How to make a smooth transition to Photoshop? Background: gradient (); CSS. Smooth transition from one color to another How to make a smooth transition in Photoshop

Creating a collage is not just a combination of several photos in one. The right collage shows the author's skill, and also demonstrates his ability to beautifully and competently position the photos so that it looks stylish and attractive. A collage is successful and noticeable, in which there are no noticeable boundaries between the photos - instead of this photo, as it were, flow into each other. This effect can be achieved by performing uncomplicated operations in Adobe Photoshop..

You will need


  • Open two photos about same sizeYou want to merge into the collage.
  • Press the V key to activate the move tool, and drag one photo to another so that they turn out to be both in one window in two different layers.
  • Select in the list from the two layers of the top, and then add a vector mask to it (Add Layer Mask).
  • Near the pictogram of photography in the layer string, a white square mask pictogram will appear. Click on it to activate the layer. The pictogram will be circled with a black frame, which shows its activity.
  • On the toolbar, select the gradient and specify the direction of the gradient by checking the line from the lower right angle to the upper right corner. You will notice how one of the images will begin to manifest themselves through the other where you conducted an angular gradient.
  • Experiment and change the length and width of the gradient until the result is satisfied, and the images will not smoothly and beautifully flow into each other in the place where you want to see the transition.
  • To achieve the desired effect, use the gradient only when activated mode The layer masks - otherwise, you will not come out.
  • Get out of the mask mode by clicking the mouse cursor on the pictogram of the photo in the layer, after your collage is ready.
  • Combine layers (Merge Layers) and save the collage in the desired format.
  • We move the second photo to the previously open.

    Read more about Connection Photos You can read in.

    Then, using the "Move Tool" tool, you specify the location of the photos relative to each other. It must be done so that one photo overlap the other, in the place of overlapping and will be mounted smooth transition. For convenience, it is possible to temporarily reduce the opacity of images in the layer panel, it is also nice to put guides on the overlap boundaries.

    Now we define what kind of photography will be on top, and, if necessary, change the location of the layers in the layer panel. I will have a twitter image from above.

    Then we put the opacity of the layers with images back to one hundred percent.

    And now, let's move on to the creation smooth transition Between photos, in this example we will make it using a layer mask and the use of a black and white gradient.

    We add a layer of the mask to the layer with a top photo by clicking on the corresponding icon at the bottom of the palette, while the colors in the color palette automatically changed to the black basic color and white background, the mask icon on the corresponding layer will appear in the layer panel. Then open the Gradient Tool in the instrumental palette. In the upper left corner of the photoshop working window, click on the triangle for the opening of the gradient palette, and select the very first name of the name "from the main color to the background". Then we carry out the line from one guide to the other in the direction indicated in the figure.

    In order to spend the gradient line strictly horizontally (or, for other cases, strictly vertically), the SHIFT key should be kept.

    As a result, we obtain a smooth transition to the transparency of the right edge of the upper image, which gives the effect of a smooth transition between two photos.
    On the mask icon in the layers panel, we will see the following changes, black shows full transparency, and white, on the contrary, the full opacity of the image to which the mask layer is applied.

    Here, actually, and everything, the task is completed!

    Today I will show you how to make a smooth transition between two photos.

    I made a picture in advance and this result I got:

    In order to get such a picture I will take two photos that I will connect.

    I took beautiful background With the sea and a photo of a girl who is photographed against the background of gloomy trees without leaves.

    So let's get up - I will do smooth flower transition And for this, I will perform the following steps:

    Step 1

    I open my photos in Photoshop and with the tool Move By dragging a photo of a girl on a photo with a marine background.

    A photo of the girl I want to reduce a little and for this I call Free transformation Pressing the keyboard key Ctrl+ T..

    The frame that appeared around the photo with a girl has a nodules for which you can pull and reduce the size of the photo, while you must hold the key Shift., To the image proportions are not distorted.

    Step 2.

    Now I turn to the palette Layers and being on the layer with a girl click on the icon called Add vector mask.

    As we see in the palette Layers A layer mask was formed on a layer with a girl, which is highlighted by a frame, which indicates that the mask is active and all the work that I will perform will be held, it is, on a layer-mask.

    On the top panelwhere all the tool settings are Gradient I click on arrowlocated next to the tool icon and in the appeared window with gradients I choose radial gradient which passes OT. black to transparent.

    Now I spend the gradient lines without reaching the figure of the girl, as indicated in the picture (you may have more directions). When conducting a gradient line, the background smoothly disappears.

    I needed two to three times to spend the gradient line for each of the directions specified in the picture to achieve the result you see below in the picture.

    Step 4.

    However, we can notice that with the disappearance of the background belonging to the photo of the girl, the very image of the girl also changed, since in some places it became translucent.

    But this is very simple.

    Being on a layer mask, I take a soft round brush white color And drawing this brush in the girl.

    White brush restores all the lost sections of the girl image.

    And we also want you to recall that you can always talk to photoshop topics, on the photoshop forum and find answers to many of your questions.

    This is what happened as a result:

    I connected two photos along with a smooth transition.

    I hope I explained clearly how to make a smooth transition Between two photos - as you see it is quite simple.

    Also advise you to see my previous lesson Valentics in photoshop, in which there is a lot of interesting things.

    I wish you further success in mastering photoshop!

    With you was Galina Sokolova.

    1 vote

    Good day, dear readers. Today I decided to prove to you, to learn the theory best in practice. Even if you are new, then literally per hour you can achieve a good result. Not understanding in Photoshop! Look, this picture is created solely due to gradients. They are applied to various elements and in a variety of variation.

    If you read this article to the end, you not only learn how to make a smooth transition of color in Photoshop, but also to apply these knowledge in practice in relation to the text, figure, create beautiful flickering diamonds and much more.

    I have already done this picture. If you want, then you can create yourself exactly exactly the same, and maybe even better, but I will learn you for another example. What? Learn at the end of the article. I will draw together with you and in parallel to describe the process, I myself still do not know what I will succeed. Thanks to this, I can see with what problems you may encounter and help resolve them.

    Basic knowledge and one secret is always the winning option.

    So, first, we must open Photoshop. I highly recommend you download this program ( you can purchase a licensed version here. ). You will never find better her. If you are afraid that you do not master and spend the money in vain, though you forget about the program after the first attempt you can try online service . It is much more convenient to have your own prog and very soon you will understand why.

    This is what the version of 2015 photoshop looks like, if you have another release, do not worry. Everything will be approximately the same. You have a little less opportunity and this is the only difference.

    Create new document.

    Select the size for me one of the most difficult questions. As a basis, I took the maximum sizes of the picture for the post in social networks. 800x500, but, as you understand, it is not the essence. It all depends on the goals and tasks you are going to perform using Photoshop.

    See, in the panel on the right there are all the main buttons, including the gradient. However, now it is not found. How so? I myself faced this problem when I started learning to work with photoshop. You read an article, and half of the information has to look for third-party sources. Google, google, google.

    Yes, I will forgive me a very smart reader, who he himself perfectly knows for small retreats from the topic. I want to work on my lessons were all visitors to the blog. Perhaps once and for you it will be very helpful. Save a bunch of time.

    In the lower right corner of almost every button, except for the magnifying glass, there is something like the arrow. This suggests that several tools are hidden in the button.

    Hold a few seconds left button mouse on the button to open extra menu And select the gradient.

    One more optional menu has opened on top. It is used exclusively for gradients. Rapid on the text - the special text of the text will open at the top of the top, and ... well, you understood.

    Click on the arrow next to the color icon. Store standard transitions or downloaded by you are stored.

    If you do not consider yourself a genius design, then I recommend you download from the Internet free templates. They are full. First, it saves time, and secondly, several similar options are usually combined into the topic created in a single style. Such without problems can be applied to one picture and it will almost always look good.

    Install new templates - not a problem. You download them from the Internet. Then choose the nut in the upper right corner and find the link "Upload ...".

    Choose a folder with downloaded files on your computer and save.

    They will add a down list.


    Now learn how to fill. You choose any option you like (we will go to the creation a little later) and click on it. In any place, you clamp the left mouse button and lead in any direction. It depends on the location of the color transition.

    Look at the difference.

    You can spin anywhere.

    To make the movement of your line, it is not shifted and the gradient did not break the SHIFT button while setting the direction.

    See, the transition of colors is now carried out in the center. We will consider the settings in more detail when creating your own gradient. Now I will tell only about the displacement of the center. Click on this rash.

    We grab the left mouse button at the bottom and we assign it to the left or right.

    That's what I did in the end.

    How to apply gradient to the text to make letters look modern

    Now let's write something. Select the corresponding button.

    If you need to change the size or font itself, pay attention to the panel at the top of the screen. Everything is simple there.

    Now press Ctrl and simultaneously click on the icon of the new text layer. Be careful, click not need to text, but on a rectangle, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Now create a new layer. There are three options for solving the problem: clamp simultaneously SHIFT, CTRL, N; We use the panel from above, we find a "layer - new - create" there; Use the button in the quick menu on the right. In the figure below, I showed it an arrow.

    Now, to remove the backlight on the edges of the letters, you can poke on the selection, and then click in any part of the picture. It turns out such a result.

    On this, work with the text does not end. See, we have 2 layers with you: one with a gradient, and the second with letters. Why did it happen there? I will explain how I can. Write in the comments, if not understandable. You wrote text. Photoshop realized that it is the letters and even offered you to increase them, reduce, change the font and so on.

    Then you allocated this fragment. Created a new layer if you pose an analogy, cut the stencil from paper and poured it. At that moment Photoshop was lost. He stopped moving your letters. For him, this is just part of some pictures like a rhombus, a square or a circle in the cut-off center. If you come to work with letters on the layer you will not work if you want to apply the gradient to the text - the same.

    If you want to move the text somewhere now and you climb into the appropriate section, and then you will start moving the arrow, then you will eat everything.

    We remove the text layer so as not to get confused. Click on it right-click and select the desired option.

    Types of gradient, fill figures and the creation of asterisks

    If you drew attention to the gradient panel from above, they could find that they are different: linear, radial, angular, mirror or diamond. It is not difficult to see the difference, for this it is not necessary to read articles, just open the blank sheet and try to apply one or another. See what happened.

    The only thing worth noting is: if you want to see the perfect result, like in my picture, the arrow should be directed from the center.

    Now let's go back to our picture. Let me teach you one interesting reception. Color transitions can be used inside the shapes that you draw. It is very useful, especially for those who are going to create sites.

    So, choose a rectangle or circle. It does not matter.

    Now the color of the fill.

    Go to the gradient section.

    We need a rhombus here.

    You see, it turned out an interesting effect, that's just white color spoils. Need transparent. You can find inside templates. If you see this lattice inside the template, then this is what we need.

    Play with the settings and you will have your ideal option.

    Now let's clone this flash. Choose moving. Just click on the button.

    And now heal alt and drag duplicate to the side.

    I got this result.

    Create a new gradient and buttons for sites

    Well, finally, I will tell you how to create gradients from scratch yourself, and at the same time we'll figure it out in their settings. Let's create a beautiful button? I will add a rectangle with rounded edges to your picture.

    That's how it looks like. At this time, we will not use the inner fill. Through it, it is not too convenient to work with a new template. Let it be just black.

    Choose a familiar tool and click on the shock.

    New gradients are created on the basis of old. Click on any. The old version will not disappear anywhere. Then just think of him a new name and save.

    With the help of the top control points You can control transparency levels.

    With the help of the lower work with color. So that you can expand the gamut click next to any point and it is duplicated.

    You can create as much as you like.

    So that the transition looked modern should be smoothed colors. Do not touch this indicator and everything will be ok. It must be 100%. Ready. You can poke on "OK" or "Save" - \u200b\u200bit all depends on your desire.

    Now we repeat what we have already done quite recently with the text. Cleash Ctrl, poke along the button of the desired style in the center and create a new one based on it.

    Now add the transition and vua-la.

    Add text to the button and that's it. It is not clear why the desired thing is finished. By the way, you can download my source if you want ( Download Source Gradient.psd. ). It can be opened in Photoshop and improve my picture. I think it will not be difficult.

    That's it. Now you know quite a lot about gradients. If you are a designer, a masterger, the creator of the site or want them to become, and this lesson was really useful to you - subscribe to the newsletter and find out more about what interests you. You can also pay attention to this site: . Here you can find a cloud of both paid and free courses that will teach you a real, professional work with photoshop.

    Good luck to new meetings.