How to make a label for hibernation Win 7. How to create a shortcut label and others in Windows? How to create a label to turn off the computer

You can create a shortcut on the desktop in Windows 10 to turn off the computer, restart the computer, transition to sleep and hibernation.

We start creating a shutdown label windows Computer 10

Mouse over your free space on your desktop and right-click. The context menu will open in which you choose Create, and B. additional menu paragraph Label.

To create a 10-Windows computer shutdown shortcut, you must register location

After that, a window called the name Create a shortcut. In this window, you need to specify the location of the object as it is turned off, rebooting, sleep and hibernation they are different.

  • Creating a label shutting down windows 10 fit out shutdown -s -t 0.
  • Creating a Windows 10 reboot label fit shutdown -r -t 0.
  • Creating a label sleeping windows mode 10 fit out shutdown -l.
  • To switch the computer to the hibernation state fit rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll, SetSuspendstate 0,1,0.

Schoing the location of the object, click Next.

How to add windows label 10 To turn off the computer to the desktop

The following window will open in which you need to name your shortcut, for example, turning off the computer and click Finish. After that, a shortcut will appear on the desktop with the name of the computer shutdown. This label icon can be replaced by another, and for this, make the cursor over this shortcut and press the right mouse button. The context menu will open in which to select Properties.

How to create a shortcut on windows 10 which turns off the computer

In the properties on the tab Label Press the button Change icon.

Message which indicates the lack of icons for a shortcut

A message will open in which it will report that the file does not contain icons. In this message click on the OK button.

Selection of a suitable icon for a shortcut

After that, the window will immediately open with the list of icons. Choose a suitable icon from the list and click OK. In the same way, you can add shortcuts to the Windows 10 desktop to restart the computer, transition to sleep and hibernation.

In this article, I will consider a fairly interesting opportunity to save some time and make the use of a computer more convenient. Of course, as they say, there is no taste and the color of comrades, but personally this unwarked option seemed interesting to me. So consider how can I pull out Windows 10 labels to turn off the computer or transition to hibernation mode.

I will say a few words about why I generally thought about finding such an opportunity. The fact is that my home stationary computer I most often use as a media system - to view movies and listening to music. I work, for example, on a laptop, and at the hospital (which at this moment costs meters in 4-5 from me) Music is coming. So, considering that the computer is quite far, all elements on the screen become too small and manage them with wireless mouse not very comfortable. If you add-down the sound, I somehow admitted to the touch, then it's not very convenient to complete the operation of the computer. In addition, to turn off the computer standard method, It is necessary to make three more steps: open the Start menu, click on the power icon, select the "Shutdown" item. So I thought how to pull out the icon to disable your Windows 10 to the desktop. Well, of course, found a way to make a conceived:

  1. The first thing to do is right on the desktop to click the right mouse button and choose the item CreateLabel.
  2. In the window that appears at the object location item, you must enter the following data:
    shutdown / S. - for the completion label
    shutdown / R. - for the restart label
    shutdown / L. - For a label of exit from the system with closing applications.
    shutdown / H. - For the hibernation label.

Additionally, you can specify the delay time before executing the command. If, for example, in the way of the label, add after a space / T 10.The shutdown or reboot will be made in ten seconds.

(In the picture, I have a shotDown.exe in my file location string, however, it is not necessary to specify the extension (.exe) at all - you can simply write shutdown).

  1. Then click Further.
  2. In the next step, you must come up with a name for a label (for example, off) and click Ready.

At this stage, you can complete the creation of a shortcut to turn off Windows 10, and you can modify this very shortcut and make it more striking - for example, to arrange in the form of a red shutdown button. For this:

  1. I get up on the label and the right mouse button, select the property item.
  2. Go to the tab "Label".
  3. Select the "Change icon" button.

  1. Next, a warning appears, agree with it by clicking OK.
  2. We see a new window "Change of Icon". In it, we find the desired we, choose it with the click.
  3. Click OK first in one open window.
  4. And then in the other.

As a result, I got a pretty pretty and clear looking label to turn off the computer or its reboot on the working table Windows 10.

Do I need to say that as a shortcut, you can use any pictures? To do this, we just need to register the way to place its storage.

Computer cribs from Konstantin Fösta
(Based on Windows 7 Maximum)

How to turn off the computer
Right from the desktop

Usually, in order to perform such actions as shutdown, reboot or transfer to a computer into sleep mode, we go to the "Start" menu, press the arrow to the right of the "Finishing" item and in the menu that opens, select the desired action.

I suggest you simplify these actions and put shortcuts on your desktop to perform this or that of the following actions is ordinary double click On the appropriate label.

It is just more convenient than entering the menu. So for this:

1. With the right mouse button on an empty desktop place, choose "Create - Label":

2. In a new window in a text box under the phrase, "specify the location of the object" insert the following command:

shutdown -s -t 0

Keep in mind that every symbol, every shortcut in this team matters! Therefore, it is best to simply copy it from here and insert in the field, and not to rewrite manually.

Thus, we will get such a label:

As you already guessed, if you click on it twice, then the computer will turn off. What we needed.

4. In addition, we can change the icon of this shortcut so that in appearance it was immediately clear that it is designed to turn off the computer.

To do this, click on the label with the right mouse button and select the item "Properties":

In a new window, click the "Change icon" button:

After an intermediate window with a proposal to select an icon from the list, a window opens with a list of icons from which you need to choose the one that, in your opinion, is most suitable for this shortcut. For example, such:

5. Now, performing previous steps, you can create shortcuts for others you need. Only when creating a shortcut in the field under the phrase "specify the location of the object" you need to insert other commands:

Switch to sleep mode (all open windows And the documents will be saved, and you can wake up the computer by pressing the mouse button or any key on the keyboard. But the power of the computer must be saved. If the light is turned off until the computer "sleeps", it will simply turn off, and all the incomplete data will disappear. This is a convenient mode, but you need to know its features).

rundll32.exe User32.dll, LockworkStation - Blocking a computer (it makes sense only if your Windows account is used in the login password. Then after blocking again go to account It will be possible only by password. It is used if you want to move away from the computer for a while, but do not want someone to use them in your absence).

You can be so that in the process of changing the icons for the sleep labels and "blocking" in your window with the list of icons will be empty:

Then in this window, click the "Overview" button, in the new window that opens, go to the "C: / Windows / System32" folder (most likely it will already be opened), select the "shell32.dll" file and click "Open".

Sysadmin (he is in English sysadmin., system Administrator) - Abbreviated name of the profession, the full name of which in Russian sounds like system Administrator. This profession has recently become very popular for most young, and not so, people, she is trained, they work on it, they receive good money for it. This is due to the rapid development of various computer technologies and their penetration into all spheres of human life. The word sysadmin is often used in spoken speech, in vacancies and resumes when looking for work, in one word - everywhere. Below will be discussed by the profession system administrator.

In modern realities, the system administrator can be called actually any person who is engaged in servicing and maintaining a certain work computer network, including all its hardware and / or software components that may be included:

  • Personal computers such as workstations and servers;
  • Network equipment, such as switches, routers, firewalls and much more;
  • Web Servers, Mail Servers, Database Servers, and Other.

Also in certain cases, on the shoulders of the system administrator can lie the obligations to ensure proper information security.

Depending on its specialization, the system administrator can engage in the following activities:

  • The administrator of workstations and servers is most often maintained as hardware (failed motherboards, chanting power supplies) and software (Windows not loaded, the commas are not printed in Word "E ...).
  • Domain-based corporate network administrator Active Directory.. Very popular occupation, given the prevalence of operational windows systems, as well as the need for them somehow centrally controlled. Such a specialist should be able to create, distribute in groups, edit users, give them the appropriate rights in the AD domain, as well as be able to manage group politicians For users, their computers and groups in which they are all consist.
  • Administration of networks and network equipment. Its obligations include knowledge topology of networks, the ability to work with both not customizable and with customizable network equipment, planning a local computer network, as well as the possibility of combining into one network of several jobs from each other by setting NAT "OV and VPN "s. It is not necessary to forget the access and control of access within this network, and beyond the proxy setting.
  • The web server administrator, which should at least be able to install, customize and serve one of the following web servers - Apache, IIS, Nginx, follow the hosting (which can be located both within the organization's network and outside it). In addition, a good administrator should be able to customize the normal distribution of resources at high loads, clustering and many other specific things.
  • Administration mail Server The same is the common task for the sysadmin, its task includes working with such popular solutions such as Exim, Microsoft Exchange, PostFix, Sendmail, or corporate mail solutions from Google or, for example, Yandex. In addition to obvious control of accounts (creation, deletion, configuration), it is also necessary to be able to configure the antispam system and so on.
  • Site administrator. These duties can include as simply some filling of the contents of the site, but since it is about the system administrator, then in theory it should be able to be able to configure hosting (including a web server, which has already been mentioned above), install and configure The desired site, such as any content management system (CMS).
  • The task of creating or maintaining a video surveillance system may become quite rarely for the obligations of the system administrator. In tasks, installing and configuring cameras, responding to various events, saving and playing records. Refers to system administration weakly, and often falls into its duties on part-time to any other duties.

Overboard the system administrator class described above, such possible things as administrative databases (Microsoft SQL, MySQL and its multiple branches, Oracle, etc.), 1C administration (not to be confused with "Programmer 1C"), PBX and much more .

- Igor (Administrator)

This article in a sense is a continuation of the article by rapid ways to complete Windows.

If you never included the sleep mode, then before proceeding to creating a shortcut, make sure that the sleep mode support is enabled in the power parameters settings (they are in the control panel). You should also familiarize yourself with what the sleep mode is. In short, it is a state operating system with reduced power consumption. In such a state, the computer consumes much less electricity. Also, savings are achieved due to the fact that you are less and turning off the computer. These operations require quite a lot of electricity. If compared, then the energy spent should be enough for at least half a day of the computer.

After you create a shortcut, remember that the translation into sleep mode will require some time, and more precisely, then in the area of \u200b\u200bseveral seconds. This time is necessary to save data from random access memory on hard disk.

How to go to sleep mode, create a shortcut in Windows XP

In order to create a shortcut for Windows translation into sleep mode, do the following:

  1. In the context menu, select "Create -\u003e Label"
  2. In the "Specify the location of the object" enter without quotes next line: "rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, setsuspendstate", as shown in the picture.
    Note: You must enter exactly as indicated. Those. You must use the top register and spaces. If you doubt, simply copy the string.
  3. Click "Next", name the shortcut, for example, "sleep mode Windows XP", and then click Finish button.

How to go into sleep mode, create a shortcut in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

Starting with Vista, Microsoft has expanded functionality standard utility Shutdown, so the team will look a little easier.

  1. Right-click on the scratch of the desktop
  2. In the context menu, select "Create -\u003e Label"
  3. In the Line with the inscription "Specify the location of the object" enter without quotes the following line: "% windir% \\ system32 \\ shutdown.exe -h", as shown in the second picture
  4. Click "Next", name the shortcut, for example, "sleep mode Windows 7", and then click Finish button