls: shake them out of the bags and put them in the zip-lock, and place the same iPhone next to them, seal them and leave them there for a few days. This should suck the remaining moisture out of the phone, and if you're lucky, your iPhone will come back to life.

Bad luck? The last way- this is to wrap the iPhone in a towel and turn on the oven at 60 degrees, if there is such an option. Place the iPhone in a towel on the very edge of the oven and leave the door open for two hours. This is a very risky step, but it helped some - and in the end, does it really matter if the broken iPhone goes to the junkyard anyway?

How to find a lost phone and protect your personal data from a distance

MobileMe is a handy tool in case you lose your iPhone. For the “Find my iPhone” option to work, you need to enable it in the MobileMe settings on your phone - of course, in advance. And then every time the iPhone is lost, just log in to, and you will see the location of your telephony on the map. To further help the iPhone recovery process, users can also give it (remotely!) A command to give sound signal and so notified them of its location - if only they are nearby. If you are physically unable to hear the signal of your lost phone, some good Samaritan can find him, and the iPhone will show him a message from you so that he can return the phone to your kind, shaking hands. Is someone returning found iPhones? I would like to meet this sweet person ...

Another useful feature available thanks to MobileMe is the ability to remotely set a password to lock your machine. This setting is activated on in your account immediately after the Find My Phone setting. Also available is such a reliable thing as remote wiping of information: MobileMe can erase any personal data stored on the device, as well as restore the settings to factory defaults. If you want to restore your iPhone after erasing your personal information, all your data can be transferred to your phone using the backup stored on your computer. Only for this you need to have a backup. Have a backup, dude!

Shattered or Broken Screen

If you break the screen of your iPhone, the first step is to check whether it reacts to touch. If the screen works, you now have only one concern - whether the glass has stuck in your fingers. To prevent this from happening, you can buy a special protector, and the broken glass can be temporarily covered with a transparent film - not very elegant, but new phone no need to buy.

If the screen is damaged so that it becomes impossible to use the phone, we have bad news: it will cost you 3-3.5 thousand rubles to replace the glass. Be careful next time, dude!


Gizmos have been designed to fix scratches on iPhones - for example, the Ice Creme Advanced Scratch Remover, which removes damage from acrylic, polycarbonate and metal surfaces... I googled, it costs 23 bucks, the set includes two bottles and some other applicators, cloths and a special thing for metal.

Another solution to the problem is iDrops. A more common trick used by iPhone owners is a woolen cloth or other abrasive that can defeat the slight roughness of metal parts. But this is so-so, not very effective. Who cares about scratches, for those there are many different cases and a special plastic film for iPhones.

The speaker is silent

Often the owner of the iPhone does not hear what the other end of the conversation is saying to him ... uh ... the wire, not because the speaker is broken. For example, the reason for this may be a problem with the audio output: the phone may feel as if headphones are connected to it, because dirt has gotten into the connector - it also happens. The iPhone thinks you are wearing headphones and continues to send sound to the headphone jack. So you can first clean there - for example, with a cotton swab.

Apple's official decision is to insert and remove the earbuds five times in a row at maximum speed. This will switch the sound back to normal and the phone will speak again. At least it should.

The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. What is only Jobs, who asked new standard to the whole world, in terms of mobile devices... For a whole decade, no manufacturer has been able to deviate from the established canons. But all reflections on greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s does not turn on, what to do in such a situation is unclear and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain.

Why does iPhone break?

No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can never fail over the entire period of operation:

  • iPhone is smartphone assembled from dozens of different components.
  • Each part of the iPhone is, in itself, a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
  • All these components are interconnected thanks to rather fragile loops that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
  • It is impossible to exclude the "human factor", not every user can boast of careful handling of fashionable gadgets.

In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop giving "signs of life", there will be problems with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable, you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. To understand and look for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable decision, it is better to try to fix the situation yourself.

Repair of equipment on your own

Official dealers always advise to carry products to service centers and do not try to fix the breakdown yourself:

  1. This is beneficial for the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. For fixing any, even the most insignificant malfunction, you can issue a good bill.
  2. It is convenient for diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has delved into it or performed any manipulations before you.
  3. This is sometimes simply unacceptable to the user. The device is necessary for the user in a couple of hours in working form, and the service center is advised to come in 3-4 days.
  4. This can hit a decent budget. Even small, but regular breakdowns outside the warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

And it's not just about iPhones, or even about phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in the minimum number of breakdowns and malfunctions in the products sold. But even more corporations wish that with all the difficulties that have arisen, the user turns to them for help, and does not solve them on their own.

The iPhone has turned off and won't turn on: what to do?

If iPhone refuses to turn on:

  • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - "Home" and "Power". Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute you shouldn't despair, the phone may still start showing signs of life.
  • Put the device on a charger, you may not have noticed how the battery fully sat down.
  • Leave it to charge for 15 minutes, even if the battery was almost full recently. If you only knew how lithium batteries suffer in the cold.
  • "Click" the sound switch a couple of times. From the point of view of theory, this should not affect the performance of the smartphone in any way. But in practice, such manipulation sometimes really helps to launch an already hopelessly "extinct" device.
  • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from your iPhone. On the phone, while connecting, hold down "Home". This is an option quick recovery smartphone, just press the "Restore" button on the screen.

All these methods of checking the health of the phone will not take more than a minute. And what is even more interesting, they will not harm the device itself in any way. Just think, no one opens the case, the “inside” of the iPhone does not climb. If you cannot start the phone on your own, you can safely contact the service center.

What to do if the iPhone has been dropped and won't turn on?

Mechanical damage is a separate topic:

  1. Malfunctions resulting from a fall or other physical impact are always more difficult to fix.
  2. Any problem is related to the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
  3. Most likely, you will not be able to do without seeking help from specialists.
  4. The problem may be related to damage not to the part itself, but to the loop that connects it to all other components.

If you have already "opened" your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

  • Examine the contents carefully.
  • Look for cracks, impact marks, or crushing marks.
  • Inspect all loops, correct them if necessary.
  • Check out.

Sometimes this is already enough for the phone to work again. If you don’t understand anything about electronics, have never seen microcircuits and don’t know which side to hold on to the soldering iron, it’s better to take the iPhone to a branded service center right after the fall.

When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than trying to do something the first time.

Should the specialists be told about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can keep silent about this or confidently prove that the phone has never fallen anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, and so - maybe lucky. Conscience issues are a separate topic. Is the warranty expired? Then feel free to say, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you must:

  1. Do not panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
  2. Check the charging port is working, it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
  3. Make sure the phone charges normally when turned off. The reason may lie in a malfunctioning iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
  4. Press two buttons - "Home" and "Power", hold them in this position for up to a minute.
  5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two cherished buttons again.
  6. Connect the phone to the computer, having previously launched on the landline iTunes device... An automatic repair might start.
  7. Put the iPhone on charge overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

None of the options came close to solving the puzzle? Well, it's time to turn this problem over to real specialists.

Every year the number of users with "apple" products is increasing, but many newbies do not know at all, if the iPhone 5s does not turn on, what to do and where to run.

Video: What to do if iPhone 5s won't turn on

In this video, Oleg Romanov, a phone repairman, will tell you in what ways you can revive the iPhone 5s that does not turn on:

Imagine that you picked up your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, with the usual movement of your finger pressed the Power button, and the screen remained black as it was. Another press ... Again ... Third time. Nothing. The device is still not responding. It seemed like it was time to start panic. But not worth it. Let's analyze why this can happen and try to bring the device into working condition with joint efforts.

Why is the screen blank and the device won't turn on?

There is a large number of various reasons why the iPhone, iPod touch, or the iPad may not show signs of life. But there are not so many main ones:

  • The battery is completely discharged.
  • The device is completely de-energized.
  • The device storage is damaged.
  • Firmware failure.
  • Critical failure file system iOS.

As a rule, the main reason for the failure to turn on the device is a banal battery discharge, while a failure operating system- an extremely rare case. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to know what measures can be taken in this or that case.

Reboot the device

If the screen of your device is black, and pressing the power button and Home does not wake it up, there is a possibility that the gadget is simply turned off.

All you need to do in this case is to press the power button for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen of the device. After that, the iPhone will start to boot normally. If it doesn't, try the next step.

Hard reboot

If in the first case the device refuses to boot, there is a more serious method of influence - a hard reset. It helps in most cases and works in such a way that the gadget completely disconnects the power from the battery and, when turned on, starts loading not the system memory, but refers to the flash drive.

You may have noticed that if you turn off and turn on the device on which the applications were open, they will also remain in your multitasking panel when loaded. This means that the machine was turned on and restored from a backup.

To perform a "hard" reboot, you must hold down the Power and Home buttons for 10-15 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen. In this case, all of your running applications will no longer appear in the multitasking menu, and the system will boot from scratch.

Note: Such a restart can be effective when iOS completely freezes and does not respond to your actions, even if the device as a whole is working.

Didn't the logo appear? Trying the following method ...

Connect the power supply

If the actions described above did not work, then most likely the device was completely discharged.

Usually, if some charge remains in the battery, this is quite enough to notify the user about this with the appropriate icon when trying to turn it on. But if the charge is completely used up, the device will not be able to warn you about this, since the battery power will not even be enough for this.

If previous way did not help, there is a high probability that the device needs to be charged. Connect the device to a power source for at least 15-20 minutes. This will help collect required charge and inform you that the power is connected and the battery charging has started.

Note: To be sure that power is supplied to the device, deliberately check the connected cable with another device, so that later it does not turn out that it is the “cord” that is to blame.

If after the specified time you do not notice any changes, proceed to the next step.

Connect iPhone to iTunes and Restore System

If all else fails, don't despair. We have another way.

Connect your device to your computer and launch iTunes to see if the program recognizes your device. If this happens, you can try to restore the system. If not, the problem becomes somewhat more serious.

Try to boot the device into recovery mode by performing a "hard" reboot. But then, keep holding the buttons, even if you see the Apple logo, until the device goes into the so-called DFU mode(recovery).

If the device was able to boot, iTunes will show a pop-up message stating that software devices need to be updated or restored.

Click on the blue Update button and wait until iTunes downloads latest version iOS, after which it will start the OS installation process. Note right away that if nothing happened within 15 minutes, Apple recommends doing the operation to go to recovery mode again.

Note: This method is also suitable if the device tries to boot, but each time it reboots without reaching the lock screen - the so-called cyclic reboot.

I tried everything, but nothing helps ...

If all the previous steps did not help you, it remains to state that you probably encountered a failure hardware... Recovery via iTunes almost always helps if the error is directly related to iOS. In other cases, there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the device.

If the problem is with the display, even then you may feel vibration or audible notifications when you try to turn on the unit. If so, you are most likely waiting for a replacement display.

Also, there is a possibility that one of the buttons is damaged: Home or Power. In this case, you simply cannot boot the device into recovery mode. In addition, the port for connecting the sync cable could break down, which in turn will not allow you to charge the device or install an update on it from a computer.

If none of the methods helped you, you need to contact an authorized reseller or directly to technical support Apple.

A non-working device is always sad. Hopefully, these tips helped save your device and you didn't have to go to service centers or pay for repairs. Good luck!

The display of the phone, despite the rapid progress in technology, is still the most vulnerable element in the entire design of phones. If you are a neat and frugal user, there is little cause for concern, but ...

Even the tidiest person is not immune to the fact that the smartphone accidentally falls out of his hands. In this case, there may be several options for the development of events. So, the phone may fall on back cover protected by the case and avoid serious damage. If you are less fortunate, the device will fall straight onto the iPhone display. In this case, the screen may become covered with cracks, chips, stop displaying information adequately, the sensor may stop responding to commands. If the situation is exactly as we described, get ready for an expensive repair.

A broken iPhone display brings a lot of inconvenience to the owner of the phone. It is very difficult to work with such a device. Even if you notice a small speck on the screen or defective pixels, this does not mean that in the future these defects will not make themselves felt and will not be transformed into more serious problems.

Even the smallest crack on the screen can ultimately lead to serious damage, as a result of which you have to buy other components. Therefore, even if your iPhone is working properly, but there is a small crack or a barely noticeable speck on it, it is better to immediately contact the nearest service center. Pick up best service for iPhone repair in Kiev, you can visit the website, which generates prices for repair services Apple technology... All you need is to search for the required service and press the search button, and you will be automatically presented with a list of service centers.

How to keep your iPhone away from the service center

The iPhone display can fail for various reasons. Unfortunately, even the toughest and most reliable cases cannot protect your device from mechanical damage housing. A negligent attitude towards the device leads to the fact that a small mechanical impact leads to visible defects.

  • do not take it with wet hands;
  • do not go to the bathroom with your phone;
  • Do not place your iPhone too close to artificial bodies of water or moisture.

In addition, it is worth using the iPhone carefully during heavy rain, snow, etc.

Another common reason why an iPhone display fails is high blood pressure. Often this situation happens when the smartphone is put in the back pocket of jeans, and then they forget about it.

The iPhone display can fail due to active exposure to chemicals. No matter how strong the body of the device is, it will not withstand the effects of aggressive substances. Various laboratories, workshops, greenhouses are not the most the best place in order to put the phone on the table and wait for new messages or notifications.

Protect your device from possible negative environmental factors - and it will serve you faithfully for a long period of time. If your smartphone is still broken, follow the purchase of high-quality components and contact a reliable service.