How to put Russian in CS6. How to change the language in Adobe Photoshop into Russian: Instructions for different versions

Photoshop is a very popular and demanded program in its kind. With it, you can perform serious changes and modifications in images of all types and types. But most Russian-speaking users have an English-language version of photoshop causes problems when working. After all, almost always Photoshop CS6 immediately after installation has an English-speaking interface. In this article we will tell you how in Photoshop version CS6 to change the language into Russian.

How to make photoshop in Russian CS6?

It is done quite simply - through the settings. To go to them, select the menu item " Edit.» -> « Preferences.» -> « Interface ...».

Log in to the language settings in Photoshop CS6

A window will open in which you can configure the interface photoshop programs CS6, including language.

At the bottom of the window in the section " TEXT."On against the word UI Language. reveal the list and choose in it Russian..

Inclusion of the Russian language in Photoshop CS6

After that, press the button " OK"In the upper right corner of the screen and restart Photoshop. Immediately after restarting, all menus and windows will become in Russian.

If in the list UI Language. There is no Russian language, which means you first need to find a crack for photoshop, then install it, but only then switch the language into Russian in the settings described in this article.

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If you need to create some graphic element for your site, I recommend using photoshop. If you need to handle a photo of your second half (for example), I advise you to do it through Photoshop.

What is Photoshop? This is a graphic editor with a huge number of functions. The same thing as Paint, only there is more opportunities. With you Andrei Zenkov and Blog Start Luck! Today I will tell you how to make photoshop in Russian.

PS (Photoshop) is produced by the American company, so English is standard. Some newbies are difficult to navigate in the English-language interface. In RuNet made in Russian, so the search for some tools becomes a real test. To create beautiful works, I advise you to use Russified software.

Changing language inside Photoshop

Some software installed Already include an interface in Russian, but it is not activated. Switch to the desired version is easy, you will need to make several clicks and everything will be ready.

First, run the program and wait for the download. On the top panel Control (it can be determined by the words file, edit, image, etc.) Click on the Edit tab. In the table that opens, select "Preference". A window will appear where you are interested in the Interface section. Here at the bottom there is a Text block.

Open the list opposite the UI Language line (click on the small arrow next to the word "english"). After that, a list of available language packages will appear. If there is a russian, hover over it and press the left mouse button. If it is not, then read on.

To change the interface to take effect, you need to restart photoshop. If you are before, save all changes before closing, then not to start working from the very beginning.

If there is no language in the Russian language, you will fit the following method (which is much simpler) or a banal download of the installation package with the Russian language and re-installing the program. Then you can change the language as I described above.

There are many online on the Internet. free versions Software in Russian. I do not recommend using such options, since in pirated versions it can be pre-installed third-party software that can and harm the operation of the computer. It is best to pay for the licensed version and improve your designer skills.

Download and install crack

Third and, in my opinion, the most impractical way. Why impractical? The fact is that cracks weigh a little, users download them directly from various sites. Bad webmasters are inexperienced by users, introducing into such programs. Of course, if you use the recommendations from the previous section, and also do not forget to include, then you will not have any problems.

First stage B. this method, Find a crack. Look for either yourself by following my advice from the previous point, or use my proposal: for Adobe SS Photoshop CS6 - (.zip 2.6 MB). Some additions are a simple archive from which you need to independently transfer files to the desired directive. I left a reference to the automatic installer. You just need to run the program and select the desired language:

To finish the installation, click on the "Next" button and wait for it. The utility itself will find the desired folder and load the package. To switch the language, go to PS and change it as described in the first method.

In general, with regard to the use of the Russian-language version, I advise you to work with it only at first, while you are learning the foundation. The fact is that online lessons of an advanced level are focused on the English-language audience.

Their study will allow you to learn a lot of new things and interesting, you will learn how to perform the work of any complexity. Comerate classes with the Russian interface will not work, you will be confused in features and tools, so you will not work with the effects of authors.

At this time, my time comes to an end. Today I told you how to change the language of the interface in Photoshop. If you want to become a real master, I recommend going through the course " Photoshop from scratch in video format 3.0 "Which leads Zinaida Lukyanov. You will learn how to create beautiful effects, draw unique objects and much more.

Hope my today's article helped you solve another problem. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog to keep abreast of new publications on the most interesting and relevant topics!

Andrei Zenkov was with you, I say goodbye to you today, see you soon!

There is an opportunity for free download Photoshop CS6 from the official website, and then make activation, as a result you will receive an editor with full free license. Automated tool for creating compositions of the highest possible quality. Manage, Expand and change photos using the new version of the program!

Absolutely free photoshop CS6

All completely free You do not have to send SMS and register, it is not necessary but it will be nice if you put 5 fingers up the rating or share the page clicking on the button social networks. Program assemblies can be different but invariably one version of CS6, choose for those goals that you need if you intend to install photoshop for the purpose of making money on your work, then choose the official version to further buy an official license and receive the necessary updates if the goal It will learn how to work it and activated. Although in any case you can get the official version for free.

It is no secret that Photoshop is the most popular image editor, has always been such and, most likely, will remain. At the sight of any photokering, for example, a demotivator, they say about the work of the photoshop, although editing programs there are many. Just the name of the favorite editor has become nominated and often applies to any cases of photo or pictures, which in itself demonstrates the popularity of this program. Having preferred photoshop, you can be sure that a reliable is chosen, rated by many software.

Adobe Photoshop. - this is powerful editor Graphs with a multi-year story produced by AdobeSystem.

Purpose of PHOTOSHOP CS6 in Russian

Thanks to the new version of this provision, you can easily and quickly you can not only allocate and change the most complex details of the picture (for example, hair or small elements of clothing), but also mask or remove the components of the photo, instantly filling the empty area with suitable color or image.

Photoshop - one of the most famous programs To edit images, the functionality of which simply amazes. It will be useful in working as not an experienced and professional designer. Highly efficient toolkit allows you to perform many varied tasks. In contrast to the previous one this version Contains such new features: scaling taking into account content, as well as improved its functionality, turning the workspace into one touch, auto-leveling and autonomy, new corrective palettes.

How to install Russian in photoshop CS6:

If you have a problem after installing with Russian, do the following see picture. The path isEdit-\u003e Preferences-\u003e Interface-\u003e Block " text Language."Change to Russian then click"OK."And then restart photoshop, the language will be Russian. If this method cannot be translated, then reinstall the program, and look attentively on the installation process in one of the step will be prompted to select the desired language.

Attention! If you are not sure that you can install the downloaded Photoshop yourself or do not know how to install, go to detailed instructions below! ( installation has its own features)

If you have an OS 8 version and above (8.1), then you need, this is a more recent and stable version of the program under Win8.

Installing Photoshop has a number of non-standard installation action, it is worth following the instructions that you will find on the link below (there are screenshots). This is connected with the fact that the company has released new version Editor and CS6 now have to download in this way.

1) (detailed instructions).
2) (detailed instruction).

Download Photoshop CS6:

Many have heard about the photo processing program Photoshop CS6. This tool offers just tremendous opportunities for both professionals and lovers. But if a person who knows this program can safely work with the English language interface, the newcomer, even despite the possible good knowledge of English, will be hard to understand all this. We bring to your attention simple and effective methodHow to change the language of the interface in Photoshop CS6 from English into Russian.

Step by step guide

    1. Download the library archive for this link.
    2. Unzip the contents of the archive to any place on the hard disk.
    3. Open the contents of the unzipped folder and run the file AddLang_For_Photoshop_cs6.exe..
    4. During installation, the installer will propose to select languages \u200b\u200bfor installation. Tick \u200b\u200bthe checkboxes that you want to install. Click Next.

    1. Upon completion of the installation package setting, run Photoshop CS6. Clean keyboard keyboard combination Ctrl + K. , in the list on the left, select Interface., after which below in the section TEXT. in field UI Language. Change the language to the desired one.

Ready. Now used Photoshop CS6 will change the language of the interface to the one you selected.