Bit pixel on TV What to do. Elimination of broken pixels on TV

First, let's breathe in the essence of the problem. The easiest way to understand what cause is a fault, when we get closer with the principle of withdrawal image on the television panel. If we say simply, the image on the television panel is formed from a huge number of color points, called pixels. The pixels deferrately change their color, as a result, it turns out the desired picture.

Each pixel has its own strict structure. Pixels consist of three subpixels of different colors. Red, green and blue color having different intensity, can create any color. Most modern TVs use an active matrix. In this case, each individual pixel is controlled by a special transistor. If the transistor fails, the corresponding pixel ceases to function - this is called a broken pixel.

Such a pixel looks like a black point on the screen. The exceptions are TN matrices on which such a pixel will be white. You can restore the broken pixel of this type only by replacing a faulty or incorrectly functioning transistor. This method is bad for ordinary users.

There is another type of broken pixels - stuck pixel. A characteristic feature of such a pixel is the fact that it looks like a light spot on the TV matrix. This is due to the fact that subpixel "stuck" in the same position and glows only in one color.

Defects of a pixel of this type can be eliminated at home, using specialized software or by applying physical manipulations. The question involuntarily arises: why do the repair of broken pixels on the TV independently, if there is warranty service?

The answer is very simple. The release of panels without broken pixels is practically impossible if the production does not allow such a defect, the cost of televisions will grow much. Therefore, TV manufacturers have accepted specific standards according to which a certain number of broken pixels on the matrix is \u200b\u200bnot marriage and repair is not subject. There is a generally accepted standard ISO-13406. According to this standard, there are three main types of broken pixels, and all panels can be divided into 4th grade. So types of broken pixels:

1. On a dark background - white pixel.

2. On a light background - a black pixel.

3. The pixel is constantly burning in one color (the problem with subpixels).

First Class Panels Do not allow broken pixels. If there is at least one broken pixel, then you have the right to warranty panel replacement.

The second-class panels admit the presence of two defects of the first and second types, as well as five third-type defects. It will be appropriate to say that the panels are most common in the modern market. If your new TV has a second-class matrix and a couple of broken pixels - then this is not a marriage and replacing such a TV is not subject to.

The third-class panels allow the presence of five defects of the first type, fifteen broken pixels of the second type and 50 - third.

And finally, the fourth class has the largest range: 50, 150 and 500 broken pixels of the first, second and third type, respectively.

Excerpt from the ISO-13406 standard:

How to check the TV screen on defective pixels?

Determine the presence of broken pixels on the TV matrix is \u200b\u200bnot easy. In the store, the TVs display bright images, so the pixel defect is predicaled to the eye. But if you seriously treat this issue, you can still save yourself from a poor-quality matrix.

In order to check the TV matrix for the presence of broken pixels, you must alternately display the image of a monochrome color. For example, if you are looking for a black point, then display a white background. If you are looking for a white point, turn on the screen black background, and so on. If you carefully view the entire screen, the broken pixel will be visible to the naked eye. The method is painstaking, but but reliable.

There are special generators that are displayed on the screen image of the corresponding color. You can do the same downloading from the flash drive to the TV trained pictures of the corresponding colors. A similar function can be built into the selected model of the TV.

A more functional is the method of checking on broken pixels using programs. But for this you need to pre-connect a computer or laptop to the TV. Load the appropriate program to check your computer and search for defects. If you are lucky, then deffects you will not find. What if broken pixels were found?

The sad news is that black pixels (combustible transistor) to restore their own efforts. It will be about restoring stuck pixels. There are several ways to stop the effectiveness they will not give, but it is always worth trying.

Method number 1. It is as follows: it is necessary to carry out the physical impact of relatively working pixels. It is not difficult, turn off the TV, take an ordinary cotton wand in your hands, then gently press the area of \u200b\u200bthe non-working pixel. After a few minutes of physical impact, turn on the TV for checking. Do not be discouraged if the pixel is still ink. Repeat the procedure again. Method number 1 has long been checked on restoring LCD panels. The fact is that the liquid crystal inside the panel can be moved by exposure, after which the pixel will continue to perform its functions as it should. The display is a very fragile detail, do not use sharp, stitching, scratching items with respect to its surface.

Method number 2. More secure, you can even say remote. It is to use specialized applications. Soft always saves, maybe in this case will help. One of the popular programs for restoring broken pixels is in open access: Jscreenfix.

JSCreenFix program in work:

Software developers argue that the utility is only after half an hour of use eliminates image defects. With an interval of 4 hours you need to repeat the procedure several times. During such manipulations, the program with a huge speed replaces colors in the field of faulty pixel. As a result, the owner will receive a fully functioning color display of the screen. Do not stop on this utility, try others if you cannot get access to this.
Note that immunity cured pixels do not acquire and with the onset of summer heat have every chance of sticking over again. In this case, the course of treatment is recommended to repeat. If the TV is not under warranty, and the methods number 1 and №2 did not help, most likely, it is worth replacing the burned (defective) transistor. DIY repair of televisions may seem simple and understandable, but it should not be overestimated by their capabilities after all, even armed with the necessary information, 100% of the troubleshooting guarantees it does not guarantee you. To do this, it is still better to call a qualified wizard or contact a special service center.

Dear readersIn our whole item undergoes mandatory pre-sale preparation (in particular, they are checked for broken pixels and screen litters).

To fully protect yourself from different unpleasant surprises, you can recommend this procedure for checking the TV before buying. Here are collected tips that allow you to check the TV bookfress in the storeAnd you can limit only those that are suitable for your situation. And you can get around those moments that are difficult for you realizable. The main thing is that you see the working TV and have been able to evaluate the picture quality with your own eyes.

External inspection when buying

First check the packaging on various damage (dents, impulses), if during transportation there were all sorts of packing shocks, then the TV got. Then check the presence of all correctly completed documents, such as a passport on the device, warranty card. Coupon must be correctly filled with the seller (warranty period, date of sale, printing), the serial number in the coupon must match the number on the TV.

Check the external state of the TV and the console remote control . Look for scuffs, chips, cracks, etc. The screws on the TV at the back should not be with the tracks of autopsy, otherwise your TV was already on sale and repair.

By the name of the model, serial number And product code can be found where and when this TV is made and for which country.

Even more detailed information as that time of operation, the number of inclusions can be found from the service menu. But the entrance to this menu is better not to perform yourself if you do not know what it is. It is intended for specialists and the store does not have to include it. Incorrect work with the service menu can lead to the complete inoperability of the TV. To enter this menu, you need to enter a specific set of characters, which depends on the brand and model of the machine.

After that, you can turn on the TV and check it out., the correctness of the remote control, work with external sources (USB flash drives, players, etc.). Flash drive can take your own, writing videos in advance with high resolution, and pictures for checking on broken pixels.

Check on broken pixels

When forming a picture on the TV screen, all display pixels should be involved. When resolving the FULL HD screen, the entire display field consists of 1920x1080 pixels, and this is just over 2 million points.

And each point is formed from three sub-pixels (red, green, blue). Some firms can add the fourth sub-pixel, for better color transmission. If one of these sub-pixels stops correctly, then the point on the screen will be glowing not by the color.

According to the rules, a number of non-working pixels is allowed, different norms allow different amounts of defective pixels. So, by defining at home this defect in the form of one or two non-working pixels, you will not be able to return the TV back, so it's better to do this check before purchase.

To search for defective pixels on the screen you need to submit an image with a specific picture and examine the screen at close range. You can use the magnifying glass. You need to look for a pixel that is glowing not by the color as everyone else. The image permit must accurately match the screen resolution.

Fully non-working pixels are those that do not react to the signal and are in a permanent position, one can detect on a homogeneous picture (in one color filled). Alternately served on the screen white, black and main colors (red, blue, green) pictures and are looking for some color pixels on them.

Disabled pixel on a black background Non-working sub-pixel on the screen

There are such defective pixels that begin to work badly when the matrix is \u200b\u200bheated. You can reveal them after the TV will work for a while.

There are pixels that work incorrectly depending on the work of neighboring sub-pixels. Such defects can be detected if you feed a picture in the form of chess fill, color strips, gradations, mesh. Incorrectly working pixels will stand out from common Structure Pictures.

Necessary pictures for checking the image on TV can download . Resolution of check images 1920x1080 pixels.

To check the Ultra HD 4K TV test images.

How to use these images can be read.

Heterogeneous illumination of the screen

When the video signal is applied to the input of the TV with a homogeneous color fill (painted in one color) on the screen and should be this color without any color shades. But, due to the technological features of manufacturing displays with LED backlight, it is difficult to achieve such a homogeneous illumination. therefore it is advisable to check the uniform color field Even before buying. Usually such a defect is not considered a breakdown and return or repair TV is not subject to.

Such screen defects are called banding, lighting and tit.

Tint can be translated as "color tone" and it shows how correctly white color is displayed on the screen. When viewing the usual video, you may not see this defect, because there is constantly changing the picture. But if the picture is static, the interference can be very noticeable and interfere with normal viewing.

To identify the title, you need to use a white or gray field on the screen. Interference in the form of strips, stains and other shapes painted into another tone, on a homogeneous background may indicate the presence of a defect tit. Such interference is usually painted in pink or greenish colors and are closer to the edges of the screen.

If the defect is very noticeable, it is better to choose another TV.

Tint big and well visible Permissible level of interference tit

Banding (Banding) on \u200b\u200bthe screen manifests itself in the form of lanes of another shade. When viewing ordinary TV shows will be noticeable in homogeneous areas when moving the camera. To identify this defect in the store, feed the uniform field of any color (gray, green, purple) from the flash drive.

Invalid bunding level

Lights can only be led TVs. To assess the quality of the display along the level of light, you need to do this in a completely dark room (turn off the light and screen the windows). In this case, you need to select the maximum backlight level, you can select the appropriate mode (bright, "dynamic" or different). You need to turn off the modes that improve the image, such as dynamic backlight, the level correction of the black, eco-sensor and others. This is done in order that the TV does not regulate the backlight when checking.

But even at the same time, errors may occur due to the automation of the telephoneial, when filing a completely black frame. After all, with a black picture, the TV turns off the backlight. Therefore, to detect lights, it is better to give a black picture with some bright elements, for example, white titers on a black background at the end of the film.

Then, look from the distance for the presence of the screen lights especially in the corners. Some minimum litwords are quite acceptable For normal viewing.

Invalid light level

Find LED TV completely without these defects (tit, banding, light) is unlikely to succeed, but you need to choose a model with a minimum level of these interference.

Despite the fact that the production of LCD panels does not stand still and is becoming increasingly perfect, and checking the LCD TV on broken pixels is relevant to this day. At one time, I have already had a negative experience of purchasing a liquid crystal display with a broken pixel, though it was installed in the camera, and not in the TV, but this in general does not change the essence of the problem. In the fact that is distant, time I was overly trusting when choosing digital devices and relied often on advice and recommendations of sellers of consultants. And in vain ...

So once I bought a digital camera and returned home with endless joy from buying, and in the process of shooting, I found a red dot on the display, which was noticeable only on a black background. Yes, a durable reader, so a broken pixel manifested itself. I will not take your precious time and paint as I managed to solve this problem.

I will only say that the girl (seller-consultant) about this defect knew and deliberately demoded me the quality of the shooting hovering the lens for goods standing on a light background ... Fortunately, I managed to return it to the store with the battle and pick up my money. Since then, I have learned a lot and I rely only on my knowledge and strength. Of course, there are honest and competent consulting sellers, but unfortunately the overwhelming majority of them think only about how to "shield" the buyer or how to shove some goods to shove out, and not about how to develop professionally and be a really useful consumer.

After all, sometimes you get a high-quality consultation very problematic, carrying some kind of nonsense considering you for a fool ... and the leaders belong to this very negligently and do not think that the seller-consultant is the company's face and from its quality service will depend on whether Buyer to them to the store or bypass his tenth road.

In one of its publications, I have already written about whether 3D works in TVs) and how to choose a suitable model with the necessary functions. And now, at the request of blog readers, I will tell you how to check the LCD TV on broken pixels. I think you must first briefly tell you about what pixels are that you have a common picture of the work of the LCD panel.

Immediately, I would like to make a general acquisition information about the LCD technology, because first, in this publication we do not consider the creation of liquid crystal displays, and secondly, to convey to you all the subtleties of production of LCD panels need to write separate Article.

What is a pixel on TV?

Creating a LCD panel A very complex process and technology reproduction of information based on liquid crystals There is a lot. Liquid crystal displays are used in almost all digital devices (computers, televisions, cameras, telephones, navigators ...) and today life is already unthinkable without them. All these digital devices with LCD technology are firmly entered into our lives, and with them the problem of paramount importance - broken pixels.

The basis for LCD technology was liquid crystals through which the light is skipped to obtain an image. Most often, the exterior LCD layers of the panel are made of glass, and already between them and polarization filters are placed by a thin film transistor, a color filter panel, a layer of liquid crystals with a typical backlight module inside (rear, side ...). While working the TV, the light passes through the layer of liquid crystals and the viewer sees the image from pixels painted in different colors.

Each pixel consists of three subpixels (red, green and blue) with which the liquid crystal display is able to distinguish millions of colors and shades. Liquid crystal molecules behave like liquid molecules, being constantly in motion, but, as it should be crystals, their orientation remains not treason. Orientation varies only under the influence of the electric field.

Pixel - This is the smallest digital image element or displays matrix, which is an indivisible object of rectangular or round shape and generates an image on the screen.

As soon as this condition begins to be performed, the substance in the form of liquid crystals begins to change the orientation, up to the selective change of subpixel. The crystals here play the role of optical lenses that change the polarization of light waves. For such a principle, each pixel works in a liquid crystal panel.

Causes of the appearance of broken pixels.

In modern TVs, the active matrix is \u200b\u200busually used, and the number of pixels in liquid crystal displays is just much and guaranteeing the serviceability of each of them is simply impossible. In order for a broken pixel on the TV, it is enough for the control transistor to fail or subpixel is stuck in the same position.

In the first case, restore black broken pixels (non-working transistor) on its own, without the appropriate skills and equipment will not work. I read somehow that in the factory conditions you can simply burn the spoiled transistor with a laser. Of course, to return the working condition to such a pixel will not work, but it will be less noticeable for human eye. I do not know how true it is ... maybe there is another more affordable solution to restore this type of broken pixel, but I think that such a defective pixel is not "treated." This type of broken pixel has the appearance of a black point and will be particularly visible on the screen with a white and light background.

In the second case, the defect of the broken pixel can be eliminated by the programmatically or by physical manipulation at home. This defect of the broken pixel is called "stuck pixel" and it is manifested in the form of a light or color point on the screen. And it is caused by the fact that subpixel is stuck in one of the positions and glows in one color on the display. How to remove such broken pixels I will tell you next. By the way, sometimes the broken pixels may disappear themselves through time.

The causes of the occurrence of broken pixels can be both an industrial marriage and imperfection of technology. Yes, dear reader, nothing is completely in this world. It must be said that there are standards regulating the number of permissible defects of the matrix (broken pixels) in the presence of which the digital device will not be recognized as a marriage. So you guarantee it or how the marriage can not return to the store. Therefore, be sure to test the TV on broken pixels when buying.

The permissible number of broken pixels.

The permissible number of broken pixels on a liquid crystal matrix is \u200b\u200bdetermined using the Special Specification of ISO 13406-2 (in Russia - GOST R 52324-2005). It should be said that this document contains about 150 pages and regulates not only defective pixels, but also defines a number of other requirements such as the degree of reflection, the level of brightness and contrast, the readability of the text, the filling coefficient, the uniformity of the illumination and color fill, flickering and glare ...

Nowadays, all the eminent brands and manufacturers adhere to the ISO 13406-2 standard, because the creation of a liquid crystal matrix is \u200b\u200ba very expensive and time-consuming process, and you can test the collected panel for the presence of defective pixels only after full manufacture. In this regard, manufacturers try to reject such products as possible as possible after the test to one of the four quality classes. The ISO 13406-2 specification itself defines four classes (Class I, Class II, Class III or Class IV).

A permissible number of broken pixels from a million by ISO 13406-2.
  • 1st Class: Does not allow pixel defects (expensive and fairly rare models in our market, and if you have at least one broken pixel, you have the right to the LCD panel warranty replacement).
  • 2nd Class: Allows the presence of 2 defects 1 and 2 types, as well as 5-type defects (the most common class of LCD panels in our market).
  • 3rd grade: 5 types of 1-type defects, 15 - 2nd types and 50 - 3 types are allowed.
  • 4th grade: The presence of 50, 150 and 500 defects 1, 2 and 3 types are allowed, respectively. (Among the mass production of such products is practically no).
Types of broken pixels.
  • 1 type - white pixel on a black background;
  • 2 type - black pixel on a white background;
  • 3 Type - Colored (red, blue, green). As a rule, this is a problem with subpixels.

To make it more clear, I compared the defective pixels on the table.

By the way, the class of products directly affects its cost. For example, a smartphone from one manufacturer costs 800 €, and superior to its smartphone from another manufacturer can cost a third less.

How to check TV on broken pixels.

In one of the publications, I already wrote about how to check the monitor on broken pixels with the help of well-proven programs. Actually, the test for broken pixels of the TV is practically no different and it can be done with the help of the same programs or through specialized online service On the network (on how to connect Smart TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi, read, and with LAN cable). To check the TV through the programs it will need to be connected to the system unit or laptop. But how to be if we buy a TV with a liquid crystal panel in the store, and we have no computer at hand.

Of course there are shops that provide paid service By checking the TV matrix on broken pixels. But why pay, if you can perform the test yourself. In order to check the TV, the presence of broken pixels in it, you need to display one-color background images to the screen. For example, to find a black point, you need to display white background with a TV screen, and to find the white point of white, you need to display black background. This principle is looking for broken pixels.

So, to independently perform a test for broken pixels of the TV, you need to record on a USB flash drive (about how to choose reliable USB A flash drive, and what principle they work) a set of images with colored fills and gradients. I also recommend writing on a USB flash drive a set of test vigorologists that will help you not only spend the test, but also to evaluate the quality of the sound and the possibility of the built-in player.

Download images for testing a TV on the Boyed pixels 1080p (with a resolution of FullHD 1920x1080) and 720p (with a resolution of HDReady 1366x768), you can link below. The archive contains two sets that need to be removed from the archive and write to a USB flash drive.

Download Videos To test the TV on broken pixels, you can link below. The archive contains two vocabulary to check TVs with FullHD resolution (1920 × 1080) and HDReady (1280 × 720). Rollers contain a set of images of different colors and gradients that will consistently displayed on the TV screen to the music, which will give the opportunity to simultaneously check and the operation of the speaker system.

So, now you are fully armed and you can safely go to the store for a cherished purchase in the form of a TV. Perform a test without a rush and carefully view all the sections of the screen and if the defective pixel is in reality, then you will definitely see it. It should be said that it is difficult to notice the "dead" and "dependent" pixels. The so-called "dead" pixels are visible not on all color fills, but "dependent" can only be revealed on Moare (fill the "chess grid" and "grid"). Also, with the help of these sets, you can check the monitor, but it is better to use special programs Type Nokia Monitor Test (how to check the monitor on broken pixels).

Restoring broken pixels on the TV.

Nothing in this world is not completely and any digital technique may fail, and the liquid crystal panel can overcome the owner with the presence of broken pixels. What to do in this case? I think you understand that defective pixels that were formed in the investigation of the failure of the thin film transistor will not work on their own. But you can return to life the so-called "stuck pixels". You can try to "strip" broken pixels by software or mechanically. But 100% positive result Not gives not one of them.

Software treatment of broken pixels.

First of all, you need to try to return to the life of a pixel programmate. The use of specialized programs is safer in contrast to physical treatment. I know about the two most acting and actual utilities. This is Bad Crystal and JscreenFix. Both of these programs are paid, but the price of the question is not great.

If you are not sure that the Bad Crystal program will help you, then the developer's website has a test to assess the chances of restoring broken pixels. Also on the site there is a section with frequently asked questions and reports on testing utility, as well as technical support. This is a very worthy and functional program that supports Plasma, LCD, LED, OLED and 3D screens, increases the service life, restores up to 90% of defects, removes the hanging pixel in 10 minutes (in some cases the process can last about 48 hours) and has a simple and understandable interface.

The JScreenFix program is also very popular, which, according to developers, helps not only find broken pixels, but in 80% of cases it can restore them. The program in step-by-step mode will take you to the complete restoration of defective pixels. The utility performs high-speed colors of each pixel, which allows you to return the stuck pixel to work.

The developers claim that the program is able to return everything into circles for 20-30 minutes, and in more severe cases, it is recommended to leave a program for 8-10 hours. If there is no positive result, they recommend repeating the process. Also that's software solution Reduces the screen burnout and improves the display quality.

Physical treatment of broken pixels.

If the programmatically failed to restore defective pixels, then you need to make a TV massage / monitor. Take the match and screw the car on it (you can use the ear stick), turn off the TV and proceed to a slow and neat massage in the field of the broken pixel. Adjust not much, and do rounded movements with feeling. Thus, the massaging area with a stuck pixel can be restored to the desired position and it will start functioning correctly. If necessary, you need to repeat the procedure.

Just do not overdo it and do not massage the panel with your fingers and, even more so, do not touch it with sharp objects, otherwise you will add to the matrix with a dozen broken pixels. It must be said that this type of battered pixel recovery is not safe and all manipulations you do at your own risk.

I will finish this article. I hope the prepared material was useful for you and easy to perceive. If you have something to supplement the publication or you want to express your opinion, then please please in the comments. Until!

    2019-03-03T22: 42: 44 + 00: 00

    Unfortunately, we do not have extrasensory abilities and therefore we cannot say how long will live your TV. Most likely, the appearance of dark spots on the screen indicates the presence of damaged pixels. So this or no will answer you in the service center, because they will be able to perform detailed diagnostics and identify the reason that caused the appearance of dark spots. If the service center is confirmed that the matrix is \u200b\u200breally damaged, then the feasibility of repair is most likely necessary to question, because the price of replacement plus-minus will be comparable to buying a new TV. P.S. By the way, such stains could appear in a consequence of a mechanical or high temperature impact. If such spots were discovered after the purchase, then return it to the seller under warranty.

    2019-03-03T17: 14: 14 + 00: 00

    Good day, not so long ago paid attention to that on the TV (Samsung series UE48 ....) on a light background dark spots are visible, as far as I understand the backlight diodes or the burned out matrix in the placement of diodes, if you focus a look, then you can see (grid ) Vertical and horizontal lines of placement of backlight diodes, in general dark spots. Tell me what does it mean? How long will live TV and how is it treated?

    2018-08-26T18: 31: 45 + 00: 00

    Could not attach photos to a comment to try to evaluate visually.

    2018-08-26T16: 54: 15 + 00: 00

    Please tell me, recently purchased the TV and with certain colors, usually blue / blue, in those places where the color data is dominated by the contour from green points, there is no contour on other colors, I could not characterize this problemlike broken pixels, this is something else. These points are green chaotic and are not tied to the place, they are tied only to the area where certain colors prevail.

    2018-06-17T19: 55: 36 + 00: 00

    I returned money in Yulmart for 1 broken pixel without questions. When I was connected, I saw, even for me, I wrote a refund for me. If the packaging is not broken and there are no defects, you can return the aircraft within 10 working days. Putin This amendment into the law on the EHF has signed a long time ago that any product, including the previously related technique, can be returned by the Buyer, regardless of the acquisition method that is in the store or via the Internet. And all the bold and semi-graphic managers or sellers, we are waiting for buyers in court) only the amount after the court will be different)))

    2017-07-29T13: 20: 48 + 00: 00

    Thank you very much for the information)))

    2017-02-15T18: 51: 52 + 00: 00

    Hello. Tired of choosing. Maybe you will advise. LG 55UH850V TV and Television samsung. UE55KU6000U. Is it worth overpaying for this LG? Two criteria are important - image quality / price. 3D not fundamentally. And the difference in the price of 30 thousand

    2017-01-31t20: 01: 25 + 00: 00

    Good evening. Article class. Thank you. I want to buy a TV for 110 thousand rubles, but I do not know what class to attribute it, 2 or 3? First I think it is unlikely. There probably, the TV should cost more than 150k.

    2016-09-13t20: 52: 59 + 00: 00

    Unfortunately, I do not have a constructive response. However, if the purchase is no longer happy you, then try to return. If you do not, then later you will most likely regret your choice. Good luck!

    2016-09-13T20: 48: 11 + 00: 00

    Thanks for the answer. But I am tormented by the question - in such displays is considered normal (permissible) such a transition in gray shades (from brown through green in gray)?

    2016-09-13T20: 40: 35 + 00: 00

    If there are no two weeks from the moment of purchase, then you can return the device under any pretext if the product view of the smartphone and packaging is saved. P.S. There is a permissible number of broken pixels so that the device is not considered marriage. Return or not, to solve you. Good luck!

    2016-09-13t20: 36: 31 + 00: 00

    Thank you. Good article. I checked the smartphone FWVGA 854 x 480, TFT LCD, 4.5 ", 24 bits, instead of dark gray shades, green and brown colors are displayed, instead of light gray solid color flood. Tell me please, is it normal or back to the store? And if you pass back to the store Shop how to characterize it?

    2016-09-12T23: 55: 29 + 00: 00

    2016-09-12T23: 18: 11 + 00: 00

    Hello. Tell me please, this roller is possible to check the screen of the smartphone 854 x 480, 4.5 "?

    2016-06-08T17: 00: 05 + 00: 00

    Very helped. Checked your telly and monitor. On TV is excellent. And on the monitor found 4 broken pixels ... Seen on a blue background and red.

    2016-04-04T15: 38: 07 + 00: 00

    You can use NTFS.

    2016-03-31t17: 51: 41 + 00: 00

    Good day. In what format format flash drive flash drive to check on the pixels?

    2016-03-07T11: 03: 23 + 00: 00

    Thank you, the article helped

    2016-01-17T21: 54: 12 + 00: 00

    Hello! Is it possible to pour pictures again to search for broken pixels? With Yandex you can not download ... I downloaded the video, I checked the TV. I knew that there is one broken pixel and where he is .. But still I barely found))) I am afraid if I didn't know where - I would not find it, well, or a lot of time it is necessary ... visible on black, blue and barely Green. On red and light colors, it is not visible .... Thanks for the video, if you can reboot the pictures

    2015-04-21T01: 43: 39 + 00: 00

    I recently purchased the LCD TV, model: Sony KDL-55W828B, after a few days I noticed white points with a number 10 - 15 pieces, appear at times, but they often appear, and they appear mainly when watching the film "Once in Rostov", I do not know why in this film. When viewing other channels, everything seems to be fine. I downloaded a test with different backgrounds, the result, I do not see any white point, everything is perfect, but in the film, I see them clearly, one and even in a pair and three cells at the same time. Honestly, I am in bewilderment. Can you advise something? I will be grateful!

    2015-04-15T14: 06: 22 + 00: 00

    Good advice! There was a band in the middle of the screen a little rubbed with a cotton wand. She disappeared. I thought the garbage of the masters need to call, but I decided to try it turned out

    2014-12-08T16: 30: 18 + 00: 00

    Oleg: Now everything is clear. I wonder how the Syrinka from the inside of the glass was? :) Once from this distance, the point (or what you have there) is no longer visible, then ... you can see: "Let it be" :) Good luck!

    2014-12-08T16: 13: 35 + 00: 00

    Dmitry: Noticeably on all colors, except black :) It looks like the pixel rubber canvas slightly pulled back. It may be a booze from the inside of the glass hit. There is no discomfort, as it is visible from the distance ≲ 30 cm. Let them be. Thank you.

    2014-12-08T14: 17: 37 + 00: 00

    Oleg: Most likely, it is still a defective pixel, but not sure. Do I need to be afraid of this? If you do not cause any discomfort, then there is no need to fear. And noticeably speck on all colors or on some specific?

    2014-12-08T13: 54: 23 + 00: 00

    Dmitry: One. There were two, I am one thing, it turned out to be a dust. Cooling, does not leave. But it is noticeable only if you know where it looks near.

    2014-12-05T16: 10: 26 + 00: 00

    Oleg: Quote: "Darker others on a black background" And how much do you have them on the screen?

    2014-12-05T15: 30: 53 + 00: 00

    Pictures in JPEG are compressed with loss of information. Around the tex thick in one pixel pile of colored noise. Scared after seeing it on the TV. I will make clean pictures based on your. I have a question about broken pixels: there is a speck on TV, which is darker than the rest on a non-digging background, it is noticeable, in size and arrangement seems to not fall into the outlines of the pixel (a little less, the boundaries are lubricated). What could it be? Do you need to be afraid?

    2014-11-10t23: 23: 47 + 00: 00

    Dmitry: I suppose that the question was about the "demo mode" or the "Store" mode and the test of the pixels should not affect. I myself want to buy a smart TV 47-50 inches on the day with a price of up to 50 thousand rubles, I would personally have a defect that would be just horrified!

    2014-11-03T13: 04: 23 + 00: 00

    Paul: These images are not for configuration, but for testing the dough on broken pixels and only. Understand correctly. Questions need to be asked on the topic of the article. After you, comments will read people who came to get information based on broken pixels.

    2014-11-02T16: 08: 57 + 00: 00

    Clearly, we are not talking about my TV ... There's different test pictures there, so it was thought that somehow could help you set up correctly ... Everything was already in the past, I set up a long time, and everything suits me. Good luck to all!

    2014-11-02T13: 31: 11 + 00: 00

    2014-11-02T13: 22: 38 + 00: 00

    Paul: Dmitry Thanks for the article! With bit pixels, everything seems clearly, they should be immediately visible immediately, if of course they are .. and here's how to make the right settings that reveal all the features of the TV (Sony 55W955B), with the help of color and multi-colored pictures, it is not clear to me. If not hard, please tell me. I will be very grateful, thanks!

    2014-08-24T10: 33: 09 + 00: 00

    Dmitry Thanks for the article! With bit pixels, everything seems clearly, they should be immediately visible immediately, if of course they are .. and here's how to make the right settings that reveal all the features of the TV (Sony 55W955B), with the help of color and multi-colored pictures, it is not clear to me. If not hard, please tell me. I will be very grateful, thanks!

    2014-08-21T17: 23: 43 + 00: 00

    Roman: First, I did not call anyone in the article. No need to lie. Secondly, there is a list of goods that cannot be returned ... However, there are footnotes in other articles on which the court refers to the decision. I mean every case individual and can not be 100% to say that it is impossible to return the goods. It all depends on the specific situation. And in your opinion it turns out that you can shook out the technique of customers. Some buyers know how to check the technique for defects, and others are not. Here are some of this and use. I emphasize some. Thirdly, one broken pixel is not a marriage in relation to Smart TV (we read an article and watch the table). It all depends on the standard and class. The 1st class does not allow the presence of broken pixels in general, but in our country such digital devices are not yet rare. Therefore, while one pixel is not considered a marriage, but no one wants to have such a Smart TV. Unless you buy with a discount. You first read the article ... Fourth, why write to me in the comments all 25 article. I have a publication of not a legal nature. It is in free access, go and read. Fifth, I wrote to the Russian language that there are very competent and honest vendors. Sixth, I do not call in the article to return the goods if there is a broken pixel on it, but I call for the vigilance of buyers. For then buying instead of joy, can bring to disappointment. On-seventh, you are probably the negligent seller who does not apply to the consumer. Sellers who appreciate their buyers work on the principle: "Buyer is always right" and always go to the meeting. I consider this dispute meaninglessly, I'm loaded and answering your comments. I do not have any time or desire.

    2014-08-21T11: 21: 33 + 00: 00

    What do you do not take off the article to the end. I do not want to argue with you, I just want to explain. You yourself wrote that the sellers consultants are guards those still, well, get the return on your karma from me. No need to write so much in the post. 25th article. End of the 1st article ... "The list of goods not subject to exchange based on the grounds specified in this article is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation" It turns out there is a certain list in which it is impossible to exchange goods ... List (list of non-food quality, not Payable and exchange for similar goods ....): Paragraph 2 (for example) - Personal hygiene items Paragraph 6 (for example) are the items in contact with food ... not only a frying pan. But the kettle and even the microwave point 11 - technically complex domestic goods one pixel is not a defect, and you will not change the TV. I'm talking about this. You yourself placed the table on this page where the number of pixels and class is indicated. There are two articles on which exchanges / returns are performed. Article 18 speaks of marriage refunds. That is, if at home you have turned on the TV, and there is a strip on the screen. Article 25, which speaks of the exchange of goods without defects. I repeat, 1 pixel is not a defect.

    2014-08-21T00: 16: 39 + 00: 00

    Roman: Consumer right to proper product quality 1. Seller (manufacturer, performer) is obliged to convey to the consumer products of good quality, as well as provide information about this product. 2. The seller (manufacturer, the contractor) at the request of the consumer is obliged to provide him with documents confirming the proper product quality. The seller is obliged to sell high-quality goods, and to make sure it can only after personal check. I know various cases on the return of the goods from the practice of other people and even through the court. You read this article to the end and get in her essence. In addition to the listed product, it has a continuation. Article 25. The right of the consumer for the exchange of goods of good quality However, the exchange rate may follow if there are no terms of exchange for the law: the goods were not used, its commodity and consumer properties were preserved, and seals, factory labels, a commodity or cash receipt. The consumer can exercise its right to exchange benign goods within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase. In case of refusal to exchange and disagreement, the consumer is entitled to make a corresponding claim in court to the seller. In the absence of a similar product on sale at the time of circulation of the consumer to the seller, the consumer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods or exchange when the first arrival of a similar product is on sale. The seller is obliged to inform the consumer about it. In this case, the right to exchange is saved within 14 days from the date of receipt by the consumer. It should be emphasized that the choice of a method of action in the absence of goods on sale belongs exclusively to the consumer. In addition, it is still full of all sorts of extracts and footnotes from other articles. P.S. There is no salaries to check the goods and to increase your salaries. You can discuss for a long time, but there is no point in that. Like you to buy goods in this way - buy. Your position is clear. I don't have time on empty conversations. Good luck!

    2014-08-20T23: 47: 44 + 00: 00

    And further. The buyer has the right to inspect the goods. I will repeat the right, and it will take advantage of this right or not, it does not care anyone. The law does not write that the seller is obliged to check the goods. For example, I have the right to demand a salary, but will increase it to me or not it does not care.

    2014-08-20T23: 46: 07 + 00: 00

    Dmitry: "For 14 days, the consumer has the right to return the goods and without any marriage if the packaging and digital device retained the freight look. Even if I already don't like the color of the digital device." And now read again the 25th article and the list of goods that cannot be exchanged.

    2014-08-20T12: 44: 23 + 00: 00

    Roman: The consumer pays money and wants to have a quality product ... those who faced digital marriage returns know that sometimes it is not easy to do this, even if the law is on your side. Within 14 days, the consumer has the right to return the goods and without any marriage if the packaging and digital device retained the transportation. Even if I already do not like the color of the digital device. It is clear that it is also not necessary to reach this and everything should be within the framework of the mind. However, often the consumer receives refusal. You see, there are no reasons for return. And the law for whom regulates? The consumer is not obliged to stand above the soul from the director to return the goods under the law, but the seller (store) is obliged to follow the letter of the law. The point is not only that when buying needs to be more attentive, and also in the fact that they must check it yourself before selling and make sure that there is no marriage. However, this is not honest sellers silent. Ideally, when everything is honest. As a result, the seller will receive money, and the consumer is a quality product. And everyone is satisfied. No one rolls the barrel, but from the facts not to go anywhere. I'm because everyone followed the letter of the law. The law is one for all. Good luck!

    2014-04-29T15: 49: 54 + 00: 00

    I bought Sony and discovered a broken pixel. The store argues that there are 7 broken pixels. If you do not replace, you have to be treated. Article by country.

    2014-03-31T14: 04: 36 + 00: 00

    Salam: working with a cotton wand Very painstakingly and requires skill. But everything is possible ... I am very glad that everything turned out. Good luck!

    2014-03-31t14: 01: 25 + 00: 00

    Thank you very much the article very much, I tried to lose your wand at first, but three more pixels appeared and the main thing is all the same color - the blue, then Izazal Bad Crystal threw some kind of function from the middle and about a miracle !! All pixels disappeared literally in a couple of seconds! Now I'm afraid to touch the screen ...

You found that with the monitor of your favorite computer, laptop, smartphone, television or tablet something wrong. Namely, one or several white, green, red or blue dots appeared. What is it? Before you broken pixels. The problem is small, but still unpleasant. Even a couple of such points does not please, especially if the screen is small. Exit from the situation is the restoration of broken pixels using certain programs or mechanical. How exactly "cure" screen, we will share with you next.

A little about pixels

Before we start disassembling the restoration of broken pixels, we'll figure it out what it is. First basic concept. The pixel is a small part that makes up the image on it consists of three components (subpixels) of red, green and blue.

Faulty pixels are two types:

  • Boyed (hot, stuck). Faulty or one, or two subpixels. What does broken pixel look like? The point can burn red, green, turquoise, yellow, purple or blue. On some images it may look black. Not more often, all three subpixels do not work, then the square glows white. Restoring broken pixels possible!
  • Dead. This is a kind of defective pixel, which, unfortunately, is no longer restored. Points do not burn any color, they look black on any background. Solving the problem - in replacing the screen.

Causes of appearance

Because of what is broken pixels on the screen? Experts believe that the root of their appearance is in the technique of manufacturing matrices for LCD screens. The pixel is small and unstable, so any defect in production can lead to its inoperability in the future. The reason may be a random hit of dust, the impact on the substrate with crystals is washing, heating, lithograph.

From here any microprocessor technology Can not guarantee the output of fully disadvantaged crystals. It can be said that the matrices do not exist absolutely free from poor-quality pixels. One or two broken pixels - the norm is almost for any screen. The problem is considered when their number continues to increase.

The appearance of broken pixels on the monitor can provoke the following:

  • Excessive heating of the device.
  • Excessive cooling device.
  • Finding next to powerful sources of electromagnetic fields.
  • Physical impact on the screen - shock, tapping, falling, pressure, and so on.

Sites for checking

How to check your monitor on broken pixels? The easiest way is to go to a specialized website that can be found on the relevant search query. All resources of this type act equally: the screen is flooded with a certain color, a group of shades, gradients that easily allow you to find a faulty pixel on the monitor.

Share examples of such sites:

  • The dignity of the resource is that the check is available for computers, and for smartphones, tablets. You need to go to the resource, click on the "Start" button. The screen will cover 7 color stripes. Using the arrows, you can change their position to search for broken pixels. The lack of one: the lower part of the window is involved under the menu, so it is impossible to find broken pixels using the site.
  • This site is more convenient than the previous one, since the menu in it pop-up. Contains a large number of Pictures helping to detect broken pixels.
  • Video on "YouTube". Users uploaded a lot of video files to search for broken pixels. You only need to enable video and deploy a full screen view.

Programs for checking

How to check on broken pixels TV, computer? We offer to take advantage of the following testing programs:

  • Ismylcdok. Easy to use utility that does not require installation. You just need to upload and run it. The hotkeys menu will appear in the window, which will explain how to control the color shift on the screen to search for faulty pixels.
  • DPT. The utility is launched from the official site. Here you can change the colors by scrolling the mouse wheel, or putting them to shift to the auto -erer. It is possible to play with the color scheme to better search for faulty points.

Recovery on TV: Method number 1

Go to action. How is the restoration of broken pixels on the TV? First method - "Massage"! That is, physical impact on a faulty pixel:

  1. Turn off the TV.
  2. Take a soft cotton wand and gently push several times in the area of \u200b\u200bthe non-working pixel.
  3. After a couple of minutes, turn on the TV to check.
  4. If the procedure has not brought a satisfactory effect, it can be repeated several times.

Remember that the display is extremely fragile, so for the "massage" you should not use sharp, sting or scratching parts.

Recovery on TV: Method number 2

More secure recovery of pixels on TV - remote. That is, with specialized applications. One of the most popular is JSCreenFix. Developers argue that this utility helps to cope with the problem after half an hour of exposure. If the first procedure has not occurred, it is worth repeating it several times every four hours.

Recovery on TV: Method number 3

What is the simplest recovery of broken pixels on the TV? This is the delivery of the device in warranty repair or writing an application for replacement.

Is it possible? Not everyone knows, but even such a small defect (one defective square on the monitor) is already a reason for warranty service or replace the device for a good.

Recovery on computer

"Treatment" of broken pixels on computers and laptops also occurs in two ways: mechanical and software. What help utilities help? The program quickly changes the colors of adjacent pixels. This process leads to the fact that more energy comes to damaged subpixels, as a result of which they come to life.

As practice shows, programs are effective in 50-90% of cases. However, it is not always possible to help a defective pixel from the first time. It is necessary to experiment with the application time of the application, the speed of shifting colors to achieve the speedy effect.

No need to assume that "treatment" will help once and for all. The problem can be returned, especially in hot weather. Then the restoration of broken pixels on the monitor will have to be repeated.

Below we will present the most popular programs for "treatment".


Specialists advise use not portable variation, and the version for installation. After starting, the program will prompt you to check the screen on broken pixels. The monitor will completely pour blue, red, yellow, white, black flowers. If you know the location of broken pixels, the step can be skipped.

Undeadpixel is a special square in which colors quickly alternate. It should be moved by the cursor to the problem location - where there is a broken pixel. The number of squares, their dimensions, color change speed can be adjusted in the program menu.

Problem pixel began to flicker? You are close to solving the problem. Otherwise, increase the speed of changing the pictures, leave the square to work for a long time. Maximum - 10 hours. If it did not help, it makes no sense for longer.


Pixel recovery on the monitor is successfully obtained through this free virtual service. Its plus is that it is available on any device with access to the Internet - not only on the PC and laptop, but also on the smartphone, TV, e-book or tablet.

There is a JScreenFix similar to the previous program. The difference is one - the recovery parameters (shift speed, the size of the influence) here cannot be adjusted independently. In addition, during "treatment" JScreenFix will not work with the device. If the problem is not included in the browser window, the service can be deployed to the entire screen.

Bad Crystal

On the official website you can download both the "advanced" paid version and a free, available within 30 days after loading. However, if you look good on the Internet, you can find a full-featured free Bad Crystal.

Restoring broken pixels on the monitor begins with the choice of device for "treatment" - you need to know the screen resolution. Great for computers, laptops, gaming consoles, smartphones and plasma panels.

For computer monitors, four recovery modes are available. Free of them are only two. The remaining paid, according to the creators, guarantee a higher percentage of recovery. For phones and tablets, a special video file is generated, which should be played on the device in repeating mode. For a TV video is recorded on a disk or flash drive. You can also connect to a computer as a second monitor.

On the computer, the working window moves to the region of the broken pixel. After 10 minutes the effect is checked. If it is not, it is necessary to increase the speed of shift frames. According to developers, not only broken pixels can be cured, but also stains, of course, if they are areas of broken pixels. Also, the program can be used to prevent problems.

Massage Monitor

Many users note that the most an effective way Recovery of broken points - mechanical. Imagine the algorithm "massage" pixel:

  1. Take a stupid soft object - cotton wand, pencil with an eraser at the end and so on.
  2. Longly push on a broken pixel before the first divorce appears.
  3. If there is no effect, then make a stronger pressure.
  4. Did not help? We make circular movements subject on the point - in the right and left side. Repeat actions several times.
  5. Next procedure: Press on a broken pixel, after which you spend the up tool and then back. Repeat down, right and left.
  6. In case of failure, many turn to the risky step: repeat all the above actions sharply sharpened pencil through a tissue napkin so as not to scratch the screen.
  7. Sometimes it helps the combination of mechanical and software methods. Effective will be the simultaneous work of Bad Crystal and massage with a cotton walle of a problem point for 15 minutes. Then the program is left to function independently within 10 hours.

Elimination of broken pixels on the smartphone

The solution to the problem on the gadget may be as follows:

  1. Launch JScreenFix in the mobile browser according to the scheme that we indicated above.
  2. For devices based on "Android" in Google Market, you can download Dead Pixel Detect and Fix application similarly.
  3. Mechanical "massage". Turn off the device and through a lounge napkin for 10 minutes to massage with light movements of your fingertips problem. Turn on the gadget and repeat the same operation with the active display.
  4. Make a heating, bay in a tight hot water pack, wrapped it with a dense lint-free cloth. This device is to massage the problem space on the screen for 5 minutes.

Now you know how to cope with the bits of the pixels on the screen of your device. Today, not only mechanical, but also software recovery methods are available.

This article will tell you how you can fix the stuck pixel of the LCD monitor, which stopped changing colors. Pixel usually "freezes" on some color other than black or white, and often you can fix a pair different ways. If the pixel is broken, and not stuck, then it will be impossible to fix it. Similarly, despite the fact that you have a chance to fix the stuck pixel, it is impossible to ensure that you will successfully correct it.


Part 1

Preparation for work

    Make sure the pixel is really just stuck, not broken. Despite the fact that the concept of "broken" and "stuck" pixel is equally used to designate problem pixels, stuck pixels can be corrected, while there are no broken pixels. If the pixel has a certain color other than black, or incorrectly changes its color depending on the background color, most likely it is just stuck.

    • Bought pixels usually remain white or black, regardless of what happens on the screen. Despite the fact that sometimes white broken pixels call "hot", they do not differ in principle from black broken pixels.
    • If you found a broken pixel on your monitor, you will need to either pass it into repair, or replace the screen. Sometimes sometimes (but not always) broken pixels fall under the manufacturer's warranty to replace the device or its screen.
  1. Understand the principle of operation of pixels. Pixels reflect combinations of red, blue and green colors depending on what is shown on the screen. Pixel can be stuck on a variety of reasons, including too long using the monitor or after a long period of display too saturated colors. When the pixel is stuck, it displays only one color, which can change slightly depending on the color of the surrounding pixels.

    • Again, the broken pixel never changes its color, regardless of the state of the surrounding pixels.
  2. Check the warranty conditions on your LCD monitor. Often manufacturers are ready to replace the monitor when it has a certain number of stuck or broken pixels. If your monitor is still under warranty, it is best to take advantage of the warranty replacement, than to try to eliminate the problem yourself.

    Disconnect the monitor for 24 hours. If the pixel is stuck recently, the problem may disappear by itself - it is enough to turn off the monitor for a day. You can not guarantee that you repente the monitor in this way, but the presence of a jammed pixel often suggests that the monitor was used for too long and it is better to turn off for a while to prevent further damage.

    • Fully disconnect the monitor from the network.
  3. Think about passing the monitor to repair. Even if the monitor warranty has already expired, pay professional repairs It will be cheaper than buying a new monitor due to a random breakdown of the device as a result of independent repairs.

    Know that the pixel can earn in itself. Often stuck pixels disappear after a while, however, this period may vary from several days to several years. If only one pixel is stuck on your road monitor, it is better to refrain from tapping, friction and other physical impact on the monitor to correct the pixel.

    Part 2

    Using software to correct screen problems
    1. Understand the principle of operation of this method. Screen repair software shows random combinations of red, green and blue shades with a frequency of up to 60 flash outbreaks per second to return the pixel to the usual cycle of operation.

      • There is no guarantee that using the screen repair software you will succeed successfully solve the problem, but usually it is effective in more than half of the cases.
      • There are both paid and free programs To restore monitor screens. At the same time, free programs are just as effective in repairing pixels that can really be corrected.
    2. Refuse the use of software for repairing stuck pixels if you suffer from epilepsy. Since such software displays random flashes of rapidly changing colors on the screen, you better abandon its use if you (or someone from family members) have epileptic seizures.

      Go to the jscreenfix website. Follow the link in your browser. JSCreenFix is \u200b\u200ba free online application that can fix stuck pixels.

      Scroll down the page down and click on the button. Launch JscreenFix. To start the application. This button is painted in blue and is at the bottom of the page. It allows you to open JscreenFix in my browser.

      Find the stuck pixel. The bulk of the screen will be black, so you can easily find a stuck pixel.

      • If the pixel is not located in the black area of \u200b\u200bthe application window, press F11 to go to full screen mode. You may have to first clamp the FN key to click on F11 if the browser does not switch to full screen mode when you just click F11.
    3. Slide the flashing renovation block of the application on the stuck pixel. Click and drag the flashing block to the problem pixel, and then release.

      Leave the application to work at least 10 minutes. At the same time, in no case turn the window, do not move the repair unit and do not turn off the monitor.

      • If possible, leave the application to work for an hour.
    4. Check the pixel state. When the required amount of time passes, close the application window to check the pixel. If the pixel is restored, then the problem is solved.

    Part 3.

    Impact on the problem pixel pressure and heat

      Understand the risks associated with this method. Despite the fact that some people managed to fix the stuck pixels with pressure or warmth using this methodYou will rather damage your monitor's screen than fix it.

      • Another problem of this method is that it deprives you guarantees.
    1. Turn on the computer and LCD monitor. For this method to work, you must enable the monitor.

      Open the black image. It is extremely important that the screen actually showed the black image, and not in the absence of a signal, as you need the internal illumination to work at the LCD monitor.

      Find a thin object with a narrow blunt end. You are suitable for a marker or pen with a pointed shape of the cap, a very stupid simple pencil, a plastic stylus, or an inverse end of a tassel for makeup.

      • Before moving on, read the warnings at the end of this article. Physical friction can aggravate the status of the monitor screen.
    2. Wrap the end of the selected item with a napkin. This will protect the monitor from scratches.

      • If the subject is able to pierce the napkin, then it is too sharp. Find something else.
    3. Use the rounded end of the subject to gently press on the stuck pixel. At the same time, the effect of white row should appear around the point of contact.

      • Try to press it on a stuck pixel without affecting the surrounding area.
    4. After a few seconds, remove the subject. If the pixel remains in the same condition, you can re-apply this method or proceed to the use of heat. However, if the problem is solved, turn off the monitor immediately and do not turn it on its minimum one hour.

      Moisten hot water washcloth. If possible, heat the water on the stove to the first signs of gas bubbles at the bottom of the tank (about 88 ° C), and then plunge the washway and heave it with hot water ..

      Protect your hands. In order not to burn your fingers on the following steps, take advantage of a tack or a dense napkin.

      Searate a hot washcloth in a package with a zip-clasp. This will protect the monitor from moisture. Make sure the package is securely closed.

    5. Attach a package with a washcloth to the stuck pixel. Easy pressure through the washcloth should slightly release the contents of the pixel, potentially contributing to its correction.

      • In no case do not apply the package to the pixel more than a few seconds per reception.