UMTS and LTE frequencies in Russia: new generation standards.

Good day to everyone who is interested in this article! Today we will tell you about what LTE ranges in Russia are used by operators mobile communications And which of them occupies a leading position, we will tell about the features of LTE work, as well as explain what is "band" and why it is needed.

Let's not linger, let's get back to the main part of the article.

A few words about Long-Term Evolution and world indicators

This is how the abbreviation LTE is decrypted. And it translates as "long-term evolution, long-term development." However, we are familiar with the name of this 4G LTE technology or simply 4G.

LTE is a modern high-speed standard and wireless transmission Data for smartphones and other devices. To date, in developed countries of the world, the standard discussed is no longer innovation that surprises its speed.

So, for 2016 according to statistics collected by the OpenSignal Agency, the top five countries with the best coating of 4G LTE include:

  1. 95.7% - South Korea;
  2. 92% - Japan;
  3. 84.7% - Lithuania;
  4. 84.5% - Hong Kong;
  5. 84.1% - Netherlands.

And in the top five "shumbstock" fell:

  1. 50 Mbps - Singapore;
  2. 46 Mbps - South Korea;
  3. 40.6 Mbps - Hungary;
  4. 35.6 Mbps - Romania;
  5. 35 Mbps - New Zealand.

Let's return to the technology itself. The reason for the appearance of such a type of standard was the purpose of developers to increase the speed and throughput Networks using a new modulation method and digital signal processing, as well as simplify network architecture that work with IP addresses.

Detailed review of the functioning of the standard

4G LTE Specification can provide recoil speed to almost 173 Mbps per second, and data loading speed - up to about 326 Mbps per second! However, the maximum information transfer rate in different countries, regions, cities and other settlements differ depending on the distance from the station and radio frequency.

As for the ranges, the world's 1800 MHz range is mainly used.

Interestingly, the described standard is two types: FDD and TDD.

Frequency Division Duplex that translated means "Frequency Distribution of Channels", gives part of the traffic to download, and the second part for sending data. This ensures parallelism, i.e. Simultaneous work in two directions.

And in the Time Division Duplex ("Temporary Channel Template") channel or completely given to sending information, or completely for download.

Now let's talk about frequency. LTE networks are not compatible with 2G and 3G networks. Therefore, for them allocated individual frequencies that should catch and maintain your cell phones. Certain frequency ranges are isolated in the 4G LTE band and called Band-AMI with the addition of the sequence number.

For example, Band 7 for FDD loading corresponds to a range of 2620-2690, and for unloading - 2500-2570.

LTE in the Russian Federation

Well, now we decided to tell you about the situation in Russia.

As for the named state, the percentage of the coating practically reaches 70%, but 4G LTE does not function in all regions and not for all power. In some settlements this network Covers only administrative centers.

but russian operators Mobile communications are actively expanding their coverage areas and tirelessly participate in 4G frequency auctions. Thanks to this, for 2017, the LTE specification successfully functions slightly more than in 80 regions.

Now let's figure it out in ranges and frequencies.

IN Russian Federation The standard operates in 800 MHz bands, 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz. And the popular bands (Band), as in Europe, are Band 3, Band 7, Band 20.

The "Big Five" of Russian mobile operators, which provide their 4G LTE customers include:

  1. Yota - uses Band 7 and provides a 2 × 30 MHz channel width;
  2. MegaFon - uses Band 7, 20, maximum channel width of 2 × 10 MHz;
  3. MTS - enjoys all four LTE strips, the maximum channel width is 2 × 10 MHz;
  4. Beeline - in the Arsenal Band 7 and Band 20, and the width of the channel reaches 2 × 10 MHz;
  5. Tele2 - everything also uses bands 20 and 7, the maximum width is 2 × 10 MHz.

All networks refer to FDD.

It should also be noted that not all smartphones catch a similar network. The best devices that support 4G LTE are iPhone 6S, iPhone 5, 5S and generation models.

So we told you all about LTE Standard and its development in Russia.

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Despite the fact that MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Rostelecom received licenses for deploying LTE networks in the range of 790-862 MHz at the competition in July 2012, none of the operators have passed to their active development. According to the Ministry of Communications, this range is oversaturated by means of military communication and its use is impossible without a long and considerable conversion process. The conversion of frequencies at the same time may take 7-10 years and do in 60-80 billion rubles. In 2013, only 500 million rubles were allocated to the conversion from the budget (these funds will go mainly to expand the frequency spectrum for the operation of the essential digital TV).

Optimism and judicial decisions regarding the use of a range of 2.5-2.7 GHz are not added.

Suitable for modern smartphones The LTE network in the 2600 MHz range owns only "Scartel" (Yota), on rental conditions, MegaFon has access to this network. At the same time, the recently commissioned LTE MTS network into account can be not taken - although it is placed in the 2.2600 MHz range, instead of the frequency separation of the FDD channels in it, a temporary TDD is used in it - a fairly exotic option involved in the minority of networks.

The oil in the fire was poured by the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, which at the beginning of March recognized paragraph 14.1 of the GCRC decision on the allocation of "ScarTel" frequencies in the range of 2.5-2.7 GHz under the construction of LTE networks. Such a decision was made under the claim of the Volgograd company "Electronic Radio Optical Systems" (ELOS), which insisted that frequency release in the range of 2.5-2.7 GHz should have been carried out on the basis of the competition and that the selection of the scartel frequencies will create interference to work Its networks (the company has permissions to use frequencies 2500-2572 MHz, 2580-2588 MHz and 2612-2692 MHz in Volgograd and the Volgograd region). Threes the threat of what Scartel can lose the SCRC-highlighted Frequency for the construction of LTE networks, which may have extremely negative consequences for the same MegaFon, which uses the frequencies "Scartel", as well as for the entire communication market in Overall.

For this reason, the telecom of the public has again initiated a rapid consultation on the technological neutrality of the range of 1800 MHz and the fact that the fastest and cheap method of development of LTE in Russia this moment Is the launch of networks in this range.

Such a development is particularly beneficial to operators who currently Do not have licenses on LTE. This is, first of all, Tele2, "Smarts" and the Ekaterinburg "Motive". At the same time, the "Large Troika" and "Rostelecom" operators are not delighted with such proposals.

We promote the topic of technological neutrality for 1.5 years. At the same time, we carefully monitor the progress of the spread of technological neutrality locally in European countries - notes Svetlana Skvortsova, Director of Strategic Planning Tele2 Russia. -Now you can talk with full confidence that the 1800 range is the main for LTE networks. IN this case I refer to the statistics of the GSM equipment providers. Today from 145 commercial LTE networks already 58 operate in the range of 1800 MHz. It is 40% of all networks.

LTE 1800 is already working in Australia, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, South Korea.

It is worth noting that currently there are two common technologies of technological neutrality used in many countries of the world: LTE 1800 MHz and UMTS 900 MHz. At the same time, the last version in the regulatory and commercial plan appeared in 2007, when operators revealed inconvenience with a spectrum of 2.1 GHz, in terms of coverage.

Thus, the use of a range of 900 MHz has become the only possibility of adequate development of 3G in Moscow. The remaining options did not allow to give subscribers a quality mobile Internet. Similar mechanisms operate and in the case of LTE. LTE1800 provides a quick deployment of 4G networks at a minimum of additional costs.

According to the Association of GSM equipment providers, currently 666 models mobile devices Support work in LTE networks. At the same time, 150 of them support work in the LTE1800 networks, including.

GSA clearly indicates the attractiveness of a range of 1800 MHz with the development of LTE compared to another range distributed in the world - 2.6 GHz. First, the coating of one base station operating in the range of 1800 MHz is approximately twice as high as there is less money to ensure comparable coating. Secondly, you can use a significant part of the existing infrastructure and equipment already involved for GSM, and not spend money on a new one. Finally, the 1800 MHz range is used for communication networks worldwide, and therefore LTE 1800 claims to grow into a global standard.

The opponents of the standard talk about poor learning impact of LTE1800 on the quality of voice calls on the 2G network in the same range. However, the experience of such refoirming accumulated by 53 operators in different countries of the world shows the absence of negative influence. There is such an experience in Russia. Tele2 at one time was testing in two regions of our country and came to the conclusion that there is no negative influence.

In fact, the GCRH, if you believe official information, there have been doubts about the interference effects of communication networks when they use different types LTE and GSM signals. Moreover, officials did not bother the world practice at all.

For this reason, in December 2012, the GCRC decided to re-test the effect of LTE on GSM. The test will carry out NIR. In addition, all interested operators are involved in work, including "smarts".

At the same time, these tests must be provided by the GCRC until the end of the third quarter of 2013. At the same time it will be decided on the possibility of using LTE1800 in Russia.

Market experts note that LTE1800 is not some kind additional opportunityHow often is perceived in Russia, this is the basic development technology of 4G for the coming decades. Let's see what eventually this story will end.

Development of standards GSM 900, GSM E900, GSM 1800 He contributed to the improvement of communication channels, but did not solve the problem of Internet access at the level, as a modern person requires.

These standards relate to the second generation (2G) in which EDGE, GPRS protocols were used to transmit data, which made it possible to reach a speed of up to 473.6 kbps - catastrophically low for a modern user.

To date standards cellular communication One of the most important requirements is determined by the data transfer rate and the purity of the signal. Obviously, it affects the development of the mobile operator market. So at one time in Russia, 3G networks appeared, which won the mass attention of users. And now it is for this reason that the number of people who choose 4g increase.

The feature of the standard UMTS.

The main feature that distinguishes the UMTS standard from GSM is that using WCDMA, HSPA +, HSDPA protocols allows users to gain access to a better mobile Internet. At speeds from 2 to 21 Mbps, you can not only transmit a larger amount of data, but even make video calls.

UMTS covers more than 120 largest Russian cities. This is a standard in which the popular now mobile operators (MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Skylink) provide a 3G Internet service.

It is no secret that high frequencies are more efficient for data exchange. However, Russia has its own nuances that make it impossible to use in some regions, for example, UMTS frequency of 2100 MHz.

The reason is simple: frequency UMTS 2100.which is actively used for the 3G Internet, the obstacles get sached. This means that the high-quality signal is disturbed not only distances to base stations, but also increased vegetation. In addition, some regions for this frequency are practically closed due to the operation of air defense systems. Thus, several military bases were placed in the southwestern part of the Moscow region, and, accordingly, an unbelled taboo was introduced on the use of this frequency.

In such a situation for the 3G Internet applies UMTS 900.. Waves in this frequency range have a higher penetrating ability. At the same time, at such a frequency, the data transfer rate rarely reaches 10 Mbps. However, if we consider that a few years ago in many cities I could not even think about the Internet coverage, it is not so bad.

At the moment, with a popular UMTS900 show excellent results Huawei E352 and more stable version E352B, as well as E372, E353, E3131, B970B, B260A, E367, E392, E3276.

LTE: What bands will work the standard of the future?

The logical development of UMTS developed in 2008-2010. LTE is a new standard whose goal is to increase the speed of signal processing and bandwidth, and in the technical plan - simplify network architecture and thereby reduce the time when data transfer. In Russia, the LTE network officially launched in 2012.

LTE technology determines the development in our country mobile Internet New generation - 4G. This means access to online broadcasts, quick transmission of large-volume files and another advantage of modern Internet.

At the moment, 4G Internet is supported by LTE 800, LTE 1800, LTE 2600 standards, with LTE Cat.4, Cat.5, Cat.6 protocols are used. This allows in theory to obtain the data transfer rate up to 100 Mbps at return and up to 50 Mbps at the reception.

High frequencies LTE. become the ideal solution For regions, where the population density is high enough and where such a data transfer rate is very important. These include, for example, large industrial cities. However, if all operators become only in the range LTE 2600. - the problem with the coating of the radio signal will instantly arise.

Now seizures of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Sochi, Ufa and Samara can take advantage of the 4G technology. In Russia, Yota became one of the first operators who developed the fourth generation of mobile standards. Now they joined them large operatorslike megaphone and mts.

The optimal today is the development LTE 1800.: This frequency is more economical and allows you to enter the market to new companies that offer mobile services. Even cheaper to build networks at a frequency of 800 MHz. Thus, you can predict what exactly LTE 800. and LTE 1800. will be the most popular among operators and, accordingly, we have with you.

Frequencies LTE various mobile operators

- MegaFon: Frequency LTE 742.5-750 MHz / 783.5-791 MHz, 847-854.5 MHz / 806-813,5 MHz, 2530-2540 MHz / 2650-2660 MHz, 2570-2595 MHz (license to Moscow and Moscow region );

- MTS: Frequency LTE 720-727,5 MHz / 761-768,5 MHz, 839.5-847 MHz / 798.5-806 MHz, 1710-1785 MHz / 1805-1880 MHz, 2540-2550 MHz / 2660-2670 MHz, 2595 -2620 MHz (license for Moscow and the Moscow region);

- Beeline: Frequency LTE 735-742.5 MHz / 776-783.5 MHz, 854.5-862 MHz / 813.5-821 MHz, 2550-2560 MHz / 2670-2680 MHz.

Rostelecom: LTE 2560-2570 / 2680-2690 MHz frequency.

Yota: frequencies LTE 2500-2530 / 2630-2650 MHz.

Tele2: Frequencies 791-798.5 / 832 - 839.5 MHz.

Alarm signal at different frequencies

When you fall into the zone of unsure reception of the signal or for a large distance, you are moving away from the base station of your operator, without an additional antenna can not do.

Directional antennas UMTS 900. The signal has an elementary bundle and allow you to significantly increase the level of communication. In this case, not only the Internet connection becomes more stable, but also the quality of voice transmission during telephone conversation. Without an UMTS 2100 antenna, it is not necessary if you want to use the Internet during a trip: due to permanent switching from tower to the tower, the data transfer rate disastrously drops.

Directional antennas LTE 800. and antennas LTE 1800.optimal option To gain 4G signal at the corresponding frequencies. These standards have a higher penetrating ability and signal range.

However, the data transfer rate is higher in LTE 2600, thanks to which 80% of users in Moscow have already switched to this standard. And purchase antennas LTE 2600. is an mandatory condition For those who chose 4G LTE 2600 (Megaphone, MTS, Beeline, Rostelecom, Yota) to get the maximum speed of the Internet. AmplifierLTE Signal It will be guaranteed to obtain a stable data transfer at high frequencies.

Solutions from GSM

LTE 800.