How to make a directed spyware. Spy stuff do it yourself

Folk wisdom says that the word fleering is not a sparrow - you can't catch it! This proverb is an instruction on the protection of information that wise ancestors left for us. The first to create spyware with their own hands was Prometheus. He made unauthorized transmission to people of the technology of obtaining and using fire.

The kings constantly sought to find out about the neighboring rulers, merchants and merchants about competitors and buyers, worst about wrong husbands, husbands about the list can be continued to infinity ...

All these people needed spy stuffs. With your own hands, to create which in our technically equipped occasion is very simple. Let us consider one of the most accessible ways of espionage on the example of software.

Mobile bugs

IN currently more and more stipulate passion around listening mobile phones. And it is interesting here what is the functional mobile phone, the spyware do with their own hands the easiest.

It turns out that you can:

Visually photograph the surrounding environment;

Videos and audio situations around 10 meters from the mobile device;

Know about all outgoing and incoming phone calls, SMS and email letters;

Have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the subscriber with high accuracy;

Remotely include a microphone from huge distances;

Listen to the conversation, even when the battery is removed (the function is possible for modern mobile phones).

The development of mobile phone technology has led to the fact that they have become more like computers than simple means of communication. Therefore, to get into the phone's program and create spyware with your own hands for programmers is no longer a problem. Therefore, appeared special programsallowing spying for mobile owners. Let us consider in more detail the most common utility from the entire spy arsenal.

Her Majesty Spy Phone Suite

By speed, the program resembles spyware for children. After all, you can install it and configure in five minutes. For her you will not need any additional devices. After installation, you can use subscriber information from any computer connected to the Internet.

You will be available to hear a listened phone as your own. Besides software productsAlso very interesting and hardware devices that are produced mainly like toys for children.

Spy toys

No, perhaps, such a child who would not have dreamed of playing the famous "agent 007". To carry out such a dream, developers and various spyware were created. Toys are so interesting that they capture not only kids, but also adults. Among all the variety of products, it is especially worth highlighting:


Devices for sending secret information;

Special "bugs" for listening and tracking;

Detectors of movements, etc.

Such a list can be continued to infinity.

Spyware devices not only provide us necessary informationBut also give pleasure from disclosing someone's secrets. After all, each of us has a sense of curiosity, so why not satisfy it?

Here you look at these agents 007 and you think: what of this is true? Do they really have such speapsomotomobs and so busy gadgets? It is worth saying that the films about James Bond though fiction, but in some cases very true.

Here we have a small review of spy gadgets, which were in service with the intelligence bodies of various countries. Something was used in the KGB, something in the CIA, and something in other countries that baked about their state interests as strong as the superpower. So, what were the saboteurs, intelligence and spies of the past were armed?

The kiss of death

This is not poisoned lipstick, with the help of which the compromised spy jammed opponents to death. Everything is much prose: what looks like lipstick is actually a gun with a bullet. It is very convenient to urgently settle things.

Camera in buttice

Ajax is the development of the so-called "Bloody Gabni". The lens of this spy chamber was placed in a button, and the launch was made from the pocket. In fact, this is only one chamber from the huge arsenal of such funds used not only in the USSR, but also in the United States, and European countries.

Umbrella for spy

This is also the development of the KGB. Who could assume that an elegant gentleman with an umbrella in his hands is actually a cold-blooded killer. With the help of such a gadget, the Bulgarian dissident and writer Georgi Markov in 1978 was eliminated. His umbrella hoists at the bus stop and after three days he died.

Set of Gudini

The real spy set, which scouts were hidden in ... rectum! It was actively used in the 1960s and gave a chance to free themselves from captivity or hack some safe. We hope that no rectal capsule attended during transportation.

Spy glasses

It is worth saying that spies understood well what they were going. Therefore, besides the tools in the rear pass, many have also had a cyanide. The small capsule was hidden in glasses, and if suddenly it happened that the spy was revealed, then he has a choice: quickly and painlessly die or subjected to cruel torture and die all.

Pistol with Sinyl Acid

A similar gun was used by the Soviet agent Bogdan Stashinsky to eliminate the ideologues and leaders of Ukrainian nationalists. So the lion of the rebetes and Stepan Bandera were eliminated in the late 1950s. The pistol shot discontinuous capsules with an acid in the face of the victim, which inevitably led to the stop of the heart.

Bug in heel

This invention of Romanian intelligence officers who followed American diplomats. The Americans did not buy anything in local stores, they sent parcels that carefully intercepted themselves. And then the case of technology. The diplomats sometimes could not understand where the information leaves, because there were no bugs anywhere.


This is not a doggy excrement, as you can at first think, and the disguised Radiomayak of the CIA, which the American bomber brought to the goal. Such lighthouses were actively used in the 1970s.

Pistol tube

This device was in service with the British troops of special purpose during World War II. From such a tube it was possible to eliminate the enemy at close range. So that the tube shot, it was necessary to simply turn the mouthpiece.

Camera watch Steineck

These watchs were collected in post-war Germany. The spy could take pictures when allegedly looked at the time. Alas, it was impossible to bring sharpness, so I was hoping for good luck. The clock was accommodated 8 photos.

Strange stump

This suspicious thing was discovered in the suburb of Moscow in the 1970s: an artificial stump that intercepted the signals of the Soviet missile system, and then passed onto the American spy satellite. As a result, the KGB staff find a radar, which, by the way, was fed from solar panels. Very expensive technology at the time.

Camera in auto pen

In the 70s, even spy cameras had impressive dimensions, but this development of the CIA was a real revolution. The Soviet diplomat-traitor Alexander Ogorodnik with its help handed over the Americans hundreds of secret documents before it was revealed. In the same handle there was a capsule with poison, sending gardery to the light at the time of his arrest.


But the useful coin, in which microfilms could be stored. Who would have thought it was a miniature container that could be opened with a needle? The idea belongs to kagabashniki.

Coal bomb

It may seem that it is a piece of coal, but in fact it is a disguised explosive. It was enough to throw such coal into the furnace, say, steam locomotive or steamer. In the 1940s, a special set was even developed, with which it was possible to repaint explosive.

Pistol in glove

It was designed in the Pentagon during World War II: the operative was enough to "clap" the sacrifice on the back, to occur. So eliminated enemies, without removing gloves.


This flask instead of brandy or water has studied explosives and used for sabotage in the rear of the enemy. The sip from this container was mortal not only for the one who tormented the thirst, but also for everyone who surrounded him.

Spy camera for pigeons

The first drones were alive in the literal sense of the word. In order to determine the opponation of the enemy, the scouts sent to the task ... the pigeons to which the miniature chamber was attached. In fact, a simple idea and effective implementation.

Cufflinks with a secret

Cufflinks were made by the type of coin, which we have already written above. Inside hollow, they allowed to secretly carry through the border of microfilms with strategic intelligence information.

Butt compass

Who would have thought that ordinary buttons on the pants in the right moment Could it become a compass? It was enough to connect them together to determine the desired direction: two points indicated north, and one - south.

What do you think, does any of this arsenal apply in our day? As we think, it is unlikely, because now the technique has become much miniature. Perhaps these are some electronic chips ... It remains only to guess! In the meantime, you share this article with others, even if they will look at spy gadgets from the past.

Mobile phone, smartphone, communicator have become the main spyware thing of our century. Exist software complexescarrying out all the subscriber communications on whose phone they are installed: recording and wiretapping telephone conversations, listening to the environment of cellular, interception SMS and location.

Such programs work with any operator cellular communication in any country. Control is carried out via the Internet from any point of the planet.
Of course, there are also existing antishpion antistiruses, allowing to detect and destroy in your mobile phone. spyware.

For radio amateurs, sections of books, considering both traditional spyware and anti-pier things will be interesting. The circuit solutions of devices are presented to obtain information and protect their information from leakage. Schemes are accompanied by descriptions, assembly and configuration guidelines. All these designs are available to home masters.

The book is intended for a wide audience.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Smartphone, Communicator, Mobile Phone As the main "spyware" of the 21st century.
Chapter 2. Before proceeding to the creation of spyware
Chapter 3. We are developing and collecting radio microphones
Chapter 4. We are developing and collecting detectors of radio microphones
Chapter 5. We are developing and collecting vehicles of interference with radio microphones
Chapter 6. Removing information from glass and fighting
Chapter 7. Removing information from the telephone line and fighting it
Chapter 8. Professional Spyware Detection and Suppression Devices
Chapter 9. Overview of Internet Resources

Title: Spy Stuffs do it yourself
Author: Koryakin-Chernyak S. L.
Publisher: Science and Technology
Year: 2012.
Pages: 304.
Russian language
Format: PDF.
Quality: Excellent
Size: 10 MB

Download spy stuff do it yourself

On the Internet you can find dozens of markets trading spyware. Most often, these are semi-alone online shopping, offering Chinese miniature video cameras and voice recorders. Sometimes, however, there are more original spy gadgets: From FM bugs to night vision devices.

The Gadgets-Reviews portal decided to systematize information about spy gadgets available to the Russian buyer. We do not impose and do not advertise specific models. The purpose of this material is exclusively analytic. We are just wondering: how modern digital technologies rose to what extent, and to what extent they are available to a simple consumer.

Our material consists of five parts - a brief legal reference on the use of tracking devices, a review of childish gadgets and three parts dedicated to various adult "spy gadgets".

Gadgets for Spy Children

How much the category of "spyware" is definitely not subject to persecution by law enforcement officers children's spy gadgets. What boy does not dream of feeling a secret agent? Which of us did not suit their "specials. Operations" in childhood and did not track the villains in his own yard?

The demand for such games gives rise to an offer from old-kind Chinese manufacturers. All the same Internet markets offer parents of the future "Bond Jams" a stupid assortment. Some products, of course, are simple toys. But some of them have certain technical potential.

EastColight 9812 Eating Device - Locator for immersion in the work of the real spy

Toys for children, first of all, should be developing, helping the child socialized and get into a certain role. That is why the EastColight 9812 listening device will only give the baby a lot of fun, but also help handle the technique in the future and learn to perform certain or other social roles. The product is a special spy system consisting of a receiver plate (a locator for hovering noise), headphones for listening and a special device for recording audio materials. Thanks to this toy, the child will be able to feel like a real spy on the task. The disadvantage of the device is that it has interchangeable batteries that have a property can be discharged and demanding replacement.

Set of racies Sim Land Special Forces as the best gift for the study of radio waves and the development of communicative skills

Continuing the topic of the integrated development of the child, it is impossible not to note the special set of racies with which it is so convenient and pleasant to play spy intelligence or war. The compact device is real models of military rates of transmitting information on radio waves within a hundred meters radius. Thanks to them, the baby will be able to communicate with his partner, imagine a special mission as well as intelligence. Each device running in the kit is powered by one battery with a power of 9V. The main disadvantage is a rather limited radius of the actions of the radio, which is sometimes not enough to fulfill the "mission".

Listening device playing together

Nothing criminal, just a children's gadget with which you can eave. Made in the style of the Ninja Turtle Game. Included headphones and "bug".

Comparative table of spy gadgets


Main characteristics


Material: Durable plastic, child age: from 7 years, meals: AAA batteries, LR41 batteries, increasing telescope: 6x.

Sima Lend Special Forces

Type: Wine, Material: Plastic, Power Type: 1 * 9V, Distance: 100 meters, Weight: 197

Listening device playing together

Material: Durable plastic, child age: from 7 years, meals: LR54 batteries,

Caution, law!

We decided to complete the overview from the problem of the legitimacy of the use of such devices. I warn you: even the very fact of acquiring a miniature video camera or a bug may end for the user very and very bad. IN Russian Federation Officially introduced ban for sale and buy spyware. So, the law undertakes profile stores to undergo a procedure. licensing in the structures of the FSB. Moreover, spy gadgets include even VHF receivers. Each user of such shops should receive his license !!!

Back in 2011, the Constitutional Court of Russia recognized not contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation position of Part 3 of Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Illegal production, sales, or acquisition of special technical means intended for the unlawful receipt of information"). The article provides for the punishment for the use of so-called bugs - means of a tight gain of information, espionage. Punishment provided by law - From fine up to 200 thousand rubles and up to imprisonment for up to three years.

Criminal liability can attract Production, sales or acquisition of equipment intended for inhibitory informationBut only if these actions are carried out without a relevant license and if special technical means are developed specifically for the secret, "non-obvious" information and affect the constitutional personal rights of the individual.

Such special technical means include, for example, hidden camcorders and hidden microphones, telephone listening means. According to the law, it is entitled to use them only by law enforcement officers and special services during operational investigative activities, and the development, purchase and sale of "bugs" is possible solely on the basis of a license that is issued in the FSB of Russia.

There are already cases of court decisions aimed at entrepreneurs of spyware selling spyware and even a trial over one pensioner from Novocherkasska, who simply bought a spy handle from the category "Spy Gadgets" on the Internet. The grandfather was detained at the time of receipt of the parcel and "hit" him a year of convention.

The logic of the law is simple: carrying out surveillance after anyone, you violate his rights. Or warn a person about his intentions, or do not follow at all. With this logic it is difficult to argue! And it is unlikely that the operating rules should be fighting and arranged by partisan purchases of portable camcorders. Just ... Be careful not to hurry to acquire one or another device, if you are not sure that you can use it in accordance with the existing legislation!

Koryakin-Chernyak S.L

"How to collect spyware with your own hands"

Chapter 1. Mobile phone as the main "spy thing"

What is spyware for mobile phones

Present spyware should have features characteristic of spies - people: imperceptibly follow, notice the smallest details, produce valuable information, act quickly and hide the slightest traces of their presence.

Unique spyware for mobile phones, Created by experts in the field of information security, are suitable for installation on various models Smartphones with the most common mobile operating systems: Windows Mobile, Symbian and iPhone OS.

At the moment, experts also carry out the development of the best mobile spies and interceptors under oS Android and Maemo, gaining increasing popularity.

Spyware for mobile phone basic level able to monitor and partially control the activity on mobile devicewhich they are installed. As a result, you will be available for viewing at any time of the day even in the opposite point of the globe:

Text messages dialed on the phone;

Incoming and outgoing calls together with the duration of the call;

SMS, MMS, email;

Any data obtained or transmitted via the Internet;

Mobile phone coordinates with accuracy of several meters.

In addition to the functions listed, the best spyware programs:

Listen and write down all conversations through a mobile device;

Can turn the phone into a real electronic bug, listening to the environment, even when the phone is in standby mode.

The spyware for the phone is compact, convenient to install and use. Such a program do not worry such little things as a change of SIM card. It continues invisible data transmission in any conditions.

Spyware for the phone will prevent, for example, to communicate your children with people, with whom, in your opinion, is unwanted for them.


Such programs can also be used in the enterprise if you need to track the time of stay of employees in the office, as well as for the implementation of the appointed calls.

Stealing the phone with a mobile "spyware" has become much more complicated. After all, this phone continues to transmit data on its location on the company's server that sold you the relevant spyware program. In this case, the information on all the calls made and the transmitted messages is noted, any activity of the attacker on the stolen phone is noticed.

Spyware for mobile phones will help save important information Even in the case of the loss or theft of a mobile phone, blocking the smartphone if necessary, and also help catch an attacker.

Consider for example, some spyware for mobile phones.

Capabilities for listening to the surroundings of cellular GSM phones Spy Phone Suite


Downloading and installing Spy Phone Suite, you confirm that the program will not be used in a way that violates the current legislation. Installing Spy Phone Suite on another person's phone without his knowledge, intercepting calls and SMS messages may violate legislation. is not responsible for the inappropriate use of the SPY PHONE SUITE program. By purchasing an annual license to use and downloading Spy Phone Suite, you agree to the foregoing.

The program provides complete control over any person who has a spy mobile phone. Signing the data obtained by interception of SMS messages, call logs and tranquen-spy velocity conversations can be easily drawn up a detailed picture of where, why, how much, with whom and what a person who has a spy with him goes And does.


This program is able to control the communications of the person, whose phone is installed.

She does a real GSM bug phone, you can call him and he, imperceptibly for the owner, will listen to everything that happens around. In addition to the functions for tapping cell phones (their environments), this program is able to intercept all SMS messages. Regardless of dependencies, whether these SMSs are included or the spy owner writes them. Any text, in any format, sending / accepting time, the sender / recipient phone - all this will be available to you.

If the spy is the owner of the spy will use the built-in e-mail client, the program will fully duplicate your correspondence and incoming correspondence.

Also, the program allows you to display the coordinates of the controlphone (location), by fixing the ID of the cellular stations, in the zone of which it is currently.

The program has a complete history of all incoming / outgoing calls, with call time entries, their duration. If the number is entered into a spy notebook, not only its number, but also the contact name is displayed.

The GSM cell phone tapping program and the data interception (SMS, E-Mail) runs in a hidden mode, it is written in the system core and detect it almost impossible.

The installation of the program takes no more than 10 minutes. It is delivered by e-mail Within 24 hours from the receipt of funds to the seller of software products.


All statistically important data (intercepted SMS, e-mail, location, call history, etc.) are transmitted to your account in WEBE and are available to you 24 hours a day from any computer / laptop or phone with HTML support.

There are several versions of the Spy Phone Suite program (see the details at They are given B. table. 1.1.

Table 1.1. Features of the versions of the program SPY PHONE SUITE

On the developer's website you can download test version of the program. The test version of the program is identical to the Advanced version (Standart for iPhone), but is limited to a period of up to 48 hours.

In addition, the site has a test version of the Spy Phone Suite program to familiarize yourself with the program functionality and compatibility checks with a specific mobile phone model.


The program works with telephones under Windows Mobile, iPhone OS or Symbian. When ordering in the "Additional Information" field, you must specify the phone model to which you are going to install the program not to all phones (and others) the program can be installed.

Use Options Spy Phone Suite

Consider the main directions for applying such a qualitative solution to espionage.

Protection of children. Must with your own child, without exposing it to his life with excessive restrictions and unpleasant conversations - the dream of any parent. In order to know that the child is intact and imbued that in the circle of his acquaintances and friends there are no addicts who can knock down from the way - enough just to listen to the cell phone that you presented from time to time.

And if you suddenly stay in the library after 12 nights, you can always check its satellite location with an accuracy of 10 m. In whatever rework the child does not please, you will always know where he is. This solution Allows you to take a fresh look at the upbringing, without empty suspicion and reproaches in a constant fear that the child will fall into a bad company.

Business contacts. Using this mobile solution for wiretapping cell phone And the interception of data in front of you is revealed truly limitless features. If you are a manager, in your hands it turns out complete control over subordinates.

To learn the competence of an employee or his loyalty - does the company's confidential information go to competitors or, perhaps, the negligent employee himself uses them in personal interests? There is nothing easier. During key negotiations, connect from any point of the planet to a conversation and listen to the conversation that is not affordable to your hearing before.

Even for an ordinary employee, a similar mobile solution is indispensable for the widest range of tasks, designed to follow your interests as efficiently as possible: ranging from listening to mobile phones, colleagues and ending with hidden tracking of movements of interests of interests.